Beautiful Azerbaijani names for boys. Azerbaijani names for girls

All Azerbaijani names have beautiful meaning with meaning. Do you want to decide on a name for your child or learn more about the culture of Azerbaijan? Here you will find a lot interesting information and you can choose a male Azerbaijani name for your son.

History of the origin of Azerbaijani names

Names are always closely connected with history. Türkiye and Iran had a great influence on Azerbaijan, so many words in these countries are similar. All of them have Turkic, Arabic, Persian, Albanian roots. Islam also made its contribution.

In 1920, Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan, which greatly affected the local culture. Originally for Turkic names there are character postfixes indicating generic or social affiliation carrier.

Starting from 1920, postfixes began to be removed, because some of them denoted phenomena that were objectionable to the Soviet government:

  • “bek” indicates a special noble title;
  • “khan” means royal blood, belonging to the family of the ruler;
  • "baba" ("bobo") denotes a person from a family of religious figures.

More harmless postfixes were also removed. For example, “ogly” (son) and “zade” (descendant), which are used to form a patronymic: Muslim-ogly - son of Muslim, Ibrahim-zade - descendant of Ibrahim. Moreover, the postfix “zade” was applied to high-ranking parents, representatives of the upper strata of society. For Soviet republic, where everyone should be equal, such an elevation of some people over others was unacceptable.

After the collapse of the USSR, people again strive to return postfixes. Nowadays they are often written not separately or with a hyphen, but together: it was - Mamed-bek, now - Mamedbek.

List of beautiful Azerbaijani names for boys

To name a child a beautiful masculine name with an equally wonderful meaning, you first need to decide which area of ​​life is most significant to you. Some names carry a certain character trait, others even mean geographical places, and others have religious roots.

The interpretation of names comes down to one of the following meanings:

  • name of geographical area (Araz River, Lake Sevan, Mount Elbrus);
  • name of the city (Tabriz);
  • personal quality (Vugar – proud, Zahid – scientist, Said – happy);
  • profession, vocation (Rasim is an artist, Rais is a policeman, Namig is a writer);
  • bird (Shahin - falcon, Tarlan - eagle, Yunus - dove);
  • divine meaning(Wahab is the bestower of blessings, Yahya is the name of the prophet, Rahman is the all-merciful);
  • designation of a folk subgroup, tribe (Oguz, for example, a medieval Turkic tribe).

Eastern names caress the ear, like melodic music.

Listen to how smooth they sound:

  • Rauf - compassionate;
  • Agalar - eldest;
  • Alpan - brave man;
  • Ariz - male warrior;
  • Bakhsh - gift, gifted;
  • Sanan - lover;
  • Jalal - glorious faith;
  • Roland (presumably derived from the English “Roland”) is a native of a glorious country;
  • Sagif (variation of the name “Said”) - happy;
  • Shahin - white falcon;
  • Telman (a combination of the Arabic words "Tel" and "Man") - literally translated as a person living on a hilly plain;
  • Vilayat is a principality.

The 20th century writer Jafar Jabbarli had an interesting influence on trends in naming children. The names (including fictitious ones) that the author gave to the characters in his works became widespread among the people. Such a name seems to elevate the child, connecting him with art from birth. These are, for example, Nasreddin, Aydin, Oktay, Sevil, Almas, Yashar, Dilber, Kojuk, Aslan.

Rare male names of Azerbaijani origin

The first thing that comes to mind for a new parent is: fashionable names, which are on everyone's lips. It is not surprising that there are so many Timurs, Farhads and Airats around: they are easy to remember. The exception is families where it is customary to name children in memory of their ancestors.

Thanks to this tradition we can meet people called:

  • Ibrahim - merciful servant;
  • Javanshir - a mighty young lion;
  • Mehman - guest;
  • Amrullah - the will of the Lord;
  • Soyalp comes from a brave family;
  • Khosrow is a philanthropist.

Rare names look attractive because they make a person unique. But they also have disadvantages. If the child will live in secular society, among children different nationalities, then there is a high probability that he will be teased at school. Such a person will have communication problems all his life: friends and colleagues from other cultures will have difficulty pronouncing his name.

As we know from historical information, names ending in “bek”, “khan”, “baba”, “zade”, “ogly” for a long time were undesirable, and therefore now they can also be classified as rare.

The most popular names and their meanings

The list of names for a boy, recognized as the most popular among Azerbaijani male names, looks like this:

  1. Nariman (courageous).
  2. Emin (faithful).
  3. Timur (iron).
  4. Ahmad (illustrious).
  5. Farhad (understandable).
  6. Ruzil (happy).
  7. Naseem (organizer).
  8. Rashad (prudent).
  9. Amir (leader, ruler).
  10. Maksud (desired).

Many parents want to name their child after a famous person. After all, “whatever you call a ship, so it will plow the seas.”

An example is taken from outstanding Azerbaijanis:

  • Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Heydar Aliyev;
  • Mayor of Baku Hajibala Abutalibov;
  • poet Ahmed Javad;
  • founder of the Azerbaijan Republic Mammad Emin Rasulzade;
  • philanthropist Haji Tagiyev;
  • singers and composers Rashid Behbudov, Muslim Magomayev, Kara Karayev and Uzeyir Hajibeyov;
  • mathematician Lotfi Zadeh;
  • surgeon Mustafa Topchibashev;
  • Hero Soviet Union Azi Aslanov;
  • founder of the space program Kerim Kerimov.

Therefore, many modern Azerbaijani names are namesakes of great people.

Ancient and forgotten names

Do you want your son to stand out from his peers? At your service are the names Mehtiaga, Molla, Mamed, Aliaga, Mirza, Firidun, Javanshir, Nadir, Fatali, Alimardan, Abbas, Muhammadkuli, Panah, Mashadi. To modern man they are known from the pages of history because they belonged famous personalities of the past.

Many ancient names can be found in the epic “Kitabi dede Gorgud” (“The Book of My Grandfather Korkut”). Among the male characters are Basat, Bamsi-Beyrek, Bayandur Khan, Salor-Kazan, Derse Khan, Bugach, Uruz, Domrul, Kan-Turali, Einek, Emran. All these are people who have accomplished various feats.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on his date of birth

Naming a child based on the date of birth is a custom of Orthodox Christians. IN church calendar it is indicated on which day which saints are venerated: there are several options to choose from on one day. Parents focus directly on the birthday or one of the neighboring dates. The chosen saint becomes the child's patron.

Azerbaijanis do not have such a tradition. In families where customs are valued, a child is more likely to be named after a Muslim holiday than after a birth date, fashion, or season. There is also the practice of naming in honor of grandparents.

However, you can choose something related to the time of year or weather events, for example:

  • Ayaz - winter wind;
  • Elgun – sun (association with summer);
  • Aly - bright, red (like autumn leaves);
  • Azer is the ninth month according to the Solar calendar;
  • Novruz is a spring holiday.

Interesting fact: ancient people understood that it was difficult to name a baby for the rest of its life, because its character was still unknown. Therefore, at first they gave a temporary name, and later - a permanent one.

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Azerbaijani names

Azerbaijani female names and their meaning

Roots Azerbaijani names originate from the Turkic language group. Therefore, most Azerbaijani names have Turkic roots.

Persian, Arabic, Albanian culture and Islam had a huge influence on Azerbaijani names. Western names are also used nowadays.

Original Azerbaijani surnames have the following endings:

Li (Fuzuli)

Zade (Rasulzade)

Oglu (Avezoglu)

Ogli (kyzy) correspond to the endings of patronymics -vich (-vna) in Russian.

Currently, surnames are changed by shortening the endings (for example, the former Iskenderov, the current Iskender).

Azerbaijani female names

Aida, Aida(Arabic) – profit, income

Aidan(Turkic) – moon

Ayla(Turkic) – dawn, shine

Aysel(Turkic/Arabic) – moonlight

Aychin(Turkic) – moon-like

Akçay(Turkic) – white river, purity

Diamond(Turkic) – beautiful

Altun(Turkic) – gold

Arzu(pers.) – desired

Banu(pers.) – madam

Basura, Basira(Arabic) – open soul

Buta(Turkic) – bud

Busat(Turkic) – cheerful

Gumral(Turkic) – persimmon color

Denise(Turkic) – ebullient, stormy, sea

Dildar(pers.) – beloved

Dunya(Arabic) – peaceful, close

Zarif(Arabic) – tender

Ziba(Arabic) – beautiful

Lala(pers.) – beautiful flower

Leila(Arabic) – night

Lyaman(Arabic) – sparkling

Meltem(Arabic) – light breeze

Mine(Arabic) – fine pattern

Mushtag(Arabic) – desired

Naira(Arabic) – fire, radiance

Nardan(pers.) – fire, liveliness

Nisar(Arabic) – forgiveness

Nuray(Arabic/Turkic) – moonlight

Nursach(Arabic/Turkic) – emitting light

Nursan(Arabic/Turkic) – light of glory

Onay(Turkic) – first moon

Rose(Roman) – red flower

Saigas(Turkic) – respect

Sanay(Turkic) – like the moon

Sevda(Arabic) – beloved

Seviar(Turkic) – loving

Syaba(Arabic) – light breath

Sima(Arabic) – border

Solmaz(Turk.) – unfading

Sona(Turkic) – beautiful

Susan(pers.) – tulip

Tarai(Turkic) – new Moon

Tovuz(Arabic) – desired beauty

Torai(Turkic) – the moon hidden behind the clouds

Tore(Turkic) – rules to which everyone obeys

Tuba(Arabic) – tall, pretty

Turai(Turk.) – visible moon

Toure(Turkic) – princess

Tunai(Turkic) – moon visible at night

Tutu(Turkic) – sweet-tongued

Ulduz(Turkic) – star

Umay(Turkic) – bird of happiness

Ferda, Ferdi(Arabic) – future

Fidan(Arabic) – freshness

Hanim(Turkic) – venerable, respected woman

Khatyn(Turkic) – respected woman

Khumar(Arabic) – beauty

Persimmon(pers.) – pleasant to people

Chinar(Turkic) – tall, pretty

Shenay(Turkic) – sparkling moon

Shems(Arabic) – sun

Chief(Arabic) – healthy

Shimay(Turkic) – sparkling moon

Elyaz(Turkic) – joy of the people

Elnaz(Turkic/Persian) – the most desirable of the people

Emel(Arabic) – goal, ideal

Esmer(Arabic) – dark-skinned

Efra(pers.) – tall

Efshan(pers.) – sowing

Yagut(Arabic) – priceless

Yayla(Turkic) – sincere

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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There is a great variety of male Azerbaijani names (approximately 15,340), this indicates that the ancestors of the people had a good imagination. At the very beginning of its development, humanity did not puzzle over what name to give to a newborn. The child was named after what surrounded him. For example, in honor of flowers, mountains, rivers, seas, lakes.

Another method of selection was to ensure that the chosen name served as a talisman against failure and evil forces.

Characteristics of nationality

Any name must have a direct connection with nationality. Having received it, the child identifies himself with the history and character of his people. There are also names of international origin. They are received by children born in mixed marriage, which means that they have a choice of which nationality they consider themselves to be in the future. People with such names easily feel like “citizens of the world.”

Historical roots of the name

Each name carries a certain image or character. When a child begins to learn the history of his homeland, nation, or reads books where he meets his namesakes, he involuntarily begins to ask himself questions: “What contribution did they make to the history of the people?”; “What actions do you remember?”; “What kind of character and willpower did they have?” And when he finds similarities with himself in them, it gives him great support. The child understands that he, too, can be as smart, brave and kind as his historical namesake.

Azerbaijani male names mainly originate from the Turkic language. And the formation of new ones was influenced by Persian culture. For example, in Azerbaijan the name Aslan is very common, which means “lion”. The children were named after cities - Tabriz (located in Iran), rivers - Araz, in honor of the prophet and members of his family. Parents give their children the names of respected ancestors or famous people Azerbaijan.

Beautiful male Azerbaijani names, combining influence different cultures, today sound bright, meaningful and euphonious. But the main imprint on their formation was left by local traditions and the persistent spirit of this people.


The name Tamerlan has Turkic origin. The child so named has been particularly taciturn since childhood; he shows interest in knowledge only to reflect his inner world. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people with this name become highly qualified specialists. The basis of all their affairs is self-satisfaction.

The name Tamerlane gives its owner a strong and persistent character. Suffice it to recall the great commander Amir Temur, who was nicknamed Tamerlane.

He is interested in his appearance. He should always look comme il faut, only then does he feel confident and easily make new acquaintances, while showing friendliness.

The fact that Tamerlane does not know how to show love and tenderness at all is not true. It’s just that when choosing a companion, he is guided by one thing - she must become a complete compliance with his principles, which he adheres to in life. The strong character, ambition and determination of his partner are much more important to him than external beauty.

Unfortunately, people with this name often find it difficult to adapt to new circumstances. When others try to impose their opinions on them, they either move away from them or withdraw into themselves.

They are especially careful with money, so they are mistakenly considered stingy. For their own needs they will not regret a large sum, but if they are convinced that someone needs them more than they do, then these people will do everything to make others feel good.

They always remain calm and have a well-developed sense of self-control. Their main goals are to maintain their wit and good-heartedness.


The name Abdullah is of Arabic origin. People with this name are very sociable and make contact with anyone. For them, making a new acquaintance is a mere trifle, but it plays an important role in their lives. best friend, for his sake they will go to great lengths.

For them, in terms of clothing, comfort and convenience are important. They are never obsessed with fashion and sense of style. If they are not worried about their style, then they pay attention to the correspondence of their interlocutor appearance and inner world.

For Abdullah, marriage is a kind of partnership that has a long term. Of course, they tend to show sincere feelings, but they will never forgive people who try to limit their freedom. Such situations cause a violent reaction in them, thereby family life disagreements occur.

But despite this, thanks to his natural charm, politeness and goodwill, there are quite a lot of girls who want to win his heart. To ensure that there are no disagreements in family life with Abdullah, the companion must create comfort around him.

Azerbaijani male names such as Abdul, Abdu and Umma are considered derivatives of Abdullah.


The Arabic name translates to "pilgrim". Such people are too inquisitive in childhood. With age, thanks to such qualities as responsibility and quick reaction to events, they take the place of leaders in the team. Owners of this name will never ask for help, but if they notice potential in those in need, they will not pass by.

The name Gadzhi has derivative forms: Gadzhimurad, Gadzhibek, Gadzhip and Gadzhil.

Without noticing it, Gadzhi needs a daily dose of love. Therefore, girls who want to settle in their hearts need to show extremely obsessive care.

Often such people are touchy, and visible reasons no to that. As soon as he realizes the fact that he has not had a partner for a long time, he comes to the realization that he is abandoned, unhappy and lonely. In fact, he just needs a person to his liking who will be devoted to him. Only then will harmony reign in alliance with Gadzhi.


A name symbolizing continuous movement. His childhood can be characterized in two words - fidgety and fidgety. And it won't go away over time. He does not like or value stability; he constantly needs to change his place of residence. Which is sometimes the main reason for his loneliness. But this does not bother Zakir, since for him this is the only attribute of a full-fledged existence.

Just like Haji, Zakir needs love, although he does not realize it. He is always attracted by harmony, and it doesn’t matter how it manifests itself. Therefore, he always strives to create it around himself. But this does not mean that he will fight with the person who decided to disturb his peace. Here he shows a diplomatic strategy, so that Zakir’s enemy and ill-wisher turns into a friend. Therefore, you should not be surprised that people with this name almost never have enemies. They are able to find a compromise in any situation and have the rare gift of awakening bad person the most beautiful thoughts and feelings.

Derived names: Zakirjan, Zakiretdin, Zakirulla, Zakirkhan.


The name Muslim has 4 origins: Chechen, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Tatar - and is translated as “a person who converted to Islam.”

The owner of this name is distinguished from others by his courage. Childhood is associated with curiosity and self-will. Thanks to his determination and responsibility, Muslim will take the place of a leader in his career.

Starting a family symbolizes the end of romance. He is too honest and serious, but you can always rely on him. Muslim does not like sentimentality and display of feelings, but over time he will find the one who will appreciate it.

The peculiarity of people with this name is that they strive to create something new and beautiful and do it with ease, therefore they are often the object of admiration of the people around them.


Almost all male Azerbaijani names have strong energy. People who are called by the name Tural are always independent and are distinguished by extraordinary courage. Resourcefulness helps them become leaders in a team. For Tural, marriage and creating a family are the main values ​​in life. So his heart is being hunted a large number of representatives of the fair sex. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding him, he will always be protection and support for his beloved.

Tural is devoted friend with a wonderful sense of humor. Respects people who have wealth and occupy a high position and status.

He is very clean, so disorder and negligence are unacceptable to him. He also does not like it when vulgar speech is heard around him. Tural tries to avoid quarrels and unpleasant people, and he does it well. He reacts to criticism from people in two ways: either he listens with pride, or he reacts sharply and sometimes uses obscene words.


The owner of such a name must always dominate in everything, and this does not depend on the situation in which he finds himself. He is not afraid of people who are stronger than him physically and spiritually.

If the partner takes care of him, and the care should be more reminiscent of servility, then in return she will receive admiration and gratitude from Anar. Often prone to irritability over small things. If the companion is able to withstand his character with fortitude, then he will do everything to make their union long-lasting and harmonious.

His character is very contradictory. He may find a worthy goal, but he will not conquer it. He likes to lead this process. Sometimes he stays away from the glory and is ready to give all the trophies to someone else.

He is always sincere and honest. But sometimes his straightforwardness is expressed in a very rude form. If his subordinates often make mistakes, then they cannot avoid the explosive reaction of his boss Anar. But after he cools down, he will not leave the feeling of guilt.

Azerbaijani male names. List of the most popular

According to statistics, the most popular male names in Azerbaijan are Ali, Huseyn, Yusif and Muhammad.

If in Soviet times Azerbaijanis were given names that were easy to pronounce, now children are named with deep meaning.

Choosing a name for a girl is always very difficult. I want to give the baby not only beautiful name, but also a name associated with its people. It should be noted that Azerbaijani girl names originate from the Turkic language group. But in addition to Arab culture, Albanian and Persian culture had a huge influence on Azerbaijani names. On this moment Names in honor of members of the family of the Prophet Muhammad, for example, Fatima or Hussein, are very popular among the Azerbaijani population.

In Azerbaijan, it is customary to congratulate a family on their addition with the words “may the child live up to the name,” so many carefully choose Azerbaijani names for girls and boys. Some give the names of famous people, poets and thinkers, or their pious relatives. At the same time, many of the names mentioned in the epic “Dede Gorgud” are actively used by the people today.

Imprint of the Soviet period

During the USSR, Azerbaijanis, fearing persecution, changed their names and surnames. Basically, they removed the endings khan or bek, but after the collapse of the Union and gaining independence, children began to be given Islamic names. After all, the people gradually returned to faith and the role of Islam in people’s lives increased. The most popular Azerbaijani girl names are as follows.

Azerbaijani names for girls:

Aida - profit, income

Sona is beautiful

Aidan - lunar

Susan - tulip

Ayla - dawn, shine

Tarai - new moon

Aichin - moon-like; bright

Tovuz - a desirable beauty

Diamond - beautiful

Torai - the moon hidden behind the clouds

Altun - gold

Tore - rules to which everyone obeys

Arzu - desire, wish

Tuba - tall, pretty

Banu - lady; lady

Turai - visible moon

Basura - with an open soul

Ture - prince (essa)

Busat - fun

Tunai - moon visible at night

Gumral - persimmon color

Turkan - Turks

Denise - ebullient, stormy

Tutu - sweet-tongued

Dildar - beloved

Ulduz is a star

Dunya - peace; close

Umai - the bird of happiness

Lala - a beautiful flower

Ferda (i) - future

Leila - night

Fidan - fresh

Meltem - light (breeze)

Hanim - a respectable, respected woman

Mina - fine pattern

Khatyn is a respected woman

Mushtag - wishing from the heart

Khumar - beauty

Naira - fire, radiance

Persimmon - I like it

Nardan - fire, liveliness

Chinar - tall, pretty

Nurai - moonlight

Shenai - sparkling moon

Nursach - emitting light

Shems - sun

Nursan - light of glory

Shefa is healthy

Onay - first magnifying glass

Shimay - sparkling moon

Rose - red flower

Elyaz - the joy of the people

Saiga - respect

Elnaz is the most desirable among the people

Sanay - like the moon

Emel - goal, ideal

Sevda - love

Esmer is dark-skinned

Seviar - loving

Efra - tall

Syaba - light breath

Yagut - valuable

Sima - honor

Yayla - sincere

Solmaz - unfading

Azerbaijan is a state on whose territory they met and actively interacted various cultures. That is why the question of which names are considered Azerbaijani and which are not is quite complicated. We conventionally consider such names to be those that are common today among the population of this country.

Origin of traditional names

Azerbaijani names for women and men largely come from Turkic dialects. This is the most ancient factor that influenced the formation of local culture. Later they were supplemented by Persian and Albanian borrowings. In addition, many Azerbaijani names, female and male, are, of course, taken from Arab culture, which is of enormous importance as a source of religion and the entire way of life for the local population. The most popular of them are names that once belonged to family members and associates of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam - Ali, Hasan, Fatima and others. Another part of the names are given to children in honor of the names of some significant places, for example, rivers or mountains. At the same time, Azerbaijanis take naming very seriously, as evidenced by the local proverb and wish: “Let the child live up to the name.” So a name is a kind of program, a business card, according to which, in particular, an idea of ​​a person is built. Therefore, children are named for a reason, but in honor of someone who commands respect and is an authority - from the prophets of the Holy Scriptures to relatives. Many Azerbaijani names, female and male, also come from poetry. For example, the epic “Kitabi Dede Gorgud” is very popular in this regard.

USSR time

The arrival of the Soviet regime also played an important role in shaping the cultural picture of modern Azerbaijan. Because of him, new names appeared, and in general the approach to naming a child has changed somewhat. For example, the traditional endings “khan” and “bek” began to disappear from use. Names in honor of revolutionary figures or even remakes based on communist values ​​have become widespread. Even surnames were subjected to Russification, from which local endings were removed.

But after the collapse of the USSR and the return to previous traditional values, the situation began to change - parents increasingly began to choose traditional male and female Azerbaijani names for their children. Modern parents in this sense have returned to their original traditions, because Islam has once again become a culture-forming force on the territory of the state. In this regard, the country has a traffic light principle in the field of naming. This means that Azerbaijani names, female and male, are separated by color. Red, for example, is a color that unites names, the choice of which is highly discouraged for young parents. This category includes names mainly from the Soviet past and generally foreign names that are not very welcome in Islam. The green list, on the other hand, includes those names that are most welcome. They may be on different languages, but, of course, the most popular of them is Azerbaijani. Women's names, like men's names that do not fall into these two categories, have yellow. These are valid options. They are usually given to children who were born in families where one of the parents is a foreigner. The attitude towards such names is reserved; most often they are not approved by the conservative majority.

Names as a reflection of the character of the era

From a historical perspective, the names of Azerbaijanis usually reflect the spirit of the times. Thus, in the era of strong Turkic influence, a person had three names at once. The first of these was given at birth and was used simply for recognition and communication. Then, as a child, the person was assigned another name based on his characteristic features, character or appearance. Well, in mature years a person acquired a third name, reflecting the reputation he had earned in society. The Islamization of the region led to the Arabization of names, and those that were popular in religious Muslim society came to the fore. The Soviet system interrupted the tradition for some time, actively promoting the Russification and Sovietization of names (for example, such names as “Traktor”, “Kolkhoz”, “Vladlen” became widespread). But the end of the era of socialism was marked by the revival of former historical traditions, based on the synthesis of Turkic and Arabic components with small elements of Albanian and Persian cultures.

Azerbaijani female names and their meanings

Below we provide a list of some female names. Unfortunately, a complete list of them would be too lengthy, so we will limit ourselves to just a few. All of the following Azerbaijani female names are beautiful and popular among the people.

  • Aidan. Means "lunar".
  • Azada. Translated into Russian as “free”.
  • Aigul. Literally means "moon flower".
  • Ayla. The meaning is close to the concept of dawn or shine.
  • Aysel. A very beautiful name with the meaning “moonlight”.
  • Amina. This name is translated as “safe” or “preserving.”
  • Basura. Means a woman with an open soul.
  • Bella. The name means "beauty".
  • Valida. IN direct meaning"Mother of the Sultan"
  • Vusala. Reflects the concept of unity, meeting, connection.
  • Jamila. Arabic name meaning "beauty of the world."
  • Dilara. Difficult to translate name. It roughly means the following: “caressing the soul.”
  • Yegana. It means “the only one.”
  • Zara. Literally translated as “gold”.
  • Zulfiya. Means "curly".
  • Irada. This name has a meaning close to the concept of strong will.
  • Inara. This is the name of the chosen woman, that is, the meaning of the name is the one who was chosen.
  • Lamia. Means "bright".
  • Leila. It hints that the girl's hair is black as night.
  • Medina. This is the name of a holy city in Arabia. The name is given in his honor.
  • Nailya. Talks about a woman who enjoys life.
  • Ragsana. Translated as “quiet”.

Azerbaijani male names and their meanings

Now we present a small selection of names for boys.

  • Abas. This name means a gloomy person.
  • Abid. Translated as “praying”.
  • Adalat. The literal meaning is "justice".
  • Bayram. It means it’s just a “holiday”.
  • Bahram. That's what they call a murderer evil spirit, if literally translated.
  • Valef. Means "in love."
  • Walid. A word meaning parent.
  • Wasim. That means it's beautiful.
  • Gharib. This name is usually given to children of non-native origin. It means "foreigner".
  • Dashdemir. The name literally translates to “iron and stone.”