Russia through the eyes of foreigners: the most recognizable symbols. National symbols of modern Ukraine in history

Are you planning to obtain American citizenship or permanent residence in the United States? Are you preparing for your citizenship test and want to learn a little more about the country? Or were you simply curious about what Americans themselves associate America with? We have collected the main information you need to know about US state symbols.

State symbols of the USA

No country can do without a flag, anthem and seal. The USA is no exception. Many articles and books have been written about each of these three symbols of American nationhood. We will pay attention to the most basic facts that are important to know.
Symbols of the USA

American flag

In America, flags hang on government buildings, along roads, and on the homes of ordinary citizens. The first thing that catches the eye of tourists is a large number of American flags. But don’t be surprised, they weren’t hung for a holiday, this is their daily location.

The colors of the American flag, like the Russian flag, are the well-known tricolor: white, red and blue. It is decorated with 13 stripes, symbolizing the British colonies, which formed the state, and 50 stars, meaning the 50 states that are currently part of the United States. If you are planning to take the American Citizenship Test, you should definitely know the answer to this question.

The national flag of the United States is Flag of the United States. It can also be called “Stars and stripes”, “Old Glory” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

Great Seal of the USA

It is this seal that confirms the authenticity of documents issued by the US government. If you've ever noticed reverse side one-dollar bill, then you saw exactly what the Great Seal of the United States looks like. On the left side of this banknote is the reverse side of the seal, and on the right is the front side. And yes, the Great Seal of the United States has two sides, although seals usually only have one. The obverse of this seal is often considered the coat of arms of the United States.

Stamp, seal
Great Seal of the United States

US anthem

The lyrics for the US anthem are taken from the poem "The Defense of Fort McHenry" (by Francis Scott Key). It is not surprising that Americans sing about the flag in their anthem. This poem was created after the writer witnessed the shelling of the fortress during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815. The US anthem is called "The Star-Spangled Banner". The song became an anthem only in 1931, and before that the United States did not have a fixed anthem.

Church hymn - hymn
National anthem

National bird of the USA

The most important symbol of the United States (among the representatives of the animal world) is the eagle, only it bears little resemblance to ours. It is essentially a bald eagle, but in English it is called a “bald eagle”. It is this bird that appears on the coat of arms, banknotes and many official documents. The eagle is also depicted on the Great Seal of the United States. He holds 13 arrows in one paw and a palm branch in the other. This shows that the US “wants peace, but is ready for war.”

In the United States there are even laws according to which it is forbidden to kill an American eagle without the appropriate permission.

National bird
Bald eagle – bald eagle

American architectural symbols

Of course, certain American buildings and monuments are recognized by people all over the world and have already become unique symbols of the United States: the Statue of Liberty, the White House or the Liberty Bell. Images of these items can be found not only on souvenirs for tourists, but also, for example, on postage stamps.

Each of these symbols has its own story. For example, the Statue of Liberty was donated to the United States by the French, and the Liberty Bell convened city residents to read the Declaration of Independence. This bell can still be seen in the city of Philadelphia. The President of the United States still lives and works in the White House. This is the building that is depicted on the twenty dollar bill.

The Statue of Liberty
The White House
The Liberty Bell

Intangible symbols of the USA

The phrase “In God We Trust” is the official motto of the United States. This phrase is sometimes controversial among Americans. After all, freedom of religion is one of the most important things for every resident of America. This is even enshrined in the US Constitution. You can practice any religion, or you can practice no religion. The phrase is printed on all American paper currency.

Americans have another motto: “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of many, one). This phrase can be seen on the US coat of arms.

In God we Trust - We trust in God
Official motto: National motto

Uncle Sam

Every American is familiar with Uncle Sam. And no, this is not some popular movie actor. This is a humanized image of the USA. Remember how American posters often depict an elderly man in a top hat, blue tailcoat and striped pants? This is Uncle Sam. This image became especially famous thanks to the posters of the First World War.

Now the image of Uncle Sam is a stable American symbol. You can often hear, for example, that something is needed “for Uncle Sam.” This phrase means that it is needed for the USA.

Uncle Sam - Uncle Sam

Words in English on the topic national symbols

National colors- national colors. Usually the colors that are on the flag are taken. So sometimes national colors are translated as national flag.
National myths- national myths
Coat of arms- coat of arms, coat of arms
Patriotism- patriotism
Motherland/Homeland/Native land- Homeland
Folk costume- folk costume
Folk dance- folk dance
National animal- national animal
National tree- national tree

Of course there are many other American symbols. Some occur very often, others very rarely. American history is still very short, so everything that is at least in some way related to its creation is carefully preserved by the Americans and can even be considered a symbol of the country.

Shutikova Anna

The national flag is one of the most important and respected symbols of the country. Typically, the motif depicted on the flag is associated with the history or culture of the country. While most national flags include various geometric figures, colors and general symbols, there are flags with amazingly bizarre things depicted on them. From a naked man beheading another man to machetes and assault rifles, be sure to check out these twenty-five bizarre symbols featured on flags different countries peace.

25. Mozambique

When it comes to national flags with guns, nothing beats the Mozambican flag. The national flag of Mozambique is "decorated" with an AK-47 assault rifle, symbolizing the country's defense and vigilance. The open book symbolizes the importance of education and the hoe represents Agriculture countries.

24. Butane

Everyone knows that the dragon is a very important symbol in many Asian countries, but Bhutan is one of the few countries that have decorated their national flag with this creature. The dragon depicted on the flag is Druk, the legendary thunder dragon of Bhutan, who holds in his paws a jewel called Norbu. The yellow half represents the peaceful nature of the country, while the red half represents Buddhist spiritualism.

23. Kingdom of Swaziland

The national flag of Swaziland features a black and white shield (showing that people of different races can live together) and two spears. The three blue items are the feathers of the Long-tailed Velvet Weaver and the Banana Eater. The feather symbol has of great importance and can only be used by the king of the country.

22. Kyrgyzstan

What looks like a shining tennis ball is actually a sun crossed by two sets of three lines - a stylized representation of the top of a traditional Kyrgyz residential structure called a yurt. The flag depicts 40 identical rays located around the sun. According to folk legend, they mean 40 Kyrgyz tribes united against the Mongols epic hero named Manas.

21. Belize

While most national flags contain a moderate amount of symbols and numbers, the design of the Belizean national flag is quite intricate. In the center of the flag are two lumberjacks (mixed and black), armed with cutting tools and surrounded by 50 mahogany leaves. This is a reference to the logging industry, which is a large industrial sector in the country.

20. Libya

The Libyan national flag, which was used between 1977 and 2011, was the only flag in the world to consist of only one color. There were no designs, symbols or other details on the flag. Purely green flag was chosen by then Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. It symbolized his political philosophy and Islam. In 2011, after Gaddafi was killed, an earlier version of the flag was adopted.

19. Nepal

The national flag has one interesting primacy - it is the only one that is not quadrangular state flag in the world. In fact, it is a simplified combination of two separate flags depicting the symbolism of the crescent and the sun. Before 1962, the flag was even stranger because the sun and moon emblems had human faces, making them look like modern smiley faces.

18. Kenya

Kenya is another African country with spears on its national flag. Together with the dominant red color in the central part of the flag, they symbolize the defense of the country and the blood shed during the battles for independence. The black color at the top represents the Kenyan people, while the green stripe represents the country's landscape.

17. Isle of Man

The Isle of Man, located between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, is a self-governing British Crown Territory known for its unusual flag. Three armored legs with golden spurs connected together are located on a red background. This strange symbol, officially known as the triskelion, was used by the ancient peoples of Mycenaeans and Lycians thousands of years ago. The Isle of Man has used this symbol since 1932, but it is not entirely clear why they adopted it.

16. Cyprus

Since August 1960, Cyprus has used a national flag, which features a map of the island with two olive branches. The olive branches as well as the pure white background symbolize the world, while the orange color of the card represents its large deposits of copper ore.

15. Uganda

The gray crane, endemic to the African savannah, occupies central place on the flag of Uganda. The three colors represent the African people (black), the sun of Africa ( yellow) and African brotherhood (red). The raised leg of the crane symbolizes the country's movement forward.

14. Grenada

The national flag of Grenada, in use since 1974, is bordered by a rich red border with 6 yellow stars, which symbolize the six districts of the country. The central star, surrounded by a red disk, represents Saint George, the capital of Grenada. The strange little symbol on the left is a nutmeg, one of the symbols of Grenada. The red color of the flag represents courage and vitality, yellow represents wisdom and warmth, and green represents vegetation and agriculture.

13. Mongolia

The national flag of Mongolia includes three vertical stripes, one of which depicts the national symbol of Mongolia, Soyombo. If you look closely at the symbol, you will recognize the symbols of fire, sun, moon, earth, water and the Yin-Yang symbol. The central blue stripe represents the sky, and the red stripes represent Mongolia's ability to thrive in harsh conditions.

12. Saudi Arabia

Global oil producer Saudi Arabia is another country with a gun on its national flag. Like Libya and other countries, the green background represents Islam, and the sword is a symbol of military power and the House of Saud, the dynasty that founded the country. The Arabic inscription above the sword is the Shahada - the Islamic Declaration of Faith.

11. Ecuador

The national flag of Ecuador consists of three stripes of color and an extremely complex and intricate coat of arms in the middle. There is a mountain on it (Mount Chimborazo), the most high mountain in Ecuador), river, steamboat, sun, spears, laurel and palm leaves and several other objects associated with the country. At the top of it all is the condor, which symbolizes the strength of Ecuador.

10. Angola

If the design of the Angolan national flag reminds you of the communist symbol of the former Soviet Union, you are not alone in your opinion. The symbol in the middle of the flag is a crossed cogwheel (which symbolizes industry) and a machete (which represents the peasantry and armed struggle). The flag was adopted in 1975, when Angola was under the rule of a Marxist government. Therefore, it recreated the image of the hammer and sickle that was on the flag of the former Soviet Union.

9. Gibraltar

The flag of Gibraltar features a red castle with three towers and a golden key. The castle symbolizes the Kingdom of Castile, a large and strong medieval kingdom, and the key represents the fact that Gibraltar is considered the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.

8. Papua New Guinea

On two identical triangles of a national flag divided diagonally Papua New Guinea there are strange objects. On the bottom are five stars in the shape of the Southern Cross (symbolizing the fact that the country is in the southern hemisphere), while the right side features the Bird of Paradise, the legendary bird of Papua New Guinea. What makes the flag even more unusual is that it was designed by a 15-year-old schoolgirl who won a national competition for a new flag design in 1971.

7. Turkmenistan

The national flag of Turkmenistan boasts an impressive championship - it is the most detailed national flag in the world. The crescent moon (a symbol of Islam), five stars (representing the five provinces of the country) and a red stripe containing five incredibly detailed and intricate carpet patterns (representing the five original major tribes of Turkmenistan) earned the flag its unique title.

6. Sri Lanka

The predominant symbol of the national flag is a large golden lion holding a kastane sword. The lion represents the people of Sri Lanka and their bravery, while the sword represents the country's ability to defend itself. The four small objects in the corners of the flag are sacred ficus leaves and represent the traditions of Buddhism and the four virtues: kindness, benevolence, happiness and serenity. The two stripes on the left represent the Tamils ​​and Moors, the main ethnic groups of Sri Lanka.

5. Wales

From afar main symbol The national flag of Wales is similar to the symbol on the flag of Sri Lanka, but in this case the creature depicted on the flag is not a lion, but a red dragon. The dragon, sometimes also known as the Welsh dragon, is a reference to the legendary king Cadwaladr ap Cadwalladr, who ruled Wales in the 7th century, who was often associated with a dragon.

4. Virgin Islands

The national flag of the Virgin Islands, the island part of which belongs to the United States, is a simplified version of the US coat of arms. The arrows located in the eagle's left paw represent the three major islands of the archipelago, and the letters under the eagle's wings are the initials of the country.

3. Barbados

If you think that the trident depicted on the national flag of Barbados is placed on the flag in honor of Neptune or Poseidon, then you are mistaken. The trident appears on the flag in honor of the Trident of Britain, the mythical patroness of the then Roman Britain and represents the three principles of democracy.

2. Cambodia

Cambodia is one of the few countries whose national flag has a building as its main symbol. In the case of this southeast Asian country, the building depicted on the flag is Angkor Wat, a legendary structure in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world.

1. Benin kingdom

The modern national flag of Benin consists of three colored stripes and does not include any other symbols. However, the old flag of the Benin Kingdom (pre-colonial empire in today's Nigeria) was much more "interesting". It was depicted naked man holding a sword that was beheading another man. Exact Origin flag is a mystery, but it is generally believed that the image represents the Itsekiri people, ethnic group, who acted as an intermediary between the Bini people of Benin and the Europeans on the coast.

National flag

On March 12, 1806, even before the start of the general struggle for independence from the Spanish crown, Francisco Miranda, one of the pioneers of the fight against the Spaniards, together with other like-minded people, for the first time adopted as a banner a flag with the colors shown. Although the banner under which the patriots opposed the colonialists changed several times - after independence, Simon Bolivar adopted a flag for the Republic of New Granada that was very similar to the one shown here. After the breakup of the country into Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, the same colors on the national banners of the three countries remained.

In Colombia, this flag was finally approved as the official national flag by the adoption of the relevant law on May 17, 1924.

The meaning of each three colors The flag is as follows: yellow symbolizes wheat and gold. Wheat for baking bread is the basis of national food, gold is the wealth of the country, giving it power, and the sun is a symbol of prosperous life; Blue colour symbolizes the country’s water space - seas, rivers and lakes, of which Colombia is rich, as well as clear skies; red is a reminder of how much blood of patriots was shed in the struggle for independence.

According to the law, the national flag must be displayed on every public or private house on national holidays— July 20 and August 7. The national flag, like other national symbols, should be treated with respect. Any insult to national symbols may be punishable by law.

National emblem

The National Coat of Arms of Colombia is probably the earliest adopted national symbol.

The coat of arms was approved as a national symbol on May 9, 1834, shortly after the country's liberation from Spanish colonialism.

At that time, the republic was called New Granada, as recalled by the open pomegranate at the top of the coat of arms. On its sides there are two golden horns, symbolizing the wealth of the country: gold pours from one, and all kinds of fruits of the earth from the other. The middle part is occupied by a red cap, worn on a spear, as a symbol of the patriots’ struggle for freedom. In the lower part, two ships are shown: in the Caribbean Sea and in the Pacific Ocean, symbolizing the benefit of the strategic position of the country, which has access to two oceans. Above the coat of arms is an Andean condor with open wings and a wreath of laurel, as a symbol of the freedom that should reign in the country. Below the condor flutters a gold ribbon on which are written the words “Liberty and Order.” The coat of arms is surrounded by four national flags, symbolizing the natural regions into which the country is conventionally divided.

National flower

Colombia is home to the largest number of orchid species in the world; More than 3,500 species have been recognized by botanists, but Cattleya Trianae is one of the most common species and grows exclusively in this country. This orchid bears its name in honor of the Colombian botanist Jose Jeronimo Triana, who devoted most of his life to the study of these amazing plants.

In 1936, the Columbia Academy of History nominated Cattleya Trianae as the country's national plant symbol.

National animal symbol

Although it has not yet been officially adopted as a national symbol, the Andean condor has been present in most versions of the national emblem of Colombia since the last century, incl. and in the present. The Andean Condor is the largest and most majestic bird that crosses the skies of the Andes. Its wingspan can reach three meters, its weight reaches 12 kilograms. Its power and strength are enormous; it can fly up to 200 leagues in a day. The condor rises into the sky only in sunny days, and its smooth, soaring flight delights everyone who manages to witness this unique spectacle. The plumage of its body has a shiny black color, and when light is reflected it gives a bluish tint; white feathers are visible on the neck. For all this he was given the nickname - the eternal bird. Inhabits the highest and most inaccessible altitudes of the Andean Cordillera.

Free Powerpoint Templates Animals national symbols of the countries of the world MKOU Trinity-Sungur secondary school

Animals as symbols In most states, fauna representatives become national symbols. The fact is that in ancient times many settlements had their own animal totems, and in our century the old beliefs migrated in a transformed form.

There are well-known examples; it is known that most people identify Spain with a bull, Australia with a kangaroo, and Russia with a bear. But not all countries are so simple. For example, which animals belong to Croatia or Venezuela? Let's take a short tour of the zoological map of the world. The symbol of Russia is the brown bear. Brown bear

- one of the largest and most dangerous land predators. As a symbol of Russia, the bear appeared in the West in the 18th century. Western countries argued that Russia was a “big, clumsy and cruel” country. The symbol of China is the panda. Literally translated from Chinese, “panda” means “bear-cat,” which fully justifies its image. These wonderful animals used to inhabit the entire East Asia

, but now, their habitat has decreased significantly, and the species itself was listed in the Red Book.

The symbol of Australia is the kangaroo. His image now adorns the passports of Australian residents. According to legend, it was this animal that was first seen by Captain Cook’s expedition, which discovered the continent.

The symbol of France is the rooster. According to the official version, the rooster became a symbol of France because the French consider themselves descendants of the Gauls, and in Latin “Galls” and “roosters” sound the same - galli.

The symbol of Canada is the beaver. In the 17th-18th centuries, beaver fur hats came into fashion in Europe. And in Canada there lived a huge number of beavers. The hunt began for them, and thanks to this, most of Canada was discovered and explored. This is the historical incident due to which the beaver became a symbol of the state. The symbol of England is the lion. This is one of the oldest and most popular heraldic symbols

. In England, King Henry I (1070-1135) used a lion in the ornament of his shield. The elephant is the symbol of Thailand. Represents luck, strength and wisdom. His image is found in Buddhist temples, on coins, royal symbols

The Thai national flag used to feature a white elephant.

The symbol of Norway, Finland, Sweden is the moose. For a long time, man has worshiped the elk. According to legend, the hero Main, the guardian spirit of the change of day and night, on winged skis bravely rushed in pursuit of the space alien elk who stole the sun, overtook him and returned the day to people.

The symbol of India is the Bengal tiger. He is the hero of myths and legends, but now the question is that he himself does not become a myth and legend. As a result of sport hunting, collecting trophies and tiger skins, the tiger has become an endangered species.

The symbol of the USA is the bald eagle. This emblem was selected because this species of eagle is found only in the North. America. The eagle has become a living symbol of US freedoms, spirit and excellence.

The symbol of Columbus is the Andean condor. This is the largest and most majestic bird of all that crosses the skies of the Andes. He was given the nickname - the eternal bird. Inhabits the highest and most inaccessible altitudes of the Andean Cordillera.

The symbol of Madagascar is the zebu (humpbacked cow). By folk beliefs, in the image of this animal the virtues of deity, the indissoluble connection with ancestors, the fertility of the land and the continuation of the human race are embodied.

The symbol of Congo is the okapi (forest giraffe). Its numbers are limited and occur in a small area. It is an endemic animal of this country.

The symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi. A unique species found only in New Zealand, first seen by Cook. This fluffy “chicken” is depicted on banknotes, and a famous fruit is named after her.

The symbol of the United Arab Emirates is the Hawk. It is a symbol of cruelty, assertiveness, malice and recklessness, reflecting the specifics of this country.

The symbol of Kazakhstan is the snow leopard. The snow leopard is present in the heraldry of Kazakhstan as state symbol, personifying the power and greatness of the country.

The symbol of Switzerland is the cow. At Zurich airport, the sound of jingling bells and prolonged mooing sounds - a kind of greeting to guests. And nearby, of course, are cows - the main producers of milk, from which they make cheeses and chocolate, for which Switzerland is so famous.

The symbol of Poland is the bison. The largest population of this endangered species lives in the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This animal in Polish culture has so merged with the concept of national self-identification that it is even reflected in people’s surnames: Bison, Zubrovsky, Zubrytsky.

The symbol of Bolivia is the alpaca, depicted on the country's coat of arms. These animals live high in the mountains and can withstand harsh climatic conditions thanks to their fur. Alpaca wool is highly prized.

The symbol of Japan is the Japanese pheasant. The reason for choosing the pheasant is that it is characteristic of Japanese landscapes and often appears in folk tales, thus being as if integral part Japanese culture.

The symbol of Germany is the white-tailed eagle. The Germanic eagle is actually a Roman eagle. It was Charlemagne in 800 who restored the fundamental symbol of the eagle, making it the emblem of his state.

The symbol of Belarus is the stork. It symbolizes national purity and identity.

The symbol of Lapland is the reindeer. It is a semi-domestic animal living in the northernmost part of Europe. It is an important part of Lapland tourism and the best assistant of Santa Claus.

From the speech of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on August 23, 2014 in honor of the National Flag Day of Ukraine:

“A survey conducted on the eve of Independence Day showed that almost 95% of Ukrainians are proud of both the national flag and the national emblem... Our flag is a living witness of victories and failures. Failures, without which, unfortunately, there is no war... Our national flag is the password by which we know who is ours and who is someone else’s”

I also use this “password” to determine “who is ours and who is someone else’s.” And in this regard, I would like to offer you small excursion on the history of national symbols of modern Ukraine:

The swastika and trident are a sign of the mid-20s for members of the Ukrainian youth organization "Plast". In general, nothing criminal. As is known, it was used long before the Bolsheviks, and under the Bolsheviks, in the years Civil War, it was used, for example, by Kalmyk units.

Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky is one of those who supported Plast and donated funds for its development. Stepan Bandera, the future leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, was also a member of this organization.

Logo of the Union of Ukrainian Fascists, early 1920s.

"The Union of Ukrainian Fascists (SUF) is a nationalist organization created in Czechoslovakia by Ukrainian emigrants in the early 1920s. Leaders: Petr Kozhevnikov and Leonid Kostariv. On November 12, 1925, the SUF co-founded the League of Ukrainian Nationalists (LUN), which served as the basis for subsequent formation of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). In January 1929, P. Kozhevnikov participated in the Founding Congress of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, at which the ideological, programmatic and statutory foundations of the OUN were developed. He was elected a member of the OUN Proceedings, and met with Mussolini. Kozhevnikov was executed by the OUN(b) during the fight against the OUN(m), as he was suspected of collaborating with German intelligence as a representative of the OUN(m). P. Kozhevnikov survived the assassination attempt, but was imprisoned in a Soviet prison after the war and then emigrated. in Germany"

Medal of the "Union of Ukrainian Fascists"

Ring of the "Union of Ukrainian Fascists"

"For Ukraine". "Organ of the Ukrainian Fascist Movement (Movement)" (translation). May 1939

"Ukrainian Fascist Movement (Movement) - Ukrainian nationalist organization in Belgrade. She periodically collaborated with the OUN and took positions close to the nationalists. ... The organization, together with other Ukrainian organizations ("Enlightenment" and "Ukrainian Society") operated semi-legally in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the late 1930s"

Poems about love for Ukraine and " Appeal to the fascist brothers - members of the U.F.Z (Ukrainian Fascist Movement (Movement))" (translation from Ukrainian):

“My brothers, Fascists! At this moment all peoples are preparing for a fierce struggle for their existence, for their own to be or not to be.
We, the fascists, must use their struggle among themselves! It will give us the opportunity to throw off the yoke of the oppressor!
The minute of this struggle is already approaching and we, as one, must take up a gun and stand in defense of our people, our state with a menacing step" (translation from Ukrainian).

Act of restoration of the “Ukrainian state” signed by Yaroslav Stetsko

From the document text:

"3. The newly created Ukrainian State will work closely with National Socialist Great Germany, which, under the leadership of its Leader Adolf HITLER, is creating a new order in Europe and in the world and helping the Ukrainian people to free themselves from Moscow occupation.

The Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army, which is being created on Ukrainian soil, will continue to fight together with the ALLIED GERMAN ARMY against the Moscow occupation for the Sovereign Conciliar State and a new order throughout the world.

Long live the Sovereign Conciliar Ukrainian State! Long live the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Long live the head of the Organization Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian People STEPAN BANDERA!


"Let the Ukrainian state live" ... and German officers on the podium. It is noteworthy that on one side there is a yellow-blue Ukrainian banner, and on the other a Nazi

To the photo above

Where does the coat of arms of Ukraine come from? Occupation newspaper "Snezhnyansky Bulletin". 04/12/1942

"Ukrainian Word" about the abolition of the collective farm system

Trident and swastika. "Thank you to the Fuhrer of Greater Germany." Lviv

Trident and swastika

SS, trident, Galician lion. Volunteers of the SS division "Galicia"

During one of the parades in honor of the SS division "Galicia" (,). The trident and swastika are separated by the Galician lion

Galician lion, Nazi swastika and flag of national colors

Used on April 28, 1943 in Lviv at the parade

Volunteers of the SS division "Galicia". Trident and Nazi symbols

The now popular slogan “Glory to Ukraine” was also popular among future ss-mans from the “Galicia” division, and also among Bandera’s UPA members...

Fighters for independence and “victors of Nazism” from the SS division “Galicia”. They swore an oath on a banner with a trident

Well... and with the swastika too...

National symbols. SS Division "Galicia". January 1945

Courses for UVV propagandists (Ukrainian Liberation Army (Ukrainian Liberation Army - translation*)). Swastika, trident, photo of the Fuhrer

These are the “pioneers” from the Air Force. Great admirers of national symbols!

Ukrainians (Ukr Luft Flak)

To the photo above

Sleeve patch of officers of the 201st Schutzmannschaft battalion

Cockade of Ukrainian policemen in the General Government (in August 1941, the lands of Galicia (District Galicia with its center in Lviv (Lemberg)) were included in the General Government)

From the "noise" battalion. In short, the police...

"Hundred UVV (Ukrainian Liberation Army - approx. *), formed under the tank group of General von Kleist. 1942."

On their sleeves they have a bandage with the national colors - yellow and blue

"The column of the Ukrainian Free Army, Skhidna Prussia has been motorized"
Motorized column of the Ukrainian Liberation Army, East Prussia (translation)

Yellow and blue banner with a painted Nazi swastika

Flak helper armband UKRAINE (Luftwaffe volunteer helpers)

Oath of Luftwaffe Volunteers. 1944

UNAC SS. This is what they dream about even now!

"Ukrainian police". Lviv

"Ukrainian police". Lvov pogrom 1941

To the photo above

Another Lviv “policeman” and participant in the Lviv pogrom of 1941.

To the photo above. The arrow indicates "policeman" on the ID

Another Lviv "policeman"

Taras Shevchenko between a swastika and a trident


Members of the editorial board of the occupation Kharkov newspaper " New Ukraine". "Patriots" against the background of the national emblem

And this is the newspaper “New Ukraine” itself, which was made by the “patriots” (photo above)

When the Third Reich reached its end last days, the organ of the “Ukrainian Armed Forces” continued to broadcast about his imminent victory:

Newspaper "Trident" dated April 26, 1945. Headline: “In this hour of decisions, the genius of A. Hitler will win”

Newspaper "Trident" dated April 26, 1945. The title of one of the headlines: "Victory will be won. Dr. Goebbels about the current situation"

Photos of the Trizub newspaper provided poltora_bobra

Something interesting from the history of the trident:

Trizub used the NTS - People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists. A collection of various emigrant rabble whose goal was to fight for the overthrow of the communist system in the USSR. Members of the organization collaborated with Vlasov

Press organ of the NTS (post-war)

Khazar tamga. Addressing those who like to call Russia the Horde: “Well, what do you say, Horde people?”

Here is the national flag and national emblem of Ukraine! Here are those who, under this flag and coat of arms, “fought for independence”! Do you consider yourself worthy successors of their “struggle”, their “ideals”? But not me! I am the grandson of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and my grandfather fought under a different flag and coat of arms for my independence great Motherland. But this did not stop him from being Ukrainian and loving Ukraine. I am also Ukrainian and I love Ukraine, but not the Ukraine of Bandera and Hauptmann Shukhevych, not the Ukraine of the SS Galicia division, the Roland and Nachtigal battalions, not the Ukraine of the Schutzmanns from the 118th and other Schutzmanschaftbattalions. Not Ukraine, with “heroes” with a Nazi flavor, both past and present. This is not my Ukraine!

And also, Polish blood flows in my veins. My ancestors on my mother's side were from Poland. My grandfather, a front-line soldier, prayed in Polish all his life. This is how he was taught in childhood, and this is how he died. An Orthodox Ukrainian reading prayers in Polish. ... I will never forgive the Volyn massacre to Bandera’s creatures! And, as a Pole, and as an Orthodox Ukrainian!

Is there anything to be proud of?

... I will never celebrate under the symbols of ss-mans and policemen...