Proverbs about wealth and poverty. Abkhazian proverbs about wealth, greed and poverty - πάπυρος The soul of a rich man is cheaper than a penny.


Non-covetousness was, in a certain sense, the ideology of the working man of Ancient Rus'. Its essence was the predominance of spiritual and moral motives of life behavior over material interests.

The popular understanding of non-covetousness is expressed in proverbs: “don’t take too much, don’t spoil your pocket.” Don’t destroy your soul” or “Don’t hoard your belly (wealth), and don’t waste your soul.” A person should not strive for wealth or hoarding; a person should be content with little. “Extra money means extra worries”, “Money is a worry, a bag is a burden”, “You can’t live without bread, and you can’t live on bread (not on bread, material interest)”, “You won’t live on bread alone”, “ He has bread for his belly and lives without money.” Indeed, “why bother your soul if you have something to live with” (eat bread). “I can live without money, as long as I have bread”, “I sleep better without money”, “ Better bread

with water than a pie with misfortune.”

“Drink me, Lord, in a small bite,” the peasant prays. “Eat half-full, drink half-drunk, and live a century to the full.” There is nothing to envy others, says the Russian peasant and emphasizes: “Looking at people to live (that is, not according to income) is to cry at yourself.”

Rejecting acquisitiveness and hoarding, carefully and with dignity accepting wealth and money, the working person puts forward his ideal - the ideal of modest prosperity, in which he can live tolerably himself and help his loved ones. “He is rich who does not know need”, “We will not be rich, but we will be well-fed.”

In the consciousness of the Russian person, the concept of prosperity and satiety is associated only with labor, work, and personal merit. “As you work, so do you eat”, “As you are (how we work), so are the sleighs”, “As is the crotch, such is the hat on him”, “Such is the hat for Senka”, “As is Martyn, such is his altyn” ( earned so much).

“Trouble will give birth to money,” the working person persistently repeats, “Money is like stones - it weighs heavily on the soul,” “Money is dust,” “Money cannot buy back the soul” - or another version of this proverb: “Money is dust, well, it’s in tartararah." From here it is clear what gave F. M. Dostoevsky the right to write that the Russian people turned out to be, perhaps, the only great European people, who resisted the onslaught of the golden calf, the power of the money bag.

Among the peasant sages and experienced people there were truths, the ideological and moral content of which, translated into modern language, was something like this: “Man’s wealth does not consist in money and comfort, not in expensive and convenient things and objects, but in the depth and diversity of comprehension of the essence of existence , acquiring the beauty and harmony of the world, creating a high moral order.”

No, money is not a fetish for a working person. “It’s better to give than to take.” “God forbid you give, God forbid you ask.”

A special question is raised about the attitude towards other people's property and the results of other people's labor. To encroach on them is a terrible sin. “It’s better to collect from around the world than to take someone else’s.” “It is better to ask for Christ’s sake than to take it from behind a bush.” “An earned loaf is better than a stolen loaf.” “Although patched, but not grabbed.”

For a Western European burgher, Russian folk proverbs calling for compassion for the property of others would probably seem monstrous nonsense. “Don’t take care of your own, take care of someone else’s.” “Take care of someone else’s, and take care of yours as you know.” But in fact it was so - they took care of other people's property with more zeal than their own.

“Don’t count money in someone else’s pocket.” “Have pity on someone else’s, God will give his own.” “He who desires someone else’s will lose his own.” However, the Russian worker also says this: “Don’t forget what’s yours, and don’t neglect someone else’s.” “I will stand for what is mine, but I will not take someone else’s.”

Do you remember how Herzen, in his book “The Past and Thoughts,” talks about a peasant who categorically refused to take too much from him? In the hut where Herzen stopped to spend the night on his way to exile, the peasant fed him dinner. When it was necessary to pay for the meal in the morning, the owner asked the exile for five kopecks, and the smallest coin he had was two kopecks. The peasant refused to accept this coin because he considered it a great sin to take more for dinner than it was worth.

The writer V. Belov rightly notes: “In the old days, many people considered God’s punishment not poverty, but wealth. Their idea of ​​happiness was associated with moral purity and spiritual harmony, which, in their opinion, was not facilitated by the desire for wealth. They were proud not of wealth, but of intelligence and ingenuity. Those who were proud of wealth, especially not acquired wealth, but inherited wealth, were disliked by the peasantry.”

A person who thinks only about his personal material interests is unpleasant to the soul of a peasant. His sympathies are on the side of those who live according to conscience, justice, and simplicity of soul.

The classic Russian fairy tale about three brothers - two smart and the third a fool - ends with the moral victory of the unmercenary, non-covetous, simple-minded younger brother of the “fool” over the materialism and practical wisdom of the older brothers.

“...Perhaps, many Russians especially disliked sacred people, notes M. Antonov, because English political economy caused a special aversion to them, since in Rus', since ancient times, the understanding of wealth, divorced from morality, has not been instilled...”

The Russian people treated wealth and the rich, hoarding with hostility and great suspicion. As a working man, he understood that “from righteous labors you will not earn stone chambers.” Although it would be wrong to think that he was driven by a feeling of envy. No. Simply acquiring wealth beyond one's needs, accumulating all kinds of goods beyond measure did not fit into his scale life values. “Do not boast about silver, boast about good things.”

Many people believed that any wealth is associated with sin (and of course, not without reason). “Wealth before God is a great sin”, “The devils forge money for the rich”, “Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich”, “There are many sins, and there is plenty of money”, “If you don’t be in hell, you can’t make wealth”, “I saved money , but I bought something that wasn’t easy,” “I saved, I saved, and I bought the hell out of it!”

Hence the conclusions: “It is better to live poor than to get rich through sin”, “Unjust gain is of no use”, “Unjust gain is fire”, “Unjust gain is a waste, unrighteous acquisition is dust”, “Stinginess did not come from poverty, but from wealth” .

So, the working person treats the rich with great distrust. “Wealth is akin to hubris,” he says. “The rich man does not remember anyone, he only remembers himself,” “Cancer has a claw, but the rich man has a purse,” “A rich man is like a horned bull,” “The rich man does not buy his conscience, but destroys his own.”

At the same time, the peasants somehow sympathize with the rich man, seeing in his position a moral inconvenience and even inferiority. “The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored,” “The rich man can’t sleep, the rich man is afraid of the thief.” And for the moral education of a child, wealth in the popular consciousness brings direct harm. “The wealth of parents is a spoiler for children,” “The father is rich, but the son is unsuccessful.” Sometimes hostility towards the rich even extends to curses: “We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich man!” says one of the popular proverbs.

Thrift and thrift are more consistent with his ideal of modest income. “Thrift,” he says, “is better than wealth,” “A thrifty person is better than a rich person,” “Thrift is half of your salvation,” “Stock doesn’t break the bank,” “Stock doesn’t fix troubles.”

“A small loot, but a big save - you’ll live a lifetime”, “A penny for a penny - a family will live”, “A penny at home saves a ruble”, “It’s better to take care of your own than to live through someone else’s.” “Keep your daily life based on industry and production”, “People do not get rich by coming, but by spending”, “Throw your goods behind, you will find yourself ahead”, “Whoever wastes is not on that path.”

“It’s not about godfather, but we need to take it and take care of it,” the sensible owner teaches. “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll fill up a box,” “Fluff after feather, and a feather duster will come out,” “In general, the stock will not spoil the bag,” “If you put it further away, you’ll take it closer.”

Thrift is strongly encouraged. But hoarding, the greedy acquisition of material objects, is considered a sin, because, as the people believe, “a soul is worth less to a stingy person than a penny.” The stingy and miserly, just like the rich, are suspected of colluding with the devil. “The miser saves - the devil stashes his purse”, “The devil stashes his purse - the miser fills it”, “Whoever wants money does not sleep all night”, “Stingy as bees: they collect honey and die themselves.” People said about such people: “His teeth are frozen from stinginess,” “You can’t borrow ice from him at Epiphany,” “Every penny he has is nailed down with a ruble nail.” And the general verdict is this: “God will shorten the age of a stingy man.”

Condemning money-grubbing, hoarding, greed, stinginess and unjust wealth, the people's consciousness is condescending towards the poor, and moreover, sympathizes with them. Apparently, the image of a poor man is more consistent with popular ideals than the image of a rich man. “Poverty is a sacred thing”, “The naked man has the same soul”, “The naked man is not a thief; poor, but honest”, “Rich, but crooked; poor and straight”, “Better is a righteous poor man than a poor rich man.” “The poor are not a vice, but misfortune”, “Even though your purse is empty, your soul is pure”, “Hungry and naked are right before God”, “Poverty teaches, but spoils happiness”, “Wretchedness teaches, wealth spoils”

Thrift and thrift are more consistent with his ideal of modest income. “Thrift,” he says, “is better than wealth,” “A thrifty person is better than a rich person,” “Thrift is half of your salvation,” “Stock doesn’t break the bank,” “Stock doesn’t fix troubles.” “A small loot, but a big save - you’ll live a lifetime”, “A penny for a penny - a family will live”, “A penny at home saves a ruble”, “It’s better to take care of your own than to live someone else’s.” “Keep your daily life based on industry and production”, “People do not get rich by coming, but by spending”, “Throw your goods behind, you will find yourself ahead”, “Whoever wastes is not on that path.” “It’s not about godfather, but we need to take it and take care of it,” the sensible owner teaches. “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll fill up a box,” “Fluff after feather, and a feather duster will come out,” “In general, the stock will not spoil the bag,” “If you put it further away, you’ll take it closer.”

Source: Platonov O.A. Russian labor, M., 1991

1. The rich one did a funeral for both his father and stepfather, and the poor one did it for his to my own father couldn't do it.
2. Poor, but proud, he doesn’t have a horse, but he raises his leg in the stirrup.
3. A large tree produces a lot of chips.
4. When you are in need, you will receive help from no one you expect.
5. The gentleman gave him a horse, but the groom did not allow it.
6. A hungry person knows the value of bread.
7. Debt cannot be paid with thoughts.

8. For the hungry, salt and pepper food.
9. The one who had the only cow gave her a jug to urinate.
10. The wake was such that the dogs passed by the food.
11. Patience is wealth.
12. If you are rich, then death will be delayed.
13. If the neighbor is wealthy, then yours will remain for you.
14. The rich man’s dog is also praised.
15. Whoever guests visit, his cauldron does not empty.
16. He who does not know the measure of his belly will be disgraced.
17. When a poor man becomes rich, his wife dies.
18. The well-fed man thought that his comrades were also full.
19. What is missing can be expensive.
20. What the happy man gains, the unhappy man lives.
21. What the unfortunate man collected, the happy one took away.
22. The mind of a noble poor man does not kill.
23. Go to bed without eating - get up without debt.
24. They don’t laugh at the ugly, they don’t smile at the poor.
25. The orphan and churek will bake without fire.
26. The wealth collected by the unfortunate went to the fortunate.
27. In search of what I didn’t have, greedy man what he had, he lost.
28. Do not be related to those who are rich, and do not shun those who are poor.
29. Why “yours” and “mine” are better.
30. Wealth is dominance.
31. Those who had gold died of hunger, those who had a harvest remained.
32. The one to whom you are in debt is your king.
33. Spending little is difficult, but spending a lot is easy.
34. Knew how to take it away, know how to bring it.
35. The more difficult it is to acquire wealth, it is more difficult to save it.
36. Even wealth is destructive for a fool.
37. The guy may be poor, but he is conscientious.
38. Kindness without mind is emptiness.
39. He who went broke while selling became wiser when buying.
40. A good person makes no mistakes.
41. Fame is better than wealth.
42. Tears cannot pay off a debt.
43. Whoever is waiting for someone else’s dinner will be left without breakfast.
44. Wealth of mind is no substitute.
45. When wealth ends, intelligence increases.
46. ​​You won’t earn a ruble without spending a penny.
47. What fell, pick it up, but what was thrown, don’t take it.
48. Fear poverty, but it has come - do not retreat.
49. Two beggars cannot enter the same gate.
50. He who shares his piece will not go hungry.
51. The earth does not like those who ask for alms.
52. Do not allow a hungry person to look into your barn.
53. Those who are accustomed to taking away cannot give.
54. The grave is narrow for the greedy.
55. When you are sick, you feel sorry for yourself, but when you recover, you feel sorry for yourself.
56. The one who always asks is not shy.
57. When the poor man was given flour, he asked for a cauldron.
58. A greedy person recalculates his income a hundred times.
59. Whose house burned down, he spared the ashes.
60. When the fools were digging a well, they didn’t know where to put the earth.
61. A beggar is not afraid of poverty.
62. The cunning one who gives with one hand takes away with two.
63. A miser will also extract oil from water.
64. For a beggar, Easter does not come.
65. Any shoe fits a beggar’s size.
66. Whoever didn’t have money, looked for his wallet.
67. Having regretted fifty dollars, I paid a ruble.
68. Where there are many merchants, there are many poor peasants.
69. Whoever was shaking over someone else’s piece and didn’t finish his own.
70. When you are poor and the priest is deaf to you.
71. The disease of stinginess is incurable.
72. The priest rejoices at the death of the rich.
73. The beggar’s bag has no bottom.
74. An orphan has a house without a roof.
75. He who does not have his own trembles over someone else’s.
76. He who is poor in soul will not be helped by wealth.
77. There is no drought for a beggar.
78. A poor man’s guest will not be left without talking.
79. An orphan and an orphan in Paradise.
80. Happiness comes with wealth, poverty comes with grief.
81. A poor man is not afraid of thieves.
82. A hungry and fearful person does not have a restful sleep.
83. The spool is small, but expensive.
84. The church had not yet been built, but the beggars had gathered.
85. A beggar stands under the windows in heaven.
86. The poor man's fast has no end.
87. Everyone helps the rich, but no one helps the poor.
88. A rich miser is worse than a beggar.
89. Be related to the rich.
90. A miser has no debts.
91. Where stinginess is, friendship is powerless.
92. A rich and stupid person does not need advice.
93. A poor man does not visit a stingy man.
94. No one notices the death of a beggar.
95. A beggar knows a stingy one.
96. A beggar has many gates.
97. A beggar has nothing to hide.
98. There are no unfamiliar paths for a beggar.
99. Poor people milk their cow even without a calf.
100. The wealth of a beggar is health.
101. When you become rich, remember what you ate when you were poor.
102. To the one who pays his debts on time, everything is lent.
103. Whatever you borrow from a poor person ahead of time, return.
104. The relatives of the poor man dress him when they bury him.
105. They beat the beggar and did not allow him to cry.
106. The poor man, having become rich, burned a candle during the day.
107. For a rich man, Easter days never end.
108. The rich man boasts about his money, the poor man boasts about his children.
109. The poor man leaves a sweet piece for last.
110. Wealth is deaf, poverty is blind.
111. The poor man knows the misfortune of the beggar.
112. Dinner for the hungry is delicious.
113. Hunger has a short conscience.
114. The poor man knows what wealth is worth.
115. He who has nothing has short hands.
116. Fear poverty rather than death.
117. No one hears the sighs of the poor.
118. The rich man seeks beautiful things, the poor man seeks warm things.
119. The rich feed the poor with crumbs.
120. Greed degrades, modesty adorns.
121. A beggar’s penny rings like a bell.
122. The crying of an orphan makes water boil.
123. Don’t be proud of the fact that you are rich today.
124. When you are hungry, everything is delicious.
125. The rich become boring.
126. And a poor son is rich for his mother.
127. A poor man dries his wet clothes.
128. The greedy eyes are hungry.
129. In the poor man's house they are carried away by songs.
130. He who chased a stranger had to share his own.
131. A beggar’s gold is colorless.
132. A poor man does not believe a beggar.
133. A greedy dog ​​is put on a yoke.
134. Wealth and happiness cannot happen together.
135. All the poor man can do is twirl his mustache.
136. A persistent debtor and a persistent mutualist are worth each other.
137. A thief does not regret stolen wealth.
138. What you cannot say from wealth and what you cannot eat from poverty.
139. Grief does not leave the poor man’s door.
140. A poor man has meat - there is no fire, if there is fire, there is no meat.
141. Greedy and the sea is sorry.
142. If you don’t quickly use what a bad nobleman gave, he will demand it back.
143. It is better for a bad belly to burst than for good food to remain.
144. The poor man found a treasure, but couldn’t find a place to hide it.
145. He who eats in secret will not be satisfied.
146. For a blind cat, even a skinny mouse is fat.
147. Who does not go to visit, and does not like the guest.
148. Alamys is more valuable than all wealth.

Note: Alamys is the totality of all higher moral qualities person: honor, dignity, nobility, love of freedom, conscience, sense of duty, fidelity, chastity.

The rich man sits at a feast, but the poor man wanders in the world. Russian proverb

The rich create as he wants, but the poor do as he can. Russian proverb

A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier. Japanese proverb

Even if anyone is rich, everyone respects a fool. Russian proverb

You can't tell a rich man from a thief. Russian proverb

They see off the rich so that they don’t fall, and the poor so that they don’t steal. Russian proverb

The rich do not match the poor.

Russian proverb

It’s hard to be rich, but it’s no wonder to be well-fed. Russian proverb

A rich man's soul is worth less than a penny.

Russian proverb

For the rich it is pleasant to live, for the poor it is difficult to breathe. Indian proverb

The rich are happy even in hell.

Russian proverb

The devil rocks a child for a rich man.

Russian proverb

For the rich to go to court: tryn-grass, for the poor: off with your head. Russian proverb

The rich do not feel sorry for the ship, but the poor do not feel sorry for the wallet. Russian proverb

The rich man cannot sleep: the rich man is afraid of the thief. Russian proverb

It's a dirty trick for the rich, but joy for the poor. Russian proverb Heaven for the rich and hell for the poor.

Russian proverb The rich eat sweets, but sleep poorly. Russian proverb

The rich have calves, and the poor have boys. Russian proverb

Wealth decorates a home, virtues decorate a person.

Chinese proverb

Wealth without health is nothing.

English proverb

Wealth is the goal of a fool, virtue is the goal of a wise man. Indian proverb

Wealth is water: it came and went.

Russian proverb

Wealth is dirt, intelligence is gold.

Russian proverb

Wealth, like need, destroys many. English proverb

Wealth with money, wealth with fun. Russian proverb The mind gives birth to wealth, but need knits the cheeks. Russian proverb, the poor - at the expense of their work. Russian proverb

The rich got up before us and snapped up everything. Russian proverb

The rich do not spare the poor.

Tuvan proverb

The rich are not the poor's brother. Russian proverb

The rich don't believe the poor.

Russian proverb

The rich man wonders how the poor live. Russian proverb

The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays. Russian proverb

The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored.

Russian proverb

The rich do what they want, and the poor do what they can. Russian proverb

The rich come from money, and the needy come from invention. Russian proverb

The rich do not know the difficulties of the poor, the well-fed do not know the torments of the hungry. Chinese proverb

The rich do not swallow gold, the poor do not gnaw stones. Russian proverb The rich wear what he wants, and the poor wear what he can. Russian proverb

If you take someone who is rich, they will reproach you; if you take someone who is smart, you won’t let them say a word. Russian proverb

The rich man eats kalach, but the poor man has no bread.

Ukrainian proverb

The rich man feels sorry for the ship, the poor man feels sorry for his crutch. Russian proverb

Great wealth turns a man into a dog.

Dargin proverb

If you are rich, you will also be stingy.

Russian proverb

I will be rich, I will be horned; whoever I want to beat up. Russian proverb Good happens, but not everyone cares. Russian proverb

In a fight, the rich man protects his face, the poor man protects his caftan. Russian proverb

Everyone knows how a rich man earns money: not with his own back, but with the labor of others. Ukrainian proverb

There was a lot of money - the hut became cramped, the old wife became ugly. Tajik proverb Peace of mind

better than wealth. Bengali proverb

Many guests follow the rich bride. Norwegian proverb

He who is rich is Panama's brother.

Ukrainian proverb

It's better to be an honest poor man than a rich scoundrel.

German proverb

Don't save, you'll die and everything will remain. Komi

Not to live with wealth, but with man. Russian proverb

Proverbs and sayings

Trouble with money is trouble without money.

Trouble will find the poor man, even if the sun goes down.

The wind keeps blowing in the poor man's eyes.

No matter where you throw it to the poor man, everything is upside down.

For the poor to live with the rich - either to cry or to grieve.

Poverty is not a vice, but twice as bad.

Poverty is not a vice, but worse than misfortune.

The poor man is happy with the shirt, but the rich man shuns the jacket.

The poor man sweats, but the rich man drinks his blood.

Ermoshka is rich - he has a dog and a cat.

The rich create as he wants, but the poor do as he can.

The rich man went to the feast, but the poor man wandered into the world.

We didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start with.

The rich man is seated at the table, but the poor man is seen off anyway.

For the rich, water flows uphill, but for the poor, even in the valley, a well must be dug.

The sins of the rich are forgiven, but the poor are punished anyway.

The rich man even cares about children.

Even the devils thresh peas for the rich.

For the rich it is a waste of time to go to court, but for the poor it is a waste of time.

The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.

The rich are never guilty.

The rich man whispers to his godfather, and the poor man whispers to his godfather.

The rich man eats kalach, but the poor man has no bread.

The rich man strives to knock the poor man off his feet.

For the rich it is profit, but for the poor it is destruction.

There was abundance here, but the lack was taken away.

If Foma had money, he would be good, but if he doesn’t, everyone shies away.

If there was money, there would be a bag.

If there were pigs, there would be lard and bristles.

The dumplings just fall into your mouth.

One pocket is empty, and the other is also not full.

It's getting dark in one pocket, and dawning in the other.

He walks in boots, but the footprints are bare.

All people look at the same sun, but they eat more than one.

Everyone knows how a rich man earns money: not with his own back, but with the labor of others.

Where money speaks, truth is silent.

The need for invention is cunning.

The fly is rolling.

Money is not a god, but it is half a god.

Money sin is for the rich.

Money is enough for money.

Money goes to money.

Money is like health: it begins to be felt when it is not there.

Money is manure: today it’s gone, but tomorrow it’s a load.

Money is not what is earned, but what is spent wisely.

They love money.

Good is a gainful thing.

A rich man would eat money if the poor man did not feed him bread.

If there is money, then go to the pile, if there is no money, then go to the schema.

For money, the devil will read a prayer.

If money speaks, then truth is silent.

The hen pecks every grain, and the whole yard is covered in droppings.

A rich man is like a horned ox.

Strength is not in wealth, but in black hands.

You won't get rich with an ax, but you will get sad.

Next chapter >

Poverty cries, wealth gallops.
Without a penny, fame is not good.
Without money - a slacker.
Without money - skinny everywhere.
Without money - and a skinny okolnichik (or: and everyone is skinny).
I can’t live without money, I can’t live without bread.
Sleep better without money.
Those who save money live without need.
Without a ruble - crazy.
Without an owner - money is shards.
Lack of money before money.
God loves faith (or: truth), and money is an account.
Timoshka is rich, and the keel is as big as a basket.
The rich spoon is a ladle, the poor spoon is a paddle.
The rich man has a home everywhere. The rich are not the poor's brother.
For the rich, everything (or: every day) is a holiday.
Everything is preferable for the rich.
It's a holiday for the rich.
A rich man doesn't even want to die.
The rich man cannot sleep: the rich man is afraid of the thief.
The rich man has to live with grief.
The rich eat sweets, but sleep poorly.
The devils forge money for the rich.
Wealth dies, but poverty lives.
Wealth will be loved, and the mind will open up.
The wealth of parents is damage to children (or: punishment for children).
Wealth with horns, poverty with legs (horns - arrogance).
Wealth is akin to arrogance.
The mind gives birth to wealth (or: the mind gives).
The rich, then hello, and the poor, so farewell!
A rich man is like a horned bull: he cannot fit into a narrow gate.
A rich man lies - no one can stop him.
The rich man does not grieve, but grumbles.
The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored.
The rich man does not remember anyone - he only remembers himself.
The rich are fat, the poor are skinny.
The rich man does not buy his conscience, but destroys his own.
The rich man grieves in semi-grief.
The rich will buy the mind; The poor guy would sell his own, but they won’t take it.
Even if a rich man lies, it will be good for him.
The rich have a ruble, and the poor have a forehead.
The rich are not praised (that is, they are not praised), but what does he have to do?
If you are rich, you will also be horned. The one who is rich is the one who is horned.
If you are rich, you will also be stingy.
If there were papers, there would be cuties.
If there were trinkets, there would be dancers.
If you don't go to hell, you can't get rich.
The purse is thick, but the house is not empty.
He's not strong in the shoulders, but he's broad-shouldered.
In a full bag - my brother; in a half bag - cousin;
Suddenly it's thick - suddenly it's empty.
After all, I’m not falling for a rich man, but for God (if they don’t believe in God).
A big pile won't get boring.
The most fun thing is to count your money.
The whole truth is in the score.
Where the water was, there it will be; Where the money goes, it will accumulate there.
Where there is a lot of water, there will be more; where there is a lot of money, there will be more.
There are a lot of sins, and plenty of money.
Give me a penny and put a pig in the rye - you will be good.
Give me a penny, you'll be good.
If you make money, you will live without need.
No money - before profit; an extra penny before death.
There is no money, so the pillow under your head does not rotate.
There is no money, and there is no business (i.e., no hassle).
Money is a prayer that a sharp razor (that is, will shave off all sins).
Money pave the way.
Money mana (or: small), sets the fog.
Money is not God, but saves (or: but has mercy).
Money is not God, but it is half a god.
The money of the ruble protects, and the ruble guards the head.
Money is wings. Money is wings.
Money makes money (or: gives birth, forges).
Money and stone are hammering.
Money is pouring in.
The priest will buy money and deceive God (that is, the priest will hide his sins).
There is no reason for money (i.e. it is always an expense).
Money can't buy your soul.
Money is a time of trouble.
Money is iron, and clothes are decay.
Money is a concern, a bag is a burden.
Money is a touchstone.
Money is a squabble, and without it it’s bad.
Money is lost, but without it there is schema.
Money is like jackdaws: everyone flocks together.
Money (or: Bread) and belly (i.e. livestock), that’s how the woman lives (i.e. rules by tax).
I saved money, but it wasn’t easy and I bought it.
Money is better than an agreement (i.e. give in cash).
Money is not the head: it’s a matter of gain.
Money is not a sliver (that is, count it and save it).
Money is not splinters, it is strong.
Money is a piece of cake: just blow on it and it’s gone.
They love money.
Money is strong. A few hundred are complete.
The money is poured in fours (raked in with a shovel).
Money is like water. Wealth is water: it came and went.
Money is like stones: it weighs heavily on the soul.
Keep the girl in the dark and the money tight.
Good Martin, if there is altyn.
The good land is full of waste; bad land is an empty purse.
Bread is precious if there is no money.
To the fool there is torment, to the wise there is honor (i.e. money).
He doesn’t even need to die (he lives in such contentment).
If it is in the barn, it will be in your pocket (and vice versa).
If it is in the purse, so will it be in the kneading bowl.
If you have a penny, so will there be rye.
There is something on the threshing floor, there will be something in the bag.
There are relatives (i.e. money), and so it goes like God.
If you have something to clink, you can also grunt.
There is something to eat, so there is someone to listen to the owner.
Pearls are measured with garnets (or: they are poured).
Zhira (i.e., walk) does not suffer: he walks in boots.
Lives in Vyatka, but walks in single file.
It depends on who keeps the money.
They live, they weigh in gold (that is, in contentment).
To live in goodness and in redness is good even in a dream.
You can’t exchange one rich man for a gang of beggars.
Good value for money everywhere.
If you want good, sprinkle (or: sow) silver.
Why should a rich man die?
Why go to Varvara, it’s like it’s in your pocket.
Gold (or: Moshna) does not speak, but does a lot (or: but works miracles).
Gold is weighty, but it pulls upward.
Gold floats on water too.
The golden hammer and iron gates forge (or: unlock).
And money for the master, sir.
And it’s poor and timid; and rich, but crumbly.
And the poor man steals, but God forgives him.
And the doors of the rich are ashamed of the poor.
And the truth sinks when gold floats.
And give birth - pay, and bury - pay!
And don’t say a word, just show me a penny (that is, they will understand).
And it happens that I’m not happy about the money either.
Get to know the man with the money. Money loves art.
Ir Kresu is not a comrade.
Just as money helps in times of need, it can help in times of trouble.
Like cheese rolling around in butter (or: bathing).
As it is in the hangar, so it is in your pocket.
Kalita brother, Kalita friend; is in the wicket, so is the godfather in the kuta (i.e., away).
When money speaks, then truth is silent.
If a rich man speaks, there is someone to listen.
Kopeyka is driving the convoy.
I saved and saved, and damn it, I bought it.
The horse is fed, and so is the good; The man is rich and smart.
Warmth for the shaggy, nakedness for the hungry.
Crosses and rings are the same money.
He who is rich is my brother.
He who lives in goodness walks in silver.
He who is strong and rich is good at fighting.
If you grab a bite, you pay a ruble; If you eat your fill, you won’t finish.
Extra money means extra worries.
Mammon is oppressive, and sleep is numb.
A copper ruble, and a pound of paper.
Less money - less hassle.
A lot of money means a lot of hassle (or: worries).
A rich man is like a horned bull.
A rich man shovels money.
The man is not a brewer, but he brews beer; does not forge money, but lends it (i.e., rich).
The gates are wide open for the rich, and the gates are locked for the poor.
There is no sign on the money (or: tamgas, boots, i.e. you won’t know how or by whom they were acquired).
The money has the royal seal on it.
at the bottom of the bag - in matchmaking; but if there is no one in the bag, there are no relatives.
For your share in the will.
There is always a request for this product (i.e. money).
A nag does not hoard gold.
Cash is magic.
Not rich, but overpriced.
He's not rich, but he lives a little too well.
It is not the rich who feeds, but the fat one.
They don't accept heaps of money. Count and then rake.
It was not money that made us rich, but we made money.
I don’t bow to Grandma Varvara, I have mine in my pocket.
The head is not wise, but the bottle is full.
The man is not wise, but the kitty is vigorous.
Stinginess did not come from poverty (or squalor), but from wealth.
If you don't turn your head away like a nag, you won't be rich.
Don't ask from the rich, ask from the rich.
Not fluffy, but sits softly (about a Cossack saddle cushion in which money and other loot are placed).
In the end there are not a few thousand.
It’s not only good that there’s a lot of silver.
It is not the poor who owe, but the rich.
Don't boast about silver, boast about good things.
Money is not a thing; thing is the mind.
Don't make any noise, naked, if Marco drinks.
Not in your pocket, but in the hangar.
There is no product against the truth (i.e. money).
Neither a horse without a bridle, nor wealth without a mind.
not nice to anyone (or: hateful to everyone).
Poverty is stronger than wealth (joking).
The beggar seeks diseases, but they themselves go to the rich.
Why bother someone who has something to live for?
One hand in honey, the other in molasses.
He lights his pipe with banknotes.
He now sucks his paw (that is, he lives on fat).
Not all of it is here: half of it is in the ground (that is, the money is buried).
stay. Cold and need - there are none worse.
Out of abundance, the elder builds a cell.
It will not decrease from the account (increase: but from the shortage it decreases).
The father is rich, but the son is unsuccessful.
The dog is shaggy - he is warm; the man is rich - good for him.
It’s not hard to give, but it’s more difficult than where to get it.
Catch someone with a golden fishing rod.
Pour full - live richly.
The house is full, and the mouth is full.
After God, money comes first.
With money, Panfil is dear to all people; no money Panfil
When you are full, remember hunger, and when you are rich, remember poverty.
Warm up a place, a place.
Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich.
Cancer has a claw, but a rich man has a purse (that is, he drags).
Be born, be baptized, get married, die - give me money for everything!
Rozhey is unpretentious, and a bag of grub.
Moneylenders in the next world are hot dimes with bare hands consider.
Ruble - mind; and two rubles - two minds.
There is a ruble - and there is a mind; no ruble - no mind.
I'm nice with money, hateful without money.
I’m not a judge myself, but my dad is rich.
You won’t get bored counting your money.
Holy money will beg.
The power and glory of wealth are obedient.
Make money, save money.
As much as you want. There is everything your darling wants.
To the word there is faith, to bread there is measure, to money there is counting.
Death appears in the belly (i.e. property).
The sable blanket is at your feet, and the pillows are drowned in tears.
Count - don't bother afterwards.
Our affairs began to improve: the earth became richer from seeds.
All you have to do is grunt and blurt out money - everything will happen.
The pig is full, but eats everything; The man is rich, but he saves everything.
It’s good for those, it’s good for others, but it’s not bad for us, if our pockets are full.
But money can’t buy intelligence - those who don’t have money.
The one who is smart is the one who is richly (or: red) dressed.
He is wise who has a strong pocket.
The horsetail is skinny, and the horsetail (bread) is stout.
For the rich, everything is sweet, everything is smooth.
A rich man has a beard with a broom, a poor man with a wedge.
The rich man is in debt for everything, the rich gentleman is in debt for everything.
The rich devil has children.
A rich man's money is like a scumbag's.
His owner's pot went missing (that is, it was secretly buried with money).
Whoever I see has money, I don’t hear my soul.
Whoever has the ear has the voice.
The young man has some gold, and the red girl has some silver.
He has no money and no chickens to eat.
His caftan is lined (i.e. rich).
It has a lining more expensive than a caftan (from the custom of sewing up money).
Fomushka has money - Fomushka-Foma;
Fomushka doesn't have any money - Fomka-Foma.
The poor man fears God and the rich man, but the rich man (for the time being) fears no one.
The poor man is angry with the rich man, and follows him without a hat.
The poor one is bored, the rich one is overcome by boredom.
An agreement is better (or: more expensive) than money (that is, so as not to argue later).
Fish for gold.
Fish on a silver hook.
My mind is dull and my wallet is tight.
Foma is a big croma.
Bread and belly - and he lives without money (that is, he can live).
Bread and water, but not pie with interest.
There is a measure for bread, and a count for money.
It's good for those who have money to flaunt.
Hood Roman, if your pocket is empty.
More often the score, stronger the friendship.
Tears flow through gold.
What's nicer than a hundred rubles? - Two hundred.
Whatever you step on is a penny; step over - another; but if you start mincing around, you won’t be able to cover it with a ruble.
What kind of money does the old woman have? Everything is a pretty penny.
What a step is a hryvnia. Whatever you step is a simple ruble.
Silk does not tear, damask steel does not fray, red gold does not rust.
This is a monetary sin (that is, it can be corrected with money).
As good, as naked, as there is nothing (addition: besides simplicity).

Proverbs sayings about wealth for schoolchildren, sayings about poverty and wealth, Russian folk proverbs for children about Wealth. Proverbs about Wealth are short.

Folk wisdom (sayings about wealth, signs about wealth and poverty). _ A nearby penny is more expensive than a distant ruble.

Happiness does not lie in wealth.

The rich have their own quirks.

The rich man cannot sleep; the rich man is afraid of the thief.

The devils forge money for the rich.

A rich man would rather hang himself than part with his goods.

Wealth will be loved, and the mind will open up.

Rich, but not a brother to God.

The richer you are, the happier you are.

The poor in thought become richer.

The wealth of parents is a spoil for children (or: punishment for children).

You can't take wealth to your grave.

Wealth with horns, poverty with legs (horns - arrogance).

Let your soul go to hell, you will be rich.

Wealth is akin to arrogance.

Wealth will not save a person from death.

Poverty is not a vice, but it is a big disgusting thing.

Honor is not given to wealth, but to work.

A rich man is like a horned bull: he cannot fit into a narrow gate.

The rich are not the poor's brother.

The rich man does not grieve, but grumbles.

The rich wear what he wants, and the poor wear what he can.

The poor thing struggles like a fish on ice.

We are not rich enough to buy cheap things.

The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored.

The poor are poor everywhere.

The mind gives birth to wealth, but the latter takes away poverty.

The rich man does not remember anyone - he only remembers himself.

The rich will not buy his conscience, but will destroy his own.

The rich man does not buy his conscience, but destroys his own.

The poor will regret it, the rich will laugh.

The eye will not be satisfied with sight, nor the mind with wealth.

Wealth and material well-being have excited the souls of people at all times. And therefore folk wisdom replete with folk sayings about wealth and money. Proverbs about poverty, sayings about poverty and wealth, folk wisdom about poverty.

Signs about Wealth

Folk wisdom (signs about wealth).

If you suddenly get itchy left hand- this is for wealth, money.

You can't whistle in the house - your wealth will go away.

To increase your wealth, start important things on the new moon.

You can’t transfer money from hand to hand, it’s better to put it somewhere so as not to give away luck from your hands.

Poverty not a vice, but without a fur coat it’s cold.

The poor fellow is rich in honor.

There is someone to beat and scold, but no one to feed.

The rich man expects mischief, and the poor man awaits joy.

The rich man wonders: how does the poor live?

Rich, strong and powerful; and cancer is a claw.

The rich create as he wants, but the poor do as he can.

Everyone respects a rich man, even a fool.

Every burden is heavy on an empty belly.

A hungry person would take a bite out of a stone.

The gruel is lean, and even without cereals.

Not everyone has enough supplies; you can live with kvass, and sometimes even water.

Eat cabbage soup with meat, but no, just bread with kvass.

To the request of the poor, the ears of the rich are deaf.

Now on an empty stomach, tomorrow on an empty stomach, and dragging a cow from the yard.

Hunger kills and drives us around the world.

His dogs ate oatmeal, and ours looked at them through the backdrop.

Prosperity is the mother, poverty is the stepmother.

Where are we going with the end-to-end snout and in the cloth row!

If only there was a pot, it would be in the pot, but we’d find a tire.

It’s hard to get a caftan, but they’ll sew a shirt at home.

And then it happened that we ate porridge, and now we go to prison in honor.

Every kind of chip hits poor Zakhar.

Some in damask, some in brocade, and we in canvas - along the same bridge.

A hungry man will cross the field, but a naked man will not move.

I love the thick stuff more, but I can see the thick stuff even at home.

Hunger does not make your stomach swell, but it will teach you to walk easily.

The caftan is new, but the holes are old.

The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.

I don't care about fat - I wish I could live.

Need writes its own law.

The cow also gets used to rye straw.

He who has not seen need does not know happiness.

Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest.

I went to Barefoot for boots.

You can’t knead it thickly, like the barn is empty.

They will teach good people flog a dead horse.

And the rich man even sheds tears for gold.

The poor man often looks around, even though they don’t call him.

For the poor, a piece is worth a whole slice.

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