Description of Aivazovsky’s painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay. Sea. Koktebel Bay Essay based on Aivazovsky’s painting “Sea - Koktebel Bay”

Description of Aivazovsky’s painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay»

The work “Sea. Koktebel Bay" was written by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky in 1817. Ivan Aivazovsky was a master of his craft, because only he could depict the sea on canvas as it really is, he conveyed every feature and emotion to the viewer, because in his paintings there is so much beauty and emotion at the same time. His painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" is also no exception, in this picture the main character is the sea, in the foreground we see a small section of the beach, towards the shore of which foamy waves rush, on the shore there is an old fishing boat, it is clear that the sea has pretty much battered it.

Also in the picture we see small clouds that seem to foreshadow an approaching storm. The picture is very brightly saturated with colors, and looking at it there is some feeling of a storm that is almost impossible to stop. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky shows all the power of the sea element, as well as its beauty and grandeur at the same time. Against the backdrop of the majestic sea, the boat seems very small and defenseless, the sea is like a wild beast trying to take this small ship into its arms. The artist conveys to the viewer all the beauty of the sea, all its amazing features, and the colors that Aivazovsky chose quite successfully only emphasize this fact. Looking at this fishing boat, when you see the broken mast and torn sails, you realize the full power of the elements, its amazing character and calm.

For me, this painting by Aivazovsky is something amazing. Just looking at her cold winter evenings Summer, the sea, its beauty come back to mind. Yes, everyone probably had a desire to think about this when they saw this picture. in a deep sense life, dive headlong into this sea, feel its power. Of all the known famous paintings Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is the best that could be depicted on canvas in various color tones. Aivazovsky was a great master of the sea element; even years later, his paintings will remind us of him.

Essay based on Aivazovsky’s painting “Sea - Koktebel Bay”

The singer of the sea Aivazovsky created an amazingly beautiful painting in the eighteenth century - “The Sea. Koktebel Bay." This picture fully shows the audience the uniqueness of the raging, unruly sea.

In the foreground of the painting there is a beach and a small boat that is aimed at deep sea. It seems that she is about to escape from the embrace of the shore - and rush towards danger. Most of the picture is occupied by the endless, foaming sea and the same endless sky. They merge over the horizon - and turn into a large, super-powerful creature. This creature obscures the sun and hangs over the ship, one half of which has already sunk under water.

The author did not forget to draw the rocks, which give the whole picture more menacing and severity. They silently observe what is happening, but prefer not to interfere. Their stern silence makes you feel eerie and hopeless, but then you notice the light glow of the sun, which timidly peeks out from behind the clouds. At this moment it becomes clear that everything will soon end, and the sea will again become kind and welcoming.

Aivazovsky's painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" is a manifestation of love for native land, which is felt in every stroke of the brush.

Painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" was written by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky in 1817. In the foreground I see a small beach with foamy waves crashing onto it. A fishing boat lies on the beach, its bow pointing towards the choppy sea. It is clear that the waves have battered her greatly. The entire sail collapsed into a shapeless sack. The side of the boat ran into a large rock. It seems that the stormy muddy waves they are about to pick her up and again carry her into the distant sea, beyond the horizon, which is clearly visible against the background of thunderclouds, colored by the setting sun in fiery colors. It creates a very believable impression that a huge fire is raging beyond the horizon. The clouds in the foreground look like clouds of thick smoke. This whole menacing phenomenon hangs over a small ship, which, apparently, is sinking, overwhelmed by the waves. There are no sails on its mast. Perhaps they were blown away by gusts of wind. And it feels as if the sea is pulling the boat away, like a monstrous creature. No less formidable than the sky and sea, the rocks look in the picture, falling straight into the depths of the sea and looking like some kind of fairy-tale creature emerging from deep forest and dipping its face into the water. Looking at this picture, I am overcome by a feeling of anxious foreboding of an approaching storm, from which there will be no salvation either at sea or on the shore. And only bright sunlight, like a ray of hope, breaks through the bad weather. This picture reflects the artist’s love for nature, for the sea, who is able to admire all manifestations of natural power.

Essay on the painting “Sea - Koktebel Bay”

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky loved to portray sea ​​element and one of his most beautiful and majestic paintings is “The Sea. Koktebel Bay." The picture itself is painted in yellow, orange, red tones, which make it very warm and pleasant to my eye. But when I take a closer look at her, I understand that behind the external beauty there is a real tragedy hidden.

The painting depicts a rough sea and a boat rocking on the sea waves. The sails on the ship are lowered, and the ship itself gradually falls on its side, either completely disappearing under the wave, or again finding itself on the surface of the sea. My imagination immediately imagines a continuation of the picture, in which I see a well-coordinated crew of the ship doing everything to straighten the ship and be able to sail to the desired shore. Moreover, it is very close, at first glance.

But the elements do not give the ship such an opportunity and drive it in a completely different direction, where rocks are visible. The coast there is rocky, with cliffs, so the hearts of the ship's crew are now freezing with horror. If they cannot reach the desired shore, they will be carried straight onto the rocks, where they will crash. And so they make every effort to survive and get to a saving refuge, where the waves are not as big as in the middle of the sea, and the ground is solid under their feet.

Moreover, there is already one boat on the shore. It really looks like a foreign body on him. Tiny, with a torn sail, it seems to me that her owner was exhausted with all his strength to land on the shore and pull the boat aground so that the elements could not drag her into the open sea. But the main thing is that the owner of the boat was saved after all! Yes and rising Sun, illuminating the picture, also adds optimism and faith that the ship’s crew will be able to swim to the shore and find salvation. Download an essay on the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “Sea. Koktebel Bay"

Painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" painted in 1853 (oil on canvas, size 82.5 by 118 cm) is in exhibition hall Feodosia Gallery named after Aivazovsky.

Description “Sea. Koktebel Bay" by Aivazovsky

The picture is painted in yellow, orange, red colors, which make it very warm and pleasant, but behind the external beauty there is a real tragedy hidden.

The painting depicts the sea, agitated and already tired from the gusts of wind that irritate it all day. On one side it is framed by the shore, on the other by a huge, occupying most paintings, sky. In the distance, in the sunset haze, the mighty coastal cliffs of the ancient Kara-Dag massif rise, behind which the setting sun is hidden, trying to calm the heated waves with its gilding. The new moon has already appeared, and the clouds are in a hurry to hide behind the rocks after the sunset or quickly sail beyond the horizon, but only to leave the sea boiled from the day’s bad weather alone.

Only a small ship, brought by fate almost to the very shore, continues to fight the wind, stubbornly turning towards the open sea - towards freedom. The sails have been removed, but the pennant and sickle on the mast are fluttering in the wind and are not going to give in to the waves. And those, still excited, with angry foam crests, roll over the deck, hiding the ship from the eyes of the sailors standing on the shore. Spectators can only look at the fluttering red banner on the mast and wait for the ship, tireless in its thirst for life, to rise again on the wave.

On the shore, a fishing boat is patiently waiting for good weather; it also wants to proudly raise its only sail and sail across the sea, without fear of being broken in anger on the coastal rocks. And the sea, as it were, agrees with the fleeing clouds, the setting sun and the moon in the clear evening sky, smoothing out its ripples in the sunny path towards sunset.

Their best paintings the artist painted not to order, but by inspiration. Masterpieces were created quickly - within one day, sometimes two. The artist’s emotions and feelings sought to pour out onto the canvas immediately. Seeing interesting story, Aivazovsky made a schematic sketch of the future painting, indicating the main elements and light sources. And the main work took place in the workshop, where all the colors and their shades were restored from memory. In the same way, the painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" is one of best works great marine painter.

It is in Koktebel that poetry sea ​​waves inspired Aivazovsky to create a painting with such a plot, because in this place everything is imbued with a sensual nature so close to his heart. The edge of the blue hills (albeit not entirely true, but the most nice option translation of the name “Koktebel” from the Crimean Tatar language) never left the artist indifferent, remaining in his soul from childhood to recent years life.

The painting depicts the sea, agitated and already tired from the gusts of wind that irritate it all day. On one side it is framed by the shore, on the other by a huge sky that occupies most of the picture. In the distance, in the sunset haze, the mighty coastal cliffs of the ancient Kara-Dag massif rise, behind which the setting sun is hidden, trying to calm the heated waves with its gilding. The new moon has already appeared, and the clouds are in a hurry to hide behind the rocks after the sunset or quickly sail beyond the horizon, but only to leave the sea boiled from the day’s bad weather alone.

Only a small ship, brought by fate almost to the very shore, continues to fight the wind, stubbornly turning towards the open sea - towards freedom. The sails have been removed, but the pennant and sickle on the mast are fluttering in the wind and are not going to give in to the waves. And those, still excited, with angry foam crests, roll over the deck, hiding the ship from the eyes of the sailors standing on the shore. Spectators can only look at the fluttering red banner on the mast and wait for the ship, tireless in its thirst for life, to rise again on the wave.

On the shore, a fishing boat patiently waits for good weather, coaxing the steel waves from the endless struggle to calm down and rest. She also wants to proudly raise her only sail and sail across the sea, without fear of being broken in anger on the coastal rocks. And the sea, as it were, agrees with the fleeing clouds, the setting sun and the moon in the clear evening sky, smoothing out its ripples in the sunny path towards sunset. Only in the end it still, cursing, sends foamy waves to the shore, saying its the last word in the struggle of the elements for supremacy.

Painting “Sea. Koktebel Bay" (oil on canvas, size 82.5 by 118 cm)
is located in the exhibition hall of the Feodosia Gallery named after Aivazovsky.

21. To Aivazovsky’s painting “Sea. Koktebel"


Talent from God is invested in everyone,
You should be able to alarm him yourself...

"Sea. Koktebel" was included in seven famous paintings by Aivazovsky!
July 29 marked the 198th anniversary of the birth of the famous marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky. His works to this day remain the most expensive works of Russian painting of the 19th century.
In the film “Sea. Koktebel”, painted in 1853 in oil on canvas, 82.5 x 118, the virtuoso of the brush depicted his homeland, Feodosia, on which he depicts Koktebel Bay, where he spent best years life. This work is stored in art gallery Aivazovsky in the same resort town where he spent his entire childhood. A sophisticated combination of orange, pink, lilac flowers give this picture a unique warmth. The gentle sky, conveyed in the mother-of-pearl of the sunset, is intertwined with light waves. Thanks to this, the picture plays, it exudes vitality, the unusual captivating beauty of the Black Sea. Here Ivan Aivazovsky achieved true mastery as a marine painter. Perhaps it most powerfully conveys the artist’s romantic nature. "Sea. Koktebel" is one of the most beautiful paintings Aivazovsky, filled with the luxury of bright colors.

(from the series “Cimmerian Spring”)
1918 (Maximilian Voloshin)

Like in a small shell - the Ocean
The great breath hums
How her flesh flickers and burns
Low tides and silver fog,
And her curves are repeated
In the movement and curl of the wave, -
So my whole soul is in your bays,
About Cimmeria, a dark country,
Enclosed and transformed.

Since I was a teenager among the silent ones
Solemnly deserted shores
I woke up - my soul was angry,
And the thought grew, sculpted and sculpted
Along the folds of mountains, along the curves of hills.
Fire of ancient depths and rain moisture
They sculpted your appearance with a double chisel, -
And these hills are monotonous,
And the intense pathos of Karadag,

Concentration and tightness
Jagged rocks, and nearby latitude
Steppe plains and dying distances
The verse has a running start, and thoughts have been given a measure.
My dream has been filled with water since then
Foothills heroic dreams
And Koktebel has a stone mane;
Its wormwood is intoxicated with my melancholy,
My verse sings in the waves of its tide,
And on the rock that closed the swell of the bay,
Fate and the winds have sculpted my profile.

Interlinear translation:

(of the series “Cimmerian spring”)
1918 (Maximilian Voloshin)

As in the tiny shell – the Ocean
With mighty breathing hums, concealed inside,
As flesh of her is flickering and burns
With silver shimmer of the air of foggy,
And curvatures of her reiterate
Their look in movements and in curls of waves, –
So in your harbors my entire soul,
Oh Cimmerian country dark of mine,
Is captivated and transfigured truly.

Since being adolescent by the silent
The solemn, godforsaken shores
I woke up – my soul opened widely,
And thought was grown up and shaped, and sculptured
On folds of rocks, on curvatures of hills,
The fire of the depths and rainy moisture
With double chisel your appearance built –
Monotonous formation of the hills
And strain of Kara-Dag's intensive pathos.

Indented concentration of the rocks
Along with prairies and flickering expansions
Gave freedom to my verse and measure to my thought.
Since then are saturated with my dreams
Heroic reveries of drowsing foothills
And stone mane of wistful Koktebel;
His wormwood"s getting drunk with my pang,
My verse is singing in the surging ocean,
And on the rock, enclosing rippled harbor,
By fate and wind is sculptured my profile.
