Olga Seryabkina leaves the SEREBRO group. Olga Seryabkina - biography, information, personal life Olga Seryabkina’s figure parameters

Announced on Tuesday that she was leaving the SEREBRO group. According to the singer, she will work in the team until 2019, after which she will continue to collaborate with Maxim Fadeev as part of the solo project MOLLY. The artist recorded a video message to fans in which she explained her decision:

“I realized that now the moment has come when this should happen. I don't know what will happen next. It seems to me that I have lived this group all my life, it means a lot to me.”

Olga explained that it was not easy for her to take a decisive step: “It is very difficult to talk now about how I feel. Because on the one hand, I stay at home, in MALFA, and will be able to fully engage in MOLLY, make my own music. On the other hand, I’m leaving the group, which was and remains a part of me,” the singer admitted.

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Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seryabkina

Maxim Fadeev confirmed that Seryabkina will continue to work with his company: “Olga is leaving the SEREBRO group in 2019. She remains at home in MALFA and will devote all her strength to her solo career. In which I fully support her and even want to encourage you to do this... I’ll tell you as it is - today I’m happy.

Another artist of mine is conquering a new peak, and I am sure that Olga will be inimitable in her solo. I saw it, I know,” the producer noted.

Fadeev added that until 2019 the group will continue to perform with the old lineup. Fans supported the singer in her decision to completely devote herself to her solo project: “You’re doing the right thing,” “Good luck in all your endeavors,” “If you have the strength and desire to realize your creative impulses, that means you need to act and not be afraid” (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. — Editor's note).

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An old-timer of the Serebro group, Olga Seryabkina, is rightfully the brightest member of the group. Particular attention of fans focused on her after the departure of Elena Temnikova from “Silver,” in whose shadow Olga had been for almost eight years. A bright, spectacular woman, she arouses a burning interest in the parameters of her own figure. Olga Seryabkina’s height and weight are carefully analyzed in real time, the slightest changes in the stable balance cause heated discussions in in social networks.


Big women created for work, little women - for love.

Petite height, whose weight is 158 cm and 51 kg (according to some sources - 54 kg), respectively, successfully combines both. She is rapidly developing her career as a pop singer, not forgetting to share photos of her successes with fans.

In fact, behind the seemingly bright and carefree life there is hard and persistent work. Constant study and work on oneself do not take last place in the biography of Olga Seryabkina. The girl’s height and weight perfectly corresponded to the strict requirements of ballet schools, and from the age of six Olga was seriously engaged in dancing.

Translator and singer

She was born in ordinary family, where no one had anything to do with art or show business, but the creative streak took its toll; in parallel with her dancing classes, Seryabkina intensively studied vocals. The girl studied at an art school, where she successfully completed her studies in the pop singing department.

At the same time I received higher education and a diploma in translation from English and German languages.

All that remains to be reported is Olga Seryabkina’s age, height and weight, which remain close to ideal long years, thanks to diligent work on your body in the gym. It’s hard to believe, but the always young and daring girl has already crossed the thirty-year mark. Olga was born in 1985.

The beginning of the way

Olga Seryabkina's height, weight, figure parameters, as well as her choreographic and vocal abilities made her a desirable object for many music producers. However, no one was going to “clear” the road to Olga’s fame just like that. She began her career by helping others with her dancing and singing. Since 2004, Olga Seryabkina worked as a backing vocalist and dancer in the team of Irakli Pirtskhalava, a popular Star Factory graduate in those years.

Besides, beautiful girl occasionally appeared in videos of other artists. Thus, fans of creativity may remember Olga Seryabkina, whose height and weight allowed even short men to feel like “tall Vikings.” She starred in early video singer "Mulatto".

Use your creative energy promoting other artists was not to the liking of the ambitious girl, she is constantly trying to start her own vocal career. Not last role Olga’s breakthrough was due to her acquaintance with Elena Temnikova, whose producer was Max Fadeev.


In 2006, Olga Seryabkina joined the participants in Maxim Fadeev’s new project “Silver”, where she was invited by Debut new group was deafening - third place at Eurovision 2007, where beautiful girls performed with the song Song#1.

At the same time, Olga Seryabkina could well have acted as one of the authors of the song. Good command English language, she wrote her own version of the lyrics to the song. However, the producer did not dare to trust the young girl and settled on the option of a professional text writer.

Things were going well for “Silver”, the trio members appeared before the public in the image of uninhibited, daring young girls, shocking and charming more and more new fans. Olga was in the shadow of the brighter Elena Temnikova, but she was not particularly worried about this, wrote lyrics for songs and became an increasingly important part of the team.

Olga Seryabkina’s height and weight during the peak of the group’s popularity were somewhat different. Now the singer’s hips look more rounded and wider.

In 2011, the girl acted as the author of the song “Mama Lyuba,” which became a real hit of the season. The popularity of “Silver” began to fade somewhat, but the new song once again brought back interest in girls, which has remained at a consistently high level for the last five years.

Solo career

In 2014, at the peak of fame, Olga Seryabkina left Maxim Fadeev’s team as a veteran, became the undisputed leader of the team and took the lead roles. At the same time, she decided to set her sights on a solo career, performing under the pseudonym Molly.

Listeners were presented with a joint English-language single by Olga Seryabkina and DJ M.E.G Kill Me All Night Long. This song, the words to which Olga wrote herself, became the beginning of the girl’s solo career. She performed in the hip-hop genre.

This continued until 2017, when Olga Seryabkina performed in a duet with Yegor Creed with their joint song “If you don’t love me.” The guys firmly adhere to the rule “Everything ingenious is simple”; the text, music, and video of their collective creation were simple and unpretentious, completely stunning the listeners. The single “If You Don’t Love Me” became a real hit, and many music lovers discovered the second side of the creative nature of the “Silver” participant in the person of Molly.

Unclassified body

Olga Seryabkina's height, weight, and parameters are not big secret, the girl is well aware that her appearance is powerful weapon to promote her career and actively demonstrates her body on Instagram and on the pages of men's magazines. Not tall, she is physically well built, which is the result of constant training in the gym.

Olga's figure parameters are 88/60/88. The size of a girl’s breasts serves as a kind of object of controversy; most often they talk about the third size, but some envious people lower this bar to 2.5, showing numerous photos of Olga in unobtrusive bikinis as “material evidence”.


The family called baby Olya very cutely - Lelya.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina in childhood

Among Olga’s relatives there were no people working in the field of art. It is known that Olga Seryabkina’s father is a military man. She was brought up quite strictly. For example, a girl was not allowed to come home later than 10 pm, and dad would pick up his daughter from any parties. Olga's mother is an engineer by profession. According to the daughter, the mother is not at all embarrassed by what her daughter does and how she presents it to the audience. Olga’s grandmother lived all her life in Moscow, on Taganka.

But the girl was very flexible from childhood and sang beautifully, so her parents took the 6-year-old girl to music school and to the ballroom dancing section.

At the age of seventeen, Seryabkina became a candidate for master of sports, since over many years of ballroom dancing Olga won more than once at international competitions. The parents did not know what would happen to their daughter in show business, so they advised her to get another, basic education. Therefore, Olga Seryabkina, in addition to a diploma from the art school, where she studied in the pop singing department, has a diploma as a translator - she is fluent in English and German.

Olga is a professional synchronized swimmer. Her diploma work there was a translation of the film from French. By the way, according to the singer, the institute was upset when they found out that the brunette did not stay in the field of translation, but chose show business.

Olga Seryabkina's career in the SEREBRO group

The creative biography of Olga Seryabkina dates back to 2002. For two years, the girl worked as a backing vocalist and dancer for singer Irakli Pirtskhalava.

Miniature, but very bright girl noticed. In 2004, Olga met Elena Temnikova. It was she who brought Olga to the “Silver” group. From that moment a rapid career singers.

In the photo: the first line-up of the group Serebro (SEREBRO)

Seryabkina with her seductive parameters was also noticed by fashionable men's magazines, where Olga's rather revealing photo shoots soon appeared. Seryabkina's photographs in magazines such as MAXIM brought her fame.

But in the group where Olga Seryabkina came, relations with other participants were not always good. Rumor has it that conflicts often arose between Olya and Lena Temnikova.

It got to the point that the singer was even planning to leave the Serebro group.

Producer Max Fadeev even stated that he had already found a replacement for Ole, but in last moment Seryabkina changed her mind and stayed.

Conflict: Lena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina

Now the whole country knew the girls by sight. From this year, Olga began writing songs for her band.

In 2009, the group released their first album, “Opium Roz,” and in 2012, the presentation of the second album from “Silver”, “Mama Lover,” took place.

In addition, Seryabkina’s songs began to appear in the repertoires of such famous performers as Glyuk’oZa and Yulia Savicheva and the group “China”. However, Olga does not consider herself a songwriter; she did not study this anywhere.

Project by Olga Seryabkina: Holy Molly

At the beginning of 2015, Olga Seryabkina decided that it was time for her to start solo career. However, she is not going to leave Silver. The girl took the pseudonym Holy Molly and began performing her pop-hip-hop compositions. English songs for own performance Olga writes herself. The first composition was called "Holy Molly" and was created together with Fadeev.

Soon the premiere of another video clip for Holy Molly together with DJ M.E.G. took place. The composition is called “Kill Me All Night Long”. The song first appeared on the official YouTube channel of Maxim Fadeev.

Film role: Olga Seryabkina in the film “The Best Day”

In the summer of 2015, Olga Seryabkina starred in the karaoke comedy “The Best Day,” in which main role played by actor Dmitry Nagiyev. Olga played the role of one of Dmitry’s partners; she honestly passed the audition and received this role.

In the film, Seryabkina performed several songs, including a cover of the famous composition “Green-Eyed Taxi.”

Olga continues to write songs not only for herself and the group, but also for other performers. In 2016, Seryabkina, for the first time, according to the press, wrote poetry intended to be performed by a man. New song, composed by Olga, “Let’s find each other”, recorded famous musician Emin.

Now Olga Seryabkina has concentrated all her attention and energy on solo career and working on solo album. The “Molly” project already has seven songs from 2014-2017, it includes such compositions as “For Ma Ma”, “Zoom”, “I Just Love You” and “If You Don’t Love Me”, recorded together with Egor Creed. Fans of Serebryakova's music are waiting for the presentation of her solo record.

However, the singer continues to pay attention to the affairs of the group. In 2016, the third album of the Serebro group, “The Power of Three,” was released. After this, the group underwent some changes: vocalist Daria Shashina was replaced by Katya Kishchuk.

New composition of “Silver”

In the same year, four were filmed music videos videos for the group's songs, three of which have already featured a new member. Total videography of “Silver” on this moment has 21 clips. Olga Serebryakova also participates in solo music videos - so far the singer has only five videos: in 2016, videos for the songs “I Just Love You” and “Style” were released, and in 2017, for “If You Don’t Love Me.”

Olga announced the release of a collection of her poems called “A Thousand “M”. The presentation of the book is scheduled for April 2017; the collection will include 54 poems written by Olga.

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina's personal life is full of secrets. During the period of time when Olya worked as a backing vocalist for Irakli Pirtskhalava, she was very often noticed with the singer at various public events and musical parties. The press started talking about the relationship between Olga and Irakli. But the rumors remained rumors.

IN future singer they again began to attribute an affair with her stage colleague. While working on her solo project, Olga began to communicate closely with DJ M.E.G., with whom she recorded a joint track. A large number of joint photographs of Olya and M.E.G. sparked rumors of their romance.

But the DJ is married, and Seryabkina herself claims that they are just friends.

In 2015, the singer fulfilled the dream of many of her fans and started official account on the popular social network VKontakte.

In the same year, Olga told the press that for some time she dated a famous, cheerful and cool, as the singer herself put it, musician, but her lover literally tortured the girl with claims, and the couple broke up. Seryabkina did not reveal the name of her ex-boyfriend; according to her, the former lovers agreed not to tell anyone about their relationship, but the singer’s fans are sure that the mysterious Olga's ex– this is rapper Oksimiron.

Olga Seryabkina – famous singer, participant popular group"Silver". She is incredibly famous and popular not only in Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders after performing in Eurovision, but there is talk about her life and creative path a large number of rumors that the singer generates with her behavior. She writes poems that are performed by the Serebro group and the singer herself in the solo project MOLLI.

Her talent is limitless, as viewers are convinced of more than once. In 2015, she also became an actress, playing one of the main roles in the musical film “The Best Day.”

Now popular singer and the actress is working on one of the new projects, which will soon be released on Russian screens.

Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Seryabkina

Group "Silver" in Lately again becoming very famous in the vast expanses of our country. All the girls participating are incredibly popular, so for fans of this group there is no secret regarding the question: “Height, weight, age, how old is Olga Seryabkina.”

One of the soloists of the Serebro group, Olga Seryabkina, is short and has a slender build. The girl is very petite and impressive.

Olga Seryabkina’s figure parameters are almost ideal 88/60/88. With a height of 158 cm, her weight is 54 kg. The girl is very proud of her parameters. She notes that she achieved such results thanks to perseverance and patience. He constantly plays sports and adheres to healthy image life.

The lead singer of the Serebro group recently celebrated her 32nd birthday. The singer’s zodiac sign is Aries, since her birth took place in mid-April. By Chinese horoscope The year of the green wooden ox was born.

Biography of Olga Seryabkina

The biography of Olga Seryabkina is very brief. The singer does not want to focus attention on herself, so she talks very little about her life.

It is well known that he was born on an April day in 1985. The artist jokes that the country celebrated Cosmonautics Day, so she decided to be born to rejoice with everyone. From childhood Olga was creative person. At the age of 5 she began dancing. A year later, the future singer began studying at ballet school, to whom I am grateful for developing my resilience and perseverance. She loved to play sports, becoming a candidate for master of sports.

In high school high school started studying pop vocals, as she had rare vocal hearing. Olga Serebryakova graduated from general education and music school with excellent marks. The girl decided to become a translator of English and German, immediately entering one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina leads a very active creative activity. Fans want to know more about her, but the popular singer keeps secrets. Olga Seryabkina’s personal life consists of a number of rumors, which she is in no hurry to either debunk or confirm.

At first creative path Olga was credited with an affair with Irakli Pitskhalava. But the young people did not confirm this in any way.

Then Olga began dating DJ M.E.G., again according to some media reports. But the pseudo-lovers laughed it off. Olga later denied an affair with M.E.G., claiming that they simply recorded a joint track and were on friendly terms.

In 2015, Seryabkina again intrigued fans by talking about a beautiful lover, but without naming his name. Later Olga said that she broke up with her lover, again without saying who he was. But fans decided that this was said about the rapper Oksimiron, with whom the girl appeared more than once at social events.

Photos that appeared on her Instagram page with Oleg Miami, who participated in the show “The Voice,” immediately gave rise to rumors that the singer began to be in a new relationship. The young couple even appeared at social events, and Oleg, as stated in the media, called Olga his beloved. But the singer, having heard this, denied everything. She said that they were friends, and that journalists had misinterpreted their friendship.

After the release of the video for the song “If You Don’t Love Me,” persistent rumors began to appear that Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed were dating, but the young people did not comment on this, forcing journalists to look more and more closely at them, asking questions and giving rise to rumors.

More than once Olga was attributed gay, attributing an affair with Elena Temnikova. The girls themselves provoked rumors by posting provocative rumors. After Temnikova’s wedding, the girls did not communicate, having quarreled. But recently the singers made peace, which they reported on their Instagram pages.

Family of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s family was not creative, as the popular singer herself has repeatedly said. The artist’s father recently died, which she cannot calmly talk about.

In one of the interviews, the girl admitted that she was raised in strictness. Until she was 18, her father did not allow her to come home later than 10 p.m. He supported all his daughter's endeavors. Predicting your early death, the singer’s father told her to live joyfully, as he lived. After the death of her beloved dad, the singer at first did not understand how to live, but now she believes that he became her guardian angel, helping in solving all her problems.

Very little is known about the parents' lives. It became known that his father was a professional military man, and his mother was an engineer. Now Olga Seryabkina has a family - a mother and grandmother who support her.

The singer also considers her producer, Max Fadeev, as a member of her family, who helps everyone achieve creative projects young performer. She calls him her creative dad and is grateful to him for everything.

Children of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s children have not yet been born. Recently, in an interview, the singer admitted that she is not yet ready for family relations and the birth of children. She says that children are a big responsibility that she is not yet ready for. The girl says that the child should appear at one fine moment, but it has not yet arrived. When this moment will come, the popular artist does not know, but says that she will share it with everyone.

Recently, Olga Seryabkina shared with her fans that she had children. Journalists immediately began writing about this event, wondering who the father was. But soon the singer said that children appeared, but not with her, but with her... cat, and she simply became a happy mistress.

Olga Seryabkina is involved in charity work, participating in the work of the Give Yourself Life charity foundation. She participates in fundraising events to help sick children.

Olga Seryabkina's husband

In 2002, the singer began working with Irakli Pirtskhalava. After meeting Lena Temnikova, she became part of the “Silver” group, which took 3rd place at the prestigious music competition Eurovision in 2007. The girl is still a soloist in this group, but combines this with the development of her own solo activities. She took the pseudonym Holy Molly and successfully performs, performing her own songs.

In 2015, the girl starred with Dmitry Nagiyev in the karaoke comedy “The Best Day.”

Now Olga Serebkina writes songs not only for herself and her team, but also for other pop performers.

On her birthday, the singer released a collection of poems that she herself wrote. She called the book "A Thousand M's." The collection consists of 54 poems.

Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery

Recently, Olga Serebkina posed nude for the famous men's magazine "Maxim", where there was a photo of naked Olga Serbyakina. Many could see that the girl is in good shape and has excellent shape. Rumors immediately arose that she had undergone plastic surgery, as stated by many well-known magazine and newspaper publishers.

They posted photographs of the artist and signed them Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery. In some publications you can even get acquainted with comments left by a doctor - a plastic surgeon. They claim that Seryabkina had rhinoplasty, corrected her mouth, breasts, and also her butt.

The performer mocks these idle speculations by posting candid photographs on her Instagram page. She says her body is natural. The artist did nothing to correct it, as her fans can see for themselves.

Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s Instagram and Wikipedia pages are very visited. The singer leads them herself, posting the most current information here.

Several tens of thousands of users subscribe to the Instagram page. Here the singer posts numerous photos dedicated to different moments of her creative activity. Everything is filled with emotions, which the singer generously shares with her fans.

The singer loves to be the center of attention, as everyone can see. She often exhibits photographs in which she is presented in nude style.

But several photographs present a different image of Olga Seryabkina. She is depicted at home or on a walk. But fans are convinced that her main area of ​​life today is the stage, as can be easily seen.

In addition, Olga Seryabkina often posts new projects in which she takes part in her microblog.

Some stars do not like to advertise their personal lives, Olga Seryabkina is one of them. But it cannot be said that the singer is secretive and shy. She shows off herself and her body with great pleasure. And he does it so naturally that one can only envy.

Olga Seryabkina's figure parameters:

  • Age: 33 years old (as of September 2018)
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Dimensions: 90/62/91
  • Foot size: 36
  • Eye color: brown
  • Hair color: brown-haired

The attractive brown-haired Olga Seryabkina, whose parameters practically correspond to model standards, was really talked about in 2007. Then the group “Serebro” captivated everyone by performing at the prestigious Eurovision contest and taking 3rd place there. Since then, Olga’s life has been tours, filming, and fans.

Singer and model Olga Seryabkina

Since childhood, the girl Olya was partial to choreography. And in high school she received the title of candidate master of sports in ballroom dancing. Constant workload and training had a positive effect on the teenager’s appearance. Olya Seryabkina’s figure has always been athletic and fit. Even during adolescence she remained slim.

Olga Seryabkina has a slender, chiseled figure

Although more than 10 years have passed since Olya’s first appearance on big stage, she hasn't changed at all. The singer only became prettier, her image became more relaxed. Bright photos are full of images on the virtual and glossy pages of magazines.

Olga has ideal parameters

And Olga herself is not averse to showing herself in all her glory. There are many posts on Instagram where you can see every curve of her body. The girl's appearance also remained virtually unchanged. Seryabkina's hair color is brown. There was a period when the singer experimented with tones, “going” either into warmer or cooler shades.

"You know that I love makeup..."

Seryabkina’s weight varies between 50-53 kg. There was a time when the girl recovered and fans became worried, thinking that the singer had become pregnant. To which she joked that she had simply gained a couple of kilos.

“... how comfortable it is in what outerwear hides”

So it is, considering the constitution of the body and short stature, Olga Seryabkina’s figure can undergo significant visual changes even with a slight weight gain. The star denies diets, she claims that the secret is hers beautiful figure- This is power control. You need to eat in small portions (about 200 g) several times a day.

Proper nutrition and no diets

It is worth noting that the girl has a very busy schedule. Concerts take so much energy that one performance is akin to hours of cardio training. At the same time, Seryabkina also finds time to visit the gym.

“... girls... please men with your femininity and beauty”

Olga is not a typical representative of the “dream factory”. She does not chase fashionable shapes, she loves her body. After all, it is much better to “squeeze” everything that is possible out of it without resorting to help plastic surgeons. This path is more difficult, but more natural.