Customs declaration template. Customs declaration

Territory of the Russian Federation on this moment is controlled today by a special government body - customs. Exist certain rules moving cargo across the border.

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It requires the generation of a fairly large number of different documents. One of these is the CCD - customs declaration.

This document is simultaneously used to solve a fairly extensive list of various tasks.

Such a declaration is drawn up directly by the cargo manager. Subsequently, it is checked and certified by a customs officer.

Main purpose of the declaration of this type— confirmation of the presence of a permit to cross the border.

The algorithm for drawing up the document is established by law. It is important to remember that it is necessary to draw up a document both when exporting and importing.

There is an extensive list of various nuances directly related to the design of this document.

General aspects

Today, regardless of whether any type of cargo is transported across the border, it must be accompanied by special documents.

This rule applies in aviation, when transporting with ordinary cars and via railway.

There is a certain set of papers, the presence of which is strictly required. It is these documents that the customs declaration refers to.

It involves approval by a special customs inspector. There are many nuances associated with compiling customs declaration.

Special legislative norms have been established to regulate the process of transporting cargo across the border. All of them will need to be carefully dealt with.

The main issues that will need to be considered in advance include the following:

  • necessary terms;
  • purpose of the document;
  • legal grounds.

Required terms

Before you start filling out a customs declaration, you must study the legal regulations.

But their correct interpretation, as well as the correct filling out of the document, is only possible if you first familiarize yourself with all the terms.

The list of these mandatory ones includes:

  • declaration;
  • customs;
  • export;
  • import.
Declaration It is a specialized document, usually in a form established by law, which reflects some information. In a specific case, this means the designation of data on cargo transported across the border
gas turbine engine Special abbreviation for ease of use. Explanation of the abbreviation GTD - . It is drawn up when transporting any type of cargo across the border of the Russian Federation. The compilation process must be carried out by the official cargo manager
Customs Special government agency, which exercises control over the movement of various objects across the border of the Russian Federation. All cargo without exception is monitored. It is the representative of this body who is obliged to check the compliance of the information in the declaration and in the transported container
Export The term refers to the procedure for conducting foreign economic activity. It is aimed at transporting goods outside the country for various purposes. Most often this is a sale or exchange
Import Delivery of any goods to the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad. In this case, regardless of the direction (import/export), the process of preparing a tax return must be carried out. Incorrect declaration may result in the cargo being returned to the sender

Purpose of the document

The customs declaration itself is a special document that reflects the list of data established by law.

It is used simultaneously to achieve several different goals:

The document itself includes a large number of various numbers, lines - they all reflect detailed information regarding the cargo being transported.

There are a large number of different nuances associated with drawing up a declaration.

This regulatory document today includes the following:

The main goals are established, as well as the subjects of regulation of this legislative norm.
Covers customs affairs in the Russian Federation, as well as ways to regulate it
How is the process of managing customs affairs carried out on the territory of the country?
How the process of legal regulation is implemented
A complete list of the main terms used in these legislative norms
Authorized customs operator
Pre-customs clearance process
In what case can a legal entity be assigned the status of an authorized economic operator?
A complete list of goods that are subject to customs declaration
How the declaration process works various types goods at the border
The place where the process of declaring various goods is carried out
How is the process of recording the filing of a declaration carried out?
Certification of the declaration for goods that are provided directly to the recipient in electronic form
A complete list of documents on the basis of which the process of filling out a customs declaration is carried out
What are the deadlines for filing a goods declaration?
A list of circumstances is established in which preliminary customs declaration must take place
Incomplete declaration for transported goods
How and when periodic declaration of various types of goods should be carried out
Temporary declaration of goods imported from the territory of the Customs Union
How to declare a product that for some reason is disassembled
How are goods declared if there are different items in one batch of goods?
List of additional situations when it will be necessary to carry out the process of declaring various types of goods
The process of releasing goods is established
What documents must be provided in case of release of goods
The deadlines for the release of goods established by legislative norms

It is important to remember that the process of drawing up a declaration involves a large number of different nuances.

It is best to deal with all of them in advance. This will avoid many troubles.

First of all, cargo delays due to delays. It is worth sorting out all the difficulties and other important points in advance.

Decryption of the gas turbine engine

It is most important to understand in advance the decoding of the fields for filling out the customs declaration. This will avoid making standard errors that may occur in various situations.

The optimal solution is to consider a correctly compiled sample. It will be possible to get advice on drawing up a declaration directly at customs.

Workers are required to answer all questions of interest to the person responsible for the cargo.

Customs clearance

It is accompanied by the submission of a package of documents to the customs authority of the Russian Federation, which is established by current legislation.

It is on the basis of this package that the final decision is made on the permissibility/inadmissibility of cargo transit across the country’s border.

One of the important parts of customs clearance is the payment of taxes and various fees.

Invoice number

It is important to remember that the customs declaration number must be reflected on the invoice. In this case, it will be necessary to be guided.

In this regulatory document It is established that the number of the customs declaration, visaed by customs, is considered the number of the cargo itself.

It is this that will have to be reflected directly in the document, which is issued for each cargo and consignment separately.

What does the code mean?

The invoice in question must reflect special codes. The list of them is quite extensive, they are all unique.

There is a classifier of customs procedures. It is on the basis of the relevant standards that it will be necessary to fill in the fields for codes.


Code 1010 represents a customs duty. It varies depending on the type of cargo being transported, as well as various other factors. It is best to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.


Code 2010 represents customs duty. It is also installed for individual species goods is fixed depending on various factors.

Video: how to enter information into a cargo customs declaration

There is an extensive list of various nuances associated with the appointment of such a duty.


The complete list of codes for filling out the declaration includes more than several hundred different digital combinations.

At the moment, all codes can be divided into the following main groups:

  • classification of various types of customs procedures;
  • codes of features of movement of goods;
  • various types of transport, as well as transportation of goods;
  • methods for determining customs value;
  • other.

If you need to fill out a declaration, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance. This will avoid a variety of difficulties.

An important condition for approving the declaration is the correctness of all the information reflected. All codes must be completely accurate. It is best to understand certain nuances in advance.

If for car import

Most often, all sorts of questions arise regarding the temporary import of cars into the territory of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to fill out the declaration.

Where to fill in 1C

The process of drawing up a customs declaration is greatly simplified if carried out in the 1C program.

To fill out the customs declaration, you must do the following:

Go to the section Main
On the "inventory" tab Check the box “imported goods”
The receipt of goods is recorded In the “purchases” section, select “receipt”
Create a new document
Selecting the right counterparty Or fill out all the fields yourself
Next we go to the document Click to create a “GTB” for import based on it
All required tabs are filled in Main and others
Filling out sections of the customs declaration

The filling process is as simple as possible; there are usually no difficulties. The procedure is fully automated.

Sample filling (example)

Today, a declaration of this type is drawn up on a special form. It contains the following numbered columns:

column No. 1 Declaration number
column No. 2 Sender/exporter
column No. 3 Form number
column No. 4 Shipment
column No. 5 Total products
column No. 6 Total seats
column No. 7 Help number
column No. 8 Recipient
column No. 9 The person who is responsible for the financial settlement process
column No. 10 Destination country
column No. 11 Bargain. a country
column No. 12 Cost information
column No. 13 Country of manufacture
column No. 14 Representative, person responsible for the cargo
column No. 15 Country from which the shipment was made
column No. 16 Country of origin
column No. 17 Destination country code
column No. 42 Full price of the product
column No. 47 Payment calculation process
column No. 54 Other
If you do not have any experience in drawing up this type of declaration, you will need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.

The Decision of the CU Commission No. 257 dated May 20, 2010 provides detailed step-by-step instruction regarding the procedure for filling out a goods declaration. Data is entered into it personally by the declarant or customs broker, by hand or via a computer, provided on paper or electronically.

What is a goods declaration form?

The declaration form has 54 columns, each of which is important. The information in them is reflected depending on the nature of the transaction - import or export.

The purpose of the document is to provide complete information about the cargo, its sender, recipient and route. The first 35 are general data about the cargo, sender and recipient, the rest are for calculating and withholding duties and taxes.

Goods declaration columns

Let us examine in detail what a customs declaration looks like and how to correctly fill out those items for which the declarant himself has information. Let's start in order by graph numbers.

  1. The first column has three subsections: for the name of the procedure: MI or EC; for its two-digit code according to the Classifier; to indicate the transmission method (ED - electronically). In the paper copy of the mark, the third subsection is not filled out.
  2. Information about the sender is entered in the same way as the accompanying transport document.
  3. In the first subsection - the serial number of the declaration sheet, in the second - their total number. For example, 1/3 is the first of three sheets of the declaration.
  4. The number of accompanying documents and the sum of their sheets separated by a fraction. This is the shipping specification data.
  5. In the fifth column it is put total number goods, matching the shipping documents.
  6. The information from the sixth and 31st columns is identical.
  7. The essence of the reference number is to convey the features of the declaration: PTD - for preliminary, OCT - for disassembled and incomplete units. For the normal procedure, column 7 is not filled in.
  8. The recipient's details are identical to those indicated in the transport document. The exact name and address are required (the country is indicated by a code according to the Country Classifier).
  9. A reference to the person responsible for the transaction who has the right of ownership of the cargo delivered to customs.
  10. Transit route.
  11. Code of the country from which the cargo was sent, according to the Country Classifier.
  12. The final customs value of the cargo with kopecks. Indicated in the currency of the host country.
  13. For marks.
  14. Brief information about the declarant: coded name of the country, name of the organization (briefly). Russian declarants are required to indicate their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/KPP) after “No,” and their OGRN at the bottom right.
  15. Brief designation of the country sending the goods. Selected from the Country Classifier and corresponds to a similar code in transport documents. A code with the same meaning is placed next to it. When transiting through several states, the country of departure is considered the first.
  16. Briefly call the country of origin (not a code). For European goods, the designation “European Union” may be used if more precise data is not known. If the origin of at least one product is unknown, it is marked as “miscellaneous”. If the origin of the entire lot is unknown, "unknown" is used.
  17. The destination country is indicated briefly by letters and code.
  18. The number and license plate numbers of vehicles transporting cargo through the customs territory, separated by a colon. For example, two cars - 2: L774AS, M345A. For railway, air and sea ​​vessels We need car and flight numbers.
  19. Container transportation is designated “1”, without – “0”.
  20. The second subsection indicates the delivery conditions code according to the Classifier of the same name.
  21. Similar to paragraph 18, the active vehicle that delivered the cargo to the checkpoint is indicated.
  22. Currency code. In consolidated cargo, valued in different currencies, the prevailing one stands out. Under total amount is understood as the result of the addition in column 42.
  23. The real exchange rate of the currency from clause 22 in relation to the currency of the host country.
  24. The nature of the transaction is displayed by a code from the Classifier of the same name. The first digit encrypts the very nature of the operation, the second its features. The third subsection remains empty.
  25. The type of transport that delivered the cargo to customs, in the form of a code. The number is selected from the Classifier of vehicle types. Only the first subsection is filled in.
  26. Code designation of the vehicle specified in clause 21.
  27. The declarant does not fill in the loading area.
  28. The declarant does not provide financial information.
  29. Code of the customs department processing the cargo. U Russian points pass is an eight-digit code, which is selected in the Classifier of customs authorities.
  30. The following codes are indicated sequentially: location of the goods at the time of declaration, customs department, address without an index with the name of the railway station or port. Codes are selected according to the Classifier. Example: “31, 241050, RUSSIA, BRYANSK REGION, BRYANSK, PR-T MOSCOW, 3, N 10620/005 FROM 09.14.2014.”
  31. Basic information for calculating customs duties. The following information is provided by item.
    1. Name, manufacturer, brand, model, article, grade, etc. and other data about goods.
    2. The number of cargo spaces for packaged goods and on pallets, cargo without containers is coded according to the Classifier.
    3. Number of containers, packaging of goods for container transportation.
    4. Series and numbers of excisable goods.
  32. The sequence of numbers of goods declared for declaration based on clause 31.
  33. Product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union of ten characters - the first subsection. Second and third for special marks on freedom of movement (C) and status intellectual property(And correspondingly.
  34. Fill in only “a” with the code of the country of origin of the goods according to the Classifier. Part "b" is left blank.
  35. Gross weight of the entire shipment, rounded to the nearest thousand. The total weight with all types of packaging is taken into account.

All of the above information is important for calculating customs duties in column 47 of the goods declaration. It may well be filled out by the declarant himself. Information about customs procedures, quotas, preferences and calculation of mandatory payments should be entrusted to specialists.

Customs declaration- this is a document that indicates those things that a citizen transports across the border when entering or leaving the country. In this case, not only newly purchased goods are taken into account, but also personal belongings, valuables or money. The execution of the declaration depends on the requirements of the state whose customs office requires it.

As a rule, such a declaration must contain information both about the product, in particular, the price, weight and country in which it was produced, as well as about the regime applied to it and the transport used for transportation. Each product has its own code and the necessary conditions transportation. In total, the form contains about 50 items. You need to know all this to avoid troubles at the border.

A customs declaration for goods is not just confirmation of their transportation, but also evidence that the procedure or import is permitted by law. It is necessary to provide a customs declaration before the 15th day has passed from the day the customs authorities received the consignment of goods. Documents must be filled out correctly, there must be no blots or errors, only 3 corrections are allowed if the competent authorities allow them to be made. Filling out the customs declaration at the Belarusian border is done in Russian or English language, however, if a person who does not speak any of them crosses the border, you can ask for a document in another language, having agreed with the customs authorities.

The fact of filing the document will be registered on the day it was provided to customs, after which the declaration receives the status of a document of legal significance. If necessary, you can ask customs for written evidence that the declaration has actually been submitted.

Types of customs declarations

Customs declarations can be of 4 types, depending on who the carrier is and what procedures were declared, which have their own characteristics in filling out. So it could be:

  • goods declaration
  • transit customs declaration
  • passenger declaration
  • customs declaration for vehicle.

The form and procedure for filling out a cargo customs declaration, as well as other types of customs declarations, are determined by law.

In addition, the legislation distinguishes 4 various types cargo declarations, each of which is associated with the corresponding customs regime. This is an export, import, declaration of obligation, as well as a declaration of the consolidated customs zone.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

When entering or leaving the Republic of Belarus, you can take a customs declaration form from a customs officer, or print it out yourself before your trip. All persons over 16 years of age are required to complete this document. At the same time, for individuals, the need arises only in the case of transporting goods whose weight exceeds the established limit (then they will have to pay a duty for products in excess of the norm), or if they are carrying household appliances or an amount exceeding 10,000. When filling out the passenger customs declaration, in the first paragraph you must select whether you are entering the country or, conversely, leaving the country and tick the appropriate box.

In the second paragraph you need to write personal data as they are indicated in the passport. This is your full name, address, citizenship and state of residence, as well as country of entry and passport number.

The next paragraph (3) indicates the amount of funds. In the case of, their value must be written in words. It is worth considering that if you have more than 10 thousand dollars with you, you need to fill out a separate declaration, and in paragraph 3.2 indicate this fact by checking the box.

Subclause 3.3 is an indication of the car in which you cross the border. Registration numbers, make, year of manufacture, and body number must be indicated there. The remaining cells need to be filled out only when importing the car into the country.

Next you need to indicate whether it transports individual any goods that are subject to restrictions or prohibitions. As a rule, passengers fill out a document only in the case of transporting goods for which there are certain restrictions. Indivisible items weighing up to 35 kg, or the sum of all items if they weigh more than 50 kg, are also indicated. In both cases, you will have to pay a fee. The same applies to items whose price exceeds 1,500 euros.

In the last column you should simply list everything that is being transported, indicating all the necessary data. Namely: weight, cost, country of production and import. Also for household appliances, for example, the identification number and model, product brand, optional data on shape, color, etc. are written down.

Sample of filling out a cargo customs declaration

It is used by both legal entities and individuals over 16 years of age. It is filled out so that customs authorities can control whether goods are imported or exported into the country. It is not issued when importing cargo up to 50 kg, worth up to 1.5 thousand euros.

The main data are:

  • date of registration;
  • product nomenclature;
  • country of origin;
  • type of vehicle.

Important! The category of goods includes cargo to be imported or exported across the border, items from hand luggage, luggage, if they will not be used for personal purposes, valuable items, and currency.

Types of declarations

There are four forms of TD in total. These include:

  1. Cargo customs declaration (CCD) – filled out when importing or exporting goods across the border. The customs declaration is proof that the goods have crossed the border.

Important! The cargo owner is responsible for filling out the customs declaration. He presents it to the customs authorities. If there is a TD, customs officers may not allow the goods to be transported for a reason if it is transported under a concluded contract, and the transaction passport was not issued with the bank in a timely manner for some reason.

The procedure for filling out the document includes information about: representative, sender, consignee, all relevant information about the transported cargo (name, description, country of manufacturer), place, date of filling out the paper.

  1. Passenger customs declaration. Filled out when a private person transports goods, unless they use it for personal purposes. The procedure is performed to reflect information in the database. This includes: route, information about the declarant (full name, citizenship, passport details), description of the goods, date, signature.
  2. Declaration of the vehicle. Issued if a car is transported across the border for the purpose of permanent use. The form contains information such as: the vehicle is being imported or exported, vehicle registration number, make, model, country of registration, information about who is transporting, route, signature, date.
  3. Transit. It is used when goods are transported with a transfer or from the border to a customs warehouse located inside. Includes information about: data on the sender and recipient of the goods, country of production and carrier, vehicle, name, volume, possible transshipments and other similar actions.

Important! It is not always necessary to fill out a transit declaration. It can be replaced with another document that includes all the necessary information.

Where and when is the customs declaration submitted?

TD are provided to the authorized bodies. They are entitled to register them. Order No. 1133 contains full list similar institutions.
The time required to submit the document depends on whether the goods are imported or exported. For example, upon import - until the temporary storage stage ends (2 months). The period can be extended to another 2 months. When exporting goods, a document is provided before they are exported.

Important! For goods that are the subject of crimes and for which a decision has been made on their return, the document must be received by the authorized authorities within 30 days from the time the order was made to prosecute or release from it.

Electronic registration of customs declaration

TD can also be issued in in electronic format, which greatly facilitates the filling process much faster. To fill out the form, you must follow the following steps:

  1. The person who delivered the goods collects all the information and transfers it to the customs broker.
  2. Broker arranges electronic form, based on the information received, before the cargo is transported to the terminal.
  3. After arrival, the customs officer compares the parameters of the goods with the information provided electronically.
  4. The broker enters all information about the transport. Then it is sent to the customs officer.
  5. A customs officer checks the completion electronic form. If the result is positive, he gives permission to transport the cargo.

It is possible to send an electronic document to issue a transaction passport. The recipient of the cargo does not need to contact the credit institution personally. A bank employee uses a special banking program to download all information about the product.

Important! Among the methods of declaration may be oral form. The customs officer asks the passenger whether he is carrying cargo that requires declaration. If the person answers “no,” this means that nothing is prohibited, but the inspector can check this.

Registration of customs declaration

It is worth knowing the main points of filling out this paper in order to spend less time completing it. These include:

  1. The document is completed in two copies.
  2. Registration is carried out by the passenger.
  3. All entries are made in Russian and English using a pen in clear handwriting.
  4. If the customs officer gives the go-ahead, some information can be changed. Next to the change is the signature of the person filling it out and the seal of the customs authority.
  5. When answering a question, a crossed out square means a positive answer, and an empty square means a negative answer.
  6. If the goods follow a transit route, then it is necessary to mark the appropriate field, as well as the word “entry” or “exit”.

Paperwork doesn't have to be difficult. Places where it can be filled have stands with detailed information posted.

Samples and examples of filling out a customs declaration

Declaration forms vary depending on the purpose for which the cargo is transported:

  • The passenger TD form can be viewed at the link:

An example of filling out a passenger ticket:

  • Transit form:

Example of filling out a transit form:

If goods are transported across the border, then both physical and legal entity the customs declaration is filled out. They can be of several types, the forms of each of which have a strictly established form and are regulated by law.

Filling out a customs declaration for most people is an unfamiliar, incomprehensible, creepy process that can easily frighten adults, just as children are frightened with old jokes.

However, do not rush into a faint state if a customs officer asks you to fill out a customs declaration. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about filling out this simple form. If you are not sure whether you need to fill out a declaration form, read it, or better yet, check with the customs officer at the border.

The customs declaration form looks like this:

You can either take such a sheet from the customs officer, or prepare in advance and print it yourself at home before your shopping trip to Poland. You can download the form.

Please note that the form must be filled out persons over 16 years of age. That is, if you are traveling with a child who is already 16 years old and who is bringing, say, a laptop across the border, he or she can safely fill out the form themselves. However, this point is still worth checking. Just in case.

The customs declaration is completed on Russian or English, in agreement with the customs officer (if suddenly a friend is traveling with you who does not speak either language), you can ask to fill out the form in another language, for example, French.

Now let's move on to the form itself.

The first thing that causes difficulties for those filling out is the question "entry"/"exit".

You put a cross in the “entry” field if you are ENTERING the country (in our case in the Republic of Belarus), and put a cross in the “exit” field if you are LEAVING the country (again, in our case from the Republic of Belarus). The last case is relevant if you fill out a customs declaration to indicate household or computer equipment that you are exporting from the country. This is done so that when returning to the country, you will not have any questions about whether you are bringing a new or an old one, for example, a computer or a tablet.

The next item, also number 1 on the form "Information about the person".

Everything is simple here. You enter (preferably in block letters, legible) yours last name, first name, patronymic as in the passport(in Russian, if you fill out the entire declaration in Russian), country where you permanently reside, your citizenship, passport series and number, which country you came from(in most cases this is the Republic of Poland or the Republic of Lithuania), which country are you going to?(in our case - RB).

In the same paragraph, indicate whether minor children are traveling with you. Please note once again that ONLY children should be indicated in this paragraph, under 16 years of age. In the required “yes”/“no” field, put a cross; if you chose “yes”, indicate the number of children who are traveling with you.

Point 2. “Information on the method of moving goods and vehicles”.

There are 3 options here: “Accompanied Baggage”, “Unaccompanied Baggage”, “Goods Delivered by the Carrier”.

Most likely, in your case it will be “Accompanied Baggage”, since you are also accompanying it. Place a cross in the required field. Under the selected option there is a line “Number of seats”. Here you need to write how many luggage spaces your luggage takes up. Enter the desired number.

Point 3. “Information about goods and vehicles”.

This item is filled out at the request of the declarant, that is, you. If you still want to indicate what you have with you cash, you put a cross in the required “yes”/“no” field. Please note that if the cash equivalent on hand exceeds US$10,000, you will be required to complete an additional customs declaration for the funds.

In the “Name” column, you indicate the type of currency (for example, US dollars or euros) or write “Traveler’s checks” if you have traveler’s checks with you. In the “Amount” column, first write the amount available in numbers, and then in words.

IN clause 3.2 indicate whether you have cash on you, exceeding 10,000 US dollars equivalent. If yes, put a cross in the “yes” field; if no, put a cross in the “no” field.

Clause 3.3 "Vehicles".

Obviously, you went to Poland for shopping in some kind of vehicle, be it your own car or a motorcycle, or a minibus for a shopping tour. Place a cross in the “yes” field.

Next comes information about the vehicle. Enter registration number car (for those who don’t know, these are your license plates), year of manufacture, body number(can be viewed in the technical passport), car make. The remaining data can be omitted only if the vehicle is not the subject of filling out a customs declaration. If you are transporting a vehicle, then in clause 3.3 ALL columns and fields are required to be filled out.

Clause 3.4 “Products subject to prohibitions or restrictions”.

Mark the selected field with a cross “yes”/“no”. You can read which goods are prohibited or restricted for import into the country on the website of the state customs committee of your country. So, for example, in the Republic of Belarus restrictions currently include: Appliances, computer equipment (once every 3 calendar years), tires and wheels (once every 2 calendar years). Since you have been asked to fill out a customs declaration, it means that you are transporting goods that fall under this category, which means that at this point you need to put a cross in the “yes” field.

Clause 3.5 “Indivisible goods weighing over 35 kg, goods with a total weight of 50 kg and (or) a total customs value of over 1,500 euros.”

Also mark here required field cross. Please note that by placing a cross in the “yes” field, you you will have to pay customs duty, since transported goods exceeding the dimensions or value specified in this paragraph are subject to duty. However, you should not lie to the customs officer. Every customs office has scales, and a customs officer may ask you to put your goods on the scales, and then your deception will be revealed. Why do you need unnecessary problems and stress?

And finally, the last point 4 - "Product information...".

Perhaps this is the most important point, but there is nothing complicated here either. In the column put serial number goods: 1,2,3... and so on depending on how many goods you are declaring.

Further - “Name and other distinctive features of the product...”. Here you need to write Name of product(for example, TV), product brand and model(for example LG 42lb650v), an identification number(usually it is on the box, often next to the barcode), if desired, you can indicate material, color and shape.

In the next column "Weight and Quantity" indicate product weight And its quantity(for example, 20 kg/1 piece) and repeat next to it in words. In the column "Cost in currency..." write cost of goods(you can write in rubles, US dollars or euros).

Cross out the remaining lines with a “Z”.

At the bottom of the same table there is a column “Total weight/quantity and cost (Total)”. Here you knock total weight of declared goods, their quantity and total value.

Place under the table date of completion form and put it next to it your signature.

OK it's all over Now! As you can see, there is nothing complicated. And especially nothing terrifying. After reading this article, you will fill out the customs declaration in a maximum of 2 minutes.

If you still have any difficulties or questions, do not be afraid to go up and ask the customs officer. They are people too, and, for sure, they do not bite.

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Comments: 2



Please tell me if I want to go to Poland from Belarus by own car and take an electric scooter with me, do I need to declare it?



If the car is under a power of attorney, how to fill out the declaration.

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