News from the life of Britney Spears. Britney Spears - biography, information, personal life

Britney Spears

Singer Date of birth December 2 (Sagittarius) 1981 (37) Place of birth McComb Instagram @britneyspears

Britney Spears burst into world show business like a hurricane, topped all possible charts and took over radio and television airwaves. Having rightfully received her title of “pop princess,” the performer was never able to sit on the coveted throne. A rapid rise, a crushing fall, loud victories and betrayals - the girl had to endure all this on her way. She has a Grammy Award, world tours, participation in television shows and even film roles.

Biography of Britney Spears

The future star was born on December 2, 1981 in the small town of McComb, Mississippi, but she spent her childhood in Louisiana, in a place called Kentwood. It is considered to be the official homeland of the singer. The parents named their daughter Britney Jean Spears. Thanks to her sonorous surname, in the future she did not have to come up with a pseudonym (spear - means “spear”).

Personal life of Britney Spears

WITH early childhood the girl actively developed her vocal abilities. The mother noticed her daughter’s talent early, so vocal lessons became a mandatory companion for the baby. Soon choreography was added to them, which was very useful for the singer in the future - her movement and fiery dances were appreciated by millions of fans.

Latest news about Britney Spears

Britney also had to take part in many local competitions for young talents. This was not a burden for the girl - she enjoyed the attention of the public and the opportunity to stand on stage. In between working for large audiences, Britney organized concerts for her family and sang religious hymns at the Baptist church to which her parents belonged.

Soon the mother realized that it was time for her daughter to conquer new heights. At that time, castings began for participation in the show “Mickey Mouse Club”. It was this project that Lynn Spears set her sights on. And despite the fact that the girl was not accepted into it because she was too young, the attempt brought unexpected success. The producers of the show liked Britney and soon received a contract with an agent from New York, who was actively involved in the career of the young talent.

The next three years of the girl’s life were devoted to active vocal training and choreography. At the same time, she starred in commercials and played in a Broadway production called Ruthless.

Britney was 11 years old when her second attempt to storm the hearts of the producers of “The Mickey Mouse Show” was crowned with success. She received the coveted role of MOUSEketeer, which she played for three years.

After the show closed, there was a pause in Britney's life - for a whole year she could live like an ordinary teenager. The lack of career development weighed on her, but then she did not yet know that this was the last opportunity to enjoy peace and quiet. While her daughter went to school and on numerous dates, her mother made considerable efforts to ensure that the girl’s talents did not remain unclaimed. The New York agent was moving in the same direction.

Soon the joint efforts bore fruit. At first, Britney was invited to sing in a girl group, but this did not correspond to her ambitions. She wanted to be the one and only, not one of them. Soon the dream began to come true. Britney signed a contract with a famous music label and went to improve her vocals and record her debut album in Sweden. The girl was taken under their wing by such giants as Rami and Max Martin, who gave the world Backstreet Boys. Soon she received a wonderful gift - the song “Baby one more time”. With her and other tracks, the singer began with performances in large shopping centers, slowly but surely winning her audience. Soon “Baby...” appeared on the radio, and just a week later it topped all the available charts.

Britney's next album went multi-platinum, broke many records and made the girl the youngest performer to sell more than a million copies in a week.

The year 2000 was marked by the release of the singer’s second album, “Oops!... I did it again.” Together with the singer, “Oh, I did it again,” the whole world exclaimed. The singer's magnificent tour contributed to the spread of fame. He showed that she switched to new level, her show became the height of professionalism. Britney's name appeared almost everywhere. She decorated posters, clothes, toys, her music sounded on every corner.

On the wave of incredible success, the girl starred in a film that many called autobiographical. Of course, the plot of “Crossroads” did not exactly repeat the singer’s life, but in many ways it was similar to it. Fans highly appreciated the creation; box office receipts in cinemas exceeded the cost of filming many times over.

This was the period of Britney's greatest triumph, after which her fame slowly waned. The next album became popular, but it was far from the previous one. The songs topped the charts, but the audience no longer went crazy with them.

Released in 2003 new album singer "In the Zone". It can also be called successful. Many tracks became hits, and the collection itself topped the Billboard album charts.

The subsequent years in Britney's life are characterized by a decline in creativity with small glimpses in the form of the release of albums that the public liked, but did not cause much enthusiasm. The singer suffered from confusion in her personal life, which negatively affected her career.

2008 became a landmark year for Britney: she triumphantly returned to the stage, put in order not only her body, but also her soul, again received several MTV awards and regained the love of her fans.

The girl’s personal life can hardly be called successful. At the peak of her career, the star princess dated the no less star Prince Timberlake. Their couple seemed ideal to fans, but after an unexpected breakup, the young man did not hesitate to pour a large portion of dirt on his ex-girlfriend. This crippled Britney, her image of a good girl began to crack at the seams.

In 2003, Britney got married for the first time. Her chosen one was Jason Alexander, a childhood friend. And here the girl also hit the mark - her marriage lasted only two days.

The singer's next chosen one was dancer Kevin Federline. In 2004, the young people got married. Soon sons were born: Sean Preston and Jayden James. Meanwhile, the singer’s marriage was bursting at the seams. Britney herself suffered from ongoing depression, a collapsed career, constant attacks about her worthlessness as a mother, and her husband’s regular sprees.

In 2006, the Singer could not stand the abundance of rumors about cheating and filed for divorce. She did not yet know that the painful process would end with another blow: ex-husband will receive full custody of the children. This was facilitated by the behavior of Britney herself. She disappeared at parties in the company of the famous party girl Paris Hilton, constantly caught the eye of the paparazzi drunk, and committed inappropriate acts.

Britney Spears' breakdowns regularly became public knowledge. Either she shaved her head bald, then she cried while sitting on the sidewalk, or she threatened to commit suicide. As a result, her father received custody of her. This benefited Britney; she could no longer freely manage her finances. Soon the girl began to actively work on herself, to fight for every date with her sons.

Her efforts were crowned with success. Today the boys enjoy communicating with their mother.

Britney Spears(Britney Spears) was born on December 2, 1981 in the USA. Today she is a famous and popular American singer.

The American pop singer spent her childhood in Kentwood, Louisiana. Mom was an ordinary primary school teacher, and dad was a cook and builder. The girl also has a sister, Jamie Lynn.

Britney Spears as a child

Britney Spears loved rhythmic gymnastics and practiced this sport professionally until she was 9 years old.

In kindergarten, a girl performed the song “What kind of child is this?” Britney was also a singer in the church choir, where her parents and other parishioners often came. The mother saw her daughter’s talent, so she tried with all her might to help her.

At the age of 8, Britney Spears got into " New club Mickey Mouse" and then spent the next few years studying at the Professional Performing Arts School in Manhattan. She often took part in many productions.

Disney Channel and the show “The New Mickey Mouse Club”

At the age of 10, in 1992, the singer won the “Star Search” competition, she then sang “Love can build a bridge” and the jury was delighted, but another contestant won.

Britney Spears career

Released in 1998 debut single girls called "...Baby One More Time". It was written by Max Martin for the singer, who was once able to provide the huge success of the Backstreet Boys.

After the first album, another very popular album was created called “Oops!... I Did It Again”.

In the early 2000s, Britney Spears went on a world tour, and various products featuring the singer's image entered the product market. Mugs, dolls, T-shirts, diaries, calendars and much more are selling out at lightning speed.

In 2001, the new third album “Britney” was released, which received huge ratings.

Britney Spears and her mother wrote the popular book “Heart to Heart”, where they described their ordinary life before becoming popular.

Book “Heart to Heart”

In 2003, Britney Spears released her fourth album, In The Zone. All this time the girl was not on stage, and only in 2007 she returned with a new solo album"Blackout", which was rated as the worst in the history of Britney's career.

The singer was able to regain her popularity thanks to the album “Circus”.

The girl also wrote the wonderful song “Ooh La La” for the cartoon “The Smurfs 2”. The eighth edition will be released in 2013. studio album singer "Britney Jean".

Britney Spears - personal life

It is known that Britney dated Justin Timberlake for 4 years, but they eventually broke up. In 2004, she married Jason Alexander, but their marriage lasted only 55 hours. The girl later said that it was crazy and she only wanted to know what it was like to be married!

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake

On her third world tour, Britney met Kevin Federline. A few months later they got married, and in 2005 the singer gave birth to her husband’s son, Sean Preston Spears Federline. A year later, Britney Spears gave birth to another son and named him Jayden James.

Britney and Kevin

Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb, Mississippi, but grew up in Kentwood, Louisiana.

As a child, Britney sang constantly. She sang the Christian song “What Kind of a Child Is This” at her kindergarten graduation, and she sang religious hymns countless times at the meetings of the Kentwood Baptist Church, where her parents were regular members.

All photos 63

Mother future star Lynn Spears noticed her daughter's talent and decided to help her become a star: she hired vocal and dance tutors, encouraged little Britney to do "home concerts" and took the baby to all sorts of young talent competitions.

When little Britney won every local competition she could, Lynn took her to Atlanta, where they were casting for a remake of the popular 1950s show “The Mickey Mouse Club.”

Britney was rejected at the casting - she was too small for the show, but the producer saw talent in her and gave Lynn Spears the address of an experienced agent from New York.

For three years, Britney studied dancing and singing in Manhattan, while also starring in commercials and playing an enfant terrible in the 1991 Broadway production of Ruthless.

In 1992, at the age of ten, Britney participated and won the Star Search competition; her song “Love can build a bridge” received a positive response from the jury, but the victory was given to another contestant.

This was followed by a second attempt to get into “The Mickey Mouse Show,” which was successful, and at the age of 11, Britney became the so-called MOUSEketeer. She was the youngest of the participants, and it was on this show that she met two other future world stars - Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.

Three years of participation in the show became an excellent show business school for Spears. Then the project was closed, and Britney was forced to return home, where she spent a whole year like an ordinary teenager - dating boys, playing basketball and going to school.

However, Britney still dreamed of the stage, so she recorded a demo tape, which her mother sent to various record labels.

She was offered a place in the girl group “Innosense” (“Innocence”), but Britney was determined to make a solo career and therefore refused.

Larry Rudolph, her New York agent, never ceased to believe in his ward and constantly dragged her to studios. At one of the auditions, Britney brilliantly performed Whitney Houston's song "I have nothing", and the label took Britney under its wing and sent her to Sweden to work with such professionals as Max Martin and Rami (at one time they ensured success Backstreet group Boys). Max Martin wrote the song for Britney that made her a star, “Baby one more time.”

In mid-1998, Britney went on tour for the first time - although so far it was just a tour of shopping centers. She performed songs from her newly recorded debut album. Slowly but surely she won fans.

A few months later, “Baby one more time” appeared in rotation on the radio, and a week later it became number one in all the charts.

Then the album of the same name was released, which broke all possible sales records. The album went multi-platinum in Canada, Sweden, France, Japan, Germany and Taiwan. In the UK, in the history of music, only three artists have sold more records in the first week than she has (e.g. The Beatles), but among all the record holders she is the youngest performer to sell more than a million copies in the first week. On the first day, 124,000 cassettes and CDs were sold in the UK.

The next singles from Britney's first album, “Sometimes” and “You Drive Me Crazy,” were also huge successes, the latter of which became the soundtrack to the film “Melissa Joan Hart.”

In January 2000, the mega-popular single “Born to make you happy” was released from the same album, which in theory was supposed to appear in the USA immediately after “From the bottom of my broken heart”, but ultimately became exclusive exclusively for European countries . At the same time, work on Spears' second album was already completed.

The release of the album “Oops!.. I did it again” took place in May 2000. The title song "Oops!.. I did it again" and the singles "Lucky", "Stronger" and "Don"t let me be the last to know" showed that Britney has become more relaxed, sexier and more confident. Spears' updated image was received with a bang by fans.

At the end of 2000, Britney went on tour in Europe. The “Oops!.. I Did It Again” tour proved to the world that Britney was not just a singer - her shows were truly simply top notch.

Meanwhile, “Britney Spears fever” began all over the world: the market for various products was filled with goods with her images - be it T-shirts, dolls, mugs, calendars, keychains, posters, plush toys, cards and much more. Advertising contracts (for example, with PEPSI) were not long in coming.

Together with her mother, Britney writes a book called “Heart to Heart”, in which she describes her life before she became famous, as well as her early successes.

Britney wanted to express her gratitude to society and fans for their love for her, and she founded a charitable organization named after her, which every year organizes a camp for talented children from poor families.

Britney's charitable activities did not end there; more than once the singer donated huge sums - for example, for the victims of September 11, 2001 or for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

To finally achieve a leading position in all areas of media, Britney starred in the film “Crossroads” in 2001. The role was written specifically for her, and Britney herself had a hand in writing the script.

The income from this film was many times higher than the money spent on it, and the film reached second place in the American charts and fourth in the British (although film critics considered the film bad).

Then the third musical creation arrived, modestly called simply “Britney”. By releasing this album, Britney risked losing some of her fans - these were songs far from the good girl that everyone was used to...

The name of the first single spoke for itself - “I"m a slave 4 u” (“I am your slave”). The music was now more diverse, the voice became more like a gentle whisper, and features of hip-hop were added.

2002 became a very difficult year for Spears - she worked without knowing any rest: tours, endless performances, interviews, promotion of her third album and “Crossroads”...

Sure, she topped the US charts and sold over 8 million copies of her third album, but compared to the 25 million copies of Oops... I Did It Again and the 30 million of Baby One More Time, the album was a flop.

To top it all off, Miss Spears suffered a setback in her personal life - she broke up with Justin Timberlake, whom she dated for five years.

And Timberlake behaved very unworthily during the breakup: he publicly stated many times that Britney had somehow betrayed him; told the world that he had deprived Britney of her virginity (while Britney herself skillfully exploited the image of America's last virgin and insisted that she planned to wait until marriage).

Then followed scandalous performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, where she once again pushed the boundaries of imagination, this time together with Madonna, Christina Aguilera (the three singers’ kiss will probably be remembered forever).

However, preparing for the release of her fourth album, Britney was again not afraid to experiment: she added electronics. It all started with the song “Me Against The Music” (duet with Madonna), and the public liked the new sound.

The disc “In The Zone” was released on November 17, 2003. And again the first place in all the charts. Britney became the first artist to have four consecutive albums reach number one on the US Billboard album charts.

At that time, Britney was already a darling of the tabloids - she was caught smoking several times; there were rumors about her affair with Hollywood womanizer Colin Farrell, so there is no publication that would not write about Britney’s marriage in 2003.

The star married her childhood friend Jason Alexander in a small chapel in Las Vegas, but called it off two days later. Britney then said: “Yes, it was crazy, but I just wanted to know what it was like to be married!”

At this very time at the top musical Olympus Spears' hits “Toxic”, “Me against the music” and the frank ballad written by Britney herself, “Everytime”, reigned supreme, and all of Britney’s shows enjoyed constant success.

The next single from the album “In The Zone” was supposed to be the song “Outrageous”, but the video for it was never fully shot - the star seriously injured her leg during filming.

For the first time in a long time, Spears had a vacation, albeit a forced one. This allowed the singer to pay attention to her personal life. And now the press is thundering with reports about the pop princess’s affair with dancer Kevin Federline.

In September 2004, the couple got married. It seems that Britney continues to work - the very successful single “My Prerogative” (a cover version of Bobby Brown’s 1989 song) is released. However, a full-fledged fifth album called “Original Doll”, which was supposed to be released in the summer of that year, was never released.

Instead, Britney releases the collection “Greatest Hits: My Prerogative”, which, however, does not prevent the disc from starting straight from third place in the UK charts and reaching second place in the album charts in the USA - no one’s “Greatest Hits” has ever sold out like this success.

At the beginning of 2005, the song “Do Somethin” reigned at the top of the charts (the single was taken from the show), and in March 2005, Spears’ first perfume, “Curious,” created together with Elizabeth Arden, was released. Needless to say, how popular they were and still are.

In April, Britney admitted to fans on her website that she was pregnant. Around the same time, the reality show “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” was released on American television. Viewers watched how Britney and Kevin's relationship developed. Fifth and last episode The show gave viewers a unique opportunity to see Britney's new video for the song "Someday I will understand," which she wrote back in January after learning of her pregnancy. The show was then released on DVD along with the above video and two songs - "Mona Lisa" and the song "Chaotic", which became the main theme song for the show.

On September 14, 2005, Britney gave birth to a boy in Los Angeles, who was named Sean Preston. Rumors spread that an incredible return of the pop princess to the stage was planned in 2006, fueled by the release of the collection of remixes “B In The Mix” in November.

But in 2006, Britney pleased the public only cameo role in the sitcom “Will & Grace”, and already in May of this year on David Letterman’s show, Spears announced her second pregnancy.

By then, Britney's mothering skills had already been called into question twice: the first time when she was seen driving a car with Sean Preston on her lap, and the second time when she was walking with him in one hand, a glass of water in the other... As a result I almost dropped my son. And every time, paparazzi hovered around her, ready to capture her every wrong move.

In July, she decided to appear on Matt Lauer's show "Dateline" on NBC to shake off the label of a bad mother. It turned out very frankly - Britney talked about all her feelings and cried right during the broadcast.

But the public did not appreciate this sincerity, and the interview rather damaged the star’s reputation than strengthened it (now Spears was also suspected of being unbalanced).

However, Britney decided not to give up and soon appeared before us naked with her son in her arms on the cover of a glossy publication.

On September 12, 2006, in the same Los Angeles hospital, Britney gave birth to her second son, Jayden James.

After giving birth, Spears disappeared from view for some time and appeared in public only on October 31, 2006 at a party dedicated to the release of her husband's album Playing With Fire. By that time, everyone around had been saying for a year that the couple were unhappy together and the marriage was about to fall apart (Kevin tried hard here, spending his nights in nightclubs among strippers).

On November 7, 2006, these rumors were already confirmed - Britney filed for divorce, in which she stated that from now on each party must pay their own bills, and the property must be divided, and properly, so that Britney’s income does not go to her husband. A scandalous and painful divorce process began.

Then Britney was noticed in the company of Paris Hilton - this is how her party life in Los Angeles began. Lack of underwear, too much alcohol and drugs.

Realizing how much this damages her credibility, Britney published a letter on her website, in which she says that “ Lately it was very difficult for her, the press and television criticized her every action, and people, unfortunately, had an idea that was far from reality...”

But on New Year's Eve (2007) in a nightclub, Spears loses consciousness - because (according to those present) she drank too much and hardly ate.

When Aunt Britney died of breast cancer on January 21, 2007, the star's morale became even worse. And then there is her former assistant, Felicia Culotta, who spent nine and a half years with Britney, declares that she no longer wants to watch Britney’s life collapse and leaves her place.

Britney succumbs to the persuasion of her family and friends and goes to a rehabilitation clinic in Antigua. However, after a couple of hours, doctors came to the conclusion that Britney’s blood was absolutely pure and there was no point in keeping her under supervision.

And on February 17, 2007, Britney shocked the world - right in front of the paparazzi, she shaved her hair off her head. She walked into a hairdresser and asked to shave her head. When the employees refused, she took the clipper herself and finished the job with the words: “Oh my God, I shaved them off completely... How upset mom will be.”

After that, she headed to the tattoo parlor and got a new tattoo.

The next day, Britney goes to Kevin's house to see the children, but her husband won't let her in. Spears breaks down and attacks the paparazzi's car with an umbrella.

In May 2007, Spears suddenly began appearing on stage for short appearances in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orlando and San Diego. The numbers were very short and consisted of excerpts from her greatest hits.

In July, Britney got busy preparing for her return to the stage. In particular, filming of the video clip for the first single “Gimme more” from her fifth studio album began. It was also decided to hold a photo shoot for OK magazine, which turned into another scandal - the photo shoot was not a success; according to rumors, Britney was constantly capricious, and besides, she ruined half of the things that were specially prepared for her.

On July 31, it was officially announced that the divorce process from Kevin Federline was finally completed. However, disputes about who the children should stay with did not stop. Kevin Federline, meanwhile, found people close to Britney who could confirm all the most unpleasant rumors about her in court - with the goal, of course, of getting every right for children.

The single “Gimme more” was first presented at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards. This performance was the most anticipated. However, unfortunately, critics and the public considered it an absolute failure.

But the multi-million army of Spears fans didn’t care - they love and support their queen, no matter what she is. And this can be confirmed by the success enjoyed by her fifth album, “Blackout,” released in November 2007.

And what’s most surprising is that the album was liked not only by the singer’s fans, but also by the harshest critics - it received the best reviews in the most respected publications like Rolling Stone and NME.

Whatever the singer does, no matter how her fate unfolds, one thing is certain: she is truly talented and people all over the world love her for it.

In October 2007, a Los Angeles court took away custody of her sons from Britney, which leads to several more breakdowns for Britney: she publicly sobs while sitting on the sidewalk, locks herself in her home, breaks off relations with her family and threatens to commit suicide...

It is her father, Jamie Spears, who decides to save Britney, who officially becomes her “guardian” and gains control over his daughter’s financial transactions.

Since February 2008, Britney stops appearing in nightclubs and drinking alcohol, she fights for literally every date with her sons (and makes progress), spends a lot of time in the fitness center and dance studio...

In addition, the singer appears again on television - a small role in the series “How I Met My Mother” on the CBS channel. Britney's participation in the filming of this sitcom almost doubles the show's ratings! CBS quickly invites the star to continue cooperation, and Britney agrees.

In May 2008, information appeared that Britney Spears was preparing a triumphant return to the stage and a world tour. And this information turned out to be correct!

From June to September 2008, the whole world watched Britney’s wonderful transformation: the singer lost weight, became prettier, and devoted all her time to work, sports and, of course, children.

On September 8, 2008, Britney not only appeared in all her splendor at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, but also became an absolute winner of the award: the pop princess won three awards at once: her video “Piece of me” became the best video of the year and the best pop video, Britney was recognized best performer of the year.

On October 10, the ABC channel premiered Britney’s new video for the song “Womanizer”; The composition soared to 1st place on the Billboard Hot-100 within a week, and also became the leader in sales for the first week. Until this moment, Britney had only hit the top spot in the Billboard Top 100 once, when in 1999 the pop princess first announced herself with the hit “Baby One More Time.”

However, in October 2008, the Los Angeles court did not lift Britney's guardianship; her father continued to control the personal and business affairs of his famous daughter.

In November 2008, Spears received the 2008 MTV Europe Music Awards: her album “Blackout” became album of the year, and Britney became best performer of the year.

From the end of November, Britney began performing: first she appeared on stage as a guest at a Madonna concert, then she performed solo at the 2008 Bambi Awards, then there were performances in various TV shows.

On December 2, 2008, Britney Spears celebrated her 27th birthday, on the same day her 6th studio album “Circus” launched. Needless to say, the record sold well and was a huge success.

Full name

Britney Jean Spears

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Kentwood, Louisiana (USA)

about 168 cm.

about 50 kg.

Hair color

Eye color


Jamie and Lynne Spears

Brothers and sisters

Bryan (older brother) and Jamie Lynn ( younger sister)

Marital status

husband Kevin Federline, dancer (Sept. 2004)

Preston Michael Spears Federline (09.14.2005.)

Sprite and tea at home, water on the road

Hot Dogs, ice cream, pizza, cheese sandwiches

White Rose

Favorite country

Shopping, cinema, reading novels

Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt


Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Prince, Brandy, Faith Evans, Lauryn Hill

Backstreet Boys, TLC, Aerosmith

Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey

My Best Friend's Wedding, Titanic

You Drive Me (Crazy)


Basketball, tennis, golf, swimming

Favorite city in the USA

Los Angeles and Chicago

Good habits

Organization and neatness

Nail biting

I don't like myself

Big feet

Male ideal

A guy who has a unique personality and personality, is brave, confident, sexy and knows how to make me laugh well.

Britney Spears born December 2, 1981 in Kenwood, a small town in Louisiana. Her first public speaking- singing in a local church at the age of four. Her professional career began with an audition for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club in Atlanta.

She was too small for the Disney show, however, one of the producers noticed her talent and helped her find an agent in New York. Britney spent the next three years in New York, studying at the School of Professional Variety Arts and the Off-Broadway Dance Center. In 1991, she landed a role in the production of Ruthless, where Britney Spears played a sweet child who actually has evil inside her.

When Britney turned eleven, she became a full member of the Disney Club for two seasons at once, 1993-94. The show included Justin Timberlake and Joshua Chasez (later members of 'N Sync). Other talented members of the club included Keri Russell, Christina Aguilera, Nita Booth, Ryan Gosling) from Young Hercules.

After the club disbanded in 1993, Britney Spears returns home, where he attends a regular high school for a year, returns to New York to continue singing. After Jive's director heard a clip of fifteen-year-old Britney's demo tape, he signed her to a contract and arranged a meeting with Eric Foster, a producer who had worked with Boyzone, Hi-Five, and Whitney Houston.

Her first single, ...Baby One More Time, was released in October 1998, which went platinum in January and topped several top charts. That same month, Britney's first album, Baby One More Time, was released and debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 Albums chart, where it stayed for six weeks. By the end of February, the album was certified platinum, and by April, triple platinum.

In April, her photograph appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone, and several candid photographs taken the same month led to the rejection of the young star by American family associations.

The following month, the second single from the album, Sometimes, was released, and the album itself went 4x platinum. By September, the album went 7x platinum and became the best-selling album recorded by the young singer. A third single, You Drive Me Crazy, was released in September. By the new year 2000, the album became 10x platinum.

year 2000

January. Britney Spears was included in the list of “the most tasteless women” and released another single, From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart. In February, at the Grammy Awards, Britney performed the songs "From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart" and "...Baby One More Time." She hoped to win the award, but did not win in either of the two categories. The Best New Artist award was taken by her competitor, Christina Aguilera. In the same month, the single "Born To Make You Happy" was released, which took the singer to the top of the European charts.

March. While filming the video for the song "Oops!... I Did It Again", a piece of equipment fell on the singer's head, and she had to undergo surgery for four stitches.

April. A single from the new album was released, and in May her second album, called Oops!... I Did It Again, like the first single, was ready.

May. Britney once again appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. The same month, the book Britney Spears. Heart To Heart, written by Britney and her mother, was released.

In its first week of release, the new album sold approximately 1.3 million copies, a record for an album released by a female artist. The record among all performers at this time belongs to Eminem; his album “The Marshall Mathers LP” sold 1.7 million copies in its first week, ahead of Britney Spears’ album, which had previously held first place.

June. Britney performed at the summer concert of The Today Show, which attracted about six thousand of her fans. That same month, the Britney Spears Museum was created in her hometown.

July. the second single from the album, Lucky, appeared. In the same month, one of the newspapers published a message that Britney intended to marry Justin Timberlake from the group 'N Sync. A few days later, the singer's official denial followed. That same month, in an interview given to the German magazine InStyle, Britney stated that wears short tops only because they are comfortable to dance in.

September. Britney Spears was left without awards at the MTV Video Music Awards.

November. On the Rolling Stone and MTV: 100 Greatest Pop Songs list, "Oops!... I Did It Again" was number 24. In the same month, the singer’s next single, Stronger, was released.

By the new year, 2001, the singer’s first album had already become 13x platinum, and her second release had become eight times platinum. When summing up, on the Billboard Year-End Charts, Britney was number one on the Top Billboard 200 Artists and Top Billboard 200 Artists - Female lists.

year 2001

January. Britney co-hosted the American Music Awards, where she also performed the song "Stronger". That same month Mr. Blackwell compiled another list of the “most tasteless women”, where Britney was already in first place.

February. Britney signed a multimillion-dollar contract with Pepsi-Cola, agreeing to advertise its products.

April. Britney's second album went nine times platinum, after which its sales declined. Another single from the album, Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know, was released

May. VH1's 100 Greatest Videos list included the video for "...Baby One More Time" at number 90.

September. MTV Video Music Awards performance Britney Spears stunned everyone. Britney sang hers new song I"m A Slave 4 U, dancing on stage in very little clothing with a huge snake on her shoulders. This caused protests from the Organization for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who were also against Britney's plans to perform on stage with four cheetahs.

In the same month, her voice could be heard in the single What's Going On (All-Star Tribute). Many singing celebrities took part in its recording, and proceeds from its sales were directed to the fight against AIDS and to the relatives of those killed during the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

November. Britney is going on a tour of America, starting in Miami. Her original plans included tours in Europe and South America, but due to recent terrorist attacks they were postponed. The American tour was organized in support of the just released third album, which was called Britney. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 Albums chart and sold 740,000 copies in its first week in the US alone. By this time, the song "I"m A Slave 4 U" had become a real hit and was at the top of several ratings.

Britney performed in Las Vegas as part of HBO's Britney Spears Live. TV Guide noted that the use of backing was even more obvious here, giving her performance a strange Japanese monster movie feel.


To the beginning of the new year, 2002, new album Britney Spears went quadruple platinum. And already in January 2002, the song “I”m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman appeared in the ratings. But Britney proved that she was successful not only in her singing career.

February. The first film with her participation, Crossroads, was released. The film's grosses for the first week of screening amounted to about $12 million.

March. Britney begins collaborating with the New York restaurant "Nyla". However, after eight months she finished advertising the restaurant.

April. Her new successful single, Overprotected, is released. A little later, Demis Roussos, in an interview with EuroNews, expressed his opinion about Britney Spears. "I've always said she looks like Madonna. No, that doesn't mean Britney is untalented. But I think the guys who work with her have already noticed her resemblance to Madonna."

June. Forbes magazine declared Britney the most powerful celebrity in the world.

July. The film Austin Powers: Goldmember is released in cinemas, where Britney played a striking cameo role. The film also featured a special exclusive remix of her new song Boys.

At the same time, Britney made people talk about herself in Mexico, where upon arrival in the country she made an obscene gesture to reporters, and during the final concert in Mexico City she interrupted the performance, performing only four songs. But she apologized, said: “Sorry, Mexico City. I love you. Bye,” and left the stage. Where, however, various little things immediately flew off. The organizers did not give any reasonable comments to questions from journalists, including whether the fans, who unanimously chanted “Financial Fraud,” would be refunded for ruining the show. Later, the blame for the unfinished concert was shifted to bad weather.

August. It was announced that Britney Spears takes six months off. Her officials denied rumors that the pop princess was exhausted and so heartbroken that she ran home to her mother. "Britney has been working for four years without a break. Now she is going to travel and hang out with friends," said her representative Lisa Kasteler.

Britney Spears, who presented Michael Jackson as the “artist of the millennium” at the MTV Video Music Awards, did not receive a single award. The first ceremony took place solo performance Justin Timberlake, already ex-friend Britney.

September. VH1 has announced its version of the 100 Sexiest Artists. Madonna took first place in this ranking. And pop princess Britney Spears took 8th place.


Bye Britney Spears was still taking a break from music, her name flashed in various results and ratings.

June. 2003 VH1 TV channel compiled a rating of "100 best songs the last 25 years." In this list, in 28th place, Britney's most successful song of her entire career, "...Baby One More Time", was included.

August. Britney returns to the stage with a bang, opening with Madonna and Christina Aguilera at the MTV Video Music Awards with a rousing re-arrangement of Like A Virgin.

Coming out in the fall new single Britney Spears and Madonna - Me Against The Music. Britney once again appears on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and gives appearances on television.

November. Britney also performs at the American Music Awards. Her star appears on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. That same month, Britney's fourth album, In The Zone, was released. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 LP chart. In the United States alone, about 609 thousand copies of the new album were sold in the first week. And the next month the album went double platinum.


January. Having fun in Las Vegas Britney Spears unexpectedly marries her childhood friend. The next day, the marriage is just as unexpectedly annulled. It lasted only 55 hours, and in the future it will not be considered a marriage.

January. The singer's new single, Toxic, is released, which occupies high positions in a variety of ratings. In March, Britney embarks on the Onyx Hotel Tour, kicking off with a concert in San Diego. The song "Toxic" and its various remixes by this time reach the first lines of a variety of ratings.

March. Britney enters into a contract with the American cosmetics and perfume manufacturer Elizabeth Arden, the first fragrance of the Britney Spears line is called Curious.

April. The DVD “In The Zone” was released, on which the singer’s videos and concert performances were also recorded. This disc, produced by the famous rapper P. Diddy, also includes two new Britney songs: “Don”t Hang Up" and "The Answer". In the same month, rumors appeared in the press about Britney's romance with dancer Kevin Federline, who At that time he was married to actress Shar Jackson.

May. Britney Spears' new single, Everytime, has been released.

June. Britney Spears said that next year she will visit China as part of her concert tour called "Onyx Hotel". Despite the fact that this event will not take place until 2005, Chinese authorities have already begun to worry. The Ministry of Culture said it wanted to know in advance what Britney was going to wear on stage. A total of five Spears concerts are planned across the country.

July. Britney is engaged to Kevin Federline.

September. September 18 Britney Spears marries Kevin Federline and once again becomes the world's first tastelessly dressed woman.

November. Latest album Britney Spears' In The Zone, which exploded over several months with such hits as "Me Against The Music", "Toxic" and "Everytime", was voted the worst CD of the last 12 months by visitors to the largest online store

On November 9, a collection of Britney Spears's greatest hits, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, was released. It includes the best compositions of the period 1999 - 2004. In the first week of sales, the album became the leader among greatest hits collections musical performers, who have ever released "Greatest Hits".

2005 year

April. Britney Spears officially announces her pregnancy.

May. Britney has officially announced that she intends to end her career in order to devote herself entirely to her future baby.

June. A video has been shot for the song Someday (I will understand). The song was written by Britney herself, and produced by Guy Sigsworth, who has previously collaborated with Madonna, Björk, the Sugarbabes, etc. The video was directed by Michael Haussman.

September. Birth Preston Michael Spears Federline.

November. On November 22, Britney Spears' discography was replenished with a record, for the first time the artist herself does not appear on the cover and even in the booklet. “B In The Mix: The Remixes” is a collection of remixes of Britney songs from different years, including one completely new one, “And Then We Kiss”.


January. Once again Britney Spears was in first place in the traditional annual list of the most tastelessly dressed stars of 2005, compiled for the 46th time by American designer Richard Blackwell.

Completely devoting herself to her family, Britney curtailed her passion for bondage: “I’m no longer interested in Kabbalah. My son is my religion!” Which, according to rumors, her senior mentor Madonna was very offended by. Now, despite numerous rumors about the separation of the spouses, Britney and Federline are waiting for a new addition to the family.

Already “heavily pregnant,” Britney Spears posed nude for the August issue of Harper’s Bazaar (). In an interview with the same publication, Britney Spears admitted that she couldn’t wait to return to the stage. Moreover, she said that she would really like to record song together with her husband Kevin, whose debut album will be released in August.


Since the late nineties the name Britney Spears never left the pages gossip columns. They always talked about her, good or bad, starting from the day when popularity first knocked on the singer’s door.

Childhood and youth

Mine life path The famous blonde started in Mississippi. The girl's hometown is McCob. It was there on the second day of December 1981 that a joyful event took place. In the family of a school teacher and a simple builder, a girl appeared who would one day become a star. The pop diva has a sister named Jamie Lynn.

Miss Spears spent her childhood in Louisiana. She grew up in a town called Kentwood. It was there that Britney took her first steps, not only literally, but also in the figurative sense of the word.

The singer has always had excellent vocal abilities. For the first time she performed in front of an audience in kindergarten. Then she sang a song on a religious theme. A little later, the celebrity began rehearsing with the church choir. Her performances could be seen at the Baptist church, which the girl’s mother and father attended on weekends.

Seeing that little Britney had talent, her parents did not extinguish it in the bud. On the contrary, they strongly encouraged its development in this area. The mother enrolled the child in classes where Britney studied vocals and learned to dance. In addition, the girl was constantly taken to competitions, in which young talents could prove themselves. Even then, Miss Spears won many prizes.

When there were simply no local competitions left to win, the mother gathered the baby and went with her to conquer Atlanta. Britney was only eight years old at the time. It was in this southern city that the decision was made to revive a TV show called “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Little Spears took part in the casting. The producers agreed that Spears was too young. But this did not stop them from approving her candidacy. This is how Britney first appeared on screen. On the show she met other stars. Among them are her longtime rival Christina Aguilera and ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake.

For three whole years that passed after the casting, Britney trained in New York. There she studied acting and was busy in various productions on the stage of a local theater. At ten years old, Spears again proved herself to be a talented singer. Her performance at the “In Search of a Star” competition was noted by all members of the jury. Unfortunately, victory eluded her that year. And at the age of eleven she returned to Disney again and became the Mouseketeer in the sequel show "Mickey Mouse Club".

Britney returned home only in ninety-four. In Louisiana she went to school, but did not abandon her hobbies. She sang as part of the group Innosense and appeared on stage with other girls her age. But soon she got bored with teamwork, and she decided to go free.

Star Trek

The first song that brought Britney fame was released in 1998. It was called... BabyOneMoreTime. It was created by the legendary Max Martin- the person who transformed BackstreetBoys into a legend. Very soon the hit became extremely popular. Britney released an album of the same name. It went multi-platinum in a matter of days. In terms of the number of discs sold in the first week, Britney had practically no equal. Only three groups at different times managed to break her record. It is noteworthy that one of them was the Beatles.

The second album released by the successful singer was called Oops!...IDidItAgain. A significant event occurred in the summer of two thousand. The album brought Britney a Grammy nomination and victory at several awards. Due to the popularity that befell the girl, it became possible to go on her first world tour, which Britney took advantage of.

Every day the blonde gained more and more fans. Her CDs sold in no time. Clothing with her image went on sale. In 2001, Britney released her third album, which she called Britney. Together with her mother, the star began writing the book “Heart to Heart.” It talked about the singer’s childhood and youth and spoke in detail about the life of the idol of millions before popularity.

At the same time, Britney became involved in charity work. She established a camp named after herself. All talented children could get into it. In addition, the girl provided assistance to those who suffered from various disasters or were simply in need.

It is worth noting the performance, which took place as part of MTVVideoMusicAwards. Then Britney appeared on the same stage at the same time as two music legends. They were Madonna and the blonde's eternal rival Christina Aguilera. The iconic stars not only sang the song, but also kissed each other. Then it became a sensation.

Disk InTheZone was released in 2003 and became the star’s fourth album. He also turned out to be successful. But it was in Britney’s usual reality that big changes began. The singer disappeared from radar until 2007. Her return was marked by the disc Blackout. It was considered unsuccessful. But a year later the singer was rehabilitated. Album Circus met the fans' expectations. New success secured the plate FemmeFatale, which was released two years later.

Britney can do more than just sing. She also tried herself as an actress. The first experience she received in 2002 can hardly be called successful. For his work in the film " Crossroads“The singer twice won the Golden Raspberry Award. In the film " Will and Gracie"Britney got a minor role. The film appeared in theaters in 2006. And three years later, the screens exploded with a documentary called “ Britney Spears. Life behind glass».

Among other things, Britney writes and publishes books. Her bibliography includes four literary works. The star is also involved in business. Her most successful endeavor was a perfume line named after the Circus album of the same name. Dear ladies highly appreciated the perfume. And the singer earned more than fourteen million dollars from her find.

Personal life

Britney's personal life was marked by ups and downs. For a long time, the star positioned herself as the last virgin of the West. Meanwhile, the girl was not shy about dating guys. For four years her boyfriend was Justin Timberlake. After the breakup, Justin tried in every possible way to discredit his ex. He claimed that Britney insulted him and really hurt him. In addition, he secretly told the whole world that he had intimate relations with the singer.

In 2004, Spears got married for the first time. A solemn event took place in one of the many chapels in Vegas. Became her chosen one Jason Alexander. He was just a girl's friend. Britney wanted to feel married. The marriage was short-lived and lasted exactly fifty-five hours.

Spears began building a real family in the same year. Then the singer first met with Kevin Federline. He stole the beauty's heart and a few months later the young people got married. Twelve months later, in the fall of 2005, they became parents for the first time. And in 2006, their second son was born.

When the child was very tiny, Britney filed for divorce. It was a long and incredibly painful process. Former lovers they divided property, sorted things out and tried to deprive each other of custody of their children.

Ultimately, Britney's nerves gave way. She began to appear more and more often in the company of socialite party girls such as Paris Hilton. She was regularly seen drunk or under the influence of drugs. Britney drove drunk and walked around without underwear.

The girl was sent to a rehabilitation center, from where she left when there was nothing left in her blood. Her sons were already living with their father. Now Kevin has set out to deprive ex-wife all rights. Spears tried to fight. She even went on stage again. Despite this, in 2007 she was still deprived of the opportunity to take care of the kids. The decision was made by the Los Angeles court.

After this drama, Britney went off the rails again. She started drinking and using psychotropic substances again. A recent beauty shaved her head and began to behave inappropriately. In 2008, she was declared legally incompetent. This measure was temporary. The celebrity's father had to intervene and take custody of her into his own hands. Soon, Spears was awaiting two courses of therapy in a psychiatric hospital.

The Real Britney

Today Britney is back on the horse. Starting in 2009, she managed to pull herself together. The girl began to go on stage, released new albums, and went into business. She communicates with the children again. In her personal life, men replace each other, but the star was not noticed in anything reprehensible.

It was not without difficulty that Britney became an idol again. Many people look up to her. She proved that she is not just a beautiful doll with a sweet voice, but also a strong, strong-willed woman, capable of taking control of her own life.

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