Scenario of the festive concert for the International Dance Day “Soul Flight”. Methodological development of a script dedicated to the international day of dance "the magical world of dance" Sample script for the day of dance

Movement is life, so dance! This motto perfectly reflects the essence of one of the types of art that can unite people of different ages, nationalities and religions. Dance Day 2019 is truly an event on a planetary scale; it is celebrated by residents of many countries. Therefore, this is a day not only for professional dancers, but also for all those who love to dance.

Why is the holiday celebrated on April 29?

On this day, the famous French choreographer Jean-Jacques Noverre was born, who lived and worked in mid-18th century century. He freed the dancers from bulky, uncomfortable clothing, which greatly restricted their movements and did not allow them to do much. His merits in the development of basic principles classical ballet, the Frenchman wrote many treatises on this topic. It’s curious that before Noverra’s innovations dance direction always existed in conjunction with opera and complemented the performance of singers. Noverre was the first to make ballet an independent performance with its own plot, drama and characters. It is not surprising that when UNESCO approved International Dance Day as an official holiday in 1982, the birthday of the famous choreographer and founder of modern ballet was chosen as the date of its celebration.

A reason to start dancing

If you have never practiced this type of art or for some reason abandoned it, on the eve of this date you should, if not start dancing, then at least think about it. Decide on your direction and start choosing a school or club. In any city (no matter how large or small) there is such an establishment. There are plenty of genres - everyone will find something to their liking. Ballroom dancing, breakdancing, modern, tango, hip-hop, bachata, flamenco - the choice is endless.

International Dance Day: holiday scenario

It is celebrated in many parts of the world, including in our country, in various formats. IN major cities Thematic performances, concerts, and competitions are held. Dance studios organize open lessons, invite everyone to try themselves in various directions. Flash mobs, parties and other themed events are held. Not only those who chose Terpsichore’s craft as their profession and dedicated their lives to it, but also amateurs, both young and old, take an active part in them.

Do you want to celebrate International Dance Day 2019 and are wondering how to do it? Organize a dance procession with the participation of professional dancers... Or get together with a group and invite a dancer to give you a master class. Choose the genre you would like to master and start learning right on April 29th. You can also arrange a flash mob, which is popular nowadays, by entrusting its staging. All this action is definitely worth capturing as a memory, so everything that happens will not be superfluous at all. In our catalog there are many professionals who perform reportage photography.

Whatever format you choose to celebrate this day, the main thing is to come in a good mood and dance!

Hello, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall for an event dedicated to International Dance Day.

International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of dance and become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing people to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

Without unnecessary phrases, without unnecessary words.

Today the music is playing

Movements are smooth and easy

In our whirlpool arise

Our laughter carries far.

May this dance be long

Let the flowers be bright,

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

Greeting guests:

Performance by our guys:

1. Today we will dance

Play, orchestra, we'll die

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage

Orchestra performance.

2. Or are you waltzing in the hall,

Or are you stuck in the tango rhythm?

On this day international dance

We wish your soul to fly upward.

Dance "Waltz"

3. Your life with Breakdance is all over,

You dance in your sleep and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance,

Everything is bad so as not to cause trouble.

Break dance

3. You are beautiful in the wonderful Russian dance,

The movements are perfect and easy!

And I just want to admire,

And dedicate the best poems to you.

Dance "Sudarushka"

4. Conversation not with words

Conversation to the rhythm of dance

Either a waltz or a rumba

You can't refuse.

Dancing is like living

Live - always dancing!

Congratulations to the dancers

Happy Great Dance Day.

Dance "Retro"


At the end of April, like a deep river

International Dance Day sparkles.

It was created to joyfully countries and styles

We united under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who through their labors have comprehended,

Beautiful body language, understandable to everyone.

May all performances be successful,

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations.

Seven sisters are very friendly,

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If you don't invite them (Sheet music)

They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies -

Musical.. (cymbals)

He writes music for us

Ringtones plays

He will put poetry to a waltz

Who writes the songs? (Composer)

Balls, balls and music plays

The gentlemen invite the lady to dance.

French dance moves the silhouette,

And the dance is called... (minuet)

Music needs not only a “composer”,

We need someone who will sing. He...(performer)

The one who does not sing songs, but listens,

It's called, guys (listener)



Scenario of the event dedicated to International Dance Day

Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall for an event dedicated to International Dance Day.

International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of dance and become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing people to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

Without unnecessary phrases, without unnecessary words.

Today the music is playing

Movements are smooth and easy

In our whirling arise

Our laughter carries far.

May this dance be long

Let the flowers be bright,

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

Greeting guests:

2 –

Performance by our guys:


1. Today we will dance

Play, orchestra, we'll die

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage

Orchestra performance.

2. Or are you waltzing in the hall,

Or are you lost in the tango rhythm?

On this International Dance Day

We wish your soul to fly upward.

Dance "Waltz"

3. Your life with Breakdance is all over,

You dance in your sleep and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance,

Everything is bad so as not to cause trouble.

Break dance

3. You are beautiful in the wonderful Russian dance,

The movements are perfect and easy!

And I just want to admire,

And dedicate the best poems to you.

Dance "Sudarushka"

4. Conversation not with words

Conversation to the rhythm of dance

Either a waltz or a rumba

You can't refuse.

Dancing is like living

Live - always dancing!

Congratulations to the dancers

Happy Great Dance Day.

Dance "Retro"


At the end of April, like a deep river

International Dance Day sparkles.

It was created to joyfully countries and styles

We united under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who through their labors have comprehended,

Beautiful body language, understandable to everyone.

May all performances be successful,

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations.


Seven sisters are very friendly,

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If you don't invite them (Sheet music)

They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies -

Musical.. (cymbals)

He writes music for us

Ringtones plays

He will put poetry to a waltz

Who writes the songs? (Composer)

Balls, balls and music plays

The gentlemen invite the lady to dance.

French dance moves the silhouette,

And the dance is called... (minuet)

Music needs not only a “composer”,

We need someone who will sing. He...(performer)

The one who does not sing songs, but listens,

It's called, guys (listener)

All words belong to the Presenter.
Hello, dear friends! April 29 is declared International Dance Day. Happy holiday to all of you. We wish Have a good mood, joy, earn as much as possible more prizes and dance, as they say, until you drop.
Ask questions to some guests: “Why do you dance?”, “When do you want to dance?”, “What are your favorite dances?”, “How long can you dance?” Along the way, talk about dance marathons
America in times of crisis, remember the film "They shoot driven horses, don't they?" (there is a prize for the one who named it). Who's in it
starred from Hollywood stars? (D. Fonda - prize for the correct answer).
Dancing is movement, it is life. Dancing is youth. Youth of soul and body. Waltz and tango strengthen the vestibular apparatus. And by dancing the shake, twist, and Charleston all evening, you will avoid physical inactivity. This means that dancing brings health.
The fate of dances is different - some are born in obscurity and die quickly, others live for centuries. Try again to earn a prize. Name a dance that lives for a century or more? (Waltz.) I wonder, when and where do you think the dance was born?
We listen to the answers, for interesting options - prizes.
To summarize: it is difficult to tell about the birth of dance, but it was back when humanity led a semi-wild lifestyle. People imitated animals in dances, believing that this helped them hunt and find food. Dancing accompanied a certain amount of work and had its own rhythm. Gradually the art of dance became more complex. They became more technically complex, more flexible, and were distinguished by a variety of poses, gestures, and movements. I developed my own dance etiquette, my own posture and gait. We can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if now we invite our guests to the stage.
There is a number. Announced dance program. Everybody dance.
What types of dances do you think there are? (For each correct answer there is a prize.)
1. Folk dance (dance).
2. Ballroom dance (at balls and dance floors).
3. Stage dance (on stage).
Two demonstration dances.
You see how great people who dance professionally dance. And now you, everyone, have the opportunity to distinguish yourself - to show off your favorite dances. We are now announcing dance competition: the award will be given to the couples who best perform the waltz, tango, polka, sirtaki, gypsy.
Conducting a competition. Rewarding. Demonstration performance. Continuation of the dance program.
And now dance quiz. Earn prizes!
1. How many of you remember the names of ballroom dances in Russia? (Etrange, alikaz, tom-tit, ungarash, modern, pompadour, khnavata, carmen, elegant, mahur, Terpsichore, French-Russian geisha, salon dance, Ermak, ball-burrt, director, ki-ka-ku, bullfighter, Chinese , hawthorn, halftime, lady's whim, furlan, kek-walk, czardash, arcadia, tarantella, graciana, kohanochka, polish, bal-pizzicato, na-tirolen, myrmiton.)
2. Name modern ballroom dancing. (Step, disco dance, jazz - rock dance, break dance, sextok, cash dance.)
3. What are specialized dance halls? (Dancing.)
4. What is the name of the area reserved for dancing in a bar or club? (Dance floor)
5. Whose dance is “Krakowiak”? (Folk dance of Russia, has Polish roots - from folk dance, which was performed only by men or a knight and his squire.)
6. Which dance is recognized as the “king” of dances? (Waltz.)
7. Whose old dance “Polka” is this? (Czech Republic.)
8. When was the “Lipsy” dance born, where and why was it called that? (1959, named after the old name of the German city of Leipzig - Lipsia.)
9. Whose dance is "Limbo"? (Dance from the island of Tobago, where he spent long years Robinson Crusoe.)
10. Whose dance is “Sirtaki”? (Dance of the Greek butchers.)
11. Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)
12. What is this “white dance” and what is it also called? (An episode at an evening when the right to invite a woman to dance is given to a woman is also called “ladies’ episode.”)
13. Name the Russians ancient dances XIX century. (Padegras, padekatr, padespan.)
14. What dances were danced at Larina’s ball in the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (Waltz, mazurka, cotillion.)
15. What is a dance teacher called? (Dancing master.)
16. Whose dance is “Sheik” and how is it translated? (English, “shake”, its essence is this: to imitate the behavior of the famous Beatles.)
17. Name American dancing. ("Boogie-woogie", "twist", rock and roll.)
18. Rock and roll - translate the name, where did the dance originate? (“Swing”, “twirl”, America of the 50s.)
19. What is a hit? (Dance having this moment popularity.)
The last prizes have been distributed, and now let's, young people, get healthy, and therefore dance.
Dances are announced.

It’s very good if on this day at your school there will be a competition dance teams "Starteenager". This is entertaining show program, requiring preliminary preparation, the event can be conveniently held in a gym or large hall. From each class, one team consisting of seven people, plus two leaders - a boy and a girl, is allocated to participate in the competition. A team of fans also gathers and needs to come up with chants in support of their team. Teams are informed sample tasks competition and the tasks that they must prepare in advance. It is necessary to determine the composition of the jury and place them so that it is convenient for them to observe the teams. Teams participate in almost all competitions simultaneously; after each competition, the jury reports the scores for the competition and the overall score. Each competition evaluates the originality of movements, synchronicity, sense of rhythm, speed of reaction to changing music, and team cohesion.

Show program “Starteenager”

Progress of the show program

(Fanfare sounds. The presenters come out.)

Presenter 1: Good evening, girls and boys!

Presenter 2: Good evening, teachers and distinguished guests who have gathered in our hall today.

Presenter 1: Today, on International Dance Day, we have gathered in this hall to witness the birth of new stars.

Presenter 2: So, we are starting our show program “Starteenager”!

Presenter 1: I, in turn, would like to remember those people who today have the most difficult task - to evaluate our competition. This is our competent jury consisting of...

(The presenters introduce the jury and report the evaluation criteria.)

Presenter 2: We invite teams to the stage.

(The presenters list the names of the teams, and they go on stage.)

Presenter 1: Now we can begin our first competition task- "Business card".

Presenter 2: Each team had to prepare in advance an introduction of their team and a greeting. The business card must include: name, motto, chant and, of course, dance.

Presenter 1: I will ask the team captains to come up for a draw to determine the order of performance.

Presenter 2: The draw determined that the first to demonstrate their business card there will be a team...

(Teams take turns drawing lots to demonstrate the task.)

Presenter 1: A word from our jury. So, grades for our teams for the 1st competition.

(The jury sums up the results of the first competition.)

Presenter 2: Applause to the team that is in the lead! For those who are less fortunate, I suggest not to be upset, we still have many competitions ahead. And who knows, maybe you will become the winners of our game.

Presenter 1: In order to continue our competition, I invite all teams to our dance floor.

(Teams stand in a checkerboard order so that the jury members can see everyone; a leader stands in front of each team. The position of the teams changes clockwise after each competition - this is done so that all teams can be on equal terms.)

Presenter 2: We are starting our second competition, which is called “Everybody Dance!”

Presenter 1: The conditions of this competition are as follows: a “cut” of various fast-tempo melodies will sound for you. The participants’ task: perform movements synchronously, quickly repeat the movements after their leader, do not stop and do not rest.

Presenter 2: So, all together - teams and fans, let's count down to the start of the competition.

Together: Three, two, one, let's go!!!

(Music sounds, teams dance.)

Presenter 1: We ask the distinguished jury to evaluate the performance of the teams.

Presenter 2: We are making the transition now. Teams change places clockwise. Moreover, you should make transitions as original as possible, because the jury evaluates your transitions and will announce before the last competition overall assessment for transitions.

Presenter 1: Great, the teams have taken their new places, and we can move on to the second competition, which is called “Clip”.

Presenter 2: Conditions of the second competition: for the song that will be played, you need to make a dramatization, that is, a video. There is no time allocated for preparation, so participants must get their bearings instantly.

Presenter 1: So, let's count down to the start of the competition. Three, two, one, let's start!!!

(Sounds popular song in Russian, the teams do a re-enactment, after the competition - the jury speaks.)

Presenter 2: Our second competition has ended and we are making the transition again.

(Fun music plays, the teams move to new places.)

Presenter 1: We will give our teams time to rest and hold a competition for the fans.

Presenter 2: Fans say pre-prepared chants of greetings to their teams.

(The presenters announce which team the support group is playing for, the jury evaluates the competition.)

Presenter 1: Great! Thank you, fans. Let's return to our teams. The next competition is called “Chained by One Chain.” Now music will sound, varying in tempo, and the teams need to dance in a circle, holding hands.

Presenter 2: Ready? We're counting down. Three, two, one, let's go!!!

(Music sounds, teams dance, after the competition the jury announces the scores for the competition and the overall score.)

Presenter 1: Before the start of the next competition, teams must make a transition.

Presenter 2: The competition that we have prepared for you is called “Dance in the style of...”. Now the teams will hear a “cut” from various dances peoples of the world.

Presenter 1: Team leaders must accurately determine the dance style and set the movements for the teams.

Presenter 2: Are all teams ready? Countdown: three, two, one, let's start!!

(The soundtracks of the following dances are played: “Lezginka”, “Lambada”, “Quadrille”, “Rock and Roll”, “Jewish”, “Gypsy”, etc., the teams dance, the jury gives scores.)

Presenter 1: Before we start our next competition, let's make a transition.

Presenter 2: Our competition is called “Sport without Borders”. Here are his conditions: while the music is playing, we will talk about what sports style you should dance in, and your task is to quickly navigate and come up with original movements.

Presenter 1: If everyone understands the terms of the competition, then we give a countdown: three, two, one, let's start!!!

Presenter 2: Let's start our competition. We dance the way hockey players dance.

Presenter 1: And now we dance like basketball players.

(The presenters take turns listing different types sports, teams dance, the jury evaluates the competition.)

Presenter 2: The teams are transitioning while I explain the terms of the next competition, which is called “Leader Dance.” The whole team sits in a circle. The girl leader comes to the center of the circle and begins to dance to fiery music; as soon as the music changes, the boy leader begins to dance in the circle. But when a slow composition starts playing, then both leaders take a place in the circle and dance together.

Presenter 1: Are the leaders ready? What about the teams? Then - countdown: three, two, one - let's go!

(A competition is taking place, the jury is giving scores.)

Presenter 2: Let’s move on to the next competition, which is called “Crazy Legs.” Before we start this competition, we make a transition.

Presenter 1: While the teams make the transition, I will explain the rules of this competition. Various music will sound, and we will tell the teams which part of the body needs to perform the movements. You must quickly navigate and come up with interesting movements.

Presenter 2: So, let's count down: three, two, one - let's start!

(Music plays, presenters give tasks.)

Presenter 1: Now the teams must dance with their bellies. ..

Presenter 2: And now only with your hands...

Presenter 1: Now the teams dance so that there are as few feet on the ground as possible...

Presenter 2: The next task is squatting dance...

Presenter 1: Now we allow you to dance with only your feet...

Presenter 2: But now all parts of the body are dancing!

Presenter 1: Great, the competition has passed, we are making the last transition and listening to our jury, which will announce the scores for the last competition.

Presenter 2: Our “Starteenager” is coming to the finale and it’s time for the teams to show how they coped with their “homework” assignment “Dance Composition”.

Presenter 1: Before the start of the last competition, we will hear the scores for the transitions.

Presenter 2: So, we are starting our last competition. Fans! Support your teams! Let the guys feel that they are loved and supported!

(Each team has its own soundtrack to which they perform the dance.)

Presenter 1: It's over competitive program. We invite our jury to the stage.

(The jury announces scores for the last competition and the results of the entire program, and awards are given to the winners and participants of the competition.)

Presenter 2: It's time for us to say goodbye.

Presenter 1: But we don’t say goodbye, we say goodbye to each other!

Together: See you again! Until new victories!

You can also use the following competitions:

1. Agricultural dances. Show how Lambada lovers could do some agricultural work. Demonstrate how to the sounds of a lambada you can...

Digging beds;

Hill up potatoes;

Weed the radishes;

Water the carrots;

Loosen the rows of strawberries.

2. Back to back. The whole team breaks into pairs and, carefully listening to the leader’s commands, dances, touching certain

body parts. The commands can be as follows: “Ear to shoulder”, “ Right leg- to the left hand,” etc.

We offer a second option for holding this competition.


Preparing for a music and dance competition among students in high school.

Number of participants:

team of dancers - 6 people,

fan team - 10 people.

Venue and preparation: a room that allows for both theoretical and practical preparation of this event.

Materials: Tape recorder and recording of melodies from various musical styles and trends.

Target: Prepare a team of participants and fans for the “Starteenager” competition among 10th grade school students.


1. Update creative potential children.

2. Uniting the team of participants and the team of fans.

3. Theoretical acquaintance with various musical styles and dance styles.

4. Create an image of the team and prepare attributes that reflect it.

Preparation stages:

1. Selection of theoretical information and musical audio recordings various styles and directions.

2. Give the participants a task in advance - come up with a team name, its motto and chants.

Progress of the event

1. Preparation for the “Warm-up” competition

Learning dance movements that are accessible to all team members, achieving synchronicity in their performance and full compliance with the rhythmic pattern of the music.

2. Presentation

The director explains the essence of the “Performance” competition:

Participation of all team members;

Compliance with the chosen style;

Emotionality of the performance.

3. Introduction to the “Etalon” competition

The leader introduces participants to various musical styles and trends: folk, rock, hard rock, disco, twist, Charleston, rock and roll, break, techno dance, rave, jazz, reggae, blues, hip-hop, punk. rock, etc., and the main ones characteristic of these styles dance moves(their practice to the appropriate music).

4. Study of characteristic movements

Introduction to waltz movements, Latin American and standard European dances, as well as dances of the peoples of the world.

5. Theoretical

The leader gives theoretical concepts about the team image, discussion expressive means, costumes, paraphernalia for its creation.

6. Homework

At the end of the classes, the leader gives the task to independently repeat the movements learned in class and try to deepen knowledge in the theory and history of music and dance.

7. Summing up.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Purpose of the holiday:

1. Introducing students to systematic sports and healthy image life.

2. Summing up school year for extracurricular activities.

Dance festival rhythmic gymnastics competition dedicated to International Dance Day on April 29.

    Leading: Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall for the “Live by Dancing” competition dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29. According to the founders, International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of Dance, to become an occasion for celebrating this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

    Leading: One of the main features of any dance is its ability to unite in friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

On this day the whole dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday: opera and ballet theaters, modern troupes, modern and folk dance ensembles, both professional and amateur artists.

    Leading: Also on April 29, the annual participation of great stage stars takes place. In Moscow, since 1992, the so-called ballet “Oscar” has been awarded to Benois de la dane. This prize is awarded to the most successful choreographers who created their dance works during the year, and the jury consists of the most famous choreographers and choreographers.

The prize is a small figurine depicting a dancing couple. It is very difficult to obtain this figurine; you need to make enormous efforts in your business.

    Leading: We decided to celebrate this holiday in our own way. We present to your attention a competitive program, which includes a rhythmic gymnastics competition.

    Leading: At the end of April, like a full-flowing river, International Dance Day sparkles.

It was created to different dances and styles

We united under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who through their labors have comprehended

A wonderful body language that everyone can understand!

May all performances be successful,

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations!

2. Presenter: And now we will introduce you to our participants. Participating in the competition program are: _____________, ______________, ____________, _____________________.

Today there is music.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival end

April Sports Week.

Today we will dance

And have fun until you drop

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage.

Meet the competition participants!

    Presenter: class __________

    Presenter: class __________

    Leading: Dear competitors, dear jury members and spectators, now we will read to you the “Rules for evaluating competition participants”:

Performances are evaluated by jury members, each category separately, using a 5-point system. Performance is assessed according to the following criteria:

Cleanliness and technique of performance, musicality.

Artistry, stage image: costume, appearance.

Synchronicity of execution

Rebuilding the drawing.

All criteria add up to one score.

    Leading: Well, now it’s time to introduce you to the jury members: Main judge competitions _______________.

Before the competition program begins, we have a big request to the spectators and fans: do not make noise during performances, applaud only after performances and do not interfere with your opponents. Agreed?

    Leading: or you waltz in the hall,

Or you're stuck in the tango rhythm.

On this International Dance Day

I wish your soul to fly upward.

Your life passes under the sign of music,

You dance in your sleep and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance,

Everything is bad, so as not to cause trouble.

Passion walks the same path with you.

In the dance, feelings will overwhelm the mind.

This does not go away over the years.

So spiritually you find comfort.

Well, let this feeling be with you,

Let him keep his heart warm,

May dancing give you peace,

Dancing is given to you by God!

And we invite class _________ to the stage.

    Leading: Thank you for your performance. Being first is always difficult: it is a big responsibility and emotional stress. But now the “pre-start excitement” is over for them and they can calmly watch the performances of their competitors.

Why do people dance?

Hoping and waiting

What if they suddenly become slimmer?

And will they gain flexibility?

What kind of brave dance is this?

Will anyone love it?

That the world will become kinder

And at least a little more beautiful?

Legs, arms flash,

Knees, stomachs!

Don't suffer from boredom,

Hurry up and dance too!

    Leading: I invite the class __________. Our competition is gaining momentum. And we want to tell everyone who has ever danced or will dance the following words: We wish, our dear dancers, that nothing bothers you: neither an uncomfortable costume, nor embarrassment about a stupid hairstyle, nor nervous tension, nor irritation due to partners constantly stepping on your feet!

And if something goes wrong, immediately remind yourself: everything gets in the way of a bad dancer. I invite the class to _______________.

    Leading: Spinning, dancing, chanting,

The flight of life and passions,

A young couple on stage

She is fire, he is blue ice.

Art, which is understandable without words,

That never gets old.

It's nice on the day of the dance,

Those who always make us happy.

I invite the class ______.

    Leading: if your favorite vacation is active, and not spending many hours at the computer, or communicating with your own mobile phone, then our offer is just for you! Do you love to dance, but monotonous movements make you bored? With us, in a fairly short period of time, you will be able to learn many movements in various dance styles and learn how to combine them into an effective dance (possible advertising for a dance club, studio of this educational institution, organizations). I invite the class ___________.

I am amazed at your talent!

You don't just dance, you soar!

Overshadowing the other contestants,

You work wonders at all tournaments!

I always watch with wild delight,

How wonderfully you dance!

On Dance Day I sincerely wish -

Let them come true cherished dreams! We invite class ____________.

    Leading: We thank those who showed us their talent today, and we sincerely wish you victory. Now the jury members will go to the deliberation room to sum up the results of the competition (song or dance).

    Leading: The floor for congratulations is given to the chief judge of the competition ___________________________________________________.

    Leading: We once again congratulate our winners and participants on the International Dance Day. We sincerely thank everyone for the pleasure given to us and wish us further creative success.

    Leading: Thank you very much and gratitude to you, dear viewers, for your attention and support of the competition participants with your applause.

    Leading: This concludes our rhythmic gymnastics competition. We don’t say goodbye, but say “See you again!” Play sports, be healthy.