Basic learning of English for children. Effective methods of teaching English to children

An entertaining English language tutorial for children

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Especially for you and your child, we have added an entertaining English tutorial for children. English language in pictures - interesting, exciting and fun!

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English for children over 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in the usual sense. English classes for children are mostly English-language “dramatizations” with a small plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawing and crafts. At the same time, no foreign words, including new ones, are translated into Russian for the baby. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersing himself in an English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Often very young students at first just listen, listen, listen English speech teacher, and then they start giving out whole constructions.

In order for the child to immediately get involved in the process of the educational game, the child can be accompanied by a parent at the Polyglot Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing his mom or dad, he can independently remain in English lessons for the little ones.

Age characteristics

English language courses for children are divided into several subtypes. Teachers work with children from one to two years old in the presence of parents. In addition to learning foreign languages, special attention is paid to early development. The teacher uses in his work finger games, active tasks that encourage kids to act, and learns short poems and songs with his charges. One of the available and effective ways presenting information watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, to make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher works to prepare the child for a more intensive course, teaching him to recognize and understand foreign speech on an intuitive level.

The English language program for children from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attendance, children develop perfect pronunciation and no grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular learning. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are already more at the table, carrying out creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase several times in a year lexicon child. The structure of classes includes songs, dances, short poems and nursery rhymes.

Studying foreign languages ​​trains memory, broadens a person’s horizons, and gives him more possibilities V further education, career advancement, opens previously inaccessible doors for him. Many parents, caring for the child’s prosperous future, insist on studying foreign language With early years, priority is given to learning English as it is recognized as international.

English for children, namely, the training program varies depending on the age at which the child began classes.

As you know, children are easy to learn, it is easier for them to remember the pronunciation or meaning of words, since the brain assimilates the information received much better than that of older people. You can introduce your baby to learning foreign languages ​​from birth; there are many special programs and methods for this, but as practice shows, children growing up in a bilingual environment begin to speak later than their peers.

The optimal period when you can conduct your first English lessons for children is 3–4 years. It is at this age that children already know thoroughly native language, and being in the why-check stage, they are ready to absorb any information and happily take on learning, as long as it is fun.

English for children from 3 years old

At three years old, children can speak, but most of all they succeed in asking questions, so if you decide to study foreign languages, English in particular, structure your English lessons for children in the form of a game, where the child asks questions in Russian, and the answer hears with translation. You can’t overload 3 year old fidgets with letters, transcriptions and verbs; they will learn all this after they go to school, and first you need to replenish your active and passive vocabulary.

Every day you need to replenish your stock with at least one new word, you can do this thematically, for example, one week you learn colors in English; it will be more accessible for children if you devote the whole day to this color. For example, when learning about the color yellow, put your baby on a yellow scarf when going for a walk, then look for objects on the street yellow color, exclaiming “yellow” when seeing a yellow car, sign or flower. In such games you need to give in a little to the baby, pushing him and provoking him. Well, the prize for the winner could be a yellow treat - a banana, lemon ice cream or marmalade. And so on all week, then you can study animals, plants, vegetables, fruits, food. When learning a language using cards and pictures, you don’t need to translate words by simply pointing to the picture, call it in English, so the baby will learn to think and will not be distracted by translating the word in his mind.

English for children 3 - 4 years old will be much more fun if you arrange quizzes and games, for example, if the names of toys and animals have already appeared in the baby’s vocabulary, you can collect numerous items in a bag and, taking out one at a time, ask the baby what it is. You can also place toys and objects throughout the house and ask them to bring something, naming this object in English.

English for 3-year-old children will be easier to remember if the entire learning process is structured game form, and is also based on the natural curiosity of the baby.

English for children 5 – 6 years old

At this age, children are more diligent and can already move on to the next stage of learning, having learned the English alphabet. It will still be more interesting for children to learn letters based on pictures, provided that they know all the words in these pictures in translation. One of the common mistakes parents make when learning the alphabet is the incorrect selection of cards with letters, where the images are misleading, or the wrong approach when the child, without having a vocabulary, starts with learning the alphabet.

It doesn’t matter at what age you start learning a foreign language, at 3, 7 years old or at 13, the methodology is the same: first, children learn to listen, then speak, read, and then write.

Children aged 5–6 years also grasp everything on the fly, so when learning foreign languages ​​it is necessary to initially remember the pronunciation correctly. If the parents are not native speakers, it will be better if the kids attend special English courses for children, where, with the help of games and communication, they very quickly remember the pronunciation and meaning of words, and also learn to construct sentences from several words. Good results are obtained by watching special educational cartoons, programs and programs for audiences of this age. You can also find computer games

, whose task is to develop logic and consolidate knowledge of foreign languages. For better pronunciation, you can learn simple poems or songs in which words and actions can be pronounced and accompanied by gestures.

At this age, kids love praise, so for additional incentive you can come up with various prizes, chips and certificates.

English for children 7 – 8 years old Learning foreign languages ​​by children, younger school age can be carried out by school curriculum , but as practice shows, children need a special approach, and the school cannot give them great knowledge in foreign languages, because it becomes boring in such lessons.

If the child falls behind the program, English lessons generally lose meaning for him.

Books in English for children should also have a transcription in order to be able to initially correctly read a word and remember not only its spelling, but also its sound. In order for children to learn to think in a foreign language, it is necessary to ask them riddles and puzzles. So, for example, you can describe an object in English, describe the size, color, what it refers to, and the student must guess; here comes the motivation for learning, because if children do not understand leading questions or descriptions, they cannot guess the hidden word.

English for children: Meow-Meow

A fascinating immersion into the world of English

How are classes going?

An English course for primary schoolchildren evenly develops all the child’s language skills: listening comprehension, pronunciation, reading and writing. Our classes are exciting and dynamic: the guys play role-playing games, perform interesting exercises, solve puzzles, cook creative projects. It is still difficult for children to maintain attention on one thing for a long time, so we often change the type of activity during the lesson.

From the first lesson we speak only English so that children are completely immersed in the language environment. This helps develop fluency and form correct pronunciation.

In different children different types perception: in order to remember a word, for some it is important to have a visual image, for others it is an audio image, for others it is important to touch the object. Therefore, when learning new material, we use all channels of children’s perception; this is most effective.

Classes are structured taking into account the characteristics of the child’s age: for first-graders, mainly game method, with age, conscious learning is gradually introduced. But main principle remains: every lesson is fascinating story. It is very important to keep the child’s interest in learning, to make him fall in love with the language, then the result will be excellent.

What benefits do we use?

We use bright, visual and modern educational materials- Academy Stars from Macmillan. Exciting adventures entertaining stories And bright characters make learning English fun and exciting. The textbook contains the key to a rich online resource containing videos, explanations of grammar rules, interactive exercises and tests.

Who teaches the classes?

We carefully select teachers to work with children. We employ Russian-speaking teachers:

  • With teacher education and extensive work experience;
  • with excellent pronunciation;
  • who love children and know how to approach a child;
  • bright and artistic, capable of captivating children and holding their attention.

How long does the course last?

Level 1 duration – 96 academic hours(9 months). Classes are held 2 times a week for 60 minutes.

In our classes, children learn not only English. The goal of the course is language teaching based on the comprehensive development of the child. The course trains memory, develops the ability to concentrate and work in a team, Creative skills and self-confidence.

Do you have any doubts or questions? Just come visit us and bring your child for a free trial lesson!

We will be glad to see you, we will tell you everything and show you.

Without knowledge of foreign languages modern world difficult to get by. Therefore, many parents begin to teach their baby English almost from the cradle. How justified is such a desire? At what age is it better to start training? Much in this important matter depends on the methodology and approach to training.

Benefits of early English learning

There is no clear opinion on whether it is possible to learn a foreign language from the age of 3. There are enough opponents of this idea and its supporters in the world.

Their arguments sometimes seem contradictory

Supporters Opponents
At 3 years old, the baby actively explores the world and like a sponge, absorbs any knowledge, including a foreign language In the baby's head there is a confusion of words from 2 languages, and it is difficult for him to express his thoughts accurately
By this age, the child has a sufficient vocabulary of words in his native language. Remains duplicate their sound in English Due to the different pronunciation of letters in Russian and English for the baby speech therapy problems arise
A three-year-old child has no fear of making a mistake and appearing stupid, that is, he has there is no language barrier First baby must know your native language well, and only then learn a foreign language
kids have better linguistic plasticity than adults Early learning of English deprives a child of childhood
At 3 years of age, the child’s brain is actively developing, which makes learning a foreign language easy Simultaneous learning of two languages reduces intellectual level baby
Knowledge of a second language has a positive effect on native knowledge and general mental development- thinking, memory, imagination, attention Bilingualism is the mixing of two cultures. Child will not fully understand any of them
In children an adequate response appears earlier for various life situations Children learning 2 languages ​​experience split personality
In children with early bilingualism (the ability to speak two languages) nervous system more stable, they are more contactable, they achieve their goals more easily

Domestic (S. I. Rubinstein, L. S. Vygotsky) or foreign (T. Eliot, V. Penfield, B. White and many others) psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that it is useless to study a foreign language before the age of 3, and after 10 is meaningless.

Let's listen to the opinion of scientists and start learning English as soon as the baby turns 3 years old.

What you need to know before starting classes

Before starting to study English at home, parents need to prepare themselves and take into account some nuances

  1. You need to start classes on the condition that you can conduct them regularly, and not occasionally.
  2. If you are not fluent in English, take the trouble to polish your pronunciation before class. When a child, repeating after you, pronounces words incorrectly, it will be difficult for him to relearn at school.
  3. Before teaching your baby, familiarize yourself with the existing methods, choose from them the one that, in your opinion, will best suit your baby.
  4. Language learning should be done in a fun, playful way. Boring cramming English words will discourage the little fidget from repeating English words.

How to teach your child English. Methods and techniques

When training your little ones, you need to use everything possible ways introduction to English

  • Special techniques.
  • Audio and video recordings.
  • Children's programs on teaching English.
  • Games.
  • Entertaining books and special cards.

The key to success when teaching English at home is that all classes are conducted in a light playful manner, without coercion or prodding from adults.

The more interesting you can give your baby required material, the more interested he will be in learning new things.

For homeschooling 3 popular methods are most often used.

Game technique

The name already speaks for itself. This method of learning a foreign language is the most effective, since it does not look like a special activity that requires perseverance.

The baby receives the necessary knowledge in the process of games or communication with parents and assimilates information without noticing it.

The use of the game method contributes to in an accessible way mastery of knowledge

  1. Creating the child’s readiness for verbal communication (including in a foreign language).
  2. During the game, the baby has a need to repeat certain phrases many times, so English words are easy for them to remember.
  3. Learning during the game occurs through the baby’s own actions, which are a kind of practice. As a result, up to 90% of the information is absorbed.
  4. In any game there is a certain secret (an unanswered answer to a particular question), which stimulates the child’s mental activity, pushing him to find the correct answer.

They begin learning with the simplest objects and toys. The kid will easily remember that “dog” is a dog, and “cat” is a cat.

Replenish your baby's vocabulary every day. When talking to your baby, pronounce words he already knows in English. Immersion in a language environment, when the child hears English spoken daily, is the key to successful learning.

To study and consolidate information, you need to use all methods available and understandable to the child.

Here are just a few examples

Educational materials Description Content Reviews
The book “My first words. English language". Contains 15 picture books different topics. Publishing house Klever. The magic box contains 15 colorful little books. The words are written in Russian and English.

Books-cubes develop oral speech, memory and help to understand the world.

  1. Fruits

2. Vegetables

3. Pets

4. Toys

5. Nature

6. Sea animals

7. Colors

8. Animals

9. Account

10. Birds

11. Clothes

12. Flowers

13. Insects

14. Weather


A great idea, the information is presented in a colorful, child-friendly form.

Small books will not only help you remember words, but will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Book.We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Michael Rosen.

Helen Oxenbury.

In addition to the book there is video on You Tub. A funny story about how a dad and his kids went in search of a bear. The book is very lively and bright. And if you watch a video where the author reads in a very funny and exciting way, you will understand how fun it is to convey the content to a child.
The book “We play, we learn, we make things - we want to know English.” A book for parents who want to teach their child English. Educational stories, each of which includes English words. All lessons contain fascinating songs, rhymes, and puzzles. The book was published only this year; no reviews have been found yet.
Cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl. English alphabet for children". Aunt Owl talks fascinatingly about each letter of the alphabet and the words that begin with them An excellent educational cartoon. Your kids, if they are not yet familiar with Auntie Owl, will definitely make friends with her.
Cartoon "Teddy the Train". A fun video English course for kids. Simple songs are easy to understand and remember. Teddy is just a wonderful character, wonderful music. My little one asks to play a cartoon several times a day and has already learned his first words in English.

The Karusel TV channel hosts an educational children's program “Funny English” . At this time, kids simply cannot be taken away from the screen. Training takes place in the form of a game that captures the baby’s attention from the first seconds.

The presenter uses visual, auditory and audio methods of transmitting information to memorize. Kids learn lessons very quickly and after just a few programs they surprise adults with their knowledge.

N. Zaitsev's method

Many mothers are familiar with Zaitsev’s methods for teaching reading and arithmetic. When learning English, he uses the same technique, only Latin letters are written on the cubes and cards.

You can remember the alphabet and learn a certain number of English words by using the play method with your child. Zaitsev's cubes help a child master English grammar in an accessible form.

However, at the age of three, it is difficult for a baby to learn the rules of sentence construction in English. Therefore, it is better to use Zaitsev’s cubes and tables when the child grows up a little. Usually classes start at the age of 5.

Glen Doman Method

Young mothers try to use the most modern or popular methods to raise and educate their baby, including the Doman method, which has long been known and is successful in the West. Undoubtedly, he has proven himself well and raised more than one generation of children. But, if we take a closer look at the methodology, we will see that it combines a game form of teaching English and the Zaitsev method, that is, books, cartoons plus cards.

Conclusion: so that the baby quickly masters new science, you should not force him to take classes, but structure them in such a way that the child himself wants to learn. When your baby learns the first foreign words, speak to him in English as often as possible - on a walk, before bed or while bathing. Don't forget to encourage your baby and praise him for the results achieved.

Didactic material for learning English with kids