Sea King: “Image of the Lord of the Seas” from ancient epics. Sea King: “Image of the Lord of the Seas” from ancient epics Drawing word pictures

Sea king- the supreme ruler of all the waters that wash the earth. When he is having fun in his lush underwater palaces, bad weather breaks out, and the raging elements sink the ships. In order to appease the king, the shipmen dropped bread and salt overboard, and sometimes people were cast by lot, as in the epic about Sadko. According to ancient Slavic legends, all seas and oceans are the blood of the Sea King, and the rivers are his daughters. That is why superstitious ideas are associated with them in many places in Rus', which are echoes of the ancient deification of earthly waters. He rules over all the fish and animals that are found in the seas.

Sometimes in our fairy tales the Sea King appears in the form of a fierce stallion, which must be ridden by a mighty hero. Sometimes it even turns into a black cloud, which spews out a lot of water and menacing lightning. In its original meaning, the Sea King was the god of rain clouds, which erupted onto the earth and formed seas on it, where the lord of the waters moved. The image of the original creator and creator of the world - obviously Dyya (or Diva) - over time was divided into Perun - the lord of thunderstorms, the god of the winds Stribog and the King of the Sea.


Once upon a time there lived a king. He once rode to war on a greyhound horse, and was not at home for a long time. So he rode back in victory, and thirst began to torment him. I saw big lake and decided to drink from it, he just fell down to the water, someone grabbed him by the beard and dragged him away. And this was the King of the Sea, the ruler of all the waters of the earth. The unfortunate man began to beg and pray to let him go sea ​​lord, but in return he demanded for himself something that the king did not know at home. The king agreed, not knowing that in his absence his wife gave birth to a son.

Twenty years have passed, the time has come to pay the debt. The king and queen cried, but there was nothing to do - they said goodbye to their son forever. Ivan Tsarevich came to the seashore and saw twelve doves flying. They flew in, hit the ground - they became girls of incredible beauty and ran into the sea to swim. And their feathers remained lying on the shore - you can’t tell them from shirts! Ivan Tsarevich took and stole a shirt from one.

The girls returned, eleven turned into doves and flew away, but the twelfth, the most beautiful, could not find her shirt. Ivan shouts from behind the bushes:

Beauty, if you marry me, I’ll give you your feathers, no, I’ll burn them!

There is nothing to do, she agreed. Then the prince came out and gave him the shirt. The beauty really liked him! They exchanged wedding rings, the girl said that she was the daughter of the Sea King, Vasilisa the Wise, and would meet Ivan in the underwater kingdom, and flew away after her sisters.

I.Ya.Bilibin. Vasilisa the Wise and the Sea King. 1931

Ivan came to the underwater kingdom, but the ruler was angry that the prince did not come for a long time. He even wanted to execute him, but the prince showed Vasilisa’s ring: I’m your son-in-law, you can’t kill me! - The Sea King gave up.

There is nothing to do, the wedding took place.

It’s okay,” the Sea Tsar says to his advisers, “sooner or later I’ll devour Ivan anyway, and I’ll bring my daughter to reason so much that she’ll forget her nonsense.”

Vasilisa the Wise overheard this, and at night she and the prince secretly left the palace, mounted fast horses and rushed away from the underwater kingdom to Holy Rus'.

The sea king found out about this and rushed in pursuit.

“I hear people’s rumors and horse tramping,” says Ivan.

It's chasing us!

Vasilisa the Wise turned the horses into a lake, the prince into a drake, and she herself became a duck. The Sea King galloped up, immediately guessed who the drake and the duck were, hit the damp ground and turned into an eagle to kill them. But that was not the case: it would just fly apart from above, and the duck and drake would suddenly dive into the water. The eagle will fly away again, and they will dive again. There's no way you can take them! The Sea King got tired, waved his wing - and flew to his kingdom, slurping unsaltedly. And Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa went to Holy Rus' and lived happily ever after in the capital city.


In the side inaccessible from mortals,
Between the high flint mountains,
What we usually call shallows according to our vision,
The valley covered with golden sand stretched out:
The pillars around it are huge crystals,
Around which beautiful corals are entwined.
Their heads are made of twisted shells,
Surpassing the color of the arc between the thick clouds,
What does the thunderstorm seem to us to have tamed;
A platform of slate and pure azure,
The chambers from one are carved into mountains;
The tops under the scales of great fish are tubercles;
Dressings of the internal cover of craniodermals
Countless beasts in the depths of possibility,
There is a throne - amber strewn with pearls,
On it sits a King like the gray waves.
He extends his right hand into the bays and into the ocean,
He commands the waters with a sapphire scepter.
Royal clothing - purple and fine linen,
What the strong seas bring before his throne.


Sea Depth - Around the Eyes - a beautiful, poetic image of the Ocean-sea, endowed with special, magical properties, mind and soul. She is akin to the ancient Greek deity Argus - a thousand-eyed, all-seeing giant who personifies the night sky, which is reflected in the mirror of the seas, forever captivating people with its beauty.


Once upon a time there lived a Novgorod hero Vasily Buslaevich. He didn’t know what to do with his heroic strength.

Such was his squad.

Vasily Buslaevich once sailed “across the sea to green meadows.” He sees - lies ahead of the Deep Sea - All Around.

Vasily began to walk around the Deep Sea, kicking it with his morocco boot.

I looked at the hero of Novgorod Sea Deep - Around my Eyes:

“Don’t kick me,” he says, “or you’ll be here yourself!”

Buslaevich’s squad was funny, the squadrons began to jump over the Abyss: every single one of them jumped over.

Vasily jumped - he jumped twice, but inadvertently touched the Abyss with the toe of his right foot...

Then his final hour of death came - the Abyss swallowed him up!

Just then the water in the lake began to shake, and the King of the Sea appeared...

Epic "Sadko"

In the mythological representation of the people, water was considered as a special kingdom with its inhabitants and ruler.

The sea king is the ruler of all the waters that wash the earth: seas, rivers, lakes and the ruler over all underwater inhabitants. The Sea King lives in depths of the sea in the crystal palace. In other representations - in a palace made of glass, silver, gold and precious stones. The abode of the Sea King in the depths of the ocean was depicted by Lomonosov in “Petriad”:

In the side inaccessible to mortals, Between the high flinty mountains, Which we are accustomed to call shallows, Covered with golden sand, lies a valley: The pillars around it are huge crystals, Around which beautiful corals are entwined. Their heads are made of twisted shells, Surpassing the color of the arc between the thick clouds, Which seems to us to have tamed a thunder storm; A platform of asp and pure azure, Chambers of one carved mountain; The tops under the scales of great fish are tubercles; The headdresses are the internal cover of the skull-skinned Countless animals in the depths of the possible. There is a throne strewn with pearls and amber, on which sits the gray waves like a king. He extends his right hand into the bays, into the ocean, and commands the waters with a sapphire scepter. When the Sea King is having fun in his magnificent palaces, bad weather breaks out at sea, and the raging elements sink the ships. In these cases, the shipmen dropped bread and salt overboard, and sometimes people by lot, as in the epic about Sadko, in order to appease the Sea King. Legends portray the Sea King not only as a formidable ruler, but also as the father of a large family. Only he and the water queen - “a mermaid to all mermaids” - have no sons: only daughters.


The prince bathes his horse in the sea; He hears: “Tsarevich! Look at me!”

The horse snorts and spins its ears, splashes and splashes and swims for a long time.

The prince hears: “I am the king’s daughter! Do you want to spend the night with the princess?”

A hand appeared from the water, catching the silk bridle by the brushes.

Then a young head came out, sea grass woven into the braid.

Blue eyes burn with love;

The splashes on the neck, like pearls, tremble.

The prince thinks: “Okay! Wait!” He deftly grabbed the braid with his hand.

She holds, her fighting hand is strong: She cries and prays and fights.

The knight bravely swims to the shore; Floated out; loudly calls his comrades:

“Hey you! Come together, dashing friends! Look how my prey fights...

Why are you standing around like an embarrassed crowd? Have you ever seen such beauty?

The prince looked back: Gasped! the triumphant look faded.

He sees: lying on the golden sand, a miracle of the sea with a green tail;

The tail is covered with snake scales, the whole thing freezes, curls, and trembles;

Foam runs off the forehead in streams, A deadly darkness covers the eyes.

Pale hands grab the sand; The lips whisper an incomprehensible reproach...

The prince rides away thoughtfully. He will remember about the king's daughter!

M. Yu. Lermontov

Russian folk legends speak from the depths of ancient times that all the daughters of the Sea King turned into large rivers. That is why superstitious beliefs are associated with them in many places in Rus' - echoes of the ancient deification of earthly waters. This is what is said about the Sea King and his daughters in the epic "Sadko".

Sadko was poor, and of all his goods he had only “ringing harps,” with which he went to invited feasts and entertained the people. One day Sadko was sitting on the shore of Lake Ilmen, playing the guselki; suddenly the water in the lake shook - and the ruler of the underwater kingdom emerged. For the wonderful game, the Sea King Sadko promised “a treasure from Lake Ilmen - three gold-feathered fish.” The caterpillar threw a seine into the lake, and the promised treasure was given into his hands. Sadko bought goods for him, apparently or invisibly, and became a rich guest-merchant of Mr. Veliky Novgorod...

The merchant Sadko traveled for almost twelve years, and then one day all his thirty ships froze in the middle of the sea, as if rooted to the water. The shipmen began to cast lots: who is the sinner whose sins keep the ships in place? Whom does the Sea King demand to throw into the sea? Sadko's Lot fell, for he sailed for twelve years on the sea-ocean, without thanking the underwater ruler, without paying him tribute. The shipmen released Sadko on a plank into the sea, and he ended up in the domain of the Sea King. He began to play a songbook for the underwater ruler. From the dancing of the Sea King, a great storm arose on the sea. At the prompting of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of shipbuilders, Sadko broke the strings and calmed down. sea ​​element. The sea king, wanting to keep the wonderful gosling, offered him a choice of one of his thirty daughters. They were all a choice, but Sadko, again on the advice of Nicholas the Saint, chooses Chernava (in another version - Marries the Magus River). After wedding feast Sadko falls asleep and wakes up on the banks of the Chernava River.

Sadko sings and plays the harp,

Sings about the water king:

How hard was it to live there?

And how wonderfully he dances;

Sings about the hike without hiding about his own,

What was the turn of what?

- Everyone shakes their head in doubt,

They can't believe the story.

Methodological development for conducting a lesson literary reading on the topic: Russian folk tale “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise” (3rd grade UMK Harmony).

Goal: getting to know Russian folk tale "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise" Objectives: 1) Educational : create conditions for the formation expressive reading, learn to find answers to questions from the text, contribute to the mastery of speech and communication culture through participation in dialogue (work in pairs) and expression own opinion . 2) Developmental: promote the development of oral speech, cognitive interest, development of imagination, creative thinking and abilities.3) Educational : create conditions for education, love and careful attitude to Russian folklore, mutual assistance and respect, fostering feelings and camaraderie.
    Organizing time.
Teacher.Literary reading is a wonderful lesson, There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines. This verse will be a fairy tale, a story: Learn them - they teach you! May this lesson bring us the joy of communication and fill our souls with wonderful feelings. Give it to everyone A piece of sunshine, Let them be filled with goodness Their souls are completely drained.
    Speech warm-up.
a) Work on a tongue twister.

Three magpie chatterers,

They chattered on the slide.

b) Read the first row joyfully, the second row sadly, the third row in surprise, all together angry.

    Checking homework.
a) Students demonstrate the drawings they have made in their notebooks, and their classmates determine which question this or that illustration relates to, and also selectively read out the answer to the question from the text this question. In a similar way Work is being carried out on all the issues listed in task No. 5 for the fairy tale.b) Work in groups. One person from the group can retell the fairy tale “The Seven-Year-Old Daughter” from the perspective of the poor man, taking turns. 4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Teacher. What is the name of the section with which we began our acquaintance? Children. A wise man differs from a fool in that he thinks to the end. Teacher. What will the works in this section be about? Children. About wisdom and stupidity. Teacher. What genre of works are collected in this section? Children. Fairy tales. Teacher. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson. How do you understand this saying? Teacher. What types of fairy tales do you know? Children. Household tales, fairy tales about animals, magical tales. Teacher. Give examples. Many of these tales are presented in our themed exhibition of books. Look carefully at the book covers. Teacher. Why is the author indicated on some of them, while others are not? Who writes fairy tales? Children. There are original fairy tales, and there are folk tales.5.Preparation for perception.

Exercises: read the words together.

AND van - princeI walk and lookFor the time beingA long time agoWaited - waitedKiss - have mercyClean - cleanRed maidenGood fellowChurchB OzhiaHolyR vus

Read attentively.

QUIETLY - QUIETLYSAW - SAWRETURNED – RETURNED Work in pairs. Lexical work.Explain the meaning of the expressions: “red maiden”, “head off your shoulders.” What two words are formed from and what does the word PALICE FENCE mean? 6. Work in notebooks.
7. Setting the topic, goals, and objectives for the lesson. Teacher. Can you name the topic of our lesson? Children. "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise." Russian folktale. Teacher. Knowing the topic, think about what goal we will set for ourselves. Children. Get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise.” Teacher. What tasks will you set? Children. Read a fairy tale expressively, replenish your lexicon, be able to ask questions, work cohesively in a group, treat each other with respect, and find the right answers. 8. Physical education minute There is a hut in the dark forest (steps in place), Stands backwards (turn). There is an old woman in this hut (tilts to the right and left), Grandmother - Yaga lives (turn back). Crochet nose (show nose), The eyes are big (show eyes), Like coals burning. Wow, how angry! (we shake our fingers) The hair stands on end (hands up). 9. Getting to know the text. Combined reading method. Teacher. Reads those passages that he considers the most difficult for students in his class, the most emotional. In the first lesson on the fairy tale, the text is read until the words “Not much time has passed.” (P.66) 10. Rereading and working with text. Children answer question 1 of the textbook. Why did the king give his son to Vodyanoy?-Who were the beautiful doves? What did they look like?Support with words from the text.- How did people who wrote fairy tales imagine the underwater kingdom? Read it.

Drawing word pictures.

    How do you imagine the underwater kingdom? How do you imagine the king of the sea?
- What was the first task of the Sea Tsar for Ivan Tsarevich? Find this episode in the fairy tale and read it.- What was the second task? Third task?- Why did Vasilisa the Wise help Ivan Tsarevich? 11. Lesson summary, reflection. Teacher. What fairy tale did we meet today? Children. "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise." Teacher. Who is its author? Children. Russian people. Teacher. What type is it? Children. To the magical. Teacher. What did this fairy tale teach you? Children. You should always come to the aid of those who need it. Teacher. Have we achieved our goal? What tasks did we plan?Homework. Prepare a retelling of a fairy tale you read.Creative task. Draw a portrait of a sea king or an underwater kingdom in your notebook.Let's summarize the lesson. You have cards on your desks that you need to complete. Think about how you worked in class today, are you satisfied with your work? Did you find the lesson interesting or, on the contrary, boring? Was this lesson useful to you? Did you understand everything? Choose the answer that suits you best from the two possible options and circle it with a pen.
    1) During the lesson I worked actively/passively. 2) I am satisfied/dissatisfied with my work in class. 3) The lesson seemed short/long for me. 4) The lesson material is clear/incomprehensible to me. 5) The lesson material is useful/useless. 6) The lesson material is interesting/boring.
Teacher. Raise your hands those who were active today. Now raise your hands if you are satisfied with your work in class. For whom did the lesson seem short?For whom did the lesson seem long? Raise your hands to those who understood everything during the lesson. And who thinks that the lesson was interesting and useful? I thank everyone for their active work in class. The lesson is over.

Used Books:

    Textbook by O. V. Kubasov literary reading for grade 3, part 1 Smolensk, 21st century association, 2012. Workbook part 1 O. V. Kubasova literary reading Smolensk, 21st century association, 2012. Guidelines to the textbook for grade 3 educational institutions O. V. Kubasova, Smolensk, 21st century association, 2013. Literary reading lessons using information technology. 1-2 grades. Toolkit with electronic application / O. A. Arkhipova, T. V. Belykh (etc.); comp. E. S. Galanzhina. – M.; Planet, 2011.-240 p.- (Modern school).

I. E. Repin. "Sadko in the underwater kingdom." 1876 Canvas, oil. 322.5 × 230 centimeters. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

1. Sadko's adventures are more or less known to everyone. A poor guslar from Novgorod went to Lake Ilmen and turned to the king of the sea with a request for help. Having quickly enriched himself and become a merchant, Sadko sailed overseas, but at this inopportune moment the king demanded a reward for his services. The guslar had to sink to the bottom of the sea and entertain the underwater courtiers and other mermaids there. And in addition, choose a wife from among them. Sadko was not mistaken here. His finger pointed at the girl representing our country. Guslyar was not mistaken and came to his senses already on the solid shore.

2. Sadko appears in several epics with a similar plot. IN late XIX century, when in our country interest in folk art, many people in the arts became interested in this story. In addition to Repin's painting, there is a popular opera by Rimsky-Korsakov. By the way, inspired, among other things, by the artist’s painting.

3. Repin himself conceived this painting in 1873 while traveling in France. He went there, having received gold medal St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In this beautiful country, he became acquainted with a fashionable movement in painting - impressionism. He wasn't thrilled with the new direction. He considered it interesting from a technical point of view, but in terms of meaning it was completely empty. According to many experts, “Sadko” became a veiled reaction to the work of the French impressionists.

4. “I am informing you, in the deepest confidence, of the theme of my future painting: Sadko the rich guest at the bottom of the sea; the water king shows him his brides. The picture is the most fantastic, from the architecture to the plants and the tsar’s retinue,” Repin wrote in a letter to his friend the critic Stasov.

5. The composition is built on the principle of a triangle. One peak in the lower right corner is Sadko himself in a sable fur coat, looking up to the left. There - in the upper left corner - the second vertex of the triangle - the figure of a peasant girl in Russian national costume. She turns over her shoulder, looking into the depths, and it is not clear whether she is on the surface or also under water. The third peak - lower left corner - sea beauties who pass one after another in front of Sadko, demonstrating their charms. These are mermaids who decorate their bodies with jewelry and cast languid glances at the guslar.

6. All art critics they noted the skill with which the sea water was drawn. To achieve this level of realism, Repin tirelessly visited the Berlin Aquarium. This miracle of modern times has just opened in Berlin. The artist sat there for hours, making sketches. Striving for utmost reliability, he studied atlases sea ​​world, made sketches of marine flora and fauna in Normandy.

7. By the way, it is interesting that the prototype of Sadko was another artist - Viktor Vasnetsov. Repin invited him to Paris to meet artistic life France. Vasnetsov, of course, did not refuse. But when depicting the retinue of the sea king, the artist was helped by impressions from European salons.

8. Repin exhibited “Sadko” at the Paris Salon in 1876, but the picture was not successful, but it became famous in Russia. It was purchased by Grand Duke Alexander, the future emperor Alexander III. In the same year, Ilya Repin received the title of academician for her.

9. At the same time, as the master himself believed, the picture “didn’t work out.” Moreover, he himself admitted that in his opinion it turned out vulgar and tasteless. Perhaps Repin was too self-critical of himself. Indeed, in “Sadko” one can see elements of not only impressionism, but also symbolism. Moreover, the influence of this image was so great that subsequently many set designers who transferred Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera to the stage drew inspiration from Repin’s images, recreating his underwater world.

10. Several studies and sketches for the painting have survived. One of them, repeating the composition of the painting, is made on cardboard and is now stored in Tretyakov Gallery. There you can also find a portrait of Viktor Vasnetsov in the image of Sadko. Other sketches, in which the artist sketched images that later became sea princesses, are kept in the Tula art museum and (oddly enough) in the museum of the artist Polenov.