Yin and yang that is white. Feminine and masculine: the symbols "yin" and "yang"

A popular symbol depicted on many souvenirs looks like a circle divided by a winding line into two symmetrically located equal parts. Inside each of them there is also a circle, meaning the eye of some creature, whose contours are limited by the outer semicircle and wave. The halves of the circle are painted in What does yin-yang mean, the image of which has become fashionable in last years decorate the most unexpected objects and apply it to own body in the form of a tattoo? Does this symbol help to resist everyday misfortunes?

Some people take it for some kind of amulet, an amulet, and hang this image in the house, behind the windshield of a car, or wear it around their neck in the form of a medallion, saying: “Yin-yang, save me.” No, this symbol was not invented in ancient China for this purpose; rather, it represents a kind of visual diagram that helps to better understand the essence of the world around us.

Criticized by Marx and accused of turning everything on its head, it operates with the concept of “unity and struggle of opposites.” Any magnet and our entire planet have two poles. Living beings are divided into two sexes. The concept of good and evil is also dualistic. There is light and there is darkness. From time to time, with a certain frequency, each side changes to the opposite. This is what yin-yang means, such a simple at first glance graphic reflection of the unity of opposites.

All religions in their theories about the creation of the world are based on the primordial holistic chaos that precedes the creation of the universe, and scientists in their research are in solidarity with theosophists. As it decreased, it was divided into two halves that compensated for each other, each of which, reaching a maximum in its development, gave way to the other. The round spots of the eyes symbolize the presence within each of the opposite sides of the germ of the coming change, the harbinger of a change in the phase of the path called “Tao”.

The flow from one half of the circle to the other, as it were, unites these two mutually integral parts, creating a whole. When trying to figure out what the word “yin-yang” is, you should divide it into two parts. Black yin symbolizes the feminine, white yang symbolizes the masculine. Yin is intuitive and yang is logical. Yin - and yang - life. North and south, cold and warm, plus and minus - this is what yin-yang means.

The philosophical meaning of this hieroglyph is so deep that it in itself rejects Marx’s accusation against It is impossible to incorrectly turn something that has two heads and two tails; any position of this diagram can be considered correct.

Universal harmony and balance of natural forces - this is what yin-yang means. This concept is universal in its application; it can describe both the state structure and the system proper nutrition. It has a social, physical, and chemical meaning.

The ancient Chinese treatise "I Ching", also called the "Book of Changes", interprets yin-yang as two sides of one mountain, which is united, but consists of two slopes, alternately illuminated by the sun's rays.

One of frequently asked questions:
– How to reveal the “inner woman” in yourself or how to become a “real man”?
Another variant:
– Where to find a real man or a real woman?
Third option:
– How to harmonize?

Each of us has a feminine and masculinity– Yin and Yang, inner woman and the inner man.

What do these two aspects do and why are they important?

Yin– this is the feminine principle, taking on an inward-directed aspect. Perceives everything as a single whole, without separating itself from the Creator. Feminine energy is smoother, more fluid and multidirectional, without clearly defined boundaries. She remembers her true nature and higher purpose, so she has no need to express her selfhood. Properties – dreaming, creating images, inspiring. Character traits – smoothness, flexibility, fluidity, tenderness, caring, smoothing sharp corners. Feminine energy is cool, moon energy.

Yan– masculine, directed outward. Therefore, for men, fulfillment in society, in the outside world, is much more important. Male energy is more vectorial, directed, dividing. More goal, action and result oriented. Masculine energy shapes individuality. Character traits - initiative, determination, enterprise, result orientation and goal achievement. Male energy is hot, the energy of the sun.

It is impossible and not necessary to be in only one of these hypostases. It is important to be able to be in harmony and manage energy as needed.

For example, we live in a society, and when we need to act, function, we, regardless of gender, “turn on” our male part. And in personal relationships, it can be useful to use your feminine side. And only when both energies inside you are in harmony and balance, then you can build harmonious relationships outside.

It is believed that the optimal ratio is 30/70, i.e. up to 30% of the energy of the opposite sex, and from 70% of the energy of the same sex.

If there are internal distortions in one direction or another, this also affects the external one, because external world– reflection of the internal. For example, you probably know such couples: a strong, domineering, slightly masculine woman, and next to her a soft-bodied and slightly effeminate man.

Guess what this is about?
And how do you want it to be for you?
To harmonize and balance masculine and feminine energy, I suggest you one very simple practice.

Possible “side effects” from the practice:

♦ A state of causeless bliss on different planes - physical, mental, emotional;
♦ Help in relieving psychological dependence;
♦ Relief of sexual hunger during forced or voluntary abstinence;
♦ Improved relationships.

We offer practice for harmonizing male and female energies -YIN-YANG BALANCE

The practice consists of two levels, which are best done one by one, mastering it over the time you need (within a week, or within a month). It is advisable to follow the order and practice the levels in the order in which they are given. As you master the levels, you will have the opportunity to practice in ordinary life, “on the go” - in transport, on the street, during breaks between ordinary activities - as soon as you remember about it.

Before starting the practice, you can mentally or out loud turn to your Higher Self and ask him to tune you into this practice so that it takes place here and now with maximum effect for you.

Level I. Yin-Yang balance

Sit comfortably or lie on your back with your hands palms up. Try to relax your body as much as possible; it is also advisable to form and maintain an internal mindset of open energy and trust in everything that will happen to you during this practice.

Main visualization:
1) Imagine in our right palm a brightly shining, pleasantly hot golden Sun, a symbol of Yang energy. The size of the sun is whatever is comfortable for you. Next, imagine that brightly shining, pleasantly hot, plasma-dense golden energy comes from the sun and fills your body. Try to feel it. The excess energy radiates through the pores of your body in all directions and replenishes your field (aura), which becomes dense, golden and radiant. Follow this step for as long as your inner feeling tells you. On average this can take 3-5 minutes.

2) Imagine a softly shining light in your left palm full moon, symbol of Yin energy. Imagine that a gentle, subtle, softly shining energy comes from it and fills your body. Try to feel this, sometimes remember the sun in your right hand and try to maintain the feeling of energy as described in point 1, and then return to this point again.

Over time, you will be able to feel both energies at the same time. Follow this step as much as your inner feeling tells you.

The operating time with solar energy may turn out to be longer than with lunar energy, or vice versa - this depends on many reasons - let everything go as it goes.

Effect of practice at level I:
Filling with energy, harmonization (balance) of yin-yang energies in your soul and physical body, balancing the masculine and feminine principles in your entire being.

In principle, these two points are quite enough to achieve a natural yin-yang balance, but if desired, this practice can be expanded with the following additional exercises that will give a broader effect:

In addition to points 1 and 2, imagine yourself sitting (or lying) on ​​a shining globe. The position of the palms does not matter. The energy of the Earth rises from the bottom up and flows through your entire body, going up into infinity. Imagine that you are as open as possible from below and from above. Try to feel it. Sometimes return to points 1 and 2, maintaining a sense of the flow of the energies of the Sun and Moon. Do this point for a while until you feel that you have had enough and you can move on. On average, this takes 3-5 minutes, but with practice, less time may be sufficient.

Next, imagine that around you is Space and the stars. The energy of the Cosmos enters you from all sides. This is an infinitely loving, dense energy that permeates your body, every cell, and replenishes your field. Try to feel it with your whole being. Sometimes return to points 1, 2 and 3, maintaining the simultaneous feeling of the energies of the Sun, Moon and Earth.

Effect of additional practice to level I:

Harmonization (balance) of ascending and descending flows, filling with energy, a feeling of love and inextricable unity with the surrounding world.

Level II. Yin-Yang connection

In continuation of the first level, where the balancing of yin-yang energies occurs, at the second level there is a natural and harmonious combination of the masculine and feminine principles in our being.

Sit comfortably (or lie on your back), placing your palms in a way that is comfortable for you (this does not matter in this practice) and try to relax your whole body as much as possible. Maintain an inner attitude of open energy and trust in everything that will happen to you during practice.

Imagine that at a certain (convenient for visualization) distance from you there are the Sun and the Moon, located in outer space on the same line in relation to you. The Sun is a little further away, and the Moon is a little closer to you, and the distance between them is such that for you, as an observer, the solar and lunar disks are the same size, that is, they completely overlap each other so that the edges of the disks completely coincide.

For those who have problems with spatial imagination, images of the full solar eclipse. The only difference is that in this practice the lunar disk should be imagined not as darkened, but as softly shining. Next, imagine that the energies of the Sun and Moon, familiar to you from level I, flow towards you along one line - harmoniously combined and inextricably fused with each other.

These combined energies penetrate your body, fill every cell, and its excess replenishes your aura. Try to feel it. Practice time is 3-5 minutes (maybe a little more or less, the only guideline is still your inner feeling).

When you can feel point 1 well, imagine that the small (reduced) Sun and Moon are in every cell of your body: moreover, in every particle of your being - and fill all cells and particles with their energy. This is full of love, naturally harmonious and holistic, radiant divine energy.

Try to feel it with your whole being, with every cell. Stay in this state for as long as it feels good and until you feel complete. Usually this is 3-5 minutes, but it can be more or less, this is normal. If you wish, you can sometimes return to the description of point 1, this will help better effect from this practice.

Effect of practice at level II:
The combination of the masculine and feminine principles in our being naturally causes a feeling of fullness of life within oneself, a feeling of increasing one’s own integrity, perhaps a long-term experience of inexpressible bodily and spiritual harmony, causeless and deep happiness, coming, one might say, from the very depths of the cells.

Achieving a yin-yang balance has a beneficial effect on psychological relationships with the opposite sex and the quality of intimate relationships. With practice, painful psychological and physical dependence on loved ones and partners of the opposite sex gradually disappears (if any): psychologically you stop suffering when your loved one is not around, and physically you completely stop experiencing “sexual hunger”. But, at the same time, your natural sensuality does not disappear anywhere - on the contrary, it is freed from negative layers, clamps and bindings and blooms like a flower.

Do you want to get to know your people better? Inner Man and a Woman? Look in the book“Simple recipes for women’s happiness.”


For the first time, two principles called “yin” and “yang” were mentioned in the famous ancient Chinese treatise “The Book of Changes”. Yin, according to this book, symbolizes a dark and soft substance, yang - light and hard. In this work, the idea of ​​their interaction has not yet been expressed; it begins to develop a little later, as Chinese philosophy improves. Both principles acquire more and more pronounced and detailed features: yin becomes a symbol of darkness, night, moon, earth, cold, odd numbers, negative phenomena, yang is the complete opposite. Philosophers are beginning to think about how these concepts influence each other.

Ancients Chinese sages came to the conclusion that the polar forces must constantly interact with each other to give rise to changes in nature that give rise to life. Yin and yang, they are closely related to each other and represent a single phenomenon. As a result of the development of this idea, a new doctrine appeared called Taoism: two opposite sides of existence reveal concept of Tao, explain the changing nature of the world and the complementarity of all existing phenomena. There cannot be light without darkness, good without evil, white without black - both ideas have equal rights. Moreover, for harmonious development they must balance each other, otherwise violations are possible. So, according to this teaching, an imbalance of yin and yang can be the cause of diseases developing in the human body.

The meaning of yin and yang

The interaction of both principles is well represented in the famous Taoist symbol - a circle divided into two halves, black and white, with dots of opposite colors on each of them. These points mean that each force carries within itself the grain of another principle. Symmetry symbolizes the stability and balance of two forces, and - variability, lack of staticity, constant movement in a circle.

Each of the concepts corresponds to a whole set of opposite meanings. Yang is the masculine principle, it symbolizes activity, life, the fire element, dryness and warmth. Yang is an outward movement, it is space and expansion. Red and white colors, it corresponds to sour and bitter tastes. Summer is a manifestation of yang, all animals and grains are a product of this force.

Yin is the feminine principle, corresponding to coldness, passivity, softness and heaviness. Yin symbolizes compression, positioning inside, focusing on one’s own state, and not on environment. Therefore, introverts have a strong yin side, and extroverts have a strong yang side. Yin is described by the colors purple and black, it corresponds to sweet, spicy and salty tastes, as well as all

陰陽 In yō, in-yo) - the stage of initial cosmogenesis in the view of Chinese philosophy, the acquisition by the greatest separation of two opposing properties. Graphically indicated by the appearance of two opposites in two different colors- light and dark.


According to the famous Russian orientalist, Dr. historical sciences Alexei Maslov, yin-yang symbolism may have been borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries: “they were attracted by Buddhist drawn symbolism - and Taoism developed its own “mandala”: the famous black and white “fish” of yin and yang.”

Philosophical concept

Historical review

Five elements as a product of Yin and Yang

The interaction and struggle of these principles give rise to five elements (primary elements) - wu-sin: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, from which all the diversity of the material world arises - “ten thousand things” - wan wu, including humans. The five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water gives birth to wood, wood - fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - the earth, and the earth covers the water).

Yin and Yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The doctrine of yin And yang constitutes one of theoretical foundations traditional Chinese medicine. All phenomena of the surrounding world, including humans and nature, are interpreted by Chinese medicine as an interaction between two principles yin And yang, representing various aspects a single reality. [ ]

One example of the application of the yin-yang concept in Chinese medicine is the system of restrictions imposed on a woman who has recently given birth.

Similar concepts in other teachings

  • Purusha and Prakriti are fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Feminine and masculine principles.
  • Or and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah are two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and creation.

To better understand the meaning of the symbol, it is worth turning to the ancient “Book of Changes”. It was believed that a person who understood the meaning of this sign would understand the main law of struggle and unity, opposite principles. This law is still considered key in dialectical materialism.

In China, Yin-Yang was a symbol of one whole, in which opposites interact with each other and have powerful Qi energy, which constantly develops as a result of interaction. Taoism also talks about this. The Yin-Yang sign looks like a circle containing two components of different colors.

The components are separated by a wavy line, as if to say that one can become the other, and the dots (white inside black and black inside white) symbolize the perception of the world. Simply put, Yin looks at the world through the eyes of Yang, and Yang through the eyes of Yin.

This sign symbolizes opposites that are in constant interaction. It is impossible to accurately determine whether they are enemies or “friends,” but it can be unequivocally confirmed that without each other they are worth nothing.

History of origin

The Yin-Yang theory dates back to the 4th century BC. Similar ideas arose before this, but only in the 4th century they finally took shape in the short and succinct expression “unity of opposites.” Initially, the symbol imitated a mountain. Light falls on one side of the slope, while the other remains in shadow, but this will not last forever. One day the sun will cross to the other side and then the light will illuminate the shadowed slope. And the side of the mountain that was illuminated will plunge into the abyss of darkness.

Gradually, the symbol acquires other meanings, such as light and darkness, chaos and emptiness, white and black, sky and earth, etc. All these concepts are opposite in meaning, but if at least one of them disappeared, then the existence of the other would lose its meaning. If the light suddenly disappears, then darkness will become a common and familiar thing, it will not be considered as something negative, and all because no one will know about the existence of light. And if a person does not know what happens differently, he accepts reality as a given - undeniable and unique.

However, one should not attribute moral or ethical characteristics to the sign. Over the thousand-year history of its existence, Yin-Yang has been depicted exclusively as cosmogonic opposites. The symbol never touched upon the opposition of moral norms.

It is also worth noting that in the context of Neo-Confucianism, the meaning of Yin-Yang is considered as the movement of forces of cosmic energies, which lead to changes. It was a fundamental element in the creation of Chinese philosophy, and Yin-Yang was also used in developing the basis for medicine, art and science.

In China, this principle was initially based on physical understanding, gradually moving into the realm of metaphysical. However, in Japanese philosophical systems yet the physical method of understanding and applying this symbol has been preserved. In the religious concepts of 大本居 (oomoto-kyo), Yin and Yang are represented as water and fire.

The nature of the Yin-Yang phenomenon changed during development. At first, when talking about the sides of a mountain, “yin” meant “shadow” and “yang” meant “sunny”. Later, “yin” begins to be perceived as something gray, cold, mysterious, and therefore feminine, while “yang” - positive, warm, bright - is a masculine principle. One of the treatises said that “yin” also means peace, and “yang” means movement. Therefore, “yang” can give birth to any phenomenon, situation, reason, and “yin” will nurture it.

The concept of Yin and Yang is considered the basis of everything, and therefore even explains the nature of Tao, which is based on two main positions:

  • “Everything is in a state of flux.”
  • “Opposites attract and complement each other.”

Based on this, we can conclude that Taoism teaches a person to find harmony and balance between these two opposite positions– Yin and Yang. However, he will not be able to find the end point, because the end does not exist, even the above-mentioned symbol is depicted in the form of a circle, which means the cyclical nature of events.

Yin and Yang today

In the modern market, the fashion for everything oriental has long been strengthened. In every store you can find an amulet, keychain or amulet that depicts the Yin-Yang symbol. Almost no one attaches importance to this of great importance, however, such images have long been considered amulets that protect against all evil.

This symbol concentrates a continuous force that is constantly changing, through transformation from white to black, and vice versa. Therefore, having it with you, you can balance personal energies by suppressing the dominant energy and strengthening the weak. This will help a person become more harmonious, calm and confident, and his chances of improving his life situation will accordingly increase.

Feng Shui believes that if the directions in a house do not smoothly transition into each other, as indicated in the Yin-Yang sign, then stressful situations will begin to occur in a person’s life, which will entail destructive changes. The individual will not be able to achieve his goals, he will not be lucky in his endeavors and health problems will begin. In order for a house to be habitable, a lot of attention should be paid to the balance of Qi energies - Yin and Yang.

Even for building a house, it is recommended to choose a place that is harmonious in all respects. Perhaps someone believes that if you build a house where Yang, which is responsible for the dynamics of events, predominates, then he will have a happy and fulfilling life. But this is nothing more than prejudice, a person will not achieve anything, only life will begin to flow faster. Many people do not believe in the existence of a certain connection between symbol and events, but Lately All more people turn to specialists about this.

Today it is impossible to meet a person who has not seen the famous Chinese symbol at least once. Some believe that it symbolizes day and night, others are sure that it is an emblem of good and evil. It is not so important what significance is given to this sign, the main thing is that everyone agrees that Yin and Yang unite opposites in one whole.

The essence of yin yang

Chinese philosophy says that the symbol of dualism personifies the universe and reveals the secrets of the Universe. The light and dark half are perfectly enclosed smooth circle correct form, which is the symbol of infinity. It is with dark and light energy that everything is created in the Universe, everything interacts with each other, without this it is impossible to exist.

The magic symbol brings together in harmony two completely different elements of each being, the light and dark sides. It is considered the dark and light sides of the mountain. This sign is quite unusual, because it is not only divided into two opposite sides, but on each half there is a dot of the opposite color. This indicates that in each dark side there is a small part of something light and vice versa. Even the best things do not exclude dark spots.

Other yin yang symbols

This symbol shows not only the dark and light sides. he represents opposites. Some believe that the symbol shows a woman and a man who, when united together, become part of a single whole. Yang is considered hot and strong, capable of destroying everything in its path. Yin, in turn, shows coldness and creativity.

The ancient sages were sure that yin-yang energy comes to a person with food. That is why nutrition should be harmonious. They convinced that the balance of energy comes precisely with food, everything is based on this. You should know that yin represents cold and liquid, sweet and soft. Yang includes everything that is bitter, salty, hard and irritating.

It is imperative to always maintain balance, because if you eat incorrectly, then soon a person will have health problems. It is imperative to eat food from the yang and yin groups.

Philosophers in China convince that as soon as a person learns to maintain a balance between energies and brings them to harmony, he will be able to comprehend the secrets of the Universe and understand his purpose. However, to achieve such results you will have to constantly work on yourself, quite possibly for many years.

Yin and yang are opposites that are always in conflict with each other. This may represent the struggle between evil and good. Every day one of the parties outweighs the other, and this continues endlessly. Only in this case can a person achieve harmony with himself.

Energy concept

The energies of yin and yang allow the dominant elements in the Universe to exist. These are metal, earth, wood, fire and water. These elements are decisive in the natural elements, which personify the beginning of life and death. The opposites of life and death are unable to exist with each other.

Doctors even convince that a person will become truly healthy when he finds harmony and exists in it. The symbols support each other and are considered mutually substitutive. Despite the fact that the parties occupy dominant positions, they never disappear completely.

Taoists said that in life everything is constantly changing and does not stand in one place. The elements of yin and yang complement each other, because light cannot exist without dark and vice versa.

Meaning of yin yang

Yin is a symbol of the feminine principle, and yang represents the masculine principle. If you perceive the symbol as a single whole, then you get Tao. This energy contributes creative development and processes. Tao is considered mystical power, some teachings perceive her as the mother of the entire cosmos, who is capable of keeping the entire Universe under control.

There are two energies present in every person. Regardless of gender, every woman has elements of the masculine, and every man has something feminine. It should be noted that the personification of yin is a woman, so she must keep the hearth, raise offspring, and be a person who can give life. Yang is a man, a breadwinner. When two energies interact with each other, they are in harmony, creating a fulfilling life together.

It should be remembered that in every personality there are two energies. To be in harmony with yourself, you need to constantly keep these energies in balance.

In a woman, masculine qualities should not be predominant and vice versa. This is necessary for normal human existence and health. When something different happens, a person begins to get sick, because all this affects the internal organs.

It turns out that yin yang symbolizes balance and interpenetration. In the Universe, it symbolizes opposites, but this does not mean hostility at all. The Chinese claim that everything in the Universe consists of positive and negative, and when mixed, qi energy is formed.
In Feng Shui, yin symbolizes the dragon, and yang symbolizes the tiger. They are convinced that everything that exists in the Universe has its opposite.

Teaser network

In its pure form, there are no separate yin and yang energies in the Universe. If yin exists, then yang necessarily exists in it. If yang predominates and is at its peak, then there is sure to be a little yin in it.

If one of the energies is lacking, a person begins to get sick, nothing in his life works out, so it is imperative to bring the energies into harmony. It is imperative to ensure a balance between energies, especially in those places where a person visits most often. This could be a bedroom, a living room, or the entire home. When energies unite, Tao is formed, a person connects with the Universe and begins to interact with it.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang amulet

Yin-Yang as an amulet allows a person to be fed with energies and is able to provide reliable protection from negative impact, protects from everything bad. This talisman has enormous power; it was often used in ancient times, people believed in its magical abilities.

However, you should definitely customize the talisman for its owner. A person must clearly understand that there are two main energies that are opposite, and try to keep them in balance. If he succeeds, he achieves great success in life. As long as the energies form a single whole, they are inextricably linked.

Achieving Harmony

Yin and yang show that nothing ideal exists in the Universe, so it is worth achieving the harmonious existence of energies with each other. Harmony can be expressed in relationships, behavior, communication, only then can a person comprehend the secrets of the Universe and understand why he appeared on this earth and what his purpose is.

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