Malakhov explained his departure from Channel One by his desire to make decisions. Malakhov spoke for the first time about his new place of work and revealed the reasons for leaving Channel One The TV presenter helped Evgeny Osin go for treatment

Not long ago, the news spread throughout the media that Andrei Malakhov was leaving Channel One.

Fans of “Let Them Talk” were worried that the show might be canceled, but instead, in a recent episode, millions of viewers saw the new “face” of the program. It was Dmitry Borisov, the host of the “Time” program on Channel One.

Of course, everyone was worried about why the showman left the channel and such a popular project. There were many versions. One of the reasons was cited by the media as Natalya Shkuleva’s pregnancy, which the future parents soon officially confirmed.

However, until recently, Malakhov did not comment on his dismissal from Channel One. The public also asked one more question: “Which channel will Andrei work on now?” And finally, everything secret became clear - in his official letter on the Starhit website, Malakhov stated that he was going to work for Russia-1.

On August 21, the portal published great interview showman for “Antenna – Telesem”, where he answered many questions. So, during the conversation Elena Krasnikova, Chief Editor magazine, noted that Malakhov is to some extent repeating the path of Maxim Galkin, “who unsuccessfully went to Rossiya” (in 2008, Pugacheva’s husband moved to work from Channel One to Rossiya-1, and returned back in 2015) .

Malakhov said that he completely disagrees with this opinion.

“The big debate here is, you know, how unfortunate. Maxim Galkin went so far as to build himself a huge castle in Gryazi, give birth to children in his free time from broadcasting, educate himself, and enjoy life. He hosted the top-rated “Dancing with the Stars” for six years.

And he returned in the prime of his life. And let me remind you that management learned about Maxim Galkin’s departure from his live press conference.

I, as a team member, gave two months’ notice about leaving. In his farewell letter he even wrote that part of Channel One’s DNA flows in my blood…” the portal quotes Andrey.

Malakhov noted that he deliberately resorted to written explanations. According to him, oral speech can be interpreted in different ways, but a letter “can always be re-read.”

“Before his birthday (Malakhov turned 45 in January - approx.) there was a crisis of the genre in absolutely everything. Starting from program topics that began to seem secondary - this already happened in The Simpsons - and ending with complete dissatisfaction with their position.

I have always been submissive. A human soldier following orders. And I wanted independence. I looked at my colleagues, they became producers of their programs, and began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly the understanding came: life goes on, and we need to grow, get out of the tight confines,”

Malakhov explained his decision.

Andrey Malakhov will host the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 channel.

The TV presenter leaves Channel One and moves to Russia 1, where he will host the popular talk show Live.

According to him, Malakhov has already met with the talk show team. The first episode of the program is expected to air at the end of August.

In addition, Andrey Malakhov will act as a co-producer of a number of projects on the Russia 1 TV channel.

Earlier, the talk show “Let Them Talk” without Malakhov aired for the first time on Channel One. The issue was dedicated to him and his career in television. The presenter was Dmitry Borisov. He did not confirm that he would work in the “Let Them Talk” program on a permanent basis.

Andrei Malakhov himself - according to the official version - went to maternity leave, because he and his wife are expecting their first child. However, the appearance of the TV presenter on “Russia 1” will be a refutation of this version and will indicate that the real reason leaving Channel One, there was a conflict with management.

Guest of the first issue new program Andrei Malakhov will become a former State Duma deputy, Opera singer Maria Maksakova, the TV presenter announced this on his Instagram.

“In Malakhov’s premiere program at 18:00 Moscow time - for the first time, Maria Maksakova is only about love, betrayal and hopes,” he wrote.

For the sake of conversation with Maria Maksakova, Andrei Malakhov arrived in Kyiv. Opera diva, apparently living in the same hotel where she stayed upon arriving in Ukraine, met the TV presenter in all his splendor: with cheerfully short hair, a black, mourning-like dress with guipure sleeves of such length that one could see the beautiful slender long legs, which only emphasized the black stiletto pumps.

The actress led Malakhov from the doorway to the kitchen, where she treated him to lard and vodka (they drank a glass right in front of the camera), and then went to talk. Andrey asked why Maria changed her hairstyle and how she managed to lose weight in a record short time. Maksakova replied that in connection with the murder of her husband Denis Voronenkov there was no nervous soil I began to lose my hair and ate practically nothing for 16 days.

The opera singer also announced that she had finally made peace with her mother, the legendary actress Lyudmila Maksakova, with whom she was offended after she learned that she was supposedly happy about the death of her son-in-law. “We made peace... As it turned out, she was lied to. I still couldn’t understand why she wasn’t defending herself - after all, if it’s not true, then she should go to court. And she believed that in this way she indirectly confirmed her guilt. But, as it turned out, she simply does not want to get involved with this category of people, well, in general. She didn’t say that phrase, and it’s not a pity that that phrase turned out to be fatal. I was very offended by her, I didn’t communicate with her for almost six months. But she proved that this was not the case by telling step by step how she spent that terrible day. She wrote to me, then I called her,” Maksakova said.

As soon as Malakhov’s program went on air, the public reacted violently. Moreover, this reaction turned out to be critical: Maria got it not only for her words, but even for appearance. “Isn’t it too late for Maksakova to put on mourning??? The dress, of course, is crap... the length is simply indecent.... well, yes, the legs are beautiful... long... but like matches (“,”, “Judging by the length of the dress, Manya is looking again,” “Meanwhile, the widow is blooming and smelling, her skirt is a little longer than her panties,” “The widow is grieving, dressed in all her most decent clothes, what she found in the house... And already two women say that they saw Voronenkov alive,” viewers expressed themselves on social networks.

Maria Maksakova herself on her official page V social network Facebook thanked Andrei Malakhov for the sincere conversation: “Andrei, I sincerely thank you, first of all, for your friendship! And also for high professionalism, humanity and love for the heroes of their programs.” And regarding the rumors that Voronenkov is alive and has changed his appearance, the artist said: “I loved him so much that it would be better for me if he left for someone. The main thing is that he is alive, healthy and happy.”

Andrei Malakhov - famous TV presenter and showman. He is energetic, purposeful, with an attractive appearance, does not like to disclose details of his personal life, although he is happy to reveal other people's secrets. A favorite of ordinary television viewers, he was awarded a medal for his services to television and radio broadcasting.

Andrei was born into the family of a geologist and a teacher kindergarten in the city of Apatity, Murmansk region. He was late and long-awaited child. Father Nikolai Dmitrievich died in 2006. Mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna lives in the city of Apatit.

By his own admission, in school years was a cross between a slob and a nerd. At the same time, there were more botanists, since Malakhov graduated from school with a silver medal and then, without any help, he entered the Lomonosov Moscow University to study journalism. Upon graduating from the university, he received a red diploma.

As a student, he interned at the University of Michigan in America, where he learned English well.

Currently studying French on professional level. Talk show host on television “Let Them Talk.”

For a long time, Andrei lived as a bachelor. According to him, the reason for this was the tragedy he experienced in his youth. Also in student years he was dating a girl from Sweden who was fourteen years older than him. She committed suicide.

Lisa is Andrei Malakhov’s first love

Until the age of 39, Malakhov remained a bachelor. He had women, but he did not want to start a family. In June 2011, Andrei married Natalya Shkuleva, the daughter of the owner of the publishing house. She is eight years younger than him.

Malakhov lives as a guest with his wife. They have different apartments in Moscow, they have dinner together and visit each other, but live separately.

Evil tongues claimed that the marriage was fictitious to cover up gay TV presenter. But, despite the gossip, Malakhov has been getting along well with his wife for five years now, and has no intention of getting a divorce.

In March 2016, a celebration took place to mark the twentieth anniversary of Ell magazine in Russia. It took place in the building musical theater"Helikon Opera". Natalya Shkuleva is the publisher of the Russian version of the magazine. During the celebration, Andrei demonstrated tender feelings for his mother-in-law Tamara Shkuleva, who works as a personnel director at the publishing house.

In an embrace with mother-in-law Tamara Shkuleva

Apartments Malakhov

The popular presenter has three luxury apartments in Moscow on Ostozhenka.

Andrey at home

Any Muscovite will say that Andrei Malakhov lives next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

He has two apartments in building 1/9 on Ostozhenka. He bought the third, a four-room apartment, for a scandalously low price, just over six million rubles, which is ten times less than the cost of apartments in the area.

The deal was completed in 2012, when housing was transferred to the management of the Housing Policy Department of the Moscow City Hall. The department sold the apartment to Malakhov, evicting the pensioner and her family from there, who long years rented an apartment.

The apartment where the TV presenter lives is decorated in a minimalist style. On an area of ​​eighty square meters Only the most necessary furniture is located.

During TV broadcast

Now the TV presenter can be seen every Saturday in the program “Let Them Talk.” For more than ten years, Malakhov has attracted the attention of television viewers to his programs. Where is the secret of his success hidden? Opinions about his manner of conducting programs vary; for example, many accuse him of outright vulgarity and cynicism. Actor Alexey Serebryakov, criticizing the program, expressed his opinion as follows: