Masha Adoevtseva official Instagram. Maria Adoevtseva has found a new family. Instagram Maria Kozhevnikova

Maria Adoevtseva said that her stepdaughter calls her mom. Birth mother girls died. Her father raised her himself until he met Masha. The young people quickly found mutual language and soon began to live together, and then got married. Masha’s daughter also calls Mikhail dad. The girl’s natural father, ex-participant Sergei Adoevtsev, does not communicate with the child and does not pay child support. Fans of Masha Adoevtseva are happy that she is finally happy. The woman had a difficult period in her life when she was still trying to save her marriage with Sergei for the sake of the child, but all efforts were in vain. However, time has passed. and Masha met her man, with whom she is truly happy, reports

Masha became a mother not only for her my own daughter, but also for my stepdaughter. Her current husband, Mikhail, raised his daughter on his own after the death of his first wife. When they got together, the girls very quickly got used to their new dad and mom, and began to call them accordingly.

The divorce from Sergei Adoevtsev took place two years ago. The couple was considered one of the strongest, but still did not break up. Masha explained the divorce by saying that her husband stopped understanding her. She believes that marriage is a unity of souls, and if such a connection is terminated, the family collapses. Soon after the divorce, she met Mikhail.

“We immediately realized that we had a lot in common: we were both married, we were parents of girls. Mom Varya, ex-wife beloved, is in heaven... During the first months, Mikhail and I constantly corresponded, could exchange messages half the night, and often went for walks. Then we realized that apparently our meeting was not accidental,” said Maria.

Masha’s fans enjoy reading her posts in which she shares her thoughts. Almost immediately she told fans about the meeting with Misha, and she also happily reported that the girls immediately found a common language and became friends. The age difference between Varya and Lisa is only one year.

Ex-participant of the Dom-2 project Maria Adoevtseva, unlike many residents of the star television set, was distinguished by her intelligence and loyalty to her chosen partner. The Ukrainian beauty managed to create a strong couple and build real family, which proved its viability beyond the perimeter for six whole years.

Childhood and youth

Masha’s homeland is the legendary Odessa, and real name Kruglykhina. She got it from her mother, who raised her daughter alone; the girl had never seen her father in her life.

After school, Maria entered college, choosing a difficult direction - political science. Studying was difficult, I even had thoughts of quitting university, but the purposeful girl still received a diploma.

While still a student, Masha realized that the soul requires creativity, and thought about a career as an actress. She combined her studies at the institute with acting courses, while simultaneously learning the basics of directing.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Maria did not devote her life to her chosen profession, but opened her own school for aspiring actors. True, not for long. Soon, due to personal circumstances, the girl had to leave for Kyiv, and then to Paris, where she studied French.

"House 2"

Maria Adoevtseva visited the show “Dom-2” twice; in total, the contract with the producers of the TV show lasted about two years. For the first time, a girl came to the project’s favorite fans. However, the young man did not reciprocate, and a week later Masha left film set.

Maria Adoevtseva in the project "Dom-2"

The Odessa resident met Sergei Adoevtsev, who would later become known to viewers as Sergei Palych. At first, the romance developed over the phone, and soon Maria accepted the man’s offer to move to Moscow. The young people began to live together, but one day the lover simply disappeared. As it turned out, Sergei went for fame and new relationships on the TNT channel television program.

Maria did not want to just give up and returned to the project, publicly declaring her serious relationship with Sergei Palych, although he had already met with the ladies of the scandalous construction site. But stubborn Masha finally achieved a reunion with her lover. To reconcile with your ex common-law wife Adoevtsev was pushed by jealousy - he began to court Maria, and Sergei could not stand it. The couple became one of the brightest on the TV show.

In the future, the union was not hindered by sympathy from other participants: Maria acquired fans, she was courted, including by Alessandro Materazzo and, and Sergei sometimes looked at other girls. Fans of the show followed with aspiration the development of the relationship between the philosopher Adoevtsev and the jealous Kruglykhina.

The piquancy was added by addictions and negative qualities Sergei, a young man distinguished himself by his love of alcoholic beverages and his aversion to work. Problems with alcohol led to loud scandals with comrades on the TV project. In 2010, right on the site of “House-2”, the guys celebrated a modest wedding, and soon, according to the voting results married couple I had to leave the project.

Personal life

Maria Adoevtseva always had enough fans, in her early biography there was a place whirlwind romances. In her youth, a native of Odessa moved to the capital of Ukraine by invitation young man, with whom we developed serious relationship. I also went to France with a man.

The marriage with Sergei Palych lasted six years. After the project, the young man became interested in photography, and finally and irrevocably quit drinking. Masha opened a showroom where she sold evening dresses, later she also learned how to use a camera, and organized wedding, children's and family photo sessions.

Adoevtsev dreamed of an heir, and in 2013 his wife gave her husband a daughter, Lisa. The couple’s relationship was of a public nature - fans followed the life of the ex-participants of the TV set on their pages on social networks and the official website of Dom-2, which generously shared details. The couple even showed their daughter to fans almost immediately after birth.

Over time, Maria Adoevtseva’s circle of interests included religion. Pages on social networks were filled with photographs from the graves of holy saints and from churches, which the girl often visited with her daughter. In addition, Maria became involved in charity work, helping the Pochaev House of Mercy, creating interior items for sale with her own hands.

At the beginning of 2016, Masha disappointed fans who had already dubbed the Adoevtsevs an ideal couple. The girl said in an interview that she was divorcing her husband. The main reason The separation was called misunderstanding on Sergei’s part, explaining:

“For me, marriage is the unity of souls. But when such a connection stops, the family collapses.”

Later, Maria openly stated that immediately after the birth of her daughter she realized that Seryozha was not suitable for the role of a reliable and responsible husband. And after a breakup, the man is not even interested in the child.

Maria Adoevtseva now

After divorcing your spouse in "Instagram" Photos began to appear of the girl posing with two children – a daughter and an unknown baby. Fans suggested that the Odessa resident had adopted another girl. But it turned out that Maria Adoevtseva was getting married again.

With a new chosen one named Mikhail former member“Doma-2” got married in 2017. Fans learned that the girl from the photographs is the daughter of the chosen one; her mother died several years ago.

Lisa and her adopted sister Varya, who is only a year older, get along well and spend a lot of time together. The girls accepted their new parents simply and joyfully. As Maria admitted on social networks, Varya immediately began calling her mom, and Lisa did not hesitate to address Mikhail as her father.

In February 2018, fans of the TV show, who never tire of following the ex-participants, noticed changes in the girl’s appearance, suggesting that the Ukrainian beauty was expecting a child again. However, then Masha avoided a direct answer. On the eve of Lent, she only wrote about the priest’s permission not to fast. But in April everything became clear without words - Maria would soon become a mother for the second time.

Maria Adoevtseva said that her stepdaughter calls her mom.

About two years ago, one of the brightest couples of the Dom-2 television project, Sergei and Maria Adoevtsev, announced their divorce. They were considered one of the strongest couples of the project, but in the end the couple separated. Despite the fact that the former participant broke up with her lover, she does not wish him harm and is grateful for what happened between them, and especially for the daughter Elizabeth, who was born in their marriage.

After a while, pictures of not only her daughter Lisa, but also another girl, Varvara, began to appear more and more often on Maria’s Instagram. She reported that the girls immediately found a common language and became friends. And later Masha published several shots with a young man.

“The second girl, whom many have already noticed in the photo, is Varvara Mikhailovna. She is our wonderful sunny bunny. With Liza they are the same age and water is still intact, as if it has always been this way. I hope it will be so! Always! So get used to it, now I have two daughters. And behind the scenes, dad was inseparable from us. He was, is, and I believe that he can’t get away from us! Misha, thank you for everything! Now I know exactly what it means to love and to be loved. You are my fortress! You are “the one.” And how good it is that you are mine!” - Maria Adoevtseva wrote then in her microblog.

The couple got married this summer. The children immediately accepted their new mom and dad. As it turned out, the daughter's mother current husband Mary passed away several years ago. It is noteworthy that the girl quickly got used to Adoevtseva, starting to call her mom.

“We immediately realized that we had a lot in common: we were both married, we were parents of girls. Mom Varya, the ex-wife of her beloved, is in heaven... During the first months, Mikhail and I constantly corresponded, we could exchange messages half the night, and often went for walks. Then we realized that apparently our meeting was not accidental. Closer to the New Year, they began to live together, and on Christmas night Misha proposed to me. Lisa immediately began calling him dad, and Varya called me mom, the girls didn’t even have any questions. We recently officially became husband and wife. Now I’m truly happy,” said Maria.

At the same time, a former participant in the TV show said that biological father her daughter is not even interested in the child's life. Sergei does not call and does not pay alimony, since Maria did not apply for them. The age difference between Varya and Lisa is only one year.

Girls, my dears, are good, kind at heart) how you know how to be happy for someone else, how many wonderful words you wrote, wished for these days, as if the wedding happened yesterday, all your comments brought me to tears😓)) now you know everything about us and our difficult history) and in conclusion I wanted to show you a wonderful video from our wedding, shot by my friend Inna @innamalakhova_pro, this fearless heroine decided in the penultimate month of pregnancy to film our entire wedding day, she is also a cool photographer, I’ll put photos that didn’t fit vertically in stories 😍 And a few more words I want to tell you about our wedding. It was one complete improvisation! We had a small budget and had to do everything with our own strength and hands)) to the point that we made the bride’s bouquet for ourselves, the place for the wedding was determined within a day, the guests were notified a couple of days in advance)) the wedding was celebrated at @resort_luchy Thanks to the management for coming in our situation and managed to throw us a gorgeous feast for a modest company)) My friend Vikulya @toristylist_ top stylist was with me all the time, so I didn’t have to worry about the bride’s look at all)) and the dress was sewn by a long-familiar seamstress Olga @dress_by_olgavolkboss in less than week)) now you and I have such good memories for all time)) Thank you for having me, a whole army of good girlfriends! I love you❤

Account: mashaadoevtseva

Occupation: former participant in the show House 2

Maria Adoevtseva started Instagram not very long ago, but it quickly gained popularity on this moment it is read by 215 thousand subscribers. Maria herself is known as a participant in the reality show Dom 2 and is familiar to viewers as Maria Kruglykhina. After leaving the project, she got married and gave birth to a child. This is one of the few couples who remained together outside the perimeter. On her Instagram she posts a lot interesting photos his family life and little daughter.

Maria Adoevtseva's Instagram mainly consists of photographs of her little daughter. After leaving House 2, she became seriously interested in photography and you can see many beautiful pictures in her feed. In addition to her main model, her daughter, Maria often takes photographs on the topic of fashion, photographs of her loved ones, and, of course, food. But mainly, her blog will be of interest to young mothers.

Maria is a wonderful photographer, she skillfully uses filters, knows how to correctly create a composition and makes good collages. That’s why Maria Adoevtseva’s photos from Instagram are so popular; it’s nice to look at her page.

New profile photos appear almost every day. Maria actively participates in various photo projects and in addition to her photographs, you can see professional works of other photographers.

Unlike the Instagram of most stars, Maria’s blog does not contain intrusive advertising. The only thing you can see is offering the services of your video studio.

Biography of Maria Adoevtseva

Maria Adoevtseva’s biography is not so significant yet:

  • Maria has gone through a lot in her life. She was born in Odessa, after graduating from school, at the insistence of her then boyfriend, she moved to Kyiv. Maria dreamed of becoming an actress, but she did not succeed in this field. Even when she lived in Odessa, there was an attempt to open an acting school. This hobby did not last long and just after that Maria moved to the capital of Ukraine.
  • In addition to acting, Masha was very drawn to languages ​​and lived for some time in Paris to study French.
  • Biography of Maria Adoevtseva as famous person begins in Moscow, after her arrival on the television project House 2. Few people remember that she came there twice. The first time, she only stayed on the show for five days. The second time was more successful and she was able to stay for a long time.
  • First, her boyfriend, Sergei Palych, applied for the project, and Maria came after him. Despite all the difficulties and joint departure from the project,

Maria Kruglykhina, and this is the last name the girl had before her marriage, was born in the city of Odessa, March 5, 1985. Zodiac sign – Pisces. The girl clearly knew what she wanted and therefore, after graduating from school, she went to college hometown, to the Department of Political Science. The training was difficult, and over time Masha realized that a creative personality was awakening in her.

In connection with a new discovery for herself, she decides to enroll in directing and directing courses. acting skills. She liked it so much that she even thought about leaving the institute, but ultimately changed her mind and decided to combine her studies with courses. It is worth noting that she did it very well.

After receiving higher education, Maria decides to become an actress and even opens her own acting school, but this is not destined to happen. WITH acting career it didn’t work out, and there may be many reasons for that, and the school did not last long, since her lover at that time took the girl to live with him, in the glorious city of Kyiv.

After some time, Masha moves to Paris, where, as she herself said, she studies French and admits that she has a craving for foreign languages she had it for a long time.

It is absolutely known that the girl’s height is 170 cm, but regarding her weight, not everything is clear. Like many girls, Maria does not particularly disclose this information. But some sources say that before the television project “House 2” she weighed a little more than 47 kg, but already during filming and after leaving the show, her weight was 67 kg. There is no definitive information yet.


As you already understand, Masha’s main fame came thanks to popular TV show House 2, where she participated twice. The first attempt was unsuccessful and after a week, the girl left the project. The second appearance was quite unexpected and would hardly have happened if not for her common law husband Sergey Palych. It was he who was the first to come to House 2 in secret from Maria, which naturally did not suit the girl, and she followed him. It is worth noting that the couple achieved enormous success on the project and only thanks to envious people, they had to leave the show.

Family status

After House 2, the couple finally decided to legalize their relationship and get married. We had a blast, and as guests, in addition to family, friends and family, the newlyweds invited the guys from the project. Sergei really wanted Masha to give birth to his child and in 2013, he finally became a father beautiful girl, whom they named Lisa. Now, everything is great with the family, and Maria herself is engaged in professional photography and conducts various photo sessions.
