The funniest pictures to cheer you up on Monday. Monday, hard day: a selection of statuses and quotes about Monday

To promote career ladder you need to give 100% at work: 10 on Monday, 30 on Tuesday and 70 on all other days!

- Well, let's meet at the station at 7 am on Monday? - And what will you look like? - Not good…

And just as I have time to plunge into the weekend, to feel all the thrill of freedom, when suddenly... the alarm clock rings on Monday morning!

Every Monday is a new life.

Best status:
It's not like anything particularly disgusting happened. And today is not even Monday. But I just don’t know how to enjoy life – that’s all!!!

People who write statuses: “I hate Monday morning” are kind of strange. For example, I hate any morning when I have to get up... And I even hate Saturday morning, if Friday is especially successful.

A true Christian will repent at confession on Sunday about the past sinful Friday and the upcoming sinful Monday...

This Monday is only five minutes old and I already sincerely hate it!

And only now I suddenly realized that my work week consists of three Mondays and two Fridays...

Mondays are never good.

The scribe comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday...

Monday... all sins are left behind)))

By the way, Monday is an official day off for astronauts! That's why I wanted to be an astronaut as a child!

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off page 3 of the calendar right away...

If Monday had a face, I would hit him.

On Monday it is better to come to work on Tuesday.

Monday – time to pay bills presented by an exhausted body

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

Monday is not a lot of fun for you.

Waking up on Monday morning for work, after a hectic weekend, this is victory. pure reason over the pitiful frailty of the body.

I go to the schedule for Monday, look - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and at the bottom it is signed “Are you fucking crazy!?!”

If you wake up on Monday and don't have a headache, it's already Tuesday.

So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday we pass, we pass as quickly as possible, don’t delay Friday!!!

When you work seven days a week, Monday is no longer scary, Friday is not fun, but Wednesday is still fucked

Welcome to Monday! All.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Monday is not the best day to start. working week.

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously understand that it’s probably Tuesday already, but I can’t understand where Monday went.

I go to the schedule for Monday, look - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and at the bottom it is signed “Are you fucking crazy!?!”

Ignoring the alarm clock on Monday morning is a carefully planned act of sabotage of the body in protest against another working week

Welcome to Monday! See you on Friday!

If you wake up and find that Monday morning has quietly crept up, then this is very Bad sign, you will probably have to work for at least five endless days.

Two strangers make an appointment: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. What will you look like? - Badly…

Monday is when the sounds of the alarm clock are somewhat reminiscent of an invitation to execution

“Your status should have attracted attention... but it was not noticed? Try to make three mistakes in it. Nothing inspires people to talk more than other people’s mistakes!”

Let's brighten up Monday with bright colors)))

The shortest day is Monday, I haven’t had time to wake up, and it’s already time to leave work.

On Fridays and Thursdays my religion prohibits me from working. And from Monday to Wednesday, convictions do not allow.

On Monday I always feel like Robinson Crusoe. I really miss Friday.

Monday morning... He just whispers: “kill it!”

A toast at work should be as short as a lunch break.

on Monday morning, before school, what diseases just don’t get worse)))

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is prophetic dream.

When I finally plunged into this weekend atmosphere, the alarm clock reminded me that it’s already Monday!

Damn, Monday has already started, and I didn’t have time to start new life..

calm down, tomorrow is just an ordinary Monday.

If you have a headache on Monday morning and don’t feel like working, take a pill from your boss, and headache As soon as he takes it off with his hand.

And it’s Monday again... Has anyone ever felt like a squirrel in a wheel?

Don't be too angry about unfortunate Monday, because it's not his fault that he takes over the shift right after the weekend. In its place it could have been any other day.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning in anticipation of a wonderful Sunday, but it turns out that the sneaky Monday again jumped in line.

On Monday, the thought of the weekend almost never leaves us!

Everyone who has already studied at least 9 years at school counts the days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, in their minds they skip one day and again Monday...

The average person needs sleep... 10 minutes more, and on Monday an hour.

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once...

Cool statuses about Monday:

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off page 3 of the calendar right away...

Damn, Monday has already started, and I haven’t had time to start a new life..

Only on Monday morning do you notice how soft, warm and comfortable your bed is...

When will that Monday come when I’ll go on a diet and quit smoking and start running in the morning?

If a competitor cannot be bought, it must be sold at a high price.

If you don't have a headache on Monday morning, it's already Tuesday.

You can't work on Friday: Muslims have a holy day. You cannot work on Saturday: it is a holy day for the Jews. You cannot work on Sunday: Christians have a holy day. You can't work on Monday: Russians have a hard day.

- How was the weekend? – Dark, light, dark, light, Monday.

Monday differs from Sunday only in that on Monday there is three times more spam.

Monday: Oh my.. still a whole week. Although tomorrow is already Tuesday, and consider it already Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week, so it's already Thursday. And Thursday is almost Friday. Friday is soon Saturday and the end of the week.

Every Monday it starts all over again - it’s picked up, carried away, and wrapped up for a week!

The whole week was Monday.

Winter, like Monday, is a good reason to start all over again...

– If on Monday morning angry, sleep-deprived people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

But I only smoke on Mondays and Sundays...

– Don’t fool me, today is Monday even without you!

And why are there so many Mondays in nature that they come with such unbearable regularity?

My head is cracking like Monday morning...

I still don't know which day is the longest - Monday because it starts so early or Friday because sometimes it seems to drag on until Monday.

If I say that Monday can be very easy and positive, are there those who will believe it? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Today is Monday - this is enough for me to hate him, and the same for you.

“Beauty can interfere with success in life - but not in business!”

Rough Monday morning? Finding a new status for a contact best start working week...

There are such Mondays that you can even find a status for them.

Monday mornings are the longest.

On Saturday I'm shit, on Monday I'm cucumber)

Winter is like Monday! And it’s terribly annoying, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

Monday - I recovered, Tuesday - warm-up mode, on Wednesday - I'm gaining momentum...

When will that Monday come when I quit smoking, go on a diet and start running in the morning?

This is why Monday was placed at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that had accumulated over the weekend at once.

This is why Monday was placed at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that had accumulated over the weekend at once.

Paradise…. this is a place where there are no Mondays, alarm clocks... bosses... .

I’ll pull myself together, lose 3 kg, learn English, go to bed normally - at 12 o’clock. Well, today is Wednesday, I’ll start on Monday.

Let's brighten up Monday with some bright colors!

Better a good Monday than a bad Friday.

If you try to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it turns out it's Friday)

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously understand that it’s probably Tuesday already, but I can’t understand where Monday went.

Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for the sinful weekend.

Just a normal Monday...

I like to remember on Monday morning what I really didn’t want to do at work on Friday.

Hidden deep in the bottom of every Monday is Friday evening.

Monday. 10:00 am. 56 friends on the site. Everyone is working. Well done!

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off page 3 of the calendar right away...

The average person needs sleep... 10 minutes more, and on Monday an hour.

If you have two phones and three SIM cards and you are still not a subscriber, then it is Monday morning.

If after two cold and rainy days it gets warmer and the sun is shining brightly, it’s most likely Monday.

Cool status about Monday: Every Monday I am tormented by the question: was there even a weekend?

Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for the sinful weekend.

There are such Mondays that you can even find a status for them.

Mondays on Lately come too often and suddenly.

Daughter! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit school...

The first rule of a sociologist is never do a survey. public opinion on Monday morning.

Nothing can finish a person off like Monday.

Every Monday it starts all over again - it’s picked up, carried away, and wrapped up for a week)

In order to increase the number happy people on the planet, it is enough to shorten the working day on Monday to 4 hours.

Don’t fool me, today is Monday even without you!

Cool status about Monday: On Monday it is better to come to work on Tuesday.

Monday is a hard day. On other working days you have to read jokes only for the previous day, and only on Mondays - for the entire weekend.

Two strangers agree to meet: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. What will you look like? - Badly…

Just as I'm finally immersed in the atmosphere of a fun weekend, the alarm clock, bastard, reminds me that it's already Monday!

It's Monday again, and we have a special guest in our studio, aspirin...

When you leave on Friday evening, you never know what Monday you will return home...

If on Monday morning angry, sleep-deprived people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

If I say that Monday can be very easy and positive, are there those who will believe it? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Every Sunday I binge eat at night, thinking that on Monday I will go on a diet.

Cool status about Monday: On Monday morning, before school, what diseases just don’t get worse...

There are two cases where you don’t want to go to work on Monday: if you didn’t have time to rest well over the weekend, and if you managed to rest well over the weekend...

Even on Monday, sometimes it’s nice to get up and go to work... If on this Monday they will give you your salary, which has been delayed for three months already...

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that your alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream...

The bed has the greatest gravitational force on Monday morning.

Saturday comes so quickly.. Sunday flies by so quickly.. Monday comes. The rest of the days pass unnoticed. This is how I live every day...

Good Monday wishes

1. If in life you, friend, are not a slacker,
You lead a healthy lifestyle,
Remember, any Monday
Good for work.
Good morning to you, happy day of luck!
We all create good things through creativity.
Only a slacker moans and cries,
After all, fortune laughs at him.

2. Who said that Monday is
The most important day in the world?
I'm certainly not a slacker
But I’m too lazy to get up in the morning!
Congratulations to you today
Happy Monday, friends,
Even though Monday is difficult -
It’s impossible to live without it!

3. Monday is not a slacker,
Monday first day
Our work week
Drives away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which it depends
All our finishing excitement,
So better friend don't be sour.

And shake yourself off from the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - grass,
Selflessly and skillfully.

4. I wish this Monday,
Don't suffer too much from a hangover!
You can’t meet the boss in the morning,
And don’t notice the dissatisfaction!
Discuss all the news quickly,
Well, let’s start planning by lunchtime!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunchtime,
Continue to live in the rhythm of work!

Happy Monday

5. Mix a keg of health with love!
And add some fun to the same potion!
Season with success! Good pepper!
Good luck, add more! Cook...
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge spoonful of happiness!
Mix an armful of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

6. Here is the beginning, - Monday, -
The working path again
The weekend flew by
But you can’t be sad!
Let the smile never leave your lips,
You'll be lucky in everything!
Optimists are always in fashion
We forge happiness ourselves!
Congratulations to everyone on the start
We've been working for weeks!
We wish you tons of bonuses,
And the salary is always great!

7. Have a good day and have a wonderful week!
Workdays, so you don't get bored!
So that the morning with a wide smile invigorates
And it gave you a feeling of peace!

And the day lasted long and extremely successfully,
And everything worked out for you, definitely!
Glows, we wish you to bloom with happiness,
And have a good time this day!

Good Monday wishes in prose

8. My beloved and dear person, my happiness and my reward, I wish you successful and have a bright day, good mood and miracles happening pleasant surprises and joyful moments. May your day be fruitful and bring a lot of impressions.

9. Monday is a hard day, and Monday morning is even worse. I wish you to wake up today along with washing your face! Good morning!

Monday is a hard day, but if you take our wishes for a good Monday in the morning and send them to friends and family, as well as loved ones. You will provide good mood, not just for the day, but possibly for the rest of the week. Share Happy Monday wishes with your friends.

Have a nice Monday and an easy week!

Wishes for a good Monday and week

Have a great Monday, not an idle one
Congratulations to all friends!
There will be no bad news!
Don't be overwhelmed by a ton of things to do!
Let him go without incident,
So that everyone doesn't get tired of it!
Let him please you with communication,
To make it more fun!
Let it fill you with spirits
Through the roof for five days!

I wish you a great Monday,
May it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what goes around comes around.
May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And let time fly at work.
Luck is near, you can believe me
She's already in a hurry to get to you!

May your day be filled with joy,
Let sadness fly away and laziness dissipate,
Let it be less problems and worries
May great success await you today.
Let my care warm you,
I love you, sun, - I’ll say it without melting,
Let life smile, beckoning with happiness,
I kiss you and have a nice day!

Happy Monday to you,
The long week will begin again.
Again an endless fuss,
And work again for the “idea”.
And so that you don't feel sad,
With all my heart, my friend, I wish.
Be on top the whole week,
And also - heartfelt hugs!

From Monday again
You can start again
Make plans and lose weight,
To work hard.
This new chance good luck,
This day means a lot
For the budget that you
Will be released on the weekend!

Happy Monday not idle
Congratulations to all friends!
Let him be kind, cool,
There will be no bad news!
Let there be no troubles, no stress,
Don't be overwhelmed by a ton of things to do!
Let him go without incident,
So that everyone doesn't get tired of it!
Let him please you with communication,
To make it more fun!
Let it fill you with spirits
Through the roof for five days!

Let this Monday be new
It will begin cheerfully, slowly,
Let the morning be cheerful in it,
Let the soul wake up with him!
Let the birds chirp outside the window,
Let the dawn rise in the distance!
May the day good page
They rustle as usual in the morning!

Good morning!!!
I wish you an easy Monday!

I wish this Monday,
Don't suffer too much from a hangover!
You can’t meet the boss in the morning,
And don’t notice the dissatisfaction!
Discuss all the news quickly,
Well, let’s start planning by lunchtime!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunchtime,
Continue to live in the rhythm of work!

Have a nice day and a wonderful week!
Workdays, so you don't get bored!
So that the morning with a wide smile invigorates
And it gave you a feeling of peace!
And the day lasted long and extremely successfully,
And everything worked out for you, definitely!
Glows, we wish you to bloom with happiness,
And have a good time this day!

Good morning and happy Monday wishes

The week has begun again,
I wish you: “Good morning!!
I squint from the light, my head is spinning.
To sleep the whole day, I will say, is very stupid.
Let's get up early, open the window,
Sunny bunny plays on the curtain.
He, like me, does not mince his words,
Wishing you a happy Monday!

Good morning!!!
I wish you a great Monday!
Happy start of the working week to you!
Let it fly by quickly, easily and fruitfully!
Happiness to you, good luck and warmth!!!

Monday, difficult day
Wear a strict mask.
You were the one who was wild yesterday
The weekend is crazy and stormy.
And now you're at work
And colleagues walk around.
May you surpass them all,
You won't let the boss down again!

Good morning, happy new day,
Monday has come to us.
May it bring good luck
With every ray of sunshine
May happiness come to you.
Good morning, new day
Beckons with new things to do.
May luck be like a shadow
Follows you in circles!

Good morning, friends!
I wish you a great Monday!
Monday has come - well, there’s nothing to do,
Get ready for work, what would you do without it?
I understand you, this is not fun,
But the matter is waiting for you - your favorite!
Thinking about this, hurry to work,
And she will give you more money.
The day off will come again - you will forget all your worries,
Until Monday you are protected from business again!

Dedicated to all Mondays...

For some reason, everyone thinks that Monday is a hard day. I completely disagree with this. Monday is the beginning, and it cannot (and should not) be bad. After all, the mood and results of the whole week depend on Monday.

We set out to find positive information about Monday on the Internet. It turned out that everyone doesn’t like this day. Everywhere there is only one phrase "Monday is a hard day".

We urgently need to correct the situation. Especially for readers of our blog, mega-positive quotes about Monday:

This is why Monday was placed at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that had accumulated over the weekend at once. Yuri Tatarkin

Monday is the time to pay the bills presented by an exhausted body. Yuri Tatarkin

On Sunday, in confession, a real Christian sincerely repents of what he did on Friday and will do on Monday.

The long-awaited Monday has arrived. Signature. Club "Depression"

The shortest day is Monday; before I wake up, it’s time to leave work.

Waking up on Monday morning for work, after a hectic weekend, this is the victory of the pure mind over the pitiful frailty of the body. Yuri Tatarkin

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once...

There are two cases where you don’t want to go to work on Monday: if you didn’t have time to rest well over the weekend, and if you managed to rest well over the weekend...

Monday differs from Sunday only in that on Monday there is three times more spam.

And why are there so many Mondays in nature that they come with such unbearable regularity?

The first alarming symptoms indicating the onset of a mental disorder: on Monday, the urge to go to work with terrible force. Yuri Tatarkin

An impossible dream: to fall into every Monday morning until Friday evening Sopor while maintaining your salary. Yuri Tatarkin

Hidden deep in the bottom of every Monday is Friday evening. Yuri Tatarkin

There is no point in blaming the mirror if the morning falls on Monday. Yuri Tatarkin

If you wake up and find that Monday morning has quietly crept up, then this is a very bad omen; you will probably have to work for at least five endless days. Yuri Tatarkin

Ignoring the alarm clock on Monday morning is a carefully planned act of sabotage of the body in protest against another working week. Yuri Tatarkin

Don't be too angry about unfortunate Monday, because it's not his fault that he takes over the shift right after the weekend. In its place it could have been any other day. Yuri Tatarkin

Sometimes you wake up in the morning in anticipation of a wonderful Sunday, but it turns out that the sneaky Monday has jumped in line again. Yuri Tatarkin

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream. Yuri Tatarkin

I hope you liked the aphorisms about Monday collected here.