Indian fairy tales. When luck smiles. Indian fairy tales, legends and folk stories Indian magical folk tales

“The children are huddled around a gray-bearded storyteller in a snow-white turban. It’s stuffy in the house, but here, in the courtyard, fenced with a blank wall, under the tropical Indian night sky with large stars and a bright moon, it’s easier to breathe. Grandfather’s speech flows smoothly and smoothly. Grandfather tells a fairy tale. At the same time, attention, delight, enthusiasm, and an incomparable feeling of joy from meeting the wonderful were imprinted on the children’s faces,” with these fabulous words begins Volume 3 of the series “Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the World” - “Fairy Tales of the Peoples of Asia.” Mostly fairy tales are magical, about animals and everyday.
Animals in fairy tales talk and understand human speech, they help positive hero. In many Indian tales you will sense a mocking attitude towards monkeys; they apparently reminded the storytellers of fussy and unlucky people. It is not for nothing that in Ancient India they were said to be “changeable, like the thoughts of monkeys.”

Indian fairy tales

golden fish

On the banks of a large river, an old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated hut. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river to catch fish, the old woman boiled this fish or baked it on coals, and that was the only way they were fed. If the old man doesn’t catch anything, he just goes hungry.

And in that river lived the golden-faced god Jala...

Magic ring Once upon a time there lived a merchant. He had two sons. As soon as the merchant died, younger son

He began to go for walks, have fun, and spend his father’s money without restraint. The elder didn't like it. “Look, everything my father has acquired will go down the drain,” thought the elder brother. - What does he need: no wife, no children, no... We love fairy tales no less. These are fairy tales in which supernatural forces are necessarily at work. All interest in
fairy tale focused on the fate of a positive hero., Later, everyday tales appeared. They don't have supernatural powers magic items or animals with magical power the hero is helped by his own dexterity, ingenuity, as well as the stupidity and slow-wittedness of his opponent. The hero of an Indian fairy tale, the intelligent and resourceful Tenali Ramakrishna, skillfully deceives the tyrant king. In everyday fairy tales there is a hero whom A. M. Gorky aptly called the “ironic successor,” the classic example of which can be Ivanushka, the fool from Russian fairy tales. He is stupid, narrow-minded, but luck accompanies him everywhere. In Indian folklore, such a hero is a stupid brahmana - a priest. He pretends that he is learned and smart, that he understands fortune-telling books, but in fact he shakes with fear every time he needs to show his art. But invariably, chance comes to his rescue every time, and the glory of a wise soothsayer is more and more firmly assigned to him. These are certainly funny tales.
The literature of every nation is rooted in oral folk art. Indian epic poems"Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" are closely connected with Indian folklore. The authors of the ancient Indian collections of stories “Panchatantra” and “Jatakas” drew motifs, plots and images of their works from folk tales. IN literary monument The 11th century Indian poet Somadeva's "Ocean of Tales" contains over three hundred inserted stories: a fairy tale is intertwined with a myth, an anecdote, or a short story. Funny motifs from Indian fairy tales were also included in the huge collection “Ancient Tales,” which appeared in the 11th century in Japan.
Centuries pass, generations change, but interest in the fairy tale does not dry up. Let the news sound tempting in your home too today- audio fairy tales. Listen online, download and enjoy Indian folk tales!

The ancestors of the Indian population came to this land from different parts of the world. Therefore, today Indian fairy tales are told by hundreds of nationalities inhabiting the country.

How to distinguish an Indian fairy tale?

Despite all the diversity of cultures, religions and even languages, the best Indian fairy tales for children have some peculiarities. The main focus of most stories are:

    desire to gain knowledge;


    preference for a righteous lifestyle;

    placing family values ​​at the forefront;

    inclusion of poetic forms.

Religious quotes and teachings are directly put into the mouths of some characters.

Brief history of creation

Old Indian legends date back to before our era. Then they were created as teachings for the sons of the ruler of the country. But they already had a fairy-tale form, they were written on behalf of animals. The oldest collection of fairy tales directly is “Kathasaritsagaru”, based on ancient beliefs in traditional Indian gods.

Gradually everything came together folklore stories. Magical, everyday, love, heroic tales. In the folk art of the country, many stories were written about ordinary people who have overcome all the adversities of fate. Fairy tales were spread about animals possessing all human qualities. They interacted with each other, denounced vices, and praised virtuous behavior. Often the narrative included short advice given by the wisest hero. This is how fairy tales remain today.

What attracts you to the amazing legends of India?

The fairy-tale fantasies of India attract with their amazingly colorful oriental flavor, storytelling style and of course – an abundance of magical plots. At the same time, the child unobtrusively receives wise advice, forms a correct vision of the surrounding world of people and animals.

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Municipal government educational institution

"Baranovskaya average comprehensive school»

History Project

“India is the birthplace of fairy tales

about animals"

Completed by a 5th grade student

Ivanova Kristina

Head: Grigorova L. M.,

history and social studies teacher

With. Baranovo.


1. Sacred animals of India

2. Tales about animals, their features and varieties


Information sources



India is one of the most amazing countries peace. Perhaps no country can compare with its rich culture, its customs, traditions, and religions. My acquaintance with India began in childhood, when I read R. Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”. And then we studied India in history lessons.

India is located on the Hindustan Peninsula. It has a rich flora and fauna. India is a “land of wonders”. She gave the world a lot amazing discoveries: cotton fabrics, cane sugar, seasonings, chess, numbers. India is a multinational country. Each nation has its own culture, language, traditions. India is a country with rich religious traditions.


Why did animal stories appear in India?

Target my project: to find out the connection between religious beliefs and Indian folklore.

find information on the topic;

establish a connection between religious beliefs and the plots of Indian fairy tales;

4) select and systematize required material;

5) compose a literary booklet of Indian fairy tales and recommend it to classmates for reading.

I did not choose the topic of this project by chance. I and all the kids in our class love fairy tales, especially fairy tales about animals. In history class we learned that India is considered the birthplace of fairy tales. “Why her?” I thought and decided to find out about this in more detail and introduce my research to the guys.

Sacred Animals of India

Hinduism is one of the ancient and main religions of India. Hinduism is a belief in myths and legends, the worship of gods, of which there are several thousand, but the main three are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Hinduism is a way of life that emphasizes respect for animals. All animals were considered brothers and sisters of man, common father which God was. Hinduism emphasizes the kinship of man with all animals, and this makes it impossible to have a hostile or even indifferent attitude towards animals. Indians believe in the transmigration of souls - this is called reincarnation. If a person treats animals cruelly, then after death his soul will move into the soul of this animal and will also be subjected to violence. For the same reason, most Indians are vegetarians - they do not eat meat.

Special place Hindu religious beliefs include the worship of sacred animals. The most revered animal in India is the cow. This animal is shown the greatest respect everywhere. She can move freely around streets , creating traffic jams. A normal sight for the streets of Delhi and Bombay is considered to be a situation where a cow blocked traffic and lay down to rest across roads. And the cars, in turn, wait patiently when animal will give way. Killing a cow is considered the most terrible crime in India. Ate beef in the next world there are so many difficult years of suffering, How many the cow has hairs on its body. Many temples in India hold festivals dedicated to cow . On this day, the cow is decorated with expensive, beautiful fabrics and garlands, and various dishes are presented to them. The cow represents abundance, purity, holiness. Just like Mother Earth, the cow is the principle of selfless sacrifice. It produces milk and other dairy products, which serve as the basis of a vegetarian diet.

Elephants enjoy special attention and respect among Indians. According to Hindu traditions, any person who harms an elephant incurs a curse. One of the most revered and widespread deities in Hinduism is the elephant-headed god Ganesh. It brings wealth and prosperity. Helps in business and removes any obstacles.

Today, the elephant is a hardworking helper for peasants. Recently, regular censuses of these giants have begun to be carried out in India. The elephant's passport indicates the gender, age and special features. Along with the passport, it is planned to introduce work books, where all actions in the field of serving people will be recorded. Elephant festivals are held in India in the spring. Dressed up giant elephants proudly parade through the streets, participate in various competitions and even dance. And in the fall, Ganesh's birthday is celebrated. Fruits, milk, and flowers are brought to the statues of the elephant god.

Another sacred animal is the rat. In the town of Deshnok, in Rajasthan, there is a unique temple created specifically for these animals. It bears the name of Karni Mata, a Hindu saint. She lived in the XIV-XVI centuries, and showed the world many miracles. Her mission is victory over obstacles, pain and suffering, protection, as well as destruction of everything that interferes with development.

According to local residents There are more than twenty thousand rats here. These are the happiest rats in the world. People do not disdain them, do not scream in horror when they approach. On the contrary, pilgrims from all over the country flock here to bring tribute to the rats, feed them, and express their respect. This is the only place in the world where people worship rats. Indians treat these animals with love and respect and firmly believe that they will bring happiness. Candy bitten by a rat is considered a sacred food.

The monkeys that live everywhere in India are also surrounded by an aura of holiness in India. According to legend, the kingdom of Hampi in Goya state was once ruled by monkeys, two brothers Bali and Sugriva. The evil Bali expelled his brother, and Sugriva and his devoted companions joined the army of King Rama. Rama helped him take the throne. Sugriva's friend Hanuman became Rama's faithful assistant. It was he who tied a torch to his tail to consecrate the battlefield and help Rama defeat the evil demon. Despite their holiness, monkeys often irritate Indians with their importunity, curiosity and thievery. A few years ago, near Jaipur, a monkey appeared and robbed houses after knocking on the door.

The spectacled cobra is considered sacred in Hinduism. According to legend, the god Vishnu, the patron of goodness and law, rests on it in the waves of the world ocean. Cobras also wrap around the neck of the omnipotent Shiva. They cover both the arms and the head with their rings. Buddha sat under the swollen hoods of a multi-headed cobra during his sermons, having previously turned her to the path of good by the power of his teachings.

Snake charmers are a special caste in India. They can be seen at all fairs and market streets in India, as well as in places visited by tourists. They squat in front of their round baskets, from which swaying cobras stick out, and play the pipes. Sometimes cobras begin to crawl out of their baskets and attempt to escape. But they are immediately caught and returned back.

Tales about animals, their characteristics and varieties

Fairy tales are one of the main genres of Indian folklore. Folklore is poetic creativity that grows on the basis labor activity humanity, reflecting the experience of thousands of years.

Fairy tales are epic, mostly prose works magical, adventurous or everyday in nature with a fantasy orientation. Their beginning was lost in the darkness of primitive times. Not every invention became a fairy tale. According to tradition, only what was important for people was passed down from generation to generation. Storytellers expressed the wisdom of their people, their aspirations and dreams. This is where the originality and uniqueness of fairy tales comes from.

The diverse and rich nature of India has greatly influenced folk culture its regions. Common names wild impenetrable nature in India - the jungle. Indian nature has been the subject of numerous tales and fables such as the Panchatantra and the Jatakas.

The genres of fairy tales are different: everyday, magical, fairy tales, legends, fairy tales about animals. Fairy tales can be original or folk. There are fairy tales that are instructive, kind, sad, and funny. But they are all magical. People believe in magic, and that goodness, truth and purity of thoughts will definitely prevail over evil, lies and pretense, and peace, love and justice will reign in the world.

Fairy tales are based on religious beliefs and the diversity of Indian wildlife. The characters of Indian folk tales about animals are represented, as a rule, by images of wild and domestic animals. Images of wild animals prevail over images of domestic animals: fox, panther, etc. Domestic animals are much less common. They do not appear as independent characters, but only in conjunction with wild ones: a cat and a ram, a bull and a pig. There are no tales only about domestic animals in Indian folklore.

The authors of fairy tales endowed animals with human character. They speak human language and act like humans. In fairy tales, animals suffer and rejoice, love and hate, laugh and curse. Each character is an image of a certain animal, behind which stands one or another human character. For example, a jackal is cunning, cowardly; tiger - greedy and always hungry; Leo – strong, domineering; the mouse is weak and harmless. Labor triumphs over wealth, truth over lies, good over evil.

Fairy tales glorify the best human qualities: courage and resourcefulness, hard work and honesty, kindness and justice. Everything negative: selfishness, arrogance, stinginess, laziness, greed, cruelty - inevitably fails. Fairy tales are full of humor and everyday life life situations, are distinguished by their rich plots.

Each line is imbued with the people’s love for their own culture; they describe in detail the life of the inhabitants of ancient times.

Over the long history of its existence, India many times found itself under the yoke of Muslim rulers, which left a considerable mark on folk art.

After the liberation of India from colonial oppression and the formation of a republic, new collections of fairy tales began to appear in different parts of the country - in Bengal, Bihar, Punjab, Braj. New collections present folklore for the most part, not in translations, but in those dialects in which fairy tale collectors recorded them. A lot of work The collection of folklore is carried out by ethnographers and linguists - researchers of small peoples and their languages.


Thus, during the work we managed to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

In the folklore of the peoples of the world, fairy tales are the most amazing creation.

Fairy tales are a centuries-old encyclopedia folk life, but the encyclopedia is lively and entertaining. Magical and truthful, funny and a cautionary tale passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

Indian nature has been the subject of numerous tales such as the Panchatantra and the Jatakas. In India, the heroes of fairy tales are animals that the inhabitants feared and therefore revered.

Indian fairy tales are distinguished by their rich, exciting stories. Just like India itself, which attracts with its mysteries, so its fairy tales leave a long, good, unforgettable impression. Fairy tales ancient india, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, based on their stories interesting movies and cartoons.

The finished product of the work on the topic “India - the birthplace of fairy tales about animals” was the literary booklet “What a delight these fairy tales are.” In it I recommend for reading fairy tales that are in school and Baranovskaya rural libraries. These are not only Indian folk tales, but also tales written English writer Rudyard Kipling. He was born and raised in India. All fairy tales are interesting and, most importantly, instructive.

Information sources

    Children's encyclopedia "1001 questions and answers", Moscow, "ONICS", 200

    A Brief History of Indian Literatures. L., 1974

    To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

Appendix No. 1. The sacred animal of India is the cow.

Appendix No. 2. The sacred animal of India is the elephant.

Appendix No. 3. The sacred animal of India is the rat.

Appendix No. 4. The sacred animal of India is the monkey.

Appendix No. 5. The sacred animal of India is the cobra.

Appendix No. 6. Collections of Indian fairy tales Panchatantra and Jataka.

Appendix No. 6. Books of the Baranovsk Rural Library

So the wife carried a bundle of rice on her head, and the jug hung on a cord on her wrist. And they walked from her parents to their home. The husband walked in front, and the wife walked behind. And just when she descended into the hollow, who knows where the bhoot came from, took on human form and followed her. The woman thinks: “That’s right, this is some kind of Santal. He’s also going somewhere.” She didn't tell him anything, and he didn't tell her anything. And the sun was only two times shy of sunset - it was already nightfall.

There were bushes growing around the tree. The partridge climbed into them and began flapping its wings with all its might. The dogs rushed towards the noise with a loud bark: it seemed to them that he was hiding in the bushes big beast. The partridge fluttered - and straight to the hole where the jackal hid. The dogs are behind her. One dog smelled the jackal and raised its voice. Then the others came running, pulled the jackal out of the hole, and began to thrash him. The jackal howled in pain, but at least the dogs had nothing to do with it. Finally they left him half dead.

“What a joker,” the animals think. They will laugh at the jackal’s invention, repeating his poem after him, drink water and go home. At noon a tiger came to the lake. The jackal forced him to say a greeting. The tiger, like everyone else, laughed, repeated his stupid rhyme after the jackal and drank some water. And the jackal is bursting with joy.

Listen to me and resolve our dispute. This tiger is caught in a cage. I heard his terrible roar, took pity on him, removed the bolt from the cage and released the tiger to freedom. And now he wants to eat me. Tell me, is this fair and doesn’t there exist justice in the world?

The peasant heard someone calling him and was surprised: after all, there was no one in the field. Whose voice is this? Who could it be? Looking around, he went in the direction from which the call was heard, and when he came closer and peered, his surprise knew no bounds - in front of him lay a watermelon with a bundle on his head.

The boy obeyed and, when he climbed the tree, did as the witch taught him. But as soon as he stood with his foot on a dry branch, it immediately broke. And the witch was already standing under the tree with an open bag, and the boy fell straight into it. The witch quickly tied the bag and went home.

The younger brother had no idea about deception and cunning. He gave the box to his older brother. Everyone was tired during the day and, as soon as they lay down, they fell asleep. The elder brother did not sleep. He quietly woke up all his brothers except the youngest, and they left the forest. When the prince opened his eyes in the morning and discovered that the brothers had left, he became sad. But what can you do? He gathered his strength and set off on his way. A few days later he came to some city. There the king had a mute daughter. Heralds walked through the streets with drums and shouted loudly that the king would marry the princess to the one who would force her to speak. And anyone who tries and fails will be sent to prison. The prince heard the heralds and thought: there is no need to rush into anything. So he decided to stop at an inn.

The elder began to pour wheat into the pot. It pours and pours, but never fills to the top. He added more and looked - but the pot remained empty. Then the elder took a large scoop and began to quickly scoop up the wheat from the bin. An hour passed, two, three: the elder poured wheat into the pot, and it was still almost empty! The headman had to rake out all the wheat from the barn in order to somehow fill the pot. The elder was out of breath, sweat was pouring off him. Because of greed and malice there is no face on him: such a tiny pot, but it contained all his wheat! Here, of course, it couldn’t be done without witchcraft! The elder is sorry to part with his wheat, but he remains silent and does not open his mouth. And what's the use of talking? He promised it himself!