Problems of modern youth: specifics and features. The concept of youth in modern society Therefore, the main problems of modern youth are

Each era has shaped and is shaping its own attitude towards youth and their role in the life of society.

One of the main characteristics of the development of world civilization as a whole at the turn of the second and third millennia is the increasing role of Man in all spheres of life. This is expressed primarily in the fact that the accumulation of social wealth today no longer occurs only in capital, but mainly in people. This is the imperative of the scientific and technological revolution and the modern economy, which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. Not land, not machines and equipment, but a person - a worker - is the main capital, resource and, therefore, the main field of modern investment. Not a computer, a laser, not technology and economics, but a person who creates computers and lasers, the entire economy and technology - this is the true engine of progress of our era. A society that invests money in youth (in their education, upbringing, everyday life, culture, health, etc.) invests in its progress.

But at the turn of the new millennium, the question of the meaning of Progress itself in the radically changed and continuing to rapidly change conditions of human life on Earth arises again.

In the face of global challenges of our time, such as difficult-to-control population growth in the world, the widening gap between North and South, between rich and poor countries, as well as different categories of the population in most countries, as a permanent deterioration in the ecological health of the planet, and therefore its residents, the demand for alternative ways of development is becoming more and more insistent. This is evidenced by numerous international UN forums, including the decisions of the International Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Ultimately, this is about ensuring that current and future generations live in a safer, more just and more humane world.

Of all the population groups, perhaps the most interested in this are young people, who are planning and building their future.

The point, therefore, is to combine the wisdom of older generations, who have accumulated both positive and negative experiences of current progress, with the energy and determination of youth, who quite naturally need new concepts of development in which they can believe, and therefore participate in their implementation.

To do this, the world community must rethink how to rediscover youth as a subject of history, as the main factor of change, as a social value of a special kind. Without a fundamental rethinking of the role of youth in social processes, the world community will not be able to ensure survival in conditions worthy of human beings.

A modern concept of youth that meets the needs of the 21st century is needed, which, in turn, cannot be created without a new philosophy of age. It’s paradoxical, but true: although in a transformed form, we still use the philosophy of age, which was developed by Plato, Virgil, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, and Solon. Our time knows some famous compilers of “life tables”, but not the philosophy of age. Meanwhile, society and the pace of its development have changed so dramatically that ideas about ages should once again become the subject of philosophizing, the subject of a theory of life - individual or social. If the connection between age categories (children, youth, adults, old people) with life processes is already obvious, then the role that each group should play in social processes Today when saving main position behind a “mature person” is not as clear as it seems.

Can old people remain, as in Ancient Rome, only an object of rather formal attention of those in power, who are often forced to consider them only as certain part electorate? And how can youth be considered as a disease, like measles, which everyone must inevitably get sick of - and that’s all? Is it possible to brush aside the idea of ​​a strong youth policy for years as if it were an annoying fly? To limit ourselves to a naive-romantic view of youth means to make a mistake, for which not only the younger generations, but also the entire society will pay dearly and will pay even more dearly.

Some awareness of this problem has already occurred. The UN International Humanitarian Commission among drivers of change, along with new states, social movements, modern technology, transnational cooperation, etc. youth is identified as a real and significant force for change. UN documents note that as the number of youth grows, they become the most powerful factor in shaping society. It is expected that by the end of the next century, people under the age of 30 will make up almost 60% of the population globe, and people under 25 years old - about 50%. In any case, youth will have to be taken into account as a force that will determine the political, economic and social structures of society, and which is already acting as a factor in the development of the spiritual culture of modern society. In the field of leisure, media (television and radio), artistic life, pop music, cinema, fashion youth is important factor formation of tastes. Its spiritual values ​​spread throughout the world. Her views are increasingly influencing those in power. Young people have a special interest and feel involved in solving problems of socio-economic development, independence, democratization and peace. She demonstrates enthusiasm and ability to strengthen international understanding and participates in the movement for the ecology of the planet. But it is obvious that the role of youth in social development much lower than it should and could be.

In understanding the future and the development of society, nothing will change for the better as long as it is thought in isolation not just from a person (abstract), but from a living person, a person living at the moment of projecting the future; and above all, a young person who can live in this future and without whom it cannot be created. The future cannot be built without the conscious and active participation of young people themselves. Problem participation younger generations in social development is a question of the pace, nature and quality of human development.

An active part of young people today is already participating in rethinking and reorienting the ways of development of the human community in the conditions of the formation of a global interdependent world. This explains her growing interest in the activities of international organizations of the UN system, including UNESCO.

Adopted by the UN on December 14, 1995, the “World Program of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond” is a fundamental document that concentrates world experience, including the quintessence of approaches from different countries of the world to solving current problems youth, in the interests of the youth themselves, in the interests of the social development of each country and the entire world community as a whole.

Precisely because this Program is a carefully verified balance of all factors in the development of each country individually and the global family, we consider it possible and useful not only to comment on this document, but also to give it in full in the Appendix as part of this teaching aid for young people. It is very useful for everyone who is deeply interested in youth problems to familiarize themselves with this document, have it at hand and refer to it if necessary.

The UN General Assembly approved and included 10 priority areas in the World Program of Action for Youth, such as education, employment, hunger and poverty, health, environment, drugs, youth crime, leisure and recreation, full and active participation of youth in the life of society and the decision-making process.

Of course, each specific country, depending on the level of its socio-economic development, national, ethnic and religious factors, has its own priorities in approaches to each of the listed areas. But the value of this listing, as well as the characteristics of the tasks arising from this, lies in the development guidelines approved by all. In this way, the World Program of Action for Youth contributes to the formation of a common human community, a sense of a global family.

UNESCO Culture of Peace Program

UNESCO enjoys great authority among the youth of Russia, as in other countries. There are many reasons for this. And because UNESCO promotes international cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture, information and communications, precisely those areas that are vital for most young people. And the fact that UNESCO, in its activities, puts at the forefront the high ideals of educating people in the spirit of peace, justice, solidarity, and compassion.

The growth of interest and attention to UNESCO in recent years has been greatly facilitated by the concept put forward by the Director-General of UNESCO on the need to replace the culture of war and violence with a culture of peace and dialogue.

The Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, sets out this concept in his speeches at international congresses, forums and conferences, as well as in his book “A New Page”, published in different languages in many countries of the world.

F. Mayor's statement “The Human Right to Peace,” published in January 1997, attracted the attention of the world intellectual community. It was the basis for discussion in many international forums about the need to create a new culture of peace.

The Director-General of UNESCO is essentially the initiator of the adoption of the “Declaration of the Human Right to Peace”, as well as the “Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of Future Generations”, which is a joint initiative of UNESCO and the Cousteau Foundation.

Proof of the effectiveness of the concept and UNESCO Culture of Peace Program is the creation of departments for the culture of peace, democracy and tolerance in many universities and universities in different countries. International institutes for a culture of peace and democracy and UNESCO teachers' associations for a culture of peace are also being created, which are working to promote the concept and specific actions in support of a culture of peace.

In February 1997 in Moscow it was signed by the Director General of UNESCO and the Rector of the Youth Institute Russian Federation Agreement on the establishment of the International Institute “Youth for a Culture of Peace and Democracy”. The purpose of the International Institute is to organize and promote the development of an international program of research, education and information in the field of a culture of peace and democracy. An important area of ​​activity of the International Institute is the gradual creation of a national system of continuous education for children, youth, teachers, etc. in the spirit of the ideals of a culture of peace, democracy and respect for human rights, including the development of special educational programs.

The International Institute “Youth for a Culture of Peace and Democracy” will promote and implement the UNESCO Culture of Peace Program and the decisions of the 1997 UNESCO General Conference.

Youth in the face of change

It should be emphasized once again that at the turn of the third millennium, objective opportunities arose to replace the culture of war and violence with a culture of peace and cooperation. And this is perceived with particular enthusiasm by young people.

There has been a radical change in the political picture of the world. The ideological confrontation between East and West and the Cold War are a thing of the past. Fundamentally new ways of solving economic and social problems and closer integration of peoples, nations and states have opened up. New opportunities for humanization have emerged human society, solving global problems through dialogue and cooperation. Today's youth are the first generation in modern history living in conditions not of global confrontation, but of integration of the world community; a generation (generally speaking) with improved access to knowledge, experience, technology and resources in order to direct the process of social development along a rational, positive path. Before our eyes, a planetary economic organism is being born. New communities based on joint international production are gradually being formed. Transnational corporations are becoming especially important, becoming another form of power. The economy stimulates the search for new rational forms of community life, state organization and distribution of power functions. There is a manifestation of objective tendencies that overcome national egoism and the traditional antipathy of some peoples towards others. In this regard, the ideas of new political thinking, in particular, the ideas of a culture of peace and democracy, have become increasingly widespread among young people; young people are becoming their active guides in life.

Maintaining peace on our planet was of primary importance to young people. Fundamental changes that have been growing since the mid-80s, reflected in unprecedented breakthroughs on the path to disarmament, the end of the Cold War and the establishment of partnerships and cooperation between countries of the recently opposing blocs, were accompanied by radical changes in the content, forms and methods of youth participation for peace. Youth played an important role in destroying the “enemy image”, for a long time poisoning relations between peoples, became an important factor in the spread education in the spirit of a culture of peace and international cooperation.

The model of youth participation in all spheres of society has changed. In many countries, young people support the changes and social reforms that are taking place.

Changes in former socialist countries have radically changed the face of the youth movement in them. Traditional mass and monolithic youth structures, which until recently exercised seemingly total ideological and political influence on the younger generation, quickly lost their attractiveness and left the political scene. They have been replaced by many new youth movements, associations and organizations covering a wide range of political and neo-political interests. The process of their formation will apparently take quite a long time and will develop mainly in parallel with party differentiation. At the same time, trends in the active participation of young people in political life Society was also opposed by the opposite line. A significant part of young people are alienated from the process of participation in all spheres of life, which makes it difficult for them to integrate into society. Failures in social adaptation and alienation of young people from society and the state are manifested in youth crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, homelessness, prostitution, the scale of which has become unprecedented.

The development of the media has opened up new opportunities for interpenetration and development of national youth structures. Further improvement of information technologies in modern society has a serious impact on the living conditions of work, education of young people at the national, regional and global levels. There has been a trend of increasing pluralism in the culture, lifestyle, interests and social values ​​of young people. Young people demonstrate exceptional abilities in mastering new knowledge, techniques and technologies, and are enthusiastically engaged in intellectual work, scientific and artistic creativity. In the future, due to the marked increase in the number of youth in the population in developing countries, the influence of youth on many aspects public life will increase. Therefore, youth can become one of the driving forces for the spread of a culture of peace.

Due to their social position, the younger generation is more interested than ever in replacing the culture of war and violence with a culture of peace, in eliminating the image of the enemy, in establishing the principles of tolerance and good neighborliness.

Thus, in general, the situation of youth remains one of the most pressing problems of our time. To one degree or another, young people experienced during the period under review whole line crises: crisis of self-realization; crisis of adaptation and socialization; crisis of confidence in relation to official management structures; crisis of individualization; habitat crisis.

Young people in many countries remain one of the the least influential and most socially disadvantaged groups in society. With the exception of a relatively small number of children from privileged families, young people do not have economic resources and are directly financially dependent on their parents. Largely as a result of this, many young people, especially teenagers, become victims of abuse from adults.

Despite the fact that in the last five years in many countries there has been a significant increase in youth legislation, including in the sphere of labor, the weakness of this legislation and social policy in most countries, especially the Third World, are obvious. Children and youth are forced out of regulated sectors of the economy, forcing them to work in unregistered enterprises in unregulated sectors, where working conditions are much worse and more dangerous, working hours are longer and wages are lower. Mass youth unemployment is a growing threat in most developing countries and countries in transition.

Young people are the most vulnerable group facing a complex set of problems generated by rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. Despite the fact that young people make up more than half of the urban population, which is noticeably replenished by migrants from rural areas, when drawing up urban development plans, the needs of young people, especially in the Third World, are usually not taken into account. The city, which has long been considered synonymous with civilization, is becoming a place for a significant part of young people moral decay and decline, loss of health.

An alarming fact is the economic and sexual exploitation a significant part of young people. Due to certain traditions in some countries, a particularly vulnerable group is girls who are forcibly given in marriage and forced to earn money through prostitution. Young people have become victims of the spread of drugs and alcohol, and the propaganda of the cult of violence in the media. Youth crime is not only a consequence of poverty and poverty, but also a form of protest by young people, their undeclared spontaneous war with society.

Crime and drug addiction among young people and adolescents are increasingly growing into a major social problem, in particular, it affects the safety of society itself.

Youth is a kind of social battery those transformations that always gradually (day after day, year after year) and therefore, imperceptibly for the general eye, occur in the depths of social life, sometimes escaping even the attention of science. These are critical views and sentiments regarding the existing reality, new ideas and the energy that are especially needed at the time of radical reforms.

Research shows that young people are more committed to the ideals of freedom and democracy than their fathers and mothers. Without youth participation political processes the victory of democracy is impossible. Change is needed in many areas of life and in developed countries, which have lost momentum due to excessive conservatism and aging political and economic structures. The modern world is in dire need of a strong attitude towards harmony, tolerance, community and peace. Young people are especially interested in this idea, because in the fire of wars, regardless of their causes, nature and scale, it is primarily young people who die. For wars and conflicts turn their lives into objects of fear and unfulfilled hopes. For youth can most easily understand each other, since, unlike their fathers, they are not bound by struggle or confrontation in the past, and are most interested in a better, and therefore peaceful, future. The concept of “youth” is directly related to the concept of “future”, and therefore young people are especially concerned about the problems of the environment and natural disasters. It is the youth who must, first of all, be concerned environmental problems. It is young people who must become the bearers of a new environmental ethic. It is the youth who must launch a mass environmental movement in the world. It is the youth who should be supporters environmental imperative, standing above all other imperatives and concepts of “environmental benefit”, “minimum damage”, “social price”, “public good”, “social risk”. The ecological imperative is the steady fulfillment of certain conditions and restrictions that harmonize the needs of humanity with the opportunities that the Earth can provide it. New generations must learn to subordinate their activities to the system of these restrictions, return to a person a constant feeling of constant anxiety about whether he has given up the eternal in exchange for the momentary, and instill a feeling and consciousness of an impending global catastrophe.

Young people are the bearers of enormous intellectual potential, special abilities for creativity (increased sensitivity in feelings, perception, imaginative thinking, irrepressible imagination, desire for fantasy, looseness, acute memory, mental play, etc.). It is known that in youth a person easily acquires knowledge, skills and abilities, is most capable of creative activity, of formulating heuristic hypotheses, and is most productive. Therefore, the progress of modern science, especially the natural and technical sciences, is primarily associated with young people. Youth is open to the perception of knowledge, and in its highest forms, which is the mastery of the most complex methods of intellectual activity in various fields of science and technology. Young people consider raising their general educational level to be an essential condition for social advancement. A valuable quality of young people is their higher educational level compared to older generations. So, in Russia, for example, among young people under 30 years old by 20% more faces with higher, incomplete higher and secondary specialized education than the average among the population. Moreover, the volume and quality of knowledge and new ideas in society are growing, primarily due to young people. The value of youth in the modern world is increasing due to the expansion of education and professional training.

Youth are the most mobile part of society, which is due to its active search for its place in life and the lack of strong economic and social ties (no production experience and qualifications, as a rule, no home or property of its own, in most cases no responsibility for the family, etc.). Favorable conditions for high mobility are also created by the need to obtain vocational education, relatively easy acquisition by young people of new professions. High youth mobility has great economic value. Thus, the territorial distribution and redistribution of labor from among young people is more economically profitable than older family workers. Youth mobility also acquires high value due to the need for territorial mobility of the population in the context of limited vacancies in a number of regions.

Youth are the most physically the healthy part of the population is the life force of society, a clot energy, unspent intellectual and physical forces that require release, through which the life of society can be revitalized and rejuvenated. Many prestigious views human activity carry significant age restrictions ( big sport, ballet, aviation, etc.) and are inextricably linked in our minds with youth.

Youth is conductor and accelerator implementation into practice new ideas, initiatives, new forms of life, because by nature she is an opponent of conservatism.

In a word, youth has such an attractiveness for people of all ages because in it human activity achieves significant progress in the social, industrial and personal spheres and, at the same time, is not yet preserved in the forms of habitual consciousness, the inertia of everyday life, but retains perspective, simplicity and freshness. Because of this, youth is optimistic by nature. Minutes of despair and uncertainty among young people, as a rule, are short-lived, because there is still a huge field of life ahead, full of new and new opportunities. The situation of “instability”, “dependence”, “subordination”, “inferiority”, “debtor” creates a special psychological an atmosphere of predisposition to changes in social life, because these changes conceal within themselves the hope of changes for the better. The purpose of youth is to realize opportunities for self-development.

Free, developing society must think about how to “absorb” the life-giving properties and forces that youth carries within themselves, and thereby “rejuvenate” at their expense.

General approaches to the development of youth policy

It is important to preserve and strengthen the powerful impetus that was given in 1980 to strengthening international cooperation and integration processes among youth at the global and regional levels during the UN International Year of Youth. Since then, many countries have begun to implement an active youth policy, developed and adopted special framework or sectoral laws aimed at improving the situation of young people and protecting their rights and interests. In many developed countries, the quality of state youth policy has increased, and in developing countries, understanding of the need to formulate their own national policy towards youth has increased.

The situation emerging at the end of the 20th century everywhere requires an even more thorough approach to the global construction of youth policy, to the broad participation of states and governments, and above all, the youth themselves in solving global problems. The time has come to fill the idea of ​​global cooperation in the field of solving youth problems with concrete content. From the awareness of new realities as applied to the problems of youth, it is necessary to develop a joint strategy for survival and development. Naturally, the complexity and diversity in the development of world regions exclude the possibility of using unified models and their direct transplantation into the divergent conditions and challenges facing different countries. But although young people live in a wide variety of social and regional contexts, what they have in common is to a large extent the existence of “common youth problems”. Accordingly, youth policy should have its own specific refraction for each region, country, and locality. Therefore, coordinated and extensive activities are needed aimed at uniting efforts, cooperation between nations, turning differences between the parties into an incentive for cooperation, exchange of experience, and mutual enrichment of youth policy.

The process of forming state youth policy and strategic political goals should be determined by the logic of “new social conditions” for young people, their needs, the needs and interests of society in the normal social development of the younger generation. Accordingly, today there is a need for a fundamental reorientation and expansion in the very conceptual core of social philosophy of modern youth policy.

In our opinion, the urgent question has arisen about the need to create a holistic concept of youth, based on universal and generally accepted principles in the world community of juvenile scientists. For all the doubts that may arise about the possibility of creating such a concept, the answer can be definitely positive if international organizations, in particular UNESCO, show the will to create it.

In its expanded form, the concept of youth is a complex, interdisciplinary and very complex problem; it is the subject of philosophy, psychology, medicine, physiology, law, pedagogy, sociology, demography, and anthropology. But first of all, today we should be interested in those conclusions that have practical, political, applied significance, that is, they allow us not only to better understand the place and role of youth in social processes and the development of society, but also to build real policies in relation to this category of the population.

In this new philosophy of modern youth policy, the program for a culture of peace will occupy an important place.

It should be borne in mind not only the need to assimilate the general principles and ideals of peace, not only the denial of war, conflicts and violence, but also the readiness of young people to take practical actions to spread the culture of peace in the broadest strata of society, in different regions and countries.

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Regional scientific and practical conference “Step into the future - 2013”

The youthVmodernworld

Sannikova Elizaveta Konstantinovna

MKOU secondary school in the village of Korsavovo-1


Agapova Lyudmila Ivanovna

History and Social Studies Teacher


I chose this topic: “Youth in the modern world” based on the need to deepen my knowledge on this issue, which we studied in social studies lessons this school year.

The young generation is the basic core of the further development of any society. The situation of young people is a kind of barometer of the state of society as a whole, an indicator of what is happening in various spheres public relations processes. Studying the sentiments and views of young people will not only help solve current problems of improving and optimizing their lives, but also predict the prospects for the development of the professional, political and social spheres of the country.

Finally, I also belong to this social group - youth, so I wanted to become more familiar with the characteristics and problems of modern youth, with their interests and aspirations.

I wanted to look into my future, getting acquainted, for example, with the state’s youth policy, with the social changes taking place in society, which would help me in the future in choosing a profession and my place in life. Therefore, this topic has not only theoretical, but also practical significance for me.

1. Whomconsideryouth

· Age limits for classifying people as youth vary from country to country. As a rule, the lowest age limit for youth is 13-15 years old, the middle age limit is 16-24 years old, the highest age limit is 25-36 years old.

· Many sociologists consider the population group aged 14 to 25 to be youth

· At a meeting on September 30, 2009, the Moscow City Duma adopted a bill defining in the document, in particular, the age of people classified as youth - from 14 to 30 years.

2. Agecriteria

Young people, being a heterogeneous formation, are divided into the following age subgroups:

1) teenagers. From 13 to 16-17 years old.

2) youth. From 16-17 to 20-21 years.

3) youth. From 20-21 to 30 years

To determine the age limits of youth, two main approaches are used:

Statistical- determines the strict age limits of youth, is an average indicator that is legally enshrined. But it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the development of young individuals, and therefore, if necessary, it is supplemented sociologicalorsocialapproach. This approach does not give strictly established age limits for youth, but identifies the following as criteria for determining the upper age limit of youth:

1) having your own family;

2) presence of a profession;

3) economic independence;

4) personal independence, i.e. the ability to make decisions yourself.

3. Individualbordersyouth

There are various circumstances that accelerate or delay youth:

- The lower limit is


I have highlighted some circumstances that force you to grow up earlier:

1.) Early earnings - Until recently, child labor was considered exploitation. Today, a teenager washing cars or standing at the counter in a cafe surprises no one. Moreover, as a sociological study has shown, 94% of adults approve of such additional work.

2.) Quick adaptation - Children, due to the flexibility of their mental apparatus, adapt better to changes in society than adults. They are modern and timely, because they are independent, purposeful, active and independent. Children have the qualities that modern parents would like to see in them. While they themselves were raised in a completely different way - in the spirit of discipline, obedience, perseverance. These traits today are more likely to hinder progress towards success.

3.) Authority for parents - Eggs don’t teach chickens, they said a few decades ago. They teach, they teach, - modern mothers and fathers sigh. It seems that children are already born knowing what bluetooth is and why the modem hangs. It’s no wonder that they feel like experts on many everyday issues. They advise adults on what equipment to buy and where to buy it, what clothes to wear, how parents should communicate with each other, how to work on a computer.

4.) Knowledge of life - “When I was a child, during the holidays we were seated at a separate table, sent to play in our room so that we would not hear unnecessary conversations.” - that's what parents say. Today, adult life, almost from the cradle, invades the nursery through television and the Internet, comes off glossy covers and seeps through the open windows of “House-2”. Parents do not hesitate to discuss their problems in the presence of their child. Sometimes they even involve him in the process itself.

5.) New idols - The entire show business and cinema industry is aimed at creating new role models. Today, the concepts of “real man” and “ideal woman” imply “cool” and “sexy”. A sexy woman attracts attention with her clothes and cosmetics, while a cool man has the latest phone model and a tidy sum in his wallet. Often children adopt the external trappings of growing up, but are not psychologically ready for it.

THE UPPER LIMIT of youth is

"Youngold men"or"eternal"youth

You've probably met older people who are young at heart! They continue to get everything out of life! Travel, walks, extreme sports. All this helps many people live and feel like a full-fledged person, despite their years and gray hair. Psychologists say that it is the consciousness of being needed and in demand that prolongs life, fills us with optimism and saves us from depression. Then you want to work. To be active. Exercise. Just live.

SO:Youth-Thisfeeling,whichNecessarilymanifests itselfHowinappearance,SoAndVbehavior.

4. Socialstatusyouth

Modern young people associate their idea of ​​“adulthood” primarily with changes in their social roles and especially with the beginning of working life and gaining independence.

In general, the social status of youth is the position of the younger generation in society, determined by its social roles and functions.

The study of young people in the process of social mobility allows us to notice that young people are socially stratified. In modern Russian society, differences between groups within young people are becoming more noticeable. To the traditional socially differentiating characteristics (by forms of employment, by the nature and content of work), new, more significant ones are added, for example, social affiliation young man, the property status of his family.

It is very common for young people to change frequently social status and social roles (pupil-student-worker).

The status positions of young people are determined by the prestige of education and profession (both future and present), lifestyle, values ​​and norms of behavior, and their connection with market positions is also recorded. And the desire to change status is one of the most important needs for young people, “responsible” for social mobility. It has been recorded and confirmed that education is one of the leading channels of social mobility; In addition to it, there are also such channels of social mobility as marriage, religion, profession, politics, and the army.

Since young people do not have clear ideas about the future, they tend to active search your place

5. Peculiaritiesyouth

youth subculture social age

Modern youth are the way society raised them. The values ​​and preferences of young people have been greatly influenced by many modern events: the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks and military conflicts, the development of digital technologies, AIDS, drugs, total shortages, the “dashing” 90s, the mass distribution of mobile phones and the Internet, the era of brands, improving economic conditions , social networks, global social crisis, Olympic Games in Sochi.

Youth has common sense, the intention to receive a quality education, the desire to work for good remuneration. Unlike older generations, young people do not fear market changes in the economy and demonstrate a commitment to traditional values family life, material prosperity.

Since young people do not have clear ideas about the future, they are characterized by an active search for their place in life.

6. Psychologicalpeculiaritiesyouth

Among the leading psychological qualities of the younger generation are selfishness (58%), optimism (43%), friendliness (43%), activity (42%), determination (42%), freedom (41%). These traits were named by the young people themselves - participants in my own survey. An unstable psyche often becomes the cause of mental breakdowns, suicides, and drugs.

Unformed consciousness - the desire to quickly achieve what you want - to various forms antisocial behavior. Internal inconsistency - the inability to be tolerant - to constant conflicts with others.

The criminalization of a part of Russian youth is also obvious - part of the young population is trying to find their way to social success in criminal structures.

In addition, some young people, in search of the meaning of life or, obeying a sense of social protest, end up in totalitarian sects and extremist political organizations. Many young people are characterized by infantilism - a desire for dependency, a demand for constant self-care, and reduced self-criticism.

And at the same time, in socio-psychological terms, youth is a time:

a) Physical maturation;

b) Development of intellect and will;

c) Discovering one’s own “I” and inner world person;

d) Civil age, i.e. opportunity to use your rights to the full (from 18 years of age)

e) Infantilism - the desire for dependency, the demand for constant self-care, reduced self-criticism.

Involuntarily I remembered the expression, or, more precisely, folk wisdom: “if youth knew, if old age could!” and asked the question: What traits of mature age would you like to acquire, and what traits of youth would you like to leave behind?


· Striving for self-realization.

· Desire for independence.

· Formation of plans for the future

· The desire not to be like everyone else




7. Mstate youth policy

Society and its power structures must focus on the characteristics of young people and actively involve their social reality.

Myouthpolicy-- a system of state priorities and measures aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for the successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, to develop their potential in the interests of the country.

The priority areas of youth policy are:

· involving young people in active social life and constant information about opportunities in the field of education, career growth, leisure, etc.;

· development of creative activity of youth;

· active socialization of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Much attention is paid to solving problems with employment, as well as issues of housing policy and assistance to young families. An important area of ​​youth policy is the prevention of orphanhood.


In modern Russia, a broad legal framework for relations in the field of state youth policy has been formed. But the most main element This regulatory framework is missing; it has not yet been possible to resolve the issue of adopting a basic federal law establishing the legal basis for regulating the status of youth, implementing and developing youth policy. How then can young people develop if their rights are not explained? I think that the law, first of all, should meet the modern needs and legitimate interests of young citizens and associations. It is obvious that the young man himself, the specifics of the implementation of his constitutional rights and freedoms, should be at the center of the law. This requires that the law reflect the specifics of the implementation of political, socio-economic and cultural rights and freedoms of young citizens, and lay the foundations for ensuring their observance and implementation in the Russian Federation.

Once upon a time in the 80-90s, the issue of the need to adopt a youth law was very actively discussed in the society of states. But everything remained only in words. I would like to propose my draft law on youth.

In it, I would consider the main problems of modern youth. And this:

Lack of security and confidence in it on the part of the Russian government - there is no clear understanding of history, what is good and what is bad. - disunity of society and nation. -lack of a national idea. -low level of education. -corruption. - inaccessibility, high cost sports sections and circles. - lack of mass sports. - corruption of TV and the press.

Youth alcoholism, drug addiction.

If these problems are not solved, then it will turn out - absenceprospectsonthe best+ unemployment= absencefutureourcountries…

8. Myouth subcultures

The socio-psychological characteristics of youth as a social group are also manifested in the existence of a special youth subculture.

Subculture is the culture of a certain social or demographic group, which is formed within the framework of the traditional (dominant) culture, but differs from it in the specific values, lifestyle, and style of behavior.

Subculture is a certain style, way of life and thinking of individuals isolated within society social groups. This is partly due to the high criticality inherent in age, the idea that “history begins with us.” It is also reflected in the fact that young people by their nature are aimed at transformation, creating something new.

Youth subculture is the culture of the younger generation, expressing the characteristics of the life of young people. For the first time, the youth subculture as a social phenomenon appeared in the 40s-50s of the 20th century in the USA. Subsequently, in the 50s-60s, the youth subculture manifested itself in Europe, and in the 70s-80s in the USSR.

The main features of the youth subculture:

1. Challenging adult values ​​and experimenting with one’s own lifestyle;

2. Inclusion in various peer groups;

3. Unique tastes, especially in clothing and music;



Bikers are one of the few for whom the words “one for all, all for one” are not an empty phrase, but a way of life. A biker is a motorcycle driver. They have evolved from wild hordes, dissecting along the rural roads of vast America, to an elite, tough organization dealing with huge money, a network that has enveloped the planet.

RappersAndhip hoppers

A human rapper not only plays sports (which is already a plus), he expresses himself creatively. And the manifestation of talent always leads to personal growth. This is a huge plus.

Everything seems to be fine, but there is such a leak as “Gansta”. This is where an aggressive style of behavior is “in fashion.” Such people may own firearms because they believe that the world is cruel and only they can protect themselves. They consider themselves kings and do not recognize anyone or anything higher than themselves


The idea of ​​skinheads is that only the strong can live. Therefore, you need to be strong, and not only in body, but also in spirit.

They take their idea too literally. It is with skinheads that attacks without causal aggression towards other people are often noticed. They are not at all afraid to kill “not their own,” and even to some extent strive for this.


The main idea - Personally, as an outsider, I don’t see others.

Therefore, where punks appear, there are fights, robberies, violence with the aim of desecrating a person.


Quite a calm culture and harmless to society. As the saying goes, “no matter what a child amuses himself with...”

In fact, their occupation is idleness; such a person is unlikely to become someone big in social life.


There is no negative attitude towards the world and towards “not our own”. There is nothing that they vehemently oppose.

It is their freedom that is their main disadvantage. She gives them everything, while they themselves cannot be influenced from the outside, i.e. if for now it’s harmless and fun, then who knows what it will turn into later... And no one can stop them.


Only intellectually developed people become role players. They are necessarily educated, well-read, and very intelligent and peace-loving. There is a danger of “playing too hard” in one scenario or another and not getting out of the role. In such situations, a person simply stands out from society.

Expression of emotions is the main rule for emo. They are distinguished by: self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensual perception of the world. Often an emo is a vulnerable and depressed person.

There is a stereotypical idea of ​​emos as whiny guys and girls.


Gomty are representatives of the gothic subculture, inspired by the aesthetics of the gothic novel, the aesthetics of death, gothic music and consider themselves to be part of the gothic scene.

Representatives of the movement appeared in 1979 on the wave of post-punk. The goths channeled the punkish shocking behavior into a passion for vampire aesthetics and a dark view of the world.

When getting acquainted with subcultures, you involuntarily ask the question: Is a youth subculture a movement of the soul, a desire to stand out, or a social protest???

I believe that first of all it is the desire to stand out, not to be a “gray mass”. And as reasons for “going underground,” young people name:

I. Challenge to society, protest.

II. A challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family.

III. Reluctance to be like everyone else.

IV. The desire will take hold in the new environment.

V. Draw attention to yourself.

VI. The area of ​​organizing leisure time for young people in the country is underdeveloped.

VII. Copying Western structures, trends, culture.

VIII. Religious ideological beliefs.

IX. A tribute to fashion.

X. Lack of purpose in life.

XI. Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.

XII. Age hobbies.

XIII. Media influence.

Youthculture-Thismorecultureleisure,howwork.From hereAndspecialyouthslang.

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as is clear from its nomination itself, but also by social, temporal, and spatial limits.

It occurs among urban student youth and individual more or less closed groups.

Like all social dialects, it is only a lexicon that feeds on the juices of the national language and lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

It seems that youth slang should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other slang systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates the literary language and is fixed there for many years.

I believe that youth slang is lack of culture and disrespect for elders. For me, it’s better to speak our great Russian language than to distort it, break it and borrow words. Our generation looks up to Europe, but I don’t understand why? From Europe they take everything from clothing styles to behavior and speech patterns, and borrow words. And our government is largely to blame for this, since since the time of Peter 1, Russia has tried to be equal to Europe. Of course, there are advantages to this, but there are no downsides either. For example, in our time it has become fashionable to say not a girl, but “a chick or a chick”, now not a beloved guy, but “boyfriend” (although the word boyfriend has a completely different meaning, literally - a guy-friend). So where is the respect for each other? And now he's gone. And this is one of the social ills of our modern society.

9. SocialportraitmodernRussianyouth

But it’s not for nothing that youth is a time of formation own views and patterns of behavior, the ability to process information, form positions and follow their social roles.

Based on all of the above, I tried to create a social portrait of modern Russian youth. In doing so, I used the latest data from the Public Opinion Foundation.

The new generation today is tireless optimists, satisfied with life, looking forward with hope, extremely loyal to the authorities and not experiencing expressed protest sentiments.

The majority of today's young people can safely be classified as "golden" personnel reserve" thanks to highdegreesloyaltycurrentauthorities: 75% 18-25 year olds Russians are appreciated workpresidentRFV.VPutin How good(vs. 68% among the population over 25 years old); 82% youth indicated that chaptergovernmentD.Medvedev works at his post Fine(vs. 75% among the population over 25 years old). Somewhat cooler respondents 18-25 years evaluate the work governmentRussia: 50% positive answers (among the population over 25 years old - 43%).

Despite youth, which, as the history of mankind shows, is characterized by a rebellious spirit, the current Russianthe youthNotready to take to the streets and participateVsharesprotest. According to this indicator age group 18-25 years has no qualitative differences from the group over 25 years old ( 72% and 71%, respectively), and this result logically correlates with high degree satisfaction with one's life and loyalty to the current government.

About half of young people have constantwork(in January 2010 - 44 %), 12% receive a scholarship 10% enjoy financial support from relatives and friends.


So, the most “scary” areas turned out to be:

1. Profession

2. Family and marriage

4. Habitat

5. Society, country


The problems of Russian youth, in their essence, represent problems not only of the modern young generation, but also of the entire society as a whole, on the solution of which not only today, but also the future of our society depends. A significant threat to the future of Russia is the level of prevalence of social diseases among young people. According to research, more than 80% of teenagers consume alcohol; the number of teenage drug addicts has increased 18 times; 66% of young people had experience of smoking, 62% had already had sexual intercourse by the age of 17. The use of obscene language has become widespread among young people. According to self-assessments, 80% of students swear high school. This state of affairs can lead to the marginalization of the country's population, to sharp deterioration its demographic situation.

Unfortunately, serious Negative influence The media has an impact on the social health of young Russians. The main source of information for young people is, in descending order, the Internet, television, and local TV channels.

That's whybasicProblemsmodernyouthThis:

· Lack of spirituality

· Moral degradationpersonalitiesAnddeclinevalueshumanlife

· Inaction, indifference,individualism

· Sexy promiscuity

· Collapse families

· Cult money

· Social dependency

Also among the problems of young people it is worth highlighting:

Ш Unemployment

Ш Corruption

Ш Lack of security and confidence in it on the part of the Russian government

Ш Low level of education

Ш Inaccessibility and high cost of sports sections

Ш Lack of mass sports

Ш Youth alcoholism and drug addiction

10. BasicvitalvaluesAndgoalsyouth

Every person strives for success, wealth, happiness. Therefore, modern youth are trying to get higher education and not just one, but several. Not everyone can afford it. Nowadays, you have to pay to get an education (with the exception of the budgetary basis). Yes, this is a financial problem, but young people are determined and try to get hired as a watchman, a kiosk salesperson, a cleaner, or any paid job in order to be able to study.

One of the most important values ​​of people is freedom. Freedom of speech, action, and choice are necessary for self-affirmation and self-improvement. Here the question arises: “Will youth become a consumer society?” V. Dahl wrote: “Freedom is will.” Although these words are synonymous, in my opinion they should be viewed a little differently. Freedom has certain boundaries that cannot be violated. And will has no limits. Therefore, modern youth must understand the meaning of the word freedom.

The next life value is awareness of the need for health. We must strive for healthy image life. Only healthy man will be able to feel like a full-fledged person, to feel all the beauty and charm of life in all its manifestations. How I would like to see today’s youth in such a state. And it’s good that most of it is aware of this.

Spiritual culture is very important in the life of modern youth. Spiritual culture can give rise to painting, the birth of poetry, etc. Many can become artists and writers. Modern youth actively participates in various activities in order to preserve the environment, protect nature, care for the disabled, the elderly, etc. She knows how to adapt to a variety of societies and defend her opinions.

Young people are essentially sociable and friendly people. We have a different worldview, very different from our aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. There are concepts of “cool” and “sucks”. We try to conform to the outside world and cannot live without communication - this is another value. If we spend some time socializing, we strengthen the bonds of friendship with new friends. With the help of communication, we show our manners, our upbringing and gain respect for ourselves as just a person. to a good person. IN Hard time these people will always support and help.

Modern youth are very sociable and comprehensively developed. Young people have great prospects. They boldly look into the future and achieve their goals. Our youth are our future.

Is there any difference in the basic life goals and values ​​of young people in different countries?

I tried to figure this out. For comparison, I took data from German sociologists.

There are approximately 6 million young people aged 14 to 21 living in Germany. Their favorite activities: sports, going to the movies, listening to music, going to a disco, “just hanging out.” Their biggest concerns are unemployment, environmental degradation, crime, right-wing radicalism, hostility towards foreigners, and youth violence. Desires related to the future: 75% would like to get married someday, 83% want to have children.

It turns out that we, Russians, and they, Germans, are very similar. This is probably a characteristic of youth in general, regardless of nationality. And that's great! This means that we can easily find a common language, we can jointly fight common troubles and problems and look confidently into the future.


From the above it follows that the existing range of problems in youth research is very diverse. Despite the fact that much attention is paid to the problem of education of modern youth, related problems are also in the close focus of social researchers: these are housing problems, problems with unemployment, problems of leisure, political insecurity and corruption of youth by the media, as well as the fight against drugs of different nature.

Thus, social researchers still have a lot to do in studying modern youth, their social environment and social factors influencing the life course of children, adolescents and young people.


Your child is informal. For parents about youth subcultures M.: Genesis, 2010

Life prospects and professional self-determination of youth Kyiv: Naukova Dumka,

Psychology of asocial-criminal groups of adolescents and youth NPO "MODEK", MSPS

Developmental psychology: youth, maturity, old age: Proc. aid for students higher textbook institutions M.: Publishing center "Academy"

Kukhterina E.A. Variability of value orientations of young people depending on the region.

Kukhterina E.A. Social mobility youth: Monograph. Tyumen: Publishing and Printing Center "Express", 2004.

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If we consider the problems of self-realization of youth not only from the side of the individual as the difficulties of realization individual, and if you look at them in general, as problems of the entire society, you can see that solving these problems can improve the social system, increase productivity, and also avoid many social conflicts. The socio-demographic group that falls under the definition of “youth” has a higher level of perception and acceptance of the modernization of society.

It is easier for young people to adapt to modern living conditions and to master innovations in various fields. Culture, politics, social and economic activities and much more do not stand still, guided only by the cultural heritage and experience of our ancestors. All social sectors are changing and taking on new modern shapes. It can be extremely difficult for people who have crossed the threshold of youth to accept such changes due to tightly ingrained conservative views. Over time, the reins of society are transferred to the hands of the younger generation. That is why it is so important to create favorable conditions for the self-realization of youth, helping young people to become harmonious, comprehensively developed individuals.

Path to the future

The period of youth is a kind of road to the future. It is on this thorny path that a person predetermines his future existence, makes a choice towards one profession or another, decides in which social sphere his potential will be fully revealed and more useful to society, what occupation will bring spiritual comfort. The consciousness of young people, like a sponge, is capable of absorbing, filtering and processing a large flow of information. Studies of developmental psychology say that it is in the process of growing up that a person develops self-awareness and a stable system of values, and also predetermines the social status of the individual. The period of youth is characterized by manifestations of critical thinking; a person learns to evaluate and analyze. In parallel with this, a foundation has already been laid in the minds of young people from stereotypes of the past; the task of young people is to correctly filter the experience of past years, to highlight the main and useful information for themselves.

Fathers and Sons

We adults do not understand children, since we no longer understand our own childhood. Sigmund Freud

The problems of self-realization of youth include the eternal confrontation between the old and young generations. Basically, old people are always dissatisfied with the behavior of young people, they try to give advice from their past years, and young people, with all their youthful ambition, do not want to listen and draw conclusions. In fact, the confrontation between these two social groups can, both serve some benefit and cause considerable harm in the further realization of youth potential. Definitely, the experience of the past can be useful, so that, for example, you do not make the same mistakes or, as they say, do not reinvent the wheel. This is where the ability to filter information and give their own assessment of certain judgments comes in handy for young people.

As for the negative consequences, too persistent imposition of conservative views will hinder the desire of young people to develop in the modern world, keep up with the times, and adapt to the rapidly developing features of the environment. Young people, crushed by the authority of the older generation, lose interest in learning everything new, passivity develops, sometimes bordering on infantilism, and these qualities do not in any way contribute to self-realization and success. Therefore, in the process of education it is extremely important to find that notorious “golden mean”. As K. S. Stanislavsky said: “Let old wisdom guide young vigor and strength, let young vigor and strength support old wisdom.”

Problems of youth in the modern world

The modern world is no longer as strict about observing the rules of morality as in ancient centuries; this, too, is a significant component of the essence of the problem of self-realization for young people. This is why most young people today have extremely vague moral standards. The majority are dominated by hedonistic inclinations and selfishness, which sooner or later leads to self-destruction of the individual. The problems that modern youth face hinder the individual’s self-realization or make it almost impossible. Spiritual devastation, hopelessness for future life, split in value orientations, spreading nihilism and breakdown moral ideals- these are the main reasons that lead modern young people to such social problems, How:

  • Alcoholism
  • Addiction
  • Immorality
  • Crime
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Substitution of life values

Finding himself in one of the above trends, an individual embarks on the path of degradation and self-destruction. And only through long and complex social, physical and psychological rehabilitation can a person be returned to normal existence, as well as motivate his personality for further self-development.

What hinders the self-realization of youth

Here are some of the most basic problems of youth self-realization

Inconsistency with social requirements

It’s unlikely that anyone in childhood dreams of becoming a successful plumber or loader. Everyone wants to be astronauts and flight attendants, pilots and ballerinas. But over time, a person realizes that it is not always possible to realize dreams. Society does not need millions of dancers and actresses; preference is given to professions in the field of science, physical labor or engineering. The first problem of personal self-realization is the discrepancy between the desired and the actual. You have to make a choice between your childhood dream and a profession that is more prestigious and profitable. But often young people do not understand that they can realize themselves not only in their career. Self-realization is the totality of all areas of life, such as creativity, hobbies, family, environment and the like. It turns out that today’s youth, for the most part, prefer choosing a profession that is more profitable, but for which they have absolutely no heart. Of course, therefore, the opportunity to realize oneself in the labor field in this case is extremely small.

Lack of social requirements

The youth modern world the overwhelming majority are aimed at obtaining a good income. But mastering a profession and hard work are not part of the plans of young people. The lack of work incentive primarily arises due to the lack of prospects for future life; the individual does not see the point in making efforts. Such qualities as laziness, passivity, lack of initiative begin to predominate, and a feeling of hopelessness arises, which can lead to stress and personal conflicts of the individual.

Lack of social references

The younger generation sometimes does not have time to adapt to such a rapidly changing society. The experience of the past and the modernization of society are sometimes so different from each other, and these changes occur in a short period of time, that they introduce a certain dissonance into the fragile consciousness of the younger generation. Young people lack social guidelines, because what was important for the previous generation is rapidly losing its value within the framework of urbanization and modernization of the modern world. Therefore, the further choice of the goal and path of young people begins to be determined by the circumstances and requirements of society, and not by the abilities and desires of the individual himself. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the ability to adapt your professional and personal goals to the development trends of modern society, to be able to adapt without disturbing your mental balance.

Reduction of social programs

Problems of self-realization of youth directly depend on social activities. In order to fully demonstrate their potential, to determine their inclination towards a particular field of activity, young people need to be provided with a foundation, so to speak, an arena for implementation. Reduction of various youth programs, inability to find conditions for active amateur performances, difficulties in the right to direct participation in educational, political, and labor activities. The younger generation has absolutely no place to show their potential, since society is not able to provide accessible leisure areas for realization.

Social insecurity

For successful self-realization, the younger generation must feel support and support from others. This is not only about the family and the general education system. The state must fully create favorable conditions for the livelihoods of the younger generation and the formation of a harmonious personality. If young people do not feel guarantees, a certain guarantee of the success of their future, then this contributes to the emergence of a feeling of fear and uncertainty about the future. Which, like any negative thoughts and emotions, creates obstacles to the self-realization of young people.

Moral and spiritual chaos

The last period of development of modern society notices a tendency towards the dehumanization of culture, the meaning of art is demoralized, the image of man becomes degraded, spiritual and moral values ​​fade into the background. Empathy and altruism are giving way to greed and consumerism. The spiritual values ​​of collectivism are replaced by selfish individual goals. All these factors, as well as the lack of a clear national idea among young people, are also part of the essence of the problem of youth self-realization. The media and social networks have a detrimental effect on the fragile young psyche. One should not underestimate the value of the Internet and all its benefits (which in the modern world occupy an important place in the self-realization of an individual), but here again it is necessary to develop in young people the ability to correctly filter information.

Solving the problem of youth self-realization

So what conditions are necessary for the self-realization of young people? First of all, we should not forget that personal self-realization primarily depends on the person himself, his aspirations and readiness for hard work. The task of those around us is to help young people form by creating all the necessary favorable conditions for the development and realization of their potential.

On the part of the family and close circle, this can be the transfer of valuable experience and the formation of moral values. This can be achieved, for example, by your own personal example - a child who grows up in harmony and sees a favorable family model in front of him is already one step closer to a successful future. The education system also usually makes a significant contribution to the formation of personality. Pedagogical trends should not stand still; constant growth, development, and the search for new productive methods of upbringing and education are necessary. The state should also introduce various social programs for the development of youth, provide the opportunity to realize their artistic and artistic inclinations, and create so-called leisure and cultural platforms for young people to express their amateur activities. Also, do not forget about social guarantees - young people should not feel unprotected within the framework of social policy. Every person should be sure that persistent, honest and hard work is an opportunity to achieve success, and the state will assist in this, since the country’s governance mechanism should be interested in obtaining worthy personnel and raising a worthy young generation.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect. Confucius

Problems of self-realization of youth are not only individual and personal difficulties of young people. This is a global problem for society as a whole. It is quite possible that the cute baby you see in the sandbox will later become the head of state and the arbiter of the fate of the entire society. Therefore, one of the most important goals of the modern world is to solve the problem of self-realization of youth and create high-quality conditions for the self-realization of young people.

YOUTH – a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of age parameters, characteristics social status and socio-psychological qualities.

One of the first definitions of the concept of “youth” was given in 1968 by V.T. Lisovsky:

“Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age having already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria of youth can range from 16 to 30 years.”

Later, a more complete definition was given by I.S. Konom:

"Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties determined by both. Youth as a certain phase, stage of the life cycle is biologically universal, but its specific age framework, the associated social status and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture and the patterns of socialization characteristic of a given society.”

In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and social status of the individual.

The consciousness of a young person has a special sensitivity, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, they develop: critical thinking, the desire to give their own assessment of various phenomena, the search for argumentation, original thinking. At the same time, at this age some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation still remain. Hence, in the behavior of young people there is an amazing combination of contradictory qualities and traits: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and withdrawal, detachment from the outside world.

Youth consciousness is determined by a number of objective circumstances.

Firstly, in modern conditions The process of socialization itself became more complex and lengthened, and accordingly the criteria for its social maturity became different. They are determined not only by entering an independent working life, but also by completing education, obtaining a profession, real political and civil rights, financial independence from parents.

Secondly, the formation of social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many relatively independent factors: family, school, work collective, media, youth organizations and spontaneous groups.

The boundaries of youth are fluid. They depend on the socio-economic development of society, the achieved level of well-being and culture, and people’s living conditions. The impact of these factors is really manifested in the life expectancy of people, the expansion of the boundaries of youth age from 14 to 30 years.

Since ancient times, the formation of society has been accompanied by the process of socialization of new generations. One of the main problems in the socialization of young people is that they either accept the values ​​of their fathers or completely abandon them. More often the latter happens.

Young people believe that the social values ​​that their “fathers” lived by lose their practical significance in any new historical situation and, as a result, are not inherited by their children.

Today, the main task of the survival of Belarusian society is to solve the problem of maintaining social stability and transferring cultural heritage from one generation to another. This process has never been automatic. It always assumed the active participation of all generations in it.

It is necessary to remember that it is at a young age that a system of value orientations is formed, the process of self-education, self-creation of the individual and establishment in society is actively underway.

In today’s rapidly changing, dynamically developing world, young people have to decide for themselves what is more valuable – getting rich by any means or acquiring high qualifications that help them adapt to new conditions; denial of previous moral norms or flexibility, adaptability to new reality; unlimited freedom of interpersonal relationships or family.

The value system is the foundation of a person’s relationship to the world.

Values ​​are a relatively stable, socially determined attitude of a person to the totality of material and spiritual goods, cultural phenomena, which serve as a means of satisfying the needs of the individual.

Core values ​​include:

1. Humanity;

2. Good manners;

3. Education;

4. Tolerance;

5. Kindness;

6. Honesty;

7. Hard work;

8. Love;

In post-Soviet times, young people acquired a number of new qualities, both positive and negative.

The positive ones include:

1. The desire for self-organization and self-government;

2. Interest in political events in the country and region;

3. Concern for the problems of national language and culture;

4. Participation in organizing your leisure time;

5. Focus on self-education;

Negative qualities such as:

1. Tobacco smoking, drug use and teenage alcoholism;

2. Doing nothing;

3. Sexual experimentation;

4. Infantility and indifference (nihilism);

5. Uncertainty and unpredictability;

Several important sociocultural conditions for successful personal socialization can be identified:

1. Healthy family microenvironment;

2. Favorable creative atmosphere at school, lyceum, gymnasium;

3. Positive impact fiction and art;

4. Media influence;

5. Aestheticization of the nearest macroenvironment (yard, neighborhood, club, sports ground, etc.)

6. Active involvement in social activities;

Social adaptation is a controlled process. It can be managed not only in line with the impact of social institutions on the individual during his production, non-production, pre-production, post-production life, but also in line with self-government.

In general terms, there are most often four stages of personality adaptation in a new social environment:

1. the initial stage, when an individual or group realizes how they should behave in a new social environment, but are not yet ready to recognize and accept the value system of the new environment and strive to adhere to the previous value system;

2. stage of tolerance, when the individual, group and new environment show mutual tolerance to each other’s value systems and patterns of behavior;

3. accommodation, i.e. recognition and acceptance by the individual of the basic elements of the value system of the new environment while simultaneously recognizing some of the values ​​of the individual and group as the new social environment;

4. assimilation, i.e. complete coincidence of the value systems of the individual, group and environment;

Full social adaptation human includes physiological, managerial, economic, pedagogical, psychological and professional adaptation.

Specific points of social adaptation technology:

It is only human nature to create special “devices”, certain social institutions, norms, traditions that facilitate the process of his adaptation in a given social environment;

Only a person has the ability to consciously prepare the younger generation for the process of adaptation, using all means of education for this;

The process of “acceptance” or “rejection” by individuals of existing social relations depends on social affiliation, worldview, and on the orientation of education;

A person consciously acts as a subject of social adaptation, changing his views, attitudes, and value orientations under the influence of circumstances;

Social adaptation is the process of an individual’s active mastery of the social environment, in which the individual acts both as an object and as a subject of adaptation, and the social environment is both an adapting and adaptable party.

Successful social adaptation of the individual requires maximum expenditure of the individual’s spiritual energy.

Youth is the path to the future that a person chooses. Choosing the future and planning it is a characteristic feature of young age; he would not be so attractive if a person knew in advance what would happen to him tomorrow, in a month, in a year.

The general conclusion: “Each subsequent generation of young people is worse than the previous one in terms of basic indicators of social status and development.” This is expressed, first of all, in the trend of a reduction in the number of young people, which leads to an aging society and, consequently, a decrease in the role of youth as a social resource in general.

The demographic situation is complicated by something new in Belarusian reality – an increase in murders and suicides, including among young people. The reason is the emergence of complex personal and life situations. According to data, 10% of graduates of state institutions for orphans commit suicide, not being able to adapt to living conditions.

Firstly, the unresolved socio-economic and everyday problems.

Secondly, there is a tendency for the health of children and adolescents to deteriorate. The growing generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average, in Belarus, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy, 45–50% of them have serious morphofunctional abnormalities.

Recently, among students there has been a clear increase in the number of diseases such as:

1. mental disorders;

2. peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;

3. alcoholic and drug addiction;

4. sexually transmitted diseases;

Some young people, due to an unbalanced diet and decreased physical activity gain excess weight, spend little time outdoors, and do not participate in sports and recreational activities.

Thirdly, there is a tendency to expand the process of desocialization and marginalization of young people. The number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle is increasing. For various reasons and to varying degrees, these include: disabled people, alcoholics, tramps, “professional beggars,” persons serving sentences in correctional labor institutions who strive to be socially useful citizens, but due to social conditions cannot become one. There is lumpenization and criminalization of youth. ¾ of students consider themselves to be low-income.

Fourthly, in the trend of decreasing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. Statistics show that the share of young people among the unemployed remains high. The labor market is characterized by a significant flow of labor from the state to the non-state sector of the economy.

By moving into the field for positions that do not require professional knowledge, young people risk their future well-being without ensuring the accumulation of intellectual property - professionalism. Moreover, this area of ​​employment is characterized by a very high degree of criminalization.

Fifthly, there is a downward trend in the social value of labor and the prestige of a number of professions important to society. Sociological research In recent years, it has been stated that in work motivation, priority is given not to meaningful work, but to work aimed at obtaining material benefits. “Big salary” - this motive turned out to be decisive when choosing a place of work.

Modern youth have a trait that shows that most of from it he wants to have a good income, while having neither a profession nor the desire to work. This happens due to the fact that young people lack incentives to work.

The problem of criminal influence on young people has recently been of concern to the Belarusian public. Among criminal offenses, every fourth is committed by young people and teenagers. Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud. When analyzing statistical data, the volume of acquisitive crimes is currently growing rapidly. This depends on the fact that differentiation occurs among young people and for the majority of young people, parents cannot give what they would like, taking into account their needs. But they themselves cannot get this due to the fact that they do not have a specialty or work skills. Young people do not want to get an education just because they have no prospects after receiving an education. Currently, more and more young people are using drugs. Maybe this comes from the hopelessness of realizing their potential or from the fact that, due to a lack of understanding of the seriousness, they were involved in this by people interested in selling drugs.

Modern Russia is a rather specific country in which there has been a sharp change in the main vector of development. It is no secret that changes in the political and social fields most affect those who have not yet made a decision in life, in whom there is still no solid core laid down by upbringing and education, that is, the youngest.

The problems of modern youth are very different from those that their parents had at the same age. Moreover, they differ in all aspects - moral, social, and economic. The striking differences between their lives and the lives of the previous generation often made constructive dialogue impossible, much less the exchange of experiences between generations - these experiences are too different.

The moral problems of modern youth, according to psychologists, are caused by two main difficulties: laziness and lack of purpose. Many parents, having themselves gone through difficult times of lack of money and “initial accumulation of capital,” strive to make sure that their child does not need anything. And they succeed - the younger generation really does not need anything - neither money, nor family, nor love. By the time they graduate from school, most of them have everything they could dream of (this is especially true for children from big cities - in the provinces financial well-being it’s more difficult to achieve), and they can only thinklessly. Morality as such is of little interest to them - they have completely different things in their heads, they simply don’t think about it. And parents, who have devoted their entire lives to ensuring that their child is the best, realize with horror that they missed the main thing - they did not teach him to love, respect and appreciate friends, parents, and loved ones.

Modern youth are conditioned, first of all, by the fact that today’s society sets one task for children - to have as much as possible more money. But at the same time, everything that happens around teaches the younger generation exclusively that there is no need to earn money - there are many other ways to get it, much easier and simpler. Therefore, in the eyes of young people, things that had significance for their ancestors lose their value. School, education, family and even the state are worthless, because the meaning of life is not in them at all. Such problems of youth in modern society inevitably lead to the gradual degradation of social and loss of communication between generations and a primitive existence devoid of a spiritual component.

The financial problems of modern youth are due to the lack of a clear government policy in this area. The level of scholarships and salaries for beginning specialists today is such that there is no need to talk about any kind of decent existence. At the same time, subsequent employment seems to be very problematic due to the fact that higher education has long been producing an overabundance of specialists, and there are no vacancies for them in their specialty. At the same time, in cities with developed industry, there is a clear shortage of blue-collar professionals, but there are no young people willing to take these positions.

Also, many of the problems of modern youth are caused by the information field in which they live. The Internet and television do not aim at the new generation; their main goal is entertainment. Moreover, most of this entertainment is thoughtless and devoid of any meaning. This is another factor provoking degradation. In other words, all surrounding reality, under the influence of which a young personality is formed, has a direct impact on it not creatively, but destructively, which leads to the emergence of a number of problems and difficulties.