Conversion of standard fuel into natural formula. The procedure for converting indicators into standard fuel


Conversion factors into t.e.f.

Metallurgical coke


Oil shale

Peat fuel

Firewood for heating

Oil, gas condensate

Flammable natural gas

Coal briquettes

Peat briquettes

Fuel oil

Household heating fuel

Coke gas

Blast furnace gas

Associated gas, dry

Liquefied gas

Diesel fuel

Gasoline for automobiles

Petroleum bitumen


thousand kWh

Thermal energy

Tonne of fuel equivalent (t.e.f.) is a unit of energy measurement equal to 29.3 MJ/kg; is defined as the amount of energy released during the combustion of 1 ton of fuel with calorific value 7000 kcal/kg (corresponds to typical calorific value coal).

Fuel savings from the use of combustible VERs are determined by the formula:

Kg.f., (3.3.3)

where is the heat of combustible renewable energy resources used during the calculation period (decade, month, quarter, year);

–heat of combustion of equivalent fuel, =29.3 MJ/kg;

ή 1 – fuel utilization factor (FUF) in the furnace when operating on combustible SER;

ή 2 – KIT in the furnace when operating on substituted fuel.

The amount of fuel savings when using waste heat boilers can be determined by the formula:

Kg.t. , (3.3.4)

where is the heat of exhaust gases passing through the waste heat boiler during the period of calculating fuel savings;

–thermal efficiency waste heat boiler, p.u.;

–thermal efficiency fuel boiler replaced by waste heat boiler, p.u.

In ferrous metallurgy, up to 10% of imported fuel is saved annually through the use of thermal renewable energy sources ( natural gas, fuel oil, coal). The amount of thermal energy generated through the utilization of renewable energy resources in the overall balance of consumption of metallurgical plants is 30%, and at some plants up to 70%.

Utilization of the heat of hot coke. The heat of hot coke is used in dry coke quenching units (DCT), see Fig. 3.3.9.

Rice. 3.3.9. Schematic diagram of a dry coke quenching installation.

Legend for Figure 3.3.8:

1 – hot coke supply unit; 2 – output of cooled coke; 3 – dry extinguishing chamber, which includes (positions 4-7: 4 – prechamber for receiving hot coke; 5 – oblique gas channels for gas outlet; 6 – dry extinguishing zone; 7 – gas supply and gas distribution device; 8 – dust settling chamber; 9 – waste heat boiler (positions 10-16): 11 – economizer; 13 – circulation pump; 15 – superheater; sedimentation cyclone; 18 – exhauster, providing circulation of cooling gas; 19 – removal of coke breeze and dust.

Usagegas recovery non-compressor turbines.

Gas recovery non-compressor turbines (GUBT) are turboexpanders operating on excess gas pressure generated during the smelting of cast iron in blast furnaces and during gas reduction on main gas pipelines. The first metallurgical plant in world practice to implement a project with a GUBT with a 6 MW radial turbine was the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In 2002, at OJSC Severstal, at a blast furnace of 5500 m 3, GUBT-25, jointly developed and manufactured by Nevsky Plant CJSC and the German company Zimmerman and Janzen, was put into operation.

From the point of view of energy saving in the gas transportation system, the utilization of energy from excess pressure of natural gas in a turboexpander is very promising today. In the gas industry, turboexpanders are used for:

1) starting a gas turbine installation of a gas pumping unit, as well as turning its rotor when stopped (for the purpose of cooling it); in this case, the turboexpander operates on the transported gas and releases it after the turbine into the atmosphere;

2) cooling of natural gas (as it expands in a turbine) in liquefaction plants;

3) cooling of natural gas in installations for its “field” preparation for transport through the pipeline system (moisture removal by freezing it, etc.).

4) driving a high-pressure compressor to supply gas to peak storage facilities;

5) generation of electricity at gas distribution stations (GDS) of the natural gas transport system to its consumers using a gas pressure difference between high and low pressure pipelines in the turbine.

According to experts, there are about 600 facilities in the Russian Federation - gas distribution stations and hydraulic fracturing stations, which have the conditions for the construction and operation of turboexpanders with a capacity of 1-3 MW, which can generate up to 15 billion kWh of electricity per year.

The production and distribution of fuel and energy resources are calculated in units of standard fuel, where coal equivalent conversion factors accepted in domestic statistical practice are used, as well as in energy units accepted in international organizations - terajoules.

When converting fuel and energy into tons of standard fuel, the following conversion factors should be used:

Energy resources




into standard fuel


Brown coal

Oil shale

Peat fuel

Firewood for heating

cube m (density)

Oil, including gas condensate

Natural flammable gas (natural)

thousand cubic meters m

Metallurgical coke

Coal briquettes

Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes

Fuel oil

Naval fuel oil

Household heating fuel

Kerosene for technical purposes

Kerosene for lighting

Combustible artificial coke gas

thousand cubic meters m

Dry gas from oil refineries

thousand cubic meters m

Liquefied gas

thousand cubic meters m

Diesel fuel

Motor fuel

Gasoline for automobiles

Aviation gasoline

Jet fuel

Petroleum bitumen

Artificial flammable blast gas

thousand cubic meters m


thousand kWh

Thermal energy


thousand kWh

Atomic Energy

thousand kWh

<*>Coal conversion factors tend to change annually due to structural changes in coal production by grade.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation




N 4-TER "Information on residues, receipt and consumption of fuel and energy resources, collection and use of waste petroleum products"

Appendix to form N 4-TER

Directory of conversion factors for energy resources into fuel equivalent

by coal equivalent

Peat fuel , tons

Firewood for heating, cubic meters. m

Oil, tons

Natural flammable gas, thousand cubic meters. m

Metallurgical coke , tons

Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes , tons

Fuel oil , tons

Fuel oil, tons

Household heating fuel , tons

Kerosene, tons

Combustible artificial coke gas, thousand cubic meters. m

Gas from oil refineries, tons

Liquefied gas, tons

Diesel fuel, tons

Motor fuel, tons

Automotive gasoline, tons

Combustible artificial gas from blast furnace, thousand cubic meters. m

Aviation gasoline , tons

Raw coal deposits (tons):

Donetsk coal

Kuznetsk coal

Karaganda coal

Coal near Moscow

Vorkuta coal

Inta coal

Chelyabinsk coal

Sverdlovsk coal

Bashkir coal

Neryungri coal

Yakut coal

Cheremkhovo coal

Asian coal

Chita coal

Gusinoozersk coal

Khakass coal

Kansk-Achinsk coal

Tuvan coal

Tunguska coal

Magadan coal

Arctic coal (Svalbard)

Norilsk coal

Ogodzhinsky coal

Kamchatka coal

Primorye Coal

Ekibastuz coal

Altai coal

Fuel conditional

a unit of accounting for organic fuel (See Fuel), used to compare the efficiency of various types of fuel and their total accounting. As a unit of T.u. accepted 1 kg fuel with calorific value (See Calorific value) 7000 kcal/kg (29,3 Mj/kg). The relationship between T. u. and natural fuel is expressed by the formula:

Where B y - mass of equivalent amount of standard fuel, kg; V n - mass of natural fuel, kg(solid and liquid fuel) or m 3 (gaseous); Qx P is the lower calorific value of a given natural fuel, kcal/kg or kcal/m 3 ;

The E value is taken as follows: for oil 1.4; coke 0.93; peat 0.4; natural gas 1.2.

Use of T. u. especially convenient for comparing the efficiency of various thermal power plants. For example, in the energy sector the following characteristic is used - the amount of fuel used to generate a unit of electricity. This value g, expressed in G T.u. per 1 kWh electricity, is related to the efficiency of the installation η by the relation

In some countries, a different calculation of T. at. is adopted, for example, in France as T. at. accepted fuel has either a lower calorific value of 6500 kcal/kg(27,3 Mj/kg), or higher calorific value 6750 kcal/kg (28,3 Mj/kg); in the USA and Great Britain as a large unit of T. u. take a unit of account equal to 10 18 British thermal units (36 billion). T That.).

I. N. Rozengauz.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Conventional fuel” is in other dictionaries:

    A conventional standard of fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal/kg, with which specific types of fuel are compared to assess the thermal value of the latter. To convert natural fuel into fuel equivalent. use the caloric equivalent Ek = / 7000.… … Geological encyclopedia

    conditional fuel Technical Translator's Guide

    Fuel conditional- Conventional fuel is a unit of accounting for organic fuel used to compare efficiency various types fuel and their total accounting. As a unit of standard fuel, 1 kg of fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal/kg (29.3... ...) is taken Official terminology

    FUEL, CONDITIONAL Great Accounting Dictionary

    FUEL, CONDITIONAL- conventionally natural unit used to measure fuels of different types. The conversion of the amount of fuel of a given type into tons of standard fuel is carried out using a coefficient equal to the ratio of the heat content of 1 kg of fuel of a given type... ... Large economic dictionary

    A unit of accounting for fossil fuels used to compare the thermal value of different types of fuel. The heat of combustion of 1 kg of solid fuel equivalent (or 1 cubic meter of gaseous equivalent fuel) is 29.3 MJ (7000 kcal), which... ... Financial Dictionary

    See Fuel conditional...

    Combustible substances that, when burned, release a significant amount of heat, which is used directly in technological processes or converted into other types of energy. Various technical devices are used to burn fuel... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The production and distribution of fuel and energy resources are calculated in units of standard fuel, where coal equivalent conversion factors accepted in domestic statistical practice are used, as well as in energy units accepted in international organizations - terajoules.

When converting fuel and energy into tons of standard fuel, the following conversion factors should be used:

Energy resources




into standard fuel


Brown coal

Oil shale

Peat fuel

Firewood for heating

cube m (density)

Oil, including gas condensate

Natural flammable gas (natural)

thousand cubic meters m

Metallurgical coke

Coal briquettes

Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes

Fuel oil

Naval fuel oil

Household heating fuel

Kerosene for technical purposes

Kerosene for lighting

Combustible artificial coke gas

thousand cubic meters m

Dry gas from oil refineries

thousand cubic meters m

Liquefied gas

thousand cubic meters m

Diesel fuel

Motor fuel

Gasoline for automobiles

Aviation gasoline

Jet fuel

Petroleum bitumen

Artificial flammable blast gas

thousand cubic meters m


thousand kWh

Thermal energy


thousand kWh

Atomic Energy

thousand kWh

Coal conversion factors tend to change annually due to structural changes in coal production by grade.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation




N 4-TER "Information on residues, receipt and consumption of fuel and energy resources, collection and use of waste petroleum products"

Appendix to form N 4-TER

Directory of conversion factors for energy resources into fuel equivalent

by coal equivalent

Peat fuel , tons

Firewood for heating, cubic meters. m

Oil, tons

Natural flammable gas, thousand cubic meters. m

Metallurgical coke , tons

Peat briquettes and semi-briquettes , tons

Fuel oil , tons

Fuel oil, tons

Household heating fuel , tons

Kerosene, tons

Combustible artificial coke gas, thousand cubic meters. m

Gas from oil refineries, tons

Liquefied gas, tons

Diesel fuel, tons

Motor fuel, tons

Combustible artificial gas from blast furnace, thousand cubic meters. m

Aviation gasoline , tons

Raw coal deposits (tons):

Donetsk coal

Kuznetsk coal

Karaganda coal

Coal near Moscow

Vorkuta coal

Inta coal

Chelyabinsk coal

Sverdlovsk coal

Bashkir coal

Neryungri coal

Yakut coal

Cheremkhovo coal

Asian coal

Chita coal

Gusinoozersk coal

Khakass coal

Kansk-Achinsk coal

Tuvan coal

Tunguska coal

Magadan coal

Arctic coal (Svalbard)

Norilsk coal

Ogodzhinsky coal

Kamchatka coal

Primorye Coal

Ekibastuz coal

Altai coal

Today, in an age of rapid technological development and oversaturation of the planet with various devices, mechanisms and vehicles, gasoline fuel has become a key and fundamental product of oil refining. This mixture of light hydrocarbon compounds is a kind of blood modern world, rushing through the veins, arteries and capillaries (pipes, hoses and fuel lines) of cars, airplanes, tractors, combines and other equipment to ignite their hearts (engines) and breathe a spark of life into powerful steel bodies. IN in a certain sense a complex combination of hydrocarbon molecules forms the face of the planet as we know it today.

In this aspect converting liters to tons of gasoline is a key category and the most important task for numerous consumers of fuels and lubricants, accountants of motor transport enterprises. When accounting, storing and dispensing various technological and fuel liquids, bulk materials, very often there is a need to convert one unit of measurement into another. Often such arithmetic causes considerable difficulties even among financially responsible persons and storekeepers. Of particular relevance this problem represents for accountants who keep records of the receipt, sale or issue of substances of this category.

Converting volume to mass is extremely necessary and convenient for filling out reporting documentation, making payments and financial settlements, for the wholesale sale of fuels and fuels and lubricants. This is dictated by the fact that the generally accepted form of supply of fuels and lubricants and hydrocarbon fuels are containers (tanks) of a fixed capacity (volume), and accounting is carried out in units of mass. In addition, when selling wholesale, it is much more convenient to count in tons.

Converting gasoline from liters to tons: applied accountant arithmetic

In principle, such a problem is a product of relatively new times, or rather the twentieth century. Just a century and a half ago, this question could not have arisen by definition. At that time, humanity was just beginning to learn the secrets of oil and hydrocarbon fuels. By the way, at the end of the nineteenth century gasoline already existed and certain technologies for its production were even developed.

Then it was synthesized by the method of rectification and separation of light oil fractions by evaporation at temperature conditions at 100 – 130°C. True, in those distant times its use was not very diverse; on the contrary, it was very scarce. Light hydrocarbons were used exclusively as antiseptics and fuel for primus stoves. Kerosene was mainly distilled from the oil, and everything else was simply disposed of.

But everything changed with the invention of the internal combustion engine, which made gasoline a key product of oil refining. And the problem of converting the volume of a liquid substance into units of weight has settled in the world. Even from a school physics course it is known that the mass of all physical bodies, regardless of their states of aggregation, is determined by density. Of course, this postulate also applies to liquid substances, which are fuel materials.

Therefore, the density of any substance (in in this case gasoline or diesel fuel) is inversely proportional to its volume. This simple relationship can be easily expressed by the following formula: V = M /ρ, where ρ is the mathematical value of the fuel density, V is the volume in liters, and the letter M respectively denotes mass. Then all that remains is to perform the simplest mathematical operation. However, this is where the fun begins.

Real life has made its own adjustments to the harmonious theoretical justifications, which created such a serious economic and technical problem as the conversion from liters to tons of gasoline. The density of hydrocarbon fuel turned out to be an extremely capricious value, as changeable as the heart of a cantankerous beauty. The value of this fundamental physical characteristic is determined not only by the type of fuel and the degree of its chemical purity, but also by the ambient temperature. For example, in summer the density of fuel decreases and in winter it increases.

In addition, during one season it undergoes many fluctuations along with temperature and weather. Therefore, in order to simplify the recalculation procedure, appropriate standards were developed at one time. For example, in Russia, GOST number 2084-77 applies for gasoline. This regulatory and technical document contains detailed tables of technical parameters for all brands of fuel.

His Majesty coefficient

For simplified and correct conversion, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia made a truly Solomon-like decision to introduce fixed average density values ​​for all types of liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Now accountants and all interested parties do not need to painfully figure out how to convert the number of liters of gasoline into tons. It is enough just to look at the corresponding table of coefficients and substitute the required value from there into the following formula: M = Vρ. It must be remembered that the result of such a simple calculation will be kilograms, which can only be converted into tons.

The coefficients for the most common and frequently used brands of gasoline are as follows:

  1. AI-80 = 0.715 g/cm3
  2. AI-92 = 0.735
  3. AI-95 = 0.75
  4. AI-98 = 0.765
  5. Diesel fuel – 0.769

In addition, Rostekhnadzor approved its own gradation of coefficients, according to which, for example, the specific density of diesel fuel is 0.84. This is the result of a double system of technical coordinates. It only remains to add that the actual density of the fuel can be measured independently with a special device - a hydrometer.

How to convert tons of coal to Gcal? Convert tons of coal to Gcal It’s not difficult, but to do this, let’s first decide for what purposes we need it. There are at least three options for calculating the conversion of existing coal reserves to Gcal, these are:

In any case, except for research purposes, where it is necessary to know the exact calorific value of coal, it is enough to know that the combustion of 1 kg of coal with an average calorific value releases approximately 7000 kcal. For research purposes, it is also necessary to know where, or from what deposit, we obtained coal.
Consequently, we burned 1 ton of coal or 1000 kg and received 1000x7000 = 7,000,000 kcal or 7 Gcal.

Calorie content of coal grades.

For reference: calorific value of coals ranges from 6600-8750 calories. For Anthracite it reaches 8650 calories, but the calorie content of brown coal ranges from 2000 to 6200 calories, while brown coal contains up to 40% of non-combustible residue - sludge. At the same time, anthracite does not ignite well and burns only in the presence of strong draft, but brown coal, on the contrary, flares up well, but produces little heat and burns out quickly.

But here, and in any of the subsequent calculations, do not forget that this is the heat released during the combustion of coal. And when heating a house, depending on where we burn coal in a stove or boiler, you will receive less heat due to the so-called efficiency (coefficient useful action) heating device (read boiler or furnace).

For a conventional stove, this coefficient is no more than 60%; as they say, the heat flies into the chimney. If you have a boiler and water heating in your house, the efficiency can reach 92% for cool imported, read modern boilers, usually for domestic coal-fired boilers, the efficiency is no more than 70-75%. Therefore, look at the boiler passport and multiply the resulting 7 Gcal by the efficiency, and you will get the desired value - how many Gcal you will get by using 1 ton of coal for heating, or what is the same as converting a ton of coal to Gcal.

Having used 1 ton of coal to heat a house with an imported boiler, we will get approximately 6.3 Gcal, but with a conventional stove only 4.2 Gcal. I am writing with a conventional stove because there are many designs of economical stoves with increased heat transfer or high efficiency, but, as a rule, they have big sizes and not every master undertakes their laying. The reason is that if the installation is incorrect or even if there is a slight malfunction of the economical stove, under certain conditions a deterioration or complete absence of draft may occur. IN best case scenario this will lead to the crying of the stove, its walls will be damp from condensation, in the worst case, the lack of draft can lead to the owners burning from carbon monoxide.

How much coal reserve should you make for the winter?

Now let's dwell on the fact that we do all these calculations in order to know how much coal reserves need to be made for the winter. In any literature, by the way, and on our website, you can read that, for example, for heating a house with an area of ​​60 square meters, you will need approximately 6 kW of heat per hour. Converting kW to Gcal we get 6x0.86 = 5.16 kcal/hour, from where we took 0.86.

Now, it would seem, everything is simple, knowing the amount of heat required for heating per hour, we multiply it by 24 hours and the number of heating days. Those who want to check the calculation will receive a seemingly implausible figure. For 6 months of heating a fairly small house of 60 square meters, we need to spend 22291.2 Gcal of heat or store 22291.2/7000/0.7 = 3.98 tons of coal. Taking into account the presence of non-combustible residue in coal, this figure must be increased by the percentage of impurities, on average it is 0.85 (15% of impurities) for hard coals and 0.6 for brown coals. 3.98/0.85=4.68 tons of coal. For brown, this figure will generally be astronomical, since it produces almost 3 times less heat and contains a lot of non-combustible rock.

What is the mistake, yes, that 1 kW of heat per 10 m square areas We spend money at home only when it’s cold, for the Rostov region, for example, it’s -22 degrees, Moscow -30 degrees. The thickness of the walls of residential buildings is calculated for these frosts, but how many days a year do we have such frosts? That's right, maximum 15 days. So, for a simplified calculation for your own purposes, you can simply multiply the resulting value by 0.75.

The coefficient of 0.75 was derived on the basis of averaging more accurate calculations used in determining the need for standard fuel to obtain limits on this same fuel in the authorities industrial enterprises(gorgaz, regionalgaz, etc.) and of course cannot be used officially anywhere except for your own calculations. But the above method of converting tons of coal into Gcal, and then determining the need for coal for one’s own needs, is quite accurate.

Of course, one can also bring a complete methodology for determining the need for standard fuel , but it is quite difficult to perform such a calculation without errors, and in any case, the official authorities will only accept it from an organization that has permission and certified specialists to perform these calculations. And it won’t give anything to the common man other than wasting time.

You can make an accurate calculation of the need for coal for heating a residential building in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2005 No. 301 “Methodology for determining the standards for issuing free ration coal for household needs to pensioners and other categories of persons living in coal-mining regions in houses with stove heating and those entitled to receive it in accordance with the law Russian Federation" An example of such a calculation with formulas is given on.

For enterprise specialists interested in calculating the annual need for heat and fuel, on one's own You can study the following documents:

— Methodology for determining fuel requirements Moscow, 2003, Gosstroy 08/12/03

— MDK 4-05.2004 “Methodology for determining fuel requirements, electrical energy and water in the production and transfer of thermal energy and coolants in municipal heating systems" (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, 2004) or welcome to us, the calculation is inexpensive, we will perform it quickly and accurately. Any questions by phone 8-918-581-1861 (Yuri Olegovich) or by e-mail indicated on the page.


There are special tables for converting fuel into conventional tons.

To convert a given mass of fuel into conventional tons, simply multiply the number of tons by the appropriate coefficient. For example, one Altai coal corresponds to 0.782 conventional tons of fuel.
To convert one ton of coal into conventional tons, use the table below.
Altai, 0.782

Bashkir, 0.565

Vorkutinsky, 0.822

Georgian, 0.589

Donetsk, 0.876

Intinsky, 0.649

Kazakh, 0.674

Kamchatsky, 0.323

Kansko-Achinsky, 0.516

Karaganda, 0.726

Kizelovsky, 0.684

Kyrgyz, 0.570

Kuznetsky, 0.867

Lviv-Volynsky, 0.764

Magadan, 0.701

Podmoskovny, 0.335

Primorsky, 0.506

Sakhalinsky, 0.729

Sverdlovsky, 0.585

Silesian, 0.800

Stavropol, 0.669

Tajik, 0.553

Tuvinsky, 0.906

Tunguska, 0.754

Uzbek, 0.530

Ukrainian brown, 0.398

Khakassian, 0.727

Chelyabinsk, 0.552

Chitinsky, 0.483

Ekibastuz, 0.628

Yakut, 0.751

To convert other types of fuel into conventional tons, use the following table (simply multiply the number of tons of fuel by the coefficient):
Milled peat, 0.34

Lump peat, 0.41

Peat crumb, 0.37

Metallurgical coke, 0.99

Coke 10-25 mm, 0.93

Fuel briquettes, 0.60

Petroleum refining gas dry, 1.50

Leningrad slates, 0.300

Estonian slates, 0.324

Liquefied gas, 1.57

Fuel oil, 1.37

Naval fuel oil, 1.43

Oil, incl. gas condensate, 1.43

Used oils, 1.30

Diesel fuel, 1.45

Household heating fuel, 1.45

Aviation gasoline, 1.49

Unload a ton of picket fence into a small space where no one will be there (for example, at your dacha). Armed with a measuring tape or tape measure, measure each board, recording everything on a piece of paper. The process is labor intensive, please be patient. It is recommended to put all measured planks in a separate pile so as not to confuse them with planks that have not yet been measured.

Once all the boards have been measured and all the data recorded, perform some simple mathematical calculations. Add the lengths of all the planks to each other. You can use a calculator, do the calculations in your head, or do the calculations in your head. The result will be the value you need. You have converted the mass of the picket fence () to its length ().

Helpful advice

It is possible that all the planks from a ton of picket fence will be the same length. In this case, the task is simplified - you will need to measure the length of one plank, count the number of planks and multiply one value by another.

Conventional fuel is a unit of accounting for organic fuel adopted in calculations, that is, oil and its derivatives, natural gas and gas specially obtained from the distillation of shale and coal, hard coal, peat - which is used to compare the beneficial effects of different types of fuel in their total accounting.

Simply put, conventional fuel is the amount of energy in a given type of fuel.

The distribution and production of resources is calculated in units of standard fuel, where 1 kilogram of fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal/kg or 29.3 MJ/kg is taken as the calculation.

For reference, one is equivalent to 26.8 m³ of natural gas at standard pressure and temperature. One terajoule is equal to 1,000,000,000,000 joules, and with 1 megajoule you can raise 1 gram of water to a temperature of 238846 degrees! This calculation is accepted in the Russian Federation. International energy organizations take the oil equivalent as a unit of standard fuel, which is abbreviated TOE - Tonne of oil equivalent - oil, which is equal to 41.868 GJ.

The formula for the relationship between conventional and natural takes into account the mass of the quantity of conventional fuel, the mass of natural fuel, the lower calorific value of this natural fuel and the caloric equivalent.

The operation of standard fuel is especially convenient for comparing the efficiency of various thermal power plants. For this purpose, the energy industry uses the following indicator - the amount of standard fuel consumed to generate a unit of electricity.

IN Lately in countries experiencing a shortage of energy resources, especially in the United States, energy prices are determined at . The concept of “thermal price” of fuel has become especially widespread. Among experts, the concept of thermal price, or more precisely, the British Thermal Unit (BTU), is calculated as follows: 1 Btu is equal to 1054.615 J. Thermal prices are especially high for liquid and gaseous fuels. The controlling interest in oil fields belongs to the United States. 56.4% of the world's natural gas reserves are located in Russia and Iran.


  • conventional fuel is

Watt, W, W - in SI, this unit of power was named after its creator James Watt. Watt was adopted as a measure of power in 1889; before that, hp was used. - horsepower. It will not be superfluous to know how power can be converted to other units of measurement.

You will need

  • - calculator.


For electrical power( They say thermal power) to some other unit of measurement, use the data on the ratio of units. To do this, simply multiply the given power by the coefficient corresponding to the unit of measurement into which you are converting.
1 Watt hour 3.57 kJ;
1 Watt corresponds to: 107 erg/s; 1 J/s; 859.85 cal/h; 0.00134 hp
For example, the organization indicated the number 244.23 kW that is needed.
244.23 kW => 244.23* 1000 W = 244.23* 1000* 859.85 => = 210,000,000 cal/h or 0.21 G cal/h.

In calculations related to power, standard ones are usually used, especially when the measured quantities are too small or, conversely, . This simplifies calculations related to the order of the value. Watt by itself almost never. Convert multiples of the integer form using the diagram below.

1 micro (μ) => 1*0.000001
1 mile (m) => 1*0.001
1 centi (s) => 1*0.01
1 deci (d) => 1*0.1
1 deck (da) => 1*10
1 hecto (g) => 1*100
1 kilo (k) => 1*1,000
1 Mega (M)=> 1*1,000,000
1 Giga (G) => 1* 1,000,000,000

Find out which unit of measurement of thermal energy you need to convert the power into. Possible options: J or Joule - a unit of work and energy; Cal (Calories) - a unit of heat energy, can be written as simply kCal, or it can look like this - kCal/hour.
