Predictions by Pavel Glob. What allowances are available to Russian pensioners?

Barring the possibility of serious illness or the most unthinkable thing in the 21st century - the disruption of elections, Vladimir Putin will end 2108 in the Kremlin after being re-elected in elections in March, extending his presidential powers for another six years, thanks to which he will rule Russia until 2024 of the year.

Even if the election results are virtually certain, how Putin wins will influence developments in next year. With no real opposition candidates running, he is assured of victory, but as political apathy grows, the Kremlin is concerned about turnout, and low turnout will ring alarm bells.

The only opposition politician conducting a real election campaign, Alexei Navalny, was not allowed to participate in the elections, and the Kremlin will do everything to ensure that the oppositionist does not “overshadow” the victory with calls for a boycott of the vote and nationwide protests.

Navalny has galvanized a new generation of young supporters, and decisions will have to be made about how tough to take if he does bring people to the streets.

The last time Putin returned to the Kremlin in 2012, the event was accompanied by mass protests in Moscow and other cities. The response was more aggressive nationalist and conservative rhetoric aimed at consolidating the majority of Russians against a defiant liberal minority.

Coming through this election cycle, Putin will look for new ways to renew his rule in Russia and keep his popularity high. And this may well again lead to an increase in nationalist rhetoric. In addition, it is quite possible that repressive measures against corrupt regional officials will be tightened - not so much because of a real desire to end corruption, but because of the need to show that Putin is “above the fray” and is trying to rein in his subordinates.

Despite being in power for 18 years, Putin has still managed to remain in the eyes of many Russians as a man who fights the system rather than patronizes it. As in new era moderate oil prices and Western sanctions, resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and the struggle within the ranks of the elite may intensify.

At the international level, much will depend on events in Washington. Both Donald Trump and Putin appear willing to come to the negotiating table and perhaps strike big deals, but with Washington viewing Russia as politically dangerous and undesirable, it is unlikely that Trump will be able to take the relationship further than mutual slapping shoulder. If Robert Mueller continues to uncover sensational facts in his investigation into the alleged collusion, the Kremlin's reputation could further deteriorate.

In Europe, governments everywhere will continue to be wary of Russian interference, and Putin may feel like he is overreaching, although the Kremlin will continue to act as a lightning rod for those countries and leaders who are dissatisfied with the West. There is also a possibility that Putin will become a key link in a deal with Iran and Turkey on the future of Syria. In doing so, he would largely bypass the Americans and provide a significant victory for Moscow, given its military intervention in the country's affairs, thanks to which President Bashar al-Assad was saved.

For a month next summer, the world's attention will be on Russia as it hosts the FIFA World Cup. Before winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi, Russia began to hope that, thanks to its success, the international community would once again respect it as a major world power. This time, neither side has such hope.

Nevertheless, the fact that Russia has placed a bet on the World Cup is a serious initiative. And even if the Russian team is unlikely to achieve success, judging by its latest performances, Russia's success in resolving organizational, logistical and security issues during the Championship will significantly increase Russia's prestige. Especially after the unheard of doping scandal, which pretty much ruined the impression of sporting achievements Russia at the Olympic Games.

Throughout the planet, in different centuries, “prophets” were born, whose main purpose of existence was to convey to people warnings and truthful pictures of the future that appeared in the minds of the gifted. Listeners have always been divided into skeptics and superstitious. The former never listened to the words, refuted them and gave arguments in favor of their unreality, while the latter willingly listened to the speeches, immortalized them in chronicles and followed the advice of talents. Thanks to admirers, predictions for 2018 have reached us, which, by the way, many prophets called a revolution and rich in negative and positive events.

Will the world end in 2018?

Scientists say that no cataclysms or serious environmental problems are expected this year, but astrologers and clairvoyants, in their predictions for 2018, categorically disagree with science. Visions that have appeared to soothsayers in different centuries say that the world next year expects:

  • Major flooding affecting coastal countries of the United States and East Asia.
  • Infections and viruses have not yet been known to the world. It will be difficult to find a vaccine, so a significant part of humanity will die out
  • A meteorite impact that will cause a major man-made and environmental disaster
  • Contact with the unknown - a flying saucer with the wisest representatives will land in America extraterrestrial civilizations. UFO intervention will be due to the turbulent military situation on earth
  • An economic crisis, during which two popular and fundamental currencies will remain - the euro and the ruble.
  • Volcanic eruptions and fires that will lead to a change in the value system for people
  • The birth of a “freak” or simply a great person who will lead the world to new stage spiritual, technical and scientific development

What awaits Russia in 2018?

There are almost no negative predictions for Russia, as the largest country in the middle of a large continent, for 2018. Cataclysms will not reach the center of Eurasia, the crisis will not shake the economy due to rising prices natural resources, Siberia will become the economic center of the planet. There are also versions that Russia:

  1. Will stop or prevent the outbreak of World War III
  2. Unite with the five republics of the collapsed Union
  3. Will give birth to a new prophet
  4. Takes a huge scientific step
  5. Will welcome a flow of emigrants from disadvantaged countries to their lands
  6. Will become the most successful and developed country in the world

Will there be World War 3 in 2018?

Many clairvoyants boldly declare that the world is now on the verge of a difficult and bloody war that will claim many lives and perhaps even destroy the entire planet. Of course, if it breaks out nuclear explosion, then the structure of the Earth will be restored to its original appearance for a very long time, and all its inhabitants will die. But will the final battle be fought? Time will tell us and political situation. You can trust the predictions for 2018, but you probably shouldn’t get hung up on them and make them an end in themselves, build a bunker and buy ten-year supplies of provisions. Although you never know.

Talk about the end of the world continues year after year, and people still continue to talk and think about it. Some predictors claim that life on Earth could end as early as 2018.

With the onset of 2018, people began to think about the near future, and each of us is interested in the answer to the question: is it true that the end of the world will come soon? Many predictors believe that the existence of humanity on Earth will not last long, others are sure that there is nothing to worry about. The site's experts will help you find the answer to one of the most important questions.

Forecasters' predictions about the end of the world in 2018

One of the most resonant predictions for 2018 was the statement of Saint Matrona, which said that people can die without war. On this moment It’s difficult to say whether this is true or not, but this version still shouldn’t be ruled out.

Previously, the Hopi Indians claimed that in 2018 the Earth would collide with the Blue Star, and this would be the cause of the death of all life on the planet. According to their assumption, this disaster should happen in the second half of this year.

American professor James Hansin assumed that in 2018 humanity will face a global flood, due to which many countries of the world will go under water. Based on his predictions, this will happen in the spring.

The predictions of the famous astrologer Nostradamus also affected 2018. In his opinion, this year a war will begin between Christians and supporters of Islam, which will be disastrous for all people.

Most other predictors claim that one of the main reasons for the end of the world will be lack of faith in God. Conflicts between believers and atheists will become so intense that it will lead to serious problems.

However, there are many positive predictions. For example, a fortuneteller from Kazakhstan, Vera Lyon, argued that this year not only is the end of the world not expected, but that the world will begin to recover from the crisis. Clashes between countries will continue, but it will end very soon.

In 2018, we expect both small changes in life and global changes. Unfortunately, there will be some unpleasant surprises from fate, but you can find out about them in advance. The site team invites you to learn about the dangers that can happen in the life of each Zodiac Sign. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.01.2018 01:25

Russian astrologers are actively monitoring developments in Ukraine. Explosion of an oil depot in Kyiv on June 8, ...

On the night of January 30, singer Irina Dubtsova lost consciousness at Sheremetyevo Airport. The artist was supposed to fly to a concert in Baku, ...

People have always been interested in the future. After all, it evokes strong emotions, frightens, but it is precisely for this reason that it attracts us all so much. We rejoice when events predicted by famous prophets about cataclysms, wars or disasters are not confirmed and we are saddened if they do not occur good events they were talking about.

Often their predictions are so veiled that it is almost impossible to decipher them. And people, trying to adapt them to themselves, begin to invent non-existent details or facts. In the end, the events described in the forecasts of the sorcerers come true and everything falls into place, confirming the authority of the prophets and the veracity of their predictions. Therefore, no matter how we interpret the predictions, history will correct everything in its own way.

Predictions for the entire year 2020

The first thing to note when reading the predictions for 2020 - so advertised earlier There will be no apocalypse (or end of the world). None of the forecasts of famous prophets and predictors speaks about it, although many people previously wrote about the end of the world in 2020.

But our planet will be shaken by other forces - disasters, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, fires and wars. The famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said that 2020 will be the beginning of a military conflict between Muslim states in the Middle East. She predicted that it was as a result of this war that new chemical weapon, intended for mass destruction. As a result, many new incurable skin diseases will arise, and old infectious diseases will return. Researchers suggest that such a war could be started by either Türkiye or Iraq.

At Nostradamus his views on this year coincide with Vanga’s forecasts. Nostradamus's predictions for 2020 are also not optimistic. He described certain “incinerating rays”, as a result of which new diseases and even entire epidemics would arise on the planet. This description fits well with chemical weapons, which will result in burns and chemical exposure. To avoid extinction, people will move en masse to the north.

Nostradamus' predictions also affected natural disasters. In particular, he predicted the disappearance from the face of the Earth of several European countries– Great Britain, Czech Republic, Hungary and part of Italy. All of Europe will be watered by continuous two-month rains, and a tsunami will bring some heavenly body, fell into the water. Europe will die out for 10 years, and only then will it begin to be reborn.

The United States will not escape disasters either. Typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes will also rage on its territory. The predictions also speak of the head of state as the last black president. After it, the US economy, due to natural disasters and chemical warfare, will decline and the country will disintegrate.

These prophets lived a long time ago, so there may be some inaccuracies in their forecasts, and with more likely we can say that people misinterpreted their statements. But even today there are many new sorcerers who also have the gift of foresight. One of them is everything famous Pavel Globa. His prophecies look clearer and more prosaic. So, his predictions for 2020 , talk about a severe economic downturn in everything modern world. This will be the reason collapse of the European Union. And by the end of this year, several countries will already withdraw from its membership. But this will only be the beginning of its complete disintegration. No more about any cataclysms or natural phenomena Globa does not speak or predict. But the futurologists of America also predict US political crisis. Millions of rallies and demonstrations in which people will call on her government to resign will lead the country to economic crisis and collapse.

James Hensen, a scientist who has been studying glaciers for many decades, talks about their rapid melting. With the beginning of 2020, this process will accelerate many hundreds of times. A man-made disaster that will occur during this period will also lead to this. As a result of such changes under the water will go away huge territory North America and South, and most of Europe.

Russia in 2020

What will Russia be like in 2020? The predictions made for her during this period differ significantly depending on the soothsayer. Thus, Globa argues that the economic and geopolitical crisis that has arisen throughout the world will hardly affect Russia. After all, it is at this time that our country will rise. But its geopolitical influence will begin to sharply increase and intensify. It will create a union to which other states will join. He talks about three countries in particular Balkan Peninsula.

It will be at the level of China and the United States and even higher, because their influence will be much less than the influence of our country. Its impact on the world will be greater than that of other superpowers and states. Russia will form the Eurasian Union, which will include four countries. Applications to join it will be submitted by Transnistria, Gagauzia, Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

Collapse of the European Union, which Globa predicted for 2020, will become a reason for many states of the Balkan Peninsula to enter into an alliance with Russia and apply for membership in the Eurasian Union.

The blind witch Vanga also made predictions about what Russia will be like in 2020. According to her foresight, the greatness of Russia will begin to grow in 2014. Such success will be brought to the country by its ruler, whom everyone will then call the Great.

It will raise the country's economy to such a level that it will help other states in financially. She also spoke about spiritual growth, and the revival of Russia. People of different religions and nationalities living in it will unite into a single whole, as their national faith will appear and grow.

Nostradamus's predictions about 2020 for Russia are interpreted both for good and for bad. A sharp increase in its economy and strength could lead the country to become a true hegemon. It is Russia that will stand at the head of all states on the entire planet. But strife, coups and disagreements will begin within the power.

Nature also seems to “go wild” and bring a lot of trouble for the state. It all starts with early spring 2020 At this time, all of her East End will be subject to incredible flooding. People living in this area will move en masse to the southern part of the country. But that's not all. With the beginning of summer, fires will come to Russia. They will occur in the central part of the state and will last until late autumn.
Due to the chemical war between the United States and Muslim countries, as well as natural disasters, the northern part of Russia will begin to be massively populated by other peoples. Mostly these will be people from states whose lands were flooded, scorched by war or the sun.

The most famous soothsayer Maria Duval, bodes only good things for our country. Russia in 2020, Duval’s predictions confirm Vanga’s words, will become the strongest country economically. It will not only influence all states on the planet, but will become a real helper for many of them financially. All other countries will imitate its economy, trying to achieve similar results. The differences between rich and poor will disappear in the country. And this will save Russia from internal strife and disagreements.

How true all these forecasts are and whether they were deciphered correctly, we will find out by researchers very soon. The main thing we need to think about is - have we done everything to ensure that all the bad things previously predicted by the soothsayers do not come true? After all, a lot depends on the person himself and his decisions.

Not rosy predictions for 2020 for the United States and the European Union.
Flooding of most of the United States in 2020 and the collapse of the European Union.
According to predictions, Russia in 2020 will significantly strengthen its position.

According to the predictions and predictions of many leading astrologers and psychics, 2018 will not be an easy year for Russia.

On the one hand, Russia will be deprived of major economic and political upheavals, but achieving a stable position will not be easy.

In 2018, many Western countries will unite in the struggle with Russia for leading positions in the world.

There will be no war, in the usual sense of the word, but all information and political forces will be used to break the Russian people and destroy the state.

But all their efforts will be in vain. Russia will emerge victorious from this battle, as always.

Vanga's predictions for 2018 for Russia

The clairvoyant Vanga many years ago answered the question of what awaits Russia in 2018. Next year, Russia will begin to cooperate more actively with the states of the Middle East.

Priority will be given to relations with Syria and Iran, which will strengthen Russia’s leading position in this region and in the world as a whole.

Overall, 2018 will be economically stable. The beginning of the year is a promising time to start a business.

In general, the year will be quite successful for the majority of the population, people will live better, and family income will increase.

For residents of Russia, Vanga’s predictions also contain a warning. You should be vigilant and not forget about preserving moral values.

Propaganda is dangerous spiritual fall, which makes people irreconcilable and embittered. This could lead to domestic protests, conflicts and violent actions.

Pavel Globa's forecast for 2018 for Russia

Pavel Globa, one of the most famous Russian predictors of our time, also spoke about what awaits Russia in 2018.

He has been drawing up horoscopes and making fairly successful predictions for the future for over 30 years.

According to Pavel Globa’s predictions, the economic crisis around the world will not end in 2018, but the situation will improve significantly.

The borders of some states will change. Towards the end of 2018, the situation will begin to normalize.

The countries of the Middle East will be plunged into war. Russia will try to reconcile them, but the involvement of military forces is not excluded.

According to the astrologer, serious unrest will bypass Russia, but despite the clear leadership in foreign policy, Russian people will worry difficult times. Financial problems will hit the population hard, but by the end of 2018 most issues will be resolved.

According to Pavel Globa, the Russian government will have to do serious work in 2018 so that the country reaches a new level without losses.

Astrological forecast of Fatima Khadueva for 2018 for Russia

Fatima Khadueva, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project, believes that Russia is entering a golden age.

It’s too early to talk about the end of the crisis in 2018; general prosperity will come around 2025. However, Russians will be able to feel the wind of change blowing.

The fortuneteller is confident that Russia has already worked off its karmic debt to the Romanov family, as well as the “penance” associated with persecution and tragic death Rasputin.

Fatima calls the Mother of God “Almighty” the patron saint of Russia, the iconographic image of which appeared after the death of the ruler Russian Empire Nicholas II.

In 2018, the patron saint will transfer the fate of Russia to higher powers that will contribute to its flourishing. However, the period of formation new era It won't be easy. A favorable forecast will come true only if the state can avoid a large-scale man-made disaster.

Khadueva is sure that Russia paid off its karmic debt for the death of the Romanovs. Current Russian President the clairvoyant calls the last of the “three firsts.” Fatima says that Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin were entrusted with the karmic task of repaying the country's debts to the Universe.

The last of the “three firsts” is the person who will become the main guarantor of Russia’s renewal and create the foundation for an era of prosperity. The country's power will be so enormous that it will easily be able to nullify conflicts in the Middle East and Eurasia.

Prophecy of Saint Matrona

Matrona was the fourth child in the family and was born completely blind - her parents initially wanted to give her away, but took pity on her.

After the girl grew up a little, she began to see prophetic dreams- first about the fate of relatives, the troubles of loved ones, about which she warned them. With age, she began to predict global troubles - and most of her predictions came true.

Matrona also helped in the treatment of seriously ill people and was subsequently canonized.

Saint Matrona’s prediction speaks both about the fate of Russia and the fate of our country’s neighboring countries.

In her prediction, Saint Matrona said that the beginning of the 21st century would be difficult for Russia, and “after all the friendly countries take offense at each other,” a serious conflict will begin.

According to Matrona, this terrible conflict will lead to the death of many people. “This will happen not because of illness, but because of the devil,” noted the revered

At the same time, Matrona stated that our country will endure difficult years, losses and problems and “will win victory over all adversities.”

Predictions of Paisius the Holy Mountain

The famous Elder of Athos predicted: “When you hear that the Turks are blocking the waters of the Euphrates in the upper reaches with a dam and using them for irrigation, then know that we have already entered into the preparation of that great war and thus the way is being prepared for an army of two hundred million from the rising of the sun, as Revelation says "

When Paisius made this prediction, no one accepted his words. It seemed incomprehensible why the Turks would block the Euphrates dam, and what this had to do with the war, especially on a global scale. But at the moment the dam is under construction, and this construction is expected to end in 2018.

“The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, with an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem.

A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the Omar Mosque, since its destruction will mean the beginning of work on recreating the Temple of Solomon, which was built on that very spot.”

In the nineties, and it was then that this prediction became known, nothing foreshadowed such events. But when a Russian plane crashed on the state border of Turkey, many people paid attention to the prophetic words of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain.

The monk also said: “My thought tells me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because 1/3 of the Turks will become Christians, 1/3 will die and 1/3 will go to Mesopotamia. The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part.”