In memory of the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Photo gallery. Mikhail Zadornov died, health status in recent days, cancer, latest news Mikhail Zadornov died

On November 10, 2017, the wonderful writer and unique satirist Mikhail Zadornov left us. In 2016, the playwright announced to the media the news that he was sick cancer, although Mikhail himself knew about the illness long before that. He was strong man, so he didn’t say anything to anyone or complain, for this reason the brain cancer progressed and metastases formed. Only in 2016 did he go for examination to Germany, where he was given an accurate diagnosis and soon underwent surgery.

After the operation, doctors said that the chances of recovery were slim, but he continued to fight and underwent chemotherapy. Over the past year, he has been actively undergoing treatment and communicating with fans, occasionally performing and giving interviews.

Mikhail Zadornov last concert 2016-2017:

Zadornov spent most of the last year of his life at his dacha in Jurmola and sometimes flew to Germany to see the dynamics of treatment, which did not bode well. But fans believed in the best outcome and constantly supported him on the Internet and in life.

As the satirist’s relatives say, in recent months Mikhail came to terms with his approaching death and simply spent time with loved ones and enjoyed the nature of his native land.

Zadornov’s last big performances took place back in 2016:

Despite the fact that most of the audience went to his concerts to laugh, the playwright himself notes that this was of secondary importance to him. It was important for Zadornov to communicate with his viewers, to understand why they live and what they believe.

Mikhail died in his home early in the morning on November 10, he was 69 years old. It is known that just a couple of days before his death, Zadornov managed to convert to Orthodoxy, although all his life he recognized only paganism.

Mikhail Zadornov was, on the one hand, a rather tough person, but on the other, kind and cheerful, as the satirist’s relatives themselves admit. Several generations have grown up listening to his work, and in Russia it is quite difficult to find a person who has not heard the name Zadornov and his jokes about Americans. He left behind only vivid memories that will be kept in the souls of each of us for a long time. Bright memory!

11:26 | 10.11.2017

Inna Zolazhkova

The "observer" decided to remember what he looked like famous comedian V different years, including before death.

Reference. Mikhail Zadornov born in Jurmala in 1948. He graduated from a Riga school, then moved to Moscow, where he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at department 204 "Aerospace Thermal Engineering" as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

In 1984, he became the head of the satire and humor department at the Yunost magazine.

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” Real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story “The Ninth Car.” Many people read Zadornov’s stories and miniatures from the stage famous artists, and starting in the late 1980s, he began performing his works himself. Since the early 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and host of famous television programs such as “Full House,” “Funny Panorama,” “Satirical Forecast,” and “Mothers and Daughters.”

Wrote about 15 books with stories of different nature: from lyrics to satire.

For many years he toured Russia, performing humorous sketches and stories.

At the beginning of October 2016, it became known that Zadornov was suffering from brain cancer.

The New Year's greeting sounded like this, and unfortunately it was not preserved in the television archives, I hope that someone has a video or audio recording (on YouTube in poor quality) recording in the home archive.....

Part New Year's greetings Zadornova:
who (approx. we are most likely talking about Gorbachev) began the liberation from slavery on one sixth globe. I think that also in this article, in any case, we would all like to see documented those words with which you sent your former friends when they came to your dacha to arrest you in order to persuade you in an amicable way. I wish you health, happiness, the same internal forces and good friends. Remember that a comrade is not always a friend.
We want to congratulate you, Boris Nikolaevich. Thank you. On behalf of the artists and on behalf of everyone who is here today, I want to congratulate you, Boris Nikolaevich. You have a very difficult year ahead. This may be the most difficult year of your life. But if you pull it off and accomplish everything you talked about three days ago on Sunday television, you won't just happy man, you will be a person who has made himself a happy person. We wish this for you. Health, strength and have a nice rest In sports.)
We congratulate our intelligentsia. We understand the main thing perfectly. There is such wisdom: good people there are more in the world, but they are less united. First of all, art should unite good people. Because there may be different states, but no one, no one will take away from us what we had. Georgians studied at Moscow State University. Moldovans studied in Riga. How many Russians went on vacation to the Caucasus and the Baltic states. Yes, you can take away two boxes of sweets at customs, but you cannot take away our love for Baltic painting. We, Russians, cannot be prevented from worrying about the events that are now taking place in the Caucasus. We, and only culture can unite everything, because it knows no boundaries.
We want to congratulate the military. It's peacetime now. We understand perfectly well, but you feel like you're at war. Look at the picture of Suvorov crossing the Alps and understand that it was even worse for them.
We want to congratulate older generation. special to you good words. Because you survived the most difficult years of our country and gave life to new generations. We understand that now in the canon of the New Year you, crying at the counters, are trying to believe in another bright future. Boris Nikolaevich is right. We, the current generation to whom you gave life, understand this very well. And we promise you that we will not leave you without support and will not deprive you of hope in 1992. Of course, those of you who again believed in a bright future, I think, are right. Because for the first time he believed not because of orders.
We want to congratulate you, dear businessmen. You new class in our society. And I wish you in 1992 to finally organize some kind of production in our country, and not just exchange gasoline for ears and oil for tights.
We congratulate you, dear, as they used to say, workers and peasants. And we wish that in 1992, say, Igor Leonidych (approx. Kirillov) or Svetlana Morgunova in information program with a smile they reported approximately, they said approximately the following phrase: Farmer so-and-so threshed the Motherland on his privatized lawnmower.
We congratulate everyone former citizens THE USSR. Yes, the USSR no longer exists, but our Motherland exists. You can divide the Motherland into several states, but we have one Motherland. Border independent.
I propose to raise our glasses to our Motherland. Happy new year friends! (the sound of the Kremlin chimes sounds)

On November 10, at the age of 70, satirist Mikhail Zadornov died. For the past year he has suffered from a serious illness.

Agitation Theater "Russia" of the Moscow Aviation Institute. 1980

(Photo: Alexander Sentsov / TASS Photo Chronicle)

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala into the family of the writer Nikolai Zadornov (“Father Cupid”). He studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering. During his studies, he took part in the games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering. Was artistic director, playwright and student director variety theater MAI.

Zadornov began publishing humorous stories in 1974. At the same time he created the student theater "Russia", which was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Satirists Mikhail Zadornov and Lion Izmailov

In 1984, Zadornov became head of the satire and humor department at the Yunost magazine. He wrote monologues for pop artists, and from the late 80s he began performing himself. His satirical story “The Ninth Carriage” brought him popularity.

1992 Participants in the Big Hat tennis tournament (from left to right): Adviser to the President of Russia on sports Shamil Tarpishchev, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott

(Photo: Roman Denisov / TASS Photo Chronicle)

In 1991 congratulated Happy New Year to Russians on air Russian television. At the same time, Boris Yeltsin’s speech was broadcast a day earlier. Yeltsin and Zadornov were friends; in 1993, Zadornov even received an apartment next door to him. In his book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk,” the head of the security of the first president of Russia, Alexander Korzhakov, wrote: “His friendship with Yeltsin began in Jurmala, while on vacation. Misha knew how to amuse Boris Nikolayevich: he fell funny on the court, deliberately missed, and made jokes. And just like that, half jokingly, I gained confidence..."

Photo: Loginova Natalya / PhotoXPress

Zadornov is the author of many books: “I don’t understand!”, “Zadorinki”, “The End of the World”, “The Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”. Acted in films: “Genius” (1991), “Depression” (1991), “I Want Your Husband” (1992). Hosted the program “Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov” on the radio “Humor FM”.

Photo: Alexander Drozdov / Interpress / TASS

In the mid-2000s, Zadornov began writing satirical stories about the USA and Americans. His phrase became a meme: “Well, you’re stupid!” Later, the program “American Stupidity” appeared, dedicated to America. In it, the satirist discussed the influence of the United States on the culture and psychology of Russians, and ridiculed the thoughtless copying of the American way of life.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures in support of Putin’s policies in Ukraine and Crimea. IN last years his programs were increasingly devoted to events in Ukraine, for which the satirist was blacklisted and banned from entering this country. “It would be worse if I were banned from leaving this country,”

11 days have passed since the death of the satirical writer Mikhail Zadornov. Let us remind you that not everyone was able to say goodbye to him - the family held a chamber ceremony “for loved ones” in the Moscow region, and not everyone could go to the funeral service in Latvia, where the artist wished to rest in peace.


Relatives claim that Zadornov treated his popularity with irony, and therefore did not want to make a social event out of his farewell. But, probably, the matter is different: during the fight against a brain tumor, the writer lost a lot of weight, and the family did not want Mikhail Nikolaevich to be seen like this. Indeed, judging by the photographs that appeared in Express Newspaper, it was difficult to recognize the satirist in the body lying in the coffin.

They often say about cancer patients: “The cancer ate him.” And in the case of Zadornov, you are horrified at how an incurable disease disfigures a person. Sunken cheeks, a pointed nose, an elongated face - in the coffin, the 69-year-old artist looked like a 90-year-old withered old man.

During his last public appearance in October 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich already looked unwell - he had lost a lot of weight, it was noticeable that his hands were shaking a little, and sometimes he dropped pieces of paper with prepared jokes. The comedian had to bend down and pick them up - and every time the audience applauded encouragingly. “Now I know how to earn success,” the artist laughed at himself.

Just two years ago, with a height of 176 centimeters, he weighed 74 kilograms. But in the last months of his illness, as his relatives say, he lost 20 kilograms, and his appearance was terrifying. “With cancer, a person begins to lose a lot of weight, about 11-16% per month,” said website oncologist. – The fact is that the development of oncological formation makes the body work faster, that is, it accelerates metabolism, which is responsible for the rate of conversion of food into energy. Chemicals called cytokines affect how normal cells function. High levels of cytokines caused by cancer interfere with the metabolism between fats and proteins. This leads to loss muscle mass, and also affects the central center of the brain that controls hunger."