What number to choose for the wedding. Numerology by date of birth to calculate the date of marriage. Lucky number by date of birth

Numerology is the concept that all life, known and unknown, is determined by the vibration and specific creative moment of universal energy. As this energy moves and flows, it takes the form of wind, sun, ocean, dove and all physical manifestations. From this flow and the energies that describe it, you can interpret the life direction of your personality. You can see your purpose, your goals and your commitments. Your name and date of birth represent chemical formula, which guides your karmic path and shows your chosen purpose in your journey in this life. With every breath you also belong to the Cosmic Universe and the Celestial Spheres. These universal energies also influence your marriage, and your wedding day is just as important as the decision to get married. wedding ring and real wedding vows. So, one of the most important decisions regarding your wedding is the day and time you choose to get married.

The date you choose for your wedding can determine the course of your life together. The number of the day chosen is the key to the reasons why we get married and opens the door to help us understand how to achieve the happiness we seek when we begin to share our lives with the one we love.

To determine your wedding day number you need to add the month, day and year of your planned day. If the answer has two digits, add each digit together until you get the final 1-digit number.


Wedding: 06/12/1999 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 37. 3 + 7 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1. Your number = 1. You can use a calculator, then you need to enter numbers this way: 1261999

Use the numerical forecast of your personal day wedding, which can show you a new and unusual, but quite accurate view of your marital relationship.

Wedding number 1

One is a sign of beginning, energy and courage. Promises stable and reliable marriage, which will evoke admiration and envy among friends. Describes him perfectly famous expression"One for all and all for one". Spouses love and support each other. In addition, in such a couple, people will begin to help their loved ones in their careers, perceiving their partner’s job development as their own personal merit. People can act together to achieve a goal. Such relationships help to identify and release the partner’s inner potential. The connection between these people stimulates relationships and gives a reason to develop. However, one is a leadership number, so there may be inconsistencies due to the division of power and the definition of leadership in relationships. The young people will have a long grind, as each of them will strive for leadership, initially putting their interests above the desires and needs of their other half. However, after some time, the “storm” will subside, the spouses will develop a competent line of behavior and learn to give in to each other. A marriage concluded on the day of the Unit promises to be long and stable. However, it is unlikely to be simple.

Wedding number 2

If after the calculation it turns out to be a two, that's great. The vibration of this number gives agreement, understanding, mutual attraction, development, balance. You and your partner probably have common interests, views and the same goal. This means you can have the marriage of your dreams, where everyone feels great and gets everything together. There will also be quarrels, but during heated discussions you will work out compromises and further strengthen the relationship. The basis of this union is primarily material. But such people enjoy each other's company, even if they initially built relationships in order to achieve greater profits. If you just remain partners, your firm will prosper. If your relationship develops into a marriage, then such a family will be completely happy in material terms. However, even the slightest hint of infidelity can become a huge disaster for the deceived - the husband or wife is unlikely to forgive the betrayal. Therefore, you will have to constantly work on relationships so as not to hurt your loved one and protect him from disappointment. In addition, in such a couple there will be a constant need for approval. So if your Wedding Number is 2, then praise your significant other more often.

Wedding number 3

Three as a wedding date promises a harmonious marriage, but on the condition that both parties are tolerant and not very jealous. Because three is two plus one, which means spouses and someone else. Such husbands and wives have problems with fidelity. And, nevertheless, even if there is no or will not be agreement on many issues, it is precisely in matters of marital devotion that spouses have the same views. Home and family are sacred to them, they will not leave for lovers, but they do not rule out taking steps “to the left.” This is why tolerance is so important. Spouses can make promises to each other and not keep them, because of this, there is always some kind of draft and chill in the house and relationships. If you explore the business sphere, it is impossible to achieve partnerships with such a number; business relationships will not work out. Problems may arise with everyday life - the Troika provokes a dislike of routine. That is, people who married under her “patronage” will ignore household duties, believing that anyone should do them, but not themselves. This, in turn, will also become a reason for conflicts and mutual claims. However, if both husband and wife are creative individuals, then such a family union will easily be the beginning of a promising existence.

Wedding number 4

Got a four? Expect a marriage full of turmoil - both positive and negative. One day the sun will shine for you, another time it will rain heavily. Moreover, the four will tie you up strong passion, which will not fade away throughout the marriage. However, be careful, as this “flame” will concern what happens both at home and outside it. You can argue about everything and quarrel over everything: the color of the sofa, the make of the car, the location or month of vacation. You will flare up and bully your significant other at the slightest provocation, and plates may fly in the air. However, if, among other things, you are united common sense, taking care of each other, taking care of children and home, then everything will be fine. Excessive energy of the four can slow down business processes. In partnerships, these people are not able to help increase capital, but enriching themselves spiritually, gaining new knowledge and impressions is quite accessible to them.

Wedding number 5

Five is a number with a vibration corresponding to people who want to be free in marriage, but at the same time feel that they are closely connected to another person. One day they are inseparable and inseparable from each other, like a pair of white swans. And the next, they have no idea where their soulmate is, don’t think about her at all, and certainly don’t worry about her absence. If such a relationship ends in a wedding, then very happy children are born into this family. The vigorous energy that partners exhibit can be directed to any industry and will bring success everywhere. Between this union such love passions arise that they excite the blood. Partners will bring each other a lot of pleasant moments. They feel like they are in heaven. When they are together, nothing else exists - only their love. If, on top of everything, they can still curb their selfish feelings and think even more about their partner, then their union will be very long-lasting. The date corresponding to Wedding Number 5 can be recommended to those who, from the first moments of meeting, were connected not only by feelings, but also by work or hobbies, then the marriage will be truly successful. Moreover, such a couple will always have many mutual friends. In addition, the spouses will be happy to share household chores among themselves, and will spend their leisure time exclusively in each other’s company, sometimes letting other people they like into their company.

Wedding number 6

Six is ​​destiny. It may be that, having barely met, you were already convinced that one day you would get married and be together for the rest of your life. Because you will understand that you turned out to be the embodiment of dreams of marriage for each other. According to numerology, marriage with the resulting day six gives not only strong feelings, wisdom and harmony, but also a lasting and interesting future together. Six as a Wedding Number is an excellent date for getting married. In such a family there will be an abundance of everything - love, material well-being, and sincere interest in the success of the other half. People who get married under the auspices of the Six have every chance of “living happily ever after and dying on the same day.” The number six suggests that people are able to significantly help each other in relationships. This is also an earthly number, so the relationship will be long-term and partnership-based. Especially in the business sphere. For business this is an ideal option. For family relationships, the number predicts a calm, friendly relationship without violent emotions and showdowns. Even if the feelings fade away, such a family will exist thanks to the support of each other. If the partners are no longer connected by anything at all, they will still be able to continue communicating. The main thing is that each of them receives full return from the other for everything that he does for family happiness. Number 6 is not an option when “playing with one goal” becomes the norm of life. Openness and gratitude - an indispensable condition harmonious coexistence. However, spouses understand this very well and, as a rule, without unnecessary reminders, “pay” for any action of their loved one with the same coin.

Wedding number 7

Wedding number 7 as a date for marriage is suitable only for those people who have innate calmness and “swan” fidelity. The fact is that Seven bestows analytical abilities, a clear awareness of what is happening to a loved one, so any suspicion of treason immediately becomes a reason for a thorough investigation. And if one of the spouses really “went to the left,” for the other it almost immediately ceases to be a secret. For partners, the number seven promises a fairly harmonious relationship. They can easily negotiate with each other. However, some recklessness is still present. One party or another may periodically forget to fulfill contractual obligations. But diplomacy and a sense of tact will allow you to resolve issues without leading to a scandal and without breaking off relations. More than the power of seals and stamps, you believe in the power of love, which united you both in joy and sorrow. It is your amulet, thanks to which harmony, joy, and stability reign in relationships. Together you will cope with all conflicts. Seven is the number of ideal order, health and wisdom. Such a wedding date, according to numerology, will favor your family life. Such unions exist and are quite successful. Partners help each other develop and jointly solve money problems, achieving material success.

Wedding number 8

A marriage registered on the day of Number 8 is built solely on a financial basis. Therefore, it is recommended for those who, one way or another, get married for convenience. Then each spouse will clearly understand what he gives and what he receives in return. For romantically minded people, Eight as a Wedding Number can bring disappointment, since money will come first and hurt sensitive souls with the need to constantly think about the material well-being of the family. Eight is an amazing number. She makes the relationship non-standard, a little strange. Sexual attraction arises between such people, they are drawn to each other. If they unite, they can help promote each other in all areas. This Number is also favorable for couples in which both the bride and groom work in the banking industry, both occupy leadership positions or are aimed at active career growth. In this case, family life will be long and fulfilling. The spouses will be able to competently combine both love and care for their “daily bread.”

Wedding number 9

Numerological nine may not guarantee you many years of being in a state of romantic and crazy love, but, of course, it promises very strong feeling community, unity. You will do everything together, one will support the other. Together you will safely experience happiness and unhappiness, joy and sadness. Thanks to this, even the most intricately woven intrigue of rivals and ill-wishers will not be able to destroy your relationship. Nine as a numerological wedding day also brings a lot to the marriage. positive qualities: mutual kindness, understanding, honesty and decency in actions. If one of the partners is able to solve everyday problems, then such a union will be very happy. Nine is characterized by a union of philosophers. Such a couple will be happy to spend time in philosophical conversations and dreams. But this is only if everything is fine with you materially. If, in reality, dreams are not supported by a stable financial situation, then the relationship may crack. That is why such a connection is better for friendships, and in marriage the family boat can quickly break down in everyday life.

If you have to decide on this important point future together, like a wedding date, numerology will come to the rescue. If you're already wearing an engagement ring, her tips will help you figure out how to live happily ever after. Are you just looking for a good wedding date? Numerology will give you the opportunity to choose the best one. Good luck!

What does wedding date numerology mean?

As a rule, this is one of the most important days In life, everything is planned in advance, so the newlyweds have enough time to choose the ideal wedding date. Most often, the bride and groom are guided by family traditions, the availability of a wedding hall, the time of year, the weather, and the compatibility of personal plans. Fewer people decide to wedding celebration late autumn, not to mention winter. Often, without five minutes, spouses take into account important events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and so on.

In addition to the above factors, the future husband and wife should pay attention to the wedding date from the perspective of numerology. After all, this is one of the most important events in life, so you should make sure that everything is perfect. The wedding date is very important: it gives the marriage a certain energy, which significantly affects the future of the couple together. The final number obtained after certain calculations answers many questions. What will the marriage be like? Will it live up to your dreams and expectations? Will you live in harmony and harmony or eternal disputes and quarrels? What is important, the numerology of the wedding day also informs about possible betrayals of the partner.

Tempting prospects, isn't it? All that remains is to process your actual or potential wedding date and find out the necessary information. How to do it? There are several ways to calculate your wedding date using numerology - we will offer two, simpler and more complex. Which one to trust more, decide for yourself, or you can check it using the example of pairs that are well known to you. So let's get started.

Method 1

To get the result, you just need to add up all the numbers from the wedding date. Add until you get a number no more than 9. For example, marriage on the day 06.12.2011 is 0+6+1+2+2+0+1+1=13, 1+3 = 4. Your number is 4. It remains to find out what significance such a wedding date has in numerology.

Wedding number 1. Marriage is eternal, like granite

One is a sign of beginning, energy and courage. This promises a stable and reliable marriage, which will arouse admiration and envy among friends. It is perfectly described by the famous expression “One for all and all for one.” Spouses love and support each other.

Contrary to popular belief, such relationships should not be boring and routine. The energy of one, as wedding numerology says, gives originality, so your marriage will probably be different from the unions you know. And it’s up to you whether these differences will be for the better...

Wedding number 2. Understanding and acceptance

If after the calculation it turns out to be a two, that's great. The vibration of this number gives agreement, understanding, mutual attraction, development, balance. You and your partner likely have (or will eventually have) common interests, views, and the same goal. This means you can be in the marriage of your dreams, one that feels great and is handling everything. There will also be quarrels, but during heated discussions you will work out compromises and further strengthen the relationship. The deuce unites, not divides - remember this.

Wedding number 3. Not for the jealous

Three as a wedding date promises a harmonious marriage, but on the condition that both parties are tolerant and not very jealous. Because three is two plus one, which means spouses and someone else. Such husbands and wives have problems with fidelity. And, nevertheless, even if there is no or will not be agreement on many issues (domestic or professional), it is precisely in matters of marital devotion that spouses have the same views. Home and family are sacred to them, they will not leave for lovers, but they do not rule out taking steps “to the left.” This is why tolerance is so important.

Wedding number 4. Excitement and passion

Got a four? Expect a marriage full of turmoil - both positive and negative. One time the sun will shine for you, another time it will rain heavily. Moreover, the four will bind you with a strong passion that will not fade away throughout the entire marriage.

However, be careful, as this “flame” will concern what happens both at home and outside it. You can argue about everything and quarrel over everything: the color of the sofa, the make of the car, the location or month of vacation. You will flare up and bully your significant other at the slightest provocation, and plates may fly in the air. However, if, among other things, you are united by common sense, caring for each other, caring for children and home, then everything will be fine.

Wedding number 5. Free lovebirds

Five is a number with a vibration corresponding to people who want to be free in marriage, but at the same time feel that they are closely connected with the other person. One day they are inseparable and inseparable from each other, like a pair of white swans. And the next, they have no idea where their soulmate is, don’t think about her at all, and certainly don’t worry about her absence.

At first glance, it seems that these are barely compatible spouses with vague future prospects. But contrary to this idea, it turns out that marriages of five in numerology are examples of full-fledged married life, perfection and balance. This vibration indicates that people who love freedom have found each other and united and can always count on their other half. And this is the most important thing.

Wedding number 6. Prudent, sensible and... romantic

Six is ​​destiny. It may be that, having barely met, you were already convinced that one day you would get married and be together for the rest of your life. Because you will understand that you turned out to be the embodiment of dreams of marriage for each other. According to numerology, marriage with the resulting day six gives not only strong feelings, wisdom and harmony, but also a lasting and interesting future together.

Wedding number 7. Wisdom and practicality

Neither you nor your partner are proponents of marriage. You love very much, but you would probably stand in front of the altar just to receive the corresponding official “piece of paper.” For example, for practical reasons, because the document is needed for various government agencies, for a child at school, etc. - in a word, it makes life easier. But more than the power of seals and stamps, you believe in the power of love, which united you both in joy and sorrow. It is your amulet, thanks to which harmony, joy, and stability reign in relationships. Together you will cope with all conflicts. Seven is the number of ideal order, health and wisdom. Such a wedding date, according to numerology, will be favorable to your family life.

Wedding number 8. Life plans

If you have chosen the vibration of eight to create a family, then you probably adhere to a certain plan, the points of which you carry out step by step. First you went through a period of courtship, then you got married, wanted to have a child... According to numerology, general plans to life - this is the foundation on which your love and family bonds. And you are firmly sure of one more thing: if you both immediately decided that you would be together, then nothing will change this. And if to this carefully developed plan you add support in difficult situations, a pinch of spontaneity and many small joys of life, you will never regret choosing this particular day for your wedding.

Wedding number 9. Unbreakable bonds

The numerological number nine may not guarantee you many years of being in a state of romantic and crazy love, but it certainly promises a very strong sense of community and unity. You will do everything together, one will support the other. Together you will safely experience happiness and unhappiness, joy and sadness. Thanks to this, even the most intricately woven intrigue of rivals and ill-wishers will not be able to destroy your relationship. Nine as a numerological wedding day also brings many positive qualities to marriage: mutual kindness, understanding, honesty and decency in actions.

Method 2

Within this method of calculating the wedding date from a numerological point of view, the main thing is what personal numerological year you and your partner are in. There are numbers that give happiness, and there are those that lead to separation - this is important to know. Adherents of this technique treat with irony such episodes as, for example, the mass trip to the registry office on July 7, 2007 - when four sevens appeared in the date. They believe that from the point of view of the science of numbers this day had no significance. sacred meaning, since the numerology of the wedding date is calculated completely differently. A common way to calculate a favorable day wedding ceremony, when a date is taken, for example, September 12, 2015 and calculated using the formula 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 20 = 2 (this method was described above), they consider it incorrect.

How then to correctly calculate the numerology of the wedding date? First of all, you need to calculate your personal year. This can be done by adding the day and month of birth to the current year before the first new moon in September, and after the new moon to the year that begins with the New Year. In order not to look for information on the phases of the moon, you can take October 1 as a reference. Thus, starting from October 1, the day and month of birth are added to next year, that is, if it’s 2017, and the celebration is scheduled for the period after October 1, 2017, then they count and add 2018.

For example, a person born on 06/12/90 got married on 09/12/2015. In this case, you need to add the day and month of birth 06/12 = 9 and the year, that is, 2015: 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 17 = 8. Thus Thus, this person was in his eighth personal year on his wedding day. The same calculation is used for the spouse.

When is it better not to get married from a numerological point of view?

  • Marriage should not be entered into 9 personal year, because this is the time to put things in order, to complete old things. By the way, during this period, numerology does not advise not only getting married, but also signing labor contracts, buy apartments and so on. This is a period of untying old knots, cleansing, and not starting new relationships and projects. A marriage that takes place in the ninth personal year is practically doomed to failure.
  • One more unfavorable year is 5th personal: during this period there are too many emotions, it is a very energetic time, “wound up”, turbulent. Many questions may arise related to the ability to use your freedom in a way that does not offend others, especially loved ones. Marriage usually brings the experience of affairs on the side, promiscuity, unnecessary love or addiction.
  • As numerology says, choice 7 years means that the members of the couple will simply live next to each other, and not with each other. The seventh year is the time to take care of your own inner world, open to spirituality or science. The 7th personal brings wisdom, intuition, knowledge, curiosity about the world, and on the other hand, it gives a feeling of isolation, alienation, and for married people - a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, it may happen that instead of going through life together, the spouses will simply live side by side, without being too interested in the other half.
  • IN 4th personal people concentrate mainly on work. It can be considered that this is a neutral period for entering into this marriage. It will bring stability, long-term relationship, but on the other hand, little joy and pleasant madness. Thus, if someone is looking, first of all, for confidence and stability in a relationship, they can decide on such a wedding date.

What wedding date is considered the most favorable in numerology?

  • Most preferred year for marriage - 6 . This is a period aimed at love, responsibility, harmony, custody of children and a partner.
  • Another favorable period of time - personal 3rd, which is responsible for connection, communication, love, mutual understanding. The relationship will be creative and will bring happiness and prosperity.
  • Marriage in 8th year also gives a lot of happiness and good luck. Luck for spouses can accompany, in particular, in the field of finance, bring promotion social status, bestow loyalty and honesty.

Thus, best years- these are 3 and 6, as well as 1, 2 and 8. 5, 7 and 9 should be avoided. Karmic vibrations (13, 14 and 16) should also be avoided.

Month and day - to help

When choosing a wedding date, you should pay attention to whether your personal day and month are also favorable. How to calculate them? To calculate your personal month, just add the wedding month to your personal year. So, for example, if the wedding took place on September 12, 2015 in the 8th personal year, then to 8 you need to add the month 9. That is, 8 + 9 = 17 = 8, the personal month is also 8.

To calculate a personal day, you need to add the wedding day to your personal month. From the above example it follows that this will be 12, since 8 + 1 + 2 = 11 and = 2. Personal day - 2. For a person born on 06/12/90 who had a wedding on 09/12/2015: personal year - 8, personal month - 8, personal day - 2. Thus, it is clear that this is a beneficial vibration and a happy family life awaits such a person.

The wedding day can be chosen by a person at his own discretion, and this is a big plus. After all, a date is numbers, and they contain a certain energy potential that can be used or, at least, taken into account. So don’t be lazy to sit with a piece of paper and a pen for a few minutes - perhaps the wedding date numerology will reveal secrets to you that you didn’t even know about.

Numerological calculations are a good help in life. With their help, you can avoid many troubles, as well as achieve prosperity and happiness in love.

Numerologists say that the wedding date can tell a lot about a couple's relationship. With the help of accurate calculations, you can find out new details of your life, adjust your behavior and achieve harmony in your family. In addition, this calculation will help you choose the optimal time for marriage and will guarantee a strong relationship. If you are already married, then the presented calculation will help you determine weak sides and together with your partner, fix the relationship.

To get the number you need, you need to add up all the numbers in your wedding date, continuing to add until you get a single digit number. For example, your wedding date is 08/16/2010 = 1+6+0+8+2+0+1+0=18=1+8=9. The number you are looking for will be your key to unlocking the secrets of family well-being.

You can also calculate the most favorable number for your wedding. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the date of birth of the bride (for example, 05/11/1988 = 1+1+0+5+1+9+8+8=33=3+3=6) and the groom (for example, 07/11/1986 = 1+1+0+7+1+9+8+6=33=3+3=6), then add the resulting numbers (6+6=12=3). This means that the third day of any month will be a good day for you if you decide to legalize your relationship.

Meaning of numbers

1. A unit promises a stable marriage for the couple, but there may be discord in the relationship. One is the number of leadership, so family relationships it is necessary to start with the search for compromises. In such a family, the halves will strive to “pull the blanket” over themselves and insist on their own, which can cause a storm of indignation. Don't try to put yourself and your desires above your significant other to avoid quarrels. If you can get along, then over time the stormy relationship will subside, and harmony and harmony will come in the family. In addition, the vibrations of the number 1 help spouses support each other in ambitious endeavors, develop a business together and constantly give their partner new ideas. interesting ideas. Such an alliance, based on mutual understanding and concessions, promises to be strong and durable. Experts on the site recommend that couples with this number of wedding dates eliminate boredom from their relationship. It will be detrimental to your relationship. Diversify your leisure time interesting travels, active pastime, and you will be able to channel excess energy into a peaceful direction.

2. Deuce helps a couple maintain love with its trembling and tender feelings for many years. This figure is responsible for trust and close partnerships, a romantic mood. Don’t forget to pamper your other half with cute gifts, show your feelings and confess your love to them, and your relationship will retain the thrill of the first meeting. A negative factor for such a marriage may be the suspicion of one of the halves of the partner’s infidelity. You can save your marriage if you periodically separate for a short time. Loneliness will help diversify relationships and introduce a touch of sadness into them, which after the meeting will turn into joy and new confessions of sincere feelings. Protect each other from suffering and disappointment, and your union will be something to emulate.

3. The number three brings disharmony and anxiety into relationships. In such unions, selfish tendencies are not uncommon, when the halves stop interacting and begin own way development. Such relationships are destructive, so to maintain a strong family, you should take into account the opinion and desires of your partner. Three creates vibrations that affect the perception of routine life. Boredom and monotony can destroy a family. You can maintain harmony if you treat your other halves with care and distribute household chores equally. Frequent travel and a change of scenery, minimalist interior design and a minimum of things will also help save your marriage. This way you can spend less time cleaning, and free time Find an activity that will bring you both a lot of pleasure.

4. The union of people ruled by the four is not the most reliable. This figure is responsible for self-development, so the interests of partners extend only to personal achievements and goals. In such a marriage, the man and woman are rarely attached to each other and often perceive the other half as an obstacle to personal growth and development. The presence of children also changes little in a relationship, so numerologists recommend weighing the pros and cons before entering into a marriage under the influence of a four. Often in such families, problems accumulate for years, and then spill over into major quarrels. You can preserve relationships in an already established family with the help of attention to your partner and diligence aimed at achieving mutual understanding. You may be united by common goals, business development or other achievements, which you can achieve hand in hand, helping and supporting your partner.

5. Five is responsible for new emotions, impressions and hobbies. The marriage of people united by this number promises to be stable and interesting. They are surrounded by many acquaintances, and common interests or hobbies help them cope with everyday problems. Spouses will be able to achieve great heights in the business field by supporting each other's endeavors. The energy of the five allows partners to literally radiate energy and direct it in any direction. As a rule, in such families there is always a place for laughter and good mood, and children in the union are born under lucky star good luck and luck. However, despite all the rosy attitudes, spouses should be attentive to each other’s needs and allow their halves to be alone from time to time.

6. Six is ​​the most harmonious number. The positive vibrations of the six allow spouses to enjoy each other's company and live in mutual understanding and love. Families in which spouses pay attention to each other, support each other in all endeavors and do not try to put themselves above, quickly get on their feet and gain financial independence. In order for the family to remain strong and harmonious for many years, spouses need to remember about home comfort - an important part of a happy life.

7. The number seven often makes people want to isolate themselves and protect themselves from outside world. In this regard, in couples where one of the halves is not used to going without communication for a long time, discord quickly sets in. However, if both partners are accustomed to living in a narrow family circle and not allowing outsiders into it, the marriage will be long and happy. The vibrations of the number seven affect both partners, so people who are calm and steadfast should marry under such auspices, otherwise the impulsiveness of one of the partners will cause a lot of inconvenience to the couple.

8. Married couples who plan to marry under the influence of the number eight should be attentive and careful. The fact is that this figure unites people aimed at career growth. If one of the partners needs constant attention, and the other most will devote time to work, then quarrels and conflicts are inevitable. Numerologists call eight the number of workaholics, and if you do not consider yourself one of them, then you should move your wedding date to another number. Unfortunately, most marriages concluded between partners with different purposes in life, are destroyed by the vibrations of this number.

9. Nine is the number that protects family relationships. If a couple is more important than a career, but a family, then this number will become your talisman of happiness and prosperity. A harmonious union in which spouses find pleasure in devoting themselves to the family, without demanding anything in return, is doomed to success and happiness. In such unions, a couple should think about several children in order to give them their love and care. Often families with code nine have several pets, feeling the need for constant care of helpless creatures.

Planning a wedding date is an important step in a relationship. To be confident in your chosen one, you can calculate the numerological compatibility code and turn the relationship into an ideal one.

Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the principle of the creation of the Universe. Scientists and philosophers gave various arguments and evidence in the process of this knowledge, and over time, most of them came to the conclusion that everything in the world can be represented in the form of a mathematical structure - a matrix, which consists of numbers from one to nine.

Thanks to numerology, a science that studies the connection between the hidden philosophical and esoteric meaning of numbers and their influence on life, numbers began to carry a special meaning and be a tool for understanding a person’s personal qualities.

It has also become possible to recognize the characteristics of relationships between people, determine the path of life, calculate favorable dates (for example, for starting a family or a business union) and much more.

The most common numerological systems are considered to be:

  • Pythagorean;
  • Chinese;
  • European;
  • Chaldean;
  • Kabbalistic;
  • Vedic.

Having certain knowledge, today you can independently calculate any events by date of birth in numerology and familiarize yourself with the numerical characteristics in special lists or tables.

To do this, you can also use the calculated numbers of the first name, last name, patronymic and other data about the person, which constitute a kind of personal numerical picture of fate, reflecting the main moments of life and character traits.

Wedding is one of major events in the life of every person, but with with special awe marriage includes women who are now and then interested in fortune-telling and turn to horoscopes, are lost in choice and spend various tests on the wedding date to get an answer to the question: how to get married successfully?

Sometimes it seems that time plays against happiness. You don’t feel love at all, and the expected event only gets further away every year. Numerology explains this by the fact that the date of marriage is just as hidden in the date of birth as a person’s professional successes or the meaning of his life path. Therefore, it would be more correct to ask the question: not how to get married, but when will I get married according to numerology?

Numerology can determine the influence of your birth date on future events. However, according to the research of the famous scientist Kattakar on the pattern between the birth of a person and the time of his marriage, you should not absolutely believe the forecast of how long to wait for this event. Since it turned out that the match according to the “wedding date - date of birth” system is 50/50. Therefore, it is recommended to use several numerological techniques when calculating the wedding date.

How to find out your wedding date by date of birth

To find out when the long-awaited event is prepared, it is necessary to sum up the numbers of the date of birth in a certain order.

For example, a person was born on December 11, 1982.

Add up the numbers as follows:

  • day: 1+1=2;
  • month: 1+2=3;
  • year: 1+9+8+2=20= 2+0=2;
  • all 3 results: 2+2+3=7.

This list can be endless. In the case of the above example, the year of the future marriage is 2023, since 2+0+2+3=7, which exactly corresponds to the result obtained when summing up all the numbers.

There is another way by which you can calculate which year is best for marriage. To do this, you need to write the birth dates of the newlyweds on a piece of paper, then count the number of repeating numbers in both versions and add them together.

For example: 10/16/1988 and 02/07/1990. These dates contain four ones, two eights and three nines, add them up (2+3+4) and get the number (9), which corresponds to the year of marriage (2025) in the presented list.

The meaning of numbers in the date of birth

Scientists note that the numbers 8, 6, 9 and 3 create difficulties for men who are planning to get married. The wedding may be delayed or postponed several times due to unforeseen circumstances.

Therefore, if such numbers are present, you should not worry about freedom: everything will definitely come, but a little later.

This is often associated with the numerological meaning of numbers - active, independent and freedom-loving, they influence their owner, revealing exactly the same traits of his character. Such a person does not strive to have a couple relationship and values ​​personal space. He is interested in a partner with whom he can cooperate, rather than starting a family.

And for those whose date is full of twos, fours and sixes, they cannot do without a couple relationship; such people need a partner and can register their marriage several times. This applies more to girls who cannot accept loneliness and constantly torment themselves with questions about marriage.

Choosing a date for marriage

  • add up all the numbers of the girl’s birthday (for example, 12/26/1982, the result will be 4);
  • do the same with the guy’s data (for example, 09.14.1981, result in in this case 5);
  • add up the resulting numbers of newlyweds (i.e. 4+5=9);
  • calculate suitable days.

Favorable days can be easily determined from the list below, in which the day of the month corresponds to the main result of this calculation (9).

1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 4, 5 = 5, 6 = 6, 7 = 7, 8 = 8, 9 = 9, etc. until the end of the month in the following order 10 = 1, 11 = 2, 12 = 3, 13 = 4, 14 = 5, 15 = 6, 16 = 7, 17 = 8, 18 = 9, 19 = 1…

Concerning this example, then for future spouses the most good days weddings are on the 9th, 18th and 27th of the month.

1.Add nine months to the month of birth (for example, December + the next 9 months = September);

2. Add the date selected from three options to the favorable number that determines the wedding day (for example, add 2 and 7 to 9, you get 18=1+8=9; the favorable date in this case is September 9).

To make all calculations more accurate, and also this fortune telling does not take much time, to calculate the wedding date, you can use special online calculators in numerology, which are available on the Internet.

Favorable days for starting a family

Many take a very responsible approach to choosing the date of marriage registration, hoping that such an important day will be successful and will be a symbol of a strong and happy union. Sometimes a wedding date is chosen based on the beautiful consonance of numbers and without suspecting that each number has its own mysterious characteristic. For example, 09.09.2009, 11.11.2011, 02.02.2012, etc.

In order to determine how successful the selected numbers can be, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their meanings.


Favorable numbers for marriage are considered next days months that include the unit: - 1, 11, 10, 13. These dates promise a strong relationship and mutual understanding for a couple with the same interests and goals in life. The newlyweds will not only become faithful and loving spouses, but will also support each other for a long time their life together.

If you want to avoid disagreements all your life, then it is better to opt for one. To eradicate the struggle for leadership in the family, the wedding date should be set on the 10th, and for those who dream of equality in relationships - on the 11th. Don't be afraid of the number 13, this date is for original people with strong life beliefs who do not betray their own principles and always have their own opinion.


The most favorable days - 22, 20, 12, 2 . These dates are suitable for a couple of two cheerful people who will definitely find somewhere to put their energy, will always understand each other and will be able to give in. The strength of such a union lies in the understanding of why and why you need to be together.

The 2nd day of the month is good for stability in relationships. If you want many children in the family, choose the number 12 to bring good luck to the house and financial success- 22. The number 20 is perfect for those who clearly divide responsibilities, for example, the wife raises children and takes care of the house, and the husband brings money.


3, 30, 21 - the most favorable dates. This is a union of people who clearly understand what they expect from life, but they lack patience in relationships, since both people are impulsive and hot-tempered.

To avoid misunderstandings in the family and possible conflicts, the recommended number is 3. If a woman wants to be behind her man like a wall, choose the number 21; for those wishing to create a patriarchal family with a distribution of positions - 30.


Numbers 31, 24, 14 and 4 are most favorable for marriage for those people who strive for prosperity, career growth and well-being in the family. The husband in such a union will become a strong support for his wife, and she will become his faithful companion and good housewife.

The numbers 14 and 4 should be chosen by those couples who do not want to participate in family squabbles over every everyday problem; these numbers will strengthen family ties and diversify married life. The 24th is for those who appreciate family traditions and follows them, and the 31st is for those who want to have a large large family.


Favorable dates - 25, 23 15, 5. This is a couple of purposeful and ambitious people who are united not only by the same interests and similar worldview, but also by the desire to achieve material success.

The fifth number is recommended for careerists, the 15th - for extraordinary and creative people The 23rd is a good date for marriage for older people, as well as for those who have been putting off the decision to get married for a long time. The number 25 is perfect for newlyweds who quickly decided to register their marriage.


Favorable days - 26, 16 and 6. Six is ​​a symbol of beauty, love and prosperity. The number is lucky for those whose meaning in life is children and a strong and friendly family.

On the sixth, it is better to register a marriage for those who want to make their dreams come true happy family. The 26th or 16th is recommended for people whose relationships have been difficult for a long time. For example, lovers often separated or were separated for some reason. Such dates will make the life of a young couple easier and more carefree.


7, 17 and 27 are good dates for people whose hearts are sealed by fate. Mutual understanding and harmony will always reign in such a couple, but due to the impulsiveness of one of the spouses, the marriage may suffer, therefore, for a stable and peaceful family life, it is recommended to register the marriage on the 7th.

If one of the partners requires more personal freedom, it is better to choose the 17th, and for those who expect mutually beneficial interests from the family - the 27th.


Favorable days -28, 18, 8. This is a union of original individuals who are equally independent and self-reliant. However, it often happens that in such a couple there are serious conflicts about leadership.

In order to resolve any disagreements in the family, it is recommended to choose the 8th number. The 18th will give the newlyweds love, mutual understanding and a carefree life. The 28th is suitable for those who strive for knowledge, thirst for self-realization and are constantly searching for themselves; This date will also help spouses diversify their family life and fill it with bright colors.


The 9th, 19th and 29th are perfect for future spouses with difficult love story or lovers who attach special importance to marriage.

Number 9 is the most favorable date for those registering a marriage of convenience. 29 - for people who have a marriage or several marriages behind them. 19 - for lovers whose worldview and goals do not coincide; this number will help smooth out sharp corners, will favorably influence the nature of the relationship between two complex personalities and will always help to find compromise solutions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Even today, a wedding and the choice of a wedding date are shrouded in a veil of superstitions, signs and sayings. You shouldn’t believe them unconditionally, but it doesn’t hurt to listen. For example, numerology will help you choose happy date wedding and can tell a lot about your union.

In numerology, all numbers are reduced to single digits using the method of addition. Each such number has a specific meaning assigned to it. Numerology, when determining whether a particular day will be successful or not, uses the date of birth of the bride and groom in its calculations and, based on the results obtained, concludes whether this wedding date is suitable.
How to choose a wedding month?

When choosing a wedding month, numerology advises you to choose those months that follow 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 months after the month of your birth (you no longer take your month into account). For example, if you were born in March, then the favorable months for you to get married, according to numerology, are June, July, September, December, January.

You can also determine favorable months for a wedding based on your groom's birth month. Compare your data: if there are months that suit both of you, then feel free to choose them.
Calculating the wedding date. How to choose a wedding date?

Method 1: To choose a wedding date, you need to calculate the individual numbers inherent in each person. For example, the bride’s date of birth is 02/14/1989, and the groom’s is 05/12/1985, then the calculation is as follows:

Bride's number: 1+4+0+2+1+9+8+9=31=3+1=6

Groom's number: 1+2+0+5+1+9+8+5=34=3+4=5

Thus, total number 6+5=11 - this will be the most favorable wedding date, according to numerology, for both of you.

Numerology also makes it possible to choose a date at the end of the month: to do this you need to subtract from last date month (30 or 31) is your date and get another lucky wedding day for you. So you can choose either the 11th day of the month or the 19th (in the case of a 30-day month) or the 20th day of the wedding (if the month has 31 days).

Method 2: For example, choose any wedding date (11/10/2012) and hold mathematical operations addition:

We get from it: 1+0+1+1+2+0+1+2= 8

So, magical meanings numbers for wedding:

The unit is a symbol of leadership and ambition. If the wedding date contains this number, then career aspirations will take place in the life of the spouses, but they may cause disagreements, so be careful. Numerologists say that this day is ideal for starting new things, for concluding agreements and contracts.

Two is a symbol of two loving hearts, symbol of a couple. But be careful, duality is the pitfall of the number “2”. Be careful, in such a marriage there is a high probability of betrayal. Two is characterized by extremes; this number is like day and night - combining polar qualities, it maintains balance. Numerology advises not to take active actions on such a day. This is not a day for actions. On this day, everything that starts well ends badly, and vice versa - everything that starts badly ends well.

Troika is a mysterious number, one of the most important sacred numbers in the Russian tradition. She is a symbol of the unity of three periods of life: youth, maturity and old age. This is the number of love, wisdom and peace. A wedding on the third promises you a long happy life in marriage.

The number four is a powerful symbol of prosperity and stability in family life. The one who chose this number will always live in material prosperity.

Five is the main patron of marriage, combining masculinity(three) and female (two). A couple who gets married on the 5th is doomed to lifelong happiness true love. Also, a day under the sign of five is full of surprise and surprise, full of adventure. You can only take risks if you are confident that your plan is realistic and your goal is worthy. This day is not suitable for fictitious marriages, weddings of convenience. But the unity of two loving hearts will make this day bringing success and happiness; a wedding on this day promises a long and happy life. Provided that you really love each other, of course!

Six is ​​a karmic number. It has long been believed that many misfortunes are associated with it, but at the same time, the six brings stability, which in a sense is good. And even if the relationship is devoid of passion, it will be stable. If you have been planning a certain event for a long time, are completely confident in your feelings, then the six will help you in your endeavors. But if you have even the slightest doubt about getting married, the number six will not help you, because any uncertainty on this day can become fatal and destructive. This day is not for frivolous decisions and superficial matters.

Seven is a magical and mysterious number. Usually, in a union concluded under the auspices of the number seven, gifted children are born. Seven is a favorable number for marriage. Seven symbolizes the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes. Seven consists of one and six, this is the number of the psyche, spirituality. Such a day promotes reflection, study, intellectual pursuits, and is favorable for creativity. This day often becomes a day of happiness. A wedding on days under the auspices of the seven is a celebration of lovers discovering each other. Their journey, begun on this day, will be the path of knowledge.

Eight is a symbol of material well-being and prosperity. This is a double four, that is, well-being and prosperity multiplied in half. Eastern lovers prefer to have their wedding on this day. A day under the sign of eight is a day of important affairs, big, significant events. All business started on this day is doomed to financial success. A wedding on this day will not only be successful, but also profitable.

Nine is a symbol of completion. Typically, marriages concluded on the ninth will be monotonous and stagnant, but at the same time durable. They usually say about such unions that “there was an idea to kill each other, but never to divorce.”

Whether to follow these tips or not is up to each individual. But neither astrology, nor numerology, nor other wisdom can save your marriage - only... love can do this.

You also need to remember that everyone chooses their own path. And whatever day you set the date for, try to make it the best for the two of you, the most memorable and the happiest.