The most beautiful English surnames for men. American surnames and their meanings

How many people, so many opinions. For this reason, it is impossible to say exactly which ones are ugly and which ones are beautiful. foreign names. All of them contain certain information; when translated into our language, they can mean some kind of craft, the name of plants, animals or birds, or belong to a geographical area. Each country has its own euphonious surnames, so you need to choose the best ones for each region separately.

What surnames can be called beautiful?

Most people are proud of the name of their clan, although there are those who would not mind changing it to a more euphonious one. Each country has its own surnames, but their origins are almost the same. The family received its personal name from the name of its founder, his nickname, occupation, availability of land, and belonging to some status. Animals and plants are also often found. However, we choose the most beautiful foreign surnames based on their euphony, and not on the meaning of the content, which is not always known to us. In some cases, people begin to like a genus name if its bearer is an idol of millions, historical figure who has done something good and useful for humanity.

Aristocratic surnames

Noble surnames always sounded solemn, proud and pompous. Rich people were proud of their origins and noble blood. Beautiful foreign surnames are mainly found among the descendants of noble families; people who left a significant mark on history should also be included here: writers, artists, designers, composers, scientists, etc. The names of their genera are euphonious, they are often well-known, so people are imbued with sympathy for them.

In England, the beautiful names include the names of counts and wealthy nobles: Bedford, Lincoln, Buckingham, Cornwall, Oxford, Wiltshire, Clifford, Mortimer. In Germany: Munchausen, Fritsch, Salm, Moltke, Rosen, Siemens, Isenburg, Stauffenberg. In Sweden: Fleming, Jüllenborg, Kreutz, Horn, Delagardie. In Italy: Barberini, Visconti, Borgia, Pepoli, Spoleto, Medici.

Surnames derived from the names of birds, animals, plants

From the world of flora and fauna came many euphonious surnames that evoke affection. Their owners were mainly people who liked certain animals, birds, plants, or were similar to them in appearance or character. There are a huge number of such examples in Rus': Zaitsev, Orlov, Vinogradov, Lebedev, and they exist in other countries. For example, in England: Bush (bush), Bull (bull), Swan (swan).

Beautiful foreign surnames are often formed from the name of the ancestor: Cecil, Anthony, Henry, Thomas, etc. A lot of names are associated with a specific area with which the founders were associated: Ingleman, Germain, Pickard, Portwine, Kent, Cornwall, Westley. Of course, a huge group of family names are those associated with professions and titles. Some surnames arose spontaneously. If they evoke positive associations in people, then they can be classified as beautiful, euphonious and successful, because they are greeted by their clothes, so a good generic name helps many people to win over people when meeting them.

Spanish euphonious surnames

Spaniards usually have double family names, they are connected by the particles “y”, “de”, a hyphen or written with a space. The father's surname is written first, and the mother's surname second. It should be noted that the particle “de” indicates the aristocratic origin of the founder. Spanish law provides for a maximum of two given names and a maximum of two surnames. When women get married, they usually leave their family names.

Beautiful male foreign surnames are not uncommon for Spaniards. Fernandez is considered one of the most common; she is not inferior in attractiveness to Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Perez - they all come from names. To the euphonious Spanish surnames It is also worth including Castillo, Alvarez, Garcia, Flores, Romero, Pascual, Torres.

French beautiful surnames

Among the French names of genera there are often beautiful surnames for girls. Foreign states acquired permanent names at about the same time as Rus'. In 1539, a royal decree was issued obliging every Frenchman to acquire a personal name and pass it on to his descendants. The first surnames appeared among aristocrats; they were passed on from father to son even before the above-mentioned decree was issued.

Today in France, double family names are acceptable, and parents can also choose which surname the child will bear - the mother's or the father's. The most beautiful and common French genus names: Robert, Perez, Blanc, Richard, Morel, Duval, Fabre, Garnier, Julien.

German common surnames

Beautiful foreign surnames are also found in Germany. In this country, they began to form back in those days. In those days, people had nicknames consisting of the person’s place of birth and his origin. Such surnames provided comprehensive information about their bearers. Nicknames often indicated a person’s occupation, his physical disadvantages or advantages, moral qualities. Here are the most popular surnames in Germany: Schmidt (blacksmith), Weber (weaver), Mueller (miller), Hoffmann (yard owner), Richter (judge), Koenig (king), Kaiser (emperor), Herrmann (warrior), Vogel (bird) ).

Italian surnames

The first Italian surnames appeared in the 14th century and were common among noble people. The need for them arose when many people appeared with same names, but it was necessary to somehow distinguish them. The nickname contained information about the person’s place of birth or residence. For example, ancestor famous artist Leonardo da Vinci lived in the city of Vinci. Most Italian surnames were formed due to the transformation of descriptive nicknames, and they end in There is an opinion that the most beautiful foreign names and surnames in Italy, and it’s hard to disagree with this: Ramazzotti, Rodari, Albinoni, Celentano, Fellini, Dolce, Versace, Stradivari.

English beautiful surnames

All English family names can be divided into four groups: nominal, descriptive, professional and official, and by place of residence. The first surnames in England appeared in the 12th century and were the privilege of the nobility; in the 17th century absolutely everyone already had them. The most widespread group consists of genealogical names of clans, derived from personal names, or a combination of the names of both parents. Examples include the following: Allen, Henry, Thomas, Ritchie. Many surnames contain the prefix “son,” meaning “son.” For example, Abbotson or Abbot's, that is, the son of Abbott. In Scotland, “son” was denoted by the prefix Mac-: MacCarthy, MacDonald.

Beautiful foreign female surnames are often found among English family names, derived from the place in which the founder of the family was born or lived. For example, Surrey, Sudley, Westley, Wallace, Lane, Brook. Many euphonious surnames indicate the occupation, profession or title of the founder: Spencer, Corner, Butler, Tailor, Walker. Family names of the descriptive type reflect the physical or moral qualities of a person: Moody, Bragg, Black, Strong, Longman, Crump, White.

All genus names are unique and attractive in their own way. It should be remembered that it is not the surname that makes the person, but the person the surname. Studying the history of the origin of certain family names is a very interesting and fascinating activity, during which many secrets of individual families are revealed. There are beautiful and euphonious surnames in any country, but they are different for each person. I mainly like those generic names that are consonant with the name.

So much is told about the culture or traditions of England, but it is quite rare to learn about english names. And the topic, by the way, is very interesting. After all, the naming system is globally different from what we are used to.

If we have a first and last name, then in England it is somewhat different. They have a first name, a middle name and a last name. In addition, in England it is considered normal to give diminutive forms of a name. For example, even in formal negotiations a person may be called Tony, although he full name sounds like Anthony. If desired, the child can be immediately registered with a diminutive name and the state will not object. Moreover, you can take almost any word or name as a name - for example, the name Brooklyn. But if they tried to name their son, for example, Novosibirsk, they would hardly have given permission.

System of English given names and surnames

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that he is the bearer of a surname, name and patronymic. But for the English this scheme is not suitable; their system of names is absolutely unusual and therefore curious. The main difference between our systems is the absence of a middle name. Instead, they have a surname, first name and middle name. Moreover, as either of these two names, an Englishman can bear the surnames of some stars or even his ancestors. Although there is no strict requirement that a person have only these three points. Any Englishman can give a child a name from several names or surnames. For example, if you want to name it after an entire football team at once.

This tradition of giving a person a surname as a first name has survived to this day from noble families. Although the history of the English name system developed quite actively, borrowings were made from various countries, and names were also mixed from the Angles, Celtic tribes, and Franco-Normans. Since the Anglo-Saxons initially had only one name, they tried to attach special significance to it. Therefore, in ancient names one could find words such as wealth or health. Old English female names were most often formed using adjectives, the most common variation being Leof (dear, beloved). And after the Norman invasion of England, a surname was gradually added to the name, making it already close to the system of names existing today. The old Anglo-Saxon names gradually began to disappear and due to the influence Christian religion, Christian schools that opened everywhere actively stimulated the registration of newborns who received a name at baptism, so the names changed slightly: from Mary to Mary, from Jeanne to Joanna.

English first and last name generator

(including Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Scottish surnames)

Male name Female name

Here are the most common ones British names . For convenience, they are divided into parts of the country, because in each corner some individual names are most popular. Some of them are the same, some are different. The names are ranked by popularity.



  1. Harry– Harry (diminutive of Henry – rich, powerful)
  2. Oliver– Oliver (from ancient German – army)
  3. Jack– Jack (diminutive of John, from Hebrew – Yahweh is merciful)
  4. Charlie– Charlie (from ancient German – man, husband)
  5. Thomas– Thomas (from ancient Greek – twin)
  6. Jacob– Jacob (simplified version of the name James)
  7. Alfie– Alfie (from Old English – advice)
  8. Riley– Riley (from Irish – courageous)
  9. William– William (from ancient German – desire, will)
  10. James– James (from Hebrew – “heel-holding”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia (from ancient German – labor, work)
  2. Olivia– Olivia (from Latin – olive tree)
  3. Jessica– Jessica (the exact meaning is unknown, perhaps the name comes from the biblical name Jescha)
  4. Emily– Emily ( female uniform male name Emil – rival)
  5. Lily– Lily (from English name lily flower)
  6. Ava– Ava (variant of the medieval English name Evelyn)
  7. Heather– Heather (from English – heather)
  8. Sophie– Sophie (from ancient Greek – wisdom)
  9. Mia– Mia
  10. Isabella– Isabella (Provençal version of the name Elizabeth)

Northern Ireland


  1. Jack– Jack
  2. James– James
  3. Daniel– Daniel
  4. Harry– Harry
  5. Charlie– Charlie
  6. Ethan– Ethan
  7. Matthew– Matthew (from Hebrew – gift of Yahweh)
  8. Ryan– Ryan
  9. Riley– Riley
  10. Noah– Noah


  1. Sophie– Sophie
  2. Emily– Emily
  3. Grace– Grace (from English – grace, elegance)
  4. Amelia– Amelia
  5. Jessica– Jessica
  6. Lucy– Lucy (from the male Roman name Lucius - light)
  7. Sophia– Sofia (variant of the name Sophie)
  8. Katie– Katie (from Greek – pure, purebred)
  9. Eva– Eve (from Hebrew – breathe, live)
  10. Aoife– Ifa (from Irish – beauty)



  1. Jacob– Jacob
  2. Oliver– Oliver
  3. Riley– Riley
  4. Jack– Jack
  5. Alfie– Alfie
  6. Harry– Harry
  7. Charlie– Charlie
  8. Dylan– Dylan (according to Welsh mythology, this was the name of the God of the Sea)
  9. William– William
  10. Mason– Mason (from a similar surname meaning “stone carving”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia
  2. Ava– Ava
  3. Mia– Mia
  4. Lily– Lily
  5. Olivia– Olivia
  6. Ruby– Ruby (from English – ruby)
  7. Seren– Seren (from Latin – clear)
  8. Evie– Evie (from the English surname Evelyn)
  9. Ella– Ella (from ancient German – all, everything)
  10. Emily– Emily

Modern English names

In English names, it is very common to use endearing and diminutive forms as a formal name. In our country, this form is allowed only in personal, close communication. For example, take people familiar to everyone - Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are called by such names even in world negotiations, and this is absolutely acceptable. Although in fact Bill's full name is William, and Tony is Anthony. The British are allowed to register a newborn child by giving him diminutive name as first or second. Although there are no special prohibitions on choosing a name in English-speaking countries, you can give your child a name in honor of a city or region. For example, this is what the star couple Beckham did: Victoria and David gave their son the name Brooklyn - it was in this area of ​​New York that he was born.

Gradually, fashion began to change and names in English-speaking countries began to be often borrowed from different languages. Since the 19th century, many female names have appeared such as Ruby, Daisy, Beryl, Amber and others. Names originally from Spain or France were readily used - Michelle, Angelina, Jacqueline. But the tendency of some people to give their children unusual names has not disappeared anywhere. Bill Simser, vice president of Microsoft, named his daughter Vista Avalon. The first part of the name is in honor of Windows Vista, and the second part is in honor of the codename of the Avalon system. But director Kevin Smith decided to name his daughter Harley Quinn - that was the name of the girl from the Batman comics.

By the way, not every owner likes such unusual names. Many children are embarrassed by this and eagerly wait until they reach adulthood to officially change their name. Little Pixie Geldof, who is the daughter of musician Bob Geldof, was very embarrassed by the prefix “little” at the beginning of her name and adult life preferred to call herself simply Pixie. But it’s hard to even imagine what a resident of New Zealand, whose name is Bus No. 16, will do with his name. One can only envy his parents’ imagination.

The emergence of most family names in England is associated with events in the formation of the country's history and dates back to the period after the 12th century. When a name failed to individualize a person, a unique nickname was added to it. Almost all British surnames are derived from nicknames.

English names and surnames

For several centuries the English made do with only first names, and in the 12th century the first English names and surnames began to appear. As a rule, their owners were persons noble birth. Modern variants of the English full name include:

  • first name (name No. 1);
  • middle name (name no. 2);
  • last name.

English surnames reflect the history of the state, so they can be divided into the following groups:

  • by territorial affiliation;
  • by craft;
  • by titles;
  • according to external description.

Oanthroponymic origin is the use of names for each as generic names, for example: Anthony, Dennis, Thomas. The particle son meant that the person was someone’s son and received his name from his father. The largest group is those formed on a territorial basis, for example: Brook, Hill, Fields. About 20% originate from the person's profession. Descriptive beautiful surnames in English conveyed certain personality traits, for example: Small, Bigg, Little, Joyce, Younger, Wise, Gay.


As a rule, people are proud of their origins. In every state, the name of the clan always comes from the founder, his nickname, title and other characteristics. The species of plants, birds, and animals from which English names and surnames of men are derived are not common. Among the euphonious, beautiful names of genera, the following options can be distinguished: Bedford, Buckingham, Cornwall, Mortimer. As a rule, they belonged to rich and noble families.

It is difficult to list all the surnames in England. They are not divided into male and female. You can often find the following options:

  • Adams;
  • Brown;
  • Ellis;
  • Hughes;
  • Ford;
  • Jackson;
  • George;
  • Smith;
  • Johnson;
  • Miller.


If you wish, today you can change the last parameter in the name to whatever you like, but it should be taken into account that it must be combined with the patronymic and directly with the name. Beautiful names of British origin will be an excellent option for European women. Most words sound and are spelled the same, regardless of whether they are in a female or male name.

Famous English surnames for girls are presented below:

  • Rogers;
  • Harris;
  • Lewis;
  • Simmons;
  • Molligan;
  • Wilson;
  • Howard;
  • Scott;
  • Collins;
  • Nelson;
  • Butler;
  • Salomon;
  • Harrysoln;
  • Sheldon;
  • Yang et al.

Popular English surnames

Every year the list of the most famous names England's births are changing. Some options are disappearing, while others are becoming more common. Many people take new popular English surnames because of their euphony, without thinking about their meaning. For example, Smith - comes from the name of the profession and means blacksmith. Another common genus name is Taylor, translated into Russian as a tailor.

The most popular options for men:

  • Brown;
  • Taylor;
  • Jones;
  • Wilson;
  • Smith;
  • Thomas;
  • Williams.

Rare English surnames

Over the last century, many ancient names genera have disappeared completely, others are very rare. For example, Cock, Daft, Death, Gotobed ​​are rare English surnames that, when translated, have a negative or strange meaning, so they are practically not found in England. Another option - Bottom (the name of the genus is of territorial origin and spoke of the family’s residence in the lowlands), is also very little common.

Russian surnames in English

Modern people often travel abroad, so they are required to know the rules of transcription and translation of Russian names into the UK language. You may be required to write your details correctly when filling out an application for a passport or visa to receive a bank card. The spelling should convey the pronunciation of the word in another language, but translators often make mistakes when translating surnames from Russian to English. Below is a table with letters that will help everyone figure out how to write their data in another language.


Russian variant


Hard and soft signs


Russian variant

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American names

American male names and their meaning

American names, that is, names common in the United States mainly combine English and Anglo-Saxon names. Roman (Latin) and greek names. There are also new names that first appeared in the United States.

Male American names

Aarronhigh mountain

Adam- Earth

Isaac- laughing

Ike- laughing

Alan (Allan)- Beautiful

Alec– defender

Alex– defender

Allen (Allen)- Beautiful

Alester– defender

Alroy- calm

Albert– nobility

Angell- angel, messenger

Archie- true courage

Bud (Buddy)- Friend

Baxter– baker

Balder– prince

Barney- brave as a bear

Beverly– beaver

Ben– southern

Benjamin– southern

Bertie (Bertrand)- bright

Bill– helmet-bearer

Blake- black

Blank– open

Bob (Bobby)- famous

Brandon– prince

Bruce- forest

Basford– charming

Vijay- communicative

Wilmar (Wilmer)– helmet-bearer

Wilson- desired son

Woody- living in the forest, forest

Harry– head of the house

Glenn– valley

Howard– security

Greg- careful, vigilant

Daren– possessing a lot, rich

Dustin- fair

James– invader

Jason– healer

Jerry- wielding a spear

Jim (Jimi)– invader

John- God is good

George– farmer

Donald- peaceful ruler

Duncan- dark Warrior

David– beloved

Duke– commander, leader

Indy (Indiana)- land of the Hindus

Kyle– slender

Carter– cab driver

Casper– treasurer

Kevin- pretty, beloved

Kelvin– narrow river

Ken– abbreviation of long names starting with "Ken"

Quentin- fifth

King- king

Clark- clerk, secretary

Cody– assistant

Christopher– follower of the Hist

Cameron– curved nose

Lionel- a lion

Larry- crowned with laurels

Leo- a lion

Lloyd- gray-haired

Michael- like God

Max– greatest

Maxwell– flow

Marvin– outstanding

Marlon– little warrior

Melvin- gentle leader

Murphy– sea warrior

Mickey- like God

Mitchell- like God

Nicholas– winner of nations

Norwood– northern forest

Albee- white

Orrell– ore hill

Austin- venerable

Palmer– pilgrim, palm tree

Patrick– nobleman

Perry- wanderer

Pier- rock, stone

Peter- stone

Floor- small

Prosper- lucky, successful

Wright- a carpenter

Russell– reddish

Redcliffe– red rock

Ray– wise protector

Reynold- wise ruler

Rick (Ricky)- powerful and brave

Richie- powerful and brave

Robin- famous

Ronald- wise ruler

Rudy- Red Wolf

Sylvester- from the forest

Cattle– Scotsman

Spencer– pharmacist

Steve- crown

Stephen- crown

Stanley- stone

Stanford– stone ford

Sam- listening to God

Samuel- listening to God

Tee– abbreviation of long names starting with “Ti”

Tim- worshiper of God

Todd- fox

Volume– twin

Thomas– twin

Tony– invaluable

Wally– foreign, Celtic

Walt (Wat)- ruler of the army

Walter- ruler of the army

Fester- from the forest

Phil– horse lover

Philip– horse lover

Floyd– gray-haired

Ford– river ford

Fred- peaceful ruler

Fraser– strawberries

Francis- free

Hunter– hunter

Harvey- fighting against the worthy

Harvard– guarding

Harris– head of the house

Hilary- joyful, happy

Hugh- heart, soul

Charlie- courageous, courageous

Charles- courageous, courageous

Sheldon– valley

Sherwood– bright forest

Sean- God is good

Adrian- happy

Edon- rich little bear

Aiden- fire

Elmer– noble and famous

Earl- nobleman, prince


Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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With American names they look:

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American names. American male names and their meanings


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For Russian girls, America seems like a paradise: handsome men, a rich country and an unusual mentality.

I would like to learn a little more about the inhabitants of the other end of the planet, dream about marriage and try on beautiful name. Read what beautiful and unusual American surnames there are.

Like all oldest surnames, the carriers of the most popular ones can be attributed to the most ancient family.

In ancient times, personal names were given to families for their lifestyle, profession, or in honor of the area in which they lived.

One of the most popular surnames in America is Smith. Translated from English - “blacksmith”.

Apparently the first representative of the family worked in a blacksmith shop and was popular in his area.

Other most popular names include:

  • Wilson (formed from a proper name).
  • Johnson (derived from a male personal name).
  • Taylor is a seamstress or tailor.
  • Davids (from a personal male name).
  • Brown - brown.
  • Jones (from a male name).

Many common surnames are derived from the first head of the family.

Apparently, several centuries ago, John, William and David were held in high esteem by the family. Celebrities often take advantage of privileges and take on popular pseudonyms.

Important! The most famous Smith is Hollywood actor Will Smith.

List of beautiful and rare names in English and their meaning in Russian

Sweet-sounding female names also caress the ear. And if combined with a rare American surname, then the pleasure is double.

Depending on the purpose of your choice, find suitable name according to the instructions described in the table:

Purpose of interest Advice
Nickname for the game The popular option is not suitable, since online games it's rare to name yourself popular surname without a lot of numbers after. Choose a rare name
Nickname for show business There are two options here: a well-known name and a rare name.

Shakira will be an unusual nickname in Russia, absorbing success, but Olivia rarely appears in everyday life and may arouse interest

Login for social networks For VK or Instagram, in order not to advertise his identity, he wants to pretend to be an important American person. Choose the option you like
Change of real name In this case, you should also change your last name in your passport. Choose a new name that will be in harmony with the groom's surname

Important! The meaning of a name affects a person’s character and his life.

Friends will begin to perceive you anew, calling you not “Polina”, but “Pamella”. Read the meaning of the nickname before changing it.

To the most beautiful and rare names in America include:

  • Abbey. This is a cheerful girl who chooses the easy path in life. Translated as "father's joy." Will always be a real treasure among male attention.
  • Arena A unique girl who is distinguished by her gentle character and patience, often has amazing mental abilities. The literal translation is “high mountain.”
  • Bottlenose dolphin. A free person who is not used to going with the flow, but creates it. The woman is self-sufficient and independent. From English to Russian it sounds like “little bird”.
  • Elinor. This is the most faithful and devoted friend, she is like a hero of fairy tales - she sings with the birds, draws rainbows, smiles at the sun. The literal translation is shepherdess.
  • Shanna. Translated from English as “aristocrat”. Since ancient times, it was customary to call only noblewomen or ladies of blue blood with this name.
  • Avalon. Smart and responsible. The young lady is a match only for the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Translated from English as “apple”.
  • Olivia. Despite the soft sound, the owner of the name Strong and independent girl. She does not need protection, she herself will stand up for her honor. The word is translated as “army of elves.”
  • Holly. Kind, gentle and affectionate. Such a girl gets married early and has many children, loves quiet family gatherings and listening to children's laughter. The literal translation is “sister.”
  • Adamina. A nice and brave girl who has been fighting for justice all her life. A strong-willed person with a stable psyche. The beauty has a real masculine character.
  • Anabella. The appearance of the young lady may not be attractive, but as soon as she speaks, all men fall to the ground. She has an innate charm, translated as “graceful beauty.”
  • Eleanor. Always kind and active. A person is rarely left alone and loves large and noisy companies. “Friendship” is the meaning of her internal state.
  • Doris. Very optimistic and witty, looks at life with a positive attitude, often turns out to be the life of the party and travels around everything to the globe looking for friends. Literally – “funny”.
  • Laurie. Strange and mysterious, but attracts people to her. Often has an innate gift of clairvoyance and predicts his own future. The literal translation from English is “seer.”
  • Margaret. Beautiful outside and inside, she attracts with her cheerfulness and activity. Always lend a helping hand in difficult situations. WITH in English- "flower".
  • Nicole. For one simple reason, mothers choose this name - the girl will be clean and tidy from the cradle. The name is also translated into Russian.
  • Chloe. Another representative of the strong and independent. It is impossible to stop her from reaching her goal, and only the best of men will win a girl’s heart.

Rare female surnames

Rare American surnames for girls include so-called middle names, which are often based on family affiliation to a particular nationality.