How many years has Dzhigarkhanyan been married to Vitalina? Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce: latest news. New career stage

5 main questions and answers about divorce of the year.

Photo: Ekaterina CHESNOKOVA/RIA Novosti

The romantic version is this: the actor was convinced of the devotion of a young pianist from Kyiv, who came out to him after an illness - she got up at night to give him a pill, gave him a massage, returned him to active life. So the man couldn’t control his feelings. “We were in St. Petersburg, at night he woke up and proposed. He himself insisted that everything of his become mine,” says Vitalina.

Before Vitalina, Armen Borisovich was married to Tatyana Vlasova for 48 years. Photo: Russia 1 Channel

But there is a reality: they got married in the midst litigation Armen Borisovich with his ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova. In order for his ex-wife to sue him for a minimum of property, the actor transferred all his real estate to Vitalina and married her. People around the actor say that this move was calculated by lawyers. As a result, the Moscow City Court ruled that Vlasova must pay Dzhigarkhanyan $65 thousand for the sold house in America, and the apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane in the capital, as jointly acquired property, was divided in half. The artist sold his share.

What kind of real estate does Vitalina own?

According to Vitalina’s representatives, the actor invested in the renovation of a three-room apartment, which Vitalina bought before marriage with her savings. “You could say it was my wedding gift. We are both registered there,” says Vitalina. Apartment with an area of ​​134 sq. m on Rublevskoe Highway is estimated at 30 million rubles. In addition, the pianist owns a one-room apartment in the Krasnogorsk region. Armen Borisovich’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan received documents according to which Vitalina owns another apartment - also a one-room apartment in Krasnogorsk, where her parents live, whom she moved from Kyiv. According to the actor’s side, all three of Vitalina’s apartments were purchased with Dzhigarkhanyan’s savings. The woman registered the Rublev ruble ruble in her name the day before the marriage was registered.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya promised not to discharge ex-husband from her three-room apartment and is even ready to look after him, but without romantic relationships. That is, to be a nurse. There is an assumption that at the beginning of the relationship the pianist played exactly this role in the actor’s life, but then, thanks to her acumen, charm and angelic patience, she captured his mind and heart.

After all, his friends gave the actor a three-room apartment in good repair next to the theater.

Note that Vitalina invited her ex-husband to live in her apartment, having already learned about this generous gift.

Why did she run the theater?

At first, Vitalina worked as the musical director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Drama Theater, and for the last two years as a director (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is the artistic director). Theater is not private shop, so the respected actor most likely put in a good word for his wife - so the Moscow Department of Culture approved Vitalina in the position without relevant work experience. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself said in an interview with TV Program: “For three years, the previous directors did not pay taxes. Performances were prepared, but often did not reach the audience or were filmed after the premiere. During the year and a half of my leadership, we produced eight new performances. For comparison, previously there were a maximum of two performances a year.”

But last six months Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya actually removed Dzhigarkhanyan from affairs in the theater - she made all decisions herself. So he flared up and started a “war”. By the way, Dzhigarkhanyan’s monthly salary in the theater is 80 thousand rubles, while Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s was about 300 thousand.

Did the woman break the law?

All of Vitalina’s actions are impeccable from a legal point of view. Dzhigarkhanyan gave his wife money voluntarily. It turned out that during the years of Vitalina’s reign, 80 million rubles allocated by the state for repairs were transferred from the theater to offshore companies. But Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not sign financial documents! The chief accountant will be responsible for financial fraud (if proven). All documents bear her signature, and in some places Dzhigarkhanyan’s. The day before the divorce, the woman, by proxy, withdrew more than 4 million rubles from Dzhigarkhanyan’s personal account (the same money that he sued his ex-wife Vlasova for a house in the USA). But you can’t undermine this either - you signed the power of attorney yourself and didn’t cancel it on time. Vitalina has her own company that provided services to the theater, but this is not prohibited by law.

Since Dzhigarkhanyan wrote several statements to law enforcement agencies, accusing her of theft, deception, forgery, and wiretapping his office.

Was there a boy?

At the next stage of the war, Dzhigarkhanyan hinted at Vitalina’s infidelity: “They told me there is someone there.” We asked a friend of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya about her lover: “This is complete nonsense. She doesn't have a lover. You don’t understand what it means to be Dzhigarkhanyan’s nanny?! She subordinated her life to his everyday demands. If she was in a hurry to become a rich widow, she wouldn’t bother with him.”

Vitalina is supported by Andrei Malakhov and even Dzhigarkhanyan’s friends - Dmitry Kharatyan, Olga Kabo and others. What will happen next? Rich, clever woman arrange his life. But it is not clear to whom Dzhigarkhanyan will now rewrite the will: he does not communicate with his stepson, his daughter died 30 years ago. Well, TV viewers are waiting next episode this exciting drama.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography, personal life, children

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Welcome to our portal new star - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ! General Director of Moscow drama theater known for her relationship with cult actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Let's try to understand the situation. But let's start gradually, with the biography of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Biography of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalina was born in the capital of Ukraine in 1979. WITH youth She became interested in music, and has a background in music school, piano class. After graduation, she entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Tchaikovsky. Won the title of laureate international festival, which took place in Paris.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Vitalina experienced romantic feelings for Armen Borisovich from a young age, which she does not hide.

According to Vitalina, she remembers how she noticed him for the first time - it was 1994, when Armen performed with a play at the Mayakovsky Theater in Kyiv. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan took part in two performances at once.

On that moment Vitalina was 16 , she was still a schoolgirl. But Armen made an unforgettable impression on her, and since then she has not missed the opportunity to visit the theater when his name was on the poster.

How Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya met

The acquaintance took place in 2000. 21-year-old Vitalina graduated from the academy, and it was during this period that her friend introduced her to the famous actor.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in her youth

In 2001, Vitalina moved to Moscow, and her mother and father emigrated with her to Russia - they settled in the near Moscow region. History is silent about how much Armen Borisovich helped young Vitalina with these moves.

In 2002, the actor fell ill with a serious illness, and he was nursed by Vitalina and the actor’s sister, Marina Borisovna.

After this, Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalina to try her hand at his theaters, learning songs with the actors. Events developed rapidly, and very soon Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was already leading the musical direction of the Moscow Theater.

On June 18, 2015, she received the position of theater director. Not all the actors who worked here for a long time, her leadership was to her liking - many still believe that her decisions in this position led to the destruction of the theater and the loss of many famous artists.

Personal life of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

What can I say? According to Vitalina herself, she has been in love with Armen since a young age, and the huge difference of 44 years did not seem to be a problem for her. As she says, the most important thing is mutual understanding.

Note that her affair with famous artist was hidden from curious journalists for a long time.

They were officially published only in the spring of 2015, and already in September 2015, Armen divorced his actress wife, Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. It is easy to assume that immediately after this, rumors began that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya got married. This is what happened, although a little later, in the spring of 2016.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: divorce?

The couple survived a year and a half in the status of an official marriage, and thunder struck. In October 2017, the actor left his wife and disappeared in an unknown direction with two of his friends. Vitalina stated that he did not answer the phone.

The husband was found in a Moscow hospital. But he still didn’t want to see her. What happened there is unknown, but immediately after this, information appeared in the media that Armen filed for divorce from Vitalina. The final point was made by the actor himself, on the air of the program “Andrey Malakhov: Live Broadcast” calling his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya a swindler.

As the artist’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan told reporters, a little earlier Vitalina secretly introduced changes to the theater’s charter, according to which she became the only person which has the right to make decisions. It turned out that she could drive Armen Borisovich out of the theater, but he could not do this in response according to the documents. In his own theater... In addition, bank accounts and real estate also turned out to be registered in the name of the spouse.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya could not stand the insulting accusations from her husband and filed for divorce. What do you think really happened there?

The latest news about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, her biography and personal life shocked all the supporters of her ex-husband, People's Artist RF Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It turns out it's a divorce star couple declared invalid due to violations in procedural manipulations applied by the court.

When seemingly all the details of this unpleasant scandal were covered in the press and television from all sides, the story of the confrontation between the elderly director and his young wife threatens to gain new momentum. This is how the pianist’s lawyer, Larisa Shirokova, explained in a message open sources information that the court did not offer possible deadlines for reconciliation to the former representative of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife, which is a violation of the judicial process. The Kuntsevo court is scheduled to consider the appeal at the end of January 2018.

Based on this statement, all online publications began to further exaggerate the topic of reconciliation of former spouses. Especially often the words of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya are repeated online that there will always be a place for her ex-husband in her personal life and biography. Moreover, the latest news says that she firmly believes in the possibility of resolving the scandal with the People’s Artist, citing her own innocence in what happened as the reason for her statements on this matter.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in her youth

According to the disgraced wife, Armen Borisovich was convinced of her greed by people from the Armenian diaspora, who were always prejudiced towards the artist’s young companion. And that the apartments, which caused a fuss with the involvement of law enforcement agencies and the media, were purchased long before the official marriage. And that the criminal case regarding Vitalina’s theft of her husband’s passport and posting personal information on the Internet was opened unfairly.

The pianist herself not so long ago frank interview told the glossy publication in detail that all the rumors about her failed romance with Mark Rubinstein, who wanted to help his colleague Armen Dzhigarkhanyan organize work in the theater, from the balance of which 80 million rubles disappeared without a trace, are absolutely far-fetched.

People close to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accuse Vitalina of self-interest

The woman claims that until the end of the proceedings with her husband, before they frank conversation There can be no talk of any new relationships with each other.

And as for the million-dollar debts of the theater under the direction of Dzhigarkhanyan, according to the pianist, the Ministry of Culture of the capital concluded an agreement with her regarding the performance of duties as director of this institution three times. According to the woman, this indicates her full professional competence in the role of manager. Although the network was actively discussing the performances of artists who had left the theater troupe with a decent track record.

Vitalina herself speaks unequivocally about this topic - everyone envied her and tried to remove her from managing the theater by any means necessary. Only after the most scandalous employees were fired, peaceful coexistence was established in the country of the Backstage and scandals and squabbles passed. Moreover, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya claims that all these actions were initiated by Armen Borisovich, as artistic director theater and that she tried to change the situation by advising the artists on the list to talk to Dzhigarkhanyan before leaving the theater.

While managing the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, Vitalina found herself involved in a serious scandal

None of the seven people came to a personal conversation with the People’s Artist, and the director herself supported her husband’s decision, given the pointlessness of receiving wages for workers who have not been involved in productions for several seasons. In addition, in the heat of the moment, the director could say rude things to his subordinates, since with age the elderly man’s character had completely deteriorated - this is what Maitre’s ex-wife insists on in all her interviews and appearances on talk shows.

The young woman also touched on the topic of the quarrel between the People’s Artist and his adopted son Stepan. According to Vitalina, 5 years before she met the pianist, the man was fired by his stepfather from the theater for drunken brawling, so the conflict between her once relatives is definitely not her fault.

A special place in the stories of the young pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is occupied by her parents and their relationship with their illustrious son-in-law. As the woman explained to reporters, Armen Borisovich himself called them to positions in the theater, and their salary was somewhat less than their predecessors.

The artist's ex-wife is accused of theft and fraud

After this, the establishment was able to save significant sums on ordering costumes and scenery from intermediary companies, since my father, an engineer with many years of experience, devoted a lot of effort to working with structures, and my mother set up her own sewing workshop in the basement of the theater. According to some employees of the institution, it was the wife’s parent who organized a branch of the Cherkizovsky market on the territory of the theater.

Got it from the scandalously popular pianist and ex-wife Armen Borisovich. In a lengthy interview, she told how, even before her official marriage, she refused to obey Tatyana Vlasova, who took a place in the office of the famous director during his first stroke.

According to Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, in her personal life and biography there was never a person who allowed her to talk to her in the tone of a market trader. But now, judging by the latest news from America, ex-wife decided to settle scores with her, pouring slander on the unfortunate victim of secular gossip.

Armen Borisovich personally appointed Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya as the head of his theater

But regarding the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, the ex-wife of the People’s Artist tells truly mysterious things that bear little resemblance to the truth. If you believe her words, Armen Borisovich himself repeatedly asked Vitalina to ask local residents about the possibility of buying a home here.

And as soon as a suitable option was viewed, the owners of the apartment, who respected Dzhigarkhanyan’s work, made a huge discount.

Armen Borisovich voiced his desire to register housing on Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the presence of lawyers and without coercion from his young wife, after which Vitalina took out a loan, wanting to do it in a new family nest renovation worthy of her beloved.

Vitalina is a talented pianist

Facts from the pianist's biography

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1979 in the very center of Kyiv. In the fifth form secondary school The gifted girl, having passed rigorous exams, was able to enter the music school at the Kyiv Conservatory and began to work hard, honing her own skills as a performer.

As the pianist recalls, going to the Philharmonic and the theater became her only entertainment, so early relationships The pianist does not talk to her peers, claiming that she connected her future only with art.

After receiving a high school diploma and graduating music school, the girl continued learning to play the piano in Music Academy named after Tchaikovsky. In 2001 goal. Having received a diploma with honors, she set off to conquer the Russian capital and entered the Maimonides Academy.

The talented graduate was offered to stay at the university as a teacher. And soon director Vladimir Yachmenev recommended the young woman to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan for the position music director in the theater under his direction.

Vitalina began working as a musical director at the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater

Love for People's Artist

According to Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan appeared in her personal life and biography at a young age - she experienced her first feelings and admiration for the man after attending his performance in Kyiv at the age of 16. After the performance, she reread all the interviews with the talented artist and watched all the films with his participation. And even choice fiction was dictated by the tastes of the People's Artist, which she learned about from numerous interviews of that time. Then she could not even imagine that fate would bring them together.

After arriving in the capital of Russia, Vitalina continued the “hunt” for the celebrity - by hook or by crook she got tickets for his performances and even struck up a close friendship with the theater administrator, wanting to meet Armen Borisovich in person and talk to him - he seemed very lonely to the young woman and to no one not necessary.

Vitalina took great care of the People's Artist

As a result of these efforts, their acquaintance took place. Then in 2008 she was appointed to a responsible position music director institutions under the management of her idol and in 2015 became the director of the theater. All this time, according to the woman, she did not stop caring for her elderly husband - she selected his medications, gave him injections, kept order in the bachelor’s apartment and solved problems at work for her beloved husband.

In the same 2015, the persistent pianist waited for Dzhigarkhanyan’s divorce from Tatyana Vlasova and accepted a marriage proposal from her idol.

According to the woman, the elderly artist then almost disrupted the wedding ceremony, ending up in the hospital with complications from the flu. However, he decided not to give in to weakness and ran away from the hospital room, wanting to call the young woman his legal wife.

Being at such an advanced age, the director proposed marriage to a young pianist

According to Vitalina herself, she was never interested in an official relationship, this whole procedure was needed only to stop gossip and whispering behind the backs of such a strange couple - at the time of the wedding she was only 36, and Dzhigarkhanyan was well over 80 years old. The actor himself said in subsequent interviews that he himself did not understand how he decided to take such a step at such a respectable age.

The result of many years of efforts of young Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is obvious - now she is under recognizance not to leave the place, only the lazy do not speak about her problems with conscience and the law.

Representatives of Dzhigarkhanyan’s young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya assure: it was she who supported the 82-year-old actor [radio broadcast]

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The family scandal of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not subside. Armen Borisovich filed for divorce and called his 38-year-old wife a “thief” in front of television cameras, announcing that during two years of marriage she had transferred all his real estate to herself and emptied his accounts. The 82-year-old actor suspects his wife of fraud not only with his personal finances, but also with the funds of his theater, where Vitalina has been the director for the last two years. According to a statement written by the artist in investigative committee, the check has begun.

Dzhigarkhanyan's young wife earned four times more than her husband

“He was her dependent”

The fact that Vitalina stole some property from Dzhigarkhanyan is a lie! - representative Tsymbalyuk Elina Mazur assured us. - Vitalina is very worried, because on his part this is the deepest betrayal. Spout some nonsense about stealing, while actually being dependent on Vitalina! She is not a poor person, she has her own ways of earning money. And to say that the beggar Vitalina came and robbed the rich old man is complete nonsense.

- But Dzhigarkhanyan said that he now has nowhere to go - he was left with nothing!

It is not true. He and Vitalina bought an apartment during their marriage; it is joint property.

An apartment worth 30 million rubles on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, which Vitalina purchased, as she said, for her and Armen Borisovich, is registered only in her name, argues the artist’s close friend Arthur Soghomonyan. - Vitalina registered the apartment in her name the day before the marriage was registered, so that after the divorce this property will not be divided in half. Armen Borisovich transferred another apartment, a one-room apartment in the village of Rublevskoye Predmestye, Krasnogorsk District, to Vitalina himself - at her request. Vitalina sold her share in the apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane, in which Armen Borisovich lived with his wife Tatyana Vlasova, to a legal entity. It turns out that legally Armen Borisovich now has no property at all. He left her with one suitcase. But Vitalina has three apartments.

- They say that Tsymbalyuk’s salary at the theater was higher than that of Armen Borisovich?

Yes. Several times more. Something strange was going on there with the accounting department. At the beginning of this year, the Moscow Department of Culture allocated about 100 million rubles to the theater. Before this, he allocated 85 million rubles a year. And at the same time, the theater had tax debts and salaries were delayed. The money disappeared somewhere.

Own company

Behind short term pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who came to Moscow in 2009 from Ukraine, became a successful businesswoman. At first she did not have housing in Moscow, she even registered temporarily at the address of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Armen Borisovich accepted her to the position of head of the musical part of the theater. But when Vitalina became his legal wife, she took the place general director.

We decided to clarify Vitalina’s income. A source told KP: the official earnings of the director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were about 300 thousand rubles per month (see photo of the document).

- What is Dzhigarkhanyan’s monthly salary?- I address the question to the source.

After he transferred the functions of the head of the Tsymbalyuk Theater, this is 80 thousand rubles.

- It's not a mistake?!

No. Armen Borisovich was calm about the salary reduction...

Maybe the artist didn't care about money because he had savings for a rainy day? But our other source said that no bank accounts are registered in Dzhigarkhanyan’s name. More precisely, they were, but are now closed because the money has been withdrawn from them.

But Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a lady of high income. She has accounts and deposit boxes in several banks. The woman owns three apartments, two in the Krasnogorsk region and one in Moscow. In addition, Tsymbalyuk registered the company “Art-Vitalina-Project”.

Vitalina’s company was engaged in the rental of enterprise performances,” clarifies Arthur Soghomonyan. - For example, there was an enterprise performance in which Dmitry Kharatyan, Vitalina, Dzhigarkhanyan participated. Profits from the rental went to Vitalina's company. And who actually spent the money on the production and paid the artists’ salaries? There is a version that the theater spent, and she took the profit. This company is now being checked by the authorities.

Dad became the chief electrician in the theater, mom became a costume designer.

The big question is why Vitalina received more than Armen Borisovich,” continues Arthur Soghomonyan. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she gave her parents, whom she hired to work at the theater, a salary higher than Dzhigarkhanyan’s. Her dad became the chief electrician, her mother the chief costume designer. She eliminated the position of artistic director and made Armen Borisovich president - this is a supervisory position, without actual power...

- Was money the main reason for the breakup of their family?

Discontent has been building for a long time. The fact that Vitalina cared about her own financial situation, still no matter what. Armen Borisovich looked at this tolerantly. He said that when she arrived, she wanted to have real estate here, I understand... But when Vitalina suddenly decided that she was a stage director and began making musical performances, fundamental disagreements began.

Last year, a conflict arose when Dzhigarkhanyan ordered to cancel the musical performance about Mary Stuart, but she still released it. I remember I came to the premiere and was amazed. There was some kind of karaoke on stage: artists who could not sing took a microphone in their hands. Even before the premiere, Armen Borisovich felt bad - he demanded that the play be filmed. Even his attending physician said: well, cancel the premiere, since he reacts like that, his health is more important. But Vitalina did it her way. Then they had a big quarrel, I reconciled them. He invited them to go to Spain together and paid for the vacation. Armen Borisovich calmed down.

“There were rumors of cheating”

But this fall everything happened again,” says Arthur Soghomonyan. - Vitalina made a musical performance “Marina Tsvetaeva”. Armen Borisovich looked and said: “I forbid the premiere.” But she still released the performance - they say, the money was invested, it cannot be canceled. Then Armen Borisovich had a health crisis and was admitted to the hospital.

We, friends, were previously surprised by Armen Borisovich’s chosen one, but since Vitalina took care of his health, we did not get involved in their relationship. But this time Vitalina behaved aggressively and started talking about the fact that it was time for Armen Borisovich to retire. Moreover, there were rumors about her possible infidelity... I don’t know if they are true, but perhaps Armen Borisovich also heard such talk. And yet, I think main reason the collapse of their family is that Vitalina began to make productions herself and did not listen to Dzhigarkhanyan’s opinions. And for him, the creative question comes first. He deeply cares for the theater that bears his name.


What does the artist's wife own?

By service database state registration Dzhigarkhanyan’s young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya owns three apartments:

✔ Three-room apartment (134.5 m2) on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, next to the Kuntsevskaya metro station. Cadastral value - 30 million rubles. According to realtors, you can sell an apartment for 40 - 60 million rubles, taking into account the European-quality renovation, the fact that the house is a new building, there is underground parking, two insulated loggias, a good location, close to the metro. A premium can also be taken for star rating, since the housing belonged to Dzhigarkhanyan.

✔ One-room apartment (53 m2) in the Rublevskoye Predmestie village in the Krasnogorsk district. Cadastral value - 5 million rubles. According to realtors, it can cost 7 - 10 million rubles. (considering that this is a new building in an elite village).

✔ Apartment (71.3 m2) in Krasnogorsk, where her parents live. But according to documents, it belongs to Vitalina. Cadastral value - 6 million rubles. According to realtors, it could cost 7.5 - 10 million rubles, since it is located almost next to Moscow, a new building.


Dzhigarkhanyan's wife left Russia

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk and her mother apparently flew to Georgia to go from there to their homeland - Kyiv. According to another version, she flew to the sea to warmer climes

Meanwhile, in the theater, which is still managed by her husband (Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce last week), strange things are happening. Armen Borisovich removed some of the performances from the repertoire and put others on the playbill. Some administration employees were asked to resign. After this, many of them took sick leave. Acting General Director Elena Gilvanova was on sick leave. She was appointed by the Moscow Department of Culture after the resignation of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk. Gilvanova’s deputy is also sick. Both the press secretary and the head of the personnel department all fell ill. Only Dzhigarkhanyan works, who, as we understand, not only works, but also lives in the theater.

The whole country is discussing the passions in Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s family. Recently, a man gave an interview from the hospital in which he said that he was literally hiding from his young wife. It turned out that Vitalina is not at all who she pretended to be for so long. Read our article about what is happening in Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s personal life.

A few days ago the press learned that the popular Russian actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce. Russian media reported this, citing a friend of the artist, Arthur Sogomanyan. According to the man, the artist had already left the hospital and managed to go to the registry office to write a divorce application.

Arthur Sogomanyan also said that his friend wished to make the court hearing closed. Perhaps in this way the artist decided to get rid of the annoying attention of journalists.

So far, Armen Borisovich is in a peaceful mood to resolve the property issue. If his wife does not want to separate amicably, the man will go to court. For now, the property issue will not be considered as part of the divorce process.

The first negotiations on the division of acquired property have already taken place. So far they have not been successful. Armen Borisovich's wife does not intend to give in to her husband.

It is worth recalling that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became a wife famous actor in February 2016. Previously, she was appointed director of the Moscow Drama Theater, operating under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

The artist's comments about the scandal with his wife

Days earlier, Russian media published a very interesting information about Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Unpleasant details of his personal life were revealed. The artist’s young wife wrote a statement to the police asking to find her husband, since he disappeared several days ago. According to Vitalina, Armen Borisovich left with friends and did not return home. Before this, the couple quarreled. It became known that the cause of the scandal was a financial issue.

A little later, information was received from unverified sources that Armen Borisovich wrote a statement to the police against his young wife, in which he accused Vitalina of attempted murder. Later this information was refuted by Oksana Pushkina. The woman posted on social network, in which she stated that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did not write any statement. According to Oksana Pushkina, the artist was preparing to file for divorce.

Subsequently, it turned out that Armen Borisovich had not disappeared at all.

He is in the hospital. From there he contacted Andrei Malakhov. The presenter decided to make the scandal in the artist’s family the next topic for his show. Armen Borisovich spoke negatively about his wife. He called the situation "extremely vile story, which you can’t just tell.” The artist noted that he is not ready to forgive his wife and does not intend to communicate with her.

Armen Borisovich considers Vitalina a thief. He called his wife’s act extremely vile.

Why is the young wife of a famous actor called a swindler?

Information has repeatedly appeared that the director of the theater, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, dismisses employees - artists and service staff. The team started talking about the need to sue Vitalina. Despite difficult situation in the theater, the woman decided not to give up and still continued to establish her own rules.

Perhaps Vitalina wanted to take over the entire theater. But it cannot be ruled out that the woman acted based on good intentions. Accusations that she is a swindler are shenanigans evil tongues and envious people. By at least, the wife of the famous actor herself thinks so.

For example, the theater costume designer Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is not surprised that she is getting a divorce. She immediately noticed that something was wrong with Vitalina. The master's friend saw how his wife was trying to take over the entire theater. The woman decided that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s personal life with his young wife was just a farce. And Vitalina clearly lives with the actor for her own benefit, and not in the name true love, as she often stated.

It is known from unreliable sources that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya managed to transfer part of the actor’s inheritance to herself. Plus, famous artist bought her an apartment the day before the woman married him.

Perhaps Armen Borisovich foresaw that Vitalina would want something more. He decided that it was most logical to buy her a home right away, so that the young wife would not worry about what she would be left with in the event of a divorce.

How did Armen Borisovich treat his wife at the beginning of the relationship?

When asked by journalists whether he loved Vitalina, Armen Borisovich answered in the affirmative. He says he was aware of the complexities of their relationship. Still, the age difference has an effect (Remember, Vitalina was born in 1979, and Armen Borisovich - in 1935).

Armen Borisovich liked the way Vitalina played. She is a musician. The actor says with a laugh that he was even ready to help her - turn the notes over.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did not admit to the press what exactly attracted him to his third wife. Despite his busy personal life with Vitalina, he himself still does not understand why he decided to connect his life with this woman. Perhaps she became exactly the person who could give him the warmth he desired. The age difference did not matter at all.

What is known about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya?

As Vitalina herself admitted, Armen Borisovich is her idol since early childhood. She fell in love with him back when she was an ordinary 16-year-old girl. At that time she lived with her parents in Kyiv. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan often came there with performances. The girl tried not to miss a single performance. Despite the fact that Vitalina is no longer a 16-year-old girl, she still recalls those performances that became one of the most vivid impressions in life.

By the way, the first meeting of future lovers took place precisely at that young age of Vitalina. The girl wrote a note to the artist. She didn't expect that he would want to see her later. Perhaps the note did not make a strong enough impression on him. He and the actor drank tea before the next performance and had a nice chat.

Naturally, Vitalina could not even think that one day she and her favorite actor would be together. The woman admits that they started dating in the early 2000s. Then she presented the actor with a figurine of Socrates, who really impressed him. This gift still stands in Armen Borisovich’s office.

When the actor fell ill, Vitalina felt that she had to be with him. Let us remember that this happened in 2002. The actor was in the hospital for a long time. Vitalina went to see him every day.

Many believe that it was the actor who invited Vitalina to move to Moscow. Actually this is not true. Vitalina’s parents sold their apartment in Kyiv and bought housing in the Moscow region. That's how she ended up in Russia.

Later the actor invited new girlfriend work for him in the theater. Vitalina helped stage musical compositions.

How did the relationship between Vitalina and Armen Borisovich develop further?

Vitalina is glad that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan decided to build a family with her. She doesn’t know what exactly attracted the man. It seems to her that he made her a part of his personal life, because he realized that he could count on her support. Most likely, this happened after Vitalina began visiting the actor in the hospital. She was one of the few who was really interested in how Armen Borisovich was feeling and whether he needed any help.

The woman understood that many were jealous of her. Most of the actor's fans would like to be in her place. However, it was Vitalina who was able to attract the attention of Armen Borisovich. Probably not in vain. The woman understood that she was really worth something.

Armen Borisovich in live"Let Them Talk" program

Vitalina believes that she main merit is that Armen Borisovich is actively involved in creative activity. She believes that any man needs to be supported, especially in old age. If it were not for her love and kindness, perhaps the actor would not have been so active, and gradually his vitality faded away altogether.

The woman does not admit how long she has been living with the actor. She considers this information personal and does not want to share it with the press.

According to Vitalina, the press already knows a lot about her biography. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan also did not talk about this fact from his personal life in an interview. It is possible that the couple has been living together since the actor fell ill in the early 2000s. Moreover, everyone knows about the actor’s reluctance for a long time to divorce his second wife and enter into a legal marriage with his new chosen one.

According to Vitalina, she is not embarrassed by the age difference. She believes that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is an attractive man at any age. Moreover, age, in principle, adorns every man.

Actor on the set of the program “Live”

Who does Dzhigarkhanyan live with?

Despite the current unstable situation in their relationship, Armen Borisovich and Vitalina were previously happy together. The woman spoke warmly about her chosen one. It seemed they had found each other. Of course, some fans and admirers of Dzhigarkhanyan’s work were sure that the relationship between their idol and the young woman would not last long. The age difference will do its job, and they will soon separate. As we see, they were right.

Someone still hopes that peace will come to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s family. Fans want to famous actor was happy and did not live his life alone, like many other theater and film artists in Russia.

Unborn children of Armen Borisovich

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife could have a very eventful personal life. The fact is that the actor’s wife demanded children from him. The artist considered that at his age it was no longer worth taking risks and having offspring. Plus, Armen Borisovich was sure that Vitalina wanted to have a child for selfish purposes. The actor has no biological children. And it is possible that the entire inheritance went to the child of the third wife, if such a child were born.

This information became available to the press after the details of the scandal in the artist’s family were clarified. At that time, Vitalina stated that she was looking forward to meeting her husband and hoped that the misunderstanding would end soon. The woman wanted to make peace with her husband and continue living together.

Earlier in his interviews, the actor said that physical intimacy for him is not the main thing in a relationship. He doesn't want to be lonely. It was important for the artist to have someone at home, and at night to lie next to him and just breathe. Nothing else mattered to the man.

Remember all

Let's remember how the artist's personal life developed throughout his life. Armen Borisovich's first wife's name was Alla Vannovskaya. The wife was an artist. She died in 1966.

Alla and Armen had a daughter. Her name was Elena. The woman was born in 1964. In December 1987, she died. Elena fell asleep in the car with the engine running. Death came quite quickly.

For some reason, the press often writes that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s first wife is Tatyana Vlasova. This may be due to the death of the real first wife. The actor lived with Tatyana for quite a long time. Their marriage broke up in 2015. Previously, Tatyana was a theater actress. She now works as a teacher in the USA. Armen Borisovich has a stepson. The man's name is Stepan. He was born in 1966.

The actor’s third wife is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The woman is now 38 years old. In February 2016, she married Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

How does Tatyana Vlasova live now?

Tatyana Vlasova now lives in the USA with her son. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan bought them housing. The woman says her husband cheated on her for about 15 years, starting in the 2000s. She was in the USA while the actor had a young mistress in Russia. More likely, we're talking about about his current wife Vitalina.

The actor with his second wife Tatyana Vlasova