Let them say from May 2, look. Let them talk - Dana Borisova's Thai voyage

At the end of last month, the mother of a famous TV presenter contacted “Let Them Talk” - Ekaterina Ivanovna, with tears in her eyes, stated in the broadcast studio that her daughter uses drugs, and hairdresser-stylist Ray Samedov constantly supplies Dana with prohibited substances. Where is the TV star now? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction? ( Thai voyage Dana Borisova) 05/02/2017

Stylist Ray Samedov is shocked after watching the last issue. Let them talk about Dana Borisova: the man assures that he is not at all involved in the TV presenter’s drug addiction. “Her mother accused me of being a drug dealer and giving Dana drugs. This is a serious accusation! I have a family, two children, and to declare this about me to the whole country?! I'll sue her. She’s probably just out of her mind,” Samedov said before the program aired. Today in the “Let Them Talk” studio, Ray will answer all the accusations from the TV presenter’s mother, and all of Borisova’s relatives, friends and fans who are worried about her fate will find out where Dana is now. Did she agree to recover from drug addiction?

Let them talk - Dana Borisova's Thai voyage

Capital hairdresser Ray Samedov came to the program “Let Them Talk” (broadcast “Dana Borisova’s Thai Voyage”) to respond to Ekaterina Borisova’s public accusations against her:

“It was a complete shock for me and my loved ones!” I've known Dana since last summer. This behavior of hers, as you all remember, has been going on for a long time. It is unlikely that I could somehow influence her. Yes, I don’t argue, she showed different symptoms: sometimes she couldn’t walk and then I carried her in my arms.

- IN Lately I became a close friend to her. She often called me and invited me to her home. But we only have friendly relations, and as for this video: Dana is a media person and I think that such a video is quite normal for her. I didn’t know anything about drugs, about cocaine. My opinion: Dana’s mother is doing everything to have her daughter declared incompetent, and then she will be able to become Polina’s guardian.

In the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Borisova’s friend Lyalya Gainutdinova:

“I understand Ray, even though I’m seeing him for the first time.” And I want to add that Dana’s mother is the main evil in their family. I have known her for 4 years, she is a very authoritarian person. Dana found herself alone and her mother pushed her to such a life!

Dana Borisova. Continued in “Let Them Talk”

Dana Borisova's mother comes into the hall. Ekaterina Ivanovna again flew from Crimea to personally meet with Ray Samedov and ask him uncomfortable questions.

- You're not a human! You are a moral monster! You accuse me of schizophrenia, but I brought a certificate to the program in the last episode! I regret that I didn't break a bottle one day and disfigure your face broken glass! What kind of job did you find for my daughter?! What kind of work is there in Sochi?!

(addresses Lyala Gainutdinova) And you, Lyalya, as soon as the earth carries you?! You praised me, said how Dana is good mom! You knew my daughter had a drinking problem, but you continued to take her to restaurants!

Program expert, pastor Evgeniy Peresvetov:

“We must admit that, after everything we heard here in the studio, Ray is not to blame for Dana’s drug addiction.

Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction?

After the previous broadcast, Let them talk about Dana Borisova, Elena Vorobey, Nikita Lushnikov and other close friends of the TV presenter decided to visit her and convince her of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.

Andrei Malakhov:

“In fact, we had to come up with a story about the fact that she will soon become the host of the new reality show “Melting Before Our Eyes.” We stood in the corridor for about an hour and persuaded her, until at one in the morning she finally opened the door for us.

In this episode about Dana Borisova, you will see the first footage from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where the TV star is currently undergoing treatment. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - The Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction? (Thai voyage by Dana Borisova), broadcast on May 2, 2017 (05/02/2017).

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At the end of April, the mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova made a sensational admission that her daughter is a drug addict, accusing hairdresser-stylist Ray Samedov of supplying her daughter with illegal drugs. Ray Samedov himself is shocked by Ekaterina Ivanovna’s statements and denies his involvement in drug addiction Dana Borisova. Today the stylist will answer all the accusations, and fans of Dana Borisova will find out where the TV presenter is now and whether she agreed to undergo treatment for drug addiction. What details of the personal life of her daughter, TV presenter Dana Borisova, her mother revealed, see in the episode Danka’s Heart. “Her mother accused me of being a drug dealer and giving Dana drugs. This is a serious accusation! I have a family, two children, and to declare this about me to the whole country?! I'll sue her. She’s probably just out of her mind,” Samedov said before the program aired.

Metropolitan hairdresser Ray Samedov came to the “Let Them Talk” program to respond to Ekaterina Borisova’s public accusations against him: “For me and my loved ones, it was a complete shock! I've known Dana since last summer. This behavior of hers, as you all remember, has been going on for a long time. It is unlikely that I could somehow influence her. Yes, I don’t argue, she showed different symptoms: sometimes she couldn’t walk, and then I carried her in my arms. Lately I have become a close friend to her. She often called me and invited me to her home. But we only have friendly relations, and as for this video: Dana is a media person and I think that such a video is quite normal for her. I didn’t know anything about drugs, about cocaine. My opinion: Dana’s mother is doing everything to have her daughter declared incompetent, and then she will be able to become Polina’s guardian.”

In the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Borisova’s friend Lyalya Gainutdinova: “I understand Ray, even though I’m seeing him for the first time. And I want to add that Dana’s mother is the main evil in their family. I have known her for 4 years, she is a very authoritarian person. Dana found herself alone and her mother pushed her to such a life!” Dana Borisova's mother comes into the hall. Ekaterina Ivanovna again flew from Crimea to personally meet with Ray Samedov and ask him uncomfortable questions.

"You're not a human! You are a moral monster! You accuse me of schizophrenia, but I brought a certificate to the program in the last episode! I regret that I didn’t break a bottle one day and disfigure your face with broken glass! What kind of job did you find for my daughter?! What kind of work is there in Sochi?! And you, Lyalya, as soon as the earth carries you?! You praised me, said what a good mother Dana has! You knew my daughter had a drinking problem, but you continued to take her to restaurants!” — Dana’s mother was seriously angry. In this episode about Dana Borisova, you will see the first footage from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where the TV star is currently undergoing treatment.

After the previous broadcast, Let them talk about Dana Borisova, Andrei Malakhov, Prokhor Shalyapin, Elena Vorobey, Nikita Lushnikov and other close friends of the TV presenter decided to visit her and convince her of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Andrey Malakhov: In fact, we had to come up with a story about the fact that she will soon become the host of the new reality show “Melting Before Our Eyes.” We stood in the corridor for about an hour and persuaded her, until at one in the morning she finally opened the door for us.

First air date: April 26, 2017

Let them say - Danka's heart is drug addict Dana Borisova

Let them talk - Dana Borisova's Thai voyage

Let them say - Dana Borisova is being deprived of parental rights

Let them say - Dana Borisova interrupted her treatment in a Thai drug clinic

Andrey Malakhov - Dana Borisova lost her temper and attempted suicide

Program host: Andrey Malakhov.
TV channel: Channel One.
Video availability and length: 51 minutes online.
Possibility of interactivity: comments, discussion, feedback on the broadcast, feed forum, comments using authorization on VKontakte, Facebook without registering on the PG website.

Name in Latin: Pust govoryat - dana borisova narkomanka, Dana Borisova in Thailand
Guests of the program came from Moscow, Thailand, and Spain.

Summary Topics of the program:
The mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova is in a panic, Ekaterina Ivanova is sure that her daughter could die from drug use. Dana's mother is sure that her daughter is possessed by demons. Catherine is horrified that her daughter can no longer adequately assess what is happening. The grandmother is very worried about her granddaughter Polina, who was taken from the famous TV presenter by her father. Ekaterina is looking for money for Dana and is ready to pawn own apartment to get my daughter out of this trouble. Today in our program, Dana Borisova’s mother will tell you what is happening in the life of the famous TV presenter and what is she trying to save her from?

Bottle, tube and plastic card.
Daughter Polina is picked up from school by hair stylist Ray.
In 1995, Dana Borisova and Andrei Malakhov made a program together Good morning and decorations fell on them.

Brief description of the second part about Dana Borisova’s treatment for drugs, broadcast dated May 2, 2017:
Thai voyage by Dana Borisova
At the end of April, the mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova made a sensational admission that her daughter was a drug addict and accused hairdresser-stylist Ray Samedov of supplying Dana with illegal drugs. But Ray himself is shocked by Ekaterina Ivanovna’s statement and denies his involvement in Dana Borisova’s drug addiction. Today in our program, Ray will answer all questions regarding the accusation against Dana Borisova’s mother. And also, everyone who is worried about the fate of the TV presenter will find out where Dana is now and has she agreed to undergo treatment for drug addiction?
The elite quarter "Golden Keys" on the 13th floor lives drug addict Dana Borisova.
Combilipen ampoules were found in Dana Borisova’s apartment.
Dana Borisova is being treated in a drug treatment clinic in Thailand on the island of Koh Samui.
Andrei Malakhov says that it is better to earn 200 thousand rubles a month in show business than to get up at 6 in the morning and milk cows for pennies.

Brief description of the third part from 05/16/2017:
At the end of April, the mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova appeared on the air of “Let Them Talk”, begging to save her daughter and cure her of drug addiction. After the broadcast, Dana was sent to Thailand, where she is still undergoing rehabilitation. The formerly famous TV presenter agreed to treatment for the sake of her nine-year-old daughter Polina. But recently it became known that Polina’s father, entrepreneur Maxim Aksenov, urgently filed a lawsuit to deprive Dana of parental rights and the first meeting has already taken place. Dana Borisova will tell you in the studio what she is ready to do in the fight for her daughter.
Today we will find out if ex-husband deprive drug addict Dana of parental rights. 9-year-old Polina will soon have a brother or sister.
Live Dana Borisova in the Homeowners Association "Golden Keys 2".
Maxim's new pregnant lover Valeria 14120 from Spain wants 350 euros for a cheap stroller and 110 euros for a crib.

Brief description of the fourth part from 06/21/2017:
Dana Borisova interrupted treatment in a Thai drug clinic
We all prayed for her, we all worried about her, we all rooted for her, and today Dana Borisova interrupted her Thai voyage to tell how her life has changed over the past 2 months and how she celebrated her birthday. IN New studio new Dana Borisova.
Gay Tim Brik was the first to bring the drug under the guise of diet pills for Borisova.
Dana passed on her broadcast ex-friend Ray, claiming that he was a drug dealer and brought her drugs.

Brief description of the live broadcast from 12/13/2017:
Media reports that famous TV presenter Dana Borisova tried to commit suicide; on the night of December 12, she took 10 tablets of potent psychotropic drugs, but got scared and called ambulance and washed her stomach.
What happened after returning from a rehabilitation center in Thailand, why did Dana Borisova decide to take her own life? Today at live We'll find out everything.
Yulia Nachalova also started using drugs and was stopped by traffic cops.

What happened to the characters (girl, guy, woman, man) after the program, how are they doing today? We will add last news about what happened to them on this page

Watch the second evening of discussion of the topic " "

video processing

Let them say they took part in the program:

Ekaterina Borisova, the mother of TV presenter Dana Borisova, says that her daughter was hooked on drugs by PR director Tim Brik;
Dana Borisova is a leading drug addict, loves to snort cocaine, called television a garbage dump;
Olesya Voronchuk - close girlfriend Dana Borisova;
Maxim Aksenov - Polina's father;
Elena Hanga - Russian black TV presenter, former close friend of Dana;
Prokhor Chaliapin, a singer, says that mother said a lot of unnecessary things;
Lera Tuvina - concert director, says that she has never heard of drugs, talks about depression, speaks very slowly, like a real drug addict;
Natalya Gudkova - actress;
Alexander Pashutin - National artist RF;
Lyudmila Stebenkova - deputy of the Moscow City Duma;
Nikita Lushnikov - Chairman of the Anti-Drug Union;
Alexander Khaminsky - lawyer;
Oksana Romanenko - somehow connects with society, it’s not clear from whom exactly;
Rustam Solntsev - showman;

The following took part in the issue dated May 2, 2017:
Ray Samedov - hairdresser, stylist of Dana Borisova, drug dealer, got Dana hooked on drugs and coke. Accuses Dana's mother of hooking her on psychedelic pills in order to take away her daughter;
Evgeniy Peresvetov is a drug addict pastor, let them say, he has been using drugs since he was 9 years old;

Alina Deliss - writer;
Isa Anokhina - a woman who lived with a drug addict, girlfriend of drug dealer Ray;
Lyalya Gainutdinova, Dana’s friend, says that all the evil comes from her mother and she is to blame for all the problems;
Yulia Kholod - singer;
Ekaterina Borisova - Dana Borisova's psychotic mother, yelled at everyone, remembered the sausage that Lala ate;
Nikita Lushnikov - says that best friends Dana Ray and security guard;
Lera Tuvina is the most best friend Are given;
Oksana Romanenko - Dana's friend;

Participating in the 3rd broadcast on May 16, 2017 were:
Ekaterina Borisova is the mother of a drug addict’s daughter;
Evgeniy Tonkiy - lawyer, joined the case yesterday;
Evgeny Peresvetov - show pastor;
Oksana Romanenko - loves to chat with people;
Novel Khudyakov - former vain MP, loves to yell;
Dana Borisova - undergoing a rehabilitation course in Thailand on Samui;

Aiza Anokhina - businesswoman;
Rustam Solntsev, Dana’s friend, told how she used to bring him money. His cousin and federal judge Yaroslav died of a heart attack;
Olesya Voronchuk is Dana’s close friend;
Emma Salimova - designer;
Valeria Margolis is expecting a child (2 months pregnant) from Maxim, the father of the child, Dana Borisova;
Nikolai Tsonku - actor;
Ruslan Gromov is Dana’s favorite stylist;
Valentina Rostovshchikova - public figure;

In the 4th program dated June 21, 2017, we sat in the studio and chatted:
Dana Borisova - TV presenter of a drug addict (used cocaine), participates in Malakhov’s planned show, her whole neck is covered in pimples;
Elena Vorobey - Dana's close friend, comedian;
Evgeny Peresvetov - show pastor, son of a drug addict;
Sergei Pisarenko - one of his relatives died from a drug overdose;
Evgeniy Tonkiy - lawyer;
Lera Tuvina - concert director;
Irina Miroshnichenko - actress;
Ray Samedov, a stylist-co-user, ostentatiously in the Malakhov show returned her car keys, passport and documents. Yelled at Dana;
Prokhor Chaliapin - son of Fyodor Chaliapin;
Nikita Lushnikov - treats drug addicts;
Oksana Romanenko - social activist;
Victor Ponomarenko - psychologist;

Live on December 12, 2017 were in the studio:
Marat Aginyan is a psychiatrist and narcologist, involved in the rehabilitation of Dana Borisova;
Alexey Stepanov, a lawyer, says that it was a coughing fit;
Nikita Lushnikov - associated with drug addicts;
Dana Borisova, a TV presenter, says that there was no suicide;
Lyalya Gainutdinova - stylist;
Ekaterina Borisova, Dana’s mother, believes that her daughter had a breakdown and is again a drug addict;

Irina Filatova - a doctor, says that Dana has psychosomatics;
Rada Radova - as usual, threw a fly in the ointment and accused Dana of using drugs again;
Marina Gurova - lawyer, representative of Maxim Aksenov;
Alexey Ledenev - judoka, father of three children;
Alexander Borisov - Dana's father, blames his ex-wife and Dana’s mother, that because of Dana’s mother Borisova became a drug addict;

Ksenia Merz is a drug addict who ran away from the air to beat her daughter;
Nikolay Matveev - journalist;
Alena Kravets - socialite Russian, friend of Ksenia;

How the characters live now, how their relationship developed after the broadcast, information will be updated as new news arrives

See photos from the “Let Them Talk” issue dated 04/26/2017:

See photos from the “Let Them Talk” issue dated May 2, 2017:

View photos from the issue dated 05/16/2017:

View photos from the issue dated 06/21/2017:

Photos of experts from the program dated 12/13/17:

Attention! If you can't watch this episode Let them talk and Live broadcast - drug addict Dana Borisova online on our website, try launching Internet Explorer and following the browser instructions to install the required codec for viewing.
All content taken from open sources on the Internet (search on youtube.com) and is provided on this site solely for individual reference, purchase full versions programs (HD, DVD) from official distributors.
The rights to the program “Andrey Malakhov: Live Broadcast” belong to the Russia 2 TV channel

Permanent url for this issue: http://www.tvshow2019.ru/index.php?newsid=33298 5 660

Viewers' opinions (this is important for the program's characters):

    • #13: ilyin vasili
    • October 20, 2017

    Dear program "Let them talk",
    Dear Andrey Malakhov,
    Tatyana Ilyina writes to you from Belarus, the city of Mozyr, Gomel region
    I come to you with personal pain and tragedy.
    Having watched A. Malakhov’s program where they talked about Dana Borisova, about her problem in which she found herself, many caring people and I worried and prayed for her. I am very glad that an opportunity was found for her treatment and recovery.
    As a mother, I very much understand the feelings, emotions and all the horror that Dana Borisova’s mother experienced.
    I found myself in the same situation. I have three sons.
    We have full family, they put all their knowledge and love into raising their children. They studied well at school - they were on the honor roll. We also took additional classes in music school and rowing. As a result, the children received higher education musical education
    Eldest son Evgeniy in flute class.
    Second son Vitaly graduated from the Minsk Conservatory in piano
    The third son Alexander graduated from the same conservatory in Minsk, violin class.
    I am writing this so that you understand that we took care of the children and developed them in many ways.
    But trouble came to our family.
    Son Vitaly began to drink so much that we don’t know how to save him.
    Every time we pull him out, save him, he gives us a promise that he has stopped, but a month later everything repeats itself. I'm afraid for his life, I'm afraid of losing my son. Only mothers who have experienced such horror can understand me. The guy is 32 years old - he has to LIVE and LIVE, but he dies from this muck. I really ask you to help our family.
    After watching the program about Dana Borisova, hope arose in my heart about the possibility of treatment for our son Vitaly in the center where Dana Borisova is being treated. In the program, she said that they treat all addictions there - drugs, alcohol....
    This hope prompted me to write you a letter.
    I don’t know how much treatment in that center will cost to help our son free himself from the addiction that threatens his life.
    To live young, develop, make plans and implement them
    Help us in our trouble.
    And we wish Dana recovery and full of joy life with her daughter
    I really love your show and have been watching it for many years.
    Thank you
    Vitaly's parents are Tatyana and Vasily Ilyin

    • #12: Gleb Evgenievich e-mail is hidden for your region
    • October 20, 2017

    Hello Mr. Malakhov! When boors interrupt each other on your show, you probably think: “How great! What a passion!” In fact, without putting them in their place, you yourself become a boor towards TV viewers! And here, for example, another reasoning - a certain drug addict Dana is getting high in Thailand (“being treated”). Is it possible to contact the law enforcement agencies so that they can find out which dealer she got the drugs from, and if she doesn’t tell, then consider her an accomplice in the drug business and then imprison this scum for about 10 years? It would be cool to broadcast from the women's zone! It is very inappropriate to happily demonstrate the life of scum while there are many most worthy people they cannot even dream of normal food and medicine. Well, enough about sad things, now a spoonful of honey - don’t be offended by harsh words, because only those you love are scolded the most! The vast majority of your programs are excellent. Good luck and health! Gleb

    • #11: Club Belaya - Tara e-mail is hidden for your region
    • July 24, 2017

    Hello Andrey and hard-working editors!!! Apparently everyone is asking for your help, but with this strange letter I offer to help you... We are talking about Dana Borisova, I once knew her as a very young girl from an “army store” .. And you can really help her - since you have already taken on this not an easy task, and by the will of fate, she now finds herself on the magical island of Koh Samui (by the way, did you see her face when you supposedly suggested she do charity work after treatment?? Just in case, review these shots and ask yourself - do you believe that this is possible? 1 case in 100! Vast experience in working with drug addicts and let’s complete your titanic work of “saving the world” not 50 percent but 100 percent, otherwise, when she gets off the ramp, this stupid but good and kind girl will rush off to buy coke on the second day and she won’t care. it will be on you and on your mother and on your daughter.. In short, at this very time on the island of happiness Samui gives satsangs (meetings according to Ours and he himself is a handsome Russian guy) wonderful Buddha - until approximately August 20.. And this is the only chance for It’s not easy for her to forget this nightmare, but also to really become a happy person and then you’ll take off your the best program about healing. And a miracle that is possible in everyone’s life.. True, there is one difficulty - this Buddha does not give interviews, does not look for fans and disciples and does not need any PR (it’s unlikely that you have ever encountered this in your life) only with He refused me an interview with Kommersant and Afisha, who flew to Thailand for him. But on general principles, like everyone who comes to him from all over the world for awareness, I think her presence is possible without filming and fuss so as not to disturb anyone. This is a small group for 2 hours a day, maybe everything is happening somewhere in the neighborhood of her rehabilitation center and it will be a shame (and this is her only chance) if you answer in a month when the retreat ends.. It turned out to be a long message, but the Chukchi is not a writer, If you decide - write - I’ll write down the address and put in a good word... R.S. You can’t take away a girl’s buzz and give nothing in return and hope that you helped her - right, Andrey?! And you know and I know... I love you! You've become cool! Let's help in real life, and not in a dream as usual... Tara

    • #10: 79031561357 e-mail is hidden for your region
    • June 22, 2017

    Thank you great Andrey Thank you for the program, I just watched about Dana Borisova. You are worthy of respect. For her support.

    • #9: Olga Dosuzheva e-mail is hidden for your region
    • May 30, 2017

    I'm watching your show. I like some episodes. Thank you for helping people.
    I would like to write to Dana Borisova to support her. I really feel sorry for her. I don't think she's a bad person.
    What if my letter helps her... I, too, am raising my daughter without a husband.
    Sincerely, Dosuzheva Olga Alexandrovna

    • #8: Anna Zakhvatkina e-mail is hidden for your region
    • May 18, 2017

    MALAKHOVA A. about Dana BORISOVA!!!
    Hello, dear Andrey and editors of the program “Let Them Talk”. I rarely get the chance to write letters due to my busy schedule, but I couldn’t help but write, having been very impressed by watching several episodes about Dana Borisova...

    I hope that this wish will be conveyed to her...... I would like to convey to her that she learns to respect and love her mother..... this is the most sacred thing in her life..... from her bad attitude towards her, misunderstanding , offended by all her illnesses......No matter what her “Girlfriends” like Boni say in the intern.... and anywhere in public...... Ekaterina Ivanovna is simply Clever, God bless her with Health as she fights for the happiness of her daughter.... No matter what she is, no matter what dirt they say about her, she loves her daughter and fights for her.....

    I'm so sorry to look at the beautiful young smart woman Danu, to get mixed up with some parish-stylists Ray Samedov and the like, so-called friends...... Well, can’t she meet decent, smart men, real ones, who can protect her...... it’s just a pity look at all this.... Marrying a man, a handsome, smart military officer, it’s just a pity to look at what’s happening in her life..... what kind of people surround her.... in Moscow.... what’s up with everyone has gone crazy....from the amount of money that is spinning there.....Dana, lonely and unhappy in this huge city......

    I really hope that you will read my letter and convey my wishes to Dana....
    Sincerely, Anna Zakhvatkina