Composition based on Makovsky’s painting “The First Tailcoat”. Essay - description of the painting by V. E. Makovsky "First Tailcoat" - Any essay on the topic

Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky is a magnificent artist, consummate master genre and everyday scenes. From childhood, young Makovsky was surrounded creative people, since his father was one of the founders of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. At the age of fifteen, Vladimir entered the art school, which was founded by his father. Nine years later, Makovsky himself became a member of the Association of Mobile art exhibitions" The appearance of this creative group in the second half of the 19th century marked the birth of independent Russian art, free from academicism and rigidly established canons.
The “Association of the Wanderers” united Russian realist artists who addressed pressing issues in their paintings modern society. Artists organized their exhibitions in the most different cities, carried out educational activities. The main place in the work of these masters of the brush was occupied by everyday scenes from the life of ordinary people.
Vladimir Makovsky, like no one else, skillfully conveyed in his paintings the worries and joys of the common man in the street, emphasizing the finest details of everyday life, the interior, the costumes of the characters, and their character. Makovsky painted the painting “First Tailcoat” in 1892, and it is a rather indicative example of this artist’s work. It is worth noting that all of Makovsky’s works are very realistic and clearly designed. Contemplating the artist’s paintings, the viewer unwittingly becomes a participant in the events depicted on the canvas. It would be quite justified to compare this artist with a stage director who puts his characters on stage, gives them character, and breathes life into them.
Just looking at the painting “First Tailcoat”, you get the impression that the characters are standing on stage, theatrically frozen in the most characteristic poses. So what do we see? A small cozy room, decorated in warm colors. In the center of the room stands a young man who has tried on the first tailcoat in his life. He is surrounded by members of his household who enthusiastically evaluate him. appearance. Apparently, the appearance young man unusual not only for his loved ones, but also for himself. There is a slight stiffness in the young man’s pose, which can be seen from his slightly hunched back and awkwardly splayed elbows to the side. The young man turned his head to the side and his eyes were fixed on a woman in a red cape and black dress. We can only speculate, perhaps it is his mother. She tilted her head to the side thoughtfully, as if thinking about something, and laced her fingers together. There is some absent-mindedness in her image, and perhaps even confusion due to the fact that her child has already grown up.
Behind the young man stands an elderly woman, most likely his grandmother. Raising her glasses, the old woman curiously examines the black fabric from which her grandson’s suit is made. A long scarf is draped over her shoulders.
A little further away from them, with her arms folded on her chest and slightly leaning forward, stands a young woman. A satisfied smile plays on her lips, dimples are visible on her cheeks. She looks at the young man with admiration, obviously she liked the new tailcoat.
In the background, a young maid is standing near the door. The girl also looks at the master in the new tailcoat, but hides her emotions, covering her face with her hand.
The room in which this action took place is an exemplary example of the home of the nobles of that time: late XIX- beginning of the 20th century As already noted, the room is decorated in warm, mustard tones. On the left we see a low sofa, next to it there is a table with a lamp, and a wooden cabinet. In another part of the room there was a large table, covered with candlesticks and writing instruments. If we assume that this is the young master’s room, then, apparently, he works at this table. The walls of the room are hung with paintings, mostly in massive gold frames, this suggests that the owner of the room is passionate about the art of painting and is an ardent admirer of it.
The composition of the entire picture is carefully thought out, the viewer immediately sees who the main character is, who should be paid special attention to, and who only complements the existing picture is minor character. The warm colors of this canvas are also very pleasing to the eye, the accents are placed laconically and unobtrusively. One has only to be amazed at the tireless observation that the author is endowed with, to admire the artist’s ability to depict a simple everyday event as bright and alive. Vladimir Makovsky managed to show a seemingly insignificant event as significant and interesting, managed to captivate the viewer with his “picturesque story”.
Looking at the works of Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky, the viewer takes a short excursion into the past, as if falling into the era that the artist wanted to depict. The ability to consider in an ordinary family event - trying on a new tailcoat - the very psychological essence, to feel the characters’ characters and competently display all this on the canvas - this is what ensured Vladimir Makovsky the recognition and respect of his contemporaries and descendants.

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Vladimir Makovsky was born into the family of a prominent artist E.I. Makovsky, one of the founders of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Vladimir's mother is Lyubov Kornilievna (nee Molengauer).
The Makovskys’ apartment was located on the Moskva River embankment overlooking the Kremlin. Since childhood, Vladimir was surrounded by an atmosphere of art. We gathered at my father's house famous people- Glinka, Gogol, Pushkin, Shchepkin, Bryullov, Tropinin... Literary, drawing and musical evenings were organized. The family had four children (Konstantin, Nikolai, Vladimir and daughter Alexandra), and they all became famous artists. Vladimir inherited from his mother beautiful voice, learned to play the guitar and violin, and began to draw quite early. First lessons visual arts Makovsky took it from V. A. Tropinin. At fifteen he wrote genre painting“The Boy Selling Kvass” (1861).

Girl with geese. 1875

From 1861 to 1866, Vladimir studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with the successor of the Venetsianov school S.K. Zaryanko, E.S. Sorokin and V.A. Tropinin himself. Vladimir graduated from the school with a silver medal and the title of class artist of the third degree for his work “Literary Reading”.
In 1869, for the painting “Peasant Boys Guarding Horses,” Makovsky received the title of “class artist of the first degree with the Vigee-Lebrun gold medal for expression.” With the birth of his first child, son Alexander, in 1869, Makovsky began to show interest in children’s themes (“Peasant Boys,” “Shepherdess,” “Night,” “Return from the Night”). The painting “Game of Grandmas” became the first painting by Makovsky purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for his gallery, which meant recognition of him as an artist.

Peasant children. 1890

In 1873, for the painting “Nightingale Lovers,” Makovsky was promoted to academician by the Academy of Arts. The painting was exhibited at the World Exhibition in Vienna, where it attracted everyone's attention. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote about her: “... if we have something to be proud of, something to show, then, of course, from our genre... in these small pictures, in my opinion, there is even love for humanity, not only for Russians in particularities, but even in general.”
At the same time, he wrote 21 genre paintings for the album “Episodes of Sevastopol Life 1854-1855”.
In 1872 he became a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. From the very beginning he was one of the most active members of the Partnership, participated in almost all exhibitions, and since 1874 he was elected a member of the board.
From 1882 to 1894 Makovsky taught at MUZHVZ. In 1892 he was awarded the title of professor. Until 1894, he lived and worked in Moscow in the house of the Palace Department near the Stone Bridge near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, for the painting of which he made several sketches.
From 1894 to 1918, Makovsky taught at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he was invited to the position of head of the genre workshop at the Higher Art School. In 1895 he was appointed rector of the Academy. Makovsky's students were A. E. Arkhipov, V. N. Baksheev, E. M. Cheptsov.
Vladimir Makovsky died on February 21, 1920 and was buried in Petrograd at the Volkovsky cemetery.

Teacher's visit. 1896

Goodbye, Papa. 1894

Dinner (Farmers' Market in Moscow). 1875

Fair in Poltava

"Visiting the Poor" 1874

"Justified" 1882

Bank collapse. 1881

Evening society. 1875

"The Prisoner" 1882

"Convict" 1879

Study for the painting January 9, 1905 on Vasilyevsky Island.1905-1907
State Museum political history Russia Russian: St. Petersburg

I won't let you in. 1892

His first coat. 1892

Cooking jam. 1876

Two mothers. Mother is adopted and natural. 1905


Fisherwomen. 1886

"Dwelling house" 1889

"Date" 1883 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

"On the Boulevard" 1887 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

"Before the explanation" 1900 Art Museum, Samara

"Explanation" 1889-1891 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

"Two Sisters" 1893

"At the doctor's appointment" 1870

"In the artist's studio" 1908

"Conversation. Idealist and materialist" 1900

Lover of antiquity. 1869

Windmill. 1881

Two wanderers. 1885

Mother and daughter. 1886

Young Lady Looking in the Mirror, 1916

Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna. 1912

Portrait of I.E. Tsvetkov. 1912

Portrait of the composer Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky. 1869

Expectation. 1875

In the doctor's waiting room. 1870

So, it's done! He was invited to the first “adult” ball in his life and a tailcoat was sewn for the occasion.

First ball

Oh, the first ball is self-deception!
Like the first chapter of a novel,
What was given to children by mistake,
Those who asked for it too early,

Like a rainbow in a fountain
You, the first ball, are self-deception.
You are like an oriental talisman
Like the exploits in Rostand's poems.

Lights through the pink fog
Visions of a colorful screen...
Oh, the first ball is self-deception!
An unhealed wound!

Marina Tsvetaeva.

So, it's done! He was invited to the first “adult” ball in his life and a tailcoat was sewn for the occasion. A tailcoat is not everyday wear, this is what he will wear on the parquet floor of the ballroom, what he will wear under the picky gaze of brides, and, more importantly, their mothers. Therefore, the excitement of the whole family, which is considering the young man, is understandable.
To see better, grandma even raised her glasses and checked the quality of the material by touch. Mom looks somewhat skeptically, looking at whether the tailcoat is the right length or the cut... The maid in the corner is completely hidden and it is not clear whether she likes the tailcoat or not. But the other woman standing in the window opening does not hide her admiration - how beautiful!
But central place The hero of the occasion, a young man, occupies the picture. He proudly looks around, raised his head arrogantly - that’s what I am!
And all around is the environment of a middle-income family. There is a tiger skin on the floor in front of the couch, the walls are hung with paintings, and on the desk to the right are various trinkets. In the center of the room there is a round chair without a back, covered with a purple cloth. The entire floor is covered with a colorful carpet.
The artist depicted here live picture a life long gone, for which we are grateful to him.

Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky is a magnificent artist, an unsurpassed master of genre and everyday scenes. From childhood, young Makovsky was surrounded by creative people, since his father was one of the founders of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. At the age of fifteen, Vladimir entered the art school, which was founded by his father. Nine years later, Makovsky himself became a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. The emergence of this creative group in the second half of the 19th century marked the birth of independent Russian art, free from academicism and rigidly established canons.

The “Association of the Wanderers” united Russian realist artists who, in their paintings, addressed the pressing problems of modern society. Artists organized their exhibitions in various cities and carried out educational activities. The main place in the work of these masters of the brush was occupied by everyday scenes from the life of ordinary people.

Vladimir Makovsky, like no one else, skillfully conveyed in his paintings the worries and joys of the common man in the street, emphasizing the finest details of everyday life, the interior, the costumes of the characters, and their character. Makovsky painted the painting “First Tailcoat” in 1892, and it is a rather indicative example of this artist’s work. It is worth noting that all of Makovsky’s works are very realistic and clearly designed. Contemplating the artist’s paintings, the viewer unwittingly becomes a participant in the events depicted on the canvas. It would be quite justified to compare this artist with a stage director who puts his characters on stage, gives them character, and breathes life into them.

Just looking at the painting “First Tailcoat”, you get the impression that the characters are standing on stage, theatrically frozen in the most characteristic poses. So what do we see? A small cozy room, decorated in warm colors. In the center of the room stands a young man who has tried on the first tailcoat in his life. He is surrounded by members of his household who enthusiastically evaluate his appearance. Apparently, the appearance of the young man is unusual not only for his loved ones, but also for himself. There is a slight stiffness in the young man’s pose, which can be seen from his slightly hunched back and awkwardly splayed elbows to the side. The young man turned his head to the side and his eyes were fixed on a woman in a red cape and black dress. We can only speculate, perhaps it is his mother. She tilted her head to the side thoughtfully, as if thinking about something, and laced her fingers together. There is some absent-mindedness in her image, and perhaps even confusion due to the fact that her child has already grown up.

Behind the young man stands an elderly woman, most likely his grandmother. Raising her glasses, the old woman curiously examines the black fabric from which her grandson’s suit is made. A long scarf is draped over her shoulders.

A little further away from them, with her arms folded on her chest and slightly leaning forward, stands a young woman. A satisfied smile plays on her lips, dimples are visible on her cheeks. She looks at the young man with admiration, obviously she liked the new tailcoat.

In the background, a young maid is standing near the door. The girl also looks at the master in the new tailcoat, but hides her emotions, covering her face with her hand.

The room in which this action took place is an exemplary example of the home of the nobles of that time: the late 19th - early 20th centuries. As already noted, the room is decorated in warm, mustard tones. On the left we see a low sofa, next to it there is a table with a lamp, and a wooden cabinet. In another part of the room there was a large table, covered with candlesticks and writing instruments. If we assume that this is the young master’s room, then, apparently, he works at this table. The walls of the room are hung with paintings, mostly in massive gold frames, this suggests that the owner of the room is passionate about painting and is an ardent admirer of it.

The composition of the entire picture is carefully thought out, the viewer immediately sees who the main character is, who should be paid special attention to, and who only complements the existing picture is a secondary character. The warm color scheme of this canvas is also very pleasing to the eye, the accents are placed laconically and unobtrusively. One has only to be amazed at the tireless observation that the author is endowed with, to admire the artist’s ability to depict a simple everyday event as bright and alive. Vladimir Makovsky managed to show a seemingly insignificant event as significant and interesting, managed to captivate the viewer with his “picturesque story”.

Looking at the works of Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky, the viewer takes a short excursion into the past, as if falling into the era that the artist wanted to depict. The ability to consider in an ordinary, family event - the fitting of a new tailcoat - the very psychological essence, to feel the characters' characters and competently display all this on the canvas - this is what ensured Vladimir Makovsky the recognition and respect of his contemporaries and descendants.