Semyon Altov: “My wife is a very beautiful woman. When I ask: “Tell me honestly, what do you see in me?”, she pretends that she doesn’t hear.” Semyon Teodorovich Altov biography

Semyon Altov was born in Sverdlovsk. It was to this city in the Urals that they were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War his parents. Semyon is there, real name which Altshuler spent the first six months of his life until the end of the war.

After the end of the war, the parents, Lyubov Naumovna and Theodor Semenovich, returned to Leningrad with little Semyon. In post-war Leningrad, the father of the future satirical writer taught a course in electrical engineering at the shipbuilding institute, and his mother worked in the field of architecture.


On his eighth birthday, Semyon received a “Young Chemist” set as a gift. According to the satirist, this gift turned out to be “fatal” and significantly influenced the choice of profession.

Semyon Altov graduated from the Chemical College, and in 1968 from the Leningrad Technological Institute. Lensovet, specialty: paint and varnish chemist. After graduating from the institute, Semyon Teodorovich worked in his specialty at the State Institute of Mineral Pigments and at the plant named after. Shaumyan.

Writing activity of Semyon Altov

The author began to make his attempts at writing at a fairly mature age - 25-26 years old. Although in several interviews Semyon Teodorovich mentions that before he started writing satirical and humorous works, wrote poetry.

Altov began appearing in print in 1971, in the small genre of “phrases”. The first publication took place in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, in the “12 Chairs Club” section, which included the “Phrases” section. For writing aphorisms, the satirist received his first fee - “38 rubles 00 kopecks.”

Now Semyon Altov is the author of 4 books: “Chance”, “Dog’s Joys”, “Gain Height”, “224 Selected Pages”. The satirist penned many monologues that were and are performed on stage by such famous artists as: Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Gennady Khazanov and others.


In addition, Altov became a screenwriter for many television and pop comedy programs, performances, and films. In 1987, on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater, on Bersenevskaya Embankment, the premiere of Arkady Raikin’s last stage work took place - the play “Peace to Thy Home,” in which Semyon Altov was the author of interludes.


Two years after the first publication, in 1973, Altov received a position at Lenconcert. In the words of Semyon Teodorovich himself, “I climbed onto the stage, where I’ve been hanging out” ever since.

Semyon Altov's distinctive performing style on the stage is the monotonous reading of monologues from a sheet of paper in a low, slightly nasal and nasally voice. This characteristic became so recognizable that Altov more than once became the hero of parodies. The author himself speaks about this manner of his, of course, with humor: “my voice calms men and excites women. It’s good that it’s not the other way around.” Viewers claim that this style reminds them of the way crime chronicles are read.


In the eighties, Semyon Altov became one of the creators, authors and performers of pop music. humorous program"SHOW-01", which actively performed throughout Soviet Union and became the starting point of popularity for many artists original genre. Co-authors and performers in “SHOW-01” together with Semyon Altov were: famous people, like Viktor Billevich, Yan Arlazorov, Valery Nikolenko, Mikhail Gorodinsky, Vyacheslav Polunin, Leonid Yakubovich, Lycedei Theater. The program included a huge number of practical jokes, attracting spectators to participate in the performance, many hints and subtexts about Soviet power, the mistakes of which, quite boldly, satirists paid attention to in their show.

Semyon Altov - Bribe


Semyon Altov initiated the creation and became the author of the humorous television series “Klutzes,” which was released on the NTV channel in 1997. Interestingly, the humorist’s son, Pavel Semenovich, also worked on the creation of the series as a director. “Klutzes” are small sitcoms performed in a theatrical manner, with almost no words. In total, 24 issues of the series were released.

Personal life of Semyon Altov

Altov, jokingly, citing a bad memory, reports that he met his wife Larisa Vasilievna three times. After their third meeting, they decided to get married and have been married for more than three decades. There is a son, Pavel, director, businessman and producer of his father. Semyon Altov already has three grandchildren: Katya, Varya and Vasya. Semyon Altov's career in film and television

Altov has repeatedly taken part in the filming of television programs, shows and films as a screenwriter, artist and guest.

In 1984, Semyon Altov wrote dialogues for musical film based on the opera buffe by Jacques Offenbach - “Pericola”.

In 1997, he starred in the comedy “Don’t Play the Fool” (directed by Valery Chikov). Altov played the role of a member of the expedition. In addition, the artist participated in such television programs as: “Corrupt Mirror”, “Gentleman Show”, “Evening Quarter”, “Room of Laughter”, “Jurmala”, and many others.

Awards, titles of Semyon Altov

On international festival humor and satire “Golden Ostap” in 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate. He was awarded a gilded statuette of the festival, following Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In 2005, the writer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, Altov is an honorary professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and an honorary chemist.

Semyon Teodorovich Altshuller was born on January 17, 1945 in the city of Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. After the cessation of hostilities, the family returned to Leningrad. The boy's father taught at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, and his mother was an architect by profession.

Eight-year-old Semyon was given a “Young Chemist” set as a birthday present. Subsequently, this gift had a significant influence on his choice future sphere activities.

Semyon Altov, having graduated first from a chemical technical school and then from an institute with a degree in paint and varnish chemist, worked at the State Scientific Research Institute MINDIP and at the plant named after. Shaumyan.

Only at the age of 25-26 did he begin to try himself as a writer of satirical and humorous works. Although before that, according to Altov, he wrote poetry. The writer began publishing in the genre of “phrases” in 1971. It was first published by the editors of the Literary Newspaper in the “12 Chairs Club” section, where the “Phrases” section was located. Then, for the aphorisms he composed, he received his first fee in the amount of 38 rubles.

A few years later, Altov began working in a concert organization in Leningrad, which allowed him to “climb onto the stage, where he sticks out” to this day.

His manner of performing monologues is quite specific and recognizable. When Semyon Altov sight reads, his voice sounds monotonous and a little nasal. Due to its unique sound, the satirist quite often becomes the object of parodies. For viewers, this style resembles reading a crime chronicle. At the same time, the author himself says with humor: “... my voice calms men and excites women. It’s good that it’s not the other way around...”

In the eighties, Semyon Altov and a number of other authors and performers created the variety and humorous program “SHOW-01”. Participants in the program gave concerts throughout the USSR and for many who performed in original genres, this became a kind of starting point for their popularity. There were practical jokes, attracting the audience to participate, and specific subtext on the topic of Soviet power. In addition, Semyon Altov became the author of the television series “Klutzes,” which appeared in 1997 on the NTV channel. The project was a set of short funny stories. Directing was entrusted to his son, Pavel. 24 episodes were published. The program's popularity was always in the TOP 10 ratings.

To date, four books have been published from the pen of Smena Altov: “Chance”, “Dog’s Joys”, “Gain Height”, “224 Selected Pages”. He is the author of many monologues, which are performed with pleasure by popular pop artists. Writes scripts for television and pop comedy programs, plays and films. For the premiere last performance Arkady Raikin, which took place in 1978 at the Moscow Variety Theater, was also written by Semyon Altov. The artist not only performs on stage, but also takes an active part in the filming of various television programs, shows and films as a screenwriter, actor and invited guest.

In 1997, the satirist starred in the comedy “Don't Play the Fool” as one of the expedition members. He took part in the popular television programs “Distorted Mirror”, “Gentleman Show”, “Room of Laughter” and others. In 1994, he received the title of laureate of the International Festival “Golden Ostap”, at which he was awarded a gold statuette. In 2005 he became an Honored Artist of Russia. In addition, the satirist writer is an honorary professor of St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology, an honorary chemist.

Childhood of Semyon Altov

Semyon Altov was born in Sverdlovsk. It was to this city in the Urals that his parents were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. It was there that Semyon, whose real name was Altshuler, spent the first six months of his life until the end of the war.

After the end of the war, the parents, Lyubov Naumovna and Theodor Semenovich, returned to Leningrad with little Semyon. In post-war Leningrad, the father of the future satirical writer taught a course in electrical engineering at the shipbuilding institute, and his mother worked in the field of architecture.


On his eighth birthday, Semyon received a “Young Chemist” set as a gift. According to the satirist, this gift turned out to be “fatal” and significantly influenced the choice of profession.

Semyon Altov graduated from the Chemical College, and in 1968 from the Leningrad Technological Institute. Lensovet, specialty: paint and varnish chemist. After graduating from the institute, Semyon Teodorovich worked in his specialty at the State Institute of Mineral Pigments and at the plant named after. Shaumyan.

Writing activity of Semyon Altov

The author began to make his attempts at writing at a fairly mature age - 25-26 years old. Although in several interviews Semyon Teodorovich mentions that before he began writing satirical and humorous works, he composed poetry.

Altov began appearing in print in 1971, in the small genre of “phrases”. The first publication took place in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, in the “12 Chairs Club” section, which included the “Phrases” section. For writing aphorisms, the satirist received his first fee - “38 rubles 00 kopecks.”

Now Semyon Altov is the author of 4 books: “Chance”, “Dog’s Joys”, “Gain Height”, “224 Selected Pages”. The satirist penned many monologues that were and are performed on stage by such famous artists as Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Gennady Khazanov and others.

S.Altov - Road accident

In addition, Altov became a screenwriter for many television and pop comedy programs, performances, and films. In 1987, on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater on Bersenevskaya Embankment, the premiere of Arkady Raikin’s last stage work took place - the play “Peace to Thy Home,” in which Semyon Altov was the author of interludes.


Two years after the first publication, in 1973, Altov received a position at the Lenconcert. In the words of Semyon Teodorovich himself, “I climbed onto the stage, where I’ve been hanging out” ever since.

Semyon Altov's distinctive performing style on the stage is the monotonous reading of monologues from a sheet of paper in a low, slightly nasal and nasally voice. This characteristic became so recognizable that Altov more than once became the hero of parodies. The author himself speaks about this manner of his, of course, with humor: “my voice calms men and excites women. It’s good that it’s not the other way around.” Viewers claim that this style reminds them of the way crime chronicles are read.


In the eighties, Semyon Altov became one of the creators, authors and performers of the variety comedy program “SHOW-01”, which actively performed throughout the Soviet Union and became the starting point of popularity for many artists of the original genre. Co-authors and performers in “SHOW-01”, together with Semyon Altov, were such famous people as Viktor Billevich, Yan Arlazorov, Valery Nikolenko, Mikhail Gorodinsky, Vyacheslav Polunin, Leonid Yakubovich, and the Litsedei Theater. The program included a huge number of practical jokes, attracting spectators to participate in the performance, many hints and subtexts about the Soviet regime, the mistakes of which, boldly enough, were paid attention to by the satirists in their show.

Semyon Altov - Bribe


Semyon Altov initiated the creation and became the author of the humorous television series “Klutzes,” which was released on the NTV channel in 1997. Interestingly, the humorist’s son, Pavel Semenovich, also worked on the creation of the series as a director. “Klutzes” are small sitcoms performed in a theatrical manner, with almost no words. In total, 24 issues of the series were released.

Personal life of Semyon Altov

Altov, jokingly, citing a bad memory, reports that he met his wife Larisa Vasilyevna three times. After their third meeting, they decided to get married and have been married for more than three decades. There is a son, Pavel, director, businessman and producer of his father. Semyon Altov already has three grandchildren: Katya, Varya and Vasya. Semyon Altov's career in film and television

Altov has repeatedly taken part in the filming of television programs, shows and films as a screenwriter, artist and guest.

In 1984, Semyon Altov wrote dialogues for a musical film based on Jacques Offenbach's opera buffe, Pericola.

In 1997, he starred in the comedy “Don’t Play the Fool” (directed by Valery Chikov). Altov played the role of a member of the expedition. In addition, the artist participated in such television programs as: “Corrupt Mirror”, “Gentleman Show”, “Evening Quarter”, “Room of Laughter”, “Jurmala”, and many others.

Awards, titles of Semyon Altov

At the international festival of humor and satire “Golden Ostap” in 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate. He was awarded a gilded statuette of the festival, following Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In 2005, the writer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, Altov is an honorary professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and an honorary chemist.

Semyon Teodorovich Altov(real name Semyon Teodorovich Altshuller; genus. January 17, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet and Russian satirist and screenwriter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.


Born into the family of teacher Theodor Semyonovich Altshuller (originally from Nizhyn) and architect Lyubov Naumovna Zalesskaya (originally from Kremenchug). Graduated.

Altov's works were performed by Gennady Khazanov, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur, in addition, the author also performs his works. Semyon Altov stands out among other performing humor writers for his unique performing style. Altov reads his monologues with an impenetrable and even gloomy expression on his face, monotonous in a low voice with a peculiar accent. Altov's manner of pronunciation is parodied by many pop artists (Brothers Ponomarenko, Igor Khristenko, etc.).

Semyon Altov is the author of Arkady Isaakovich Raikin’s latest play “Peace to Thy Home.”

Altov took part in the creation of the comedy series “Klutzes”.

Semyon Altov began writing at the age of 26.


  • Wife Larisa
    • son Pavel.
      • Grandchildren: Varya, Katya, Vasya

Participation in TV shows

Altov also participated in the television programs “Room of Laughter”, “Corrupt Mirror”, “No Intermission”, “Izmailovsky Park”, “Gentleman Show”, “Jurmala”, “Evening Quarter”, etc.



  • "Chance",
  • "Dog's Joys"
  • "Gain altitude"
  • "224 Favorite Pages"


  • - Pericola (dialogue writer)
  • - BDT thirty years later (film-play; participation)
  • - Peace to your home (television play; author of reprises and interludes)
  • - Good luck, gentlemen
  • - Who's there? (short film; participation)
  • - Chance (Ukraine, short film; screenwriter)
  • - Altshousy (director and screenwriter)
  • - Klutzes (short film; screenwriter)
  • - Don't be a fool - expedition member

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  • - official website of Semyon Altov
  • - official channel of Semyon Altov
  • on YouTube
  • - aired October 5, 2008(video)
  • on
  • . (May 6, 2014).

Excerpt characterizing Altov, Semyon

The regimental commander turned to Prince Bagration, asking him to move back, since it was too dangerous here. “Have mercy, your Excellency, for God’s sake!” he said, looking for confirmation at the retinue officer, who was turning away from him. “Here, if you please see!” He let them notice the bullets that were constantly screeching, singing and whistling around them. He spoke in the same tone of request and reproach with which a carpenter says to a gentleman who has taken up an ax: “Our business is familiar, but you will callus your hands.” He spoke as if these bullets could not kill him, and his half-closed eyes gave his words an even more convincing expression. The staff officer joined the admonitions of the regimental commander; but Prince Bagration did not answer them and only ordered to stop shooting and line up in such a way as to make room for the two approaching battalions. While he was speaking, as if with an invisible hand he was stretched from right to left, from the rising wind, a canopy of smoke that hid the ravine, and the opposite mountain with the French moving along it opened before them. All eyes were involuntarily fixed on this French column, moving towards us and meandering along the ledges of the area. The shaggy hats of the soldiers were already visible; it was already possible to distinguish officers from privates; one could see how their banner fluttered against the staff.
“They are going nicely,” said someone in Bagration’s retinue.
The head of the column had already descended into the ravine. The collision was supposed to happen on this side of the descent...
The remnants of our regiment, which was in action, hastily formed and retreated to the right; from behind them, dispersing the stragglers, two battalions of the 6th Jaeger approached in order. They had not yet reached Bagration, but a heavy, ponderous step could already be heard, beating in step with the entire mass of people. From the left flank, walking closest to Bagration was the company commander, a round-faced, stately man with a stupid, happy expression on his face, the same one who ran out of the booth. He, apparently, was not thinking about anything at that moment, except that he would pass by his superiors like a charmer.
With a sporty complacency, he walked lightly on his muscular legs, as if he were swimming, stretching out without the slightest effort and distinguished by this lightness from the heavy step of the soldiers who followed his step. He carried a thin, narrow sword taken out at his foot (a bent sword that did not look like a weapon) and, looking first at his superiors, then back, without losing his step, he turned flexibly with his whole strong figure. It seemed as if all the forces of his soul were aimed at the best way pass by the authorities, and, feeling that he was doing this job well, he was happy. “Left... left... left...”, he seemed to say internally after every step, and according to this beat with various stern faces a wall of soldier figures moved, weighed down with knapsacks and guns, as if each of these hundreds of soldiers was mentally saying after a step: “left... left... left...”. The fat major, puffing and staggering, walked around the bush along the road; the lagging soldier, out of breath, with a frightened face for his malfunction, was catching up with the company at a trot; the cannonball, pressing the air, flew over the head of Prince Bagration and his retinue and to the beat: “left - left!” hit the column. “Close!” came the swaggering voice of the company commander. The soldiers circled around something in the place where the cannonball fell; an old cavalier, a flank non-commissioned officer, falling behind near the dead, caught up with his line, jumped, changed his foot, fell into step and looked back angrily. “Left... left... left...” seemed to be heard from behind the threatening silence and the monotonous sound of feet simultaneously hitting the ground.
- Well done, guys! - said Prince Bagration.
“For the sake of... wow wow wow wow!...” was heard through the ranks. The gloomy soldier walking on the left, shouting, looked back at Bagration with such an expression as if he was saying: “we know it ourselves”; the other, without looking back and as if afraid to have fun, with his mouth open, shouted and walked by.
They were ordered to stop and take off their backpacks.
Bagration rode around the ranks passing by and dismounted from his horse. He gave the Cossack the reins, took off and gave his cloak, straightened his legs and adjusted the cap on his head. The head of the French column, with officers in front, appeared from under the mountain.
"With God blessing!" Bagration said firmly, in an audible voice, turned for a moment to the front and, slightly waving his arms, with the awkward step of a cavalryman, as if working, he walked forward along the uneven field. Prince Andrei felt that some irresistible force was pulling him forward, and he experienced great happiness. [Here occurred the attack about which Thiers says: “Les russes se conduisirent vaillamment, et chose rare a la guerre, on vit deux masses d"infanterie Mariecher resolument l"une contre l"autre sans qu"aucune des deux ceda avant d "etre abordee"; and Napoleon on the island of St. Helena said: "Quelques bataillons russes montrerent de l"intrepidite." [The Russians behaved valiantly, and a rare thing in war, two masses of infantry marched decisively against each other, and neither of the two yielded until the clash." Napoleon's words: [Several Russian battalions showed fearlessness.]

His smart humor appeals to many, and the unique timbre of his voice captivates from the very first words spoken. He has been happily married for more than 40 years and, embarrassed, admits that the key to his family happiness was a bad memory. He can be surprised every day by what beautiful woman next to him, and admits that with his own wife met three times.

Triple dating

Semyon Altov. / Photo:

Semyon Altov is not ashamed of the fact that he has a bad memory. Even at concerts, he sometimes reads his own works and finds it funny because he may not remember his jokes.

He met a girl named Larisa three times. The first time he came to the House of Culture, where he taught after college " Oral journal", and saw a very pretty girl in the foyer reading a book. I decided to meet him and invited him on a date to his “Oral Journal.” Larisa came on a date, but he didn’t find her. However, that day she herself did not plan to continue their acquaintance, because Semyon did not make much of an impression on her that day.

Larisa Altova. / Photo:

They met for the second time about a year later, in some common company. The girl played the guitar amazingly, and she was very beautiful in appearance. And he met her again.
When, after some time, he saw in the trade union committee of his own technological institute, it was surprising beautiful girl, sitting at the piano and playing Grieg with inspiration. When Semyon came up to meet her, she was simply indignant: how much can you do? But I still went on a date with him. At the same time, her gentleman, in order not to forget about the date, marked the days of meetings with a cross in special calendar, which the couple still keeps.

And Semyon Altov made the fateful decision to get married after visiting Larisa’s house for the first time. He saw a lonely volume of Bunin on her bookshelf. This was the fifth volume of a five-volume series. The future satirist had the first four, but he never managed to get the fifth at that time. It seemed to both of them that this sign and property should be reunited. In fact, this was their first confession of feelings to each other.

The beginning of a long journey

Semyon and Larisa Altov. / Photo:

The wedding was celebrated noisily and cheerfully. Most of all, Semyon Altov liked the toast that in this married couple the beauty of the groom's mind and the amazing beauty of the bride were reunited.
Semyon Teodorovich still never ceases to admire the beauty of his wife. And she doesn’t understand what she could see in him, an ordinary engineer at that time with a small salary. Larisa Vasilievna refuses to answer this question.

The satirist himself believes that without love they could not have lived together for so long. And at the same time, he does not forget to joke about his poor memory, even in such a situation. serious issue, How family relationships. He says that every morning he looks in surprise at the beautiful woman next to him and only then remembers that this is his wife.

A home where everyone is warm and comfortable

Semyon and Larisa Altov. / Photo:

When a son appeared in the family, the couple were very unanimous in that small man– this is already a personality. Therefore, they raised him with great respect, trying not to break or mold him at their own discretion, but simply supporting the child’s desire for what he liked.

Semyon Altov with his son. / Photo:

When Semyon Teodorovich decided to develop his son’s writing talent, he suggested writing only half a printed page a day on their typewriter. As a result, the boy brought his father a text that looked more like an accounting report. Pavel never became a writer, but at one time he was his father’s producer, tried his hand at directing, and then successfully became involved in business.

Semyon Altov with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. / Photo:

Semyon Teodorovich and Larisa Vasilievna are very different people both in character and temperament. But they live together easily and joyfully, for 40 years without having time to get bored of each other. They both can’t imagine how they can go on vacation separately if they have the opportunity to spend time together. New Year and others family holidays they invariably try to celebrate homes, gathering under one roof the people closest and dearest to their hearts.

Semyon Altov with his wife and son. / Photo:

They rarely manage to quarrel seriously. Even when the hot and quick-tempered Larisa Vasilievna makes a scene because of a shirt of the wrong color that her husband is wearing, Semyon Teodorovich believes that she must first be allowed to calm down. But sometimes he cannot stand the intensity of the quarrel and calmly says something, because of which the flaring scandal immediately turns into a comedy performance.

Semyon Altov collects signs from hotels. / Photo:

Even the satirist’s hobby is very unusual: he collects signs from hotels with inscriptions that are usually hung on room doors asking “Do not disturb!” He naturally stole his first copy from a hotel in Turkey, and then friends and acquaintances began to bring them to him from all over the world.

Semyon Altov believes that not much is needed to be happy: “Rejoice at what you have, and not suffer over what you don’t have.”