Which musical instrument is the smallest 100 to 1. The smallest musical instrument. The most “monetary” musical instrument is the voice

For many people, the love for music comes already at a conscious age, when there is time to visit music schools It's just not there anymore. Below is a list of musical instruments that are easy to learn and play.


Even teachers of classical music schools confirm that the guitar is the easiest instrument to learn among strings. The whole point is that for development musical ear with its help, systematic persistent training is sufficient, for which you do not need more than an hour in a day.

You just need to learn a couple of chords and you can already play a simple melody. With each new chord and way of playing you learn, the variety of possible melodies increases many times over.


It’s very easy to play the drums - everything is driven by a sense of rhythm. To start, take 2-3 small classic drums. Gradually increase their number and add new instruments, such as cymbals. Over time, you will assemble a full-fledged installation of bass, snare, and floor drums.

By the way, good drummers are in great demand among many musical groups, so your talent may come in handy in the future.

One of the few downsides to these tools is that a large setup requires a lot of space, which is so often lacking at home. In addition, the drums are very noisy, and you can only practice on them until 8 pm.


Among the pipers and trumpeters, there are also instruments that are not at all difficult to learn to play.

This includes the zafun - a hybrid model, a mixture of a clarinet body and a saxophone whistle. Although it resembles a regular pipe, the zafun produces interesting sounds, similar to a clarinet or oboe. The range of this wind instrument is not very wide, but it is quite interesting to play.

There is another option: the saxonet is an instrument similar to a zafun, mainly with a wooden body. It is often used in junior music schools to teach children how to produce sound from reeds.


Of course, an instrument such as a piano requires perseverance from a person who wants to learn how to play it. But there are simplified variations - for example, a synthesizer. Some of them initially have a self-instruction program.

An electronic keyboard with a reduced number of keys but expanded sound functionality will allow you to create original compositions with different sounds. You can even achieve the effect of playing multiple instruments at the same time.

If you want to perform with your synthesizer on the street or in concert halls, it’s better to purchase additional speakers - they will significantly increase the volume and power of the sound output. Beginning musicians especially like small models that can be transported from place to place by simply putting them in a briefcase.


Surely you have seen lonely cowboys with this instrument in their hands in many films about the Wild West. In fact, learning to play it is not very difficult.

The peculiarity is that while playing the harmonica, the musician perceives the sound differently than his listeners, due to the touch of his lips and hands. To understand your sound, record it on a voice recorder.

Start your lessons by playing chords and individual sounds, gradually moving on to combining them and playing simple melodies. Review and listen to performances by professional harmonica players - harpers. Copying their style will be helpful for you at first.

Using a harmonica as an example, this video shows the process of choosing a musical instrument for beginners:

first musical instrument- The shepherd's pipe was made by the god Pan. One day on the shore, he exhaled through the reeds and heard his breath, passing along the trunk, produce a sad lamentation. He cut the trunk into unequal parts, tied them together, and now he had his first musical instrument!

1899 Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel “Pan”

The truth is that we cannot name the first musical instrument, since all primitive people throughout the world seem to have created some kind of music. It was usually music with some kind of religious meaning, and the audience became participants in it. They danced, drummed, clapped and sang along with her. This wasn't just done for fun. This primitive music was significant part people's lives.

The legend of Pan and the reed suggests how man came up with the idea of ​​​​making so many different musical instruments. He may have imitated the sounds of nature or used the objects around him to create his music.

The first musical instruments were percussion instruments (like a drum).

Later man invented wind instruments made from animal horns. From these primitive wind instruments, modern brass instruments developed. As man developed his musical feeling, he began to use reeds and thus produced more natural and gentle sounds.

In 2009, an expedition led by archaeologist Nicholas Conard from the University of Tübengen discovered the remains of several musical instruments. During excavations in the Hols Fels cave in Germany, scientists discovered four bone flutes. The most interesting find is a 22-centimeter flute, which is 35 thousand years old.
The flute has 5 holes for producing sounds and a mouthpiece.
These finds show that Neanderthals already knew how to make musical instruments. This circumstance allows us to look at the world differently primitive man, it turns out that music played an important role in his world.

Finally, man invented a simple lyre and harp, from which came bowed instruments. Lyre was the most significant string instrument Ancient Greece and Rome along with the cithara. According to myth, the lyre was invented by Hermes. To make it, Garmes used a tortoise shell; for the antelope horn frame.

In the Middle Ages, the crusaders brought many amazing oriental musical instruments from their campaigns. Combined with folk instruments that already existed in Europe at that time, they developed into many instruments that are now used to play music.


People not only invented and improved musical instruments, they also tried to increase and decrease their size. And if the smallest musical instrument can also produce any sounds, then there will be many who want to get acquainted with it.

The smallest piano

The Sega Toys company released a miniature piano in 2006, which weighs 2.5 kilograms. This is the smallest keyboard instrument, on which you can perform musical composition. The width of each key is 4 mm, and there are 88 of them in total.

The smallest guitar

At Cornell University in New York, the department of nanotechnology created a guitar made of silicon measuring 10 microns (the length of a blood cell). It contains 6 strings, each 50 nanometers thick, and you can even play it, albeit with a laser beam.

The smallest accordion

Hochner company with early XIX century has been mass-producing harmonicas in the form of a keychain. It is called “Little Lady”, contains only 4 holes and has a range of 1 octave. Its length is 5 cm and its width is 15 mm.

The smallest violin

Here, masters from all over the world staged a whole competition and the record is constantly changing downwards. The Chinese master Chen, working for 7 years, created a 2-centimeter violin, and before that there was an instrument 3.5 cm long. It is made of maple, is fully working, all parts are made using real technology - it’s just difficult to understand how you can play it. But those who are interested in active sports can learn the rules of airsoft - clearly, briefly, quickly and go play their favorite game.

American miniaturist David Edwards broke his record by creating a 1.5 cm violin. It is a copy of Stradivari's creations and costs only £1,000.

Ukrainian master Mikhail Maslyuk from Zhmerinka sculpted a violin 11.5 mm high back in the 80s. Only on a penny coin there will be 5 of them.

Nikolay Sryadisty, a resident of Kyiv, constantly competed with Maslyuk and created a violin that fits in the eye of a needle and has a size of 3.5 mm. It completely copies the famous Stradivarius violin and consists of 50 parts.

The smallest balalaika

The same story happened with the balalaika. First, Maslyuk made a musical instrument the size of a poppy seed. Sryadisty placed the balalaika in a case, and it in a poppy shell. Zhmerinsky’s “left-handed artist” created a musician sitting on a chair, playing a balalaika and looking at a music stand – all in a poppy shell.


At the Dutch Trent University in Enschede, a group of students invented a device using microcircuit technology. The instrument consists of strings, each up to 1 mm long and several micrometers thick (ten times thinner than a human hair). Small combs and weights are fixed on these strings. By controlling them from a computer, sound vibrations can be generated using electrostatic force.

The vibrations themselves are only a few micrometers long, but the computer amplifies the sound so that the human ear can distinguish it. Each chip contains a specific tonality, and several hundred are capable of reproducing an entire musical orchestra.

Students have already performed a special composition “Improvisation for Micronium” on it. When creating the world's smallest musical instrument, they tried to achieve complete sterility, and then the device was placed in a vacuum so that no dust particles would affect the sound quality.

In addition to the world record for “the smallest musical instrument,” this device can be considered the beginning of the era of nanotechnology in music - any sound generated by an instrument is not without noise and linear distortion in the recording, and one born in a vacuum will be reproduced an order of magnitude cleaner.

    Probably the smallest one is a whistle, harmonica, the flute is not large (comparatively) triangle (drummers use), the pipe that shepherds use. Mini accordion (there is one). The horn is also not a big instrument.

    If we proceed specifically from the sizes of the smallest musical instruments, then they should probably be listed in the following order -

    • shepherd's pipe
    • whistle
    • harmonica
    • horn
    • flute piccolo
    • triangle.

    Of course, there are still many different national instruments of a fairly small size.

    What is the smallest music? tool? Right answers

    The most popular answer is violin - 164 points;

    The second most popular is the flute - forty-four points;

    The next answer is harmonica - eighteen points;

    • pipe - forty-eight points;
    • balalaika - five points;

    The least popular answer is a tambourine - two points.

    You can also add an answer - small tool triangle percussion musical instrument

    The problem is that you can imagine what this instrument looks like, but you don’t know the name, but it is not among the answers that players 100 to 1 considered correct (a rope that you blow on and play with your finger, Valdis Pelsh on such thing I played once).

    The answers should be like this in order to score maximum points:

    • VIOLIN(definitely not classified as a small musical instrument) - 41 points;
    • FLUTE- 22 points;
    • HARMONICA(this is already warmer) - 18 points;
    • DUDKA(roll call with flute) - 12 points;
    • BALALAIKA(wow, a small musical instrument) - 5 points;
    • TAMBOURINE(there is no harp, give me a tambourine - how can I not remember Leonid Bykov) - 2 points.

    In an exciting game, the odds are 100 to 1. To the question: Which musical instrument is the smallest? There will be the following answer options:



    The harmonica has been my favorite since childhood :)

    In fact, there are several musical instruments that are very miniature in size. But the smallest of them, in my opinion, is the harmonica. Among the harmonicas there are specimens no larger than a matchbox.

    There may be smaller musical instruments, but I haven’t seen them.

    If a whistle can be considered a musical instrument, then in terms of its parameters it also fits into the ranks of the smallest musical instruments.)

    Musical instruments can come in different sizes, the smallest of which are those that have the simplest design and fit in the hand. Obviously, these are different types of pipes: a piccolo flute (translated from Italian as small), a flute, a harmonica, a horn. Interesting material about the smallest musical instruments in the world is here.

    The smallest musical instrument:

    1. Harmonica;
    2. Dudochka;
    3. Pipe;
    4. Horn;
    5. Flute;
    6. Spoons;
    7. Triangle;
    8. Clarinet

    There are probably other small instruments, but only professional musicians know them.

    Piccolo flute, harmonica, whistle, pipe, horn, triangle. These are the smallest, let’s say miniature instruments in my opinion. The rest are a little larger, a little louder. Surely these options will be among the most popular, but there will be others, interesting ones.

    In response to your musical riddle- question 100 to 1. Which musical instrument will be the smallest.

    In first place will be the Flute.

    In second place will be the Armenian Duduk.

    In third place will be the harmonica.

    The smallest musical instruments are the harmonica, piccolo flute, jew's harp or drymba, piccolo saxophone, flute, sopel (sopilka), triangle ( percussion instrument), accordion, pipe, castanets, box (percussion instrument).

    The smallest musical instrument is probably the harmonica, pipe, flute, pipe, tambourine, castanets, gong, pity, flute, horn, duduk. Maybe, of course, they are not the smallest, but something will definitely fall out.

An ancient Greek legend says that the first musical instrument was created by the god Pan, who was walking in the forest near a river, picked a reed and began to blow into it. It turned out that the reed tube was capable of producing enchanting sounds that formed beautiful melodies. Pan cut several branches of reeds and connected them together, creating the first instrument - the prototype of the flute.

Thus, the ancient Greeks believed that the first musical instrument was the flute. Perhaps this is so - according to at least, this is the oldest instrument recorded by researchers. Its oldest specimen was found in southern Germany, in the Holy Fels cave, where excavations of a prehistoric human settlement are being carried out. In total, three flutes were found in this place, carved from tusk and having several holes. Archaeologists also discovered fragments that apparently belonged to the same flutes. Radiocarbon dating helped determine the age of these instruments, and the oldest was dated to the 40th millennium BC. So far this is the oldest instrument that has been found on Earth, but it is possible that other specimens simply have not survived to this day.

Similar flutes and pipes were found in Hungary and Moldova, but they were made in the 25-22 thousand years BC.

Candidates for the title of the most ancient musical instruments

Although the flute is still considered the most ancient musical instrument, it is possible that in fact the first to be made was a drum or any other device. For example, Australian aborigines We are confident that their national instrument, called the didgeridoo, is the oldest; its history goes deep into the history of the indigenous population of this continent, which, according to scientists, dates back from 40 to 70 thousand years. Thus, it is quite possible that the didgeridoo really is the oldest instrument. It is an impressive piece of eucalyptus trunk, in some cases reaching three meters in length, with a hollow core eaten away by termites.

Since didgeridoos are always cut from different trunks with different shapes, their sounds are never the same.

The oldest drums found date back to just the fifth millennium BC, but scientists believe it is one of the most likely candidates for the title of the first musical instrument. Its long history is evidenced by both the wide variety of types of modern drums and their almost ubiquitous distribution, and the simple and uncomplicated design that would have allowed even the most ancient ancestors of people to play melodies with the help of simple devices. In addition, it has been proven that in many cultures, drum music was a very important part of life: it accompanied all holidays, weddings, funerals, and wars.

People have discovered the enchanting sounds of music since ancient times. IN ancient greek myths Both gods and mortals mastered the art of playing various musical instruments. Not a single feast was complete without pipes, timbrels and flutes, which brightened up the celebrations of kings and simple peasants. But what instrument is the most ancient on Earth?

The first musical instruments

Archaeologists were the first to tell about the existence of musical instruments in ancient times, finding pipes, tweeters and other objects for playing music in almost all excavations. Moreover, similar finds were discovered in those territories where archaeologists managed to excavate sites of primitive people.

Archaeologists attribute some of the found musical instruments to the Upper Paleolithic era - in other words, these instruments appeared 22-25 thousand years BC.

In addition, ancient people knew how to not only make musical instruments, but also music for them, writing down musical notes on clay tablets. The oldest musical notation to date was written in the 18th century BC. Archaeologists found it in the Sumerian city of Nippur they excavated, which was once located in the territory of modern Iraq. University of California scientists who deciphered the music tablet in 1974 said it contained the words and music of an Assyrian love ballad for string lyre.

The most ancient musical instrument

In 2009, archaeologists discovered in one of the caves located in southwestern Germany the remains of a tool that strongly resembles a modern one. Analyzes and studies have shown that the age of the ancient flute is more than 35 thousand years. Five perfectly round holes were made in the body of the flute, which should be closed with the fingers when playing, and at its ends there were two deep V-shaped cuts.

The length of the musical instrument was 21.8 centimeters, and the thickness was only 8 millimeters.

The material from which the flute was made turned out to be not wood, but a bird's wing. This instrument is by far the oldest, but not the first in history. archaeological finds– bone pipes, hollow animal horns, shell pipes, stone and wooden rattles, as well as drums made from animal skins were also repeatedly found at excavations.

There are many legends about the origin of music. The ancient Greeks believed that the great gods of Olympus gave it to them, but modern scientists have conducted a number of ethnographic and archaeological studies. As a result of these studies, it was found that the first music appeared in primitive society and was used as a lullaby to lull to sleep.

No one can say exactly when music began, but it is known that it has accompanied humanity since ancient times. Even at the dawn of civilization, three methods of musical sound production were identified: striking a sounding object, vibrating a stretched string, and blowing air into a hollow tube. This was the beginning of three types of musical instruments - percussion, strings and wind.

The very first wind instruments were hollow bones of various animals. For example, the most ancient one known to scientists - the Neanderthal pipe - is made from the bone of a cave bear. In their development, wind instruments took different shapes, but various peoples General patterns were observed in this process.

Pan Flute

Having learned to extract sound from a pipe (first bone, then wooden), a person wanted to diversify this sound. He noticed that pipes of different lengths produce sounds of different pitches. The simplest (and therefore most ancient) solution was to tie together several different tubes and move this structure along the mouth.

Thus was born the instrument best known as Greek name syrinx, or the flute of Pan (according to Greek myth, it was created by the god Pan). But you should not think that only the Greeks had such a flute - among other peoples it existed under other names: ekuduchai in Lithuania, nai in Moldova, kugikly in Russia.

A distant descendant of this flute is such a complex and majestic instrument as the organ.

Pipe and flute

To produce sounds of different heights, it is not necessary to take several tubes; you can change the length of one by making holes on it and blocking them with your fingers in certain combinations. This is how an instrument was born, which among the Russians was called the flute, among the Belarusians - the pipe, among the Belarusians - the sopilka, among the Moldovans - the fluer.

All these instruments are held across the face, this is called a “longitudinal flute,” but there was another design: the hole into which air is blown is located in the same plane as the finger holes. This kind of flute - transverse - was developed in academic music, and the modern flute goes back to it. And the “descendant” of the pipe – the recorder – is included in symphony orchestra is not included, although it is used in academic music.


The instruments discussed above are among the whistling ones, but there is also a more complex design: the instrument is equipped with a bell into which a reed is inserted - a thin plate (originally made of birch bark), the vibration of which makes the sound louder and changes its timbre.

This design is typical for the Russian pity, the Chinese sheng. There were similar tools in Western Europe, modern classical oboe and clarinet go back to them.


Another design option for a wind instrument is an additional part that comes into contact with the musician’s lips, the mouthpiece. This is typical for a horn.

The horn is usually associated with the work of a shepherd. Indeed, the shepherds used horns, because the sound of this instrument is quite strong, it can be heard on long distance. This is facilitated by the conical shape.

This is just a small part of the diversity that wind instruments represent. different nations.

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Tip 4: Which musical instruments are considered folk instruments

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