“The Captain's Daughter” - A. S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter

please write a characterization of Pyotr Grenev from the story “The Captain’s Daughter” in the form of an essay, just so that it doesn’t start like this: Grinev Pyotr Andreevich

(Petrusha) - main character last major work
Pushkin, a provincial Russian nobleman, on whose behalf (in the form of “notes for
memory of posterity", compiled in the era of Alexander I about the era of Pugachevsky
rebellion) the narrative is being told. In the historical story " Captain's daughter»
all the themes of Pushkin’s creativity of the 1830s came together.

Questions about the story "The Captain's Daughter"

1.Indicate the name of the city that is described in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", which found itself in a disastrous situation due to a long siege by Pugachev's troops.
2. The name of which king was appropriated by Emelyan Pugachev, the hero of the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter"?
3.Indicate the surname of the hero of the story A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", who went over to Pugachev's side.
4.Indicate the surname of Ivan Kuzmich, commandant of the Belogorsk fortress (A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”).

1) What is the main problem of the story "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin?

1.Simplicity of the people and their role in the development of society
2. Honor and duty
3. The role of the people and the nobility in the development of the country’s history?

2) What is Mtsyri’s confession like? poem of the same name M.Yu. Lermontov?
1. The hero’s repentance for actions and deeds
2. A call to abandon the fruitless struggle
3.protection of the rights to freedom and happiness

3) What is L.N.’s story about? Tolstoy "After the Ball"
1.About the life and fate of the colonel
2. About Ivan Vasilyevich’s love for Varenka, his relationship with the heroine’s family
3. About a person’s personal responsibility for the life of society, the falsehood, emptiness and inhuman cruelty of this society, hidden under the mask of good nature

4) The focus of the author’s attention in the poem “Vasily Terkin” by A.T. Tvardovsky is located:
1.Real person Vasily Terkin, who visited the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War
2. People at war in a wide variety of situations and episodes
3. Events during the Great Patriotic War

5) What is the purpose of the Kalmyk fairy tale told by E. Pugachev to P. Grinev in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter"
1. Allegorical additional characterization of the images of E. Pugachev and P. Grinev
2.Reflection life position E. Pugacheva: it is better to live a short but free life than to exist in captivity
3.Additional characteristics of E. Pugachev as a good expert folk legends and legends

6) What proverb did the narrator characterize his friendship with the Luganovichs (“About Love” by A.P. Chekhov)?
1.The woman had no troubles, so she bought a pig
2.And from good dog you'll get fleas
3. Friends in need

7) In which story is the central theme of love?
1. "Caucasus" I.A. Bunina
2. “Case history” M.M. Zoshchenko
3. "Return" by A.P. Platonov

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What I thought about while reading A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”.

While reading the story, I first of all thought about the proverb that begins with the words “Take care of your honor from a young age.” This proverb sets the character of the entire work. Therefore, honor and moral ideals. But each of the heroes approaches these life principles differently. Grinev retains his honor and dignity throughout his life presented in the novel. He remains true to himself and his word in any difficult situations. Firstly, he honestly gives back the lost money. Secondly, he does not swear allegiance to Pugachev. And thirdly, he does not promise the rebel that he will not fight against him. At the same time, he remembers that from words and actions in in this case his life depended.

An honest nobleman, even in the face of near death he remains true to his convictions. Not a shadow of doubt arises in him about his own faith. Grinev remains firm in his word, having sworn allegiance to the empress; no life circumstances will force him to back down. He, like Pugachev, is a courageous man. He risks his own life to save his beloved. In order not to tarnish the name of Masha Mironova, he is ready to accept both death and dishonor (according to Shvabrin’s slander, he is going to be executed as a traitor). For Grinev, “pecking at carrion” means becoming a traitor, betraying an oath, betraying oneself. It is better for him to live a short but decent life.

We see another man of honor in this novel - the commandant of the fortress, Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. Not only from his youth, but even until his death, he retained his honor and dignity, paying for it with his life. Captain Mironov’s daughter, Masha, also follows this rule. The girl did not want to get married without the blessing of the groom's parents. In this situation, she commits a noble act, because she wanted the groom’s parents to accept her into the family.

Shvabrin fails to preserve his good name. He does not believe that honor is such a valuable asset. In any case, not more valuable than life. And when answering the question “Betray and stay alive or remain faithful and die?” he chooses the first option.

Shvabrin, taking advantage of the moment when Masha lost both parents and remained defenseless, locked her in a fortress, forcing her to forcibly marry him. The appearance of Pugachev evokes conflicting feelings in Masha. On the one hand, he was the killer of her parents, and on the other hand, her savior. Not knowing what to say, Masha was confused and fell unconscious. Pugachev is depicted here as a man not devoid of nobility. He returned kindness with kindness, remembering the hare sheepskin coat given to him by Grinev.

Pugachev released Peter and Masha, and Grinev sent her to his parents, who treated her very well, because after so many trials she still had not lost the desire to live.

The most striking episode in the story is the arrest of Peter. The envious and vile Shvabrin decided to destroy the lover's union by any means, so he denounces Grinev as a traitor to the nobility. Masha declares her new family who goes on a journey, where he will seek protection and help from strong people, as the daughter of a man who suffered for his fidelity.

Having met the empress by chance, but without even suspecting who her interlocutor is, Masha tells her her whole story and the real reason for Peter’s arrest.

This story touched on the problems of morality, duty, honor and human dignity. We evaluated each character according to one criterion or another. Each of the heroes of the novel went through life with the commandment “Take care of honor from a young age”

Short description

What I thought about while reading A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”.

While reading the story, I first of all thought about the proverb that begins with the words “Take care of your honor from a young age.” This proverb sets the character of the entire work. Therefore, honor and moral ideals become the main things in the novel. But each of the heroes approaches these differently. life principles. Grinev retains his honor and dignity throughout his life presented in the novel. He remains true to himself and his word in any difficult situations. Firstly, he honestly gives back the lost money. Secondly, he does not swear allegiance to Pugachev. And thirdly, he does not promise the rebel that he will not fight against him. At the same time, he remembers that his life depended on words and actions in this case.

My favorite Pushkin's work- This is “The Captain's Daughter”. In this work, the author managed to reveal the images of heroes and nature. It was also possible to convey the spirit of that era. I want to reread this work many times. And you will never get tired of doing it. As you read, you imagine yourself in Marya Ivanovna’s place, you think what I would have done in her place. You worry about the fate of the heroes. That is why “The Captain’s Daughter” is one of my favorite works by A.S. Pushkin.

The work begins with the epigraph: “..Take care of honor from a young age..”, which makes us think about what this work is about. And so the main character of the work is Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, a young sergeant of the guard. He is handsome, smart, and knew a little French. Until the age of sixteen, he was, as he himself said, a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. But at one point everything changed, he was sent to serve. But Peter imagines that the service is entertainment. But his father sent Petrusha to the Orenburg province in Belogorsk fortress. Peter was upset, his plans were crumbling, instead of a guard officer in St. Petersburg, some sergeant was also in the Belogorsk fortress. Long road going to the fortress oppresses him. Here are a few lines: “..I was approaching my destination. Around me stretched sad deserts, intersected by hills and ravines. Everything was covered with snow. The sun was setting. The carriage was traveling along narrow road, or more precisely along the trail laid by peasant sleighs...” In the wagon he has a dream. And as it turned out later, it was a prophetic dream. Arriving at the Belogorsk fortress, he meets Shvabrin. At first glance he is a pleasant person, but later it becomes clear that he is a traitor. Traitor to the Motherland, traitor to his people. He was afraid of death, and at any cost, he did everything to achieve his goal. Even if it costs the life of Marya Ivanovna’s father. But let's get back to their acquaintance. Shvabrin tells Petrusha about the captain’s daughter Marya Ivanovna. He describes her as a complete fool. And naturally, if they describe a person to you from the bad side, then your attitude towards him will not be very good. When he first meets Marya Ivanovna, Pert really looks at her as if she were ugly, but as soon as he takes a closer look, Peter realizes that this is not so. Masha was a girl of about seventeen, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire. Masha was shy at the beginning of Peter. But after a few weeks it went away. Grinev finds in her a prudent and sensitive girl. Peter fell in love. And here he writes wonderful poetry. Very sensitive, inspired:

Destroying the thought of love,

I try to forget the beautiful

And oh, avoiding Masha,

I'm thinking of getting the liberty!

But the eyes that captivated me

Every minute before me;

They confused my spirit,

They destroyed my peace.

You, having learned my misfortunes,

Have pity on me, Masha,

In vain me in this fierce part,

And that I'm captivated by you.

Shvabrin condemns him; as it turns out later, he was also not indifferent to Masha, but she rejected him. And now he describes Masha from the bad side. All this leads to a duel. This fight could have been avoided, but, alas. The gauntlet is thrown, a duel. Peter is wounded in a duel. Masha takes care of him. This is where it turns out that Masha also has tender feelings for Peter. But there will be no wedding. Peter's father does not give a blessing. Pyotr Andreevich quarrels with Masha. But then rumors spread throughout the fortress about Pugachev’s attack. It seems to me that it was Pugachev’s arrival at the Belogorsk fortress that played an important role in revealing the characters’ characters. Pushkin fully reveals the images of the heroes, shows their positive and negative sides. I really like this one crucial moment. Here we find out what Shvabrin really is. When Pugachev and his “army” arrive, Masha’s father is hanged on the gallows and her mother is shot. Marya Ivanovna is in shock. While Pugachev was in the fortress, Masha was passed off as the clerk’s niece. Masha for a long time I could not move away from these terrible events. At the same time, Peter was not next to her at that moment. Grinev was sent to Orenburg. But he couldn’t hold out for long, not knowing anything about Masha. He is tormented by guesses about what is happening to Masha, because she remained in the power of Shvabrin, since he became the commandant of the fortress. But then a letter arrives from Marya Ivanovna. A few lines that I considered the most important from this letter: “..I live in our house under guard. Alesey Ivanovich is forcing me to marry him. He says that he saved my life because he covered up Akulina Pamfilovna’s deception... and it’s easier for me... to die than to become the wife of such a man as Alesey Ivanovich. He treats me very cruelly and threatens that if I don’t come to my senses and agree, he will take me to the villain’s camp... He agreed to wait three more days; and if I don’t marry him in three days, there will be no mercy. Father Peter Andreich! you are my only patron; intercede for me, poor..." Peter, having read this letter, almost went crazy. After the general did not let him leave the camp, he went to the Belogorsk fortress without permission. On the way to the fortress, he encounters Pugachev's camp, but Pugachev does not kill him. But on the contrary, he listens and goes with him to the fortress. Marya Ivanovna, seeing Pugachev, did not agree to leave, since Pugachev was the murderer of her parents. On the one hand, her action is correct, to remain in the fortress, but on the other hand, to be the wife of Shvabrin, who mocked her so cruelly. But I can't judge her actions. And so Pugachev learns that Masha is actually the daughter of Commandant Mironov. But having learned this, he does not order Grinev to be hanged, but on the contrary orders that Peter be given a pass to all outposts and fortresses. At this moment, we can say that Shvabrin was left with nothing, he lost the woman he loved, he fell in Grinev’s eyes. The story could have ended there, but at this moment Peter is arrested. He is accused of entering Pugachev's service. This is absurd, but still true. And the reason for this is Shvabrin’s envy of Grinev’s happiness. According to him, Grinev was repelled from Pugachev to Orenburg by a spy. This would seem to be the end, Peter should be judged, Marya would be left alone. But Masha went to St. Petersburg to ask the empress herself for a petition. But in the garden, Masha meets a woman who listens to her whole story. And as it turned out later, it was the empress herself. The next day, Marya Ivanovna was invited to the palace. And this is what the empress told her: “. .I am glad that I could keep my word to you and fulfill your request. Your business is over. I am convinced of your fiance's innocence. Here is a letter that you yourself will take the trouble to take to your future father-in-law...”

This is where the story “The Captain's Daughter” ends. There were many exciting moments. Worried about the fate of the heroes, you turn one page after another. And you don’t notice how you read the story. This story contains real events. After all, as you know, Pushkin traveled to the provinces where Pugachev visited and collected information about his stay. Based on these notes, he wrote this work, which I really liked.

Every time I re-read the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, I never cease to be amazed at his genius. I am amazed by the simplicity and friendly, trusting attitude towards the reader. Tales of the great Russian poet were read to me in early childhood. I could listen to them as much as I wanted, they helped me get into amazing world books. When I grew up and learned to read, “Belkin’s Tales” opened up to me the world of human feelings and experiences. My favorite work was the story “The Captain's Daughter”.
I have always had an interest in the personality of Pugachev, one of the main characters of the story, and it was Pushkin who revealed to me the character traits of this extraordinary, bright personality. We first meet him during a terrible snowstorm in the steppe. His quick wit, ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, and sense of self-control amaze me. I have respect for that to an extraordinary person, a simple man who managed to captivate people. Step by step, together with the hero of the story, Grinev, I go through all the trials, meet the “rebel”, hear his bright, figurative speech, understand, and sometimes do not understand his proverbs, but every time I am amazed at their wisdom: “If it rains, there will be fungi ", "They began to ring for vespers, but the priest did not say: the priest is visiting, the devils are in the graveyard."

Here Captain Mironov dies, blood is shed, people run after Pugachev, greeting their “tsar”... And I’m sad... And I see Pugachev’s cruelty, I hear Vasilisa Yegorovna’s cry. So is he really just a robber and a villain?! And I am trying, by repeatedly re-reading the work, to understand difficult fate this difficult hero.

Here he is at the “military council”, and I feel that under the mask of the “king” there is a man with a vulnerable soul, who understands the doom of his situation, understands that his days are numbered, and all this strikes me with “pyitic horror.” And in the end, I still see those character traits, those virtues, thanks to which people are drawn to him, trust him with their lives and heads, and I begin to understand why another beloved hero, Pyotr Grinev, treats him with such respect and trust . What attracts me about him is his gentleness, good-heartedness, decency, gullibility, and to some extent irony. It’s no coincidence that Pugachev trusts Grinev with his secret and tells Kalmyk fairy tale. And although Grinev innocently rejects this fairy tale, not understanding its meaning, some kind of spiritual connection, spiritual understanding arises between them. And when he refuses to swear allegiance to the “troublemaker,” he lets him go in peace, respecting him as a person fulfilling his duty of serving the Fatherland.

I am also interested in Pyotr Grinev in how he understands the sense of duty, loyalty, how he can love;

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin always values ​​his heroes by their ability to love. And the pages of the story “The Captain's Daughter”, dedicated to the tender relationship between Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev, give me life lessons love and purity of relationships.

I admire mental fortitude, integrity of nature, sensitivity, purity of every impulse, bright aspirations of Masha Mironova. She, like Tatyana Larina, is Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”.

This work teaches Me what, it seems to me, is necessary in life: to look for your truth, your life path, stay true to your views and principles, be a persistent and courageous person to the end... I know it's difficult. How difficult it was for Grinev, Masha Mironova, her father, Captain Mironov, that is, for all those people for whom honor is above all. And I can say with confidence that the epigraph to the story “Take care of the honor of Smolo-DU” will be for me and my peers guiding star. Pugachev’s multifaceted character also left a deep imprint on my soul.

Because Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was able to captivate me in extraordinary world of his narrative, made me experience a feeling of bitterness and sadness, joy and delight, think about the meaning of life, and I love this brilliant work.

A.S. Pushkin began work on “The Captain's Daughter” in 1833 and finished it in 1836. IN last years life, the theme of the peasant uprising was one of the central ones in his work. In the 1930s in Russia, the number of peasant riots and disturbances, directed primarily against serfdom, increased. Back in 1824, Pushkin thought about the role of the people in history. In the drama “Boris Godunov” the poet raises an important problem of the people and power. Then he again touches on this topic in the unfinished story “The History of the Village of Goryukhin” and continues it in “Dubrovsky”.
Starting work on “The Captain's Daughter,” the writer focuses on “popular opinion” as an active and even decisive factor in history. According to Pushkin, changing the political structure of society is impossible without bringing the nobles and the peasant masses closer together. Probably, it was precisely this idea that Pushkin reflected on in his story “The Captain’s Daughter,” which not only reflects the uprising of 1773-1775, but also touches on such important topics as problems of duty, honor and human dignity.
The work is narrated from the perspective of an eyewitness who directly observed the events of those times. But Petrusha Grinev is not a faceless means of conveying facts and events, he is a person who has his own assessment, his own personal perception and understanding of what is happening. Therefore, observing events through the perception of Grinev, a rather typical hero, we have the opportunity not only to imagine the historical situation of Russia in the 70s of the 18th century, but also learn about the life of the nobility of that time, about their ideas, views and ideals. By showing the images of the main characters, not very voluminous, but meaningful and bright, Pushkin sufficiently reflects the mores of Russian society in the era of Catherine II. For example, drawing Grinev’s parents, he tells us about the life of the middle class of nobles who read the “annually received” “Court Calendar”, respect service and value devotion to the fatherland. The kind Savelich, who suffers the master’s injustices, but still loves the “master’s child” with all his heart, is also a typical image. Many peasants went over to Pugachev’s side and began to fight against serfdom and their masters. But there were also many people like Savelich, who, having gotten used to it, could no longer imagine themselves independent of their masters.
Images of Shvabrin, an ordinary Russian officer, leading a dissolute life and not having any serious thoughts in his head, Mironov and his wife, living peacefully and simply, their godfather Ivan Ignatievich, a good-natured old man who loves his service, and finally, Pugachev himself, with his “gentlemen” generals” - all these images give us an almost complete picture of life provincial nobility of that time, about his conflicts with peasants who were tired of enduring oppression and injustice. Belinsky called these images “a miracle of perfection in fidelity, truth of content and mastery of presentation.”
This story can be called a historical work not only because it well reflects the life of the peasants and nobility of Catherine’s era. It conveys quite clearly the specific historical facts, in particular - the Pugachev uprising. Pushkin forces his narrator to mention even those events that neither he himself nor those around him witnessed (for example, the news of Pugachev’s capture of other fortresses. From the messenger’s story and from the general’s letter).
From the above we can conclude that main theme in the story for the author it was precisely peasant revolt, but not love story captain's daughter with the district officer of the Belgorod fortress. Trying to find ways to bring the nobility closer to the peasants and showing how Grinev perceives everything around him, Pushkin explains that the nobles are not yet able to understand the lower class. In some places in the story, Grinev does not even understand the conversations of his companions; he cannot explain his strange, incomprehensible craving for Pugachev. A noble officer only blindly obeys his duty and oath, going against his heart for this.
Pushkin, of course, does not agree with this understanding of duty and honor, but he does not undertake to argue with his main character, giving us the opportunity to see what ideals the society of that time stood on. This once again shows that the story is historical in nature.
Emphasize the historicity of the work and exact dates indicated by the author in the text, and correct sequence events, and specific facts about the capture of fortresses, the siege of Orenburg.
Reading A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” we simultaneously follow the plot of an ordinary story and observe the events of the historical narrative. This work is interesting and informative and, according to V.G. Belinsky, one of the most best works Russian literature.

    “The Captain's Daughter” marked the beginning of the Russian historical novel. With his works on historical topics Pushkin made a contribution of enormous value to Russian literature. In their historical works he recreated the most significant episodes from life...

    Not long ago I read A.S. Pushkin’s book “The Captain’s Daughter”. It talked about young man Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, whom his father first wanted to send to serve in St. Petersburg, and then changed his mind and sent him to the Belogorsk fortress. The first...

    When determining the genre of The Captain's Daughter (1836), researchers encounter some difficulties. The fact is that "The Captain's Daughter" is characterized by genre features both a story and a novel, and Pushkin himself called his work either a story or a novel...

    In the genre "The Captain's Daughter" - historical narrative in the form of family notes. There are features of both a story and a novel; historical events are closely related to the personal fate of the protagonist. Pushkin chooses Grinev as the narrator because...