Dream interpretation - father: why do you dream of a young, sick, crying, drunk, dead father alive? Why do you dream about the grave, death and funeral of a father who is alive? Interpretation of sleep by famous predictors. Dreams about the living

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Father's funeral

My sister took the money collected at our father’s funeral (360 thousand rubles) and all his pension savings. She responded to our demands to return the money with a categorical refusal. You can go to court and what article can you refer to in order to oblige her to return the money? Is this unjust enrichment?

File a report with the police.

Help me resolve the issue. My father died, I would like to bury him in his father’s grave, his father died more than 35 years ago. Tell me, what law allows such burial?

Good evening, Ivan, if you are considering a related burial, then it is possible at the will of the deceased or members of his family, clause 2 of Art. 7 Federal Law dated January 12, 1996 N8),

A year ago I buried my father. I heard that a one-time payment was due, I was the only son, my father was a pensioner, but he had a wife, not my mother, but they didn’t have children, I’m the only one native son?

Hello. Maybe we're talking about about funeral payments. The deadline for applying has expired - you should have applied to the Pension Fund within 6 months after his death.

Is it possible to receive a funeral benefit for my father after the funeral? There was no time for that then; they buried them on their own.

Hello! Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 8-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2018) “On burial and funeral business” Article 10. Social benefits for burial 1. If the burial was carried out at the expense of the spouse, close relatives, other relatives , the legal representative of the deceased or another person who has assumed the obligation to bury the deceased, they are paid a social benefit for burial in an amount equal to the cost of services provided in accordance with the guaranteed list of burial services specified in paragraph 1 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, but not exceeding 4000 rubles. 2. Payment social benefits for burial is carried out on the day of application on the basis of a death certificate. 3. Social benefits for funerals are paid if the application is made no later than six months from the date of death. The amount of social benefits for funerals is determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article. Payment of social benefits for funerals is made accordingly at the expense of the Pension Fund. Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In June 2018, I received a residence permit in Crimea. After 5 days, I urgently went to the funeral of my wife’s father in Donetsk, Ukraine, in a passenger car that had belonged to me for 6 years, which I had imported under temporary import, according to my Ukrainian passport (registration is far from Crimean). On the way back, I, or rather my car, was not allowed in.
Question: 1. What is the punishment under customs legislation, and in general, if I import my car, again using a Ukrainian passport for temporary import, hiding the fact that I have a residence permit? And not violating, but observing the rules of temporary import.
2. Is it possible to cancel my residence permit? If yes, how to do it? Switch to temporary residence permit mode, and for at least a couple more years move freely to the mainland of Ukraine and back, and then the situation may change in connection with the elections, and Crimean car license plates will be recognized.
3. I am 57 years old. In Donetsk I lost everything, in Crimea I have nothing of my own, only work. Children in Kyiv. Car sales exclusively. Paying a customs deposit is not an option for me. What other options are there? So as not to have to walk on minibuses and trains. Please advise. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Hello, Sergey Lazarevich! Tell me, what license plates does your car have? How did you travel to Donetsk? Through mainland Ukraine or through Rostov to the DPR? What route did you take back? And who exactly didn’t let your car in?

After the death of his father, the money on his cards was used for funerals and commemorations. In total
100,000 rub. Six months later we are summoned to court for using other people’s money. The applicant is a son who did not look after his father but 10 years ago made a will for himself.

Hello! According to the law, the son (as the heir) is right and has the right to that money. You did not have the right to dispose of the deceased's card.

What's the question? If you withdraw money from the deceased’s card without a notary’s order, then you must return the money; it must be included in the inheritance estate. The heirs who accepted the inheritance have the right to withdraw funeral money from the testator's account only by order of a notary. The card linked to the account is the property of the bank; after the death of the account owner, the card must be handed over to the bank; no one has the right to withdraw money from the accounts themselves. No one can make a will for himself; the father probably made a will for his son. It is not clear who you are in this story (heirs or outsiders).

Hello, sad as it may be, the son is right from the point of view of the law, since he is the heir under the will and the money in the account should have gone to him by inheritance. Talk to him, maybe your conscience will still appear, because the money was spent on ritual services and funerals.

Now we need to prepare reasoned objections to the claim. To help you with this, you need to see the text of the statement of claim. Do you have it in electronic form? Sincerely, Lawyer – Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

I contacted a notary for an emergency withdrawal of money from my deceased father’s deposit for a funeral. They refused me only six months later. I am a direct heir. What to do next?

Alevtina, Moscow, and Article 1174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation describes the conditions for reimbursement of funeral expenses. It follows from it that a close relative or funeral organizer can urgently receive “death money” from a bank deposit, savings book or any other funds of the deceased (Clause 3, Article 1174, Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles. From cash deposits and funds of the deceased, you can receive up to 100,000 rubles. for the organization of burial (Federal Law N60-F 3 of 03/09/2017). The amount of payment for funeral funds depends on the amount of funds in the deposit/savings book of the deceased. To urgently receive funeral money, you do not need to wait six months before the inheritance comes into effect. Please note! – to receive funeral money you do not need to wait six months before entering into an inheritance. Contact a notary - he has the right to issue a decree for the emergency release of funds from the deposit/passbook of the deceased, which will compensate for funeral expenses. Moreover, his decision does not depend on whether a will was drawn up regarding the deposits and property of the deceased. What to do? Well, you can appeal the notary’s decision in court or in a higher notary chamber.

We want to bury the urn with our father’s ashes in the grave of his mother. There is a birth certificate for his father and a death certificate for his mother with a cemetery marker for burial. But the father’s grandmother is also buried in the grave (the first burial), there are no documents about her death and the mother’s birth certificate. The birth certificate cannot be restored at all, since they were not issued in 1900! Is there a legal reason for the cemetery administration to refuse related burial?

They may refuse. In this case, facts of legal significance will have to be established in court.

My daughter, after the death of her father, wanted to withdraw from his pension card cash to the funeral. She knows the PIN code and even the code word, because... her father often gave her his card to withdraw cash. The system gave access to all its actions, and already when issuing money, it suddenly blocked the card. Sberbank’s task is to block the next accrual of pensions when the person is deceased. I consider these same actions of Sberbank as illegal misappropriation of money. According to the instructions of the Savings Bank, children must inherit. To enter into an inheritance, you need to pay 3,200 for notary services. What if this money cannot be carved out from the family budget? Maybe there is almost no money on the deceased’s card? December 4th will be exactly 6 months from the date of death. What to do? Thank you.

Hello Elena Nikolaevna, the bank’s actions are legal, to receive these funds you need to enter into inheritance rights, after which you obtain a certificate of entry into inheritance rights from a notary and contact the bank with the provision of these documents, they will issue funds from the father’s account, and nothing else. Sincerely!

Hello, only after entering into an inheritance and receiving a certificate will the daughter be able to receive this money; until this moment, such actions are illegal. The bank does not know how many heirs the deceased has and whether the person who wants to receive the money is an heir.

We buried our father (54 years old), he received a disability pension for 2 years, are we entitled to payments after his death? pension fund? Thanks for the answer.

Hello, yes, the heirs have the right to the last pension if the deceased did not manage to receive it and pension savings. Contact the Pension Fund.

In 2011, I took out a loan of 5,000 rubles. but I didn’t pay it off, then my father’s funeral, etc., and then I forgot, they didn’t call me until 2018, and now the collectors are demanding 40 thousand. What should I do?

Hello. Swear, send the collectors to court. The statute of limitations has long expired; it will be enough to declare this in court.

Don't pay! Even through the court they won’t recover it - the statute of limitations of Art. 196 and 199 and 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has passed.

How to travel to Ukraine without a passport for your father’s funeral?

You can’t even go to your father’s funeral without a passport. There are no exceptions now.

The officer’s widow’s mother died and she received her father’s pension; what compensation and who is entitled to compensation for the funeral and then for the monument?

The funeral allowance in the amount of three pensions and the monument to the widow of officers are not compensated at the expense of the state.

Can a daughter receive compensation for the costs of organizing her father’s funeral at her place of work?

Hello, Olga The conditions for receiving benefits and the amount of benefits are indicated in Federal Law “On burial and funeral business” According to this law, if a citizen of retirement age passes away, relatives are sent to the district branch of the pension fund that serves the deceased at the address of residence. If a person has died who has not reached retirement age, you should apply for payments to the social insurance authorities (for the unemployed) or at the place of work of the deceased. That is, your daughter cannot receive benefits at her place of work.

I had a brother from my father’s first marriage, my brother died 2 weeks ago, and my dad died 6 years ago. Right now my brother’s mother (dad’s first wife) came to the funeral and asks me for my dad’s death certificate. Allegedly for some documents, why does she need a certificate?

Most likely, she, as the heir of the first priority, will enter into the inheritance after the death of her son. And he will show the notary that the testator’s father (also an heir) has already died. Don't give her the original certificate. Give me a copy. She can receive a duplicate of such a certificate through the MFC at the registry office.

The soldier’s brother (ensign) died, was buried next to his father, they ordered one monument for two, the military registration and enlistment office says that there will be no compensation for such a monument. Tell me what to do in this situation?

Alas, the military registration and enlistment office is right. There should be one monument per fallen (deceased) serviceman. Make separate tombstones (monuments). According to the law, the military registration and enlistment office will have no grounds for paying for such a monument, because In the documents, a “civilian” person will also be listed on the tombstone and has no right to compensation.

On October 15, 2017, my father died. The funeral was handled by my father’s second (common-law) wife and my father’s two sisters. I couldn’t because my mother was in the hospital. I am his own and only son from his first marriage (I have been disabled by group 3 hearing since childhood).
Before his death, I knew that he had a garage. When he died, the documents for the garage were not found in the house, nor were the funds.
His second wife (they got married in the 90s and divorced a couple of years later) had access to the house because, let’s say, they had a civil guest marriage. On October 10, 2017, with the help of a traveling notary whom the second wife called (at home because he had stage 4 lung cancer and was very ill, as the notary who drew up the power of attorney told me), he drew up a power of attorney for the sale of the garage. 10/12/2017 The second wife (not official) is selling the garage to her son (he is not my father’s natural son) and according to the contract type, the seller (my father) received the money. On October 20, 2017 (my father was buried on October 18, 2017), his wife’s son registered his license through Rosreestr. My father purchased the garage without being married to his second wife and purchased it with money (part of the money because he shared the entire amount with his two sisters) from the sale of his mother’s (my grandmother’s) apartment. Please tell me that there is something dubious in the indicated causes of death indicated in the certificate ✓34 and is there any position that can be challenged against the drawn up power of attorney and the purchase and sale agreement because it is unlikely that my father received the money while he was in poor condition because that family has large costs for arranging a summer cottage and a house. As they tell me, the garage was taken away in such a way so that I would not lay claim to it. I don’t claim the whole amount, but let’s say a portion minus the costs of medicine and funeral. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Good luck in the legal field.

Good afternoon I have no questions regarding the help. IN in this case, if your father did not make a will, you have the right to inheritance as a first-priority heir, i.e. the inheritance estate will also include funds received from the sale of the garage. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1142. Heirs of the first stage. The heirs of the first priority according to the law are the children, spouse (current, legal) and parents of the testator. The testator's grandchildren and their descendants inherit by right of representation. Since the power of attorney was executed during life and the purchase and sale took place during life, at first glance there is no reason to challenge the transaction. But, look carefully at the purchase and sale agreement, namely 1) the payment procedure (cash or funds are transferred to the account), 2) when payment occurs. If, after registering the transaction in Rosreestr, the money was already in the inheritance mass from the moment of death (10.15). 3) When does the transfer of ownership take place under a purchase and sale agreement? If it is possible to accurately establish and prove that your father did not receive money from the transaction, you have the opportunity to challenge the transaction in court, since the obligations to transfer funds were not fulfilled. Have you written an application to accept an inheritance from a notary? The inheritance is accepted within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. Otherwise, it is necessary to restore the missed period to obtain the right to the inheritance mass. And one moment. In accordance with Article 1174 of the Civil Code necessary expenses, caused by the dying illness of the testator, the costs of his decent funeral, including the necessary expenses for paying for the burial place of the testator, the costs of protecting and managing the inheritance, as well as the costs associated with the execution of the will, are reimbursed from the inheritance within the limits of its value. Claims for reimbursement of expenses may be presented to the heirs who accepted the inheritance. Therefore if ex-wife If the father proves that the funds were used for these purposes, it is possible to submit a claim for reimbursement of expenses.

The question is of the following nature: not long ago I buried my father, and discovered that there was a sum on his card. Can I withdraw funds myself (I know the PIN code, since he told me it himself during his lifetime), or should I enter into an inheritance? Thank you in advance.

If there are no other heirs of the first priority or according to the will, then you can withdraw it. If there are other heirs, they will be able to recover part of the funds from you.

I lived with my father in the DPR and the will in Ukraine was robbed at a funeral and the will disappeared. How can we get a duplicate?

Good day to you. To obtain a duplicate of the will, contact the notary who executed the will. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

A citizen of Uzbekistan came to the funeral of the father of a Russian citizen. Stayed for 3 weeks. She left. A month later, my brother, a Russian citizen, died. Can she cross the border a second time if 3 months have not passed?

Hello. Requirements for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Federal law“On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” (Article 5) is as follows: The period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa cannot exceed ninety days in total during each period of one hundred and eighty days , except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law, as well as in the event that such a period is not extended in accordance with this Federal Law. In this case, the continuous period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of the specified foreign citizen cannot exceed ninety days. In other words, during a period of 180 days, a foreign citizen can stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for 90 days in a row or in total.

Please tell me, can I withdraw money from my father’s card for his funeral? He died yesterday and I'm not the only heir...

Hello! No, you can't take it off. You have to pay your money first. Then you will receive a funeral benefit. And money from the account.

Good afternoon. In the absence of a will, you can receive funds from the account, confirmed by checks and receipts for the burial. Anyone who paid for the funeral at his own expense must collect a package of documents: - his passport; - death certificate of the investor; - confirmation of expenses incurred (checks, contracts, etc.); - details of the deceased’s account from which the payment will be made. With these documents you need to come to the notary in charge of the inheritance case (notary for last place residence of the deceased). The notary will determine the amount of compensation and issue a “Decree on reimbursement of funeral expenses of the testator” (“Form 72”). Having taken this decree and passport, you need to go to the bank and fill out an application for payment of this money (the bank must have a standard form for such an application). It is not necessary to take a death certificate to the bank, since the notary's decree itself confirms the death of the depositor, although the bank may request this certificate separately. After reviewing the documents, the bank pays the amount indicated in the notary’s order.

How can I get my father's death certificate? His uncle took him and won’t give him back, he lives and buried his brother (my father) in another city.

You, as a son, can obtain a duplicate death certificate. Contact the registry office that issued this certificate with a statement of loss. To do this you will need to confirm family connection with the deceased. Sincerely.

I buried my father, I can return 13 percent of the amount spent.

Hello according to Tax Code list of situations for which you can get a refund 13% of the income tax does not include this situation, you can get it back for treatment, training, home buying, charity.

On October 16, 2017, she buried her father. He lived in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The funeral took place in Khabarovsk. I myself, my daughter, live on Sakhalin. Can I get money for burial and a pension in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, which he did not manage to receive during his lifetime in Komsomolsk, because... was in the hospital. What other rights do you have? Father born in 1955

Dear Irina! The accrued amounts of the insurance pension due to the pensioner in the current month and remaining uncollected due to his death are paid to members of his family who lived with him on the day of his death. However, they must apply for these amounts within six months from the date of death of the pensioner. When several family members apply for the specified pension amounts, the amounts due to them are divided equally between them (Part 3, Article 26 of Law No. 400-FZ). In the absence of these persons or in the event that they do not submit claims for payment of the unreceived pension within the specified period, the corresponding amounts are inherited to general principles (Part 4 of Article 26 of Law No. 400-FZ; Clause 3 of Article 1183 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). As for pension supplements, we note that depending on their type, there are different procedures for their payment upon the death of a pensioner. Some additional payments are not inherited and are not paid, while others are paid in the same manner as the unpaid pension. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify with the body paying the supplement the procedure and conditions for receiving it after the death of the pensioner. The procedure for applying for a pension after the death of a pensioner If you are applying for a pension that a pensioner has not received, I recommend following the following algorithm. . Prepare the necessary documents The legislation does not provide an exhaustive list of documents that will be required to receive a pension. However, based on current practice, most likely the following will be required (Letter of the Pension Fund of March 19, 2002 N LCH-06-27/2446): - an application for payment of the pension amount accrued and not received by the pensioner; - passport; - death certificate of the pensioner; - documents confirming your relationship with the deceased (for example, a marriage or birth certificate); - documents confirming cohabitation with the deceased on the day of his death (for example, a passport extract, a copy of your registration certificate at the place of residence or place of stay). If you want to receive the pension of a deceased pensioner by bank transfer, additionally prepare documents confirming that you have a bank account, its details and the details of the recipient bank. Submit documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Documents must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place where the deceased pensioner received the pension. The law does not directly determine the period within which the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to review documents. Check with officials of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when you will be given (transferred) a pension not received by a deceased pensioner. The territorial body of the Pension Fund issues a certificate of the amount of the pension not received by the pensioner to his possible heirs on the basis of their application and a request from a notary within three days after receiving the application (clause 45 of the Rules for payment of pensions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 17, 2014 N 885 n; p 22 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01.11.2016 N 600 n; Letter of the Pension Fund of 01.04.2016 N LCH-25-19/4494). Note! In the event of the death of a military pensioner, a different procedure for receiving an unpaid pension is applied. Thus, the pension amount not received by him is paid to his family members if they buried him, without including these amounts in the inheritance. To receive a pension, you need to contact the department that pays the military pension. In other cases, the pension amount is paid to the heirs on a general basis (Article 63 of the Law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1). Send the application and documents to the territorial Pension Fund by mail with a receipt confirmation and a list of attachments (keep copies for yourself); track the receipt of correspondence to the addressee by the postal identifier of the item.

What to do in this situation. I recently buried my father, the house where he lived was for two owners, he had 1/2 share and his mother 1/2. after his death, the heir to his property is me and his mother, but she wrote a waiver for his share in favor of me, and she assigned her share to her daughters from her first marriage, they respectively have a different surname, the father from her second marriage. A month later, the grandmother died, her daughters do not want to give up their share. The notary already has an application for my father to take over my father’s inheritance; there are no other applicants for his inheritance. Question: can I also claim a second share of the house?

Good afternoon. The situation is unclear - the grandmother assigned her share to her daughters from her first marriage. Did you write it down as a will? If she wrote a will, then you won’t be able to claim it.

My father lived and died in Germany. My children and I live in Russia. We refused the inheritance. My father was buried as a lonely man. Now I have received a letter saying that I have to pay a bill for refusing the inheritance. Or did I understand something wrong?

Good afternoon Dear Anna, in this case you need to contact translators from German. In any case, according to our legislation, if you refused the inheritance or did not take part at all, then you do not have to pay anything.

Dear Anna, Your question relates to German inheritance and administrative law. Therefore, you should contact to us, German lawyers. Communication with authorities in Germany is carried out only in writing, within strictly defined deadlines and on the basis of specific procedural rules ( ZPO, VwVfG etc.) No foreign “translators” will be able to help you explain the legal essence of your inheritance case in German law. Specific situations, questions, documents and clarifications are carried out by us, German lawyers, only outside of social networks and within the framework of paid relationships. The issues of searching for heirs and demanding expenses from them for the participation of state funds in funeral assistance and other issues are dealt with in Germany by the so-called. probate court ( Nachlassgericht), written communication with which should be entrusted to us, German lawyers. I would be glad if my answer helped you navigate issues of German law.

Please help me with a question regarding inheritance. My father’s brother died, and he buried his wife 4 months before his death. They had no children, their parents also died, the remaining relatives were 2 brothers on his wife’s side and a brother on his side. The owner of all property is the deceased brother. How will the inheritance be distributed?

In this case, the heir will be only the brother of the deceased, that is, your father. Brothers on the wife's side will not inherit.

Good afternoon, Irina! If a marriage contract and/or will has not been drawn up, then according to the law the brother of the deceased will be the heir.

Dreams are vivid pictures that our brain composes from many disparate puzzles of events. Often, such night paintings resemble the creations of abstractionists: bright and completely incomprehensible.

Symbols were born at the dawn of humanity and accompany each of us to this day. Our genetic memory stores many recognizable elements that we associate with certain ideas, meanings, and concepts.

Taking into account the fact that humanity has existed and still exists primarily in a patriarchal society, the symbol of the father embodies:

  • power: civil, spiritual, moral
  • highest authority and protection (remember God the Father)
  • law
  • intelligence
  • conscience

However, dreams are subtle matter. And the vision in which your father appears to you does not always have an unambiguous interpretation, because when interpreting a dream, you must take into account the relationship between the dreamer and his father in real life.

Why do you dream of beating your father?

Beating someone in a dream has several meanings:

  • you share your energy with the one you beat, that is, in real life the person will feel a surge of energy and strength.
  • you need to throw out the accumulated irritation, which is directly related to the person you are punishing in the dream (think about what exactly does not suit you about communicating with this person in real life).

If the person being beaten is the dreamer's father, the dream may have several more meanings:

  • you need advice, but an archaic point of view will not help in this situation. Look for new and fresh ideas.
  • you are worried about your father’s health and intuitively understand that he needs your support.
  • maybe you just need to see your family.

Why do you dream about a sick father?

Why do you dream about a sick father?
  • If in your real life your father is a reliable support, then a dream with an unhealthy father may indicate certain difficulties. The worse the father’s condition in his sleep, the more complex problems you will have to decide in real life.
  • Health problems with the father (in a dream) may also warn of changes in way of life the dreamer's family.
  • If the dream begins with the father’s illness and ends with his recovery, then all problems, especially financial ones, will be resolved.
  • Sometimes, a sick father in a dream can indicate illness and possible problems in the dreamer’s head area.

Why do you dream about the godfather?

  • If the dreamer himself becomes the godfather, it means that new obligations await him in real life. Pleasant or not - it will tell you general mood dreams.
  • If the dreamer sees his own godfather, this is a sign of receiving a gift/gifts. However, we will most likely talk not about material gifts, but about gifts “for the soul,” because godparents are responsible for spiritual development his godson.

Why does a young father dream?

It is a symbol of prosperity and stability (general meaning)

  • If you see a young, cheerful, healthy father (even a long-dead father), it means that all future endeavors will be successful. In addition, unexpected but very pleasant changes await you. Take into account that changes, even very good ones, are always associated with nervous tension.
  • However, if the dreamer’s father in real life had a restless character in his youth, this may indicate the beginning of a difficult period in the dreamer’s life.

  • Many dream books claim that fatherly hugs in a dream indicate your subconscious need for paternal support.
  • Often, close people are able to detect each other’s energy waves even at a distance. If possible, spend time with your family - a quiet evening or a few weekends, away from the hustle and bustle and the Internet, will help restore peace of mind.

Why do you dream of a crying father?

  • Unfortunately, such a vision may indicate an erroneous decision made by the dreamer.
  • The second interpretation is also not very favorable: contemplation in a dream crying father may warn that the path along which the dreamer is moving will lead him to self-destruction.

Why do you dream of a late, deceased father alive?

Many interpreters interpret such a vision as a very favorable sign for a man, especially in the commercial sphere.

For a woman, such a vision can predict a wrong choice in her personal life.

Very often, the appearance of a deceased father alive in a dream can be a signal calling for attention to relationships in the family: despite external well-being, the family loses common guidelines and is deprived of support.

Important: the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream requires special attention. Regardless of what sensations the dream left behind, be sure to go to the temple and pray for the deceased.

Such dreams require serious analysis of the dreamer's behavior. Something prevents him from realizing himself and improving his own life.

Think, perhaps, when taking on a new business, you are setting yourself up for failure in advance and creating obstacles for yourself? For example, you really want a car. Along with the thought of a car, thoughts come about the cost of servicing the car, the problem of security, obtaining a license (if you don’t have one), and so on.

And somehow I don’t even want a car anymore. But by thinking this way, you will never achieve success and your subconscious mind warns you about this with the image of a drunken father.

Why do you dream of talking to your father?

Such dreams are very important, especially if your father is an unquestioned authority for you. Listen to what your father says. Thus, your subconscious, your “I”, shows you the only correct decision.

If you don’t remember what exactly you talked about with your father in a dream, perhaps in real life you need the support of loved ones. Don’t isolate yourself and your problems - try talking to your loved ones.

Why do you dream of death, to see a father who is alive in a coffin?

  • If the father has health problems, such a dream can predict a speedy recovery.
  • If you are in a state of disagreement or quarrel with your father, perhaps this is a favorable period for clarification of relations and reconciliation
  • If you dreamed of the death of a long-dead father, this may be a warning regarding unscrupulous business partners
  • Such a dream may also indicate: a reluctance to accept the lifestyle of your parents or the need to get out of the care of your family

Why do you dream of a quarrel and a fight with your father?

  • A quarrel with your father in a dream can predict a painful break with someone close. As a rule, such breakups are very painful, but over time, you may come to understand that the breakup pushed you to success and brought many positive moments.
  • Sometimes a quarrel in a dream is a reason to relieve accumulated fatigue and stress.
  • Often interpreters tend to regard a dream about a quarrel with one’s father as a signal of losses in real life: both moral and material.
  • Sometimes, a dream can be interpreted as a meeting with people from their family circle. If there is blood in the dream, we are talking about blood relatives.

Why do you dream about killing your father?

Pay very close attention to the details of the dream, since dreams of murder have many interpretations

  • For a young man/girl, such a dream may indicate a subconscious desire to get out of the influence of his parents. This is a signal of a serious and protracted generational conflict that must finally be resolved.
  • Sometimes this indicates an upcoming break with the family: a serious quarrel, moving, and so on.
  • Many dream books interpret such a situation in a dream as a signal of a serious blow to the dreamer’s reputation in real life. Think carefully before making any decisions: the consequences may be irreversible for you and your future.

Most often, such dreams are inversions, i.e. a dream with a funeral can predict fun party in real life. Still, trust your intuition and feelings, and also pay attention to the following.

  • the funeral is magnificent, the whole family has gathered - such a dream can warn of an unpleasant event for the whole family
  • a modest funeral, even a poor one, means success
  • funeral on a sunny day - success in all matters
  • funeral in the rain - a decline in business or a serious illness for one of the family members
  • father's funeral unmarried girl- to get married soon
  • if the dreamer’s father is alive, but has health problems, the patient’s condition will improve
  • if the father died a long time ago - a warning of impending troubles

The grave of a living father in a dream is a bad sign, warning of deceit, meanness, illness and problems.

If the dreamer saw the grave of his late father, this could be a reminder sign of some kind of promise.

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A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage.

If in a dream you attend someone else’s funeral, then the dream predicts imminent death relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married.

A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning.

Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But to see in a dream funeral procession means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If they bury you, it will be long life, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

Interpretation of dreams from

Number of entries: 69

I buried my mother; she was 89 years old. When the funeral service was being held in church, I cried a lot... But when my brother and I were told to come closer, I saw my mother’s face, young and smiling. So strange, I was surprised. She had been very ill for a long time, and then I saw such a beautiful and rejuvenated mother. Please, explain to me what is happening, I can’t calm down, I’m surprised, although there is peace in my soul that I saw not an old woman, but beautiful woman, your mother.


It happens, Galina. In this life, a person suffers from illnesses and suffers from old age, but after death he finds peace, the wrinkles on his face are smoothed out, and peace is displayed on his face. The Kingdom of Heaven to your mother! Pray for her.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Father, help me with advice. Our son died in Germany and was cremated. They performed a funeral service for him in Moscow and gave him consecrated ground for burial. We will bury him at home in the Tomsk region. Where should I put the consecrated ground?


Dear Alexander, please accept my condolences. Sprinkle the consecrated earth crosswise over the mound above the place where the urn with ashes is buried. At the same time, you can read a verse from the psalm: “The earth is the Lord’s, and its fulfillment, the universe and all who live on it.” But if you don’t read it, don’t be embarrassed, the priest already said these words when he blessed the earth in the temple. God help you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Is it possible or not for a godmother to take off her cross during a funeral and put it on the deceased godson?


Dear Shamil, this will not be a sin. But the deceased probably has his own cross, why put on a second one? In Rus' there was a tradition in special cases to show how important people are to each other, like a promise to remember all their lives, to exchange crosses. I have never encountered anything like this related to the memory of the deceased. But I see no reason to be reprehensible about the sincere impulse of the lady you write about. May God help you all!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Father, help me with advice, on the day of my grandfather’s funeral, I, as a granddaughter, took his personal item as a souvenir - a watch. Was it possible to do this? How to be in this case? Thank you.


Ksenia, it’s very good that you took your grandfather’s watch as a souvenir; you will have another reason to remember him and pray for him. There is no need to worry, you did everything right.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Today I attended the funeral of a friend of my deceased son. They considered themselves brothers, they had been friends since kindergarten, and he considered me his second mother. In 2005 I took him to be baptized. At the cemetery, before burying the body, they decided to see if there was a cross on it. There was no cross. I took it off and put it on him. The time was 18:00, there was not a single church shop nearby, there was no funeral service for him at the memorial, since the farewell was from 16-17:00, at which time the priest was at a service in the church. Question: did I do the right thing?


That's right, Irina. Don't be embarrassed by this.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Father, hello. I recently lost a dear person - my beloved aunt. At the funeral service, I could not stand at the coffin with all my relatives. Tell me, please, is this very scary? Did I act badly towards my dead aunt? When everyone had left, I went in, said “I love you,” walked around the coffin, kissed the priest’s cross and left the church. Now I am very tormented that I did not stand at the coffin and pay tribute. .


Hello, Natasha. Look at the reason. Why couldn't they? If your absence was not associated with insurmountable obstacles, or was due to prejudice, embarrassment, or rejection of something or someone, then you need to confess this. And if you're just late, don't be embarrassed.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good afternoon. I recently buried my mother. We did not find a coffin suitable for height, and there was still free space in the legs, 15-20 cm. I was told it was bad. Is it true?


Inna, you don’t need to pay attention to all sorts of superstitions. The main thing is to bury it in an Orthodox manner, and the fact that there is space left in the coffin is no big deal. Don't listen to nonsense, but pray for your mother.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Mom is in a mental institution, doesn’t recognize me, lives in her own world, is 1000 km away. from me. When this happens, I won’t go to the funeral, I can’t bear it. Better to remember her alive. It is a sin?


Nina, but she is your mother. She may be seriously ill, but she raised you. How can you not pay your last debt to her?! It would be simply black ingratitude. Your conscience will be uneasy. It's my duty touching love– to see off a person, especially someone so close, on his final journey!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Father, hello! 1. Please tell me, is it a charitable deed to search for soldiers who died during the Second World War? We found one who was missing, began to dig him up, and he ended up buried during the battle near the road, because the second half of the sheet with his data was torn off in the medallion. Now I have doubts about the correctness of these searches. 2. All the soldiers, even the missing ones, are lying in the ground, is it worth bothering them?


Nikolay, I have always had great respect, respect and even admiration for those people who are engaged in searching dead soldiers and give them over to Christian funeral service and burial. This is a very pious deed, and in our monastery I myself had to serve a prayer service more than once before starting a search operation for organized groups Guys. It is wonderful that it is possible to raise from the ground the remains of a man who gave his life as a martyr for the people, for his neighbors, “for his friends,” and, having performed the funeral service, bury them in a worthy place, in mass grave, where the descendants will come, and where the priests are in parenting days funeral services will be performed.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Tell me, please - they buried their son, at the cemetery, before closing the coffin, the new priest said that the parents should cover their face with a shroud and sprinkle sand on the body. And the second question: is it obligatory for a priest to escort the coffin with the body from the church or not?


Evgeny, in fact, it doesn’t matter who covers the body with a shroud and sprinkles sand. But in our villages there are so many panicky and stupid fears around these simple rituals - they say, death will come, you will do worse to your son - that people simply run into the bushes when they need to bury their loved ones. Therefore, I think that Father Vash simply encountered some kind of similar savagery and decided to eradicate it - and he is doing the right thing. In general, to provide the deceased to a loved one the last services on earth - to attend to the body, to place the body in a coffin, to cover it with a shroud, to accompany the deceased to the cemetery, to carry the coffin to the grave, to sprinkle it with earth - this is a work of love, compassion, mercy, which must be done by close relatives, friends, those who loves. This is an honor, this is a duty and a most honorable, touching duty! But we are afraid of all this... As for the second question, if the priest has the time and strength for this, and the cemetery is located within the boundaries of his parish, that is, near the temple, then the priest can escort the body to the grave, since this is for him the opportunity to pay his last respects to a Christian who was a parishioner of the temple, whom he personally knew.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon Father, please tell me why you can’t throw away your hair, and whether they really leave it for your pillow in the coffin, while they also say that you should collect your nails there too. Honestly, it’s even unpleasant to do this, but church people say so (as I understand it, this is from books about monks and nuns)...


Natalia, I’ve never heard such a thing - our church people and monks don’t do such nonsense. Some kind of incomprehensible superstition - I don’t even know what to call it. Cut hair and nails should be thrown away - they are trash.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

During a prayer service before the funeral of my friend’s mother, a candle in my hands went out. What is this for? What should I do or be afraid of?


Dmitry, there is no need to be superstitious. You should not be afraid of the candle, but of the sins that you commit. In order to live in peace with God, you need to go to church, confess and receive communion.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! A year ago my mother died. When she was buried, an icon of the martyr Tatiana was placed in her hands, although she is Valentina. Why? And the second question: I am very much in love with a man who is 12 years younger than me. I broke up with him on my own initiative, because I don’t see in him the desire to build a family with me, and I don’t want to live in sin with him. Did I do the right thing, and what akathist should I read in order to forget this person and find peace and peace of mind (six months have passed since we broke up, and it hurts a lot). Thanks in advance.


Alexandra, women usually put an icon of the Mother of God in their coffins. It’s hard for me to say why they did it differently. Perhaps they got mixed up. The fact that you broke up with this person is very correct. It’s better to be alone than to build your “happiness” in sin. Fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, always remember this, and your soul will be calmer and easier.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! It happened that a person would be buried not on the third day, but on the sixth, but the funeral should be held on the 3rd and 9th days. In this case, should they be held on the day of the funeral and on the 9th day of death, or some other way? Thank you.


Dmitry, according to church regulations, funeral services are held on days 3, 9 and 40. There are cases when they are buried not on the third day, but later - there is nothing wrong with that. In this case, hold a wake on the day of the funeral, on the 9th day, and, of course, on the 40th day.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

What icons should be at home during the funeral of a five-month-old child?


You don't need any special icons for this. All Christians always have images of Christ and the Virgin Mary at home. The remaining icons - at your own discretion - are saints, saints who are especially close to you.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello! During my dad's funeral, my sister-in-law told me to throw my glove into the grave. When asked why to do this, she avoided answering. We're not doing well with her a good relationship, she's envious and Difficult person. Please tell me what does this mean? Naturally, I didn’t throw anything, since at previous funerals I didn’t see anyone throwing their things. Thanks for the answer.


Natalia, I think all this relates to some kind of superstition, you shouldn’t pay attention to them and take them seriously - people tend to come up with something that replaces genuine, real spirituality and faith. By the way, I don’t think that your daughter-in-law had the intention of doing anything bad to you through such an action, don’t suspect her. It’s better to make peace with it internally and open your heart. Rivalry and jealousy are very common among women, sometimes even much more so than among men. You know, there is a saying: “Seven axes lie side by side, but you can’t put two scythes.” This is about men and women. Don't follow this saying and everything will be just fine.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

The dream book considers the death of a father to be one of the most allegorical symbols that can be seen in a dream. The meaning of a frightening plot in a dream should almost never be interpreted literally. The image is transformed from various events of the past and future.

Miller's interpretation

When you dreamed about your father’s death, Miller’s dream book advises you to be more careful, especially in financial matters. It is possible that you have an ill-wisher waiting for an opportunity to do harm.

Lamentation for the deceased

Dreams in which tears for the deceased appear are interpreted by most dream books as shapeshifters. Freud's dream book believes that the more grief there is in a dream, the stronger the secret desire for this to happen in reality. If the death of the father is not accompanied by tears, the symbol speaks of warm feelings for him.

Remember the people with whom you had to cry in your sleep during the funeral ceremony: it is in this company that you will soon have a pleasant and fun time.

Tears for the deceased symbolize a new beginning, getting rid of the burden of the past. If you dreamed of a tear-stained reflection in the mirror, Vanga’s dream book promises good news about his father, if he is actually alive. If he left this world, positive changes await the sleeper.

Dreams about the living

If you dreamed that another parent who was alive had passed into the world, most dream books consider such a symbol to be favorable. Dad has many long and happy years ahead, you will have a good relationship.

If the now living dad dreamed of dying, in reality he will be able to solve the most pressing problem, for example, recover after long illness, successfully complete the business, make a purchase that you have long dreamed of.

Often in a dream, the death of a father who is alive in reality personifies the debts and unfinished affairs of the sleeping person.

Multiple burial

Sometimes in a dream you have to bury someone who is already dead. Ancient dream book will tell you why you dream about the death of an already deceased father. If you dreamed that you were burying someone who had already died, the dream promises financial difficulties. There is a high probability of suffering at the hands of scammers and imprudent partners.

Who brought the news

Interpreting what the news of a tragedy means in a dream, the dream book pays close attention to plot details: the circumstances and persons from whom one learned the sad news.

  • Sad news in a dream forces you to take on new obligations in reality;
  • Finding out about your father's death happens on the eve of pleasant surprises;
  • Learning about the death of their father in a dream happens to children who lack parental love;
  • The news that there is no more paternal control reflects the sleeper’s love of freedom;
  • Hearing in a dream from a doctor that a sick dad has died in reality means that he will soon recover.

Sometimes tragic news is caused by natural concern for the parent or a feeling of guilt towards him.

Unusual Messengers

IN Universal dream book you can find an explanation for why you dream that the tragic news was brought by an angel from the Underworld. The symbol means that you will meet a very authoritative, successful person who will become a friend and mentor. Listen to the advice of the night guest.

If you dreamed that a fortune teller predicted your father’s death, calling the exact date, on this day it can happen an important event. Hasse's dream book suggests making a responsible decision on the day indicated in the dream or starting a business, the result of which means a lot to you.

When you happen to see a parent waiting for his fateful hour, which the deceased told him in a dream, in Aesop’s interpretation this means that the dreamer and the hero have dreams ahead long years well-being.

On the night of the funeral day

If you dreamed of a parent’s funeral on the eve of six months after it actually took place or on the eve of another memorial date, troubled times await the family.

If the deceased appears in a cheerful mood a year after his funeral took place, this good sign, indicating that he is in a better world.

Predictions for sons

A psychoanalytic interpreter explains why a son dreams that his dad has died. Often the dream is inspired by competition for the mother's attention, which takes place in real life.

This is not the only interpretation of the dream why a son dreams of his father’s death. If relations with him are strained, the Wanderer’s dream book suggests that now is the time to make peace and dispel misunderstandings.

This happens to those who are faced with a choice between obvious advantages and harmony with themselves. Perhaps you have enemies that you are not aware of.

Be prepared for the unexpected

If you happen to see the death of a friend’s, girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s father in a dream, you will have to take an active part in the life of this family.

If the cause of death was an accident, Medea’s dream interpreter sees in the symbol a hidden grudge against him. The plot serves as a warning about upcoming dangerous turns, one of which is your own emotions getting out of control.