Long-term plan for the first junior group. Notes on reading fiction in the first junior group; outline of a lesson in fiction (junior group) on the topic: What genres are studied?

Target: Reinforcing the content of the fairy tale “Teremok” with children.


Help children remember familiar fairy tales and nursery rhymes;

To form emotional responsiveness and interest in literary works and small folklore forms;

Develop the ability to empathize with the characters of fairy tales, songs, and nursery rhymes.

To cultivate love, goodwill, sensitivity to the characters of fairy tales and the world around them;

Strengthen dramatization skills.

Material and equipment:

Photo frame, pictures of a mansion, pictures: mice, frogs, foxes, wolves, bears.

Preliminary work:

1.Reading Russian folk tale"Teremok".

2. Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tale “Teremok”.

3.Verbally – didactic game“Who, who lives in the little house?

Vocabulary words: bunny, fox, mouse, bear, wolf, tower.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle.

(Knock on the door)

Educator: - Guys, I’ll go and see who’s knocking there?

Educator:- This is the postman, he brought us a parcel.

Educator:- Let's see what's in our package?

Children: - YES! Let's see!

(I show a picture of a mansion)

Educator: - Guys, what is this?

Children's answers

Educator:- That's right, little tower!

- There is a tower in the field.

He is not short, not high, not tall!

Educator: - Guys, do you know what fairy tale this is? (Children's expected answers: a fairy tale about a little house, about a mouse, a bunny and a bear).

A small mouse runs past.

Educator:- Guys, do you know how a mouse squeaks?

(Children's answers)

Educator: - That's right, - pee-pee-pee.
She saw the tower, stopped and asked:
-Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Nobody responds.
The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it.

(I attach a picture of a mouse to the window of the mansion)

A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:

Educator:- Guys, do you know how a frog talks?

(Children's answers)

Educator:- That's right - qua-qua-qua.
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion
- I, little mouse! And who are you?
- And I'm a frog.
- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the tower. The two of them began to live together.

(I attach a picture of a frog to the window of the mansion)

A runaway bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:

Educator:- Guys, do you know how a bunny jumps?

(Children show)

Educator:- Well done. Jump-jump, jump-jump. This is how the bunny jumps.

- I, little mouse!
- I, frog-frog. And who are you?
- And I'm a runaway bunny
- Come live with us!

The hare hops into the tower! The three of them began to live together.

(I attach a picture of a hare to the window of the mansion)

The little fox-sister is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister.
- Come live with us!

The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together.

(I attach a picture of a fox to the window of the mansion)

A gray barrel top came running, looked into the door, and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- And who are you?
- And I am a top-gray barrel.
- Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the mansion. The five of us began to live together.

(I attach a picture of a wolf to the window of the mansion)

Here they are all living in a little house, singing songs.
Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past.

(Attached is a picture of a bear)

(so attentively we listen to the fairy tale)

Educator:- Guys, let's show how the clumsy bear walks.

Physical exercise “Teddy Bear”

Teddy Bear

Walking through the forest

Collects cones

And he puts it in his pocket.

Suddenly, a cone fell.

Right in the bear's forehead.

Mishka got angry

And with your foot - top!

I won't do it anymore

Collect cones

I'll take the car

And I'll go to bed!

The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- And I’m a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us

The bear climbed into the tower.
He climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and said:
- I’d rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you will crush us!
- No, I won’t crush you.
- Well, climb up!

The bear climbed onto the roof.
Just sat down - fuck! - crushed the tower.
The tower crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart.
We barely managed to jump out of it: the mouse-norushka, the frog-frog, the little bunny-runner, the fox-sister, the top-gray barrel - all safe and sound.
They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new tower.
They built it better than before!

(I show new picture little house)

Educator:- Guys, let’s play with you and build a little tower too.

Finger gymnastics “Building a house.”

All day - here and there,

A loud knock is heard. (Knock fist on fist.)

The hammers are knocking

They are building a house for the animals. (Knock fist on fist.)

Even if my house is braided and crooked,

Look how handsome he is!

You see from the window

The cat came out! (Fold your palms together to form a “roof”)

The wind howls: “Uh-oh!

I'll tear the house to pieces! (Blow hard on the house.)

But he is my strong house,

Let the wind howl for a week -

My house will shelter me! (Raise "roof" above your head.)

Educator:- What a great fellow you are! And they listened to the fairy tale, and built a new little house.

Educator: -Did you like the fairy tale?

Children:- YES!

Educator:- Let's say goodbye to the heroes.

Children:- Goodbye!

Reading fiction is aimed at achieving the goal of developing interest and need for reading (perception) of books through solving the following tasks:

– formation complete picture world, including primary value concepts;

- development literary speech;

– introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Fiction, being a form of art, performs the aesthetic and ethical functions of children’s education preschool age, which certainly contributes to the integration of this area with the direction of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. However, the peculiarities of perception by preschool children literary text are such that with the help of a book, a child, first of all, discovers the world in all its interconnections and interdependencies, begins to understand life and people more and better, experiencing and living what he read. The main mission of the field is to educate a child as a reader, which “begins” in preschool childhood. The process of communication with a book is decisive in the intellectual and personal (including ideological) development of a person, in his ability to self-realization, in preserving and transmitting the experience accumulated by humanity.

Reading is a relative concept in relation to preschool children. A preschool reader is dependent on an adult in the choice of books to read, the frequency and duration of the reading process, methods, forms and degree of expressiveness. That's why important points The activities of an adult in the implementation of this area of ​​the Program are: 1) formation of a circle children's reading; 2) organization of the reading process.

When forming a range of children's reading, teachers and parents must, first of all, be guided by the principle of the comprehensive development of the child (social-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic), since the selection of fiction in accordance with applied principles (by genres, periods, writers ) is focused more on the study of literature, or literary education children. Conditions for the effectiveness of organizing the reading process: systematicity (daily reading), expressiveness and organization of reading as joint activities adults and children (and not as part of a regulated activity). The criterion for effectiveness is the joy of children when encountering a book, “reading” it with immediate interest and enthusiasm.
"Content educational field“Reading fiction”

aimed at achieving the goal of developing interest and need for reading

(perception) of books through solving the following problems:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary values


Development of literary speech;

Introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste"*.

^ Formation of interest and need for reading

understanding that you can learn a lot of interesting things from books.

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher,

learn to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”

Continue to encourage children to look at pictures in books.

Read to children works of fiction provided by the Program for the second

early age groups,

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, and original works.

Accompany reading by showing toys, pictures, characters tabletop theater and others

visual aids, as well as to develop listening skills piece of art without

visual support.

Accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful activities.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when the teacher reads

familiar poems.

Help children over 2 years and 6 months play a well-known fairy tale.

Natalia Kupreshkina
Fiction reading lesson in 1 younger group. Reading the poem by S. Marshak “Who will find the ring”

Abstract classes

By reading fiction

in 1 younger group« Reading a poem

WITH. Marshak

"Who will find the ring» .

MDOBU teacher

"Sunny Kindergarten"

Kupreshkina N. A.

Goals: Continue to arouse children’s interest in listening to a poetic work and teach them to understand its content.

Evoke an emotional response and a desire to help the girl.

Strengthen children's ideas about poultry.

Get children interested in looking at V. Lebedev’s illustrations for poem.

Develop imagination and fantasy.

Benefits: Illustrated book by S. Marshak"Who will find the ring, toys – cat, goose, chicken, turkey, magpie, doll, ring.

Preliminary work: getting to know pets and birds, poetry reading, nursery rhymes about poultry and animals.

Integration of areas: cognition, reading fiction,

health, socialization, communication.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that somewhere outside the door a doll is crying. The teacher and children open the door and turn to the doll. They start a conversation.

Doll, what's your name? (Olya)

Why are you crying, Olenka? What has happened with you?

Guys, let's ask Olya? (the teacher pretends that Olya is speaking into your ear).

Olya the doll told me what she lost ring? Guys, how can we calm her down, help her? (Search ring)

Guys. Do you want to know what happened to Olenkin? ring? Let's sit down and put our Olenka on a chair. (Children sit on chairs)

Guys, look what an interesting book I have, it’s written about Olenkino ring.

Reading a poem. The teacher displays toys in accordance with the text - cats, goose, chicken, turkey, magpie.

Guys. And who wanted to help find ring for Olya? (children look at the toys and name them).

Yes, these are the poultry. (The teacher pays attention to the animals). Everyone wanted to help. (The teacher discreetly dresses ring doll and finishes reading the lines poems to the end).

Oh. Look at Olya's ring does it sparkle on your finger?

Final conversation with the doll Olya.

Olya, you won't lose anymore ring? (No)

Guys, doll Olya is probably hungry. Let's set the table and give her some tea and jam.

Go to role-playing game “Let’s give Olya the doll some tea”.

Evstolia Petrova
Summary of a lesson on reading fiction. G. Ball's story "Yellow Boy"

Lesson in 1st junior group

Communication. Reading fiction.

Type: Complex : communication + experimental - research activities.

Topic: Story by G. Balla "Yellow", egg.

Types of children's activities: Gaming, communicative, experimental and research, productive, perceptionfiction.

Goals :

1. Educational task – Learn to listen to a piece without visual accompaniment, answer questions, understand that animal names depend on external signs.

2. Developmental task – Develop the ability to act together, according to the rules. Activate children's vocabulary, consolidate knowledge about yellow color . Develop attention and sensory abilities of children.

3. Educational task – To cultivate interest in Russian traditions, to develop an understanding of the beauty and fragility of the colored egg. Cultivate interest in experimental activities.

Educator : Petrova Evstolia Anatolyevna

MKDOU d\s "Beryozka" P. Listvenichny 2015

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Guys, let's say hello.

Children sing a greeting and perform the movements.

Hello, palms! Clap-clap-clap.

Hello legs! Top-top-top.

Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack.

Hello, teeth! Chok-chok-chok.

Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop.

Hello, my nose! Pim-pim-pim.

Hello, guests! Hi all!

So we said hello, sit down on the chairs. Guys, we forgot to say hello to one of our guests. Who came to visit us?(in the basket in front of the teacher there is a chicken, a chick and an egg). That's right, a mother chicken and her chicken son came to us. Why is there another egg here, do you know? Then listen to one interesting story.

Educator: Reads G.'s story. Balla "Yellow" (text appendix 1)


1. Where did the chicken come from?(from egg)

2. What was his name? Why?(Yellow because he is yellow)

3. How you knocked Yolk in an eggshell? How did he squeak?

4. Who was the chicken afraid of?(ray)

5. Who else was woken up by the sun?(chicken-Ryzhukha, dog-Shustrika and cow)

6. How did the chicken cackle? How did the dog bark? How did the cow moo?(showing pictures by work).

The chicken was so happy that he got out of the egg and saw this beautiful world, that all the time he squealed with joy, like (ping... ping... pi, and when it’s fun They always sing and dance, let’s turn into little chickens, and I’ll be a mother chicken and dance a funny dance.

Educator : Physical education minute

The chicken went out for a walk, the children followed the teacher, flapping their wings.

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys.

Yellow chicks.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, threatening with a finger

Don't go far!

Row your paws, stomp your feet

Look for the grain, -

Ate a fat beetle

An earthworm.

Drank some water. Bend forward, arms straight. Squats.

A complete mess.

Educator : Guys, Klushi’s mother only got one chicken, butYellowfly will be bored alone, we need to help him. Where did it come from? Zheltyachok ? Yes, from eggs, look how many eggs are houses for chickens, only they are all the same, white, let's make them beautiful, bright. Look what decorations I have prepared for our houses. The egg is very fragile and can break, so hold it gently in the palm of your hand, like this (show, place on a soft napkin and carefully put on the decoration (thermal adhesives so that it is in the middle of the egg, like this(show) . Children complete the task. Sit down on a safe distance from the teacher's desk.

Educator : And now I’ll show you the magic that our decorations held tight. In this cup, very hot water, so you do not approach the table, but look through the wall of the cup. (the teacher lowers the eggs into the water one by one with a spoon when the stickers"will grab" transfers them to cold water, remove hot food from the table). (music sounds"Easter" ) Children come up, find their egg, admire its beauty and arrange they are placed on a special stand or placed in a basket with the mother hen).


When planning this classes I tried to take into account age individual characteristics children, as well as the requirements of the program and the regional component available to children of this age, i.e. Easter traditions of painting and decorating eggs, Easter games and songs.

Lesson structure selected taking into account the assigned tasks, so the main part reading classes works and questions on the text; becausecomplex lesson, then the second part is actually a creative experiment. In the middlerelaxation activitiesand switching children, physical education minutes are also used, combined with general meaning Total classes .

During the lesson tried to use a variety methods : gaming, verbal, visual. Techniques : repetition, negotiation, showing, presenting new things based on the knowledge and experience of children, colorful visual material, its diversity, musical accompaniment. I tried to make my speech emotional and colorful, my explanations accessible and complete.

Tried to comply with hygiene requirements(use of napkins, timing)and the safety of children when working with hot water.

I consider the tasks assigned tocompleted. The children's cognitive and emotional interest remained throughout the entire classes . A differentiated approach to children was carried out duringreading a work(answers on questions, individual work while decorating eggs. Children's behavior is active and interested, which shows their interest and orientation towards the zone of proximal development.


Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution, general education kindergarten “Rodnichok” with priority implementation of the physical direction of development of pupils

Girsovo village, Yuryansk district, Kirov region

Calendar and thematic planning

communication (fiction)

in 1st junior group

Girsovo village, 2012


Long-term planning in the 1st junior group is carried out according to the Main general education program preschool education in general developmental groups with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the physical direction. The program corresponds to modern tasks of preschool education, provides comprehensive development child based on his age capabilities and individual characteristics.

The program is developed, approved and implemented in educational institution based on the Charter of the MDOU, Temporary requirements of the Ministry of Education, and the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. Organization educational process carried out in accordance with educational programs. Educational programs are implemented taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Direction “Cognitive and speech development”

Educational field "Communication"

2. Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, and original works.

3. Accompany reading by showing toys, pictures, tabletop theater characters and other visual aids, as well as teach listening to works of art without visual accompaniment.

4. Accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful activities.

5. Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

6. Encourage attempts to read the entire poetic text with the help of an adult.

7. Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books. Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, and teach them to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”

Intermediate results:

1. Listen to poems, fairy tales, stories that are accessible to them in content. When reading them again, pronounce words and small phrases.

2. Look at illustrations in familiar books with the help of a teacher.


- “Program of education and training in kindergarten" - 2008

Gerbova V.V. “Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. 112 p.

Zatulina G.Ya. “Lesson notes on speech development. First junior group" - M.: Center teacher education, 2008. 160 p.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Children's adaptation

Topic: Russian folklore. "Our ducks in the morning"

Teach children how poultry calls. Develop auditory attention and correct sound pronunciation. Develop the ability to sit quietly and listen.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 12

Topic: “Kids and the wolf.” Telling a Russian folk tale.

Learn to listen, understand and answer questions asked. Develop attention, memory, perseverance. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 107-108

Topic: E. Charushin “Duck”.

Introduce children to the story, teach them to listen to it without visual accompaniment. Introduce words denoting actions into the children's dictionary. Develop perception, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in reading.

Zatulina G.Ya. With. 16-17

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: A. Barto “Truck”

Introduce children to a new poem. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Topic: A. Barto “Horse”.

Teach children to finish words and phrases. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to listen to each other. Cultivate interest in poetic works.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 52

Topic: V. Berestov “Sick doll”.

Introduce the children to the poem. Develop focused attention. Develop the ability to empathize with the characters of the work.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 52

Topic: “Turnip” - telling a fairy tale.

Learn to follow the development of action and reproduce the order of actions in a fairy tale using questions. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to act as directed. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 54-55

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: S. Marshak “The Tale of stupid mouse»

Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop perception, attention, memory, learn to look at drawings for a work. Cultivate interest in the works of S. Marshak

Topic: Reading the nursery rhyme “Like our cat.”

To teach children to listen to oral works folk art. Learn to answer questions based on content. Foster a desire to independently look at illustrations in books.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 43.

Theme: “Masha and the Bear”, arr. M. Bulatova.

Teach children to follow the development of the action and answer questions about the content of the fairy tale. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 53

Topic: S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”.

Learn to answer questions based on content by combining a noun with an adjective. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to act on a signal. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 41-42.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “Our Masha is small.”

Teach children to listen folk nursery rhyme. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate an interest in reading nursery rhymes.

Gerbova V.V., p. 67-68

Topic: G. Lagzdyn “Cockerel”.

Introduce the poem. Learn to listen and remember. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 52

Topic: A. Barto “Bird”.

Learn to listen to poetry, accompany reading by showing pictures. Develop attention, develop the ability to use expressive intonations in speech. Cultivate interest in poetry and a desire to memorize them.

Zatulina G.Ya., pp. 77-78

Topic: “Teremok” - telling a Russian folk tale. “Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo. A raven sits on an oak tree" - reading a song.

Learn to follow the development of the action, answer questions about the content of the fairy tale. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and songs.

Gerbova V.V., p. 66

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week



Topic: “Teremok” - repetition.

Teach children to listen to a fairy tale without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, the ability to reproduce phrases from familiar text, and speak loudly enough. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 82-83

Topic: “Kotausi and Mausi” arr. K. Chukovsky.

Teach children to finish words in short poems. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate an interest in reading folklore.

Gerbova V.V., p. 59-60

Topic: V. Suteev “Who said “meow”?” - dramatization of a fairy tale.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: E. Blaginina “C Good morning

Learn to answer the teacher's questions. Develop artistic perception through fiction. Cultivate responsiveness to poetic works.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 92-93

Topic: A. Barto “Airplane”.

Teach children to finish words and phrases. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 99-100

Topic: Ya. Taits “Train”.

Learn to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, listening skills, and use onomatopoeia. Develop the ability to play together and not quarrel.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 102-103

Topic: “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop attention, teach to understand the content of illustrations. Foster a desire to independently look at illustrations in books.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 85-86

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “Bai, bye, you little dog, don’t bark!”

Get used to listening to folk nursery rhymes. Learn to finish words. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to act according to the instructions of the teacher. Cultivate an interest in reading nursery rhymes.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 61-62

Topic: K. Ushinsky “Geese”.

Learn to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, onomatopoeia. Cultivate interest in the environment.

Gerbova V.V., p. 76-77

Topic: K. Chukovsky “Confusion”.

Continue to get acquainted with the works of K. Chukovsky. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Gerbova V.V., pp. 75-76

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy “Spring has come, water has flowed.”

Teaching children to listen literary work without visual support. Develop attention, memory, speech breathing. Cultivate an interest in reading.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 121-122

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: A. Fet “Willow”.

Teach children to listen to poetry, accompany reading by showing an object. Develop perception, auditory attention, memory. Cultivate interest in poetic works.

Zatulina G.Ya., pp. 127-128

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy "Varya had a siskin"

Teach children to listen and understand a work of art without visual accompaniment. Develop attention, memory, perseverance. Cultivate interest in others natural objects- birds.

Zatulina G.Ya., p. 133-134

Topic: D. Bisset “Ha-ha-ga.”

Learn to answer questions, activate your vocabulary, using onomatopoeia. Develop perception, attention, perseverance. Cultivate an interest in fairy tales and a desire to listen to them.

Gerbova V.V., p. 84

Topic: V. Bianchi “The Fox and the Mouse”.

Learn to answer questions based on content. Develop perception, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in animals, recognize them in pictures.

Gerbova V.V., p. 89-90

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week

Topic: "Snegirek" in the lane. V. Viktorova.

Teach children to memorize poems and answer questions based on the content. Develop perception, attention, memory, ability to speak with natural intonation. Nurture aesthetic feelings.

Gerbova V.V., p. 88-89

Topic: G. Ball "Yellow Boy".

Learn to listen to a piece without visual accompaniment and answer questions. Develop perception, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in animals.

Gerbova V.V., p. 87

Diagnostics of children

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “What can you make?”

To develop children's interest in the modeling process. Introduce the properties of plasticine. Cultivate neatness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 15

Topic: “Let’s bake pancakes.”

Learn to use plasticine carefully. Arouse interest in the work process. Cultivate neatness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 17

Topic: "Sticks".

Learn to pinch off pieces of plasticine from the whole, roll them lengthwise between your palms. Develop fine motor skills hands Cultivate a desire to sculpt.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: "Sausages."

Learn to roll out the “sausage” with straight hand movements. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “What is this?”

Make children want to sculpt. Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine with straight hand movements. Develop imaginative perception.

Kazakova T.G., p. 16

Topic: “Let’s treat the dolls with sweets.”

Learn to pinch off pieces of plasticine. Develop the ability to form round lumps. Cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Kazakova T.G., p. 17

Topic: "Ladder".

Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine. Learn to lay rolled out sticks on top of each other. “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “Cookies for the cat.”

Learn to roll a ball and flatten it between your palms. Develop a desire to sculpt. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: "Little snakes."

Strengthen children's ability to roll out a roller. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “Berries for birds.”

Learn to roll out plasticine using circular movements of your palms. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “Who lives in a hut?”

Continue learning to roll out a lump of plasticine with straight hand movements. Develop an interest in modeling. Foster a desire to sculpt together.

Kazakova T.G., p. 20

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: "Snail".

Teach children to fold a column. Develop fine motor skills of fingers. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: "Kolobok".

Learn to roll a ball using circular movements of your hands. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate interest in crafts.

Kazakova T.G., p. 29

Topic: “By design.”

To develop in children a desire to sculpt, to find similarities with objects and characters. Use the acquired skills.

Kazakova T.G., p. 21

Topic: “We’ll roll a snowball.”

Learn to roll out a lump in a circular motion. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate joy in the work done.

Kazakova T.G., p. 20

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “Fence for a hut.”

Continue teaching children how to roll up a column. Develop the plot-role concept. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 24

Topic: “By design.”

Teach children to find similarities with surrounding objects and characters. Develop creativity, speech, memory. Cultivate a desire to sculpt.

Kazakova T.G., p. 25

Topic: “We invite a bear, a bunny, a squirrel to visit.”

Learn to roll a ball between your palms and flatten it. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 22

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: "Snowman".

Strengthen the ability to roll out lumps using circular movements of your palms. Develop creativity. Cultivate a desire to play out the created character.

Kazakova T.G., p. 24

Topic: “Rings”.

Learn to sculpt from plasticine, rolling the strip into a ring, connecting the ends. Develop imaginative perception. Cultivate neatness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “Colored pencils came to visit us.”

Teach children to roll columns from plasticine. Develop an interest in fairy tales. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “Kitty-cat.”

Learn to create familiar shapes using the words of a nursery rhyme. Develop emotional perception and speech. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. 26

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “I will bake gingerbread cookies for my beloved mother.”

Learn to roll plasticine between your palms and flatten it. Develop the desire to independently sculpt familiar shapes. Cultivate love for mom.

Kazakova T.G., p. 27

Topic: "Turret".

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms and flatten it. Develop children's ability to play with finished products. Cultivate the desire to sculpt yourself.

Kazakova T.G., p. 27

Topic: “Bowl for the dog Bugs.”

Learn to flatten a lump of plasticine rolled between your palms and make a depression. Develop speech and thinking. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

Kazakova T.G., p. 29

Topic: "Tumbler".

Learn to divide plasticine into lumps of different sizes, roll balls, connect parts of a figure. Develop fine motor skills and imagination. Foster a desire to play with the product.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Topic: “Plate with apples.”

Learn to sculpt flat and round shapes, use the skills acquired earlier. Develop independence. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Kazakova T.G., p. thirty

Topic: “Rings for the pyramid.”

Learn to make sticks and connect their ends to form a ring. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands, strengthen color perception. Cultivate a desire to help others.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: "Airplane".

Strengthen the ability to roll up columns, teach children to accompany the words of a poem with appropriate movements. Develop speech, thinking, attention. Cultivate a desire to sculpt. “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “Favorite toys (based on poems by A. Barto).”

Learn to independently choose and sculpt according to your plan, using your existing skills. Develop creative thinking. Foster a desire to sculpt and enjoy finished products.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week

Topic: "Ay, swing, swing, swing (for a nursery rhyme."

Strengthen skills in working with plasticine: rolling, flattening, making indentations. Develop creative thinking, speech, memory. Encourage decorating work with stacks. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, p. 54-55

Topic: “What have we learned to sculpt?”

Learn how to independently sculpt the simplest forms, recognize them as images of familiar objects and characters. Develop ideas in children. Foster a desire to sculpt and enjoy your crafts.

Kazakova T.G., p. 32-33
