Biography of Irina Bilyk. Irina Bilyk: biography of the Ukrainian performer

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IN Lately shows miracles of camouflage. At first she hid the fact that she got married. And she told the world that she had become a mother twice only when the baby was born. It's time to find out the details of her personal life.

Didn't have any nervous breakdowns

Irina, your big spring season is over tour in Ukraine. Were there any surprises?

— After my concerts, people always leave cheerful and satisfied. And it's mutual! Perhaps someone was at my performance for the first time, because, alas, not all fans had the opportunity to attend a real live concert due to the sold-out crowd. This time I was pleasantly surprised that admirers of my work who came to concerts 20 years ago are coming again.

I am very grateful to the fans for the flowers. In our difficult times, you begin to especially appreciate this: people not only bought a ticket, but also pleased their favorite performer with flowers. And I carefully take them from the site to the hotel. I even bring many of them with me to Kyiv and take them home, remembering my fans with warmth.

How have you structured your tour schedule around what you have? Small child(gave birth to Irina’s son surrogate mother. — Approx. ed.)?

— My first condition to the tour organizers was to make it not continuous tour schedule, and alternation: three days concert activities and three for the home. So that I can return to Kyiv, feed, bathe and care for my youngest son Tabriz. Therefore, I didn’t get tired - I had time to rest. Usually even one concert is very exhausting, takes a lot of energy, but I managed to successfully go to 15, and everything ended well: without nervous breakdowns or serious consequences. It’s not easy to work many concerts in a row - I give myself very much to the audience.

What is this story with the IV, the photo of which was posted online? How do you feel now?

— The day after my birthday, it seemed that everything Vital energy disappeared: I couldn’t even raise my arm or head. And in this state she had to work several concerts in a row. Although she resisted, on the advice of a friend they urgently called ambulance. The doctors literally lifted me out of bed, and by evening I was already standing on stage.

To be honest, this happens on every tour. When we go on a route, some kind of infection always appears, which affects the whole of Ukraine. And since fans come very close, touching, holding hands and even kissing me on the cheek, I can pick up something too. And then, like after a performance in Kharkov, I got very sick. Although the audience does not even suspect that I am unwell. I never show that I’m not feeling well, and I work the same way no matter how I feel.

Exactly that man

Did the appearance of Tabriz force you to change your usual way of life?

“At first I thought that when the baby was born, I would sit at home and babysit him. I’ll throw away thoughts about work and travel - I’ll turn into such a happy home mom. No matter how it is! There is even more work. From the day of birth youngest son I work tirelessly: filming, photo sessions, preparation for the tour, the tour itself, and now there are new offers for concerts and filming. I’m glad that the viewer needs it, and I’m very happy that I’m in demand. The child accumulated my strength. I even began to play sports even more, and thanks to this, I am now in such a shape that I did not have before.

On your birthday in Odessa, your husband Aslan, who flew in specially, performed on stage with you. Do you live in different countries. Tell us what it’s like to love at a distance?

— My fans know that I am an unusual performer, unusual person and everything is going wrong for me ordinary people, which I am very happy about. After all usual life- This is not for me. Our feelings with Aslan overcome any boundaries. Soon he will arrive in Kyiv for his son’s baptism. I’m really looking forward to meeting you, because we have plans for new joint concerts. Aslan- not just our dad, he is a very talented director, photographer, stylist and musician. Therefore, I am finally happy that I will soon be able to realize what we planned when we met.

Did it take you a long time to understand that Aslan is the one with whom you want to spend your whole life?

Aslan- a very brave person and a real man. There were in my life different guys, but I could not rely on any of them as much as I could on him. That's why I married him. He will never offend, betray, abandon or deceive. He means so much more to memore than all my friends with whom I had relationships before.

You were once happy with both Dima Kolyadenko and Dima Dikusar, but you didn’t give birth to a second child then. Didn’t want to change anything in your life or decided for yourself that you first need to achieve some specific goal?

“I’ve been thinking about having another child for a long time.” But it turned out that there was no such reliable and beloved person nearby. And when I saw Aslan, I realized: it is with him that I want to have a second child. I already have a son, and I dreamed that he would have a younger brother. I imagine how soon Gleb will teach Tabriz play the guitar and drums and Aslan will teach his son to play sports, which he does every day.

I control everyone

For three years you kept it a secret that you married Aslan, although before you weren’t particularly secretive about your personal life. Why did they keep everything a secret for so long this time?

— Because it was during that period that social networks became widespread, and on them people write whatever comes into their head. Everyone considers himself a star and thinks that he has the right to discuss and bring to light general review personal life of others. Therefore, I abruptly stopped giving interviews regarding this aspect of my life. I'm tired of surveillance, incomprehensible photographs, reports, sometimes bordering on deception. I decided: if I want to tell the public something, it should be exclusive, once or twice a year - no more.

You and your spouse live in different countries. Aren't you jealous of each other?

- No, this is exactly the option when we trust and love each other, regardless of the distance.

If Aslan posed the question this way: either you move in with him or you break up, would it be difficult to make a decision?

“He would never do something like that, because he is a real man.”

Who helps you with your son? How many nannies does the baby have?

- Two. And the third, whom we call “senior nanny,” controls the entire process. My mother controls her, and I control everyone - this is such a “mutual responsibility”(laughs). The baby already understands that he lives in an unusual family. We call him “our King,” we spin and spin around him and do everything to make him happy.

Perfect couple

The eldest son Gleb is graduating from school this year. What is he interested in and what does he want to be in the future?

Gleb enters the university. He is interested in playing the drums, takes private lessons and has already had good success in this matter. Also, together with his group and friends, he is filming a program, which I also really like. I hope someday he will interview me.(smiles). By the way, he recently admitted that he is learning the skill Kati Osadchaya- sets the same tricky questions to his interlocutors and wants the program to be hot and spicy. Every person has a choice, so I do not forbid him to do what brings him pleasure.

Our sons are 16 years apart. Does Gleb help babysit Tabriz? Maybe he's walking outside with a stroller?

“Even I don’t walk with a stroller.” On the street everyone recognizes me, and this is stressful for me and the child. In the summer we will move out of town so that we can spend time on fresh air as much time as you want.

Now you have literally words are a stylist. Do you consult with Aslan about your wardrobe? Do you listen to his opinion?

— We don’t discuss work matters. When we are together, we have a wonderful time with friends, go to the cinema or theater. Work will be discussed before the autumn concerts. We have already agreed with Aslan that he will help create my images - it will be something new that the audience has not yet seen.

What might cause you to disagree?

— I talked to my mother Aslan, who lives in Baku, so she said: “God, children, just don’t swear.” We don't argue. I’ll tell you how it is - from the moment we met we have never quarreled! I can’t even imagine what they could quarrel about... We always enjoy meetings and moments of personal communication, because we don’t have many of them. I think we're just the perfect couple.

So, are you a happy woman? Or is something missing for complete happiness?

- Today I am happier than ever! The only thing is that I would like to relax more and make my dreams come true summer vacation. But, unfortunately, it is a big question - I have a lot, a lot of work.

Irina Nikolaevna Bilyk(Ukrainian Irina Mykolaivna Bilik; born April 6, 1970) - Ukrainian singer and composer, People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).
Graduate of the department of stage direction and mass events of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Full name Irina Nikolaevna Bilyk
Date of birth April 6, 1970
Place of birth Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Country Ukraine
Professions: singer, poet, TV presenter
Piano instruments
Pop genres
Collaboration Sergey Zverev (broke up)
Yuri Nikitin (friend, business partner)
Olga Gorbacheva (colleague)
Kuzma Scriabin (formerly)
Ruslan Kvinta

Family of Irina Bilyk
Father Nikolai Semyonovich Bilyk was an engineer at an aircraft factory.
Mother Anna Yakovlevna worked as an engineer at an aircraft factory and works as a chef at the Inter TV channel.
Brother Sergei Bilyk (1979) graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Law.

Career of Irina Bilyk
At the age of five she started dancing. At six she became a soloist children's ensemble"Sun".
In 1989 she took part in the Chervona Ruta festival. A year later, with the musicians of the Ajax group Yuri Nikitin, Georgy Uchaikin and Zhan Bolotov, he took part in the creation of the group “Tsei doshch nadovgo”. In 1991, the group began cooperation with the creative agency Rostislav-Show.
In 1992 she took part in the festival " Slavic Marketplace"and became a laureate of the international festival "Song Vernissage. New Ukrainian wave." Filming of a professional video for the song “Lishe Yours” took place.
In 1993 she graduated from the State School of Music them. Gliera (pop vocal department). With the group “Tsey doshch nadovgo” she took part in the festival “Maria” (Truskavets) and the first international festival"Slavic Bazaar" (Vitebsk).

In 1994, she made her debut as the host of the New Year's TV show "New Year's Night" on the state channel UT-1.

In 1995, Bilyk went to concert tour“Nova”, within which the first big solo show took place at the National Palace “Ukraine”. Some experts even call that tour the first in the history of Ukrainian popular music.
In 1996 he took part in the Tavria Games festival. Receives the “Golden Firebird” award in the categories Singer of the Year and Song of the Year (hit “So Simple”). Irina was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
In 1997, the singer won the Grand Prix of the Parade of Hit Parades festival. The composition “So Simple” is recognized best song of the past year. Receives the “Golden Firebird” in the nominations Singer of the Year and Album of the Year (“So Simple”).

In 1998, I. Bilyk was again awarded the “Golden Firebird” award in the nominations Singer of the Year and Album of the Year (“Farbi”). A year later, at the NOVA records awards ceremony, she wins in three categories - Best Singer, Best Album(“Farby”), Best video clip (“And I’m Spitting”). Then he becomes the “face” of brands and companies: “Dirol wild berry", "Peugeot 206", "Idea Studio" (Italy). Release of the single “Vibachai”.

In August 2002, she participated in the Yach Film festival (Poland), and was awarded the Pochesny Yach award in the Discovery of the Year category.
In June 2004, he released his first album in Russian, “Love. I". In the first 10 days of sales, the album went platinum - sales exceeded more than 100 thousand copies.
In 2006 - victory at the “Showbiz AWARD” in the category Best Singer. In 2007, she participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars - 2” on the TV channel “1+1”; in 2009 - in the project “People’s Star” on the TV channel “Ukraine”; in 2010 - in the project “Zirka+Zirka” on the TV channel “1+1”.
In 2011 - member of the jury of the project “Factory of Stars-4” on the TV channel “New Channel”.

In January 2013, she received an award from Road Radio in Russia - she was recognized as a “People’s” Artist of Russia. In March 2013, together with the group “TIK”, Irina Bilyk went on the all-Ukrainian tour “The Best Ukrainian Hits”. 24 concerts were given in a month, for which, after the end of the tour, the artists were included in the Book of Records of Ukraine with the wording - for greatest number concerts.

Discography of Irina Bilyk

Studio albums by Irina Bilyk

“Kuvala Zozulya” (1990)
"I'll Tell You" (1994)
"Nova" (1995)
"So Simple" (1996)
"Farby" (1998)
"Oma" (2000)
"Biłyk" (2002)
"Kraina" (2003)
"Love. Poison" (2004)
"Encore" (2008; re-released 2011)
"Dawn" (2014)

Collections of Irina Bilyk

"Better" (1998)
“It’s So Easy to Help” (2006)
"Forever" (2006)
"We will be together. The best" (2012)

Singles by Irina Bilyk

"So Simple" (1996)
"Vibachai" (1999)
"Kraina" (2001)
"Droga" (2002)
"Anioł" (2002)

Title Year Highest chart position
Flag of RussiaFlag of the CIS
Russia and CIS CIS flag
Chart by request Flag of Ukraine
Ukraine Flag of Ukraine
Kyiv CIS Flag
Annual (general) Flag of Russia
Annual (Russian)
“I’ll give it to you” 2008 - - - 4 - -
“I’ll give it to you” (feat. Olga Gorbacheva) 2010 61 69 - 1 175 88
“Two Kindred Souls” (feat. Sergey Zverev) 112 90 - 8 - -
“My love” 40 88 2 1 - -
“Girl” 2011 62 43 3 3 199 99
“Don’t kiss” (feat. Tick) 295 152 16 - - -
“I’m not jealous” (feat. Olga Gorbacheva) 2012 71 61 3 3 190 86
“We will be together” 19 24 54 19 124 60
“Boxes” 206 135 - - - -
“Before the party” 178 100 - - - -
“Stronger” 99 182 3 4 - -
“Winter” (feat. Tick) 2013 161 228 38 75 - -
“Summer” 163 184 20 42 - -
"Taxi" 36 27 1 1 189 -
“Togo whom” 2014 40 88 29 30 - -
"Rassvet" 244 123 39 46 - -

"-" means the single did not chart.

Videography by Irina Bilyk
Year Clip Director Album
1990 “Also yours” unknown “I’ll tell you”
1992 “Bozhevilna” unknown “I’ll tell you”
1996 “So simple” Vitaly Dokalenko “So simple”
1996 “I’m going to war” Vitaly Dokalenko “So simple”
1997 “And I Spit” Maxim Papernik “Farbi”
1997 “Lonely” Maxim Papernik “Farbi”
1998 “Lonely” (dance version) Maxim Papernik “Farbi”
1999 “Vibachai” Maxim Papernik “Oma”
2000 “Wind” Maxim Papernik “Oma”
2000 “Tell” Maxim Papernik “Oma”
2001 “Already autumn” Igor Ivanov “Oma”
2001 “Ameni b tudi” Alan Badoev “Kraina”
2001 “Anioł” Maxim Papernik “Biłyk”
2002 “Don’t cry, Marichko” Maxim Papernik “Biłyk”
2002 “Droga” / “Road” Viktor Priduvalov “Biłyk” / “Kraina”
2002 “Kraina” Maxim Papernik “Krayina”
2002 “You are an angel” Maxim Papernik “Kraina”
2003 “Your Hands” Maxim Papernik “Kraina”
2003 “Movchati” (feat. Scriabin) Viktor Priduvalov “Kraina”
2003 “Snow” Alan Badoev “Love. I"
2003 “Remember” Alexander and Igor Stekolenko “Love. I"
2004 “Bandura player, orle siziy” Alan Badoev “Kraina”
2004 “Love. Poison" Alexander and Igor Stekolenko "Love. I"
2004 “If you want” Alan Badoev “Love. I"
2004 “About Love” Alexander and Igor Stekolenko “Love. I"
2005 “Love” (feat. Omar Arfush) Diana Golde without album
2005 “Forever” Alexander and Igor Stekolenko “Forever”
2005 “I’m not sorry” Maxim Papernik “Forever” (2006) / “Encore” (2008/2011)
2006 “Scarlet Rowan” Alan Badoev “Forever” / “It’s so easy to help” (2006)
2007 “In half” (feat. Bondarchuk) Alan Badoev “Encore”
2007 “We are not here” Alexander Kiriyenko “Encore”
2007 “We will be together” Alan Badoev “Encore”
2008 “I’ll give it to you” Alexander Filatovich “Encore”
2010 “Happiness” Viktor Priduvalov “Without makeup”
2010 “I love him” (feat. Olga Gorbacheva) Sergei Tkachenko “We will be together. The best" (2012)
2010 “Two Kindred Souls” (feat. Sergey Zverev) Sergey Tkachenko without album
2010 “My Love” Sergei Tkachenko “Encore. Special Edition [reissue]" (2011) "Dawn"
2011 “Girl” Aslan Akhmatov “We ​​will be together. The best" (2012) "Dawn"
2011 “Don’t Kiss” (feat. TiK) Sergey Tkachenko “Happy Album” (group “TiK”) “Dawn”
2012 “I’m not jealous” (feat. Olga Gorbacheva) Sergei Tkachenko “We will be together. The best" (2012) "Dawn"
2012 “We will be together” ( a new version) Sergei Tkachenko “We will be together. The best" (2012)
2012 “Boxes” Sergei Tkachenko “Without makeup”
2012 “Winter” (feat. TiK) Roman Verkulis “Dawn”
2012 “Stronger” Semyon Gorov “Dawn”
2013 “Wait for me” (feat. Evgeniy Chervonenko) Reza Golestani without album
2014 “No matter” (feat. Boris Moiseev) Aslan Akhmatov “Dawn”

Graduate of the department of stage direction and mass events of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.


  • Father Nikolai Semyonovich Bilyk was an engineer at an aircraft factory.
  • Mother Anna Yakovlevna worked as an engineer at an aircraft factory, works as a chef at the Inter TV channel.
  • Brother Sergei Bilyk (1979) graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Law


At the age of five she started dancing. At six she became a soloist in the children's ensemble “Solnyshko”.

In 1989 she took part in the Chervona Ruta festival. A year later, with the musicians of the Ajax group Yuri Nikitin, Georgy Uchaikin and Zhan Bolotov, he took part in the creation of the group “Tsei doshch nadovgo”. In 1991, the group began cooperation with the creative agency Rostislav-Show.

In 1992, a professional video for the song “Lishe Yours” was filmed. At the same time, Irina became a laureate of the international festival “Song Vernissage. New Ukrainian wave."

In 1993 she graduated from the State Music College named after. Gliera (pop vocal department). In the same year, with the group “Tsey doshch nadovgo” she took part in the festival “Maria” (Truskavets) and the first international festival “Slavic Bazaar” (Vitebsk).

In 1994, she made her debut as the host of the New Year's TV show "New Year's Night" on the state channel UT-1.

In 1995, I. Bilyk went on the “Nova” concert tour, during which the first big solo show took place at the National Palace “Ukraine”. Some experts even call that tour the first in the history of Ukrainian popular music.

In 1996 he took part in the Tavria Games festival. Receives the “Golden Firebird” award in the categories Singer of the Year and Song of the Year (hit “So Simple”). Irina was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

In 1997, the singer won the Grand Prix of the Parade of Hit Parades festival. The composition “So Simple” is recognized as the best song of the past year. Receives the “Golden Firebird” in the nominations Singer of the Year and Album of the Year (“So Simple”).

In 1998, I. Bilyk was again awarded the “Golden Firebird” award in the nominations Singer of the Year and Album of the Year (“Farbi”).

A year later, at the NOVA records awards ceremony, she wins in three categories - Best Singer, Best Album (“Farbi”), Best Video Clip (“And I’m Spitting”). At the same time he becomes the “face” of brands and companies: “Dirol wild berry”, “Peugeot 206”, “Idea Studio” (Italy). Release of the single “Vibachai”.

August 2002 - Yach Film festival (Poland), Pochesny Yach award in the Discovery of the Year category.

In June 2004, he released his first album in Russian, “Love. I". In the first 10 days of sales, the album went platinum - sales exceeded more than 100 thousand copies.

In 2006, she won the “Showbiz AWARD” in the category Best Singer.

In 2007, she participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars - 2” on the “1+1” TV channel.

In 2009, she participated in the “People’s Star” project on the “Ukraine” TV channel.

In 2010, she participated in the “Zirka+Zirka” project on the “1+1” TV channel.

In 2011, he was a member of the jury of the Star Factory-4 project on the Novy Channel TV channel.


  • 1990 - “Kuvala Zozulya”
  • 1994 - “I’ll tell you”
  • 1995 - “Nova”
  • 1996 - “So Simple”
  • 1997 - “Farby”
  • 2000 - “OMA”
  • 2003 - “Kraina”
  • 2004 - “Love. I"
  • 2006 - mp3 collection “Forever”
  • 2008 - “Encore”
  • 2011 - “Encore (Special edition)”


  • 1990 - Less yours
  • 1992 - Bozhevilna
  • 1995 - Years Already
  • 1996 - I'm going to war
  • 1996 - Just summer
  • 1996 - Tia-tu
  • 1996 - So simple
  • 1996 - Zabula
  • 1997 - And I’m spitting
  • 1997 - Give me your hand
  • 1997 - Lonely
  • 1999 - Vibachai
  • 2000 - Wind
  • 2000 - Tell
  • 2001 - It’s already autumn
  • 2001 - And I would like to go there
  • 2002 - Kraina
  • 2002 - Don’t cry, Marichko
  • 2002 - T-angel
  • 2003 - Road
  • 2003 - Your hands
  • 2003 - Movchati (with Scriabin)
  • 2003 - Snow
  • 2003 - Remember
  • 2004 - Love is poison
  • 2004 - City of Lonely Streets and prophetic dreams(with Walid Arfouch)
  • 2004 - If you want
  • 2004 - About love
  • 2005 - I'm not sorry
  • 2005 - Forever
  • 2006 - Scarlet Rowan
  • 2007 - We are not here (with Dmitry Dikusar)
  • 2007 - We will be together
  • 2008 - I’ll give you
  • 2010 - Two kindred spirits (with Sergei Zverev)
  • 2010 - I love him (with Olga Gorbacheva and Jean-Claude Van Damme)
  • 2010 - My love
  • 2011 - Girl
  • 2011 - Don’t kiss (with the group TiK)
  • 2012 - Not jealous (with Olga Gorbacheva)
  • 2012 - We will be together (2012 edit)


Personal life

Among the unofficial and official spouses of I. Bilyk were:

  • (1990-1997) Yuri Vladimirovich Nikitin - former musician group “Tsei doshch nadovgo”, now - famous producer, met at the festival “Spring Hopes-90” in Vinnitsa, then he played in the group “Ajax”, and soon became the producer of Irina Bilyk.
  • official husband(1998-2001) model Andrey Overchuk (from marriage with him appeared:
    • son Gleb Overchuk (born June 20, 1999),
  • (2002-2006) Choreographer and TV presenter Dmitry Kolyadenko.
  • (From October 2007-2010) - husband Dmitry Dikusar (born October 24, 1985), married in

Returning from the all-Ukrainian tour, popular singer spoke for the first time about her child, who was born a few months ago

Over twenty years in show business, Irina Bilyk has accustomed her fans to her openness. The singer never hid her emotions, creative pains and personal experiences. First, Irina’s chosen one was the representative modeling business Andrei Overchuk, and soon the couple had a son, Gleb. Then for eight years Bilyk’s fans watched her difficult relationship with producer Yuri Nikitin. Then there was a bright and stormy five-year romance with choreographer Dima Kolyadenko, and then with dancer Dmitry Dikusar, who younger than the singer for almost 15 years. As it turned out, none of Irina’s men ever brought her to the registry office.

And in December 2015, Bilyk was stunned by the news - she became a mother and has been happily married for three years now! And if the singer spoke sparingly about her husband, Russian stylist, photographer and director Aslan Akhmadov, the family sacredly guarded the secret of the birth of a child. Only after a while People's Artist Ukraine decided to slightly lift the veil of her personal life. She scheduled a meeting with the FACTS correspondent in the evening in one of the cozy capital restaurants in the city center. The noticeably thinner singer ordered black tea with lemon and twenty grams of cognac.

“This is to relax my ligaments at least a little, I practically can’t speak, I lost them completely on tour, and I still can’t get into shape,” explained in a hoarse voice Irina. “It’s really difficult to perform a two-hour program live for a long time. The hoarseness no longer goes away, the voice has become lower, although it sounds sexier. These are all the consequences of the fact that I don’t feel sorry for myself, I go on stage in any condition. After all, the audience is waiting for the holiday, and I cannot deceive them.

- What happened to you? Did you post a photo online of yourself lying on an IV?

— The cause of the malaise was frequent travel. Fatigue accumulated, and against the background I caught a cold. Before a concert I always tell myself: no familiarity on stage, no hugs or kisses with fans. But people came on stage, gave me flowers and hugged me so sincerely, kissed me on the cheek, that I melted from this attention, bathed in love. At such moments I become open, I perceive everyone as my closest and dearest people. Before the concert in Kharkov, she also joked: “Today you all kiss me, and tomorrow I’ll get the flu.” And literally the next day my temperature rose, my voice disappeared, I couldn’t let alone get out of bed, or even raise my arm.

True, I didn’t want to call an ambulance even in such a deplorable state; I hoped that it would get better in the evening. But I felt even worse. Aslan begged me on the phone to call an ambulance. Arriving doctors administered an IV and suggested hospitalization. This was out of the question; in two hours I had to go on stage. Having come to my senses a little and succumbing to fashion, I decided to post a photo on my page on social network and tell your dear fans that being an artist is not so fun and cool. But no matter what, I will sing for them. I wanted to be supported. And so it happened: the audience at the concert applauded in a special way. Only my friends raised such a panic, as if I was on the verge of life and death. Someone called my mom, she was completely exhausted. Friends hung up the phone... After that, I promised my family that I wouldn’t post such selfies anymore.

— How are you recovering? They say the stage heals...

— The audience, their energy works wonders. And these are not just pretentious words. The viewer's reaction can either elevate the artist or lead to depression. But I try to think only positively. After all, every person, be it a worker or a president, has many problems. Politicians, athletes, businessmen, handymen - for me they are all the same, they are all just people. Publicity only adds complexity to a person. You gain a couple of kilograms, you get caught on camera from a bad angle - that’s a reason for discussion. The only shame is that you are often judged by those who have less than ideal shapes.

“It’s impossible to silence everyone.”

“I advise everyone to relax and treat each other with understanding and love, and find the strength to forgive.

- You also forgave and now communicate nicely with your former lovers?

- These were not lovers, but beloved men. And now I have an ideal relationship with them. Dima Kolyadenko still does not get tired of declaring his love.

“It’s hard to imagine this idyll after everything that happened.” After all, during the showdown, even sofas flew out of the windows.

- We have such love. At Dima's hot blood, he is half Azerbaijani and Jewish.

- A current husband Isn't Aslan jealous of you?

- He doesn’t show it yet.

— Admit it, when did you get married?

“This happened three years ago, at the very beginning of our relationship. I didn’t tell anyone about this because there came a time in my life when I didn’t want to share it with anyone. Tired of close attention, discussion of my personal life, gossip and lies. We met secretly, visited each other, worked together, wrote new songs.

- How did you meet?

— On the 40th day after the death of the incredible artist Lyudmila Gurchenko, I watched on TV a two-part series dedicated to her memory documentary. They showed Aslan there. He carried the coffin and was very sad. The voice-over announcer said that it was this man, who became Lyudmila Markovna’s personal stylist and assistant, who changed her and gave her a second life as an actress and as a person. With him she implemented several bold creative projects.

And at that time I was terribly depressed after breaking up with my loved one. I didn’t know which way to move, what to wear, what to sing, say... I immediately called a Moscow friend and asked to find Aslan’s phone number, I wanted him to work on my image. Two hours later we were talking to him, and a week later we met. I didn’t make any personal plans, I only wanted Aslan to help me find new directions in my creativity. Naturally, I couldn’t even imagine that he would soon give me a son.

- How did Aslan conquer you?

- Well, you saw him. He conquers everyone: both women and men. He has stunning looks and an impeccable athletic figure, which he demonstrates on his social network page, promoting healthy image life. Wherever Aslan goes, he always trains for three to four hours every day, runs, and loves leisure. His ideal figure- the result of a lot of daily work. It is worthy of respect. I admire my man and am happy that I got him. It was he who became my first official husband.

— What was the marriage proposal like?

“When we realized that we meant much more to each other than colleagues and friends, we started talking about a child. Before making an official proposal, Aslan gave me an antique white gold bracelet inlaid with precious stones, a family heirloom that belonged to his Iranian grandmother. In their family, this decoration is inherited. At that moment I burst into tears of happiness. After all, of all my men, no one has ever formally proposed to me. Yura Nikitin asked me to marry him when we had already separated. Dima Kolyadenko ran after me with a diamond ring only after saying goodbye. And I accepted the ring, but didn’t get married. And the marriage to Dima Dikusar in Rio was more like a carnival than a wedding. Although after a romantic wedding on the ocean shore, we considered ourselves a real family.

All these moments were probably necessary and important for me. I thank all my loved ones for being and still being in my life. Now I am in such a state of happiness that I simply cannot express it in words. Our baby Tabriz is almost seven months old.

— Why was your son given birth to a surrogate mother?

— Tabriz long-awaited child. And how he was born was the decision of the doctors. I had long dreamed of having another child, I wanted a son, I intended to carry and give birth myself. But the results of a full medical examination were disappointing for me. The doctors did not allow me to give birth and said directly: “There is a threat to your life during childbirth.” And then Aslan and I decided to turn to the services of a surrogate mother. They just argued all the time: he wanted a girl, and I wanted a boy.

I won't go into all the details because this is a very personal experience for both of us. We were looking forward to the birth of our boy and did not tell anyone about it. I'm even glad that everything happened this way. This is our dear blood. Tabriz is simply bathed in love and care. Unfortunately, I could not pay such attention to my eldest son Gleb. I remember Gleb was just a baby when I went on tour. I was so busy with work that my mother raised my son. Now she also helps, there are nannies, but I try to do everything myself, spend all the time with the child and plan tours in such a way as not to leave for more than three days.

— Have Aslan’s parents met their grandson yet?

— The grandmother, whom the baby resembles like two peas in a pod, lives in Baku and for health reasons cannot yet fly. But we are going to visit her ourselves. But grandfather was already with us in Kyiv. I looked at Tabriz’s legs, at his fingers and said: “Yes, exactly the same as all of us. Our guy." The boy even inherited his dad’s blood type, he’s such a handsome brown-eyed guy with dark hair. Although Aslan dreamed that his son’s eyes were blue, like mine. When they brought the child home, my husband looked at him for a long time, and then asked my mother: “Anna Yakovlevna, children’s eyes change over time, right?” “Aslanchik, I see, he has blue-brown hair,” answered my kind mother.

We recently baptized a baby. But we decided not to advertise our family holidays. We invited only godparents, closest friends and doctors who helped us make our dream come true.

— Do you still live in two countries?

- For now, yes. We are counting the days until Aslan manages to arrive in Kyiv. Traveling from Moscow is problematic, but every free minute he rushes to us. I even have a new song about love at a distance. I hope we will spend a short vacation together at the beginning of September, when the influx of tourists subsides. Let's stay somewhere in a quiet place, we won't book a room in a big hotel, but take an apartment.

I don’t like to attract attention to myself on vacation, it’s impossible to relax. Someone is always taking pictures from around the corner. I probably used to be like that myself. Once I was relaxing in the same hotel with the famous French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, our sun loungers stood next to the pool. Jean-Paul wore swimming trunks, ran along the shore with a dog, he was unrecognizable in a cap and dark glasses... The actor was so sweetly playing with his then three-year-old daughter. I couldn’t resist and secretly took a picture of him. My conscience tormented me for two days, and then I deleted the photo: why do I need Belmondo in shorts?

— Did you manage to get his autograph?

— I have several signatures of world celebrities. Julio Iglesias signed the CD for me. Alla Pugacheva (this was back in my childhood) gave an autograph. I once took an autograph from actor Vladimir Talashko, and now we live next door. It is a great honor and pride for me to communicate with him. It's just a shame that something like this talented actor now they've forgotten. And this is a legend of Ukrainian cinema. He should be invited to various events, present awards. For artists, such attention is always pleasant and important, this is recognition.

— Your eldest son Gleb has graduated from school and is preparing for the entrance campaign. What path in life did he choose?

- He does not allow anything to be said about him, or his photographs to be shown. And I really want to brag about such an adult and handsome son. He’s a creative guy, he plays drums in his band “Inhale-Exhale,” which he and his friend Nikita Kutsevalov organized when they were six years old. At that time, Garik Krichevsky’s daughter Vika played with them. But now she is studying at a medical university. The other day the boys shot a video and write the music themselves. They don’t let me anywhere near their brainchild. They want to achieve everything themselves. Gleb also makes his own music show on the Internet and is passionate about design - she develops prints and stylish designs for T-shirts commissioned by our young fashion designers. As a mother, I want him to get a profession and graduate from college. We have already submitted documents to one of the capital’s universities. Gleb chose a creative profession.

— You are a successful singer, beloved wife and happy mother. What else do you dream about?

“I’m sure this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come.” Now I want to enjoy what I have and pamper my beloved men. I love cooking and tinkering around the house. I wash the dishes myself and like to wash the floors. It's like for me morning work-out. While cleaning, I imagine myself as Cinderella, this is my favorite fairy tale. I wash the floors in the morning, and in the evening I put on my clothes best dress, jewelry, doing my hair, and a handsome prince falls in love with me. My fairy tale is just beginning.

Irina Bilyk pleased fans unexpected news: the singer announced that she became a mother for the second time. The artist shared the good news on her blog, posting a photo of a child’s hand.

The singer’s second son, whom Bilyk named Tabriz Aslan ogly, was carried by a surrogate mother. In the last few years, Irina has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she dreams of having another baby, but doctors forbade the singer to give birth. Therefore, the artist decided to use surrogacy services. Baby Bilyk was born on December 8 in one of the private clinics in Europe. His weight is 3.5 kg and his height is 50 cm.

The child's father became famous. He shared his impressions of the birth of his son on Facebook.

“You can read about this as much as you like, listen to the stories of friends and relatives, you can imagine and try to try on this role, looking at other people’s experiences, but only by holding your newly born child in your arms can you feel this incredible feeling of immense happiness. And it fell to my lot. I became a Pope! My son was born! Wonderful Akhmadov Tabriz Aslan ogly! No words can express what I feel right now. I'm absolutely happy! Welcome to our world, my dear son! May your life be happy and interesting!” - Aslan wrote.

Let us remind you that Irina Bilyk is now raising.

Irina Bilyk and the father of her child Aslan Akhmadov

And Aslan himself looks great as a fashion model