Extended thumb. Miracles of modern genetics: victory over Down syndrome. Down syndrome test

To continue the analysis of the thumb, the hand should be placed calmly, evenly, without tension on a smooth horizontal surface. The normal angle between the thumb and index finger (the axis of the palm) is 60°. In this case, the owner of the hand is open. Such a person is hospitable, not greedy by nature, but not a spendthrift either, has many friends, easily contacts new people, and gathers company at home. If he has a sense of humor,

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Rice. 19, The correct angle between the thumb and the axis of the hand is 60°

subtly, bringing those around him to complete despair with his logical calculations. He can prove to you that you are mediocrity and nonentity, thereby proving to himself that he is smart and talented. And vice versa, if someone tries to make comments to him himself, he will most likely run into a sharp rebuke on the topic: “I decide everything myself and don’t need any advice.”

If in a calm state of the hand the angle between the axis of the palm and the thumb is small, less than 60°, this is a bad sign.

A pressed thumb indicates to the palmist that a person is limited and dependent on the environment. Such people suffer severely if they fail to find like-minded people, but they are also lacking initiative in communicating with allies. A person with this symptom tries never to change jobs. This is a real treasure for the autocratic and decisive boss, who is able to give precise instructions and demands unconditional obedience, without assigning any creative work. It’s great if such an efficient person is sincerely passionate about his work. Outside of work, he also needs a leader - in hobbies, in marriage. This is a gentle man, unable to raise his voice. If a husband with this sign has an energetic wife, then one-sided family scandals are often possible: “Fix the stool! Can’t you see, it’s broken!” He nods and starts to fix it. “And in general, this leg has been dangling for a month now! Didn’t you notice?!” He turns his head vaguely. “The drain in the bathroom is leaking, the lock is broken, it’s a punishment, not a husband, why don’t you see anything?!” Sighs, but peacefully to himself



thinks: “Why didn’t you say? I would fix it...” - “Why are you sighing? A?! Everyone’s husbands are like husbands, but for me... It’s some kind of horror, my woe!”

If a person with a small angle between the thumb and index finger is prone to mental disorders and neuroses, it is very dangerous when he does not find normal communication and support. He does not have the strength to solve problems himself, and he cannot always ask for outside help. However, this is a loyal and efficient person, worthy of having more energetic friends.

Big the finger “can be kept pressed to the side of the hand in any state - this is an indicator of the caution and prudence of the owner of the hand.

When the hand lies freely on a flat surface, and the tip of the thumb is hidden under the palm, this indicates the presence of very strong egoistic tendencies in the owner of the hand.

When in the same free position the thumb lies “on the edge”, with the pad turned towards the hand, this should be considered as a favorable sign. Most likely, the instincts of a person with this position of the thumb are not vacuous, they bear the imprint of sophistication. The owner of the hand with the sign in question has good contact with people, is gentle and tolerant. Many positive traits of nature, assumed by the type of the corresponding brush, are enhanced by this characteristic.

But if the thumb lies in the same plane with the palm, pressed against it with a pad, this indicates the predominance of base instincts. Thanks to atavistic phenomena of the psyche

this sign contributes to the strengthening and development of evil inclinations.

It happens that the pad of the thumb is pressed against the edge of the palm, and the nail is turned forward. This is almost certainly a sign of greed; for such a person, money plays the most important role in life. If money remains inaccessible, there is not enough energy to acquire it, he becomes envious, unkind and unhappy. Every time he fails to buy something with money, he is shocked to the core.

Palmists traditionally view greed as a sign of low vital energy. Greed can be accompanied by karmic diseases.

A very favorable sign is if the thumb, lying calmly on the surface, does not touch this surface with the tip (Fig. 20).

The owner of this trait is distinguished by a calm temperament, he is not gnawed by morbid ambitions, he is not greedy, not too ambitious, and not cruel. This is a rather strong, but “homely” person. He has a good attitude towards everyday affairs, they do not make him angry, he loves to tinker,


palmand fingers

dig, grow flowers, improve and rationalize your home. He is generous and benevolent. Usually the sign under consideration indicates the genuine cordiality of a pleasant, affectionate person.

As can be seen from the above examples, the thumb is a carrier of many possible characteristics. But not only him general shape and location matter, the joints and the nature of the bends also carry special information.

So, the thumb has two bends (Fig. 21). The first bend considered in chirology (A) is called the “angle of rhythm”, the second (B) is called the “angle of harmony”.

If both angles are well expressed, they indicate an excellent development of feelings of rhythm and harmony, which manifest themselves in all areas of human life. Rhythm, cyclicality, clarity of repetition are the basis of the human body, the importance of the sense of rhythm can hardly be overestimated. Rhythm disturbances in the field of physiology or psychology can lead to serious disturbances in the corresponding area.

With a sufficient level of human development and intelligence, well-defined angles of the thumb allow one to draw conclusions about the individual’s creative abilities and talents, which find outlet in some area of ​​art.

The size of the thumb often depends on the type of hand to which it belongs. The elemental or energetic hand has a large, thick and strong thumb. In practical -

Rice. 21. Angles of the thumb

Palmistry _____

long, beautiful, agile, working. In a spiritual or artistic hand, it is often thin, super flexible, and in a spade-shaped hand, the thumb plays a special significance in the interpretation of human nature, since it can indicate a leveling or, conversely, aggravation of the shortcomings of the corresponding human type,

To determine the length of the thumb, it is convenient to use the figure (Fig. 22).

A finger that ends at the end is considered short. at the base of the index finger. A normal thumb ends at the center of the lower phalanx of the index finger, and a long finger ends at the lower joint of the index finger.

You should always take into account other features and characteristics of the hand, not considering the length of the thumb as a key feature. But if we are dealing with an uncharacteristic hand with unclear or other contradictory indicators, we must use the information contained in the length of the thumb, in which case it turns out to be key.

A normal thumb, like all indicators of normal structure, is a favorable sign. It will indicate the balance of natural forces, and the balance of a person in physical and psychological terms is always good. Such a person knows his own worth, is not ambitious, does not impose his company, but communicates calmly and evenly, does not suffer in case of refusal, but also does not rejoice excessively if he is invited somewhere. These qualities are accompanied by the ability to introspect.

palm and fingers

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and negative. Of course, easy adaptation to people and situations contributes to harmonious contact with the outside world. But, on the other hand, the opportunist can also become a sycophant, too easily taking the required form. Toadies are often used as a tool, sometimes in a not-so-clean game.

A very mobile thumb, capable of taking unnatural positions (deviated

___ ..__________________________________ PALM AND FINGERS

moving far back, etc.) is most often found on the spiritual hands of nervous, unstable people. Their impulsive and changeable nature urgently needs a smooth and calm environment, understanding from close people. To stabilize, such a person (usually a woman) can use types of meditation and auto-training, art, especially music, and communication with nature.

If the joints of the hand are weak and limp, the thumb may look as if it is dislocated. This is a sign of mental and physical lethargy and apathy. Such weak-willed people do not know what they want and do not know what to want. They easily succumb to the influence of others, but not so much as to be even led, to become interested in someone else’s sphere of application of strength. In a company, these are almost always silent observers.

Moderate mobility of the thumb, which is characterized by strong muscles, the ability to perform precise small movements, and also to hold the finger still if necessary, is rated as a positive quality. It is assumed that this sign means harmony between a person’s internal balance and the nature of his environment.

A rigid, motionless thumb indicates limitations and closedness to new ideas. Most often, such a finger is found on elementary and spade-shaped hands. But a person with this sign, although narrow-minded, often shows balance and independence, and does not waste himself. Stiff thumb is common in people physical labor, especially rural.


When this symptom reaches a certain critical level, narrowness and limitations degenerate into dullness. Completely motionless, “numb” thumbs are found in the weak-minded.

General characteristics of fingers

If the fingers of the hand are thick, but narrow towards the base and are noticeably thinner at the “root” than in the middle, then such a person willingly pays tribute to his own sensuality. Nevertheless, this is a strong person, with well-developed self-control, who still does not allow passions to take over him.

Thin fingers with a thin base are a sign of a conscientious person, capable of precise research, scrupulous scientific work. As examples, we can name history, law, higher mathematics and computer technology.

The bases of the index, middle and ring fingers are usually located on one straight line, and the base of the little finger is slightly lower than the mentioned straight line, deeper in the palm. This arrangement of the bases of the fingers indicates the balanced nature of the owner of the hand. The activities of such a person in everyday life and at work are ordered and subordinated to the system.

If the line passing through the bases of the fingers is uneven, then this allows one to conclude about a certain uneven character. People with this sign tend to get scattered and find it very difficult to concentrate on one thing. A lack of stability and consistency can create communication problems for them. But

in the presence of compensating favorable signs, this lack of composure may not be fatal.

The root (lower) phalanges of the fingers are in relationship with the system of endocrine glands. The middle phalanx can carry important information about the state of human health. The upper, nail phalanx, as mentioned earlier, is an organ of touch. Certain information, on the reading of which an entire science is based, is recorded on the fingers in the form of papillary lines (fingerprint). All this proves the importance of the structure of the upper phalanx of the fingers.

Long upper phalanges of the fingers indicate a high level of sensitivity and intelligence. As a rule, they occur on hands of the appropriate type - elongated, graceful. The nails on such fingers have a beautiful oblong shape. Short phalanges indicate the opposite properties: primitiveness of nature, poverty of language, lack of aesthetic sense. And their nails are usually wide and short, unattractive.

If the hand lies calmly, the nail phalanges are slightly bent towards the palm - this indicates the selfishness of the owner of the hand. Such a sign can mean greed, poverty of feelings, but at the same time - a high ability to concentrate, to realize the “ego”, to achieve what is desired. In palmistry, slightly bent upper joints of the fingers are called the “sign of a cat”: the muscles are calm, the limbs are slightly bent, and suddenly - a lightning-fast jump! The mouse has been caught!

PALMISTRY________ "________________________________________

Strong, focused people have nail phalanges that are hard to the touch and have little mobility. These people are decisive, self-confident, assertive. They live by reason, rarely trusting intuitive knowledge or their own emotions. Thinking, clarity - this is their ideal; these are brilliant managers and administrators. On the contrary, movable nail phalanges of the fingers almost always indicate cunning, good adaptability and intelligence. If the last phalanx bends back, the owner is cunning, although a little absent-minded. Indecisiveness, inattentiveness, lack of composure and inconsistency are the most likely traits of such a person, which usually prevent him from truly “succeeding.”

There are several basic forms of the yogtal phalanx of the finger. In their pure form, like the mud of hands, they are rare, and, as a rule, even on one hand all the fingers are different shapes. The index finger is usually conical in shape (see Fig. 24.1), like the little finger. But the ring and middle fingers demonstrate individual human differences. Only with a pure aristocratic hand shape, all fingers are the same - with a conical nail phalanx.

The fingertips are conical in shape, tapering towards the apex, usually found on long nail phalanges on generally elongated hands. This ending of the finger is considered beautiful. Conical fingers characterize their owner as a sensitive, responsive nature, with developed imagination and intuition. On a woman's hands, the conical tips of the fingers emphasize



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psychological characteristics: flexibility, graceful. quality, vulnerability. On men's hands, this sign means softness, the ability to love and create. This form is often found among creative people - actors, dancers - and reports developed ability to psychological experiences. But if all the fingers on a man’s hand are conical, this is an alarming sign that indicates increased vulnerability, susceptibility to someone else’s will, and a weakening of the “male contour.” Such traits do not reduce creativity, but complicate the life of the owner, making him vulnerable and defenseless. Sports can be recommended as a medicine. Physical strength will give confidence and create a feeling of security.

When developed to its “logical conclusion”, the conical fingers become pointed (Fig. 24.4). To the characteristics of a person with conical nail phalanges are added such qualities as selfishness, a penchant for sensual pleasures, and sometimes even cruelty. Pointed fingers are typical for representatives of free creative professions. A person with this sign has a stable psyche and is not prone to depression and melancholy. And in general he is more viable than the owner of conical fingers. It’s bad if such a strong and extraordinary person is overly proud.

Quadrangular nail phalanges (Fig. 24.2) are a sign of vital activity. The only case when you cannot rely on this sign in the analysis is if the shape of the finger contradicts general type hands, if the hand is infantile, has degenerative signs or indicates weakness

weakness, lethargy and low activity of a person. In other cases, the owner of quadrangular nail phalanges is a critical and objective person. Self-discipline is important to him, and in those around him he does not like looseness, vagueness in thoughts and actions. Usually, if this sign dominates, the owner of the hand has a good idea of ​​his life path and moves straight and confidently along it. The quadrangular shape of the tip of the index finger is especially beneficial.

The nail phalanx may have slight extensions in the middle of the nail and a conical tailbone. This shape of the top of the finger is called triangular (Fig. 24.3) and is often formed as a result of some type of work. If this form is congenital, then this indicates an unstable psyche. Most often, the owner of this sign is an extravagant person who often experiences depression and neuroses. In everyday life they say about such people that they are “out of character.” If triangular fingertips are a dominant feature that is not compensated by others, the person constantly fluctuates between mental health and mental disorder.

Manner of holding fingers

If, in any position of the hand, the fingers remain closely pressed to each other, the owner of such a hand tries not to open under any life circumstances. Restraint and self-control allow him to constantly control himself and not leave a state of balance.

Supreme life principle such a person - caution. But caution does not prevent him from being brave when necessary. For the sake of - h "> disgrace, excellent concentration of thoughts poses - V will allow such a person to make a good career. True, this is, as a rule, an egoist, and in close communication - a “fireproof cabinet”, preoccupied with not giving a friend or acquaintance a weapon against himself. He does not like open expressions of feelings.

Splayed fingers and loose hands are the opposite sign. Such fingers belong to an impulsive, lively and impressionable person. The developed sphere of sensory perception determines talent in art. With equal development of logical data, this is an extraordinary, pleasant person, capable of sympathy and generous deeds.

An open hand like a fan is a sign of extravagance, a penchant for extravagance and life’s pleasures. Such people are subject to unexpected impulses and commit risky and thoughtless actions.

Gaps between fingers

If you place your hand loosely on a smooth surface, differences in the spaces between your fingers will become noticeable. These intervals will give the palmist an idea of cultural development man, oh him. moral and ethical principles. It is due to the difference in size that these gaps have diagnostic value.

Unevenness of the resulting gaps

__ ____^_______________________ PALM AND FINGERS

explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the hand. The smallest distance is between the middle and ring fingers, the largest is between the index and middle fingers, and the largest is between the little and ring fingers.

The distance between the index and middle fingers is used to judge independence of thinking and originality of ideas. With a clearly defined gap, a person is free from any conventions, from the pressure of authorities. Such a person does not like monotony and has his own style of communication and life.

A strongly pronounced distance between the middle and ring fingers confirms that a person has own opinion, and also speaks of readiness to defend him. Such a person has good opportunities for free decision making.

If the distance between the middle and ring fingers is very small, almost absent, this indicates that the laws and foundations of society and regulations have strong power over a person. He clings to the smallest rules and superstitions. Rarely is he capable of a broad, generous gesture, of disinterested spending, even of simply unlimited expenditure of time. It is he, a person with such a sign, who will leave any party at nine, because at eleven he needs to go to bed.

The desire for independence and independence, the presence of initiative is indicated by the gap between the ring finger and the little finger. A well-expressed distance indicates a strong thirst for knowledge, the ability to joyfully

and learn creatively. In addition, this gap frees many positive signs from the presence of egoism.

If you put your fingers together and look “through your hand” into the light, you will notice small gaps between the fingers. Since ancient times, palmists of different nations have interpreted these gaps as a sign of the wasteful nature of the owner of the hand.

Moreover, this extravagance manifests itself not only in relation to finances, but also to manifestations of feelings. Large, well-defined gaps occur in excitable, impressionable people. But such people cannot stand discipline, coercion; they are independent, free - “free shooters”. If there are gaps only at the bottom, at palms, they mean intelligence and self-control, love of truth and the thirst to find it. They are also people intolerant of conventions and discipline, far from dogmatism, flexible and capable of understanding. Purely material extravagance in a person with pronounced gaps may not always manifest itself, and often in the form of generosity and selfless help. In a negative sense, wastefulness and extravagance are most clearly manifested after mental shock or crisis. But it’s hard to take into account that the gaps between the knobby fingers are of a different nature and should not be interpreted at all. A gap expressed only between the index and middle fingers will indicate the extravagance described above and a strong ego contour. This sign indicates an ambitious and vain person with certain principles in life. Often more than 112

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Such a person's contribution to welfare extends to his family or close friends.

A gap between the middle and ring fingers is observed in people with a strong craving for luxury goods. Often this love is accompanied by meaningless collecting of collections, the goal being pursued in this case is to show material well-being. This trait, limited by ethical frameworks, develops into charity - conscious and selfless help to other people.

Absolutely special kind extravagance - intellectual, serving to satisfy the demands of reason - demonstrates the gap between the little finger and the ring finger. This is a noble kind of extravagance, but sometimes it develops into mania.

Incline fingers

Sometimes the fingers (one, less often two) are slightly curved, tilted to the left or right (this curvature usually occurs at the upper joint, and the nail phalanx seems to deviate from the straight axis of finger growth).

The index finger tilted towards the thumb will tell about the excessive rationality and realism of its owner. In addition, the behavior of such a person is reinforced by the desire for independence, the fear of losing freedom. The more pronounced the inclination, the more clearly selfishness manifests itself - a person can be intolerant, ruthless, even rude.


The index finger, tilted toward the middle finger, allows you to evaluate vital activity and endurance, the “will to win.” Typically this symptom occurs in a person with strong desire carry out your plans and with reserves for their implementation.

Middle finger tilted To. index, indicates a deep interest in home, in family; about the power of feelings. People with such a finger do not like high matters, but they are cheerful and humane.

The middle finger, inclined towards the ring finger, can be seen in a chameleon person. His intuition is so developed, he understands everyone around him so well that he changes color unnoticed even by himself. With low mental data, this is an ordinary opportunist.

The ring finger tilted toward the middle finger signifies a strict, scientific mindset. It does not occur in stupid people; most often, a person with this sign, having matured, demonstrates brilliant data after thirty years. But such a tilt can be temporary - caused by grief, illness,... and then it doesn’t have such meaning.

The ring finger inclined towards the little finger is a sign of talent, artistic flair combined with dexterity and dexterity. In communication, this means delicacy, a sense of tact. A person with this trait, if he has the appropriate inclinations, has a chance to become a good artisan and achieve prosperity.

The little finger tilted towards the ring finger indicates sophistication and sentimentality.

ness. A person with this sign has a dream, and it is given to him to make it come true. The brightest expressive possibilities are in the hands of such a person; he is a spiritual, strong and attractive person. The little finger bent “outward” is found in the intellectual, developed person, receptive to science, possessing the data of an encyclopedist. He is given the opportunity to understand the true laws of life, he is gifted and can apply his abilities in a variety of areas.

Fingers, the slope of which is pronounced, has the nature of curvature, have all the same signs. But crooked fingers also indicate illness. Severely crooked, ugly fingers occur in a person who is not able to correctly assess reality, is in constant delusion and acts in accordance with it. These are, as a rule, rude and primitive people with ugly passions and instincts. But disfigured hands can be caused by diseases - rheumatism, arthritis,

A crooked index finger is a sign of immorality and a predisposition to erroneous conclusions. A strongly curved middle finger indicates stubbornness, stubbornness, and lack of tact. This symptom often occurs in people who easily do bad things.

A crooked ring finger does not carry such severe symptoms. The owner of a crooked ring finger is a receptive person who loves contradictions and mysteries. But if the finger is very bent, this is a karmic sign, a predisposition to disasters and accidents. Its owner can


have perverted inclinations, an underdeveloped will.

A crooked little finger occurs in very cunning, unkind people; it is also a sign of a predisposition to poisoning and overeating. In its extreme manifestation, the sign speaks of cunning and pretense.

Sometimes the structure of the hand is such that all the fingers of the hand are slightly inclined towards one. If all fingers are curved towards the ring finger (Fig. 25), this certainly means excellent taste in the owner of the hand. Artistic talent and talent may take place here. It will not necessarily manifest itself at the highest level, but a person with such a sign is always talented in everyday life, arranges his life easily, comfortably and beautifully. This sign must be taken into account when choosing a profession, keeping in mind artistic abilities and flair. But creative professions require significant effort, and the sign must be confirmed by the inclinations of will and energy.

If the fingers are tilted towards the middle, this characterizes the owner of the hand as a person inclined to obey outside influence, someone else’s will. Such people are manageable, but constant dependence and inability to prove their worth gives them bouts of depression. If a person with this sign is aware of his peculiarity, he will be able to control the situation more easily; he just needs to teach him to clearly formulate his tasks. In addition, such a sign in a weak form can appear in many people during periods of anxiety and stress - and then it should be understood as a request for help, a silent SOS signal.

Rice. 25. Fingers curved towards the ring finger


The fingers can bend towards a conventional line running between the middle and ring fingers. This is a karmic sign, meaning a life filled with work and success, bringing satisfaction and joy in communicating with people. The owner of this sign is a practical, cheerful person, an optimist, a sanguine person. In the artistic sphere, he is not very gifted, but he takes his toll through hard work, resilience, and diligence.

The little finger inclined to this line allows one to judge with confidence the resourcefulness of its owner, his lively and flexible mind. With a large deviation of the little finger, resourcefulness borders on dishonesty, but in general this is a sign of a lively, active, witty and pleasant person.

The inclination of all fingers towards the index is rare and indicates ambition, which, being limited by ethical laws, allows you to make brilliant career. But if a career collapses, an individual with a pronounced and stable trait will most likely shoot himself in the forehead. And if he doesn't have a gun, he will turn into a sad whiner, filling the days of his loved ones with laments about lost heights.

The upper phalanges of the fingers, the pads, are rich in sensitive nerve endings. If the sense of touch is very well developed, small protuberances are found on the fingers, which are called “water drops” or “the eyes of a blind man” (Fig. 26).

They can be seen by looking at the fingers from the side against the light. Developed “water drops” are clearly visible - this is an indicator of tenderness, good

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Due to its large volume, this material is placed on several pages:

Yokamon! Good afternoon dear readers, today I decided to touch upon very interesting topic. Let's talk about what the gesture “Thumb and little finger protruded in different sides" Do you believe in the existence of sign language? How often do movements of the hands and the formation of certain figures replace familiar vocabulary? Do you know what the thumbs up and pinky sign means and when it is appropriate to use it?

Are you aware that this gesture should not be done in the Caribbean? Read on, the most interesting things will come next.

One gesture on many continents

This strange gesture, called "Shaka", is often used by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes and grappling wrestlers.

The gesture, when the thumb and little finger are protruded and the rest are pressed against the palm, can be seen not only among wrestlers, but also among people from the world of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Today it is often used and ordinary people, and on different continents it can be deciphered and understood differently. For example,

  • if we take the American sign system as a basis, this means the letter U,
  • in China - number 6,
  • and in our country this gesture symbolizes phone call if a person puts his thumb to his ear,
  • or an offer to take drugs if you put it to your lips,
  • if your hands are located at stomach level, the interlocutor is offering you alcohol.

According to many sources, this sign is most often used when greeting, along with it, they mainly pronounce the words “Shaka, brah!” The islanders seem to be asking people to relax, take their time, and remember that life is wonderful and everything will always be fine. In Hawaii, everyone uses this gesture: athletes and even politicians. Apart from greeting, "Shaka" is also used to express your gratitude and if you want to say goodbye.

By the way, the “Shaka” gesture is used in the film “Secret Soldiers of Benghazi”. The film was shot this year. If you experience the heroism of the American soldier without criticism and can watch Hollywood portray the East in cinema, I see no reason why you won’t enjoy it new picture Michael Bay.

Putting aside electronic world, the director, with identical pomp, shot the project much better, and it’s worth admitting that he did it very well. If you don’t have anything to do in the evening, watch this movie and write in the comments what this gesture meant in the last minutes.

Where did the gesture come from?

After viewing the picture, I became curious, how did this sign come into use? Who started showing it first? Why don't they use the index finger instead of the little finger? According to the first two versions that I was able to find, "Shaka" is associated with an ordinary guy Kalil Haman, who worked in the last century in Hawaii.

One day he had an accident, as a result he lost all the fingers on his hand except the thumb and little finger. Many people believe that the guy always said hello with his right hand, and people only saw two fingers. This gesture was liked by the local guys, who began to greet in the same way. A few years later the gesture spread throughout the island, by the way, almost all local residents We are confident that this version is the most truthful.

Second version

The gesture became popular after Haman got a job guarding trains that carried sugar. An accident happened to him at his previous job. He had to inspect the trains and drop off the children who were constantly trying to ride them. After the inspection, the guy raised his hand, thereby showing the driver that he could move on and everything was fine.

Another version of "Shaka" is associated with

According to legend, a shark attacked a surfer, but he managed to escape, losing three of his fingers. The guy never gave up surfing and greeted his friends with his right hand, using this very gesture.

There are sources where it is written that “Shaka” was used by labor immigrants as an invitation to drink a glass of beer or something stronger after a hard day of work.

It’s interesting how meaningful a simple sign can be; many people probably don’t even think about what they are showing when they simply randomly cross two fingers. After reading the forums, I realized that our people perceive “Shaka” differently.

What does protruding thumb and little finger mean?

  1. I'm a rocker
  2. Goat, gore, gore.
  3. Sexual act. By the way, this is why I wrote earlier that it is better not to show it on the Caribbean Islands unless you are specifically talking about intimacy. If you point your little finger at a girl with your thumb sticking out, she may take it as an insult and file a police complaint against you for harassment.
  4. Hard bass dance.
  5. Nike brand.
  6. Relax, take it easy.
  7. Among the mercenaries it means "Jumbo" - in other words, this is their Code.

Do you know what this or other gestures mean? Well, for example, a two-finger gesture in the form of the letter B? Or, for example, what does the tongue gesture between two fingers mean? Share your guesses in the comments.

Two finger gesture in the form of the letter B

From historical articles It became known that during the Hundred Years Wars, the French had a couple of fingers cut off, which they used to string the bow. And those who had all their fingers in place mocked their enemies and showed “V”.

Even today this gesture is prohibited in France. And also almost all of Europe and England do not recognize it. For example, approximately 7 years ago, Barry Ferguson and Alan McGregor were expelled from their football teams for displaying "V".

The second meaning of this sign is “Victory”. It was used by Winston Churchill himself during World War II. He made the "V" sign popular and in his understanding it meant victory, but in this case the palm had to be turned back to the public. Many countries perceive this sign as a simple demonstration of the number "2".

Gesture "Goat"

In Russia, this gesture is called “horns”, “raspaltsovka” or “korn” and everyone interprets it in their own way. IN Central Europe in medieval times it was used to protect against the evil eye (as if you had a muzzle in your pocket). This sign can be found mentioned in many books, it is even depicted in paintings. The frontman of the Black Sabbath band made this gesture the most important in his life: now at a concert of various musical genres, he shows “Horns” as if approving the group. But there is no need to show this gesture Italian man or a woman. In this country it means someone who has been cuckolded. So try not to show Heavy Metal in this country.

Do I use gestures when communicating with friends? Probably more often no than yes. We are all different, and everyone has their own perception of the world, I may offend someone, on the contrary, I will flirt with someone, although I did not even intend to do this. It's better to use words instead of gestures. But I’m sure that at a Korn concert the “Shaka” or “Goat” gesture will be more than appropriate.

Share your thoughts in the comments. It will be very interesting to read. And don't forget to subscribe to. All the best and see you soon!

Text— Agent Q.

In contact with

The Malays call the thumb the elder brother, the Indians call it the mother, and the Somalis call it the grandfather. Every day we give dozens of “likes” with a thumbs up, and Cesar even erected a monument to him in Paris.

The most important of the fingers

Of all the fingers, the most important for us is the thumb. It is thanks to the presence of the thumb that humans (and anthropoid primates) have a much more developed grasping reflex than, for example, New World primates, in whom the thumb was never formed.
American scientists from the University of Utah, David Currier and Michael Morgan, conducted an experiment in which it was found that the ability of a person’s hand (due to the presence of a thumb) to form a fist also protects the bones of the hand from damage during an impact. This suggests that the formation of the thumb, which is opposed to all the others, occurred not only for the sake of improving motor skills, but also because the hands became an effective means of defense and attack.
Larger areas of the brain are responsible for the movements of the thumb than for the functionality of the other fingers. Moreover, the thumb has its own pulse, which is why measuring the pulse using it is not considered correct.


A common misconception is the idea that citizens Ancient Rome they decided whether to leave the gladiator alive after the fight using a raised or lowered thumb. This misconception arose from Jean-Leon Gérôme's painting Pollice Verso. The artist translated the Latin text incorrectly. In fact, a thumb bent in any direction a priori meant a death sentence, since it symbolized nothing more than a naked sword. The gladiator was allowed to live only if the emperor (and not the entire crowd) kept his fist clenched. Thanks to Hollywood films, the misconception “went to the people,” but we consider it worthwhile to refute it once again.

Thumb as a threat indicator

We sincerely hope that you will never need this “life hack”, but still. There is a simple way to determine whether a person is in the affected area during nuclear explosion. To do this, you need to extend your hand with your thumb protruding towards the “fungus”. If it is higher than your finger, it’s bad.

Length measure

The thumb is also significant because it was the length of the first phalanx of the thumb that was initially taken to be an inch. Of course, the thumb is not the most reliable "ruler", but to this day primary school Schoolchildren are taught to compare the width of their thumb with a centimeter.

...Has the meaning

Anthropometry is a controversial science, but regarding the relationship between the size of the thumb and a person’s intellectual abilities, doctors have come to a clear conclusion: people with high IQ have long and proportional thumbs, while mentally retarded people, people with Down syndrome, have thumbs may be underdeveloped and curved.

Give it a "like"

Lately, the thumb in the form of a "like" in in social networks has become synonymous with approval. Users are literally chasing “likes”; they even earn money from them.
This attitude towards a thumbs up is no coincidence - in almost all European countries and the United States with this gesture shows that everything is fine. However, there is also cultural aspects. So, in Greece this gesture means a call to be silent, in Iran and other Muslim countries it is better to completely forget about the raised finger - this gesture is considered indecent here. Finally, if you find yourself underwater with divers, don't let your guard down when the instructor shows "like". This gesture indicates a signal to ascend.

Another common gesture involving the thumb is OK, where the thumb and index finger are combined. Do not show it in Brazil or Turkey under any circumstances. They will misunderstand. They might even beat you.


Figa has actually become one of the main Russian gestures involving the thumb, but its origin is non-Russian. Most likely, in Rus' they learned about the fig from visiting Germans who tried to seduce Russian young ladies with such a vulgar gesture. There is even a version that “fig” arose from the German expression fick-fick machen (this was the traditional German invitation to intimacy).

In the Russian tradition, the symbol of this gesture (probably thanks to highly moral Russian women) was transformed into a designation of categorical refusal. Moreover, over time, “fig” began to be used as a protective agent against evil spirits: Apparently, due to their promiscuity, expats from German lands were considered to be demons.

Probably all people know that the same gestures in different countries have different meaning. Therefore, before using this or that combination of fingers, it is worth considering whether you will confuse your interlocutor. Today we will talk about shaka. You will find out what the thumb and little finger gesture means by reading the article.


What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean? In each country it has its own meaning. Where did this gesture originate? Believed to be in Hawaii. Well, who invented it? There is a version that Kalili Hamana said hello in this way. Who is this man? He was a simple worker who suffered an industrial injury while working in a sugar cane factory. Three of his fingers were cut off. Only the little finger and thumb survived. Kalili was respected by the inhabitants of the island, but since the man could no longer greet normally after his injury, he raised his hand up, showing attention to his interlocutor. The inhabitants of the island, to encourage Kalili, also began to greet him, and then each other with this gesture. So it happened that to this day, among Haitians, raising the shaku sign means greeting.

There is another legend. What does the gesture of the thumb and little finger on it mean? It shows that everything is okay. The legend tells us about the crippled Haman, who lost three fingers, so he could only get a job as a train superintendent. His duty was to check the carriages for the presence of stowaway children. When Haman finished his work, he raised his hand up, telling the driver with such a gesture that everything was in order and the train could move off.


What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean these days? It is very common in the Hawaiian Islands and is found there often. The gesture means "thank you", "hello", "welcome", "how are you?", " good day"and more, but always carries positive meaning. Haitians call their gesture "shaka". Why is that? This is also a kind of secret. According to one version, the word has Buddhist roots. Shakyamuni folded his hands in the form of a shak when praying. And since the gesture is shown with the hands, it is easy to draw a parallel.

Hang loose

What does the thumb and pinky sign mean to surfers? Hang loose translates to “relax and have fun.” This is exactly what surfers consider their credo in life, as well as their fighting motto. The hang loose and shaka gestures are identical. But it is no coincidence that surfers borrowed the Haitian greeting, which they slightly changed. Today hang loose shows each other two surfers who are ready to go into battle. This gesture says that they are in a relaxed state, their soul and body are calm. After all, it is with this attitude that you can go to conquer the waves. This is like a kind of gesture that the coach expects from his players before they get on the board and swim.

Meaning in Russia

Our compatriots are very fond of gestures. But we don’t convey the meaning of a phrase only with the help of our hands. Everyone will agree that active gestures make the phrase more understandable, and the speech is lively and natural. Russians also have many signs with which they can communicate without words. What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean? Its most common meaning is “call me.” This is how friends can say goodbye when they part. One puts an improvised one to his ear telephone handset made from fingers. And the other understands that he needs to call. Even a mother can communicate this way with her little son when she takes him to school.

The thumb and pinky hand gesture is often used by rockers. At concerts of their favorite artists, people show their devotion to them different ways. Gestures are the most easy method demonstrate your dedication to the musician and his work. Many fans raise their fingers up and shake their hands to the beat of the music.

Some companies are even trying to play on popular gestures. Thus, representatives of the Nike corporation often make a daw out of their fingers. It symbolizes the company logo, and at the same time the Hawaiian greeting. Such incredible ingenuity of marketers cannot but evoke respect and a smile.

Some people, especially young people, offer a drink with this gesture. Often such a combination of fingers can be seen in the club, and folded at the level of the stomach. Thus, even a stranger can offer you a glass of something containing alcohol with him. Often a guy with a similar gesture invites a girl to drink with him.

Meaning in the Caribbean

Never use the pinky and thumb gesture in an unfamiliar country. In the Caribbean you can be fined for this. You will be perplexed: for what? And there is an unwritten rule according to which a gesture of two fingers, a thumb and a little finger means an offer of intimacy to a girl. And any person who believes that you made a gesture specifically to her can file a police report against you for harassment.

How to use?

How to make a gesture that in Russia means the harmless “call me back”? You need to make a fist, and then bend your thumb and little finger in turn. Moreover, the rest should be pressed tightly to the palm. The little finger should be brought to the mouth, and the thumb to the ear. If you want to make a rocker gesture, then you need to raise your hand and turn it so that your palm faces forward.

Who uses it?

In Hawaii, the shaka gesture is used by everyone - both adults and children. In this way they greet each other, thank each other, say goodbye, and so on. In our country, too, this combination of fingers is very popular among young people and children. Older people rarely use this gesture. After all, he, along with positive value can also be negative. For example, in clubs, drug dealers often invite clients to try drugs using a two-finger gesture. At the same time, they put their hand to their lips. By the way, drug dealers are often tracked down using such gestures. This is why older people are careful not to show any gestures. They even try not to wave their arms, because this is considered bad manners. However, many still manage to attach meaning to gestures even when there is no meaning in them. secret meaning and was not invested.

Pay attention to the other person during the conversation. How often does he gesture to accompany his speech? How emotional is he doing this? What actions do your fingers slip through?

Many people use their hands during a conversation to add more emotion to their speech. Sometimes, with the help of finger gestures, you can understand what mood a person is in or what he really wants to convey to his interlocutor.

Raised palm

In most countries, a raised palm indicates a stop signal. This use is used during a conversation to stop the interlocutor.

The second designation is “greeting” or “farewell”, when the palm is raised up for a short time. But among the peoples of Greece, this is an offensive gesture, after which conflict will immediately follow.

Connecting the fingertips of both hands

When the interlocutor puts his fingertips together, you can immediately understand that he is filled with calmness and confidence in himself and his knowledge. Such people are stingy with emotions and very balanced.

The gesture also denotes a moment of reflection and decision making. In this interpretation, it was used several hundred years ago in judicial sessions.

Crossed index and middle fingers

In many Western countries for good luck. In Russia, this gesture corresponds to two meanings: for good luck and as a reversal of one’s words. When a person makes a promise that he does not intend to keep or his speech is unreliable, he keeps his fingers crossed behind his back in order to “relieve himself of all responsibility” for what he said.

But in the Vatican, by showing this gesture to the interlocutor, a person insults him, since in this country such an interlacing of fingers means the female genital organs.

Calling gesture with index finger

In Russia, as well as in many European and Western countries, an outstretched and curving index finger is used to call someone, but it is considered a “slang” symbol and is not used in cultural communication. In Asian countries, this gesture is prohibited. In the Philippines, dogs are called in this way, so its use in relation to a person is humiliating and insulting.


This sign is interpreted differently in different countries. So, among the residents of Russia this is an expression of refusal, and in a rude form. But for Brazilians, on the contrary, it is a symbol of goodwill, who are wished good health and good luck. Therefore, it is used quite often in this country.

Middle finger

This gesture is obscene and offensive in most civilized countries. It symbolizes the male genital organs, and the middle finger was used in this designation back in the days of the ancient Romans.


When all the fingers on one or both hands are pressed against the palm, that is, clenched, it means that the person is hostile.

The emergence of finger gestures

The use of fingers during conversation or separately from it began to exist many centuries ago, even during the formation of civilization. Gestures were especially often used in religions.

Christians used finger movements and folding them into various plexuses during reading prayers and worship.

For Muslims, each phalanx of the fingers, as well as the palm, is endowed with a letter of the alphabet.

In France, when various secret societies were organized, members of these societies communicated using finger and hand gestures. Moreover, the gestures were known only to them and were secret.

In Chinese medicine, the entire body was treated using fingers, pressing on special points. Therefore, in Asian countries, hands are also a symbol of health, and gesticulating offensive signs with them is prohibited.

Over time, the use of fingers as a method of communication became ingrained in public life and began to be supplemented with new symbols and change their meaning. Nowadays, most people use this method of communication, sometimes unconsciously, expressing their emotional outburst.

For people with disabilities, this is the only way to interact with the outside world. Therefore, finger gestures cannot be ignored when communicating.