Semyon Slepakov needed psychological help. Semyon Slepakov: biography and personal life What Semyon Slepakov is doing now

Semyon Slepakov was single until he was 33 years old. None whirlwind romances, sexual scandals and even just light affairs were not observed for him. Despite this, there are no rumors about gay the two-meter unshaven man was not walking. Despite the fact that he is from the Comedy club. This is his image, absolutely masculine.

Third line star

Semyon Slepakov jokes about himself: “ I am a third line star. Here are the first hotels coastline, second, and I’m third" Maybe this explains the veil of secrecy that has hung over the artist’s personal life all these years. Just on social events Semyon never walked, and, therefore, did not drag girls along with him. They weren’t photographed together!

Slepakov, according to his own words, never had the same popularity in which paparazzi guard a person at the door of a house in the bushes.

Semyon was not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex.

"Women like big men“,” he jokes, “there is something primal in this, the thirst for possessing the largest male.”

Semyon, on the contrary, always liked petite women.

In his youth, as a student, Semyon wooed girls with humor and playing the guitar.

Neither one nor the other worked. The repertoire of the group in which Semyon played was not girlish.

The quen man joked mainly about the girls themselves, and, as it turned out, women did not like this at all.

“I’ll catch a pretty girl in the corridor and let’s make fun of her. Even if the object showed interest, it immediately disappeared.”

That’s why Semyon doesn’t joke about women when he meets them. Sometimes, in an interview, the comedian reported that he had a girlfriend - but who she was and what she did was categorically not covered. When the journalists regretted that he had a girlfriend, the comedian laughed it off. " No, if I had a boyfriend, I might be sorry».

In a high chamber

When the foreman bard, producer, screenwriter and candidate of economic sciences suddenly got married, gossip column this event was not included. At the same time, the artist himself did not hide his bride from anyone, and did not particularly hide anything. “I brought my wife to Galustyan’s for her birthday, and we were photographed there.”

Imagine the surprise of society chroniclers when it turned out that the pretty brown-haired woman with bright blue eyes- wife of the famous Semyon Slepakov. The young couple had their wedding in 2012 in Italy, away from prying eyes and ears..

Semyon's chosen one, a girl named Karina, is far from show business. She is a lawyer by profession and nothing else is known about her.

Semyon protects his wife from unnecessary attention, and so far he has not been able to get a single interview with any journalist.

During family outings, Semyon does not leave his other half a single step, not giving reporters the opportunity to darken the mood with their intrusiveness.

Slepakov rarely speaks in interviews, but he lets slip that he is happy with the marriage and recommends to everyone “Get married urgently!”, he campaigns for men who have been single for too long.

“I like this position. You come home, there you are honored and respected. I never had this before."

Petite Karina has a great sense of humor, teases him about his appearance or inadequacy in everyday life, and Semyon very much approves of this.

In addition, Slepakov himself admits that he began to engage in creativity less after marriage: “I need to go home.”

Karina avoids social life, goes out into the world mainly accompanied by her husband. One day journalists managed to catch her at a master class by French chef Andrei Garcia, from which we can assume that Semyon Slepakov’s wife is interested in cooking and haute cuisine in particular.

Karina also shares her husband’s desire to possess good guitars. “It’s hard to call it a collection,” says Semyon, “there are about eight of them.” His wife gave him two antique instruments.

Semyon Slepakov is an interesting, charismatic singer and television producer who has already achieved quite great heights, which makes fans follow the life of a celebrity with interest. It’s hard to believe that Slepakov didn’t particularly like music as a child, and only in high school did he change his vision somewhat, because at some point a desire to create for the sake of musical art.

So, at some point, he realized that he wanted to work on himself in order to achieve something in life. True, he did not yet know what many people would like. Let's take a closer look at who Semyon Slepakov is, what he did and how he came to become a singer and producer. After all, every celebrity started out differently, so what was the path for this charming guy?

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov - this is something that has always been interesting to fans famous singer and television producer. He looks pretty good, and besides, it’s clear that he takes a little bit of care of himself in order to always be in shape. If you answer the questions asked clearly, then today he is 38 years old, his height is 197 centimeters, and his weight is 90 kilograms. That is, in all respects, he is a prominent guy, as you can see just by looking at him. Now let's take a closer look at how exactly the guy came to success, and where it all began, before thousands of viewers learned about Semyon.

Biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov

The biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov definitely deserves attention, because he managed to conquer the stage and win the recognition of many viewers. His charming smile and positive attitude allowed him to stand out among other artists, not to mention ordinary people. A guy was born into a family of professors who were quite far from creative activity. As a child he was taken to music school, where he began to play the piano, but the boy did not particularly like this instrument.

Everything changed a little after the boy picked up an electric guitar, because it was more interesting for him. In addition, his father helped him after asking him good direction, because he played records of the Beatles and similar groups. It should also be noted that the boy always loved watching KVN, so he simply decided to take an example from the most popular teams and created his own while still at school. By the way, this passion of his continued after school and university, and gradually turned into income. Spectators eagerly watched as cheerful and resourceful guys showed off their numbers, amused others, and lifted their spirits.

After some time, Semyon Slepakov, together with his friends, moved to Moscow. And although at that time the time was not the best, it was not stable, all the same, the guys had a sufficient amount of money, because they gave a lot of concerts. This further strengthened Semyon’s opinion that returning to a small hometown there was no need, because there was nothing left to do there. After some time, Slepakov began to take part in the Comedy Club, where he staged his own numbers. And this brought new achievements for him, because he not only choreographed numbers, but also wrote songs for his team. Around the same time, Slepakov appeared on stage with his songs, which he began writing in his youth. He makes sure that every song he writes for any purpose is relevant to our times. He treats every song he writes very responsibly, carefully ensuring that the resulting result is interesting and in demand.

Every time before going on stage, the guy is very worried, because for him this is a whole event. And if he performs poorly, it’s not funny or there are some gaps, he always blames only himself, because he believes that he can always perform better. Today he is still in demand on stage, writes songs, performs them himself, and performs humorous acts. As for his personal life, not so long ago, Semyon got married, but nothing is known about his wife, because she is not a public person. All we know is that the woman’s name is Karina, and she works as a lawyer. She found something with which she conquered the famous guy, but she herself is not going to change anything in her life, so it’s unlikely that fans will learn more about her. The wedding took place this year in Italy.

Among Slepakov’s hobbies, I must also add, is that he collects electric guitars. Since this hobby is not very cheap, he cannot collect dozens of them. He already has eight guitars, which differ in different characteristics, design, in a word, everything that is needed for a good and high-quality instrument. For the singer, his hobby has always been of great importance, if only because since his youth he preferred this particular instrument to any other. Now he can afford such an expensive hobby. However, it's not about the money, because this type of hobby is really very important for a celebrity.

Family and children of Semyon Slepakov

A lot of fans are trying to find out more about such a moment as the family and children of Semyon Slepakov. But not much is known about this, because he himself does not really like to talk about his personal life. Still, we learned something about this, that is, Semyon got married not so long ago. His chosen one was a woman who is not involved in the world of show business and she does not want to change anything in this regard. Slepakov’s wife’s name is Karina, she works as a lawyer, and is now building a family nest with her husband. The couple does not have children yet, but this does not mean that we should not expect this in the future. Most likely, they are already planning heirs, but have not yet made their wishes public.

Semyon Slepakov's wife - Karina Slepakova

Semyon Slepakov’s wife, Karina Slepakova, became his wife not so long ago. Semyon didn’t really like to talk about his personal life, so it’s difficult to say how he met her and how long they met. They preferred not to make public what was between them. All that can be said about Slepakov’s chosen woman is that her name is Karina, she works as a lawyer. Or, according to - at least, has such an education. They got married this year, the wedding took place in Italy, where only their closest family and friends gathered. Today they live happily together, most likely Karina will soon become a mother. So fans, perhaps, will soon be able to read about the birth of Slepakov’s heirs.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov

Since Slepakov is a fairly public figure, it is not surprising that it is not difficult to find him on the Internet. You just need to go to the site that is dedicated specifically to Semyon or famous personalities in general. One of these convenient sources is his personal page on Wikipedia (,_Semyon_Sergeevich). Collected there Interesting Facts about his life, personal and creative, some interesting points that will be significant to fans. There are also social networks. where the singer posts photos, shares his plans for the future, and in general, is always ready to chat with his fans. Although he doesn’t have an Instagram page, it doesn’t matter. Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov is always at the service of those who want to know more about their favorite hero.

More than two years have passed since the news was made public, which shocked fans of Semyon Slepakov. Details of the resident's marriage " Comedy Club“Only his friends and very close acquaintances could tell. To the deep regret of people watching the work of a talented native of Pyatigorsk, they prefer to remain silent. Semyon himself does not lift the veil of secrecy, protecting his newly acquired family happiness from prying eyes.

The chosen one of the man who captivated the public with songs and jokes continues to remain in the shadows. Information about her is so meager that PR in in this case out of the question. Despite all the efforts of the ubiquitous paparazzi, not a single representative of this profession managed to infiltrate the wedding of the producer of the series “Interns.”

Only those people with whom the newlyweds wanted to spend this significant day were notified about the upcoming celebration. The wedding procedure took place in sunny Italy in the fall of 2012. According to rumors, it is this time of year that Karina most sympathizes with. The charming bride and her star groom did everything to prevent their wedding photos from getting into the press. They did not leak to social networks either.

Over the past period of time, Semyon Slepakov’s wife has never tried to bask in the glory of her eminent husband. This state of affairs warms the soul of the comedian, who once admitted that he would not like to see many fans next to his life partner.

Compared to the almost two-meter showman, Karina looks fragile and childishly miniature. Amazing and surprising beautiful eyes brown-haired women who change color depending on the outfit, lighting and location of filming. The listed factors affect the predominance of bluish and grayish shades. When it comes to work, the sweet and shy girl chose a difficult path. Received legal education allows her to stand up for people's rights.

Semyon Slepakov’s wife also shares her husband’s hobby of collecting guitars. The relatively short period of acquaintance did not prevent Karina from giving her beloved a couple of antique instruments.

It is almost impossible to catch Semyon Slepakov and his wife at a social reception. Much more often young people can be found in in public places. Joint visits to concerts and cinemas demonstrate attentiveness to each other.

The refusal to do interviews and photo shoots is explained by Karina’s focus on other values ​​that are extremely important to her. Most of all she is concerned about her husband, the arrangement family nest and future children.

Creative activity Semyon Slepakova very multifaceted: he is a resident of the Comedy Club, the author of the sketch comedy Our Russia, a producer and screenwriter of many TV series. The artist is also known to the general public for his sharply satirical songs, which he himself composes and performs. Inspiration for yours creative projects Semyon draws from various situations that often happen to him or his friends. Slepakov hides his personal life from prying eyes, so he says almost nothing about his wife. Friends of the couple note that the spouses are a very harmonious couple that complements each other.

Semyon was born in 1979 in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol region. In his family, all relatives were teachers: grandfather and father gave lectures on economics to students, grandmother was an expert in medicine, and mother was fluent in French. In his childhood, the future comedian went to music school, however, he did not like to play the piano. At the same time, his father often played him records with songs by the Beatles, Stevie Wonder, “ Rolling Stones", as well as Vysotsky and Okudzhava, thanks to which the young man began to play the guitar and sing. Slepakov loved watching KVN on TV, and soon he himself began playing in the school team. After leaving school, he entered the university, where he received two higher education and became a candidate of economic sciences.

IN student years Semyon continued to play in the KVN team, which, under his leadership, by the end of his studies ended up in Major League. His parents were sure that their son, after graduating from university, would achieve something serious in the scientific field, however, he chose humor. In 2005, the KVN participant went to Moscow, where, together with Alexander Dulerain, he implemented the project “Our Russia”. As a producer, Slepakov is the creator of such famous TV series as “Univer”, “Interns”, “Sashatanya”, “Concerned, or Love of Evil” and others. The songs that the showman performs with a sad and calm look occupy one of the main places in his work. The audience warmly welcomed his songs such as “I can’t drink”, “Gazprom”, “Every Friday I’m in the city”, “Appeal to the people” and others.

The artist’s personal life has acquired new meaning when he met a girl named Karina. The meeting became fateful, and in the fall of 2012 the lovers got married, which took place in Italy. Semyon's wife is a lawyer by profession. The girl loves home comfort and a calm atmosphere, so she does not strive to appear at social parties. In addition, the comedian himself does not want the name of his other half to be often mentioned in the press.

In the photo Semyon Slepakov with his wife Karina

Now Karina devotes a lot of time to her home, trying to arrange it as best as possible. family life, she also strives to learn the art of cooking various dishes, attending master classes for this. The couple has not yet had children, however, they already dream of becoming parents. All free time Slepakov spends time with his wife and family. He loves reading books and watching new films. His wife doesn’t like everything about Semyon’s work, but she respects his favorite work, supporting him in all his endeavors.

In 2013, a tragedy occurred in the showman’s personal life: he died cousin Alexander. A 19-year-old man was hit by a car, the driver of which fled the scene. Sasha studied at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, and also played in KVN. He was only child from parents.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/17/2017

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva


They started dating in 2010, but so discreetly that the press did not suspect anything. They started talking about the couple in the fall of 2012, when the stars played a quiet wedding, and Utyasheva stopped hiding her pregnancy. With the birth of their son Robert, their lives changed dramatically: the former athlete changed from skimpy minis to floor-length dresses, and the showman discovered the romantic in himself and constantly confesses his love to his wife in social networks. In May of this year, Laysan gave her husband a daughter, Sofia.

Before the start of the novel, Garik and Christina had known each other for a long time, however of great importance never attached any importance to their communication. At the end of 2012, a heated correspondence began between them on social networks, and the stars decided to meet offline. They quickly confessed their love to each other, but one serious circumstance stood in the way - Garik was still officially married to Yulia Leshchenko. True, he assured Christina that only a stamp in his passport connected him with his wife.


The stars managed to remain secret for a year, but with Christina's pregnancy the truth came out. This caused a scandal: Yulia claimed that she had been betrayed and filed a lawsuit against her ex, hoping for a generous reward; Meanwhile, Garik and Christina informed everyone that they had managed to sign. Leshchenko won according to the law: the abandoned wife received two-thirds of her husband’s property and also asked that Garik’s second marriage be declared invalid. But Asmus and Kharlamov managed to defend their happiness: the celebrities are still together and raising their daughter Anastasia.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina


Garik and Zhanna met in 1997 in Sochi, where a student at Stavropol University came for the holidays, and Kaveen player Martirosyan played at the Sochi festival with the “New Armenians” team. For several months, Zhanna made appointments with Garik in his native Stavropol, until the artist decided to propose marriage to the girl and move to the capital. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and five years later, a son, Daniel.

Alexander Revva and Angelica

My future wife the comedian from the Comedy Club impressed with the limousine! Revva saw Angelika on the dance floor of a nightclub, and when he noticed that the girl and her friend were getting ready to leave, he ran out into the street and made an agreement with the limousine driver, who happened to be nearby. Revva and his friend gave the girls a ride. It is from this day - more precisely, night - that the spouses count down their relationship and celebrate the anniversary of their acquaintance every year. In 2007, Alexander and Angelica got married, and then their daughter Alice was born. Two years ago, a second girl appeared in the family - Amelie.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Semyon and Karina got married three years ago in Italy, but the newlyweds did not tell reporters the details of the wedding or the history of their relationship. It is known that Karina Slepakova is a lawyer, she is younger than her famous husband and, which is not surprising given Slepakov’s height, is noticeably shorter.

Timur Rodriguez and Anna Devochkina

“Our meeting is the case when a man, having met a woman, understands: that’s it, it’s time for me... to delete the phones of my exes! I have never met such a complete, serious person before,” Timur said in an interview with Hello! Rodriguez proposed to his beloved on the top of Mount Etna in Sicily. By the way, the comedian got married in the same year with his colleague Alexander Revva - in 2007. The family has two boys: six-year-old Miguel and four-year-old Daniel.

Vadim Galygin and Olga Vainilovich

Galygin’s wife is a 29-year-old singer and model from Belarus, the comedian’s homeland. Olga became the second wife of the artist, who has a daughter, Taisiya, from his first marriage. The second wife gave birth to an heir, Vadim Galygin Jr. The artist was present at the birth and does not understand men who are afraid to be near their wife at this moment.

The most unusual Comedy participant Club - 33-year-old comedian Sergeich from Ufa. Since childhood, the artist has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which, however, did not interfere young man show his talent as a comedian (while still studying at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kutergin began playing in KVN) and improve his personal life: two years ago, Sergei married a girl from his hometown.


Sorokin met his fate almost 20 years ago... in the park! Natalya lives with her children - schoolgirl Polina and four-year-old Arseny - in her native Tambov.

Alexander Nezlobin and Alina

Nezlobin's wife, 26-year-old Alina, is from St. Petersburg. Two years ago Alina gave birth to a daughter, Linda. To protect his beloved from the attention of the paparazzi, the comedian arranged for his wife to give birth in Miami.

Demis Karibidis and Pelageya

Demis is a real artist. Despite the fact that the comedian hides the details of his personal life, he proposed to his beloved on stage in front of a full hall: in 2013 at the Comedy Club festival in Jurmala. In May of this year, the couple became parents for the first time! On the eve of Victory Day, their daughter Sofia was born.

Mikhail Galustyan and Victoria