Notes on reading fiction in a preparatory group for school Educational situation "Reading the story by V. Oseeva "Why"

Reading lesson notes fiction in the senior group on the topic of the work

H.K. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling"

Teacher Arlan N.A.

SUBJECT: Hans Christian Andersen "The Ugly Duckling".

help remember the fairy tales of H. C. Andersen, introduce a new fairy tale, exercise children in retelling, develop intonation expressiveness of speech; develop artistic ability children, imagination, memory.
INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS: reading fiction, artistic creativity.


1. Examination of the portrait of the writer.

Teacher's story:
-Hans Christian Andersen lived in Denmark - a poetic country, rich in folk tales and ancient songs. In childhood future writer loved to dream alone with himself. He wanted to become an actor, but became a great storyteller.
-Let's remember what fairy tales he wrote. Look at the pictures and name the fairy tales they belong to. (Suggest looking at pictures for the fairy tales “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Little Mermaid”)

2. -Guys, now we’ll get acquainted with another fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, which is called “The Ugly Duckling.”

Reading a fairy tale.

3. Physical exercise.

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws,

Prepared to charge,

Turned left, right,

I did the squat properly,

I cleaned the fluff with my beak.

And on the chair again - plop!

4. Conversation on issues:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Where was the duckling born?

Tell me why no one liked the duckling?

How did you feel towards the duckling when everyone was beating and offending him?

What did the duckling have to go through when he left the poultry yard?

How did this end? sad story?

5. Retelling.

6. Invite children to draw pictures based on fairy tales by H. C. Andersen.

Lesson notes for the section "Reading fiction" in preparatory group on the topic of:

"Reading N. Nosov's story "Dreamers".

Introduce children to the works of famous children's writer Nikolai Nosov;

Learn to analyze the text of a work;

To develop children's interest in reading fiction, to develop a sense of humor and creative imagination;

Instill in children kindness, honesty, and hard work.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, do you recognize whose portrait this is?

Today we will talk again about most interesting works the wonderful children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

Do you want to know what other works N. Nosov wrote? Why do we read them?

Who will remember the most famous heroes his books. I hope you recognize them (Dunno).

We are from a book - you know us,

If you remember, you will guess.

If you don’t remember, well then,

Read the book again.

Dunno - the most famous shorty Flower City. He is very curious, sociable and not without talent.

Educator: - And now you and I will play on musical instruments, but not real ones, but imaginary ones (children imitate playing musical instruments)

1. I play the violin:

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn,

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

2. Played the balalaika:

Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn,

Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!

3. And now on the drum:

Boom Boom Boom! Tram-there-there!

The bunnies ran away in fear

Through the bushes, through the bushes!

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: - Guys, you played imaginary instruments and fantasized, imagining yourself as bunnies. But you had neither a drum, nor a balalaika, nor a pipe. So you made up something that doesn't exist. Maybe this is a lie, a deception? What is the difference between deception and fantasy?

Let's read Nikolai Nosov's story "Dreamers" and answer this question.

Reading a story.

Questions to the text:

1. Which of the characters did you like and which did you not? Why?

2. Which of the heroes can be called a dreamer, and which a liar?

3. Is the boy Igor smart if he knows how to lie “with benefit”?

4. For whom was this benefit?

5. Would you like to be in Ira’s place?

6. Why didn’t Stasik and Mishutka like Igor’s invention?

7. What is the difference between a lie and fantasy?

8. How can fantasy help us in life?

Conclusion: lying is a bad help. You must always be honest, never lie or deceive anyone. But you need to be friends with a good invention, fairy tale, fantasy.

What other stories have we read where the hero fantasizes and invents a lot? (Baron Munchausen)

Educator: - Well done, guys, you listened very carefully and therefore were able to answer my questions and figure out what deception is and what fantasy is.

Summary of a lesson on reading fiction. G. Ball's story "Yellow Boy"
Evstolia Petrova Summary of a lesson on reading fiction. G. Ball's story "Yellow Boy"
Lesson in 1 younger group
Communication. Reading fiction.
Type: Integrated: communication + experimental - research activities.
Topic: G. Ball's story “Yellowling”, egg.
Types of children's activities: Playful, communicative, experimental and research, productive, perception of fiction.
1. Educational task – Learn to listen to a work without visual accompaniment, answer questions, understand that animal names depend on external signs.
2. Developmental task – Develop the ability to act together, according to the rules. Activate children's vocabulary, consolidate knowledge about yellow color. Develop attention and sensory abilities of children.
3. Educational task – To cultivate interest in Russian traditions, to develop an understanding of the beauty and fragility of the colored egg. Cultivate interest in experimental activities.
Educator: Petrova Evstolia Anatolyevna
MKDOU d\s "Berezka" P. Listvenichny 2015
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, let's say hello.
Children sing a greeting and perform the movements.
Hello, palms! Clap-clap-clap.
Hello legs! Top-top-top.
Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack.
Hello, teeth! Chok-chok-chok.
Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop.
Hello, my nose! Pim-pim-pim.
Hello, guests! Hi all!
So we said hello, sit down on the chairs. Guys, we forgot to say hello to one of our guests. Who came to visit us? (in the basket in front of the teacher there is a chicken, a chick and an egg). That's right, a mother chicken and her chicken son came to us. Why is there another egg here, do you know? Then listen to one interesting story.
Educator: Reads G. Ball’s story “Yellow Little” (text appendix 1)
1. Where did the chicken come from? (from egg)
2. What was his name? Why? (Yellow because he is yellow)
3. How did Yellowy knock on the eggshell? How did he squeak?
4. Who was the chicken afraid of? (ray)
5. Who else was woken up by the sun? (chicken-Ryzhukha, dog-Shustrika and cow)
6. How did the chicken cackle? How did the dog bark? How did the cow moo? (showing pictures of the work).
The chicken was so happy that he got out of the egg and saw this beautiful world, that all the time he squealed with joy, like (, and when it’s fun They always sing and dance, let’s turn into little chickens, and I’ll be a mother chicken and dance a funny dance. Educator: Physical education minute
The chicken went out for a walk, the children followed the teacher, flapping their wings.
Pinch some fresh grass.
And behind her are the boys.
Yellow chickens.
-Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, They threaten with a finger
Don't go far!
Row your paws, stomp your feet
Look for the grain, -
Ate a fat beetle
An earthworm.
Drank some water. Bend forward, arms straight. Squats.
A complete mess.
Educator: Guys, Klusha’s mother only has one chicken, but Yellowy will be bored alone, we need to help him. Where did Yellowy come from? Yes, from eggs, look how many eggs are houses for chickens, only they are all the same, white, let's make them beautiful, bright. Look what decorations I have prepared for our houses. The egg is very fragile and can break, so hold it gently in the palm of your hand, like this (demonstration), place it on a soft napkin and carefully put on the decoration (thermal adhesives so that it is in the middle of the egg, like this (demonstration). Children complete the task. Sit at a safe distance from the teacher's desk.
Educator: And now I’ll show you the magic that our decorations held tight. In this cup, very hot water, so you do not approach the table, but look through the wall of the cup. (the teacher lowers the eggs into the water one by one with a spoon, when the stickers “grab” he transfers them to cold water, remove hot food from the table). (Easter music sounds) Children come up, find their egg, admire its beauty and place them on a special stand or put them in a basket with their mother hen).
When planning this lesson, I tried to take into account age, individual characteristics children, as well as the requirements of the program and the regional component available to children of this age, i.e. Easter traditions of painting and decorating eggs, Easter games and songs.
The structure of the lesson was chosen taking into account the assigned tasks, so the main part of the lesson is reading the work and asking questions about the text; Since the lesson is complex, the second part is actually a creative experiment. In the middle of the lesson, a physical education session, also combined with general meaning the entire lesson.
During the lesson, I tried to use a variety of methods: playful, verbal, visual. Techniques: repetition, negotiation, showing, presenting new things based on the knowledge and experience of children, colorful visual material, its diversity, musical accompaniment. I tried to make my speech emotional and colorful, my explanations accessible and complete.
I tried to comply hygienic requirements(use of napkins, timing) and the safety of children when working with hot water.
I consider the tasks assigned during the lesson completed. The children's cognitive and emotional interest remained throughout the lesson. A differentiated approach to children was carried out during the reading of the work (answers to questions, individual work while decorating eggs. Children's behavior is active and interested, which shows their interest and orientation towards the zone of proximal development.

Attached files

Integration of areas:“Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Health”.

Target: create a sense of justice.


  • Educational: continue to work to generate interest in the book; help you understand the sequence of actions of fairy tale characters with the help of illustrations; learn to correctly name the author and title of the work; clarify knowledge on the topic “Fruits”.
  • Educational: develop the ability to listen carefully to fairy tales; using different techniques, develop the ability to correctly perceive the content of a work, empathize with its heroes, evaluate the actions of the heroes; develop ideas about literary genres; enrich your vocabulary on the topic.
  • Educational: cultivate emotional and figurative perception of the text; form the concepts of “friendship”, “kindness”, “justice”, cultivate the desire to act fairly.

Equipment: Karkusha doll, apple, V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Apple” with illustrations,

Preliminary work: conversations with children about fruits; reading of U. Rashid’s poem “Our Garden”; guessing riddles about fruits; coloring apples; exercise “Our garden”, didactic game"The fourth wheel"; finger gymnastics“Compote”, exercise “Hedgehog and Drum”, “Squeezing the Juice”, speech motor game “We walked through the garden...”;

Lexical work:

  • Wild apple tree - apple tree that grows in the forest.
  • Curled up in a ball lie down bent over.
  • Woke up - not quite awake.
  • Kicked - hit, kick.
  • Will bark - about animals, shout loudly and abruptly.
  • Divide into equal parts - everyone is the same.
  • Taught me wisdom - told me how to do it right.
  • Fair - correct, true (reflects reality).
  • Judged fairly - I decided rightly.

Progress of the lesson

1. Surprise moment.

Karkusha arrives and brings the children an apple as a gift.

Karkusha asks the children: “Which apple?”

Children's answers: “Big, ripe, rosy, fragrant, sweet, tasty, healthy, yellow.” Karkusha doesn’t like the children’s answers. She answers herself: “One and only.”

Educator: “What should we do? There are many guys, but one apple.”

Karkusha: “Read V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Apple” and you will find out what to do.”

2. Reading the fairy tale “Apple” by V. Suteev.

First reading of a fairy tale.

Conversation on questions:

  1. Did you like the fairy tale?
  2. What was the name of the fairy tale and who wrote it?
    V. Suteev is not only a writer, he was also an artist and drew pictures for his fairy tales, which are called illustrations. These are the pictures V. Suteev drew for the fairy tale “The Apple”.
  3. Do you remember the heroes of the fairy tale? (Hare, Crow, Hedgehog, Bear).
  4. Why did the Hare, Crow and Hedgehog quarrel? (Because of the apple).
  5. Who reconciled our friends? (Bear, Mikhail Ivanovich).

3. Physical exercise.

“We walked through the garden...”

We walked through the garden, walked, walked. Children are walking.
An apple tree was found in the garden. Depict a tree.
Are there bananas hanging on it? (No, not bananas.)
Are there plums hanging on it? (No, not plums.)
Are there pears hanging on it? (No, not pears.)
There are apples hanging on it They make fists and spread their arms to the sides.
They ask them to disrupt the guys. They “throw” their hands down.
The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing, Bend left and right, arms up.
He picks ripe apples from the tree. They “throw” their hands down.
Apples fall from the branches onto the paths. They squat and bang their fists on their knees.
We will help the apples: we will put They get up.
They are in a basket.
Take apples from the ground Place the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.
And put it in a basket.

"Hedgehog and Drum"

A hedgehog walks with a drum They march in a circle and play the drum.
Boom Boom Boom!
The hedgehog plays all day long
Boom Boom Boom!
With a drum behind my shoulders, They walk in a circle, hands behind their backs.
Boom Boom Boom!
A hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident,
Boom Boom Boom!
He loved apples very much First with one hand, then with the other, they bring an apple.
Boom Boom Boom!
He forgot the drum in the garden, They shrug their shoulders.
Boom Boom Boom!
At night the apples were picked Hands on the belt, jumping in place.
Boom Boom Boom!
And the blows rang out Jumping.
Boom Boom Boom!
The hares got really scared, They make “ears”, squat, tremble.
Boom Boom Boom!
We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, Cover your eyes with your hands.
Boom Boom Boom!

Exercise “Squeezing juice.”

Children clench and unclench their fists, saying:
We squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze the fruit.
Pour delicious juice into a cup. “Pour” from one fist to another.
Oh! What a fragrant juice! Inhale through your nose and pronounce as you exhale.

4. Second reading of the fairy tale.

The teacher reads the fairy tale for the second time. Conducts a detailed conversation on issues.

  1. Who saw the apple? (Hare).
  2. Who picked the apple? (Crow).
  3. Who caught the apple? (Hedgehog).
  4. Why did the heroes quarrel and even fight? (Everyone believed that the apple was his; no one wanted to give in).
  5. Who was asked to help? (Bear). What was his name? (Mikhail Ivanovich).
  6. Why do you think Bear? (The biggest, the smartest).
  7. What did Mikhail Ivanovich think? (Everyone is right and everyone should get an apple).
  8. How can I be one? (Divide into equal parts).
  9. Why did the Bear get the apple? (He reconciled everyone and taught them to reason).

The result of the conversation: there is no need to quarrel with friends and fight, you need to call for help, he will advise you, judge fairly, and will not offend anyone.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, do you understand what we should do with Karkusha’s gift, an apple?

Children: You need to divide the apple into equal parts.

The teacher divides the apple among all the children and treats them. Praises children for listening carefully to the story and answering correctly.