Sheet music test online. Test of knowledge of musical notation. Guess the classic melody from the fragment

We bring to your attention a program that will teach you how to navigate stave. The idea is simple: the program guesses a note and shows it on the staff. Your task is to determine what kind of note it is.


There are 2 staffs on the screen. The hidden note is displayed on the left. You need to define it and give the correct answer. You will see your answer on the right staff.

If a guitar is selected as an instrument, you will see all the places on the fretboard where the selected note “lives”.

If the piano is selected as the instrument, then the notes on the keys will be signed taking into account the selected key.

Notes on a stave

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What can the program do?
  • Tonality. The program knows them all. You can specify in which keys to guess the notes. The program also knows about natural, harmonic and melodic minor and major.
  • Keys. The program knows most of the musical keys.
  • Tools. your choice: piano, 6-string guitar and bass guitar. There is a separate “No tool” mode.
  • Sound. Of course, you can listen to the notes on a stave.

Move your mouse cursor over the tuning pegs of a 6-string guitar. The names of the notes will appear on the string. For bass guitar, just move the mouse to a section of the string outside the nut.

Music is a temporary art because it exists only during performance. But there is something that allows you to capture a musical fragment or work in eternity, this is the ability to quickly read sheet music for a real musician, it’s like reading a book. Anyone can learn to read music, the main thing is to constantly train and improve. We will try to help you gain such useful knowledge.

What musical signs exist and what are they called?

Notes- These are musical signs that accurately reflect the pitch of a sound and its duration. We can think of these as letters of music.

Currently, there are seven main sound designations, arranged in this sequence:

  1. Salt

Exercise No. 1

Quickly pronounce the names from C to B up and down, try not to confuse them with each other and strictly follow the sequence.

When you remember the basic names, then you can move on to the next level. As mentioned earlier, notes are letters. There is an international musical alphabet in which the familiar do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si are displayed in Latin letters.

  1. C – Before
  2. D – D
  3. E – Mi
  4. F – Fa
  5. G – Salt
  6. A – A
  7. H – Si

Here's how they are located on the keyboard.

Exercise No. 2

Play the corresponding sounds on the keyboard, pronouncing their symbols. Initially, the movement should be sequentially upward, then sequentially downward. Repeat several times until you remember it perfectly. Next, complicate the task, pronounce and play sounds one after another. For example, do, mi, re, fa, etc.

To make it easier to match notes on the keyboard, you can glue colorful stickers in a rainbow palette to the keys. Then the keyboard will look like this:

Let's move on to studying musical notation itself. First you need to understand that the piano keyboard has nine octaves, two of them are incomplete and seven are full. They are arranged in this order:

  1. Subcontractive;
  2. Contractave;
  3. Large;
  4. Small;
  5. 1st;
  6. 2nd;
  7. 3rd;
  8. 4th;
  9. 5th.

Incomplete ones include the subcontractave and the 5th. The subcontractave includes two notes, namely A and B, and the fifth contains one note, C.

All beginning musicians begin to memorize the notation first in the first octave, since it is most often used when playing the instrument. Let's follow their example and first learn the recording in the first octave, but first we will comprehend all the basics of the musical text.

Recording Basics: What makes up a musical text

The notes are placed on a special stand. It consists of five lines.

A special key opens the record. This musical element is a reference point aimed at showing height. Today there are several types of keys. Let's look at each in detail.

Basic keys

The most common are violin And .

The treble clef is a fundamental element of musical language. This system starts from the note salt. Most convenient for recording in the first and second octave.

The bass clef is also one of the basic musical elements. The system starts from the note F. Most convenient for recording in small and large octaves.

In the case of pianos, they are often combined into a system. It looks like this:

The alto and tenor clefs are more complex, so we will not focus on them in this article.

The arrangement of musical notes corresponds to the key.

Consider the location notes in treble clef:

  1. Do is located on the first additional line.
  2. D under the first line.
  3. Mi on the first line.
  4. Fa between 1 and 2.
  5. Salt for 2.
  6. A between 2 and 3.
  7. B on 3.
  8. Up to 2 between 3 and 4.

First play in strict order, pronouncing the names out loud. Visually remember the location. Then try playing simple note example 1.

Example No. 1.

Play thoughtfully, take your time. Answer which note is missing in in this example. You can check the answer at the end of the page.

Now let's look at how they are located notes in bass clef:

  • Until between 2 and 3.
  • D on 3.
  • Mi between 3 and 4.
  • Fa on 4
  • Salt between 4 and 5
  • A on 5
  • Si over 5.
  • Do on the first top extension line.

Likewise, play according to their order. Remember that in in this case It is necessary to play not in the first octave, but in the small one.

If you have mastered the notation, then you can try to play our proposed example No. 2.

Example No. 2.

Take your time when playing. Answer the question which note is missing. (Answer at the end of the page)

It is important to learn not to confuse the notation of treble and bass clefs. To make it easier to remember, we have prepared special table, speeding up the process.

Note name Treble clef Bass clef Keyboard location
Before (C)
D (D)
Mi (E)
Fa (F)
Salt (G)
A (A)
Si (H)

The memorization process is quite lengthy, so it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to studying. After the initial knowledge is almost automatic, you can begin to study notes in higher or lower octaves.

Let's look at the scale from the lowest to the highest note.

Don't try to grasp the immensity at once. Learn in parts, constantly reinforcing the material you have learned. After studying theory, always switch to practice; the more you play simple musical examples, the faster you will begin to distinguish notes in different keys and registers.

When playing the piano, you will notice that the instrument has white and black keys. Dark keys are either raising or lowering the fundamental tones, so special signs are used to indicate them.

Sharps are indicated on the musical notation by #, and flats by . The first signs raise the note by a semitone, and the second ones lower it accordingly. They are written next to the main tone. This topic interesting, but requires more detailed discussion.

What modern programs help you learn notation faster?

Today, excellent help in mastering musical fundamentals are Computer techologies. Let's look at the most effective and convenient applications.

GNU Solfege is a modern program installed on a computer. The program includes in its arsenal many simulators aimed at improving hearing, rhythm, and also increasing the speed of reading notes.

Absolute pitch is an application for a smartphone running on the Android platform.

The advantages of this program include the presence of a huge number of exercises aimed at comprehensive development musician. One of these exercises is “Reading Music”. A person can choose the range of notes, the required key, etc. One cannot help but rejoice at the fairly colorful interface. It is quite interesting to train your own knowledge in this application. Moreover, when it is on your phone, you can study regardless of place and time.

Studying musical notation- these are just the first steps in amazing world music, so don't stop at this stage. Discover new and interesting theoretical basis and learn the rules of music.

Answers: In example No. 1 the B note was missing, in example No. 2 the A note was missing.

Test materials

in “Music Theory and Solfeggio” (tests)

Developer - teacher


disciplines Khanova A.B.

Option 1

Test material

under section I, II “Musical literacy. Mode and tonality."

Option 1

Choose one correct answer from the given options

    Musical sounds, arranged in order up or down, form:

a) interval

b) octave

c) scale

2. The piano keyboard is divided into:

a) sounds

b) semitones

c) octaves

3. The smallest distance between sounds is called:

a) semitone

b) interval

c) sound

4. Each sound can be raised or lowered. For this purpose:

a) signs of increasing duration of sounds;

b) abbreviations of musical notation;

c) alteration signs.

5. Same sound sounds when different name called:

a) alteration

b) enharmonism

c) chromatism

6. Five parallel rulers on which notes are written are called:

a) a line

b) staff

c) the starting line

7. Distribution and order of alternation of fingers when playing musical instruments called:

A) fingering

B) grace note

c) alteration

8. The “Salt” key is:

A) violin

b) bass

c) tenor

9. A sign that increases the duration of a note by half is called:

a) point

b) fermata

c) league

10. A break in sound is called:

a) rhythm

b) size

c) pause

11. Sound volume is transmitted:

A) dynamics

b) pace

c) strokes

12. The repetition sign is:

A) beat

B) part

B) reprise

13. Each mode and key have a specific expressive meaning. Which of the following plays will be written in a minor key?

A)"Happy Walk"

b) « Sunny bunny»

V) "Doll Disease"

14. The sign of increasing a semitone is called:

A) flat

b) sharp

c) baker

15. The sign of a lower tone is:

A) bekar

b) double flat

c) double sharp

16. The term "piano" means:

a) loud

b) quietly

c) fading

Test material

Option 2

1. Which of the following plays will be written in a minor key?

a) "Happy walk"

b) “Sunny Bunny”

V) "Doll Disease"

2. Each fret has a certain expressive meaning. Which of the following plays will be written in a major key?

a) "Happy walk"

b) “Complaint”

V) "Doll Disease"

3. The sign of silence in music is called:

a) timbre

b) accidental signs

c) pause

4. Duration half as long as a quarter duration:

a) half

b) eighth

c) sixteenth

5. The smallest distance between two adjacent sounds is called:

a) octave

b) semitone

c) interval

6. What is the name of the alternation of strong and weak shares?

a) beat

b) meter

c) rhythm

7. What is another name for a bass clef?

a) key “salt”

b) key “fa”

c) key “A”

8. How many eighth notes are included in a quarter note?

a) one

b) two

at four

9. The term "forte" means:

a) moderately quiet

b) loud

c) slowing down

10. The speed of movement and music performance is:

a) Rhythm

b) Tempo

c) Dynamics

11. The note “A” of the first octave is written:

a) on the third line

b) between the first and second lines

c) between the second and third lines

12. The top number of the musical size indicates:

a) number of notes

b) number of beats in a measure

c) number of strong beats

13. What is the name of a sign that raises the pitch of a sound by a semitone:

a) flat

b) fermata

c) sharp

a) the distance between two nearest notes of the same name

b) sequence of sounds

c) alternation of strong and weak beats

15.The term “legato” means:

a) expanding

b) coherently

c) abruptly

16. In music there are signs of increasing musical notation. One of the signs of increasing duration is called:

a) reprise

b) dot to the right of the note

c) accent

Test material

under section I, II “Musical literacy. Mode and tonality."

Option 3

1. Which of the following plays will be written in a minor key?


a) "Happy walk"

b)"Joyful Mood"

V) "Doll Disease"

2.Each mode and key have a specific expressive meaning. Which of the following plays will be written in a major key?

a) “Skvorushka says goodbye»

b) “Sunny Bunny”

c) “Complaint”

3.The term “non legato” means:

a) expanding

b) incoherent

c) abruptly

4. The alternation of sounds of different durations is called:

a) rhythm

b) register

c) tempo

5. What is the name of the sign that lowers the pitch of a sound by a semitone:

a) flat

b) fermata

c) sharp

6.Which term means “amplifying the sound”?

a) piano

b) sforzando

c) crescendo

7. Which method of sound production means “abruptly, briefly”?

a) crescendo

b) staccato

c) legato

8. For major scale characteristic color:

a) light

b) weak

c) dark

9. What are the names of the five parallel rulers on which notes are written?

a) notationist

b) staff

c) scale

10. Sign of cancellation of the action of sharp or flat:

a) fermata

b) bekar

c) league

11. Zatakt is:

a) incomplete measure at the beginning of the piece

b) full beat

c) last measure

12. The smallest distance between two adjacent sounds is called:

a) octave

b) semitone

c) interval

13. Half duration is considered:

a) “one-and-one”

b) “one-and”, “two-and”, “three-and”, “four-and”

c) “one-and”, “two-and”

14. A segment of a melody in which a more or less complete musical thought is expressed

a) share

b) phrase

c) syncopation

15. Legato, staccato, non-legato are varieties:

a) dynamic shades

b) rhythm

c) strokes

16.Repetition sign piece of music or parts thereof:

a) grace note.

b) fermata

c) reprise

Key to Test Materials

under section I, II “Musical literacy. Mode and tonality."

Option 1

1-c, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a, 8-a, 9-a, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13- c, 14-b, 15-b, 16-b.

Option 2

1-c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-b, 9-b, 10-b, 11-c, 12-b, 13- c, 14-a, 15-b, 16-b.

Option 3

1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-a, 6 –c, 7-b, 8-a, 9-b, 10-b, 11-a, 12-b, 13- c, 14-b, 15-c, 16-c.

Hello, dear readers. On this page you can check your ear for music using the "Solfeggio online" block. Let's figure out how it works. To test your musical ear, click "Start". Previously, you can select one of the five presented keys, as well as a mode. By default, the “note” mode and the key of C major will be enabled.

You can guess one note - "note" mode, guess five notes - "test" mode, guess an interval - "intervals" mode.

rice. 1

By clicking on the "Start" button, either a note or an interval will be played to you, in accordance with the mode that you have chosen. Next, from the list, you need to select which note/interval was sounded and click on the “Check” button.

If you guessed correctly, the sun sign will appear. If you select the test mode, you will be shown how many of the proposed notes you guessed. By clicking the "Again" button, you can take the test again, select a different key or mode.

You can also enable or disable the display of the correct note or interval if you do not guess correctly (by default - off) by clicking on the green square with the note in the lower left corner:

rice. 2

And here is the test itself - I wish you good luck.

Note Test Intervals Chords

About intervals

You will hear that the sound of all intervals is different, but they can be divided into several groups - some sound sharp and dissonant - this group is called sharp or dissonant, these include seconds (m2, b2), sevenths (m7, b7) , as well as the tritone (which is called the diminished fifth - um5 or the augmented quart - uv4). All other intervals are euphonious.

But the latter can also be divided into large, small and pure. Major and minor euphonious intervals are thirds and sixths, pure fourths, fifths, octaves (pure ones are also called “empty”, since they have a sound neither major nor minor). Major and minor, as you remember, differ in their sound - major third (b3), for example, sounds major (cheerful) and is the main indicator of the major chord, minor (m3) - minor (sad), with sixths also - major (b6 ) - has a major sound; small (m6) - minor.

Now that you know how intervals are distributed in terms of sound, it will be easier for you to navigate the process of recognizing them by ear.


1 Municipal budget educational institution additional education children "Children's School of Arts and folk crafts» Tests by musical literacy and solfeggio Performed by Kamalova Zulfiya Galeevna teacher of music theoretical disciplines Khanty Mansiysk 2016 1

2 The use of effective visual and gaming techniques in the course of solfeggio and music theory is productive in working with children school age. A test is a better and more objective way of assessing knowledge. One of the tasks of the tests is to expand the forms of control in the passage of material and identify difficulties in mastering it. Being one of modern forms training, tests will help make lessons more entertaining, increase the student’s attention and reaction speed. Contents 1. Games - tests for 1st grade (game “Fill in the table”), test for knowledge of notes, crossword puzzle, rhythmic tasks) pp. 3,4,5 2. Verification tests for grade 2 p. 6,7 3. Screening tests for grade 3 p. Screening tests for grade 4 p. 9,19,11,12 5. Screening tests and cards for grade 5 p. 13,14,15,17,18 ,19,20 6. Test tests for grade 6 pp. 15,16 7. Test cards for grade 7 pp. 19,20,21,22 8. References p. Photos p. 24 2

6 Tests for grade 2 Where are the key signs placed? Between the key and the meter After the meter Before the note Which degree is called the tonic? V stage I stage VII stage Parallel keys have the same key signs the same tonics the same modes The tonic of a parallel minor is located from the major tonic downwards Through 2 steps Through 1 step Through 3 steps Find parallel keys G major - B minor F major D minor C major B minor Minor, where the VII degree rises Harmonic Natural Melodic In harmonic A minor there is F#, F# and C#, G# 6

7 Minor, where the VI and VII degrees rise Harmonic Natural Melodic In the melodic B minor there are A#, G# and G#, A# How many signs are there in E minor? F#, C#, B flat, G# How many signs are there in B minor? Fa#, do#, fa#, no signs How many sounds are in a triad? 3, 2, 1 What is the name of the consonance of two sounds Chord Interval Mode Key What is the name of the consonance of three or more sounds Chord Mode Interval Key 7

8 Tests for grade 3 Question 1 List the sharp tongue twister - the order in which sharps appear in the key. Examples 2 Write down the rule for the structure of the major scale. 3 Name the sound enharmonically equal to G flat 4 Determine the size and divide into measures 5 What are the signs in the key of C minor? 6 Decipher the interval in G major with notes (third on the third degree) 7 What kind of scale is this? And what type of mode is 8 What degrees of mode are included in the triad? 9 Place 3# in the key as they should be 10 Determine the intervals: 11 Write all the groups of sixteenth note durations known to you in the volume of a quarter beat. 12 How does a harmonic minor differ from a natural minor? 13 What is the name of the sign indicating the repetition of a musical passage. 14 Which interval contains one and a half tones? 15 What is the first inversion of a triad called? 8

9 Tests for grade 4 1. Alteration signs before sounds a) key b) random c) double-sharps 2. Triad on the IV degree of the mode a) Tonic b) Subdominant c) Dominant 3. Repetition of the phrase from different sounds a) reprise b) sequence c) transposition 4. Minor with two flats a) D minor b) C minor c) G minor 5. Which interval is involved in the formation of the circle of tonalities? a) third b) fourth c) fifth 6. A chord consisting of 4 sounds arranged in thirds? a) sixth chord b) fourth sex chord c) seventh chord 9

10 7. F major in Latin a) D-dur b) A-dur c) F-dur 8. Type of minor with a raised VII degree? a) melodic b) harmonic c) natural 9. Sign of lowering the sound by tone? a) double-sharp b) double-flat c) becar 10. Sixth chord on the third degree a) subdominant b) dominant c) tonic 11. What chord inversion consists of a fourth and a third? a) sixth chord b) triad c) vartsex chord 12. Major with three flats a) A major b) E flat major c) B flat major 13. Modification of the melody 10

11 a) sequence b) variation c) transposition 14. Musical form, in which the repeated part of the refrain alternates with episodes? a) variations b) rondo c) 3-part 15. How many signs are there in E major? a) 3 sharps b) 4 sharps c) 3 flats 16. Which scale is parallel to A flat major? a) C minor b) F sharp minor c) F minor 17. Transferring a melody from one key to another a) sequence b) transposition c) alteration 18. Unit of measurement of musical meter a) quarter b) eighth c) beat 19. How many strong beats of ¾? a) one 11

12 b) two c) none 20. Alternation of different durations a) tempo b) rhythm c) meter 21. How many inversions does a triad have? a) one b) two c) three 22. What is the first inversion of a triad called? a) quarter-sex chord b) sixth chord c) seventh chord 23. What interval is a dissonance a) fifth b) tritone c) third 24. In what interval is the level 4 allowed a) octave b) third c) sixth 25. What is the name of a seventh chord built on Stage V a) tonic b) dominant c) subdominant 12

13 Tests for grade 5 “Chords”. Harmonic color, inversions and chord resolution. 1. The main triads are the triads a) I, III, V steps b) I, IV, V steps c) II, IV, VI, VII steps (underline the letter) 2. Inversions B 5/3, M 5/3. Connect with arrows the designation of chords with their structure M6 B6 m.3 + part 4 b.3 + part 4 M6/4 part 4 + b.3 B6/4 part 4 + m.3 3. Show with arrows the resolution of the main calls triads D5/3 Т5/3 (t5/3) S5/3(s 5/3) D 6 T6 (t6) S6 (s6) D6/4 T6/4 (t6/4) S6/4 (s6/4) 4. Main and secondary triads, which triads correspond to these names? (Connect with arrows) Main triads of the mode II 5/3, III 5/3, VI 5/3, VII 5/3 Secondary triads of the mode I 5/3, IV 5/3, V 5/3 5. Connect the names of the chords with arrows, intervals with their designation Main triads with inversions VII7, T7, II7, S7, II7, VI7, D7 Intervals D2, D6/5, D7, D4/3 D7 with inversions D6, T6/4, S6, T5/3, S6/ 4, D5/3, S5/3 D6/4,T6 Seventh chords part 1, b.7, m.3, part 5 13

14 6. Determine the answer for inversion of intervals and chords (connect with arrows) Inversion of chords a) transfer of the lower sound an octave up, another sound in place Inversion of intervals b) transfer of the lower sound up an octave, other sounds in place 7. Where inversion occurs ? Underline the 3 correct answers: a) in size; b) at the scale; c) for seventh chords; d) for triads; e) at intervals 8. What is the resolution of all unstable intervals and chords most often based on? Select the answer, circle the letter a) on the smooth movement of unstable sounds into neighboring ones steady sounds; b) when moving abruptly into steady sounds; c) on movement into any adjacent sounds 9. Arrange in in the right order inversion of chords about the main form from top to bottom T 64 D6 S6 D2 T53 D64 S64 D65 T6 D53 S53 D7 D Mark the correct resolution (connect with arrows to the tonic chords) D7 T6 T5/3 with a missed fifth, tripled by 1 degree m.vii7 um.vii7 T64 T53 with doubling of fifths T53 with doubling of thirds 14

15 11. In what type of mode are m VII7 and mind VII7 constructed? Connect with arrows m VII7 Dur n Dur g um VII7 moll n moll g 12. Inversions of intervals and chords. How many inversions do intervals, triads, seventh chords have? Connect the answer with a number: for intervals 1 for triads 2 for seventh chords Underline the most intense chords: VI 5/3, D7, um.vii7, S6/4, um.5/3, D6, D6/4, S5/3 14. Emphasize the lightest chords: D5/3, T5/3, S5/3, t6, S6/4, um.vii5/3, D7, m.vii7. Tests for 6th grade 1 Harmonic minor: A. The VI level increases. B. The VII level increases. B. The VII level is reduced. 3 Key signs in B flat minor: A. B, E. B. si, mi, la, re, salt. V. si, mi, la. 5 Parallel keys: A. D dur d- mol B. E dur cis moll C. As dur f - moll 7 Reversals of intervals: A. Septima turns into seventh. 2 Key signs in F sharp major: A. F#, C#, G# B. F#, C#, G#, D#. B. F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E# 4 Harmonic major: A. The VI degree is lowered. B. The VI level increases. B. The VII level is reduced. 6 Main steps in A major A. F#, A, B B. A, D, E. V. la, do#, mi. 8 Reversals of intervals: A. Large intervals do not have accesses. 15

16 B. Septima turns per second. V. Septima turns into prima. 9 Major thirds on major scales: A. On I, IV, V. B. On III, VI, VII. B. On I, III, VI. 11 Tritones in harmonic major: A. lv.4 on the 1st degree, um.5 on the 3rd degree. B. lv.4 at the IV stage, lv.5 at the VII stage. V. level 4 at the VI stage, level 5 at the II stage. 13 Composition of a major triad: A. b.3 + m.3 B. m.3 + b.3 C. b.3 + b.3 15 Composition of a major quartet-sex chord A. ch.4 + m.3 B. b.3 + part 4 V. part 4 + b.3 17 Main triads of the mode: A. Built on stable steps B. Built on I, IV, V. C. Built on I, III, V. 19 Dominant seventh chord: A. Built at the IV stage. B. Constructed on the VII stage C. Constructed on the V stage. 21 Types of introductory seventh chords: A. Large and enlarged. B. Small and reduced. B. Small and large. B. Large intervals turn into small ones. B. Large intervals turn into large ones. 10 Triton: A. uv.5 and um.4. B. um.5 and lv.4. B. uv.4 and uv Resolution of the increased quart: A. Counter movement of voices. B. Opposite movement of voices. B. Indirect movement of votes. 14 Inversions of triads: A. A triad has three inversions. B. The triad has two inversions. B. A triad has one inversion. 16 Composition of a minor sixth chord: A. m3 + part 4 B. b.3 + part 4 C. part 4 + m.3 18 Dominant triad in B minor: A. F# A# C# B. V. B re fa#. 20 Composition D7: A. b.3 + m.3 + m3. B. b3 + b.3 + m.3. V. m.3 + b.3 + m.3 22 Composition of the reduced opening seventh chord: A. m.3 + m.3 + b.3 B. m.3 + b.3 + m.3 V. m.3 + m.3 +m.3 16

17 The cards are facing up with the side on which the intervallic structure of the chord is written. The teacher plays one chord or another: the students sing it to a certain syllable, and then use these intervals to determine the chord and show the card face down to the teacher. 17

18 18

19 19

20 20

21 These game trainings are aimed at the practical development of the indicated harmonic turns and sequences 21

22 22

23 References 1. Vakhromeeva T. Tests for musical literacy and solfeggio / Tutorial for children's music schools and studios. M., Kamaeva T.A., Kamaev A.F. Gambling solfeggio / Toolkit in solfeggio and music theory. M., Link to Internet resources: 23

24 24

Kogalym 2010 1 The textbook can be used by teachers in solfeggio lessons according to the T.A. Kaluzhskaya program for repetition and consolidation educational material 1 7 classes. One of the objectives of this manual

Municipal institution additional education Senezh children's art school Music theory tests

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 4TH CLASS GAMMA are the sounds of a scale, located step by step up or down from the tonic to its octave repetition. The sounds are called steps. The full scale consists of 8 steps, designated

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 5TH GRADE GAMMA are the sounds of a scale, located incrementally up or down from the tonic to its octave repetition. The sounds are called steps. The full scale consists of 8 steps, designated

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 4TH GRADE (seven-year training) E MAJOR is the tonality of the major scale, with the tonic “E” and 4 key signs F-sharp, dosharp, G-sharp, D-sharp. C sharp minor is the key

EXAMINATION TICKETS IN SOLFEGIO FOR GRADUATE CLASS. TICKET 1. 1. Interval. Types of intervals. Reversing intervals. Simple and compound intervals. 2. Sing G major (harmonic), in it: T5/3, T6, T6/4, II7,

RULES FOR SOLFEGIO. 2nd GRADE. 1. Gamma 2. Key 3. Parallel keys 4. Keys of the same name 5. Mode 6. Resolution 7. Introductory sounds. Singing 8. Major mode 9. Minor mode 10. Three types of minor

RULES FOR SOLFEGIO. 4TH GRADE. 1. Gamma 2. Key 3. Parallel keys 4. Keys of the same name 5. Mode 6. Resolution 7. Major mode 8. Minor mode 9. Three types of minor. 10. Variable mode 11. Keys

Interval. Types of intervals. Reversing intervals. Simple and compound intervals. An interval is the distance between two sounds. The bottom sound of an interval is called the base, the top sound is called the top. Sounds

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 3rd GRADE. GAMMA is the sounds of a scale, located stepwise up or down from the tonic to its octave repetition. The sounds are called steps. The full scale consists of 8 steps, designated

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 4TH GRADE (five-year training) E MAJOR is the tonality of the major scale, with the tonic “E” and 4 key signs F-sharp, dosharp, G-sharp, D-sharp. C sharp minor is the key

“My solfeggio assistant” A manual for students in grades 1-5 Compiled by teacher of theoretical disciplines Lutsenko Lyudmila Stanislavna. METER (PULSE) alternation of strong and weak beats (meters are

RULES FOR SOLFEGIO. 3rd GRADE. 1. Gamma 2. Key 3. Parallel keys 4. Keys of the same name 5. Mode 6. Resolution 7. Major mode 8. Minor mode 9. Three types of minor 10. Variable mode 11. Keys

& C major onic 10 & # 6 onic G major 6 onic Subdominant CHORDS Major chords 6 6 6/4 6/4 Dominant 6 6 6/4 6/4 19 & b F major 6 6 6/4 6 6/4 D major 28 & # # 6 6 6/4 6 6/4

Academic subject "Elementary Music Theory" Assessment of the quality of implementation of the educational subject "Elementary Music Theory" includes ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification

State budgetary professional educational institution "Tver Music College named after M. P. Mussorgsky" METHODOLOGICAL MANUAL "TESTS ON ELEMENTARY THEORY OF MUSIC" Teacher

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 6TH CLASS GAMMA are the sounds of a scale, located incrementally up or down from the tonic to its octave repetition. The sounds are called degrees and are designated by Roman numerals: I-II

MBUK DO Children's Music School 13 named after. Dunaevsky, Ekaterinburg Test tasks in solfeggio for grades 3-7 was prepared by solfeggio teacher Suchkova Lyudmila Petrovna 2016 3rd grade 1. Lad, which has between I and III

Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region MOUDOD "Children's School of Music» Dubna “Agreed” “Accepted” by the Pedagogical Council Protocol L from “/3” & 20O&g “Approved” OUDOD d m sh.) Experimental

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 2nd GRADE. GAMMA is the sounds of a scale, located stepwise up or down from the tonic to its octave repetition. The sounds are called steps. The full scale consists of 8 steps, designated

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "St. Petersburg Children's Music School 24" APPROVED by Director L.E. Kasparyants AGREED

Academic subject "Solfeggio" 1st grade Interim certification is carried out to test students' knowledge of the basic musical terms, definitions, degree of mastery of musical notation at the end of the first

Zhakovich V.V. SOLFEGIO Class Two Part IV Voronezh 2017 3 LESSON 25 1. Sing the scale in E minor 3 types 2. Sing separately stable steps, main steps and introductory tones 3. Dictation 4. Tap rhythmic

“Know yourself” You, who have come here ready for the competition, will have to accomplish a lot without hoping for a miracle. Listen to my will and my prediction: You will cover your name with immortal glory. What is destined

For additional pre-professional general education program in area musical art"Solfeggio" 1st grade pp. Music notation. C major scale. Stable and 2/4 size. Rhythmic dictation.

SOLFEGIO RULES FOR 7TH CLASS LAD system of the relationship between stable and unstable sounds, gravitating towards the tonic. TONALITY is the height of the scale determined by the tonic. The tonality gets its name from

RULES FOR SOLFEGIO. 1 CLASS. 1. Sound and note 2. Register 3. Names of sounds, octaves 4. Placement of notes on the staff 5. Treble clef 6. Duration of sounds 7. Major and minor. Tonic 8. Key 9. Gamma

Ticket 1 1. Sing the scale C sharp minor of the harmonic form, all diminished intervals and umvii 7 s t 6 S 53 D 64 D 34 t 53 S 6 II 34 K 64 D 7 t 53 2. Sing the parallel major of the natural form, 7b s 3 From

DOMINANTSEPT CHORD AND ITS INVERSIONS The steps on which inversions of the dominant sept chord are built - V step (b3+m3+m3) D5/6 - VII step (m3+m3+b2) - II step (m3+b2+b3) - VI step (b2 +b3+m3) Major

Ticket 1 1. Sing the scale to sharp minor in harmonic form, all reduced intervals. t 6 S 53 D 64 D 34 t 53 S 6 II 34 K 64 D 7 t 53 2. Sing a parallel major natural form, 7b with 3. From the sound “fa”

II quarter 7 lessons I quarter 8 lessons quarter Number of hours Date of the training St. Petersburg state budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "St. Petersburg

Examination tickets in solfeggio for 5th grade students of the DPP “Piano”, “ Stringed instruments», « Folk instruments"," Brass and percussion instruments» Ticket 1 1.Sing the scale F sharp minor natural

Tickets for solfeggio 6th grade answers >>> Tickets for solfeggio 6th grade answers Tickets for solfeggio 6th grade answers Flats appear in reverse order. These techniques bring new colors to the harmonic plan

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS 1. A child entering a gymnasium-college must have good musical abilities, obvious talent and individual creative abilities. 2. The applicant must


Steblyakova Lyudmila Anatolyevna MBOUDOD "DSHI pos. Volodarsky" Moscow region Leninsky district Volodarsky village teacher of theoretical disciplines THEORY OF MUSIC. RULES. TABLES. TASKS Educational and methodological





Studying the laws of the modal and absolute systems in the lower grades during solfeggio lessons. In the practice of solfeggio, two main aspects of activity have developed, to which all are subordinated to one degree or another.


EXPLANATORY NOTE This solfeggio program is based on the program for children's music schools, music departments of art schools, general evening schools music education, 1984

1 Explanatory note Musical education how the facet of the aesthetic provides for purposeful and systematic development musical abilities children, formation of emotional responsiveness

EXPLANATORY NOTE The proposed solfeggio program is based on the program for children's music schools, music departments of art schools, evening schools of general music education,

Municipal autonomous cultural institution of additional education CHILDREN'S MUSIC SCHOOL 7 named after S.V. Rachmaninov ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN THE FIELD OF MUSICAL ART “THE WAY”

Zhakovich V.V. SOLFEGIO Class Two Part III Voronezh 2017 3 LESSON 16 1. Remember the C major scale And now remember the A minor scale 2. Find the lower leading tone in both scales and compare the Lower leading tone

Municipal state-financed organization additional education "Children's music school 4 in Khabarovsk" ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR PAID EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MUSIC THEORY

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's music school 4 of Khabarovsk" ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR PAID EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MUSICAL ABC

INTERVALS Big second - b. 2 Minor second m. 2 Major third - b. 3 Small third m. 3 Clear quart - part 4, Increased quart - uv. 4 Pure fifth - part 5, Diminished fifth mind. 5 Sexta major

DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Moscow “Children’s music school named after A.N. Alexandrova" AGREED BY THE PEDAGOGICAL Council

Approximate entry requirements for music theoretical disciplines for applicants to school Availability musical training Necessarily! In 5th grade: On a competitive basis, children who have

Task 1 1) Answer the questions orally: - How many degrees are there in the minor scale? - Which step is below the first? - Between which degrees in a minor are there semitones? - Where in the scale are two unstable ones in a row?

E.S. Gornik Fundamentals of elementary music theory Educational, methodological and reference manual Part I Edition 2nd. Corrected and supplemented Moscow 2016 1 UDC 373.1.016:781 BBK 74.268.53 G 69 Based on the results

Solfege program (5-year course) 1st grade. 2 Vocal and intonation skills. Correct body position. Take a calm, stress-free breath. Simultaneous inhalation before starting to sing. Output

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "CENTER OF EDUCATION "PSKOV PEDAGOGICAL COMPLEX" Adopted at a meeting of the department Minutes 1 "25" August 2015 Head. Department T. Kalishenko. I approve

CONTROL LESSONS IN HIGH SCHOOL (GRADES 5,6,7) IN SOLFEGIO AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 5 Written work 1. Write down one-voice dictation: 2. Record a two-voice dictation: 3. Auditory work outside

Contents Explanatory note...4 I. Educational and thematic plan.....7 II. Contents of the subject..14 1st grade...14 2nd grade. 23 3rd grade. 32 4th grade. 39 5th grade. 51 6th grade. 61 7th grade. 71 8th grade.

Solfege program (7-year course) 1st grade. Vocal and intonation skills. Correct body position, calm inhalation, simultaneous inhalation before starting to sing, developing uniform breathing.

Olympiad in the subject "Solfeggio", 3rd grade Author - compiler: Vera Olegovna Sedova Position: piano teacher, accompanist Place of work: MBUDO Children's School of Art, branch in Dmitrov, Moscow region

Solfege exam paper 1 Task I. Theory 1. Gamma is 2. The distance between two sounds is called 3. The period usually consists of sentences of repeated or non-repeated structure () 4. Each

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Secondary comprehensive school 57 with a musical and choral training profile" REVIEWED Chairman of the Secondary School 57 Minutes of 2016

Zhakovich V.V. SOLFEGIO Class Two Part I Voronezh 2017 3 LESSON 2 Notes that go up or down in order are called a Scale 1. FIND ALL SOUND SCALES IN THE MELODY 2. Arrange the stems correctly 4

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education Children's Music School M of the Pushkin District Discussed by the Methodological Council Protocol L adopted by the Pedagogical Council

Department of Culture of the Yekaterinburg City Administration Municipal Autonomous Institution of Culture of Additional Education "Children's Art School 12" AGREED Minutes of the meeting of the Pedagogical

DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Children's art school "Tutti" ADOPTED at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow