Ren TV program dinner party. The “Dinner Party” program has been closed by the REN-TV channel. And that's why. Invited to dinner

Fresh episodes of "Dinner Party" are usually aired on the REN TV channel on weekdays at 13:00. However, the show is not on the program schedule this week. Since the very morning, concerned fans of “Dinner Party” have been trying to clarify the situation on the program’s page on the VKontakte social network.

Viewers are wondering why the show suddenly stopped airing and are putting forward different versions. Some believe that the program was no longer sponsored and it was closed, others suggest that the program simply went to waste. summer holidays. One of the fans of the show jokingly noted that the crew was simply poisoned by the “delay.”

Later, administrators of the VKontakte group tried to reassure users, saying that the program had indeed gone on vacation. "Dear fans of the program" Dinner party“, put aside the panic! Every year from June the program goes on vacation. Yes, the organizers of the program are also living people, they want to relax once a year, oddly enough,” they wrote. Fans were promised that new episodes would air at the end of the summer.

However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed, which means fans still have something to worry about. The press service of the REN TV channel refused to name the reason why “Dinner Party” went off the air. Presenter Alexander Kovalev also did not shed any light on the situation.

“I would be very happy to answer this question for you, but I think it would be more correct if you contact the channel’s press service. Everything is fine with me. If we concern only me, then I am this moment I’m just filming the program. The program has not been closed, you call me, we are filming new episodes at this moment,” he told a Dni.Ru correspondent.

When asked about the release of new issues of the program, Kovalev also answered rather evasively: “This is approximately the same as asking you whether the newspaper Dni.Ru will have a supplement on Fridays.” However, he stressed that he is still the host of the show.

The culinary program “Dinner Party” has been broadcast on REN TV since 2006 and is still very popular among viewers. Let us remind you that anyone can become a participant in the show, regardless of profession, age or income.

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Fans of the popular culinary TV show Dinner Party are sounding the alarm: for some mysterious reason, the program went off the air this week. The presenter of the program, Alexander Kovalev, commented on the situation.
Fans of the popular cooking TV show "Dinner Party" are sounding the alarm: for some mysterious reason, the program went off the air this week. The presenter of the program, Alexander Kovalev, commented on the situation.

Fresh episodes of "Dinner Party" are usually aired on the REN TV channel on weekdays at 13:00. However, the show is not on the program schedule this week. Since the very morning, concerned fans of “Dinner Party” have been trying to clarify the situation on the page dedicated to the program on the VKontakte social network.

Viewers have put forward different versions of why the show suddenly stopped airing. Some of them believe that the program was no longer sponsored and it was closed, others suggest that the program simply went on summer vacation. One of the fans of the show jokingly noted that the crew was simply poisoned by the “delay.”

Later, the administrators of the VKontakte group tried to reassure users, saying that the “Dinner Party” had indeed gone on vacation. “Dear admirers of the “Dinner Party” program, stop panicking! Every year from June the program goes on vacation. Yes, the organizers of the program are also living people, they want to relax once a year, oddly enough,” they wrote. Fans of the show were promised that new episodes would air at the end of the summer.

However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed, which means fans still have something to worry about. The press service of the REN TV channel refused to comment on the reason for the disappearance of “Dinner Party”. The host of the show, Alexander Kovalev, also did not shed any light on the situation.

“I would be very happy to answer this question for you, but I think it would be more accurate if you contact the channel’s press service. Everything is fine with me. If we are only talking about me, then I am currently filming The program has not been closed, you call me, we are filming new episodes at this moment,” the presenter told the correspondent.

When asked about the release of new issues of the program, Kovalev also answered rather evasively: “This is approximately the same as if I would ask you whether the newspaper will have a supplement on Fridays.” However, the presenter emphasized that he did not relinquish his authority on the show and is still participating in it.

The culinary program “Dinner Party” has been broadcast on REN TV since 2006 and is still wildly popular among viewers. Let us remind you that anyone can become a participant in the show, regardless of profession, age or income.

Over the course of a week, the program's characters take turns hosting dinner parties for each other, competing not only in their culinary skills, but also in their ability to entertain guests. And the charismatic hosts of the show, Grigory Shevchuk and Alexander Kovalev, help the participants to better reveal their talents.

Popular and beloved by many TV viewers program “ Dinner party" ceased to exist. As it turned out, the famous “Dinner Party” program was closed by the management of REN-TV on September 5th.

Why aren't they showing the dinner party?

The first to talk about the closure of the “Dinner Party” program was its permanent presenter Grigory Shevchuk:
« A lot of people are interested and ask why the Dinner Party was closed and what happened? I can only tell you what I know myself...

All these 11 years we filmed our Dinner in real apartments, our own and rented, in all weather conditions, on roofs, in basements, on stairwells and in the courtyards. We found mutual language and endured absolutely different participants, who at times did not differ in decency and understanding.

We did not have a clear time frame for our filming period, which could end at 2, 4, or 6 in the morning!!! And at 9:30 we have to start filming a new hero! Most During these 11 years of our lives, we, the film crew, spent together, sharing all the sorrows and joys)))))

So what happened? Completing the month of June another season, we were assured that from mid-August we will start a new one! And everyone hoped that there would be no more scandals and trash, or there would be significantly less...

And we all went on vacation, unpaid of course, in anticipation of the start of new filming, new characters, a new season... And so, at the beginning of August, we were informed that the start of filming was postponed from the 14th to the 21st! Well, anything can happen... Then they reported that from the 21st it will be postponed to the 28th!.. We are forced people, we are waiting! Then they set the first shooting day for September 4th!..

AND latest information, from the management of the Ren-TV channel, it was that we, bloody nose, are starting on September 11, and there is already even an agreement for a certain number of episodes of Dinner that need to be filmed!..

And then on September 4, in the evening, they told us that the Dinner Party was CLOSED... Without explanation!!! No Warnings!!! Without anything...

This is despite the fact that the office has been working for at least a month for free, preparing participants and everything they need! And the entire working team, the film crew, went on vacation in the summer with peace of mind, being sure that it would begin new season and there will be work!..

Whether the management of the Ren-TV channel treated us decently, honestly, professionally, and humanely, I cannot judge... Everyone can evaluate this for themselves!

But I repeat: for 11 years we lived by our Dinner Party, and, without going into details of our working conditions on site, our film crew THEY DID NOT CONSIDER IT NECESSARY TO WARN IN ADVANCE THAT WE WOULD NOT BE NEEDED AND WE WOULD BE CLOSED!!!

That's all that happened..."

The culinary program “Dinner Party” has been aired on REN-TV since 2006 and is still very popular among viewers. Let us remind you that anyone could become a participant in the show, regardless of profession, age or income. Official reasons program closures have not yet been announced.

In the comments under this cry for help, real battles unfolded. Some Internet users advised the artist to forget about television career, go down to earth and start delivering food. In their opinion, in this field you can earn up to 90 thousand rubles a month. But there were also helpful people who offered former TV presenter real options employment.

Currently, Gregory’s wife is studying to become a pediatrician in residency. She entered medical school at a time when there were no signs of financial difficulties. Between them, the couple has three daughters, Alina and Aksinya live with them, and Grigory’s daughter from her first marriage went with her mother to Canada. Previously, Shevchuk had enough money to pay for Alina’s studies at an elite lyceum, but now the girl had to go to a regular school.

“With Aksinya’s kindergarten, she is four years old, things are worse. We are standing in line at the municipal one, but for now she is studying in a paid one for 22 thousand rubles a month. When I wrote a post on Facebook, I was mentally preparing myself that my daughter would not go there again... Fortunately, after a cry for help, I was offered a job as a director of an advertising shoot. Together with everyone else, I unloaded the boxes and set up the decorations. People recognized and did not immediately understand what I was doing there... But at least I was able to pay for my daughter’s education,” Shevchuk told reporters from the publication StarHit.

Currently, the family owes utility bills in the amount of 40 thousand rubles for an apartment near Moscow in Zheleznodorozhny, and there is also credit card debt in the amount of 120 thousand rubles. “I don’t want anyone to think that I’m complaining, under no circumstances! Need a job, not material aid. I'm not disabled. I’m ready to go into something other than my profession, just to get a stable salary. I never thought that overnight I would become of no use to anyone,” the artist assured in the finale.