Mini bakery layout. Why is a mini-bakery better than a bakery? Business plan for a confectionery bakery: goals and objectives

Welcome everyone to my website! Today I have a rather controversial article topic, it relates to.

I want to talk about income and expenses of this business. I will say right away that the article is not a dogma and in each individual case the calculation will be different, since this is influenced by many factors, but the main points can still be highlighted.

Let's consider the expenses and income of a middle-class mini-bakery.

Expenses of a mini-bakery in 2015

I will divide the expenses of the mini-bakery into several main points:

  1. Temporary expenses. These will include one-time expenses that will certainly appear in the course of your activities;
  2. Fixed expenses. You will bear these expenses monthly and they will change only with small adjustments.

Temporary costs of a mini-bakery

First in line, of course, are production (one-time) expenses:

  • Oven for mini-bakery. There is no need to save money here and you need to buy a quality oven. On average, the cost of such a stove will cost 600,000 rubles. There are, of course, cheaper options, here you already look at the amount of money you are going to invest in your business;
  • Dough mixing machine. The cost of such a middle-class car is about 250,000 rubles;
  • Proofing cabinet, the purchase of this equipment will cost you 40,000 rubles;
  • Dough cutting table. There are a lot of options, average price 40,000 rub.;
  • Dough sheeter- its price is about 20,000 rubles;
  • To the flour sifter you will have to spend about 10,000 rubles;
  • Baking trolley will cost approximately 13,000 rubles.

Next in line will be the purchase of commercial equipment:

  • KKM(cash register) price from 17,000 rubles;
  • Money box- from 1,000 rub.;
  • Safe from 12,000 rub.;
  • Showcases and product storage cabinets There is so much variety and the price range is so wide that it’s hard to say. The price starts from 8,000 rubles.

Temporary expenses for a mini-bakery also include cosmetic repairs to the premises you rent (most likely rent) and a sign for it. Obtaining permission from the SES and firefighters also costs money.

Let's now look at what fixed costs Your business will bear:

Fixed expenses of a mini-bakery

  • Raw materials. I put raw materials in first place; this is where the lion's share of expenses will go; their size depends on your turnover;
  • Renting premises. If you do not have the money to purchase the premises, you will have to rent it, the rent is paid monthly and its size will depend on the size of the rented area and the cost of sq.m.;
  • Taxes- of course you need to pay taxes for your activities. We have already decided that taxation will be chosen by you, of course, carry out the calculations which is more profitable;
  • Wage. No matter how you look at it, you won’t be able to cope with the production at your mini-bakery alone and naturally you will need to hire employees who need to be paid a salary;
  • Contributions for your employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, personal income tax (if you have employees, you are required to pay contributions for them by the 15th day of the following month);
  • If you have chosen individual entrepreneurship, then you will also have to pay for the activities of the individual entrepreneur;
  • Metroweight. Perhaps this organization will be called differently for you, this organization services cash registers and, having concluded an agreement, it is necessary to pay them monthly fees;
  • Transport. The transport that will be used to bring raw materials and take away finished products must also be included in the monthly expenses;
  • Advertising. I have already mentioned in other articles that advertising is the engine of trade, especially for production. Every month you will need to allocate a certain amount of money for (image advertising);
  • Checking account. Every month they will withdraw money from you for maintaining a current account, depending on the bank you choose, from 500 to 2000 rubles.
  • Internet and telephone. I combined this group into one because nowadays they are inseparable; the amount of payment depends on the operator;
  • Electricity and water Most likely, when concluding a lease agreement, the landlord will highlight this as a separate clause due to the fact that production consumes a lot of energy and water.

That seems to be all regarding the expenses of a mini-bakery, as you can see there are quite a lot of them. It is also possible that this is not yet full list and some positions may appear. As I said earlier, this is a basis and both the cost and types of expenses may vary.

Income of a mini-bakery in 2015

Now we come to a more pleasant moment of this business - this is to sum up the earnings (income) that you can get by having your own mini-bakery.

The income of a mini-bakery is also influenced by many factors, from the location of the bakery itself to the products it produces.

One of the most profitable products that you should produce in your mini-bakery are buns; in this case, profitability can reach 50%. As for simply producing bread, the profitability here is an order of magnitude lower and amounts to about 20%.

Let's make an approximate average calculation of income from the production of buns:

For example, let’s take the following indicator: a mini-bakery processes 1 ton of flour per day and produces buns weighing 120 grams. at a cost of 45 rubles. PC.

  • Total turnover for the year - 21,895,000 rubles;
  • Expenses - 12,000,000 rubles;
  • Net profit mini-bakeries with simplified tax system 6% = 11,280,000 rubles. in year;
  • Net profit of a mini bakery with a simplified tax system of 15% = 11,480,000 rubles. in year;
  • mini bakeries in in this case about 52%.

Full business payback 1.5 years.

In the end, I want to say that 90% of the revenue and rate of return on business depends on you.

First of all, develop a dealer network (if you can call it that), look for trading partners. It might be worth hiring a couple of sales representatives.

Over time, the business will develop and people will come to you to purchase your products.

Highlight your main ones, and also take care of the quality of your products, this is what will have the greatest impact on the promotion of the business itself.

Don't forget to do market research to know weak sides competitors.

That's all! You can ask questions in the VK group "

Demand for useful and delicious baked goods, among the population, will always remain unchanged. And small bakeries can quickly adapt to the needs of their customers. Your own mini-bakery can be quite a popular enterprise. Its advantages are obvious. The baked goods are fresh all the time because they are baked often, but in small batches.

The products are distinguished by the most diverse range. Quality is increased due to small volumes and constant supervision of the preparation process. With a systematic organization of production and proper construction and approach to the consumer, such a business can bring a solid income and mutual satisfaction to both the buyer and the owner.

Relevance and prospects for the development of such business

Small mini-bakeries have much more prospects than the largest bakeries. It’s easier for them to adapt to market demand and rebuild equipment for any product. It's easier to change the recipe. And if you find a good place, select knowledgeable assistants and experiment a little with the assortment, then in two months you will be able to supply regular customers aromatic, crispy bread, dietary pastries and other delicious confectionery products. After all, many people want to buy not just bread, but healthy and fresh baked goods. For example, from sprouted grain, or from carbonated mineral water without yeast.

To start such a business, you need to find a suitable premises, purchase the necessary equipment and select smart staff. The main thing is to find an experienced, skilled baker who knows the technology. Next, if possible, you need to connect advertising, or come up with something yourself to attract customers. Business in mini-bakeries, in small areas, is especially relevant now.

My personal experience of opening a mini bakery is outlined in the following video:

Initial capital and preparation of necessary documentation

In order to open your own bakery, perhaps three hundred thousand rubles will be enough, but you can spend ten million or more.

Main cost items for creating a business (per year) in large cities:

  1. The rental price is nine hundred thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment (depending on capacity) – one million two hundred thousand rubles (one-time use).
  3. To make repairs – one hundred thousand rubles (one-time).
  4. Purchase of furniture – three hundred thousand rubles (one-time).
  5. Utility bills – two hundred thousand rubles.
  6. Payment wages, up to one and a half million rubles.

Before starting a business activity, you should officially register as an entrepreneur or establish your own enterprise. For small and medium-sized businesses there are only two ways: .

Distinctive features:

  1. The individual entrepreneur will bear legal responsibility and will risk his property, and the LLC will be limited to the size of its investment.
  2. possible without the help of a lawyer in three days, necessary documents: your passport, a notarized copy, an application for registration and a receipt for payment of the state fee. And you will need the help of a lawyer to submit and prepare documents. And a mandatory bank account, the presence of your own seal.
  3. The costs for an individual entrepreneur will be eight hundred rubles, and for an LLC - four thousand, plus the costs of a notary.
  4. In an individual entrepreneur there is a limitation on certain types of activities, but in an LLC there is a limitless scope of activity.
  5. Accounting calculations are not required for individual entrepreneurs, but are necessary for LLCs.
  6. You can dispose of income at your own discretion, and in an LLC, revenue should be distributed no more than once per quarter (payment of interest to community shareholders).
  7. An individual entrepreneur is not needed, and the LLC will count the minimum wage.
  8. Few people agree to cooperate with private owners, but even large companies and joint-stock communities work with LLCs.
  9. Reselling a business will be difficult and inexpensive, but an LLC will do it very quickly and profitably.
  10. Powers of attorney from individual entrepreneurs must only be notarized, but this is unprofitable and takes a very long time, and LLCs will be taken everywhere.

You must choose the option that suits you; the vast majority choose individual entrepreneurs.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Documents required to open a bakery

To start running this business, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. The sanitary and epidemiological decision on production and products is approved completely free of charge by the Rospotrebnadzor institution, but only with the results of the examination.
  2. Certificate of Conformity - issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  3. The decision of the fire inspectorate on compliance with fire safety requirements.
  4. Permits for the supply of equipment, premises, personnel, etc.

Drawing up a business plan

Opening a bakery is a business that will require large investments at first.

Initial costs will require considerable capital investment. This means that before opening a bakery, you need to calculate all the likely costs, risks, possible competitors -.

First, let's look at a sample business plan:

  1. First, we deposit 1,135,000 rubles.
  2. Monthly income will be 540 thousand rubles.
  3. Revenue 58,400 rubles.
  4. It turns out that such a business may pay off only in two years.

If we imagine this in more detail: let’s take, for example, an urban-type settlement with a population of about two hundred thousand people. Here you decide to open a bakery, with an assortment of about ten different types of baked goods.

First you need study competitors. If the village puts more emphasis on baking bread, then we will focus on cookies and cakes. It’s better to open a business as an individual entrepreneur, but you definitely need to conduct Accounting and it is better to hire an experienced accountant.

The business plan includes the operating hours of the bakery. Since these will mainly be night shifts from 23.00–11.00, you need to draw up shift work. For example, work three in three, or two in two days. Sales workers work from 6.00 to 17.00. From five days working week and one day off.

Choosing a direction

Numerous bakeries, small private workshops, supermarkets, etc. are engaged in the production of bread and other baked goods. It will be difficult to compete with them, especially with small initial investments. But this is the case if you are thinking of opening a standard confectionery or bakery.

And in order not only to stay in this market, but also to come up with a type of enterprise that will turn out to be competitive advantage, you can, for example, reduce the range of some products and bake no more than eight items. And all baked goods should be different from those sold in most stores and stalls.

Preparing the premises

Choosing the right location for a mini-bakery is the key to your success in the future. There should be no other similar establishments near you - these are your competitors. If you are thinking of selling bread directly from the bakery, then the place must be a “pass-through” place. And if you limit yourself to production, then it should be well-appointed and practical in all respects.

To locate a basic set of equipment you will need an average of 80 square meters. m. area, a lot depends on the assortment. Some products will require special equipment, tables, which means the area should be larger.

Of course, you will need running water, a toilet, ventilation, etc. You will need a separate warehouse for storing raw materials and a separate room for baking and a packaging workshop.

Equipment preparation

High-quality equipment and highly qualified workers, required condition for a successful process. All equipment is divided into basic and additional. The main elements include: dough mixing machines, dough sheeters, proofers, ovens, refrigerators, flour sifters. Additional items include storage shelves, molds, packaging machines, sinks, scales, knives and much more.

For a small mini-bakery you will need the following equipment:

  • oven RUB 800,000;
  • dough mixer RUB 280,000;
  • flour sifter RUB 20,000;
  • pastry table 4,000 rubles;
  • electric mixer RUB 4,000;
  • equipment for proofing dough RUB 55,000;
  • machine for rolling out dough 40,000 rubles;
  • hood RUB 20,000;
  • blender RUB 3,000;
  • electric stove 25,000 rub.

The approximate amount will be about a million rubles. You just need to immediately consider what kind of dough you will be working with: yeast, biscuit, puff pastry. The focus of the equipment needed for purchase will depend on this.


Finding personnel is not an easy task. After all, the work of a qualified baker is low-paid, but at the same time very difficult. On average, a baker earns up to nine thousand rubles, and a technologist even less, about six thousand per month.

To produce thousands of kilograms of baked goods per day you will need:

  1. production technologist;
  2. two bakers;
  3. cleaning woman;
  4. packer (if necessary);
  5. loader;
  6. driver;
  7. accountant (it is better to take it under a contract).

All workers are required to undergo a medical examination (having a medical record).

Promotion methods

When you create a business plan, you need to immediately worry about implementation. You can open your own store, or you can sell through other commercial outlets, and not necessarily only in the village, you can also outside it. There are bakeries that cooperate quite safely and successfully with wholesalers.

They buy baked goods and deliver them to tents, stalls, and shops. This option is not bad at all, because you can work without worrying about sales. And you can focus on increasing the range and quality of products.

You can trade “on wheels”, it is much cheaper than renting a store. In the regions, starting a trade from a car is much easier than, for example, in the capital. You can first rent such a van and then buy it. You only need permission from local authorities.

Calculation of payback, profit and expenses

In order for the business to be profitable, you need to do the following work: conduct your own marketing research of the bakery products market, study the demand, price, volume and range of your main competitors. Calculate the main quantities of future production. This is done so that you can get maximum income from your bakery.

The main factor that will affect your revenue is the cost of the main components. And the quality of the finished product will be affected by: the level of equipment, the technological process, the composition and properties of the ingredients.

Let's calculate according to initial information.

Average price of raw materials for making bread and other products:

  1. Premium flour per 1 kg – 13.80 rubles.
  2. Flour of the first – 13.40 rubles.
  3. Second flour – 12.00 rub.
  4. Rye flour – 11.40 rub.
  5. Sugar – 20.40 rub.
  6. Yeast – 30.50 rub.
  7. Salt – 4.60 rub.
  8. Vegetable oil 1 liter – 62.00 rub.
  9. Margarine 1 kg – 44.00 rub.

The productivity (P) of a bakery baking Borodinsky bread (0.9 kg), with one PKhP-6 oven, is ninety-six kilograms per hour.

Volumes for the year (YA) 360 days in two shifts, twelve hours each will be: GO = P x 12 x 2 x 360.

The productivity of the oven is derived from the following calculation using molds for baking Borodino bread (0.9 kg) and a trolley.

GO = 96 x 12 x 2 x 360 = 829,440 kg of bread.

Second grade flour 50 kg. Price per kg 12.00 rub. total cost 600 rubles.
Rye flour 50 kg. Price 11.50 rub. Cost 575 rubles.
Yeast 1.5 kg. Price 29.50 rub. Cost 44.25 rubles.
Salt 5 kg. Price 4.50 rub. Cost 6.75 rubles.
Result: weight about 150 kg costing 1230.00 rubles.

Yield according to this recipe: about 150 kg. For 1 kg of product, the cost will be approximately 8.9 rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the costs of electricity, utility bills and rent. workers based on six people will be about eight thousand rubles per month per person.

As a result of all calculations, the bakery’s payback will be from ten to eighteen months.

A bakery as a business is an opportunity to realize your wildest ideas, so the question arises: how to open your own production, is it profitable or not to bake and sell bread yourself?

The production of bread and bakery products is a process that will always find its consumer. How many famous sayings are dedicated to this hearty and tasty product! People living in the former space Soviet Union, they eat absolutely everything with bread – it’s both tastier and more satisfying.

Fresh bread in big city It's quite difficult to find today. Most people are accustomed to purchasing this product in supermarkets, where its quality does not always match necessary requirements. There is no need to talk about the variety of baked goods in such stores - it is unlikely that you will find a fresh, still warm bun with which you can please your family.

A bakery can be found in almost every major city and even small town. Large enterprises cover a vast territory, which is why it is much more difficult for them to comply with all the preferences of their consumers - there is an emphasis on mass production and providing all categories of citizens with bread that is in demand.

At the same time, the profitability is obvious - private production and reaching fewer people will help satisfy the needs of almost everyone, while giving the consumer the right to choose from a fairly large assortment. Having your own bakery can be a real gift for both a small village and large city, where people have long missed fresh baked goods.

Relevance and prospects

Bakery is a multifaceted process that requires detailed market research and good advertising. If the quality of your product is high and the location of the store is convenient, the consumer himself will make good advertising - information will be passed on by word of mouth, and a random passerby will not be able to pass by.

Mini-production is profitable because it is much easier for it to adapt to the immediate desires of customers and rebuild its equipment. Baking bread can be just the beginning of a large business - the store should not be limited to only this product.

The key to successful trading will be assortment. Every person wants to pamper themselves not only plain bread, suitable for any dish, but also original baked goods, dietary products and confectionery. In this case, the quantity of baked product will depend on demand.

The bread business will be successful if you have chosen the right premises not only for preparation, but also for selling the product, provided it with the necessary equipment and raw materials, and, of course, found a baker who can be considered a master of his craft.

A creative approach doesn’t hurt - experiment, add something of your own to production, and very soon your brand will become recognizable, and product production will reach full scale. new level.

As a sample you can download it for free.

Starting capital and documents

A bread baking business requires an initial investment - you will have to fork out money for renting premises, purchasing equipment, and wages for employees. All costs will depend on the scale of production you plan. For a small bakery, three hundred thousand rubles can often be enough, but with increased volumes the amount can increase several times.

At the initial stage, it is important to understand the calculations related to starting production. Home business will require a much smaller amount than a full-fledged bakery. Costs for the year will consist of the following categories:

You can register as individual entrepreneur and open your own enterprise on simplified terms, or you can expand opportunities and create a company with limited liability. Planning and expenses are not much different, but each type has its own characteristics:

  1. A sole proprietor is legally responsible for the operation of the business and will suffer serious financial losses if the costs and profitability of the baking business are high. If the business is profitable, the project is justified.
  2. Registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur occurs without the intervention of lawyers in a short period of time, and a limited liability company requires the services of a lawyer.
  3. as an individual entrepreneur it is much cheaper at the stage of registration and registration legal entity.
  4. It is much easier to bake yeast-free bread and any other product and sell it by registering it as an LLC. This way you can easily change your field of activity without limiting your capabilities.
  5. Bakery products produced under the LLC design will receive greater interest from partners.

This makes it much easier for a businessman to deal with the registration and, if desired, liquidate the business.


It is important to collect the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the completion of the examination and establishing compliance sanitary standards.
  • Certificate of conformity allowing trade in homemade bakery products.
  • Documents received from the fire inspectorate on the fire safety of premises.
  • Permits for the supply and sale of raw materials, products, bread machines, large production equipment.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents immediately after paying the rent, as this will reduce the time before opening the project and will allow you to realize your ideas as soon as possible.

Choosing a direction

In order to decide on the type of activity and correctly calculate your strengths, you need to take care in advance about the direction in which your company will operate.

Today, a mini-bakery is the best option, if only because large enterprises have long occupied the niche of such trade. If you have small expenses, you can take your business to a larger scale, but for this you need to develop a project in detail.

If there is a large-scale production of a product in the city, and your plans include baking an analogue, it is unlikely that you will quickly receive good profit and you can take away the client. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the project, reduce the cost of goods and wages to employees.

One of the popular trends is considered to be a mini-bakery, which produces unique products that are very different from those produced by a large brand. For example, baked goods do not have to be sweet - many people use cheese, garlic, and even meat products.

The best option would be to combine a bakery with a cafe or fast food restaurant, where customers can not only purchase fresh buns, but also enjoy them in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the menu should include a complete lunch for all categories of consumers, including small children. Don't forget about dietary products.


Starting even a mini-bakery from scratch is quite difficult, since you will have to do absolutely everything from scratch - look for a suitable premises, carry out repairs in it, necessary communications and connect equipment.

It is not profitable to set up a small production in a large space - if you have a lot of unused space, you will simply spend extra money on rent. The room must be suitable in size and type.

At the same time, it is worth thinking about household places where employees can spend personal time during lunch, as well as a locker room and a bathroom in which all communications for washing hands and cleaning hair will be carried out.

From a small room, you can make a sale through a small window or a mini-hallway - this way you will save space, but will be able to perform all the functions of the organization, comfortably serving customers. A project with small ovens does not require a large space, but bread from a Russian oven and bread from a tandoor require separate rooms for production.

High-quality equipment, just like a good premises, is the key to the success of your organization. You can purchase it gradually as needed and possible, or you can purchase it all at once. The small bakery project involves the following positions:

Item name approximate cost
1. Bake 800,000 rubles
2. Dough mixer 280,000 rubles
3. Flour sifter 20,000 rubles
4. Pastry table 4000 rubles
5. Electric mixer 4000 rubles
6. Dough proofing equipment 55,000 rubles
7. Dough sheeting machine 40,000 rubles
8. Hood 20,000 rubles
9. Blender 3000 rubles
10. Electric stove 20,000 rubles
Total: 1246000 rubles

It is not recommended to purchase low-quality equipment, as it jeopardizes not only the product, but also fire safety. In addition to the above, you will have to purchase additional furniture, display cases and cash registers to sell products.

Video: how to open a bakery – step-by-step instruction.


The employees of the bakery and the adjacent store are people who will provide the consumer with a tasty and high-quality product, as well as polite service at the time of purchase. At the same time, each employee must know his job well so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. Pay attention to education, work experience and availability of a health certificate.

Note! Without a valid health certificate, specialists are not allowed to work.

Among the key employees that should be in every bakery, the following positions should be present:

  1. Production technologist.
  2. Cleaning woman.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Bakers.
  5. Loader.
  6. Packer (optional).
  7. Driver.
  8. Salesman.

Payback directly depends on both production technology and the type of product produced by a particular enterprise. At the same time, you should not save on advertising and equipment - these are the factors that guarantee you a profit in a short time. Payback calculations must be made in advance so as not to lose money; for this it is recommended to hire a qualified specialist.

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People will always eat. Therefore, some businessmen are considering running their own business exclusively in the catering industry. Fast food sales points are growing like an avalanche. There are two development options in this direction: purchasing a ready-made franchise or implementing your own concept.

The second option is preferable. The “raw” business model will require a lot of effort from the entrepreneur, but it also has its advantages. For example, there is no need to pay a lump sum fee or royalties. A good idea for your own business is to open a mini-bakery.

Is it profitable to run a bakery?

Yes, it's profitable. This business is characterized by profitability of 50-60% and constant demand. Bonus - mobility. The owner of the enterprise can change the product range and adapt to demand. This will allow you to quickly meet customer needs without incurring additional expenses. With a decrease in public interest in baguettes or exotic varieties of bread, you need to reorient yourself to the production of confectionery products and puff pastries.

The diagram is based on information from Rosstat. At the same time, industry experts predict an increase in the share of bakeries in supermarkets and small private enterprises to 20 and 16%, respectively. Another trend is also noticeable. The Russian population is increasingly interested in “European” baked goods: ciabattas and baguettes.

Stages of opening a mini-bakery

Starting a business takes place in several stages. This applies to entrepreneurs developing their own model. When purchasing a franchise, most organizational tasks are transferred to the shoulders of the partner. A dilemma arises: on someone else’s project or should you still “promote” your own? It's better to take the second path. Before launching his own model, a businessman must draw up a clear step by step plan. It must be followed strictly. It looks like this:

  • Business registration.
  • Selection of premises.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Personnel search.
  • Purchase of raw materials.
  • Establishing sales channels.

Business registration

There are many forms of running your own business. For beginning entrepreneurs who do not operate with large capital, two are suitable:

  • limited liability company;
  • individual entrepreneurship.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to weigh the pros and cons in advance. This approach will help avoid a lot of mistakes and problems in the future.


This form of business is suitable primarily for those who work in partnership with other citizens. Future preferences are distributed depending on the share of participation of each founder in the authorized capital of the company. Registering an LLC is more difficult. To register with the tax authority you must provide:

  1. Charter
  2. Foundation agreement (if the company has 2 or more founders).
  3. Minutes of the founders' meeting.
  4. Application for state registration.

You need to additionally open a current account and form an authorized capital. Registration authorities also require the provision of documentation to the legal address of the company, for example a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises. The state fee for opening an LLC is 4 thousand rubles. On average, registration time (including collection and preparation of documentation) takes 1 month.


Everything is simpler here. A businessman needs to fill out the appropriate application on form P21001, pay a state fee (800 rubles) and provide a copy of his passport. After receiving the registration certificate, the next step in the plan is to choose a tax system. A simplified system is perfect for individual entrepreneurs. There are two options:

  • 6% of income.
  • 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

The first type is simpler for calculations, but in case of large monthly costs, the second one is also applicable.

Important: The difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC lies in the form of liability. An entrepreneur, in case of problems with his activities, risks all his property, and a limited liability company only risks the amount of its authorized capital. For beginners in business, it is recommended to open an individual entrepreneur.

Selection of premises

For a mini bakery right choice premises is key stage plan. The main criterion is cross-country ability. The turnover of an enterprise directly depends on traffic. For this type of business there are 3 placement options:

  1. Rent in a shopping complex.
  2. Pavilion at the bus stop.
  3. The apartment is on the first floor of a residential building.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. A detailed comparison will help you make your final choice.

Rent in TC

There are many advantages. For example, a businessman does not need to undergo a fire inspection, since this has already been done by the owner of the premises. The rent (from 300 rubles/m2) directly depends on the popularity of the shopping center and the location of the bakery inside the hall. This is what is considered the most accessible for beginning entrepreneurs. The disadvantages include:

  1. Adjustable operating mode.
  2. Competition within the shopping center itself (sometimes several individual entrepreneurs of the same focus are located in one complex).
  3. Problems with future expansion.
  4. Limited power grid capacity.

The low price eliminates these shortcomings. Therefore, merchants often locate their business there.

Pavilion at the bus stop

This type of activity requires serious investments. The price for making a pavilion reaches 6-12 thousand rubles/m2. The problem also lies in coordinating the location of the mini-bakery with the city administration. It will not be possible to simply install production at a bus stop with a lot of traffic. The entrepreneur independently obtains permission from the SES and fire inspectorate, negotiates with power engineers about the allocated capacities and connection to the network. The advantage is independent adjustment of the operating mode. Some shopping malls open only from 9 am, but you can set the pavilion’s schedule yourself, taking into account the intensity of traffic during the day.

Apartment on the ground floor

For beginners in business who do not have great financial resources, this method of doing business is not suitable. The advantages are the same as those of a pavilion at a stopping point; the disadvantages include the high cost of doing business. In a city with a population of over a million, rent for premises on the ground floor of a residential building does not fall below 30 thousand rubles. This has a negative impact on business profitability.

Important: from personal experience Entrepreneurs are advised to stay in pavilions at the bus stop; at the start of work, renting from a shopping center is also suitable.

Equipment purchase

A mini-bakery will require different equipment. You can make your choice only after setting the range of baked goods. Basic set includes:

  1. Convection oven.
  2. Proofing cabinet.
  3. Dough mixer.
  4. Flour sifter.
  5. Stainless steel tables.
  6. Dough forming machine.

Conventionally, all equipment is divided into two types: domestic and imported. The difference between them is the price and functionality. Showcases, refrigerator, cash register are not included in the list. In this case we're talking about only about specific equipment for preparing bakery products.


Italian convection ovens are popular in the baking business. They differ in build quality and variability of operating modes. Manufacturers provide extended warranties for many models. The equipment is expensive. When compiling financial plan this expense item will become the main one.


Bakers often have complaints about the build quality of their equipment. The final functionality of domestically produced equipment also raises doubts. A small cost will allow you to open it, but in general, over time, the stoves will have to be replaced with imported ones.

Important: You can save additional money by searching for used equipment. Sometimes this solution is the only way out for those new to baking.

Recruiting staff

Personnel decides everything. The phrase is hackneyed, but relevant for any business. The mini-bakery was no exception. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the quality of personnel training. All bakery workers must have health certificates and undergo periodic medical examinations. Ignoring this requirement will result in penalties and closure of the business.

Who to hire?

To organize a bakery you will need:

  1. Manager.
  2. Technologist.
  3. Minimum 4 bakers with sales functions.

The entrepreneur himself often becomes the manager. It is not economically profitable to hire a separate accountant to keep records. It is better to delegate the solution of these tasks to outsourcing companies.

Important: You cannot use the services of third-party specialists without concluding contractual obligations.

Where to look?

There are many options for finding employees. These include:

  1. Labor exchange.
  2. Internet.
  3. Acquaintance.

It is recommended to act in several directions at once. To reduce costs at the initial stage, workers without experience are sometimes considered. Such a technique is possible provided that the entrepreneur himself understands the basic technological processes. Often bakeries are the second stage of a simple process - making cakes to order.

Salary fund

Important: with a fixed salary, the financial fund is formed with a reserve of 2-3 months.

Purchase of raw materials

The purchase of products for subsequent processing must be carried out taking into account the capacity of the mini-bakery itself. You cannot skimp on quality; in the future, this will directly affect demand among the population. Customers will quickly appreciate the drop in taste characteristics and simply stop buying the product. The preparation of bakery products is carried out using two methods:

  1. From basic raw materials.
  2. From semi-finished products.

Each business model has advantages and disadvantages. Both options need to be taken into account and considered when drawing up a reopening plan.

From basic raw materials

This method is cheap, since the entrepreneur independently searches for suppliers and selects the terms of the contract. The added value is maximized. If prices fluctuate at one wholesale base, you should start collaborating with other companies. The quality of bakery products directly depends on the established technological process and recipe.

From semi-finished products

When opening a mini-bakery, beginners often choose ready-made semi-finished products as raw materials. This is especially true for enterprises focused on the production of puff pastries. With this approach, businessmen also save on equipment (the need for a dough mixer, flour sifter and dough-forming machine disappears on its own). Costs for starting a business are reduced. But there are also disadvantages. The technologist cannot control the quality of the product. Suppliers do not warn about changes in the recipe for preparing semi-finished products. Customer dissatisfaction will result in a decrease in demand and profitability.

How to open a bakery - step-by-step video instructions

How to establish sales channels?

Creating sustainable demand is the basis for the success of any business. The statement is also typical for a mini-bakery. The main flow of customers is formed by natural traffic. Therefore, it is important to choose the right location for the enterprise. Non-standard moves will also help increase speed. For example, some novice entrepreneurs enter into contracts for the supply of finished bakery products directly to the addressee. In the future, such clientele will bring a significant share of income. Therefore, contacts with counterparties should be maintained constantly. A correctly composed .

Don't forget about outdoor advertising. The placement of a sign on the facade of the building is agreed with the administration of the shopping center. The owners of their own pavilions in this issue much more freedom of action. Some cities have strict architectural requirements. The nuance must be taken into account.

An increase in demand is also observed in online trading. To form such a sales channel, you will need to develop a website, hire a manager to accept incoming applications and enter into an agreement with courier service. Delivery is sometimes carried out independently - in this case, the purchase and maintenance of the car should be included in the expense part of the plan. will help reduce the costs of contacting web developers.

Bakery business plan

Drawing up a final financial model is a complex and responsible process. Prices for opening a mini-bakery vary greatly. If there is insufficient funding and the need to strictly monitor all costs, it is recommended to use only equipment from local manufacturers and rent premises directly from the shopping center. The main total expenses will look like this.

  1. Production equipment:
    • convection oven - 30 thousand rubles;
    • proofing cabinet - 32 thousand rubles;
    • dough mixer - 32 thousand rubles;
    • flour sifter - 25 thousand rubles;
    • dough forming machine - 92 thousand rubles;
    • stainless steel tables (2 pcs.) - 4 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerator - 10 thousand rubles;
    • other (knives, etc.) - 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Retail store equipment:
    • cash desk - 12 thousand rubles;
    • acquiring - 20 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerated confectionery display case - 57 thousand rubles;
    • regular display case - 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Design and advertising:
    • street pillar - 2 thousand rubles;
    • sign - 2 thousand rubles;
    • decoration, staff clothing - 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Room renovation(without hiring third parties) - 20 thousand rubles.

These expenses are basic. You also need to take into account monthly rental expenses (for shopping malls). Minimum price retail space- 300 rubles/m2, construction of the pavilion will cost from 6 thousand rubles/m2, while the lease of land is agreed upon with the administration settlement in advance. The employee salary fund is not included in the basic values, since a piece-rate payment system is implied. For individual entrepreneurs, you need to take into account the need to make annual payments to the Pension Fund.

Let's sum it up

A mini-bakery business is expensive. The average payback for an enterprise occurs after 6-8 months of operation. The final figure depends on traffic, assortment and quality of products. Marketing policy also plays a key role. Entrepreneurs select scrupulously and carefully, but this is far from a panacea.

Success will come with an established system feedback with the client. The manager is required to have clear control over all business processes, right down to identifying the needs and preferences of customers. This approach will allow you to achieve a confident profit and scale your activities (for example, by increasing the number of retail outlets).