New videos from the films category. Contemporary Christian films

A new, popular film from the creators of Woodlawn and October's Child. Quite an unusual plot of the picture. It begins with the romantic relationship of the main character, Bart Millard. The story continues musical career. But both of these storylines unexpectedly they turn out to be just a background for highlighting the main thing...

IN Lately Several films devoted to apologetics have been released. For example, the series “God is not dead.” The painting “Christ Under Investigation” in comparison with them differs, perhaps, in the most serious scientific arguments. Almost like a documentary. But at the same time, the story of the main character looks easy, you believe it - since the plot is based on a real situation in the life of Lee Strobel. Famous Christian pastor, scientist, writer. Former editor of the famous and influential newspaper "Chicago Tribune" ...

Another movie based on real events. It tells the story of three pilots who crashed at sea and sailed on a raft for more than 1,500 kilometers for more than a month. In especially desperate situations, when there was no water, food and there was a threat of a storm, the team turned to God with prayers, thanks to whose answers a real miracle occurred in terms of survival conditions...

A good film for young people, based on real events. Its plot is based on one of many cases of mass shootings in American schools. But the very history of the preparation and implementation of the crime passes as if in the background. The main thing in the film is the story of Rachel, a young Christian girl. Her struggle for success in school, for success in love, and also the struggle for her relationship with God. The result is an unusual contrast of dark and gloomy with good and light, which ultimately wins even despite tragic death main character. So, against the backdrop of tragedy, a real life-affirming story unfolds...

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion among Christians on the topic of participation or non-participation in military operations against enemies, aggressors, etc. Good help in understanding this issue may provide New film Mel Gibson's Hacksaw Ridge. The film, based on true events, tells the story of a young American Christian who took part in the US war against Japan...

A very funny and kind family film. Good actors, known from other popular Christian films. An interesting plot centered on the search for a missing child. Despite the comedy genre and abundance of humor, the film is about deep and important truths, which is why there is no feeling of emptiness that happens when watching comedies with the usual laughability.

The film is similar to the stories from the Gospel. The illness, difficulty and suffering of a small child to which you simply cannot remain indifferent. Then turning to Christ in prayer and the joyful miracle of healing. Everything seems to be simple, just like in the Gospel. But how many people have been changed by these simple and at the same time such amazing stories!

A biographical film about Giuseppe Moscati, a renowned Italian doctor known for his piety and kindness. Especially kindness to the poor. IN catholic church Giuseppe Moscati canonized. This fact somewhat affected his image in the film. In some places he doesn't look like a real man with his weaknesses, but like an unctuous saint with some magical qualities. However, the film itself excellent quality- good and beautiful actors, dramatic love, magnificent costumes, scenery. Everything that Italian cinema is famous for

Great Christian sports movie. The authors managed to achieve a balance between a dynamic plot and edifying morality, which does not overload the plot at all, but on the contrary makes it more harmonious. The film presents the history of the 70s of the United States - a period of intense struggle against the division of people into whites and blacks. This makes the film quite urgent, since even now people are divided into groups and quarrel, if not because of the color of their skin, then because of their political sympathies.

"Do you believe?" - one of those films in which there are no main characters and a coherent plot. Instead, the stories of ten are told different people. The goal of such films is that the sharpness of the plot or the charisma of the actors does not obscure the main thing - some idea that the authors want to convey to the viewer. In the movie "Do You Believe?" this is the idea of ​​the cross of Christ, which is able to take away our pains and problems. And show His miracle in the life of everyone who follows Him.

The film is based on the true story of Christina Noble, a woman who founded a network of orphanages in Vietnam. She achieved success in ministry despite difficult childhood and no less complex youth. The film will be understandable to people who have decided to devote their lives to serving God...

Alex Kendrick's new film. Just like the director’s previous films (“Fireproof”, “Brave”), it combines artistic part, and edifying. The art, as in other films, is beyond praise. Interesting, exciting, heartfelt. But the edifying part, as for me, this time did not fit so harmoniously into the plot...

A film that has everything to please the viewer - romantic relationship, beautiful actors, nice music. But this, apparently, was not enough for the authors and they “loaded” the plot with sharp social topics, such as the relationship between youth and parents and abortion. It turned out to be a good combination of pleasant and useful

An excellent apologetic film, shot not in a traditional documentary, but in artistic style. It has everything that makes a movie interesting - romantic story and a fierce struggle between people of different views. The film is about a real story that happened at the beginning of the last century, but is still relevant today

A new (2012) youth film in which the creators tried to show everything very realistically - the dialogues, the plot and even the main character’s girlfriend. Because of this realism, even the traditional American happy ending came out somewhat blurry. Well, just like in life :)

Here comes the Christian detective story! You can’t say about the film that it is a masterpiece. But, he's a detective. And yet Christian. The genre is rare and therefore interesting. And further. Maybe it was just my imagination, but it looks like the plot of the film is intended as a parable, which will be interesting to unravel after the end of the film. For all intellectual movie lovers

A very special film. Firstly, not American, but Russian, with its own special style. Secondly, the film is truly Christian, and not just Orthodox, and, what is especially pleasant, points to Christ, and not to the Orthodox religious ceremonies and traditions

The story of one of the most famous and successful Christian missionaries in India - William Carey, who translated the Bible into several Indian languages ​​and dialects, founded several rural schools and a college. But this success story also had back side- his son died from an infectious disease, and his wife Dorothy never accepted her husband’s decision, begging him to return to England. After some time, Dorothy lost her mind and after a while she died...

One of the main characters in the film is Eric Liddell, a legendary Scottish missionary known not only for his missionary service, but also for his success in sports. The film Chariots of Fire tells the story of his victory in the 400m race at Olympic Games 1924, with which, like his whole life, he wanted to glorify the Lord.

It's not often that Hollywood stars star in Christian films. It's not often that pastors pick up a machine gun to protect their flock. But all this was embodied in the film "Machine Gun Preacher"! The film is a definite hit of 2011 among Christian films, causing a whole wave of discussions on the topic of fighting evil with the help of force and weapons. Heavy weight What makes this story so special is that it is based on real events.

The main characters of these films saved from death, helped those in need, broke through difficult situations. By their example, they certainly influenced society and the Lord helped them in this. Now their lives are forever captured in cinema. We bring to your attention the top 10 Christian films based on real events.
1. Miracles from Heaven

Until recently, everything was wonderful in the family of Christy and Kevin Beam. Big house and three lovely daughters, it seemed to them that life was like a fairy tale, but one day everything changed dramatically. Their middle daughter Anna was given terrible diagnosis. The incurable disease was rapidly killing the girl; constant medications, surgeries and medical procedures did not help. Parents could only watch helplessly as their child died a painful death. However, Christy does not want to accept the inevitable and therefore continues to sincerely believe in her daughter’s cure.

2. Noble

The film shows the life of Christina Noble, her difficult childhood, in which she killed her mother, and her father was deprived of parental rights for drunkenness. After graduating from boarding school, she met cruel reality life, loneliness, rape and a failed marriage. It’s amazing how, after going through so many difficulties and trials in life, she had a dream from God to serve for the country of Vietnam. In 1989 she goes there.

3. Woodlawn

The events of the film take place in one of the most racist states - Alabama. The city of Birmingham is literally the capital of violence and hostility towards black citizens. Separate schools for whites and coloreds were the last to be abolished here. In 1973, a spiritual awakening captured the hearts of nearly every player on the Woodlawn high school football team, including coach Tandy Herald. Their faith in God and unity leads to unprecedented success and the birth of the first African American superstar, Tony Nathan.

4. Prisoner

The film is based on real events that occurred in Atlanta in 2005. Ashley Smith is a young single mother who is trying with all her might to overcome... drug addiction. The girl is ready to do anything to forget about her past and start life with clean slate. Brian Nichols, a criminal who not only escaped from prison, but also killed the judge appointed to hear his case, enters her house. Realizing that big problems await him, he does not hesitate to take Ashley hostage in her own home. While the killer is holding her hostage, hiding from the police, Ashley began reading Rick Warren's book "The Purposeful Life", which was given to her at the group support.

5. 90 minutes in heaven

One day, while returning home from a conference, Baptist pastor Don Piper has an accident on a bridge and dies, but after 90 minutes of prayer from a passing minister, he is revived. Spending many months in treatment and enduring unbearable pain, he asks the question: “why did God return me to earth and I am suffering here, because I was already in heaven, where there is no pain and suffering.” But after going through pain, disappointment and recovery, he realizes that now he will serve people who have gone through the same thing, and also testify to everything about heaven.

6. Chariots of Fire

A film about the collision of two absolutely different characters and views. Real story rivalry between athletes-runners: a Cambridge student, a Jew - Harold Abrahams and a missionary from Scotland Eric Liddell. The two represented Great Britain at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris.

7. early years life of Billy Graham

We have all heard about the exploits of this great evangelist of the 20th and 21st centuries, but what pushed him to such a dedicated life? This biographical film will show us the youth of Billy Graham, his close friendship with another equally passionate servant of God, Charles Templeton.

8. Padre Pio

It is based on the biography of Pio's father, Francesco Forgione. He himself comes from Pietrelcini, where in the monastic choir during prayer he received stigmata that bled for fifty years. He goes to the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo, located in the hills of Gargano, where he remains until his death.

9. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

The film is based on the Italian series “Mother Teresa”. Tells the story of Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, known to us as Mother Teresa of Calcutta. When she turned 21, she took the name Teresa in honor of the canonized nun. In the forties, she was involved in opening schools, shelters, and hospitals for the poor, regardless of their nationality and religion. And you can learn more about all her affairs in this film.

10. Braveheart

Irena Sendler The life of Irena Sendler was not distinguished by any special merits, important actions or exploits before the outbreak of World War II. The events of the film Braveheart by Irena Sendler present her as an employee of the health department in Warsaw. In those difficult years, she happened to be among the agents of the Polish underground. Only thanks to her, more than 2,500 children from Jewish families received a second chance at life.

We welcome you to this page. Here you can watch Christian movies that have been handpicked and reviewed. These films will nurture your spirit, strengthen your faith and provide valuable knowledge. Also here will be collected films of different genres that have Christian themes.

The benefits of such films are quite great, because it is not for nothing that they are very popular in strong families. Family is the most valuable thing and should always be treasured. You must keep this bar high, because you are the only one responsible for your children and the films they watch.

The benefits of Christian films are obvious; everyone needs them - both believers and non-believers. They bring great benefits, inspire human hearts good deeds, show other people's mistakes and teach to love Jesus Christ.

It is not for nothing that the film “The Gospel of Luke” has traveled almost the whole world; it has been shown in professional cinemas, in tents and prisons. This film brought a lot of fruit. So, on Christmas 2000, it was shown in 130 countries, in 75 languages, on 150 channels, and was seen by 500 million people. It has currently been translated into 620 languages, and in Russia it is broadcast in Russian and 26 ethnic minority languages.

People who watch films with Christian themes have a positive outlook on life. Also in such families there is peace and tranquility and a well-established family life. Don’t forget to watch such films at least once a week because they always guarantee a positive mood.

Christian films- This great alternative modern films. They show a person how to live in harmony with himself and God, what the lifestyle of a respectable Christian should be. In addition, you will be able to understand how the world and all its inhabitants were created. For those who still doubt the truth, we advise you to watch any of the films posted on the pages of our website. Here you will find a lot of interesting and educational things, plunge into interesting and unusual world, where love, understanding and happiness reign. Note that all the videos tell about events that actually happened long before our existence. Only the truth, only the facts. We don't cheat. Each of the tapes is designed to acquaint the user with the laws of God's existence and its correspondence to today's way of life. You will understand how important it is to honor the Lord and follow his word. Help yourself and you will immediately see the changes that have occurred in your life. It will contain happiness, kindness, care, attention, like-minded friends and people who will always understand you and help you in any situation. Biblical motifs and truths, one after another, are described and echoed in videos that tell of love and friendship, fear and hatred, truth and lies. They tell and show how a person is influenced by an angel and a devil, and what consequences our actions can have not only on our own destiny, but also on the lives of those around us. After all, a person is responsible not only for his words and actions, but also tries to help his neighbors believe in the Creator and His good intentions. By watching films for Christians, you can understand how to help and create, how to contribute and do good. By coming to the rescue of others, you, in fact, free yourself, first of all, from the shackles of guilt and doubt. Be more decisive and try to do everything according to your conscience, being in harmony with your soul and heart. Each of us wants to be happy, and many, due to a lack of understanding of how to achieve this state, begin to look for the truth in places other than where it is. It's very easy to get confused and lost. This is where many of the vices of modern humanity come from - drug addiction, alcoholism, food addiction and much more. It is important to find yourself in time and understand how incorrect and changeable the concepts of good are. He who knows God and his words looks at things and feelings completely differently. Attachments and dependencies go away forever, leaving a person only light and peace. Let yourself know true meaning existence and turn your life towards the good and great good of the Lord. Living as a Christian means drawing love, understanding and forgiveness from the bottomless source of the word and commandments of our Creator. This is exactly what is described in the films that you will find on the pages of the resource. They will help you understand love, hate, grief, joy and other emotions that we experience every day. So should they be? Do we need all of them, or can we get a good half? On our official Internet portal you can watch the video both online and download. We emphasize that each of the films is offered in good quality, with appropriate dubbing and correct dubbing. All files are at your disposal and access to them is completely free. Each of the films presented will help you re-evaluate the values ​​that you hold in your hands today. Time after time, as you watch our videos, you will study and listen to the word of God, which will certainly lead you to complete peace and tranquility. Relax and turn on one of the films you like, and you will understand what happiness it is to enjoy interesting story, learning something new and unknown. Of course, some are quite skeptical about such a video library, considering it intrusive. This is completely untrue! Only those users who have never gotten acquainted with the production think so this direction. No one is forcing you or inducing you to do anything. You, on a voluntary basis, can look at some of the recordings and see if you need it. However, we guarantee that you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of looking at the proposed materials again. People are created to be happy. If you don’t feel like that, ask yourself the question: “Am I doing everything right? Am I going the right way? After watching our films, you will finally determine for yourself the main life values and you will be able to correctly prioritize. Watch Christian films online, and you will help yourself by finding harmony and understanding, forgetting about irritation and disappointment. Our site was created precisely so that you can help yourself and your loved ones, forever placing light, love and creativity in your hearts.