By speech a person learns the meaning of a proverb. Proverbs and sayings: meaning and meaning It is better to sing together and speak separately

1. It’s good to sing together, but talk separately.
2. Good speeches nice to listen to.
3. He talks day until evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
4. People are recognized by speech.
5. Think first, speak later.

It's good to sing together, but talk separately. It is appropriate to sing together, but if everyone speaks at the same time, then no one will understand anyone. The proverb teaches you to respect your interlocutor.

Good speeches are pleasant to listen to. Smart, beautiful speech meaningful, logical. When a person speaks intelligently, it is pleasant to follow his train of thought.

He talks all day until evening, but there is nothing to listen to. He managed to waste a lot of time without saying anything sensible, he was talking idle talk.

A person is recognized by his speech. Speech can tell a lot about a person, his knowledge, intelligence, and culture.

Think first, then speak. Before you speak, think about it.

  • What kind of speech do you think is called good?

Smart, beautiful speech, well presented, reasoned, rational, expressive. It clearly shows the correspondence between the topic and the content, and the idea is clearly and convincingly presented.

  • Write down one of the proverbs from memory. Test yourself.

Answers in Russian. 3rd grade. Textbook. Part 1. Kanakina V. P.

Answers in Russian. 3rd grade

Kanakina. 3rd grade. Textbook No. 1, ex. 3, p. 7

When, at what times, did proverbs appear, these verbal pearls with the help of which the truth is learned?

Each nation has a unique collection of short instructive judgments, short parables called proverbs. They contain the flexibility of mind, the character, morals and customs of the people, the strength of their language. In proverbs - developed life experience a practical philosophy passed down orally from one generation to the next. Proverbs appeared many centuries ago.

The proverb is full of thought, good nature and concerns all aspects of a person’s inner life; at the same time, it is distinguished by its expressiveness, accuracy, causticity, humor and, as they say, everyone should shake it on their mustache.

For the proverb, all classes and beliefs are equal, both rich and poor, and smart and stupid, in a word, it is equally strict and fair to everyone. The proverb touches everyone briefly, frankly and with mockery. Although sometimes she is not too picky in the way of expression, one should not strictly condemn her for this impudence: after all, the proverb, for the most part, originated not in salons, but in the crowd of people. The Germans, for example, cleverly called proverbs “area wisdom.”

The strongest moral link connecting people of one nation is, undoubtedly, language, and therefore a comprehensive study of it is necessary to become familiar with inner life people. The need for such acquaintance is especially manifested nowadays in the widespread desire for ethnographic research.

A good knowledge of proverbs can contribute to both serious philological study of living languages ​​and familiarization with the character and characteristics of each individual nation.

Not everyone will remember this or that poem or tell a fable, but everyone will find a place for a proverb in their speech.

What is a proverb? A proverb is a set of rules of life, a product popular thought, folk art. A chimney sweep, a shoemaker, a learned mathematician, a tailor, a baker are the people of these various professions and provisions were the creators of proverbs. How? They exchanged what “lives in their language.” And so witty judgments, apt expressions, and true cunning appeared.

IN modern period, a period of contradictions and the search for truths, there is a place for objective thought of the distant past. Each era gives birth to its own proverbs. Some are forgotten immediately, others are polished and occupy their niche in the language for a long time.

What is the meaning of proverbs in Russian?

The study of proverbs is a method of improving language, a method of learning its grammatical, phonetic and other features;

Studying proverbs helps to become more deeply acquainted with the culture of the country, understand the way of thinking and life of people;

Proverbs enrich people’s speech, they sparkle and weave like lace;

A number of proverbs are a response to historical events, from them we can study the era and social relationships.

Study the proverbs - “their glory reaches to the ends of the universe.”

The tongue brings and takes away trouble. (Agulskaya)

Don’t start a conversation without a meaningful word. (Mansi)

It is not difficult to shine with eloquence, but it is difficult to perceive eloquence. (Hindi)

Don't be afraid of the gun, but evil tongue. (Abkhazian)

A short speech has a lot of meaning. (Tatar)

IN in short words - great importance. (Kyrgyz)

It all depends on the person: who turns words into deeds, and who turns deeds into words. (Abkhazian)

To express a thought in many words is the work of an apprentice, in fewer words it is the work of a master. (Georgian)

It's easy to say, but difficult to do. (Abkhazian)

Speaking words to a person who does not understand them is the same as throwing grain on the horns of a cow. (Kalmytskaya)

A dirty tongue shortens your life. (Abkhazian)

For a fool, even a golden word has no value. (Karakalpak)

A fool is mistaken for a smart one until he opens his mouth. (Slovak)

If you are afraid, don’t speak, but I said, don’t be afraid. (Abkhazian)

If the wife's tongue were shorter, the husband's life would be longer. (Moldavian)

If thoughts are dirty, then speech is poisoned. (Adyghe)

If you don’t want to hear bad things, don’t allow yourself to be bad in your speech. (Adyghe)

If you do not strictly control your speech, she will throw a lasso around your neck. (Adyghe)

If you are human, defeat me with a word. (Karakalpak)

Evil tongue - evil heart. (German)

An evil tongue is snake venom, and kind word they give their soul. (Uzbek)

An evil tongue will burn its own mouth. (Kyrgyz)

True wisdom is clarity and simplicity. (Abkhazian)

As is the head, so is the speech. (Lithuanian)

He who talks a lot does little. (Abkhazian)

He who talks a lot will confuse a lot. (Abkhazian)

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly. (Abkhazian)

An extra word bores a man; too much wine takes away his legs. (Abkhazian)

A bird of prey is recognized by its beak, a person with a sharp mind is recognized by its words. (Kalmytskaya)

It's better to have your legs tangled than your tongue. (Abkhazian)

He who thinks a lot speaks little. (Abkhazian)

Much said is idle talk, stinginess of speech is wisdom. (Buryat)

A thoughtful word is more valuable than pearls. (Karakalpak)

Honey will not make your tongue sweeter. (Abkhazian)

Careful speech is a strength, careless speech is a headache. (Turkish)

The father of the word is the mind, the mother of the word is the language. (Karakalpak)

A bad tongue brings a bad reputation. (Abkhazian)

You'll hit one with a bullet, but apt word- in a thousand. (Russian)

The speeches of the good are a storehouse of nectar, the speeches of the evil are the source of suffering. (Hindi)

The words of a wise man are chatter to a fool. (Abkhazian)

Speak your word to someone who will appreciate it. (Abkhazian)

An evil word will come out of your mouth and come back to your head as a disaster. (Balkan)

First, see who is listening to you, and then start your speech. (Armenian)

An intelligent person convinces with words, an evil person acts with his fists. (Tibetan)

A good person is recognized by the beginning of his speech. (Kalmytskaya)

A good word will not be forgotten for centuries. (Mansi)

A good word pacifies evil, a bad word embitters. (Mordovian)

A good word is half the happiness. (Karakalpak)

A good story shortens the journey. (Abkhazian)

Language is the scales of the mind. (Tatar)

Is your tongue friend or foe? (Gandhi)

A person's tongue can hurt and heal. (Abkhazian) Related posts:

1) Proverbs and sayings about words

It’s not for nothing that they say that a proverb is folk wisdom. Our ancestors, when creating proverbs, tried to put into them all their experience accumulated over the years and convey everything that happened to them. Proverbs reflect all topics of human life and activity: there are proverbs about the Fatherland, about religion and spiritual norms, about the seasons, about teaching, about family. They contain all the power of popular thought. In addition, proverbs contain a message to descendants about behavior, knowledge, observation of society and reasoning on eternal problems being.
It is impossible to find words to describe the depth of human prudence, prudence and wisdom that is contained in such short sayings. I believe that any of us needs to take an interest in proverbs, because they make speech more lively and vibrant, and they themselves are considered the abode of wisdom. It is necessary to remember them for the rest of your life, because “the proverb is not said in vain.”

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