When is the transmission actually taking place? Shepelev suffered his first fiasco in the show “Actually. The scandal surrounding the program “Actually”

For two months now, Dmitry Shepelev has been hosting the show “Actually”. According to the project, the stars and other participants are tested on a lie detector. The show has high ratings, but guests complain that there are a lot of lies in the Channel One show.

Thus, singer Aziza participated in one of the program’s episodes. The issue was dedicated tragic death Igor Talkov. At the very end, the show experts asked Aziza what she was keeping silent about, to which the artist replied that she was honest. However, according to the polygraph, it turned out that she did not finish speaking.

Aziza has information that she is hiding, but which was not asked,”

experts reported.

Aziza tried to justify herself, but Shepelev eventually concluded that the case of Igor Talkov remained unsolved.

I personally don’t care about the polygraph. Moreover, all this is profanity and show. Both the presenter and the experts play roles in a well-directed production. Igor Talkov Jr. asked me to come there, we are friends, and I came. But for some reason he was never called to the studio. This is disrespect not even for Igor, but for the memory of his father,”

Aziza shared her impressions. Her words lead"TV program".

Nikita Dzhigurda, who recorded all his conversations with the editors of the television project, was also dissatisfied with the organization of the show. In particular, they called the artist and said: “They want to call you to the detector, register everything...”, but Dzhigurda refused.

“I don’t want to be a whipping boy...”

he stated.

It is known that the showman communicates with those stars who participated in the “Actually” program.

A script is written in advance, to which the answers that editors need for ratings and earning money are tailored to... They don’t care about truth and truth! “People eat” - that means (from their point of view) everything is cool! And they don’t give a damn about crippled destinies!” —

stated Dzhigurda.

Singer Danko also spoke about the intricacies of constructing the program. According to him, he had to play a role. According to the singer, his common-law wife was paid 150 thousand rubles for participating in the project, and Danko himself in the studio spoke strictly according to the text compiled by the editors. In that program, we recall, it was about his wife’s infidelities.

They gave me the role of a bastard, and I played it. I spoke clearly from the text; such a thing could not have occurred in my head. Invented foreigners who even technically cannot exist - Natasha’s passport does not contain any exits or entries, except for hospitals. And what questions did they shove in?! Moreover, at first they agreed on some, and then last moment others slipped it in,”

the singer said.

As a result, according to Danko, the editors did not fulfill their obligations, although they promised a lot.

They promised to give the card number on air, to announce the collection of money - I don’t know by what methods. But the emphasis was on this. I had to agree to their “jaundice” in order to help the child: we need a lot..." -

Danko's youngest daughter was born with developmental disabilities, so money for her treatment is constantly needed.

The well-known Diana Shurygina also passed a polygraph test. For participation in television projects they pay 200 thousand rubles each. Diana Shurygina’s opponent in the “Actually” program was the sister of Sergei Semenov, convicted of rape, Ekaterina.

Semenova believes that what Diana said was a lie, but was passed off as the truth, despite the polygraph.

Before going into the studio, we were tested on a detector. When Diana passed, we sat in the next room and heard her answers that it was true and that it was false. Throughout the program, she constantly avoided answering. Then she started a game: “I remember, I don’t remember.” When it’s convenient, I remember, when it’s not, I don’t know, I don’t remember. Either she could walk or she was unconscious. When the experts got tired of her leading them by the nose, they asked for accurate answers. To which she, in her usual style, began to throw a tantrum, tear off the wires from the detector and leave,”

said the sister of a man convicted of rape.

It is noted that the organizers of the shooting were afraid that the program would not be able to be aired because of this, and asked the experts to be loyal to Diana.

After this, answers in the form: “I don’t remember, I don’t know, maybe” began to be accepted and in the end it turned out that everything she said was true. Diana's happiness knew no bounds, she tried to show that she was crying, actually covered her face and laughed, which she was able to deceive. Later, the organizers said, we need a “swing” - Seryozha is right, Diana is right, in order to maintain the interest of the audience and raise the rating of the program... So you understand, the script was written long before we passed the polygraph,” -

According to experts, a lie detector may not always give reliable results. It is a device with which psychophysiological studies are carried out, during which parameters of breathing and cardiovascular activity are simultaneously recorded.

On many projects I studied the results of lie detector tests and I can say with confidence that the polygraph produces flaws. Honesty to the heroes of the “Actually” program is enhanced by responsibility to the audience federal channel, and the graphics on the screen are more likely to build up intrigue," -

said star psychologist Evgeny Voltov.

He noted that we're talking about about the show, not the documentary.

And then, imagine a situation in which the detector made a mistake. A person would ask to double-check this! This is a natural reaction to being accused of lying!”

said Voltov.

The Antenna journalist went behind the scenes of the Channel One show, took a polygraph test and found out why liars get on pointe and who made the presenter cry.

In movies, we have seen hundreds of times how villains cheat the lie detector. They lie and don't blush. There are countless ways to outwit a device on the Internet: starting from breathing exercises and ending with recommendations to bite your tongue during the test or prick yourself with a button. Is it really that simple?

Dmitry Shepelev

Portrait in five minutes

Theater begins with a hanger, and “Actually” begins with a room where polygraph experts work Roman Ustyuzhanin And Igor Fedorov. This is where program participants are tested before it begins. That is, the questions that we hear during the broadcast are asked behind the scenes.

I can bet any amount that it only takes me five minutes to describe a person,” says Roman.

And I get a sheet with simple test. We manage in a minute, and Roman asks me to write one sentence that I agree to talk with him for seven hours, and sign below. We spend a couple more minutes asking questions about what area I live in, the dog from my childhood, my classmates. And I get a portrait of myself, down to such details that I had a single-parent family (we did not touch on this topic), I was selective in my friends, I was fond of creativity as a child, and so on. In principle, almost everything coincided. The thought even crept in that Roman had a polygraph built into him.

"Antenna" correspondent in the room for preliminary conversations. Experts Igor Fedorov and Roman Ustyuzhanin at work (from left to right)

A lie detector looks like a small box with wires and sensors that connects to a laptop. The device captures readings such as breathing, hand trembling, changes in blood pressure, pulse, and sweating. That is, everything that a person can fluctuate as a result of excitement, he measures without missing anything.

Before testing begins, I, like all participants in the TV show, sign an agreement that I came to it of my own free will and have no complaints. Igor turns on the polygraph and we begin. I talk truthfully about the past - my studies at school, grades, I try to meditate, control my breathing and decide to lie. On a question about sports. The polygraph immediately catches my lie. But I was calm, like a boa constrictor: I didn’t steal a million, but I just denied that I was going to fitness. However, the machine figured out this harmless deception. It was like she looked into my bag and found a club membership.

I'll torture you and play

In order to understand in what state of a person I can ask him questions, I need to first study his reactions,” explains Roman. - For example, you have arrhythmia, that is, your heart rate differs from normal, this must be taken into account during the study and taken as a background indicator, and not a stressful one. As for attempts to cheat, there is a basic method of working with this device, when the specialist has questions already prepared, and the person needs to answer them “yes” or “no”. What is important here is not even the person being tested, but the polygraph examiner. During the program, we do not act according to the scheme from the textbook, but conduct a conversation. I can see which issue is insignificant for the show participant, and which one he is worried about. And I’ll deliberately cling to the second one and torture him to death. That is, I will also play.

Truth - in the room, on stage - performance

Polygraph examiners conduct mandatory preliminary testing of guests before the start of the program, says the presenter Dmitry Shepelev. - This is important in order to obtain reliable information and avoid any inaccuracies. The final test results are heard in the studio. Only specialists know the answer in advance; they don’t tell me anything at all until the moment I say on the recording: “So is this true or is this a lie?” I will not hide that the truth is often simply amazing.

Set"In fact"

While talking with participants behind the scenes, polygraph examiners always work in pairs. They control each other so as not to miss anything.

We will find out the whole truth in this room,” says Roman.

Viewers can also feel like polygraph examiners, guessing when the characters are lying, watching the heroes’ pulse behind their backs and noticing at what moments the pulse rises. You can also analyze the pulses of the heroes. By the way, record figures were achieved by Alexey Panin and his wife. When I was sitting in a chair Diana Shurygina, one could clearly see which questions she was calm about and which ones she was nervous about.

Read your feet

In "Actually" bring people to clean water It’s not just smart technology that helps. Profiler, specialist in facial expressions and gestures Sabina Pantus liars are no less afraid. In her dressing room the air conditioning is on, and quite loudly. I sit on the edge of the sofa, interlace my legs, and we start talking about “closed” poses. Just one of those that I automatically accepted.

Regular experts of the show Roman Ustyuzhanin, Sabina Pantus and guest specialist - lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky

This position of the arms and legs is not always an attempt to lie or move away, it’s a matter of habit, comfort and context, for example, the chair on which a person is sitting,” says Sabina, as if reading me, and I actually feel more comfortable and warmer this way. - Therefore, you should not focus on them. I always look at the legs, because liars often have them in a dancer's position, that is, on tiptoes, which is very uncomfortable. Just imagine how a man with shoe size forty-five takes his feet under the table and stands on them, like on pointe shoes, for half an hour. This happens unconsciously. The person is in such a dangerous topic of conversation that he does not notice his discomfort. When the body suddenly begins to slide and go limp, this is also a sign that the hero has been plunged into some kind of feeling of guilt, they started talking about something uncomfortable, and he has lost his support. But here it is important to understand that not a single sign taken out of context is in itself evidence. For example, there are psychotypes who fidget all the time and cannot sit still, but for them such behavior is the norm. Therefore, the first thing I do is determine the psychotype by basic movements person and identify what is atypical for him. For the purity of the experiment, I do not communicate with the participants before the start of the show. In our program, people gesture a little, so body posture, facial expressions and the structure of speech remain for “reading”: slips of the tongue, evasions, reticence, attempts to chat, answer a question with a question, and so on.

Bent over means he's lying

If a person takes time to think, then at that moment a choice is made: to tell the truth, not the whole truth, partly, completely untrue, avoid answering, and other options,” continues Sabina. - As a rule, when there is a pause, you don’t have to wait for the whole truth. But a direct question implies a direct answer. The person involved most often believes that it is not enough to simply say “No, I didn’t do this,” he says: “Why would I do this, how could I do this?” But I’m not interested in why or how. I'm asking if you did.

Ruslan, brother of Nikita Dzhigurda, is preparing for filming

Sometimes the opposite situation happens - they answer you briefly “no”. Then I look at the participant and remain silent. Then he realizes that one word is not enough, something else needs to be said, and he begins to unwind.

With facial expressions everything is more complicated, it is short-term, only 2-3 seconds. What you need to pay attention to: When a person says how much he likes you, but at the same time his face shows disgust. Such inconsistencies are outright lies. If the body suddenly warps, the need to bend appears - this triggers defense mechanisms at the level of the central nervous system. In the process of lying, no matter how much we want, we cannot control our body one hundred percent.

Diana Shurygina, with the parents of a boy detained by the police for reading poetry on Arbat. The truth can be very difficult.

Particularly difficult was the issue dedicated to Lyudmila Porgina and her role in fate Nikolai Karachentsov. We talked a lot about caring for her husband after the tragic accident, about accusations against her that she was indirectly responsible for what happened. At the end of the program, Nikolai Petrovich himself was helped up onto the stage. He moves in wheelchair. After the accident, doctors gave the actor no more than two years to live. Twelve have passed. I was simply shocked by his will to fight, his courage to accept circumstances, his thirst to live. Memories of similar difficult trials that befell me came flooding back. I couldn’t stand it and cried because I felt real pride and admiration for this couple.

A talk show on Channel One, in which there is a confrontation between people who were once close.

Airing time: on weekdays at 18:45.

Talk-shock presenter " In fact" became Dmitry Shepelev. In the program he is on by example tries to show the characters of the show who came to the studio how important it is to openly discuss problems and tell the truth.

About the show Actually

The lie broke the relationships of people who decided to participate in the show “Actually,” but could not completely destroy them. There is only one way to change the course of personal stories that will be told in the project: tell the truth to each other's eyes. Only truth and honesty can both separate people and bring them together again. After all, sometimes even the direct participants in the events themselves do not fully understand what and how actually happened.

The participants of “Actually” were men and women who were once close, but had a falling out. Dmitry Shepelev will try to do everything so that the talk show heroes finally hear each other and forgive past grievances.

Dmitry Shepelev said on the eve of the premiere of the “Actually” project: “In every dispute there are two truths. And even if you are confident that you are right, it is important whether you can hear the other. The question is, are you both ready to find out the whole truth? And I’ll add: it’s impossible to lie in our studio.”

Dmitry Shepelev was chosen by the creators of the project to play the role of host of “Actually” for a reason: he knows exactly what it is like to be in the epicenter of a conflict. After the death of Zhanna Friske, the showman was often accused of lies and hypocrisy, but he managed to defend his right to raise his son Plato.

“A lie can ruin a person’s life, destroy his career, his family, his future. For a long time I was covered with this lie, I know how hard it is to live with it. In this program I want to help other people hear each other, find out the truth and find out what is really happening to them. I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to happen. “I’m coming home,” Shepelev commented on his participation in the project.

The very first episode of the show “Actually,” aired on Channel One on July 24, became scandalous and was heatedly discussed by the public. The hero of the program became scandalous famous actor Alexey Panin. In the studio he came face to face with his ex-wife, with whom she is suing for her daughter Anya. Yulia Yudintseva, Panin’s ex-beloved, began to insult Panin from the first minutes of the broadcast, and as a result, the couple was never able to reconcile for the sake of their daughter’s peace of mind.

The second episode of the show was also loud. This time the singer Danko and his common-law wife Natalya Ustyumenko. The couple is raising a daughter, Agatha, whom doctors have given a serious diagnosis: the girl will never be able to walk, see or hear. Unexpectedly for everyone, the singer began to talk about the fact that his wife Natalya may have given birth to Agatha not from him, but from a certain Swiss millionaire. Danko decided to use a lie detector to find out whether the woman he loved was cheating on him. At the end of the program, it turned out with the help of a DNA test that Agatha was still Danko’s daughter and the couple left the studio together to the delight of presenter Dmitry Shepelev.

In addition, descendants came to the studio to find out the truth using a lie detector. Leonid Brezhnev who shared the inheritance; singer Pierre Narcisse with my wife who told how Pierre beat her and how she and her daughter fled. Due to problems in the family, Valeria filed for divorce and moved in with her mother, but Pierre continues to persecute and tyrannize the family to this day.

I haven’t watched scandalous programs like “Let Them Talk” for a long time - after watching such content my mood often deteriorates. Everything that we receive inside ourselves, be it food or information, is better filtered. However, the “Actually” program immediately attracted my attention, because thanks to the lie detector, the characters could not just chat and hurl insults at each other, but get to the bottom of the truth. Actor Panin and his ex-wife were invited to the first episode, where they figured out who the child should stay with. The situation is, in principle, known, widely covered in the press, so it did not raise any suspicions in me. I didn’t watch all the episodes, rather 1-2 times a week, but many of the plots really seemed plausible to me, because... Much of what was discussed there was known several years earlier, i.e. these were real situations and people. For example, an episode about the Skopino captives or the fact that actor Bogdasarov separated from his wife and lived with another woman for several years - there is information about all this on the Internet. In general, I also liked Dmitry Shepelev as a presenter.

Some of the plots were strange, but I didn’t attach any importance to this until situations on the verge of fantasy began to flash. My trust was finally undermined by a series of issues (the last one, by the way, was yesterday) about a certain successful businessman and philanthropist Vyacheslav Podgorny. Actor Mark Goronok turned to the program because his wife Anna, who once pulled him out of illness, fell in love with another man: he bathed her in champagne and showered her with expensive gifts and flowers.

Here, in fact, Goronok is on the left, businessman Vyacheslav is on the right.

If you think so, why would a successful man appear in such programs, where he would be shown in an unattractive light? Of course, they pay for participating in such programs, but I doubt that a successful businessman needs this money in exchange for his reputation. So, later in the program it turned out that our hero was a former prisoner, and then the real trash began. Although he promised to marry Anna, in fact he was already married to his mother-in-law and all in order to take possession of her apartment. That's it, my patience ran out and my mind turned on. I couldn’t get through the last program, it’s embarrassing to even discuss this dregs.

I started looking for information on the Internet about this philanthropist. Of course, it’s not surprising that I didn’t find such information. But I found the YouTube channel of our Vyacheslav Podgorny; there were only a few videos posted on it from two years ago, but they were enough to understand who he really is. In these videos, Vyacheslav sits in his shabby apartment, drinks vodka, sings obscene songs on the guitar, hugs the toilet and interviews his homeless-looking drinking buddies.

"Businessman" Vyacheslav in his natural habitat

"Businessman" Vyacheslav in his natural habitat.

Needless to say, the program filmed him in a penthouse and in a car with a personal driver.

Okay, I can understand this guy - the man came out of prison, he needs to earn money somehow, at least for alcohol, he became an actor. But why famous people go to these staged programs and sully their names, I don’t understand. Although while I was looking for information on the Internet, I found statements from some of these famous people who say that this is all staged and a written script. Singer Danko, for example, said that he took part in the program because... he was promised that a fundraiser would be announced for his daughter, who has cerebral palsy: “They gave me the role of a bastard, and I played it.” In the end there was no collection. Dzhigurda’s wife posted a recording of a conversation where they were invited and promised that everything would be spelled out the way they wanted, but they refused such dubious prospects and did the right thing.

I still don’t think that absolutely all the episodes were staged, but the program is broadcast 4 times a week on Channel One, and stories have to be drawn from somewhere, apparently, most often the program editors do it from their own heads.

Well, it disappeared from my menu last transmission which I watched on TV. I wish you pleasant evenings and real emotions!

After the death of his common-law wife Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev took a break from work to spend more time with his son Plato. However, this summer Dmitry returned to television. Shepelev became the host of the show “Actually”, the peculiarity of which is that all the characters undergo a polygraph test.


The program has only existed for a few months, but has already gained a dubious reputation. Many heroes of the show stated: everything that happens in the studio is staged. So, singer Danko came on the show to find out who the real father of his seriously ill daughter Agatha is. Soon the singer stated that the story that was discussed in the studio was fictitious. According to Alexander, he agreed to participate in the show only to help his daughter, but the management of Channel One deceived him - the program did not announce a fundraiser for Agatha’s treatment, as previously promised.



Now Marina Anisina has addressed her claims to the producers of the show. IN last broadcast discussed the figure skater’s divorce from Nikita Dzhigurda, as well as the spouses’ receipt of a multimillion-dollar inheritance from Lyudmila Bratash. At the same time, Anisina and Dzhigurda refused to take part in the filming of the show. Marina published an excerpt on Instagram telephone conversation Nikita with the editor of the program “Actually”. The girl persuades the actor to come to the shooting and promises that everything will be “written” the way he wants.

“Shepelev’s new program lies in the old way! This is one of the small fragments of Nikita Borisovich’s negotiations (08.19.17.). The editor of Channel One promises that everything will be written in the script in advance! Which proves the staging of a “truthful” talk show! He promises not to lie. If only we could come. I categorically refused, remembering my tragic experience... #the lying detector is leading millions of naive people into the abyss of paid deception!!!” — the skater signed the video (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).


Nikita Dzhigurda intends to deal with the producers of the show in court: “The editors called me about ten times new program Shepelev, offering huge money for participation! I recorded most of the conversations for the court! I will bring this total scam to light.”