The dumbest entries in teachers' diaries. Funny remarks in school diaries

Teachers in modern schools they still write comments in the diaries of offending schoolchildren. And sometimes these funny remarks cause both students and parents to burst out laughing. I offer you a selection of the funniest comments in schoolchildren’s diaries. Watch and enjoy!

Most often, teachers’ comments relate to students’ behavior in class or poor performance, but among them there are these gems:

Well done, boy! It was also necessary to sprinkle with holy water.

Who hasn't thrown bits out of the window? Yes, they threw everything, but not so accurately.

And here are the wonderful red inscriptions indicating the arrival and departure of students from school:

So what? I entered through the window, the main thing is that I came!

Here's another great teaching opus:

Indeed, how can parents do this? Keep guard or something?

Eat whole line comments in diaries regarding the student’s appearance: clothes, nails, hair, etc. Let's laugh together.

There are also students in our schools with remarkable physical abilities - read the following note:

There is a separate list of comments about politeness to the teacher :)))

If teachers can endlessly “chase” children with false alarms, then why shouldn’t students do this???

According to teachers, every self-respecting parent must introduce his child to all sorts of great people, and preferably, in person!

Why not mention Creative skills child? Be sure to note in your diary!

Here's another funny gem from an art teacher:

And the last, but the coolest remark, for my taste.

17 August 2011, 17:41

Uv. parents! Give your child a haircut. I want to look into his eyes. I played the entire lesson on the computer I brought from home. But he didn’t give it to me! Absolutely does not know Pushkin! Dear parents! Please introduce me! Hey there! Hello! What's with the money for breakfast? Bring 100 rubles to bribe the manager. gorono. Dear parents! Please come to school sober. Your son turned out to be a daughter. Pay attention to this. I was wasting my life in chemistry class. Played cards in class. He can't count whists. Your child missed the Saturday disco! Figure it out! Mathematics - 1 Chemistry - 1 Russian language - 1 Geography - 1 TOTAL: 4 (good) The life of the youth in the lesson of the Law of God was taught by the greats. He ejected the kernels from chewed paper through a plastic pipe, through which the clerk became crippled and blind. I cast the demon out of the classroom. I ask you to behead the son of a bitch on the bottom with a twig, deprive him of food and cinema, or beat his forehead against the wall! Smoking incense in the toilet. He smoked in the punishment cell. pay attention to appearance your son. His trousers are always ironed, his hair is neatly combed, his nails are trimmed. Where does this purity come from?! I smoked in the teachers' lounge. I washed the floor in the classroom with the head teacher's shawl. Your son saw decimal logarithms in his coffin. Pay attention to your daughter's appearance. They don’t wear black and green anymore, the waist line needs to be lowered! Forbid your daughter from tying her sleeve! He brought vodka and disrupted the teachers' meeting. Throwing bananas in geography class. Comrade parents, your son jumped out the window after his bull, thrown out by a classmate. I ask you to take action, namely tie his bulls to his hands with a thread! We ran in physical education class! Beat the teacher half to death! Comrade parents, your son makes strange sounds with a smell in math class. In the diary of a seventh-grader: I came to school without a shift and drunk! During a botany lesson, Eidelman is discovered under your daughter's desk! During recess I threw a cactus and a rag! Spoke in Russian! I used a brush for sweeping a workbench to brush my classmate’s hair, please take action. Tried to break the vice! Tumbled without swearing. Parents, take action! He took revenge on a classmate in class. He brutally tortured his comrade! Hit a friend on the head with a briefcase. Comrade parents! Your son’s briefcase is too heavy, make sure there are no extra books! It interferes with teaching the lesson with your own opinion. I painted all over my neighbor's desk and shoes. She threw cheesecakes at the ceiling. I dared the class to eat the collection of seeds in the biology classroom! He doesn’t listen in class, he just lies down on his desk and lies there. Parents, pay attention! The child is morally empty! I fought on the rulers with the teacher! He allowed himself to be barked at. Comrade parents! Teach your child to jump over a goat! Your child is more afraid of the goat than of me. Gym teacher. Howled in class. He dropped Smirnov along with the chair. Spit in open window in chemistry class. He threw a chair out of the window. Deliberately spoiling the air in the classroom. It's buzzing in class! Lets down a friend's team (in physics) Shows a three-finger combination (in physics) Chased the boys down the corridor with a mop! Two for behavior. Hit the boy on the head with two construction sets. Organized a race in the class. Dasha and Oksana drew cards and played them. Take action! I didn’t show up for the dictation, I was riding the slide! Broke a fork in the dining room. I sat without a uniform in the girls' locker room. During math class, she pushed her desk neighbor into the aisle. Climbing on chairs with the boys during a rhythm lesson. Grunts in class. Having fun in class. She demands to buy her a writing pen! I broke the lampshade with a felt boot. Dropped a flower pot on the head teacher. Head teacher I got into a fight with a classmate in the girls' restroom! Late for class - sitting in the toilet! He went out into the street through the window. Doesn't know where his left leg is. It was not humanly possible to sit on a chair. Scared the kids with chewing gum. The entire lesson was in my briefcase. He blew his nose at his friend's drawing. Sits on the sofas. She sings in class, citing the fact that she wants to become an opera singer. Talked (about 55 comments in one diary for 4th grade) Doesn’t show the teacher his handwriting notebook! I signed my diary for my parents! Talks loudly and pushes children away. I played with a magnifying glass in class! Came to physical education class without panties. I ate a visual aid during botany class. Comrade parents, give your child money for breakfast! I copied from a poor student. He looks at the board ambiguously. Snarled along with the teacher. Wrote on the desk obscene word in honor of a classmate. He pulled the pigtails of elementary school students.

A student's diary as a means of education?

Imagine that an error or oversight has occurred in your work. After all, this can happen to anyone. Now imagine that the school director makes an entry in your work book for this mistake.

“I was 5 minutes late for work...” “I wasn’t prepared for the lesson...”

“Two kids from the class got into a fight during recess... shameful! Can’t you re-educate them!”

“In the class, student X was retained for the second year. What kind of class teacher (psychologist, parent) are you!”

Or: “For the consultation – Two!”

Perhaps after one or two such entries you would leave your workplace. One can only be amazed at the resilience of the students who do not leave their “combat positions.” Because an adult needs a significantly smaller portion in order to “break out.” True, the child has “nowhere to go.” Where will you go? To be registered with the police for not attending classes?

Numerous studies and observations in the field of psychology prove that the most effective means for success there is a positive motivation with a focus on possible success, achievement (as opposed to a negative, negative motivation to avoid failure). Students in this case are no exception.

Meanwhile practice school life discovers that often the basic laws of motivation for human behavior are ignored. A significant number of teachers use “cultural pedagogical myths” rather than scientific knowledge. One of these typical pedagogical myths is: “If he thinks well of himself, he will become arrogant.” Another myth: “If he thinks that everything is fine, he will stop developing and will have no incentive to move forward.” “The Lord God knows by five, I know by four, and the student knows best case scenario on three". And so on.

One of the psychological directions in which the concept of motivation of human behavior was developed is transactional analysis. Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, developed ideas about human motivation through the concept of human needs. One of these needs, named by him, is the need for recognition, which is satisfied through “conditional” and “unconditional” strokes, which are forms of expressing recognition of another person.

Strokes can also be positive or negative, and accordingly recognition can be positive or negative. The concept of stroking was further developed by Claude Steiner. He outlined his ideas in the article “Economy of Strokes.” In the same article, he talks about the myths that a fair part of humanity uses and about the “stroking economy,” which is a means of manipulating a child’s behavior (through the creation of their deficit). “Free space” for the propagation of these myths is created by the absence of clear legislation and administrative rules about what can be written in a student’s teacher’s diary and what cannot be written. It is also supported by the lack of clear pedagogical positions in the educational literature. Have you met in any, for teachers, for psychologists, reflections on the diary, recommendations on what to do with it? It is as if the diary as a fact of school life does not exist.

In the formation of positive motivation of students important has a diary.

What does a diary mean for a student? This is his social passport. This is the plan of his life, this is a list of his achievements and failures. But often it becomes precisely a list of failures. It becomes a list of reminders of failures instead of a list of reminders of strengths of his personality, which the student could use further.

Nevertheless, the diary is very significant for the student. It is for this reason that it is hidden when the teacher intends to write a remark there.

Two main principles:

1.Increase the number of positively motivating entries in the diary 2.Transform and reduce the number of negatively motivating entries in the diary.

Diary entries addressed to positive motivation are entries containing a) unconditional recognition of the student’s personality b) entries containing conditional recognition of the student. This is recognition given to a student for a job well done.

The most difficult thing may be to express unconditional recognition and acceptance of the student, since the school is focused primarily on successful activities. However, it is possible. Unconditional recognition is expressed primarily through a respectful form of address. Unconditional recognition can be expressed through an address by name (to the student), by name and patronymic (to parents), through written congratulations on national holidays - an entry in the diary from the class teacher, from the school director. (Remember: Suvorov A. knew each of his soldiers by name). These can also be parting words and wishes from the class teacher to have a good holiday - at the end of the quarter, trimester, half-term.

The so-called “conditional” recognition should be expressed for success in academic and extracurricular activities, and for personal achievements. It can also be not only a mark, but also praise,

for example - for attentive work in class, for an excellent answer at the board. Comments on grades are important, clarifying the nature of the work done by the student, containing recognition of success, and clarification of the opportunity to correct a bad grade. It can also be gratitude, for example: for helping the teacher in class, for participating in extracurricular activities, for being on duty at school, in class, gratitude for a message in class, for help provided to a classmate.

We can say that writing in a diary is a special form of pedagogical work with students, since, as people say, “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.”

A diary is not a notebook from which you can tear out and throw away the wrong page. Is this the reason why students lose their diaries so often? At the same time, losing a part of your life that you want to quickly forget about. And those who did not lose them during school year, with great relief of heart at the end of the year, they throw the diary into the trash bin in order to quickly forget about the huge red twos, appeals to parental and student conscience, about their grievances against teachers, about the feeling of helplessness in the face of circumstances and adults that they are not capable of influence... To forget at least for the summer...

Will the time come when diaries will begin to be carefully preserved as a memory of personal successes? noble deeds, class and school events, about the generosity and help of teachers, about the knowledge gained in favorite subjects, and about the new step taken by the student into an interesting, adult life? It would be nice if it came.

So let's give our students gratitude, appreciation, love, admiration, respect, social recognition of success, the importance of what they have done, the results achieved, self-confidence and in the future, self-confidence.

Let school life become such that there is no need to be afraid of the wrong answer, ridicule of classmates, irony of the teacher, public criticism, silent (or not silent) anger of parents.

To conclude the article, I propose 10 specific methods that allow you to establish positive contact, influence a student’s behavior, and invite parents to cooperate in raising a child. The description of these 10 methods can be used as instructions when working with a student's diary. Psychologists can use this list of techniques when working with class teachers, primary school teachers, simply teachers of individual disciplines.

10 methods to establish rapport and enhance student success

1. Method of establishing contact. Entry in the diary begins with addressing the student by name, and by name and patronymic to the student’s parents (instead of: “Dear parents...” or: “Fill out the diary!”).

2. Method of positive reformulation Positive reformulation of negative behavior into positive qualities. (Instead of: “He got into a fight during recess!” - “Your son knows how to stand up for himself. We hope that next time he will do it in a safe way.”)

3.Direct request method. Describing what student behavior is desirable rather than describing undesirable behavior. (Instead of: “Systematically late for the first lesson!” - “Petya, come to class on time”) To achieve results from another person, including a student, it is important to positively formulate what you want to get from him, and not what you don’t want to get it from him.

4.Advance method. Any quality that you want to develop or strengthen in a student is advanced to him. (Instead of: “You didn’t listen attentively in class” - “Vova! You are able to listen carefully in class” or “Petya! You are able to arrive on time”

5.Method of permission, permission. The wording begins with the words: “You can...” For example: Sasha! You can study well!” or “I’m glad when you arrive on time...”

6.Method of accurately describing behavior (Instead of describing the student’s personality). Specification to a specific situation instead of generalization of quality or behavior for the entire future.

7. The method of comparing the student with himself, with his own results in the past, instead of comparing him with other students or with the required standard “today you were more attentive than yesterday”

“I only got into a fight once this week” “Thank you for your attentive work in class”

8. A method of talking about yourself and your feelings, instead of talking about others. Addressing your feelings. Instead of describing other people. For example: “Dear Anna Pavlovna! I am concerned about your son's grades in physics. Please come on the 14th at 17:00 to discuss the issue.”

9. Method of good wishes “I wish you a better grade in the next lesson!” I hope for the same excellent work in the next lesson (next trimester, next academic year)!”

10. A method of analyzing and determining the purpose of the appeal - especially to parents - how, why, for what purpose, in what form. When an entry is made in a diary, it is important to determine exactly what the purpose of the entry is, what result you want the student to achieve through this entry, and relate the entry to the intended result. This is especially important when communicating with parents - very precise wording is important, so that there can be no different understanding what teachers want from parents. An entry in a diary should not be a pedagogical puzzle that parents need to solve in order to understand what kind of help the teacher wants from them. She must make it clear enough to parents what is expected of them.

Sokovnina Marina Solomonovna