Where to go on vacation in April without a passport. General procedure for visiting other countries with a general passport of the Russian Federation. Which European countries are easy to get a visa for?

Situations in life are different, and sometimes such a long-awaited vacation comes completely suddenly. The documents found in the nightstand are long overdue, and there is absolutely no time to make new ones. And I really wanted to treat myself to a good rest and change the scenery outside the window! Don’t despair and get ready to sit in a boring city. After all, there are almost a dozen countries where you can go without a passport.

Where to go?

Despite the popularity of countries such as Turkey and Egypt among Russians, in some situations it is worth paying attention to what is “under our noses.”

There are as many as six places where Russians do not need a passport. All of these are CIS countries (now or in the past), but believe me, each of them has something to surprise and delight you with. The list is represented by the following states and regions:

  1. Belarus;
  2. Abkhazia;
  3. Kazakhstan;
  4. South Ossetia;
  5. Kyrgyzstan;
  6. Kaliningrad region.

Previously, it was also possible to visit Tajikistan, where tours were organized without a passport, but in 2015 the situation changed, and now it is impossible to do without additional documents.

When deciding where to relax without a passport, you should pay attention to these places. These are the most optimal countries for Russians to travel without unnecessary documents.

Winter and autumn without a passport

Winter or autumn vacation, and even without the opportunity to visit the sunny corners of the planet? Is it really possible to sit within four walls again, limiting ourselves only to occasional outings for groceries? We assure you, there is no reason to despair. We will tell you where to go without a passport in winter is not only possible, but also necessary.

In winter, without a foreign passport, Belarus and Kazakhstan await you at their resorts, and in the fall - Kyrgyzstan and South Ossetia.

You can cross the border without a passport in Belarus. Here you will find many winter resorts, but the best of them are Silichi and Logoisk.

Belarus — Silichi

“Silichi” has 9 ski slopes in its arsenal. In addition, you can treat yourself to ice skating, sledding, tubing, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.


Ski pass*



1 day

1077 (539 for children)

~670 (for lunch for two)

7 days

(subscription) 5540 (2770 for child)

**- room for one adult and one child

Belarus — Logoisk

Holidays in Logoisk are also possible without a passport and additional documents. This resort is notable for the presence of 5 slopes, equipped with a cable car and rope tows, with a total elevation difference of 820 m.


Ski pass



1 day

984 (456 for children)

~600 (for lunch for two)

7 days

(no subscription provided) 6888 (3192 for children)

Kazakhstan — Chimbulak

You can also go to Kazakhstan for winter experiences. It refers to those countries that do not require a passport. The most popular winter resort here is Chimbulak. It is located near the city of Almaty.


Ski pass



1 day

1180 (544 children)

~670 (for lunch for two)

7 days

( subscription) 7264 (3459 for children)

South Ossetia

If you are looking for where to go in November without a passport, South Ossetia and Kyrgyzstan are at your service.

Despite the fact that South Ossetia became an independent republic not so long ago, it is still one of those places where a foreign passport is not needed.

The main attraction of South Ossetia is the mountains. It is unlikely that you have ever seen such beauty with your own eyes. And the mountains are more beautiful than ever in autumn: all the trees are lit with different colors, and the view takes your breath away... This is something worth seeing with your own eyes.

Mountains of South Ossetia

In the fall, many 9-7-day tours are organized here, the price of which includes excursions, transportation, meals and accommodation. The price of such a trip will be 18,000 rubles. for one person. If you want to explore everything yourself, then the approximate prices look like this:


One of the main tourist attractions in Kyrgyzstan is Lake Issyk-Kul. But for the autumn season, it should be noted that Kyrgyzstan is also famous for its mountains. But many historical attractions have found a place in the capital, Bishkek. Holidays in Kyrgyzstan are possible without a visa or passport.


Now you know where you can spend your winter vacation and where to go New Year without a passport and where to spend yours autumn vacation. These countries are available to Russians all year round, but these are also the most suitable places where you can relax without additional documents in winter and autumn.

In the summer without unnecessary documents

With winter everything is more or less clear. But in the summer, you want to know which countries don’t need a passport to visit much more. Leaving the country without a passport during this hot season is possible to all 6 states on the list. But if you want to discover places where you can spend time at sea without a passport, it’s worth visiting Abkhazia and Kazakhstan.


When searching for where to go on vacation without additional documents, and which countries you can visit, you should pay attention to Abkhazia. This wonderful region is ready to give you a holiday at sea without a passport or visa.


Accommodation / day


~650 (for lunch for two)

~600 (for lunch for two)


But if you are looking for other countries for Russians that you can go to without a foreign passport, then we can please you. Holidays without a passport at sea are possible in the summer in the Republic of Kazakhstan. True, the largest lake on Earth, the Caspian, is called the sea here.

Caspian lake

If you look at the map of the republic, it may seem that there should be a whole lot of beaches and access to the sea. But, unfortunately, there are only a few beaches here, due to the fact that almost the entire coastline is occupied by rocks. Prices in Aktau, a popular seaside resort:

To the sea (km)

Accommodation / day


~640 (for lunch for two)


Without leaving the borders of our country, you can go to the sea in the Kaliningrad region. Traveling within the country without a passport, you can discover a lot of new things.


You can only get to the sea without additional documents by plane: this region has common borders only with Lithuania and Poland. Holidays in the Kaliningrad region are represented by two beautiful seaside resorts that you should and can visit:

That's probably it best places, where you can relax without a passport at sea, and which, moreover, are very close to travel from Russia. And most importantly - inexpensive!

This is how interesting and educational a vacation can be without a visa or passport. Now you know exactly where to go on vacation without unnecessary documents and get a lot of impressions.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the ski resorts of Belarus and Kazakhstan, the beautiful mountains of South Ossetia and Kyrgyzstan and the sea coast of Abkhazia, Kazakhstan and the Kaliningrad region, especially since you can only travel to these countries with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


A foreign passport is the main document that identifies a Russian citizen outside the country. However, there are exceptions to the rule. There is a list of countries where Russians do not need a passport.

To cross the border, it is enough to present a general civil document. Each country has own rules entry points that should be studied by those planning to go on vacation.

The republic, not recognized by most states in the world, is more than loyal to Russia. To visit Abkhazia you will not need a visa or a passport.

Children under 14 years old must present a birth certificate, which requires an insert or a citizenship stamp.

Minor citizens traveling with one parent must have notarized power of attorney from another. Medical insurance is provided at the border. Motorists need to have a license and documents for the car.

Important condition: Entry under such conditions is possible only from Russia through the checkpoint on the Psou River. The point is open 24 hours a day, admitting both pedestrian tourists and motor vehicles. Those who wish to travel to Abkhazia from Georgia will need a foreign passport and a special entry permit.


Sample Green Card

A state with a rich historical and cultural past, which has special diplomatic relations with Russia. To visit Belarus you do not need a passport. For adults, an internal passport is sufficient; for children, a birth certificate is sufficient.

Children traveling with one parent do not need permission from the other parent. You won't need it either medical insurance. Emergency medical care will be provided to a Russian citizen in trouble free of charge.

Russian citizens do not fill out a migration card when entering Belarus and can spend 30 days in the country without registration.

Officially, you are allowed to stay in the fraternal republic for 90 days a year. In fact, this is difficult to verify.

The only caveat concerns motorists: the MTPL policy is not valid in Belarus. It is replaced by the international Green Card insurance, which is issued additionally.


A member state of the CIS with favorable entry conditions. No visa or passport is required. You can travel with a Russian passport, and children with a birth certificate. If a child is traveling with one parent, a power of attorney for travel is required.

Kazakhstan border stamp

Citizens aged 20 and 45 need to be especially careful when entering Kazakhstan. When these age marks are reached, the Russian passport is reissued.

If in Russia the old document is used for another month after the holder’s birthday, then in Kazakhstan it is recognized as invalid immediately.

If your twenty or fortieth birthday falls during your stay in a friendly state, problems with leaving cannot be avoided. You will have to contact the embassy to obtain a return certificate, which means additional money and time.

You can anticipate the situation and reschedule your trip or use your international passport.

At the border checkpoint, foreigners fill out a migration card. During the visit, she confirms the legality of the stay. The card is stamped with the date of entry. On the way back she is confiscated.

Sample migration card

Russians can stay in Kazakhstan without registration for 30 days. Those who intend to stay in the country for a longer period need to contact the internal affairs authorities and write a statement. If a foreigner is staying with friends or relatives, they should be taken with them to confirm their place of residence.

In cases of renting a hotel room, hotel employees act as guarantors. It is difficult to register for those who travel “savage” (for example, live in a tent or constantly move from place to place). The easy way in such cases, this means leaving the territory of the state, and then re-entering and receiving a new 30 days of legal stay.

Russian medical policies are not valid in Kazakhstan. Additional insurance is required. It's the same with car insurance. You can purchase a policy at the border checkpoint.


To travel to this country you do not need a visa. A foreign passport is not required either. Russian citizens can travel as usual Russian passport. Children under 14 years of age - on a birth certificate with a mandatory mark on citizenship. A power of attorney from the parents is required if the child is traveling alone.

Migration card

At the border checkpoint, the foreigner fills out a migration card. A stamp is placed in it indicating the date of entry. If the card has not been issued (for example, there are no forms), you must urgently obtain it in order to avoid problems when leaving.

The migration card is the only confirmation that the citizen arrived on this particular day. Migration control authorities will also need this information. You are allowed to stay in Kyrgyzstan for 30 days without registration. Those who come for a long time need to register at their place of residence. Moreover, within the first 5 days after arrival.

Russian medical insurance and motor vehicle liability policies are not valid in Kyrgyzstan.

South Ossetia

An unrecognized republic on a par with Abkhazia. However, diplomatic relations with Russia are friendly. Russians can travel to South Ossetia without a visa or passport. For adults, an internal Russian passport is enough, for children - a birth certificate with a mark on citizenship. You are allowed to stay in South Ossetia without a visa for 90 days.

Enter into a contract health insurance possible at the border. Car insurance is also available here. The rules apply only to those entering from Russia.

Sample insurance policy

Georgian border

The only checkpoint is Nizhny Zaramag, which is located on the Trans-Caucasus Highway. On the South Ossetian side, the exit is in the village of Ruk not far from the Roki tunnel. Georgia considers crossing the border at these points illegal. The punishment is imprisonment or a fine.

Therefore, those planning to visit both countries must first enter Georgia and then South Ossetia. But in this case, a foreign passport is required.

A rule that everyone who goes traveling without a foreign passport should remember: you cannot put border marks on a general Russian passport. It instantly becomes invalid.

The time of vacations, holidays and the opportunity to spend leisure time on the coast of various bodies of water attracts Russians to travel. Not everyone can afford a high-quality holiday abroad, and there are many formalities that, due to bureaucratic red tape, often turn into an obstacle: obtaining a foreign passport, applying for a visa. For some Russians, such operations are completely inaccessible. For example, persons of military age may not be issued a certificate by the military commissariat, and they will not be able to obtain a foreign passport without it. Or maybe they simply didn’t have time to issue the passport or lost it altogether, so it won’t disappear in the air. Especially. That you can spend your holidays traveling without such an identity document, and still end up abroad, because there are several countries where you can go without a passport.

The list of countries that Russians can get to without having to present a foreign passport in 2019 is not very long, but in these places you can have a great rest, swim in the sea, and see the sights to broaden your horizons.

The list of countries where a foreign passport is not required includes only three independent states:

  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Also, Russians can visit without foreign passports such territorial entities as Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which are not full-fledged countries and are located on the territory of Georgia. The “authorities” of the unrecognized republics, friendly to Russia, allow Russians free passage to these territories. The same situation is with Transnistria, which is the territory of Moldova. Previously, it was possible to enter the “Transnistrian Republic” without a foreign passport through the territory of Ukraine, since to get there from the Moldovan side you needed a foreign passport to stay in Moldova. Now, Russians cannot pass through Ukrainian territory without a foreign passport, since since 2015, due to the aggression of the Russian Federation, the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the territories of Ukraine in the East of the country, it was decided to tighten control over the flow of migrants from Russia and introduce mandatory border crossings using foreign certificates personality. The rule remains relevant in 2019.

You can enter Georgian Abkhazia and South Ossetia directly from the territory of the Russian Federation, so there are much fewer barriers.

The same situation applies to trips of Russians to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Despite the actual possibility of access to the regions due to the proximity to the Russian Federation, crossing the Ukrainian border without a foreign passport is a violation of the legislation of the host country and, if the fact of visiting temporarily occupied territories is recorded, the person will subsequently be denied access to the country’s lands.

Read also How much does a passport cost in Ukraine in 2019?

However, there is another unexpected place where you can also go without a passport. This place also does not fall under the definition of a country, but many would like to relax in it. This is the city of Istanbul. In 2019, you can get into it without a foreign passport only under certain conditions. But more on that below.

Republic of Belarus

Entry into Belarus for Russians in 2019 remains visa-free and requires the traveler only to present a civil passport at border checkpoints.

It is worth noting that you can also enter Belarus using a foreign passport; it can be presented as an alternative to an internal civil document.

When entering the republic, Russians do not even need to fill out a migration card. Citizens can move and stay in the country Russian Federation They can also do so on the basis of one of their identification documents.

When crossing the border in a personal vehicle, you will also have to present a driver’s license giving the right to drive vehicle corresponding category. In addition, the vehicle registration certificate and motor vehicle insurance policy are subject to verification. Regarding the latter, the document must be of the appropriate type. It is issued specifically for action on the territory of other states. A green card (that’s the name of the document) will give the driver the opportunity to compensate for any type of damage caused by a traffic accident that occurred due to the driver’s fault. The Green Card system includes about forty countries in which the international insurance certificate applies.

The absence of a Green Card is grounds for imposing a fine on the driver of the car. It is possible to issue a short-term policy. For example, for two weeks the policy will cost 500 rubles. An annual certificate in 2019 costs about 3,500 rubles.

Even before entering the Republic of Belarus, as well as any other countries, you should familiarize yourself with the things prohibited for import/export in 2019. Since in best case scenario they will simply be taken away, and in the worst case, you cannot avoid responsibility instead of resting.

The Republic of Kazakhstan

In 2019, you can go on vacation to Kazakhstan without a visa or passport. For Russians, entry is provided using a regular internal passport. The exception is categories of persons. Those who travel not on vacation, but for business purposes and present official or diplomatic passports that guarantee a certain status and benefits. As an alternative, you can present a certificate for traveling abroad, for example, if Kazakhstan is not the end point of the trip, but only one of its stages and the holder of the international passport plans to vacation in a number of countries.

Read also Is it possible to purchase a train ticket in Russia using a foreign passport?

When crossing the state border, special attention should be paid to the validity of documents. This is especially true for people turning 20 and 45 years old. The situation is that if for the Russian Federation a passport remains valid for a month from the date of reaching a specific age, for another country the passport expires on the day of the event. And if the passport loses its validity while staying outside the territory of another country, the person will face certain difficulties.

The Caspian Sea, lakes, gorgeous nature and many interesting places and attractions are offered to tourists in Kazakhstan in 2019. Astana is the pearl of local tourism. Everyone who has entered the country needs to visit it. True, the “miracle in the steppe” can amaze not only with its progressive architecture and beauty, but also with unprecedented prices, especially for accommodation.

When crossing the Kazakh border in 2019, you will be required to fill out a migration card. All points of the form are duplicated in Russian. There should be no problems filling it out. The period of stay in the country is up to 30 days. This, as practice shows, is quite enough to have a quality holiday in a neighboring country. It is also recommended to clarify which goods can and cannot be transported into the country.

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

In 2019, you can vacation in Kyrgyzstan using your national passport. A holiday at sea is, of course, impossible here, but there are many places worth going and seeing.

To cross the border you will need:

  • for persons over 14 years old - an internal passport;
  • for minors (under 14 years old) - a foreign passport or birth certificate with a mark (stamp) on citizenship.

You should know that when submitting a foreign passport, entry and exit stamps are placed in it, and when presenting an internal identity card, you need to fill out a migration card.

Citizens of the Russian Federation can freely stay in Kyrgyzstan for up to 30 days without having to go through the registration procedure. If the deadline is violated, the culprit is subject to a fine. For those wishing to extend their vacation in the country, you need to contact the appropriate passport office and register for further stay in the state.

The first obvious advantage of a holiday in Astrakhan is the absence of the aforementioned crowds of vacationers. Agree, you came here to relax, and not to do steeplechase. Sometimes in Sochi you have to practice this particular sport if you want to get to the sea.

Another option for holidays on the Caspian Sea are resorts in Dagestan. These are the cities of Kaspiysk, Derbent, Makhachkala and Izberbash. But not many people want to go there, because North Caucasus Russians have long associated it with war and danger.

For those tourists who want to swim in the sea, but cold water not scary at all, we can recommend resorts Baltic Sea . The swimming season here does not last so long, only three months: June, July and August. Only during these months does the average water temperature exceed 17 degrees Celsius.

But the most interesting places in Russia have nothing to do with the beach. We will tell you about them in more detail. The first place will be of particular interest to law enforcement officers whose tickets to the holiday destination are paid for by the state. Or rather, you need to buy tickets at your own expense, and then you can receive compensation.

Many try to make the most of this opportunity by purchasing a ticket for maximum distance. And the farthest region that can be found from Moscow is Kamchatka. It is also incredibly interesting for relaxation.

Few people manage to visit this unique region and see everything interesting in one vacation. The flow of tourists to Kamchatka is not so large, primarily due to the high cost of air tickets. Finding round-trip tickets for less than 25,000 rubles per person is quite difficult.

Not many people can afford a vacation with such an expensive flight. This is why the Kamchatka Territory is attractive to those for whom the cost of tickets is reimbursed “from the treasury.”

But the main thing on Baikal is not swimming, but the color of this place and unique nature. Here you can look at the Baikal seals - this is one of only three species of freshwater seals on our planet. You should definitely visit the Baikal Museum, which has a small oceanarium with seals, unique species of fish and the famous “crustaceans”.

Good luck with your trains and read our other articles about tourism and travel ( links below).

Obtaining an identity document of a Russian citizen abroad home country, takes from one to four months. This procedure also requires financial investments, which adds up to a tidy sum if the whole family is going on the trip. If you suddenly have the opportunity to relax, but your old passport is expired or not extra funds to design it, do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting new places. Find out where you can go without a passport in 2019 and choose the most attractive travel route.

Which countries can you travel to without a passport?

The absence of a foreign passport makes you think only about a vacation in Russia, since the size of the country allows you to choose between a vacation at a seaside resort, hiking in the mountains or a trip to cities rich in architectural masterpieces. However, it is not necessary to limit yourself to the borders of the Russian Federation, dreaming of an inaccessible one. In 2019, without a foreign passport you can travel from Russia to 5 neighboring countries.

Travel to Abkhazia

A trip to this region of Transcaucasia causes mixed reactions among guests. Tourists include the clean sea, picturesque pebble beaches, and affordable prices for housing and food. Among the disadvantages are the low quality of service and insufficiently comfortable living conditions.

For those who prefer a holiday on the seashore, it is useful to know that the beach season lasts from May to October. In winter, Russians go to Abkhazia who want to wait out the cold in a region with a milder climate, maintain their health in balneotherapy clinics, visit hot thermal springs or drink a course of mineral waters.

To visit the republic, our compatriots do not need either a visa stamp. When crossing the border of the Russian Federation, the driver and his fellow travelers are separated: the driver and the vehicle go through control separately, and the passengers are sent to the terminal, where they fill out a form indicating the availability of currency and declared items, and present their internal passports.

After that, they return to the car, cross the bridge and go through control on the Abkhaz side.

Holidays in Belarus

Belarus is a compact state, occupying 6th place among the CIS countries in terms of area. 207,600 km2 contains ancient castles, unique nature reserves, historical monuments and the oldest forest in Europe - Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Older travelers will appreciate the healing effects of water and mud, as well as reasonable prices for medical services. Local sanatoriums treat respiratory and digestive organs, diseases of the endocrine, nervous and other body systems. Medical institutions are equipped modern technology. Another advantage is the absence of a language barrier.

A lot of interesting things await fans of active sports. Ski resorts operate from December to March. The slopes may not impress experienced skiers, but they are just right for beginners.

Although fuel at gas stations in the country is more expensive than in Russia, there will be no complaints about its quality. When planning a trip by car, do not forget to purchase a Green Card policy.

Russian citizens cross the Belarusian border without visas; a civil passport is sufficient. When importing currency, an amount of more than $10,000 must be indicated in the declaration.

Kazakhstan and incoming tourism

Despite the fact that the tourism sector in Kazakhstan is just developing, the country’s popularity is growing. Here you can choose between the fun entertainment of modern Astana, the exoticism of nomadic settlements, the luxurious Tien Shan forests and the purest lakes. Lovers of unusual natural phenomena will appreciate the multi-colored mountains of Aktau, the bizarre volcanic rocks of Katutau and the singing dune, which in dry weather makes a sound reminiscent of an organ melody.

There is something to do in Kazakhstan even in winter. From November to May, you can meet famous skiers on the snowy slopes of the Trans-Ili Alatau; ski slopes operate at the ski resorts different levels difficulties. Here is also the highest mountain skating rink in the world - Medeo, whose area exceeds 10,000 m2. Fans of extreme trekking come here from June to September.

To travel to the ninth largest country in the world, Russians do not need a foreign passport or a visa stamp. However, citizens of the Russian Federation will have to purchase a medical insurance policy for the entire duration of the trip.

Unforgettable vacation in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is not yet very popular among Russians, although during Soviet times they often visited the Issyk-Kul resort. This pearl of Kyrgyzstan is one of the deepest mountain lakes in the world and today attracts hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists every year.

At least once in your life you should admire the unique natural attractions of the country: the giant Inylchek glacier, the harsh ridges of the Tien Shan and Pamirs, the striped cliffs of Jety-Oguz.

Fans of active recreation go hiking along the Turkestan ridge, climb peaks over 7000 m high, ski in the Kashka-Suu gorge or on the Too Ashuu pass in winter, and test their strength in helicopter riding and paragliding.

If you prefer a relaxing pastime, we recommend visiting the ancient cities of the Great Silk Road, natural thermal springs, colorful oriental bazaars, the Uzgen archaeological complex or the ancient caravanserai Tash Rabat. If you wish, you can spend the night in a real yurt.

Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Kyrgyzstan. It is enough to present a civil passport as a travel document.

Alania or South Ossetia

Although South Ossetia is landlocked, this does not mean that there is nothing to see in its small territory. Let us immediately note that you will enjoy your holiday here. rather guests with low demands. If in Soviet time There were many camp sites and sanatoriums here, mountain routes were maintained in order, but after the war with Georgia the infrastructure suffered serious losses.

But the war could not destroy the natural beauty of the mountains, rivers and lakes. Hiking enthusiasts still admire the picturesque gorges and caves, and look at cultural and archeological monuments dating back to antiquity and the Middle Ages. Most often, tourists go to the zone of extinct volcanoes - to the Kelskoe Plateau. The climb falls into the low and medium difficulty categories.

Unfortunately, you can only get to Alanya by car, since air and rail connections are not functioning. Citizens of the Russian Federation only need to have a Russian passport. When traveling with children, bring their birth certificate indicating Russian citizenship.

Trip to the Kaliningrad region

Strictly speaking, the Yantarny region cannot be considered “abroad”, because the Kaliningrad region is an exclave of the Russian Federation, connected to Russia by sea. Tourists especially loved the Russian coast of the Baltic Sea and the colorful nature of the Curonian Spit, which is included in the List of Objects world heritage UNESCO.

Given the specific location of the region, travelers can do without a passport only if they get there by air or ferry. The disadvantage of the second method is that ships depart from the port of Ust-Luga, located 150 km from St. Petersburg, and arrive in Baltiysk, 45 km from Kaliningrad. In summer there are about 10 flights per week, with the onset of cold weather their number is reduced to 4 per month.

If it is more convenient for you to get to the most western region Russia by car or train, check in what cases you need a foreign passport to travel to Kaliningrad.

Sea resorts of Russia

Not everyone loves leisure. Tired of the office, many dream of lounging on the beach and wondering where to relax without a passport at sea. In addition to the already mentioned resorts of Abkhazia and Kaliningrad, Russians willingly choose the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

Main beach resorts:

  1. Krasnodar region. The recreation area starts from Greater Sochi and ends in Anapa. On a stretch of coast hundreds of kilometers long, pebble beaches give way to sandy ones. There are many sanatoriums, water parks, hotel complexes and private mini-hotels on the coast.
  2. Crimea. Most tourists prefer the southern coast of the peninsula - the South Coast, that is, the coast between Yalta and Alushta. Due to the fact that the mountain shield protects this part of Crimea from northern winds, the local climate is reminiscent of the Mediterranean. The main attractions of Crimea are located on the South Coast. There are famous balneological resorts on the western and eastern coasts - Evpatoria, Saki and Feodosia.
  3. Sea of ​​Azov (Yeysk, Taganrog, Kerch). Holidays here are preferred by parents with small children. The sea is clean, shallow and warm; there are many sources of healing mud on the shore. Due to the fact that there is not much on the coast settlements, “savages” come here to relax.

Residents of the Northern capital can go to their “own” resorts located nearby without a foreign passport. Unfortunately, not everyone has time to relax on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, because due to the climate, the beach season lasts only a few weeks.

Where until recently it was possible to visit without a passport

Places where Russian citizen could plan a vacation abroad without a visa or passport, recently there were more. Until 2015, the list of such countries included Ukraine and Tajikistan, but now traveling to these countries will require a foreign document.

Crossing the border with Tajikistan

In 2005, an agreement was signed between the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, giving Russians the right to visit the republic without a passport or visa. Russian citizens could stay on the territory of Tajikistan for 90 days. Ten years later, the country's authorities made changes that allow crossing the border only with a foreign passport. In addition, the Embassy’s website states that the foreign ID must contain a stamp confirming Russian citizenship.

At the Tajik border or at the airport, travelers will have to fill out a migration card, which will then be required when registering with the migration service. Registration must be completed within 3 days after arrival at the site. When leaving the country, the migration card must be returned to the border guard.

Changes in the entry regime into Ukraine

Already, citizens of the Russian Federation present their foreign passports at the Ukrainian border. But starting from 2019, it will be more difficult for Russians to enter the territory of Ukraine. Decree of the President of Ukraine dated August 30, 2017 No. 256 put into effect the decision of the Council national security and defense of Ukraine dated July 10, 2017. Among the measures to ensure national security, all foreigners will be required to.