Magic tricks. The best tricks with magic rings. “Levitation” by Criss Angel

We invite you to do four simple tricks with your body. You'll be surprised when you can hold someone in place with just your index finger, make your hands feel lighter than air, or lengthen your nose. (15 photos)

Trick 1: "I bet you can't get up"
Have your friend sit on a chair.

Ask him to cross his arms over his chest.

Press your index finger on his forehead.

Now let him try to get up. It is almost impossible to do this without the help of your hands.

Trick 2: “Hands are lighter than air”
Stand in the doorway.

Press with your hands firmly in both directions. The palms should be directed inward.

After 30 seconds, stand in an empty seat.

You will immediately feel lightness in your hands - as if they will begin to strive upward without effort on your part.

Trick 3: “Very long nose”
Sit on the chair behind your friend.

Put forefinger right hand on his nose, and left hand on yours.

Close your eyes and simultaneously move both fingers up and down along your nose. After 60 seconds, it will begin to seem to you that both the left and right hand you are touching your nose!

Trick 4: “In different directions”
Sit on a chair. Cross your legs and start moving your feet clockwise.

Now, at the same time, start drawing a circle in the air counterclockwise with your hand.

You will feel your brain trying to solve two opposing problems at the same time.

Eventually he will give up and give the command to rotate both leg and arm in one direction.

Everything unusual has always attracted people, which is probably why the art of illusionists is so popular. The technological breakthrough made in our time has allowed prestidigitators to reach unprecedented heights, demonstrating real magic, which is no longer so easy to explain in terms of common sense... Of course, this is just an illusion, but what an illusion! While entertaining the public, illusionists very often risk not only their own health, but also their lives, demonstrating dangerous tricks. The most dangerous of them are included in this list.

10. Sawing a woman

This is a very old trick, but some of its variations are strikingly different from each other both in technique and in the method of performing the trick. The trick shown in the video is not just an ordinary sawing of a box where a pretty girl is lying, it is a real work of art, which also poses a danger to the “victim”. In general, see for yourself, the author of the trick is magician and rock star Criss Angel.

9. Escape from the attraction

The author of this trick is Lance Barton, a “wizard” who has received many awards for his trick. Few people understand how Lens does what he does, but, nevertheless, this magician is still alive and well, which is what I wish for you.

8. Box of Swords

Another classic trick is that the magician's assistant is locked in a box, a very tight box, where you can neither turn nor move at all. A volunteer is invited onto the stage, who then begins inserting knives into the box from different angles. Naturally, the man in the box lets out groans that dramatize the whole process.

In general, the trick is old, but this particular variation of it is very original. Personally, I don’t understand how the one inside survives. Yes, by the way, over the years and years of demonstrations of this trick by various magicians, it has suffered greatly. more quantity assistants, it's true. The video shows a trick from Hans Moretti.

7. Escape from a straitjacket

Harry Houdini is the greatest magician of all time. He succeeded in what no one else could. The stunt shown in the video demonstrates Houdini's ability to escape from a straitjacket. Well, who else is capable of this? There are no tricks or illusions here, a true demonstration of Houdini's ability to free himself from all shackles, shackles and straitjackets.

6. frozen man

Magician and wizard David Blaine is capable of many things that none of his colleagues in the magic workshop can do. Not long ago, David Blaine performed an amazing stunt - he was frozen in a 6-ton block of ice for 63 hours. Of course, all possible precautions were taken, for example, a lot of medical devices monitored his vital activity. If something went wrong, Blaine would be immediately released from their icy bonds. However, everything worked out, and now David Blaine is the talk of the town.

5. Spike trick

You know the usual thimble trick where a ball is hidden under one of several thimbles and the audience is asked to guess where the ball is? You have to guess for money, but, of course, only the trickster's assistants win.

So, modern magicians have come up with a trick with a sharp thorn, which is a bit like playing thimbles. But for a viewer who decides to become a volunteer, participation in such a stunt can become a big problem. The video below demonstrates what happens when the spike trick doesn't work. This is a pun.

4. Fire tornado

In 2001, David Copperfield was able to survive being caught in a firestorm with temperatures of 2000 degrees Celsius. How did he do it? Who knows, the trick has still not been figured out. Facts are facts - he survived and was not harmed one bit.

3. Escape from the Chinese "aquarium"

This trick is very popular - it is constantly demonstrated both by the magicians themselves and by fans of their work represented by film producers. Despite all this, the trick is very dangerous, and many magicians have drowned over the years of its use.

2. Buried alive

This is a very, very dangerous trick that even Houdini did not perform, although he intended to. He was prevented by his own sudden death, and the trick performed by fakirs from India could only be reproduced by modern illusionist Joe Barrus.

What did it all look like? Barrus lay down in a plexiglass coffin, and his assistants buried the coffin with a living magician, throwing 7 tons of earth and concrete on top. When everything was almost finished, the ground level suddenly dropped 17 inches, and assistants quickly began to dig out their boss. When the coffin was finally found 50 minutes later, it turned out that it was simply crushed by such a mass of soil.

After Burrus, Blaine and Criss Angel performed this trick, but still, being buried alive is one of the most dangerous tricks, performed by illusionists at their own peril and risk. The price for success is your own life.

1. Catch a bullet

Believe it or not, this simplest trick, the secret of which is known even to a child, is indeed the most dangerous trick, because of which many illusionists have been killed and maimed. It is performed in different variations, but the meaning is simple - the magician loads a pistol in front of the public, gives it to a volunteer from the audience, he shoots, and the magician demonstrates the bullet.

It is clear that at the moment of the shot there are no bullets in the gun, and if there are, they cannot possibly get into the barrel. The danger is that volunteers themselves often load such pistols themselves to ensure that what is happening is authentic. Magicians of yesteryear suffered especially when pistols were loaded from the barrel. The audience shoved some real bullets, some - buttons, and naturally, not a single magician could “catch” it. Or rather, they could, they caught them, but lost either their limbs or their lives.

The founder of magic is considered to be the magician Kolyo, who lived in 1600. He successfully demonstrated this trick until he was shot by one of the spectators, who considered Kolyo to be a demon.

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This collection has kindly collected for you a selection of the most amazing tricks and tricks that won the hearts of even the most severe critics.

25. David Blaine “Frozen in Time”

On November 27, 2000, millions of spectators watched David Blaine perform one of the most dangerous magic tricks in history. live. He was placed in an ice capsule, and in this frosty sarcophagus he spent 63 hours 42 minutes and 15 seconds. Since the ice was transparent, everyone could be sure that Blaine was really there the entire time. After being removed from the ice capsule, he was immediately hospitalized as he was in a state of disorientation.

24. “The Disappearance of the Statue of Liberty”
In 1983, David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on live television. First, he raised a giant partition that separated the spectators’ views from the statue, and after a few seconds he lowered it, but the figure was no longer in its original place. Copperfield even directed spotlights onto the site of the missing statue to show that nothing was blocking it.

23. “Decapitation” by Cyril Takayama
Illusionist Cyril Takayama made the whole world gasp when he demonstrated a trick with removing his own head. The famous illusionist Cyril is Japanese with French roots. He is known to the rest of the world for his deft trick that takes his head off his shoulders. This spectacular trick will never cease to terrify audiences.

22. “Levitation” by David Copperfield
Once again, David Copperfield amazes everyone with his brilliant magic trick, in which he soars like a bird over the American Grand Canyon without the help of any technology.

21. “Metamorphoses” by the Pendragon couple
The magic of illusion attracts not so much the result of the trick itself, but rather the entertainment and creativity. Being not only the most agile illusionists, the Pendragon couple also skillfully attracted spectators with the originality of their performances.

20. Richard Ross and ordinary sleight of hand
The public adored Richard Ross for his magnificent stage performances. The audience went crazy over his amazing collection of tricks with hands, rings and other objects. It's definitely worth watching the short clip of him performing masterful headband tricks.

19. David Blaine turns coffee into coins
David Blaine's magical live performances brought him unprecedented success. One such popular trick is to turn liquid coffee into a large handful of coins, which he gives to the poor man right in the same cup.

18. “Cigarette” by Derren Brown
Derren Brown is a respected mentalist and psychological illusionist. He has an outstanding memory, the ability to hypnotize, and can demonstrate psychic abilities such as psychokinesis and clairvoyance.

17. “Deadly rollercoaster ride”
Lance Barton is famous for his many tricks and is also the creator of the longest running magic show. Already at the age of five, Lance began performing magic tricks and to this day continues to amaze the world with his original tricks.

16. Thomas Blackthorne Swallowing a Hammer Drill
There are many magicians who love to swallow swords, but nothing compares to swallowing the drill bit of a working concrete breaker. Viewers were shocked by this action when it was shown on German television.

15. “Catching a bullet with your teeth”
Penn and Teller perform a trick of catching lead shells fired from revolvers at each other. Such bullets are often also marked by spectators, who then identify them. This trick is considered legal by experts.

14. Hans and Helga Moretti – “Crossbow Headshot”
Such an impressive trick can lead to death, but it is not for nothing that the Moretti couple are recognized as one of the best couples of illusionists in Germany. Every time the blindfolded Hans points a throwing weapon at his wife's head, the audience definitely experiences a lot of excitement.
13. Escape Artist Harry Houdini and the Chinese Water Torture Chamber
Houdini was an unsurpassed virtuoso of illusion, capable of performing the most mind-blowing tricks. In this test he was suspended by his legs and his feet were firmly fixed in stocks. He was then lowered upside down into a glass cube filled with water and left there. Was he able to get out of there alive?

12. “Levitation” by Criss Angel
Despite the fact that David Copperfield has already successfully performed levitation tricks, Criss Angel's magic tricks are incredible and convincing because they were performed right on the street among spectators. Although some even believed that Criss really floated in the air, the author himself recognized his trick as an ordinary trick.

11. “Moving by truck”
Illusionist Penn managed to impress people with his trick with a truck tractor, which literally drove over him without causing any harm to the magician.

10. “Metamorphoses”
The ability to transform into something else is one of the most outstanding talents of an illusionist. So, the transformation trick ordinary guy to a pretty assistant and back just drives the audience crazy. This is one of best tricks modern illusionists, which requires remarkable ingenuity and agility from the performer in order for the trick to work as it should.

9. “Removal of participants’ front teeth”
David Blaine once again demonstrates his incredible abilities in front of passersby. This time, moving from one person to another, he “took out” each person’s teeth from their mouths directly on camera. There has been a lot of controversy over this video, but don't forget that David Blaine is a certified specialist in the field of street magic and magic performances.

8. “Passing through the Great Chinese wall
David Copperfield demonstrated a variety of amazing illusions, including the ability to walk through the Great Wall of China. When this trick was performed, video technology was not so advanced, so Copperfield took time to create and plan this trick. In this performance, he relied on his intelligence, speed and originality, and, ultimately, this unique trick brought Copperfield legendary fame.

7. “Turning five $1 bills into five $100 bills.”
And David Blaine again and again amazes people from all over the world with his magic tricks in his TV epic. Thus, one of his best tricks is considered to be turning one-dollar bills into hundred-dollar bills, which he then distributed in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina swept through there.

6. Criss Angel walks on water
Criss Angel's shows like Trick of the Mind, Believe, and Phenomenon reached their peak thanks to his water-walking trick. After this trick, they began to consider him almost a black magician.

5. Alvo Stockman's post-mentalism is the future of written prophecies
This is a fast-growing type of magic trickery in which participants can write their predictions on a card, put an address, stamp it and send it to a friend. Predictions may contain information about the results football matches or any other questions that may interest the addressee, and the answer, to his amazement, will already come to him by mail.

4. David Copperfield and “Death Saw”
Many magicians follow in the footsteps of David Copperfield and continue to try to repeat this trick at their performances in Las Vegas. After all, this trick is the most famous in the history of magic and illusion. Copperfield made the public believe that he was actually sawed in two. Despite a large number of different versions this focus, in which different ways illusionists saw their assistants, to this day no one has yet managed to repeat this trick exactly as Copperfield originally did.

3. Paul Daniels and his “Cup” (1995)
Audiences loved Paul Daniels' performances because they were dynamic and truly exciting. With his quick movements of his hands, Paul could entertain the audience for so long that he was rightfully considered the best magician in his genre. The Hollywood Academy of Magical Arts even awarded him the prestigious “Magician of the Year” award in 1983.

2. David Copperfield – “Thirteen”
David Copperfield is well known for his acting skills and a sense of humor, as well as the ability to easily find mutual language with any audience, which resonates in the hearts of viewers from all over the world. The trick is difficult to explain logically, and it is considered one of the best tricks in the history of magical art. After all, no one has yet managed to make thirteen people disappear in the blink of an eye.

1. David Copperfield – “Portal”
David Copperfield deserves the highest mark among all illusionists due to his superb performance of many magic tricks. Many consider him the most talented magician of all time. IN in this case he managed to teleport himself and another bystander to Hawaii. This trick was never repeated and it still remains a mystery to many people.

In this easy magic trick. A finger ring resting on a pencil mysteriously levitates on its own. There's some preparation involved, but you have to have fun with it.

Watch video from the trick in action.

Finger ring
Clear adhesive tape
Black thread

If you would like to learn how to levitate a pencil using a similar method, please click here.

If you want to learn another pencil trick, click here.

To learn more magical levitation tricks, click here. ...MORE And if you want to know a way to defy gravity using cards, check out another related easy magic trick called Floating or levitating game card, which you can find out here.

Continue to 2 of 5 below.

  • 02 of 05

    Easy Magic Tricks for Kids, Alloying Ring - Preparation

    Using clear tape, attach some string from the top of the pencil to the metal part that is underneath the eraser.

    Hold the pencil in your hand, eraser facing up. Thread the other end of the thread through a button on a shirt or belt buckle. You will need to tie the other end of the stream to your body. If you decide to use a button, you can form a loop in the thread and wrap it around the button.

    If you want, you can also glue the thread onto your belt buckle. From... Of course, you can attach the end of the stream in any way you want.

    You'll have to experiment a bit with the length. Basically, you want the thread to be fairly tight when you reach partially in front of your body.

    The following steps will make this clearer.

    Continue to 3 of 5 below.

  • 03 of 05

    Easy Magic Tricks for Kids, Levitating a Ring - Performing a Trick

    Use your string to hold the pencil in your hand as shown in the picture. You will need an eraser.

    Throw your finger ring onto the pencil until it rests your hand.

    Continue to 4 of 5 below.

  • 04 of 05

    Easy magic tricks for kids, Levitating - Sunrise

    Slowly extend your arm away from your body, which slowly pulls the thread. You will see the ring begin to rise as it hits the flow.

    The picture shows how your hand moves forward, which causes the ring to grow.

    Continue to 5 out of 5 below.

  • 05 of 05

    Easy magic tricks for kids, Levitating a ring - falling

    This picture shows how the thread runs from the top of the pencil to the button or belt buckle. The thread has been exaggerated for demonstration purposes.

    To lower the ring, simply extend your arm toward your body and let the flow relax and lower the ring.

    Make sure you practice on this to get the correct thread length as well as the hand movement to get the ring to rise.

    As in everyone magic tricks, it is important to always consider how your spectators view the trick and minimize the opportunity for them to see and understand the mystery of the trick. If you are using black thread, you can wear dark clothing to hide it. You should also consider your lighting. Dim lighting may be better than harsh and intense lighting, which can highlight the thread by reflecting and causing contrast between the thread and the background. Also, dim lighting will darken everything to hide the flow.

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