In all areas of life and... How to achieve harmonious development in all areas of life

The topic of choosing a priority, when you consciously focus on one thing for a long time, is so acute that it cuts even those who barely touch it

The topic of choosing a priority, when you consciously focus on one thing for a long time, is so acute that it cuts even those who barely touch it. Meanwhile, making conscious changes without such a choice is almost impossible, especially if you are no longer 20 years old and the results of your current beliefs require complete reworking. Essentially, you need to learn to “walk” again.

From a computer screen, information is perceived even more or less tolerantly; the mind can deftly ignore painful facts in the text, but on programs this is felt much more clearly. When, for example, at the culmination of a marathon it comes to the essence of focus - the need to devote most of your attention to one task, the development of one area - the body, business or relationships - tension appears. How can you choose from such important aspects?

  • Body or business?
  • Business or relationship?
  • Relationships or body?

How can one even pose the question from such an angle? Isn't the point about balancing all aspects of life?

This is a well-selling position, which is so often speculated on by various authors. I am also for development in all areas of life, but how is this done practically, without pink bows on the training box? What's behind the stories of people who actually live at high speeds?

I have already told you how it happened for me. I chronically tried to do “everything at once”: in one fell swoop, solve all my issues from developing a favorite business and getting in shape to being surrounded by like-minded people, until I realized that this story has been going on for many years, and the state of things has not changed much ( decorations don't count). It’s fair to note that by what I love, I have always understood exactly what I love, and by like-minded people—precisely such people, having previously defined these concepts for myself. That is, it was about the maximum realization of one’s potential, which does not tolerate half measures. With compromises, of course, it is much easier to put together the puzzle of your own life, but will the pattern suit you?

Year after year I repeated the same mistake, without realizing it at all - I tried to take in everything at once. I couldn’t even admit for a moment that I would give up something for the sake of one single goal. But, thank God, my blindness turned out to be not eternal. The realization that I had already spent about 7 years in these attempts, and all the key issues were both unresolved and remained - one day there was a knock on my door, opening my eyes that all this time I had been holding on with a nervous grip on something that I didn’t even have .

Salvation came to me with the simple word “priority.”

Setting priorities and following them is the key to creating conscious changes in your life and moving forward along the path of personal choice. You cannot do everything at once, but you are absolutely able to do everything, but gradually.

My choice was given to the case, according to the principle - start with what is closest to you at the moment.

Not with what you want most and not with what your relatives or friends tell you - start with what’s closest. It's more efficient. Learn to make conscious changes in one area first, and the rest will become tolerably accustomed to this skill.

It sounds complicated, but it’s scary to try it on from your own experience.

  • Is it possible to work in two areas at the same time?
  • What if all three at once?
  • How to choose?
  • How long should you focus on one thing?

When I'm asked these questions directly, I can't insist on just one priority, and I'll never tell a person to his face that if he doesn't focus on one problem now, he won't solve it. I can write in the material, but I can say no. This is my position. Therefore, in conversations, I will always support any voiced choice. But for the conscious reader, I will again propose an experiment.

Take 4 apples. Medium size, easy to hold.

Hold it? Great.

Now juggle them so that none of them fall to the floor. Moreover, juggle beautifully, high, skillfully. Putting my whole soul into this process. We are here for maximum implementation, right?

It’s hard to deny the fact that there are people who can easily and masterfully juggle four apples, but what’s more, they can even handle ten. That is, it is possible. And if it’s possible, then you can too. Or?

Juggle. Right now. Without dropping a single one.

Watching how someone deftly operates in all areas of their life and trying to immediately repeat this from their own experience is a utopia, especially if your life requires major repairs, including pouring a new foundation. Learn to first consciously develop one area - be it business, body or relationships, and then, having become a little stronger in the process of conscious life creation, add new “apples”.

To learn how to juggle four apples, you first need to learn how to correctly catch one, then add a second one to it, and so on, and after mastering the basics, each subsequent apple becomes easier and easier to add.

Take one ball in your hand and throw it from one hand to the other. The height of the throw is slightly above eye level. Throws and catches are made at different points. Throws are closer to the middle of the body, catches are from the outside. After catching, the hand makes a semi-circular movement and makes a throw. This exercise is simple but very important as it lays the foundation for juggling. Practice until you are confident in throwing and catching the ball.

"How to learn to juggle"

Difficult? No. Easily? Also no.

Even just throwing a ball from hand to hand requires some effort and concentration, so why does anyone else think that they can “go with the flow” to develop their lives?

How to become a virtuoso juggler of your own life and develop to the maximum in all areas?

0. Who is the juggler?

I would like to say that it is you. But not really. It is you who are Conscious. Capable of taking life into his own hands and twisting any of its aspects at his own discretion. You need to grow into a juggler.

There are four main areas: soul, body, business and relationships. So, the state of a juggler is your contact with yourself, with the sphere called “soul”. This is the foundation, without which any transformations are meaningless, as they will crumble to smithereens at the very first bump. Without accepting the present moment and without full responsibility for everything that happens, prioritization essentially does not matter.

What is acceptance of the present moment?

This is, first of all, a refusal to whine: what you planted grows. It's absurd to complain here. It is also the ability to see the good now and concentrate on it. Not as a blind optimist, because “it’s necessary,” but as a reasonable juggler, to whom ripe apples are dearer than rotten ones, and who understands perfectly well that what he picks up (what he concentrates on) will determine what “spins.” "in his life.

1. Learn to juggle one area first

The very same choice of priority that will save many smart people from being labeled "promising" for life.

You either realized your abilities or you didn’t. It doesn't matter that you have them.

Choose the area of ​​life that is closest to you during this period and take it to a new level. Do what you dreamed of. Moreover, do it beautifully, high, skillfully. Put the process on a new track, which will later need to be maintained, but for now it requires all your attention for fruitful construction. Finally, give yourself over to something completely. Set a goal, set a deadline, move forward.

Ideally, you give about 80 percent of your attention to priority and only 20 percent of your time and effort goes to everything else. This arrangement allows you to lay a track in the shortest possible time - from six months to a year for version 1.0

2. Add new areas while continuing to “keep” the old ones. Apples shouldn't fall

And now you are already quite tolerably “twisting” one area, when should you move on to the next and how?

There is no question that you will reach some conventional “end” in the development of the first sphere, after which you can finally switch. This process does not imply any “stops” or “finals”. You just feel that you have done enough and have taken the process to the next stage in accordance with your goals.

Don’t wait for a definite moment when it is clear that the time has come to add new areas, and, even more so, for confident internal readiness. This will not happen.

It’s just that at some point you need to understand very clearly to yourself - are you a juggler with always one apple or are you still a virtuoso of your life?

And move on to the next stage - adding goals in other areas of life, taking into account that the previous processes remain in force. I talked about this transition in detail here.

Apples shouldn't fall. But they will fall at the initial stage. You have to survive this while continuing to develop your skill.

Juggling training- this is not a story about the fact that, having filled your hand with one apple, you put it aside and take another, that is, after one sphere, you abruptly switch to another, because it also needs a lot of attention. No. This is where the same work begins in all areas of life - adding new elements to an existing process and continuing your conscious play with them.

A little about concentration from Pavel Durov:

The ability to concentrate for many hours on one lesson is a skill that is increasingly rare in our mobile-online era. But it is precisely this skill that is necessary for an intellectual, creative or spiritual breakthrough. The future belongs to those who develop immunity to technological attention traps and maintain the ability to concentrate for long periods of time.

3. Apparent ease, known as virtuosity, comes only after hard training.

“If what you do doesn’t come easy to you, don’t do it,” is another highly monetized piece of advice that is being actively promoted.

Indeed, a professional juggler easily throws balls, a confident tightrope walker walks along a rope without tension, and an experienced snowboarder flies on trampolines as if it were as natural as running.

Virtuosity is the feeling of ease with maximum concentration that comes with mastery.

But was it easy for these people from the very beginning when they learned to “twist their first apple”? And who would they become if they listened to such advice? Or rather, who would they be?

Forever hopeful...

The ability to develop in yourself the vision that there is no difference between this snowboarder and any area of ​​your life, that all existence is woven from the same fabric and obeys the same laws, and all the people around are nothing more than an extension of each other - this is the first a step towards becoming an inner juggler, capable of maintaining balance in the development of all areas of life. And this is much more exciting and productive than endless fussing with the inner child.

In this article we will look at knowledge of which will help us act consciously and achieve results and success. In fact, this is a model of our life.

Conventionally, our life can be divided into eight spheres, each of which harmoniously fits into the overall picture.

The first area is health. Without good health, a person is capable of little. Unfortunately, few people pay enough attention to health. Healthy people are perceived by others as more successful. A person can make plans, choose promising and interesting directions, but there is neither strength nor energy for implementation. Therefore, you need to be in shape, you need to be healthy. This area includes not only general well-being and the presence of diseases, but also much more: how and what we eat, what kind of sports we do, what bad habits we have.

The second area is business, career, work. To build a business and career you need to recognize who you are or want to become and build your business around it. Some people believe that the ideal option is to work a little and get a lot. This is not the right approach from the start. Work should not only generate income, but also develop personality. It's important to look forward!

The third area is money and finance. In this regard, people are divided into categories:

  • Working for someone (the person receives a salary, but most of it goes to the employer)
  • Self-employed (doctors, lawyers, who receive exactly what they earn)
  • Business owners (use income-generating mechanisms)
  • Investors (money works for you slowly but surely).

In some of the designated categories there is no opportunity to increase your income, and some are aimed at unlimited profit, which depends on entrepreneurship, creativity and other skills.

The fourth area is education and personal growth. A person must constantly learn - this is the need of the time. New branches of knowledge and new directions of business are emerging. Try doing different things to make life interesting and fulfilling.

The fifth sphere is the environment. These are relatives, friends, colleagues - people with whom we interact. Our environment greatly influences us. A person himself will have a long and difficult journey towards something if there are no mentors around him. It's important to look for people who have achieved much of what you yourself want to achieve. By communicating with them, you can move forward more confidently.

The sixth area is personal relationships. They are alone with their parents, others with their loved ones, others with colleagues. To build a harmonious relationship, you need to know how it's done. In a relationship, it is important how you position yourself, what manners you have - whether you know how to say something nice to your partner and praise him.

The seventh sphere is the inner world, spirituality. A person decides for himself what his inner world is. Try, experiment, listen to the sensations. The wealth of the inner world is measured not by money, not by the degree of success. This is the integrity of your personality.

The eighth sphere is emotions. This is the color of life, the degree of its brightness. The more emotions you experience, the more fully you live. The more emotional you are, the more you attract others. The wider the range of emotions, the brighter and richer life.

We have briefly outlined the main areas of a person’s life that shape our lifestyle and help us feel successful.

Now let's take a sheet of paper, draw a circle and divide it into eight equal parts. Each part represents a specific area of ​​life: health, friends, relationships, career and business, finances, spirituality, personal growth, brightness of life - everything that we discussed above. Rate each area on a ten-point scale. Near each sector, put the appropriate mark and paint the sector from the center in proportion to the assigned rating.

Don’t be lazy, this way we will evaluate the main areas of life, I have already done this. After all, when everything is stable, it is difficult to take a leap forward. It is necessary to improve the lagging areas of life, because they influence each other. The wheel of our life cannot roll if it is of the wrong shape.

If you find failures in some areas, they should definitely be eliminated. Plan how you will improve the areas that are lagging behind, write down specific actions that you will take to improve the situation. You will get great pleasure from life – when the wheel starts to spin! You yourself create a model of life and improve it! All in your hands!

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Hello, my dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about success and harmony in our lives. After all, we all want to be happy, to live a full, rich, exciting life, not to know about grief and illness. In fact, all this is real, you just need to take up and do everything possible so that the spheres of a person’s life always interact harmoniously with each other and develop simultaneously.

Our whole life is divided into several parts - spheres. Each of which is responsible for a specific area. When I was looking for information on this topic, reading books and articles, I was a little confused. Each source contained different information, a different number of areas of life. But then it dawned on me that, in principle, a person himself can determine the parts of the balance wheel, which we will talk about in the following articles. For one person, relaxation and hobbies are the same thing, for another they are completely different states. But, nevertheless, there are obvious areas that must develop harmoniously, for example, health, career, self-development.

The main areas of human life

I will share my vision, but nothing prevents you from highlighting your areas that, in your opinion, play an important role in life.

So, there are such areas of life as:

  1. health and sports
  2. home, environment
  3. career and finance
  4. self-development
  5. relationship
  6. rest, entertainment
  7. inner world

For you, they may have a slightly different look, for example, you can include travel, family, separate career from finance, add emotions and brightness to life. Because you know yourself, no one can know. Dig into yourself, write down desires, goals, dreams and create your own areas of your life.

The mistake of many people is that they develop only a few areas, or even one, for example, a career, forgetting about their health, leisure, children and wife. This creates an imbalance in human energy. Over time, this affects everyone around him, and his inner world suffers. This happens unnoticed, gradually. For example, a man is a careerist, he earned money all his life, worked day and night, tried to be financially independent, but after some time his strength dried up, because he did not care about his health at all and forgot what rest was, his wife took a lover, because he did not devote time to her, the children have grown up and cannot even remember the happy moments spent with their father. It's a sad picture, isn't it? I think no one would want to be in this situation

This happened for one reason, the illiterate use of one’s own and the definition of the main areas of life. Remember, if you want to be happy, you need to develop in all directions, no matter how much you want. Let you be more active in some places, more passive in others, but you owe it to yourself to allocate a certain amount of time for everything else.

Let's now look at all the areas separately, what they include and what they are responsible for.

Health and sports

Physical and mental health are the foundation of everything we have. If we don't have energy, we won't achieve anything in this life. The ability to move, do something, eat and drink is given to us by nature, but we must use all this correctly. , regular exercise is an endless source of health and longevity. Alcohol and smoking have ruined many good people who could have become leaders and achieved success and prosperity.

Home and surrounding space

I pay special attention to this area, although some do not attach importance to it. Why? I don’t even suspect it, I probably don’t think it’s that important. But I think completely differently. The house and its atmosphere greatly influence the internal state of a person, one might even say it inspires and relaxes at the same time. Being competent can free up a huge amount of time to solve other problems, especially for women who spend the most time in this area.

Career and finance

To be successful in your career, self-realization, and to become financially independent is the goal and dream of many of us. This is a very important area of ​​life, although many deny it and claim that money does not buy happiness. I agree, you can find happiness in the little things, but it doesn't last long. In the era of television and modern technology, we cannot want the minimum for ourselves. Having seen a film about nature, we have a dream of visiting this place; having seen a beautiful house with a swimming pool, we will certainly want to have the same one. This becomes a goal, and in order for it to come true, you need money, and money can be obtained with a successful career.


This area often remains undervalued and untapped. In this concept I include reading books, studying, taking trainings, master classes, acquiring skills, changing oneself, giving up bad habits. That is, everything that is aimed at improving oneself and achieving one’s goals, striving to get closer to one’s dreams.


The ability to communicate, to build good relationships with loved ones, to communicate with colleagues and friends - all this relates to this area of ​​​​life. Our society does not tolerate rude people and impudent people. Our family wants to have constant contact between all family members. Everyone loves honest, fair and worthy people. It is very difficult to become this way, but you need to strive for it. One of the human needs is communication, conversation, dialogue.

Recreation and entertainment

The name of this area of ​​life speaks for itself. The ability to properly plan your vacation, relax and have fun is very important. You need to forget yourself, distract yourself from problems and think about yourself regularly. Everyone has their own concept of relaxation and entertainment. For some, relaxing means engaging in your favorite hobby, for others, soaking up the sun, for others, traveling to unusual places on our planet. Choose an activity that brings you pleasure.

Inner world

And the last area I would like to talk about is the inner world. It plays a huge role in setting our goals and objectives. This can safely include emotions, resistance to stress, motivation, and spiritual life.

In order to evaluate our life in all its spheres, set correct goals and objectives, correct mistakes and achieve harmony, it is necessary to create a life balance wheel, but read about how to do this in the following articles.

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In the comments, do not forget to write about your spheres and areas of life. And yet, all of them mean nothing without each other, their connection is equal to the harmony of life. Do not forget about it. They cannot coexist separately; they are one whole – our life.

See you soon! Bye bye!

Areas of life are like rooms in a house. Is it possible to give up the kitchen? And from the restroom? How convenient it will be if you remove all the walls in the apartment. The areas of life are separate, but equally important. Maintaining a balance between them sometimes turns into an unattainable ideal. There are simple recommendations that will help develop all areas of life.

What is the sphere of life?

The sphere of life is a certain part of it, represented by a set of similar goals and social connections. Different sources highlight different amounts of them. They are closely interrelated, but most people prefer to separate them. This is advisable, since there are difficulties in determining priorities and concentrating on several areas of life at the same time.

For example, there is an opinion that a person first needs to get a higher education and build a career, and only then pay attention to his family. This style of behavior is instilled by parents or society. But this does not mean that you cannot simultaneously create strong relationships and achieve career heights. The main thing is to set boundaries and allocate time correctly.

Main areas of human life

Personal and spiritual growth

The inner world of a person is a rich range of emotions, feelings, fears, thoughts. Without being able to understand oneself, without loving oneself, a person will never be able to establish relationships with others and achieve other goals. Problems in this industry lead to reclusiveness, addiction to bad habits, TV, and the Internet.

This sphere shows:

  • how a person is seen by others;
  • does he know how to demonstrate himself correctly;
  • does he have leadership abilities?
  • what is his self-esteem?

Some authors separate spiritual and personal growth. The first involves the “education” of moral and emotional qualities. They help to react correctly to failures and assess what a person is willing to do to achieve success. The second concerns the sphere of creativity, business, and communication skills.

Friends and leisure

This is an area of ​​interest. This includes everything that falls under the definition of “hobby”. This word often confuses people, because the modern rhythm of life often does not leave time for themselves and their interests, so they limit themselves to watching TV shows and sleeping. This turns life into Groundhog Day.

This area shows:

  • sociability and openness of a person (introvert, extrovert);
  • How broad is your outlook?
  • how a person positions himself in society;
  • interests.

It is not necessary to have many friends or interests, just a few truly close and loved ones are enough.

Career and finance

This is one of the most important areas of life. A person devotes a lot of time to her, often putting her above others. This is not just about making money, but about gaining respect among colleagues and demonstrating leadership qualities.

In this area you can understand:

  • human ambitions;
  • his attitude towards money;
  • motivation;
  • activity;
  • the ability to build healthy relationships.

Lack of money causes stress. Failures at work prevent you from starting a family. For a man, this means that he will not be able to support his wife and children. A woman, on the contrary, can compensate for career failures by trying to completely immerse herself in a relationship, but in this way she puts herself in a dependent position.

Doing something you don't like turns into a routine. A person becomes unhappy, which leads him to compensate through other areas of life. But often the inability to achieve success in a career harms the area of ​​personal growth and interferes with building relationships due to self-doubt.

Health and active lifestyle

An important area that is often remembered when failures occur in it. It is more advisable to take care of your health constantly. This also includes self-care and exercise. Doctors advise undergoing an examination once a year to assess the general condition of the body and identify diseases at an early stage. But people rarely resort to this.

In this area you can understand:

  • how much a person cares about himself;
  • active and easy-going;
  • is there a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, is it turning into a cult.

Recently, there has been a boom in healthy lifestyles in the world. The number of vegans has increased, and the value of exercise is promoted. This is wonderful! But often the desire to lead is motivated by the desire to “be like everyone else” or to be fashionable. This approach saves the body, but has a detrimental effect on personal growth, as it kills individuality and makes self-esteem dependent on the opinions of others.

Family and relationships

This sphere can be divided into two parts: a person’s existing family, in which he grew up, and the relationships that he will build to create his own new unit of society. Relationships with parents determine the behavior of a person with the opposite sex.

The need to create a family should be individual, and not inspired by society. Often the desire to get married is based on the fact that “it’s time”, “all my friends have been married for a long time.” Fear of loneliness can also be triggered. These are the wrong motivators, which more often lead to unhappy family life and divorce. Happy relationships are built solely on a mutual desire to be together; third parties should not interfere in them.

In this area you can determine:

  • person's character;
  • leadership qualities, ability to take responsibility;
  • personality maturity;
  • the ability to find balance between different areas of life.

This last point is very important, since many sacrifice relationships for the sake of a career, are too absorbed in personal growth, or prefer to spend more time with friends. When it is a conscious choice, there is nothing wrong with it, but the reasons may be psychological.

Development of spheres of life

The importance of the main areas of life

All areas of a person's life are important. A person who has problems with personal growth will not be able to achieve success at work and in his personal life, and will most likely experience problems with psychological health. A careerist and workaholic will put his family on a financial pedestal, will face overwork, and difficulties communicating with friends outside his field of activity.

People who have given themselves up to their family and abandoned their careers may, over time, remember their spouses what they sacrificed for them, feel dissatisfied about this and destroy the marriage. Each sphere is a piece of life. You can't sacrifice any of them.

Achieving Harmony

Change begins with changing yourself. Sometimes a person is unable to improve this area on his own, so he turns to psychologists. The development of a harmonious personality involves:

  • getting rid of prohibitions, restrictions, false beliefs;
  • destruction of stereotypes;
  • understanding desires and setting goals;
  • development of strengths and talents;
  • search and disclosure of “dormant” abilities;
  • training in generosity, determination, honesty.

In practice, this looks like signing up for foreign language courses, dance lessons, or helping at an animal shelter. Listening to affirmations, meditation, and playing sports helps. Personal growth will help in building a career, spiritual growth is a direct path to building harmonious relationships and family.

New acquaintances and ways to expand interests

To develop this area, you need to devote time to your favorite activity at least once a week. It is better if it is held outside the home so that there is contact with like-minded people. Time with friends is priceless, it's worth engaging them in your interests or adopting what they do. It would be nice to try new things together. Attend trainings and courses, master classes and exhibitions. You can go to new establishments that are opening in the city.

What matters is what kind of people surround a person. You should stay away from pessimists who constantly complain about life. It's contagious, just like optimism. Therefore, it is better to be charged with positivity and get inspired.

(Money can not buy happiness

As much as I would like to say, money is not the main thing, but much in life depends on its availability. Buying clothes, housing, food, daily spending on entertainment - often the quality of life is assessed precisely by money.

If funds are not enough, you can look for additional sources or change jobs. The same applies to cases when the existing place is not morally satisfactory. If it is not yet possible to change jobs, you can try to improve the microclimate: make friends with colleagues, furnish the workplace in your own way (if this is allowed or appropriate).

For example, change the screensaver on your computer to a more pleasant one, put a photo with your family or friends on your desktop. Don't be afraid to look for a new job, take initiative, or ask for a raise if you think it's warranted.

A healthy body is a happy soul

Taking time to stay healthy is important. Even if you don’t want to undergo examinations, you can adjust your life so that everything is in order in this area. You can do this in several ways:

  • going to a fitness club or jogging on your own;
  • proper nutrition;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • attention to the body (fighting excess weight, maintaining posture, optimal distance from the eyes to the monitor, etc.);
  • visiting health and relaxation treatments (massage, spa, aromatherapy, sauna)

A beautiful and healthy body will inspire and delight.

Relationships are like living organisms

Development in this area of ​​life concerns both the search for a new partner and the establishment of relationships with an existing one. In both cases it is important:

  • look for common ground with a partner, common interests;
  • lead a social life (this will help single people find a couple, and family men develop other areas of life);
  • be able to listen and share;
  • understand your role in the relationship, perform only it, without taking on the responsibilities of your partner;
  • periodically share goals to understand whether they coincide.

A person finds time for everything he wants. If the lack of relationships leads to a feeling of unhappiness, you should think about what areas interfere with their construction and correct the imbalance.

A happy person is the one whose spheres of life are full, and there is no feeling of lack in emotions, love, money, health. Periodically, you need to conduct self-diagnosis, identify distortions and listen to your inner voice, which will tell you where you need to invest more and where you are going too far.

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

Find a piece of paper (preferably larger, at least A4) and draw a large circle on it. Divide it into 8 equal sectors. Each sector is one of the areas of your multifaceted life. Title each of them: 1. Health and sports 2. Vibrancy of life, emotions 3. Relationships (personal life and family)4. Friends and environment 5. Business/career 6. Money 7. Development (personal growth)8. Spirituality and creativity. You can define the areas of your life a little differently (or draw something like in the picture). The main thing is that they are all marked on the wheel.

Step 2

We evaluate each area of ​​our life, that is, satisfaction specifically in this area. We give points from 1 to 10. For clarity, we paint over in each sector a part proportional to the rating given. Most likely, your wheel “sags” in some places, and in some places, on the contrary, it protrudes forward. The fact is that our satisfaction with life depends on the “roundness” of this wheel, that is, the uniformity of development of the spheres of life.

Step 3

Next, we think about what needs to happen for each area to be rated 10 points. We write this down opposite each sector. It is also necessary to prescribe the actions that we should take for this. Moreover, it may be that in order to improve one area, you need to take action in another. Example: increase your income (finance) - you need to take care of your career or business - you need to go to a special seminar (development). After all, all areas of our lives are interconnected!

Step 4

Take action! We must begin to act in the most sagging area of ​​life. Then in a less sagging one and so on. After all, a person (and his satisfaction with life) develops at the pace of development of the weakest sphere of life.

  • Important! Write a list of 3 actions to improve “weak” areas. Complete them as soon as possible (no later than 2 days). If you don’t do this within this period of time, most likely you will never do it again.