Dream interpretation double rainbow in the sky. Why do you dream of a rainbow according to the erotic dream book. Why do you dream of a rainbow in an unexpected plot?

Many people loved to admire the rainbow as children. She did not appear often after the rain, but she gave a lot positive emotions. Why do you dream of a rainbow, what could such a dream mean? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a rainbow - basic interpretation

IN general interpretation a rainbow appears in a dream as a harbinger of positive changes in life, as a harbinger of joyful events and bright emotions. If you see a rainbow over a river in a dream, such a dream means that the weather will be wonderful and all your endeavors will be very successful.

A rainbow in the sky is hope for a bright and joyful future, that the situation will change and you will get a start in life. A double rainbow means that all hopes will be realized and there will be no obstacles on the path to perfection.

Our ancestors also considered the rainbow a sign of divine providence; it personified that everything was God’s will and with his help miracles would manifest themselves in human life. In general, a dream about a rainbow almost always promises happiness and peace, an opportunity to look at life with completely different eyes.

You should also expect support from your loved ones and understanding from your superiors. All the efforts that you put into a specific business will bring you success and honor. But don’t forget about those people with whom you achieved success. They can continue to help you move forward in life.

If lovers or newlyweds dream of a rainbow, a truly wonderful relationship awaits them. If they had to watch the rainbow gradually fade in the sky, such a dream promises many problems and losses in their union, which will be extremely difficult to avoid.

Why do you dream of a rainbow according to a dream book for the whole family?

The dream book for the whole family says why a rainbow dreams - for a speedy recovery family ties and mutual understanding between family members. If you have experienced a long period of troubles and losses - a rainbow in a dream symbolizes their imminent completion, you will soon forget that you once did not receive at least something from life.

If you see a rainbow in a dream, something will happen in your life that will radically change it. If it spreads over your house in a dream, peace and harmony will reign in it, you will become the keeper of the hearth, and your household will begin to treat you with due respect. If the rainbow over the house begins to gradually disappear, you should take a closer look at other dream symbols; perhaps soon the trust between you and your household will be lost forever.

If the rainbow spreads over you, it is yours who will help you in solving the most complex and uncertain questions and tasks. devoted friends. They are ready to come to your aid at any moment and will never leave you in Hard time.

If, on the contrary, in a dream the rainbow above you disappeared - one of your relatives is seriously offended by you - you need to be attentive to the needs of loved ones and not leave them alone with their fears for a long time. After all, people are given to each other in life for support. The most favorable dreams are about a rainbow from Thursday to Friday and from Wednesday to Thursday. These days, dreams especially productively foreshadow positive changes in the situation.

Why do you dream of a rainbow according to an erotic dream book?

If you dreamed of a bright and huge rainbow in the sky, the dream book promises you the same bright and positive changes in life in the near future. However, you should not count on a long period of joy and prosperity; it is likely that this joy will be temporary.

Also, the dream book foretells you a vacation in the company of interesting and versatile developed person, you definitely won’t be bored. You will be surrounded by pleasant attention and a lot of positive emotions. Also, such a dream promises you a strong love union, which will develop into something more, and it is you who will become the initiator of such transformations.

If you dream of a river flooding and a rainbow appearing as a result, you will be overwhelmed sexual energy, and your partner will make you experience all the delights of mutual intimate life. You will be in seventh heaven and the further you go, the more you will thank fate for such a person in your life.

Why do you dream of a rainbow according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a rainbow in a dream is a symbol of subconscious desire and desire for a mature and open relationship. In these relationships, partners complement each other and only wait pleasant surprises from life.

If a lonely man had such a dream, he had chosen the wrong partners for himself all this time - he had to choose a woman for life, but he chose a woman for an easy rest. If he does not stop behaving this way, only long-term depression and apathy will await him, which will negatively affect his business life.

If a couple dreams of a rainbow over starry sky– they have long been mired in their dreams and illusions. Partners have not valued each other for a long time, but live in hope for a bright future, but these hopes will not lead to anything good. People will only become more and more disillusioned with the reality that is emerging between them. But sooner or later they will have to make a choice, so the relationship will not be able to continue.

Why do you dream of a rainbow according to other dream books?

The gypsy dream book says that a rainbow that appeared precisely on the eastern side - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity, the restoration of ties within the clan. If the rainbow appeared on the western side, such a dream promises the absence of positive changes in life, so for the rich it means stable wealth, and for the poor it means stable poverty.

If a rainbow appears right above your head, you should be wary of illness and trouble. Also, family and friendly ties will simply be upset and will never be restored.

IN esoteric dream book It is said that a rainbow in a dream is a twofold phenomenon. She can personify both genuine joy and false infatuation. It all depends on who has the dream. If you dream of a rainbow unmarried girl– she has long dreamed of a prince who will save her from loneliness, but a miracle does not happen due to the fact that she is hiding deeper and deeper in her negative beliefs. She lives under the mask of goodness and experiences ambivalent feelings towards the opposite sex. Perhaps some false stereotypes are triggered in her, which prevent her from taking a sober look at the situation.

If a couple dreams of a rainbow in which for a long time were observed difficult relationships– such a dream suggests that the period of problems and losses is almost over and you can calmly look to the future without worrying about your past. If such partners dream of a rainbow that abruptly disappears from the sky, they should prepare for a difficult period, because after long joyful events such serious problems, which can even lead to separation.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a rainbow, she should expect favorable confluences circumstances and a very easy birth. Thanks to her inner seventh sense, a woman will be able to discard all envy and troubles that could accompany her later life, in the end she will save the family and give birth healthy child.

If you dream of a rainbow to a small child– he will delight his family with good behavior for a long time and good health. For those who are going on a journey, such a dream can promise a bright and good, easy road. Everything planned will come true.

But if first a rainbow appears in the sky, and then the sky is covered with clouds, such a dream, on the contrary, indicates that you will have to wait a long time for permission difficult situation. You yourself must promote your ideas, you must pave your own path, despite the bad weather, despite the skeptical moods of your environment. You should not be afraid of the future, because a rainbow in the sky can appear in your life at any moment.

Even if the dream does not promise you a bright and joyful future, you should not be upset in advance, you should take into account all its details and little things. It is important to remember everyone who participated in the events of your dream. These people will be important in your future for a long time, and perhaps they were important in your past. The dream will tell you how best to manage the time allotted to you and how best to use the chances of fate. You can always take advantage of life’s clues and change it for the better, the only thing you need is to sleep soundly.

Interpretation of the Rainbow from your dream

Rainbow - Grace; unclear, muddy - news that will not be confirmed or will not appear in the best possible way, in the following interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

What does it mean when you dream of Rainbow, (multicolor) - Reflects a “rainbow”, optimistic, but, more often, deceptive mood, illusions; collapse of hopes.

Rainbow - To communicate with those you love, to genuine joy.

Arc - For the wedding.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Rainbow in a dream, what does it mean?

Rainbow – Multi-colored stripes in the sky mean hope for the best. If the rainbow is also double, this indicates that all your wishes will come true - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Rainbow?

Rainbow - In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion. In general, seeing a rainbow is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive full support in your business, and your efforts will result in excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky immediately after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers, seeing a rainbow in a dream means an unusually happy union. Dreaming of a rainbow going out is a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Rainbow according to Maly Velesov's dream book

Rainbow, multicolored - Abundance, fun, wedding, guests, health. Moreover - deception, empty dreams.

Rainbow - Empty fears, good news // bad weather; in the east - change in happiness, wealth; in the west - good (for the rich) // misfortune (for the poor); above your head, next to you - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of fortune.

The meaning of a dream about a meteorological phenomenon (Gypsy dream book)

Rainbow - Seen on the eastern side, means: contentment, wealth, restoration of impaired health; there is a rainbow on the west side good sign for the rich and bad for the poor; seeing a rainbow near you or directly above your head marks a change in condition, illness, and sometimes death; also means a breakdown of family and friendly ties, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

Seeing a Rainbow, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Rainbow – Seeing a rainbow in a dream means establishing rapport with people. If you see a rainbow, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you will be able to successfully resolve a conflict situation at work. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you will be able to overcome all family disagreements. A rainbow that appeared in a dream from Thursday to Friday indicates love adventure. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends, this is how the meaning of your dream is deciphered.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about a Rainbow

Rainbow - If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love. Spill If you dream of a river flooding or overflowing its banks, such a dream foretells that a very funny love adventure will happen to you. Your feelings for your new lover will truly be endless, you will strive to amaze him with your sexual prowess. To do this, you will have to take care of creating an unusual and exciting atmosphere that will allow your partner to forget everything in the world and devote himself only to you. But, unfortunately, the passions of love will subside, and the affair with this person will end very quickly.

Rainbow according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Seeing a Rainbow - Seeing a rainbow in a dream means something is about to happen to you in life. happy event that will have a significant impact on your life. You see that a rainbow is standing over your house - this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your house, in your family life everything is fine. If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing, you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being may be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt. If you see a rainbow above you, then your dream means that you will be able to resolve even very difficult issues, provide support to friends, and even reconcile with old rivals or enemies. If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears, then one of your loved ones is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make an effort to restore the relationship. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then your dreams will soon come true. If you are single, then this means happy marriage. Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday means unexpectedly receiving a gift. And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday, then this indicates that you are under the protection of a powerful person.

Rainbow – If you see a red rainbow. - Fortunately. The sky and rainbow are black. - Unfortunately.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - Seeing a rainbow in a dream means change, hopes for happiness, consolation. This dream also symbolizes good weather. For young people, a dream about a rainbow portends fullness of feelings, happiness mutual love.

Ancient French dream book

Rainbow - interpretation of a dream

Rainbow – If you dreamed of a bright rainbow overhead, this is a happy omen.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the image from the Big Dream Book

Rainbow - Good news, false fear.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Rainbow, what does it mean?

To dream with the colors of the Rainbow - Symbolizes hope for happiness and success. A dream with a rainbow portends happy changes.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - Dreaming of a rainbow is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your affairs will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest. If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, their union will be unusually happy. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

The meaning of a dream about Colors (Love dream book)

Rainbow - When seen, a rainbow foretells a successful marriage for you. So start preparing, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

The meaning of a dream about Rainbows (Modern dream book)

Rainbow - False fear.

Why did you dream about Rainbow according to spiritual sources ( Biblical dream book Azara)

Rainbow - False dreams, a waste of time.

The meaning of the dream about the Seven Flowers (Vangi’s Dream Book)

Why do you dream of a Rainbow? In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunion. If you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life. You saw an extinguished rainbow - this dream foretells separation from your loved ones or loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Rainbow in night dreams

Rainbow - Towards diversity. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events, such as a premiere, presentation, travel.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - False fear.

The meaning of the dream about Seven colors (Numerological dream book)

Rainbow - You saw a rainbow in the sky in a dream and clearly distinguished all seven colors in it, this means that some stage of your life has come to its logical conclusion. You are standing on the threshold of a new life, be brave and don’t listen to anyone - let your heart and mind be your main adviser! And try not to decide anything serious next Sunday; any decision you make on this day will not be the best.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen a Rainbow

I had a dream about a Rainbow - Sadness, deception.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Rainbow mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of a rainbow - you will experience joy in a love relationship.

If in the summer you dreamed of seeing the arc of a rainbow over a river, it means good weather.

In the fall, what does a rainbow mean in dreams - pleasure, followed by disappointment.

In winter, why do you dream of a rainbow? - to the collapse of your aspirations.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Rainbow

Dreamed of a rainbow over the river:
means a long trip, which will result in a good acquaintance and a successful acquisition.

Rainbow over the field:
a sign of mutual love and strong marriage bonds, over the forest

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Rainbow

in a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion.

In general, to see a rainbow in a dream:
a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive full support in your business, and your efforts will result in excellent results.

If a rainbow appeared in the sky immediately after rain:
this means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life.

Rainbow spreading low over the green treetops:
portends unconditional success in all endeavors.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream: to an unusually happy union.

To see in a dream how a rainbow goes out: a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Rainbow

Seeing a bright rainbow in a dream: a sign of the end of troubles and changes for the better.

If in reality you find yourself in some difficult situation or are experiencing difficulties:
the dream encourages you not to lose hope, soon there will be a holiday on your street.

Eastern dream book Rainbow

divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion, sign of the presence of the Mother of God.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain:
means: something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

Newest dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: presence of paranormal abilities ( prophetic dream). Lucky case.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn Rainbow

There's a rainbow all over the world:
is the most universal symbol of blessing. The rainbow blesses our endeavors, our relationships and us. This is the message that the spirit sends you that you are going in the right direction and your business is blessed. This powerful symbol relates to joy, celebration and accomplishment.

If you are experiencing difficulties:
it is a symbol of their overcoming. This is a sign of hope, which means that despair is behind us.

Dream Interpreter Rainbow

Rainbow seen on the eastern side:
means: contentment, wealth, restoration of impaired health

rainbow from the west side: there is a good sign for the rich and a bad sign for the poor

see a rainbow next to you or directly above your head:
marks a change of fortune, illness, and sometimes death

also means a breakdown of family and friendly ties.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: empty fears, good news / bad weather

in the east: change of happiness, wealth

in the West: good (for the rich) / bad (for the poor)

above your head, next to you: illness, death, loss of friendship, change of fortune.

Rainbow, multicolor:
abundance, fun, wedding, guests, health. Moreover, deception, empty dreams.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Rainbow

a reflection of approval from higher powers, the higher “I,” the subconscious. A reminder of the diversity of life and the need to rejoice.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams Rainbow

Rainbow: sadness, deception.

Gypsy dream book Rainbow

According to gypsy beliefs, a rainbow in a dream:
promises unexpected happiness, especially in love relationships.

Erotic dream book Rainbow

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors:
the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love.

Modern dream book Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
sign unusual events. Things will take a promising turn, and the harvest will be generous and plentiful.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream: a prediction of their happy union.

Rainbow hanging low over green trees:
predicting unusual success in any endeavor.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Rainbow

Rainbow: false fear

ABC of dream interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: symbolizes hope for happiness and success.

Dream with a rainbow: portends happy changes.

Slavic dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: to wealth, but if it's right over your head

Children's dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: multi-colored stripes in the sky mean hope for the best.

If the rainbow is also double: this indicates that all your wishes will come true.

Esoteric dream book Rainbow

to diversity. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events, such as a premiere, presentation, travel.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras Rainbow

If in a dream you see a rainbow in the sky and clearly distinguish all seven colors in it:
this means that some stage of your life has come to its logical conclusion. You are standing on the threshold of a new life, be brave and don’t listen to anyone, let your main advisor be your heart and mind! And try not to decide anything serious next Sunday; any decision you make on this day will not be the best.

American dream book Rainbow

a very powerful sign, a symbol of joy, celebration, accomplishment. You have gone through difficulties and this is the end.

Universal dream book Rainbow

symbol of enlightenment. Do you want people to see the real you? Do you want to see the world or anyone else in their true light?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
also a sign of the end of a dark, difficult period and the beginning of a calm and sunny one.

Rainbow can be: a bridge between what was and what is.

The rainbow also symbolizes:
award. Do you hope to receive a good reward for your work?

A rainbow can symbolize: Promise

if you reach the end, you will receive a reward.

The rainbow also symbolizes:
dreams. Does the dream reflect your dream of being in a quiet and peaceful place where your wildest wishes come true?

Family dream book Rainbow

I dream about a rainbow: to unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream: their union will be unusually happy.

Rainbow over the trees: promises success in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya Rainbow

Rainbow in a dream:
always means unprecedented happiness. All your love affairs will turn out well. The union will be happy.

Azar's Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: false dreams, waste of time

Lunar dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: in the eastern sky: change of happiness

in the west: misfortune.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow in a dream:
this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain:
means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow:
this dream foretells you separation from loved ones or a loved one.

English dream book Rainbow

this is a good sign. It portends significant changes, but these changes are for the better!

New dream book 1918 Rainbow

Rainbow: good news, false fear.

Dream book for the whole family Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream: establishing rapport with people.

If you see a rainbow in your dream:
your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end.

If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday:
this indicates that you will be able to successfully resolve a conflict situation in the service.

If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday:
you will be able to overcome all family differences.

Rainbow, which I dreamed about from Thursday to Friday: indicates a love affair.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday:
you will clear up all misunderstandings with your friends.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
This means that a happy event must happen to you in your life, which will have a significant impact on your life.

If in a dream you see a rainbow standing over your house:
this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your home, everything is fine in your family life.

If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing:
you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being may be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt.

If you see a rainbow above you:
your dream means that you will be able to resolve even very difficult issues, provide support to your friends, and even reconcile with old rivals or enemies.

If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears:
someone close to you is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make efforts to restore the relationship.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday: your dreams will come true soon.

If you are single: this could mean a happy marriage.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday: unexpectedly receive a gift.

And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday:
this indicates that you are under the protection of a powerful person.

Love dream book Rainbow

Rainbow seen in a dream:
portends you a successful marriage. So start preparing.

We all know the expression “rosy outlook.” The appearance of a rainbow in the sky is interpreted by people as a good sign. However, we should not forget that a dream is a kind of looking glass, in which some things can carry the opposite meaning. Therefore, there may not be a clear answer to the question of why a rainbow is dreamed of. Let's take a look at the dream books and see what the most famous interpreters think about this.

Miller's Dream Book

Regarding what a rainbow means in dreams, Miller adheres to the following point of view: this celestial phenomenon in a dream is a good omen. Any undertakings of the sleeper are doomed to success. All your efforts will pay off handsomely. The dreamer is protected by higher powers and can confidently look to the future. For lovers, a rainbow in a dream predicts unprecedented happiness. Their union will be strong and lasting. They are made for each other and will spend the rest of their lives together. If a person saw green trees in a dream, over the tops of which there was a rainbow, it means that in reality the gentle smile of Fortune awaits him. He is simply the darling of fate, so he can safely take on any task. Miller’s dream book pleases us with such a positive interpretation of the “rainbow” symbol

Vanga's Dream Book

The wise seer believes that seeing a rainbow in a dream means receiving a sign from above. Wise and fair power with such a dream makes it clear that the sleeper has a life ahead, filled only with bright impressions. For Vanga, a rainbow is a symbol of forgiveness and reunification. Peace and harmony will reign in the dreamer’s fate; he will live in harmony with the world around him and himself for quite a long period. Something surprising and beautiful entails a dream in which a rainbow appeared in the sky after a refreshing rain. This wonderful vision will dispel all doubts and worries in reality and give a person inner insight. However, if a natural phenomenon went out before the eyes of the sleeping person, which means that in reality he will have to part with his loved ones and dear people. In general, Vanga considers a dream about a rainbow to be a very favorable sign.

Gypsy dream book

An interesting interpretation is offered by this old dream book. The rainbow here is a contradictory sign, the decoding of which depends on where it appeared in the dream. If it is above the head or next to the sleeping person, then he is in danger of all sorts of troubles. Health may deteriorate or relationships with friends and relatives may change for the worse. In the worst case, such a dream foreshadows death. However, a rainbow seen in the east promises a person well-being and prosperity, as well as improved well-being and restoration of health. A celestial phenomenon seen in a dream in the west portends good things for a rich dreamer, and misfortune for a poor one. It is not clear where such selectivity comes from. It is also unclear how to interpret what a person with average income dreams of about a rainbow. But this is the version of the gypsy dream book, and it is also worth listening to.

Children's dream book

To summarize all of the above, it can be noted that it is pleasant to observe a rainbow both in a dream and in reality. In any form, this fantastic spectacle uplifts, inspires and motivates. Is not it good omen for new upcoming achievements? When trying to decipher your colorful dream, keep this in mind.

The meaning of the dream Rainbow in a modern dream book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream means a happy event is about to happen to you in life, which will have a significant impact on your life. If in a dream you see a rainbow standing over your house, this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your house, everything is fine in your family life. If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing, you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being may be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt. If you see a rainbow above you, then your dream means that you will be able to resolve even very difficult issues, provide support to friends, and even reconcile with old rivals or enemies. If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears, then one of your loved ones is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make an effort to restore the relationship. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then your dreams will soon come true. If you are single, this may mean a happy marriage. Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday means unexpectedly receiving a gift. And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday, then this indicates that you are under the protection of a powerful person.

Interpretation of the dream Rainbow in Miller's dream book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your affairs will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest. If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, it means that their union will be unusually happy. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

Rainbow in Vanga's dream book

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunion. A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life. If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, this dream foretells separation from your loved ones or loved one.

Dream Rainbow in an intimate dream book

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love.

The meaning of the dream Rainbow according to O. Smurov’s dream book

A rainbow in a dream portends changes for the better and prosperity. Such a dream also foretells that your fears will soon dissipate. For lovers, the dream foreshadows reciprocity or a happy marriage. But it is believed that a rainbow seen in a dream in the east or to your right portends happiness and prosperity. In other cases, it foreshadows changes that may turn out to be less successful, i.e. not what you expected. Seeing a rainbow close to you or above your head is a very sign quick changes, promising fulfillment of desires, wealth and happiness.