Painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". History of the painting, description. About the beautiful, but not here... Homework

1881 Oil on canvas. 295 x 446 cm. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov V.M. "Bogatyrs"

Viktor Vasnetsov devoted about 30 years of his life and work to creating a painting that later became his most recognizable work. The defenders and guardians of the Russian people - “Bogatyrs” - everyone knows them exactly as they appeared on the canvas of the great master of epic stories.

In an open field, on the border of the Russian land, the heroes are closely watching to see if an insidious enemy is lurking somewhere and if they are offending the weak. These are them - the three main characters of epic tales - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich.

Ilya Muromets is depicted in the center. Mighty and strong, he examines his native expanses, looking for an enemy, whom he is always ready to fight back. The hero is so strong that he does not seem to feel the weight of the forty-pound club hanging on his hand raised to his forehead. His remarkable strength is surprisingly combined with the breadth of his soul and the kindness of his open heart to people. Ilya Muromets - real historical figure, and the tales of his unprecedented exploits are a true chronicle of life. Later the hero became a monk Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and now his name can be found among all the saints. Vasnetsov based Ilya Muromets on the simple peasant Ivan Petrov, a strong and tall man, kind and sincere - just like the hero himself was.

By right hand from Ilya Muromets the educated and courageous Dobrynya Nikitich is depicted. He is always ready to protect motherland from the adversary - his sword is already half out of its sheath. Only he is wearing a golden cross. With this, Vasnetsov reminds that his Dobrynya is connected with the legendary commander of the army of Vladimir, the prince of Kyiv and the baptist of Rus'. The hero became for the artist the embodiment collective image Vasnetsov family: himself, his father and uncle. It is no coincidence that researchers of the master’s work noted the similarity in appearance of Dobrynya and the artist.

The youngest is Alyosha Popovich. A brave and dexterous slender young man can overcome the enemy by force, cunning and even deception. His prototype was the one who died in early age son of Savva Mamontov. This cheerful and sociable man gave his mischievous disposition to the young hero - the artist transferred these traits of his character to the picture.

Each of the heroes is ready to repel the enemy’s attack at any moment - Ilya Muromets firmly holds the spear, Dobrynya Nikitich holds the sword, and Alyosha Popovich has already put an arrow in the bow. The helmets on their heads are like domes Orthodox churches and act as a symbol of a just cause, blessed deeds for the good of the people.

The horses match the riders. Only a metal chain can hold Ilya’s huge funnel. Powerful and strong, he complements the greatness of the image of his owner, to whom he will be devoted to the end. Dobrynya has a proud, dignified horse, neighing alarmingly to warn the rider of possible danger. And Alyosha’s fiery horse is ready to rush into battle, seething with youthful enthusiasm and energy.

Joined forces for a reason epic heroes. A storm is approaching. Clouds driven from afar by a gusty wind, swaying grasses, and fluttering manes of horses do not promise anything good. But the defenders are here, ready to meet the enemy.

The best paintings by Vasnetsov V.M.

Based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”, you can familiarize yourself with the biography of the author, find out the background to the creation of the masterpiece, and then study the description of the landscape and the heroine. Then the written work will be detailed and interesting.

Biography of the artist

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the village of Lopyal. From 1858 to 1862 he was educated at a theological school, then graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary. The boy learned the basics of artistic craft with a teacher in fine arts gymnasium by N. G. Chernyshev. Then, having moved to St. Petersburg, from 1867 to 1868, Victor took painting lessons from I. N. Kramskoy at the Drawing School. In 1868 he entered the Academy of Arts, which he graduated from in 1873.

In 1869, Vasnetsov began exhibiting his exhibitions; since 1893, Viktor Mikhailovich has been a full member of the Academy of Arts.

In his work V. M. Vasnetsov uses different genres. He began as an artist of everyday subjects, creating the paintings “War Telegram”, “Booths in Paris”, “From Apartment to Apartment”, “Book Shop”. Then the main direction of his work became epic historical themes. In this genre, the artist painted paintings: “Ivan Tsarevich on gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Bogatyrs", "Alyonushka".

If a schoolchild is asked to write Vasnetsov’s “Alyonushka,” you can start with short biography author, then tell when this picture was created. The artist painted it in 1881. It depicts Alyonushka, Vasnetsov drew not only the girl’s appearance, he conveyed her state of mind, but also with the help natural landscapes made the viewer understand the mood of the picture.

The history of writing a masterpiece

Victor Mikhailovich began work on the canvas in 1880. The painting “Alyonushka” by V. M. Vasnetsov began to be created in Abramtsevo, on the shore near the pond in Akhtyrka. If we compare the natural landscapes of Abramtsevo with artistic painting on fairy tale theme you can find a lot common features, This coastline, dark waters, trees, bushes.

It is in such conditions that the main character of the canvas is sad. The artist told how the idea of ​​painting the painting was born. Since childhood, he knew the fairy tale “About sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.” One day, while walking around Akhtyrka, the painter met a girl with her hair down. It struck the imagination of the creator, as Viktor Vasnetsov himself said. “Alyonushka,” he thought. The girl was full of melancholy and loneliness.

Impressed by this meeting, the artist painted a sketch. If you look closely at it, you can see that it was this girl who became the main character of the picture. The same big sad eyes, underneath them, that show that young creature I didn’t get enough sleep because I had to get up early and work hard.

The storyline of the picture

An essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” can also begin with a story about the plot. As mentioned above, the canvas was created under the impression of a fairy tale, Abramtsevo landscapes and a meeting with a young peasant woman.

After this, you can move on to the story about who is depicted in the picture - Alyonushka. Vasnetsov painted a young girl sitting on a large stone on the shore of a pond. She looks at the water detachedly, her gaze is full of sadness and sadness. Perhaps she looks at the surface of the water and wonders when her beloved brother, turned into a little goat, will become a boy again. But the pond is silent, does not answer the innermost question.

Description of the main character

The girl is dressed in simple Russian clothes, she is barefoot. She is wearing a jacket with short sleeves and her undershirt is visible from underneath. This is exactly how peasant women dressed in Rus'. They went to bed in this shirt or sometimes swam in the heat. Alyonushka was dressed like that, Vasnetsov portrayed the heroine famous fairy tale with slightly disheveled hair. Apparently the girl had quite a time for a long time on the shore of a pond, looking into the watery abyss.

She looks ahead without looking up, submissively lowering her head into her hands. I would like for the evil spell to finally dissipate, for Alyonushka to soar in spirit and go home to good mood. But the gloomy colors of the picture make it impossible to hope for this.


The student can continue to create an essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” with a description of nature. She plays in the plot last role and helps to understand its drama. The surrounding landscape, like the girl, is full of sadness and sadness, it is gloomy.

In the background we see a spruce forest, it is painted in dark green colors, which gives it a mysterious look.

The dark surface of the water breathes cold, it is clear that the pond is unkindly disposed towards the child. The green leaves of the reeds, which are located not far from the heroine, add some optimistic notes to the watery landscape. Alyonushka is surrounded by friendly aspen trees, they also add some rainbow colors. When a light breeze comes, their leaves rustle, as if telling the girl not to be sad, that everything will be fine. All this was conveyed using oil paints and canvas by V. M. Vasnetsov.

“Alyonushka”, essay, final part

If an essay is assigned to students junior classes, they will talk about their vision of the picture, and at the end of the work they will tell what will happen next. Let the conclusion be rosy, just like in a fairy tale. Alyonushka will eventually meet her loved one and marry him. The little goat will turn into Ivanushka again, and everyone will live in peace, love and harmony!

Title of the painting: “Alyonushka”

Canvas, oil.
Size: 173 × 121 cm

Brief history of creation

Description and analysis

Painting “Alyonushka” by V. Vasnetsov

Artist: Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
Title of the painting: “Alyonushka”
The picture was painted: 1880 - 1881
Canvas, oil.
Size: 173 × 121 cm

Alyonushka, tired of the fruitless search for her brother, sits in a lonely pose on a large stone by a gloomy pond, bowing her head to her knees. Anxious thoughts about brother Ivanushka do not leave her. Alyonushka is grieving - she couldn’t keep track of her brother - and the nature around her is grieving along with her...

Brief history of creation

The idea of ​​the painting “Alyonushka” was inspired by the lyrical image of the same name from the famous Russian fairy tale “About sister Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka.” The prototype for the painting was a real girl whom the artist met during his stay at the Okhtyrka estate in the summer of 1880. In a random girl, the artist saw, in his words, a sea of ​​melancholy, loneliness and some kind of purely Russian sadness. The first sketch was made from it, and almost immediately Vasnetsov decided for himself the concept of the future painting. Despite the simplicity of the plot, "Alyonushka" has interesting story.

The artist began work on the painting in 1880. Several sketches he made during this period that preceded the writing of “Alyonushka” have survived to this day: “Pond in Akhtyrka”, “Alenushkin Pond”, “Sedge”. Vasnetsov also completed several preliminary full-scale sketches of a girl sitting on a stone. The master admitted that when painting the main character on the main canvas, he peered into the facial features of Verusha Mamontova, the daughter of the famous Moscow philanthropist Savva Mamontov. The painting itself was completed in the winter of 1881, after which the author sent it to the exhibition of Peredvizhniki artists, which was held in Moscow.

Initially, the film was given the title “Fool Alyonushka.” According to some sources, the word “fool” at that time was used to describe orphans or holy fools. The artist did not immediately mention that the painting has fairy tale plot. It is also known that Vasnetsov repeatedly corrected and refined it. Experts took x-rays of the painting, as a result of which they were able to establish that the girl’s face, neck, shoulder, as well as the color scheme of the painting as a whole, had been redesigned. Apparently, in the first version, “Alyonushka” caused a lot of criticisms from the artist’s friends and colleagues. Currently the painting is kept in Tretyakov Gallery, however, during the first exhibition at which it was presented, Tretyakov, despite all the efforts of Vasnetsov, did not deign “Alyonushka” with his attention, and the painting was bought by A.I. Mamontov for five hundred rubles.

Description and analysis

The painting “Alyonushka” is one of the master’s most popular paintings, based on the Russian folk tale. A young girl sitting on a stone on the bank of an overgrown river attracts with her simple natural beauty. In her sad eyes one can read deep emotions - sadness and at the same time a dream of a happy time that will one day come, girlish dreams and longing for her younger brother. The artist managed to masterfully convey the overall sad and peaceful mood in the picture, which is enhanced by images of nature - motionless trees, clouds slowly floating overhead.

In the painting “Alyonushka” the master perfectly reflects the close relationship of the ordinary Russian person with the surrounding nature. It seems that nature is as sad as the girl herself depicted on the canvas. Not a single fragment of the picture distracts the viewer from the main plot, but, on the contrary, enhances and emphasizes it. Every detail of the image evokes sad reflections.

The Russian people and Russian writers have written many fairy tales that are passed on from generation to generation. Vasnetsov’s merit lies in the fact that he managed to create convincing artistic images, filled with truly folk Russian spirit.

While working on the plot of the film, Vasnetsov decided to place a defenseless young girl in a truly disastrous place. Apparently, the author sought in this way to cause a lasting pain in the hearts of the audience. The artist successfully used a fairy tale plot to fully reveal the ambiguous and complex Russian character. Despite the heroine’s young age, she experiences truly adult sadness. The appearance of the girl with untied red hair, dark eyes and a plump scarlet mouth reveals her as a child with a difficult fate.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing fairy-tale or fantastic in Alyonushka’s appearance, and the entire fairytale quality of the plot is emphasized by the only detail in the composition - a group of swallows sitting above the girl’s head. It is known that swallows have long been a symbol of hope. Vasnetsov used this unusual technique, wanting to balance the melancholy image of the main character and bring hope for a happy ending to the Russian fairy tale.

The artist skillfully filled the overall landscape of the picture with an atmosphere of sadness and silence. He perfectly managed to depict the frozen surface of the pond, sedge and motionless spruce trees. Silence, tranquility - even the pond reflects main character barely noticeable, very delicate. The young trees tremble slightly, the sky frowns slightly. The dark green tones of the surrounding landscape contrast with the gentle blush on the girl’s face, and the autumn sadness contrasts with bright colors on Alyonushka’s dilapidated sundress. According to folk tales, nature comes to life at the end of the day and acquires the magical ability to feel in sync with humans. A similar unique ability to live in resonance with nature was inherent in the artist himself. That’s why Alyonushka’s feelings are so coordinated in the picture with the state of the surrounding forest. The viewer, peering at the picture, has the feeling that in a moment the fairy tale will continue...

The lyrical image of a simple Russian girl with a sad look prompted Vasnetsov to paint a picture that exudes the original Russian spirit. This job famous painter It is distinguished by its special sincerity and simplicity.

In 2013, the Google search engine, in honor of the artist’s birthday anniversary, on its home page changed the usual logo to a doodle based on the plot of “Alyonushka”. Bushes on background logo were redrawn in such a way that they formed the name of the company.

Bogatyrs. (Three heroes) - Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. 1898. Oil on canvas. 295.3x446

The painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is rightfully considered a real folk masterpiece and symbol Russian art. The painting was created in the second half of the 19th century, when the theme was very popular among folk culture, Russian folklore. For many artists, this hobby turned out to be short-lived, but for Vasnetsov, folklore themes became the basis of all creativity.

The painting “Bogatyrs” depicts three Russian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich - famous heroes folk epics.

The gigantic figures of heroes and their horses, located in the foreground of the picture, symbolize the strength and power of the Russian people. This impression is also facilitated by the impressive dimensions of the painting - 295x446 cm.

The artist worked on the creation of this painting for almost 30 years. In 1871, the first sketch of the plot in pencil was created, and since then the artist has been captivated by the idea of ​​​​creating this picture. In 1876, the famous sketch was made with the base already found compositional solution. Work on the painting itself lasted from 1881 to 1898. The finished painting was bought by P. Tretyakov, and it still adorns the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

In the center of the picture is Ilya Muromets, a people's favorite, hero of Russian epics. Not everyone knows that Ilya Muromets is not fairy tale character, but the real historical figure. The story of his life and military exploits is real events. Subsequently, having completed his work to protect his homeland, he became a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. He was canonized. Vasnetsov knew these facts when creating the image of Ilya Muromets. “Ilya Muromets is a seasoned man,” says the epic. And in Vasnetsov’s painting we see a mighty warrior and, at the same time, a simple-minded one open person. He combines gigantic strength and generosity. “And the horse under Ilya is a fierce beast,” the legend continues. The powerful figure of a horse, depicted in the picture with a massive metal chain instead of a harness, testifies to this.

Dobrynya Nikitich folk legends was a very educated and courageous man. Many miracles are associated with his personality, for example, enchanted armor on his shoulders, a magical treasure sword. Dobrynya is depicted as in the epics - stately, with subtle, noble facial features, emphasizing his culture and education, resolutely drawing his sword from its sheath with a readiness to rush into battle, defending his homeland.

Alyosha Popovich is young and slender compared to his comrades. He is depicted with a bow and arrows in his hands, but the harp attached to the saddle indicates that he is not only a fearless warrior, but also a psaltery player, a songwriter, and a merry fellow. There are many details in the picture that characterize the images of its characters.

The horse teams, clothing, and ammunition are not fictional. The artist saw such samples in museums and read their descriptions in historical literature. The artist masterfully conveys the state of nature, as if foreshadowing the onset of danger. But the heroes represent a reliable and powerful force of defenders of their native land.

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is a work that most of our compatriots know today. An essay on it is required school curriculum. You may have also written a story based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” at one time. However, we will still recall the plot of this painting.

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" can be briefly described as follows. Tired of the useless search for her brother, the heroine sits on a large stone in a lonely pose by a gloomy pond. The head is bowed to the knees. Alyonushka is haunted by disturbing thoughts about his brother. She's sad - she didn't keep track of him. Seems, surrounding nature around shares these feelings... Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" will be described in more detail in this article.

How it all began?

The idea of ​​this work was inspired by the author in the same way from a Russian fairy tale called "About Sister Alyonushka and Her Brother Ivanushka." The prototype for this picture was a real girl. The artist met her when he was at the Okhtyrka estate in the summer of 1880. Vasnetsov saw in a random girl, in his own words, a sea of ​​loneliness, melancholy and purely Russian sadness. The first sketch was made from it. Vasnetsov almost immediately decided on the concept of his future work. Despite the fact that the plot was simple, Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” has an interesting history. The artist's self-portrait is presented below.

Stages of working on a painting

In 1880, Viktor Mikhailovich began work on this canvas. The history of the creation of the painting “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov is as follows. Several sketches made by the author have survived to this day. this period, which preceded the creation of the work that interests us. These are “Sedge”, “Alenushkin Pond”, “Pond in Okhtyrka”. Viktor Vasnetsov also made several full-scale sketches in paint, which depict a girl sitting on a stone.

The artist admitted that when creating the image of the main character on the canvas, he peered into the facial features of Savva Mamontov’s daughter, famous philanthropist from Moscow. This girl's name was Vera Mamontova. In the winter of 1881, the work was completed, after which Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov sent it to the exhibition of Itinerant artists held in Moscow. The painting "Alyonushka", however, was not very popular at first. She acquired it a little later.

What was the original name of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”?

The canvas was given a slightly different name - “Fool Alyonushka”. According to some sources, the word “fool” was used at that time to describe holy fools or orphans. Vasnetsov did not immediately mention that his work has a fairy-tale plot.

How was the painting completed?

The history of Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" includes several modifications. It is known that the artist corrected it several times, changing some details. Experts took x-rays of this work. As a result, it was possible to establish that the girl’s shoulder, neck and face, as well as the overall color scheme of the picture, were redesigned. In the first version, apparently, “Alyonushka” provoked many critical comments from the artist’s colleagues and acquaintances. Kuindzhi's portrait of Vasnetsov is presented below.

Where is "Alyonushka" (artist Vasnetsov) kept?

The painting "Alyonushka" is currently on display at the Tretyakov Gallery. But Tretyakov, during the first exhibition at which this work was presented, did not honor it, despite Vasnetsov’s efforts, with attention. Mamontov bought this painting for five hundred rubles.

The general mood of the canvas

Today is one of the most famous works Vasnetsov, written based on a folk tale, is this one. A reproduction of Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is presented below.

A young girl sitting on a stone on the river bank is attracted by her natural beauty and simplicity. In the sad eyes of the heroine you can read deep emotions. This is sadness, but at the same time it is also a dream about that happy time that will come someday, girlish dreams and, of course, longing for the missing younger brother. The artist masterfully managed to convey general mood in the picture, sad and peaceful, enhanced by images of nature - clouds floating slowly overhead, motionless trees.

The role of canvas fragments

The master in his work perfectly reflects the relationship that exists between ordinary Russian people and nature. She seems to be as sad as the girl in the painting. Not a single fragment of the canvas distracts the viewer from the main plot. On the contrary, he emphasizes and strengthens it. Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is completely focused on the image of a girl. Every detail of this painting evokes sad reflections.

What was Vasnetsov’s merit?

Many fairy tales, passed down from generation to generation, were written by Russian writers and the Russian people. Vasnetsov's merit lies in the fact that he created, using the means of painting, convincing images that are imbued with the Russian spirit.

The artist, working on the plot of his painting, decided to place the young defenseless girl in a truly perilous place. Apparently, Vasnetsov in this way sought to cause a lasting pang in the hearts of the audience. The artist successfully used a fairy tale plot. Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" is not accidentally based on him. Although Vasnetsov does not literally follow the plot - in the fairy tale on which the picture was written, there is no description of a barefoot girl yearning by the forest pool. Viktor Mikhailovich in his work sought to reveal the emotional character and meaning folklore image. This plot serves to fully reveal the complex and ambiguous Russian character.

Alyonushka's image

Gives away a child with a difficult fate appearance the girl shown in the picture. She has red unkempt hair, a plump scarlet mouth and dark eyes. In fact, the appearance of this girl completely lacks the fantastic and fabulous. The only detail in the composition emphasizes the fabulousness of the plot - a group of swallows sitting above Alyonushka’s head. It is known that these birds have long been a symbol of hope. The artist used this unusual technique to balance the image of the main character, full of melancholy, and to bring into the plot the hope that the fairy tale will end happily.

It seems that Alyonushka finds solace by the pond. She seems to dissolve in the colors of the picture, becoming part of the landscape. The heroine's humility and her wounded legs attract and fascinate. This is a pure girlish image. This girl has very adult sadness. In her eyes, sadness borders on despair.

The forest surrounded her on all sides and did not want to let her out of captivity. Alyonushka's tears fall straight into the pond. What did the artist want to say with this? Most likely, this is a warning about a danger that may happen or has already happened to Ivanushka. Alyonushka thinks that Baba Yaga could turn her brother into a little goat. Every detail of this picture provides rich food for thought...

Landscape painting by Vasnetsov

The surrounding nature is especially important in the picture. Basically it is natural, also created in Abramtsevo. Reeds, stones, birch trunks, autumn leaves falling into the water seem to be animated by the author. It’s as if nature echoes the heroine’s sad complaints. Thin branches of aspens bent over the girl, the leaves of the water grass drooped in the same rhythm with her figure. The dark surface of the pool is full of alarming secrets; the forest is wary in the darkness. The swallows touchingly perched on a branch above Alyonushka’s head, as if conferring on how to help her. This landscape is real, but at the same time filled with soft sincerity and mysterious alertness. Vasnetsov here anticipates the “landscape of mood” of M.V. Nesterov and I.I. Levitan.

Atmosphere of silence and sadness

A description of Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” would be incomplete if we did not note the general atmosphere of the canvas. The artist masterfully filled the landscape with silence and sadness. In his work, Vasnetsov perfectly succeeded in depicting the motionless water surface of a pond, spruce and sedge. Calm and silence are present in everything - even the pond only barely reflects the main character. The young trees tremble slightly, the sky frowns a little. The dark green shades of the surrounding landscape contrast with the gentle blush on the girl’s face, and the autumn sadness contrasts with the bright flowers painted by the artist on Alyonushka’s old sundress. According to the legends of the Russian people, at the end of the day nature comes to life and acquires an amazing ability to experience in sync with humans. Such a magical talent to exist in resonance with her was inherent in Vasnetsov himself. That’s why Alyonushka’s feelings in the picture are so consistent with the state of the forest surrounding her. The viewer peering at the canvas has the feeling that the fairy tale will continue in a moment... This is the description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”, based on general impression from the picture.

"Alyonushka" today

The artist was inspired to create this masterpiece lyrical image Russian girl from the people with a sad look. This work is distinguished by its simplicity and sincerity. Today she is very famous. Search system In 2013, Google on the main page in honor of Vasnetsov’s anniversary (165 years old) changed its usual logo to a doodle, which is based on the plot of “Alyonushka.” In the background, the bushes were transformed in such a way that the company name was made up of them.