Comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin. The story "The Captain's Daughter". What do Grinev and Shvabrin have in common? Comparative characteristics

The main characters of the work by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"are two completely opposite human qualities officers Grinev and Shvabrin. Despite the fact that both young men came from a noble family, in which, as is known, high values ​​and morals were instilled from childhood, one was honest and noble, and the other was cunning and agile.

Shvabrin appears in the work as negative hero ends up serving in the Belogorsk fortress due to committing a murder. During his service, when Pugachev’s uprising began, he, without thinking twice and completely not caring about his duty, joined his ranks. He also doesn't care about the feelings of the people around him. By the will of his love for Maria Mironova, not paying attention to the fact that the feelings are not mutual, he decides to force the girl to be with him. He acts treacherously towards his friend, plotting conspiracies and pretenses against him.

Grinev is the completely opposite side of Shvabrin. He, of his own free will, went to serve in a fortress remote from the city, listening and obeying his father in everything. He feels incredible devotion and reverence for his parents. He also strictly follows the instructions he received, which states that honor must be protected from a young age. During Pugachev’s uprising, without fearing for his life, Grinev makes it clear that there is no reason for it, he will not join his ranks, since he swore an oath to the empress and will faithfully serve only her.

Pushkin in this work makes it clear to the reader that people like Shvabrin are followed only by devastation, which will certainly lead to the collapse of his family, as well as the entire country. And Grinev is a stronghold in building a healthy and developing society with high moral values ​​and attitudes that are guaranteed to lead to a happy and carefree future.

Comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin

Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are the heroes of the story “The Captain's Daughter”.

These two young men are from wealthy families. They are officers and both are in love with captain's daughter Waving to Mironov.

Pyotr Grinev entered service in the Belogorsk fortress at the request of his father. Alexey Shvabrin was transferred to the fortress for murder. During a sword duel, he stabbed one lieutenant.

Pyotr Grinev sincerely loves Masha Mironova and she reciprocates his feelings. He is ready to take decisive and courageous actions for her sake.

Alexey Shvabrin, having not achieved the girl’s favor and having received a refusal from her, behaves extremely unworthily. He speaks negatively about Masha’s family, allows himself to mock the girl and spreads bad rumors about her.

Petr Grinev quarrels with Shvabrin because of his misbehavior in relation to Masha. Wanting to defend the girl’s honor, Peter fights Shvabrin in a duel. Turning for a moment at the shout of his servant, he receives an insidious blow in the back from Shvabrin.

They understand their duty to their homeland differently. When the fortress was stormed by Emelyan Pugachev’s gang, Peter was ready to fight to the last. He behaved bravely and was not afraid to tell Pugachev the truth to his face.

Shvabrin, on the contrary, without hesitation went over to the side of the villains. He fawned and groveled before Pugachev.

When Shvabrina is appointed commandant of the fortress. He, being a vile man, uses his new position. He treats Masha Mironova cruelly, keeps her locked up and forces her to marry him.

Pyotr Grinev learns about this from Masha’s letter and immediately sets off to rescue the girl from Shvabrin’s captivity. Thanks to his frankness and courage, he earns Pugachev's favor and respect.

Peter is a generous and brave man. Throughout the story, he fights with dignity and selflessly for his rights and for his love.

Shvabrin is deceitful and hypocritical, he is ready to secretly strike and betray his comrades. He repeatedly tried to annoy Peter and wrote denunciations against him.

Both of them were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy with Pugachev. Shvabrin behaved extremely dishonestly here too; he tried to slander Peter. As a result, Grinev is acquitted and released. His beloved Masha helps him in this. He will marry her. Shvabrin remains in custody.

A.S. Pushkin, using the example of these two young and wealthy guys, managed to show how different people can be.

Option 3

These two officers are complete opposites in their human qualities. Both come from a family of nobles, so there is no doubt about their upbringing. But the differences begin where it ends.

Shvabrin plays a negative role. He is in service in the Belgorod fortress. He is sent there because he commits murder. When Emelyan Pugachev's uprising begins, he supports the rebel without any doubt. Since his main qualities are cunning and deceit, he does not care about moral duty at all. There is nothing to say about the feelings of the people around him. His beloved Maria Mironova does not reciprocate his feelings and he decides to take her by force. But since it doesn’t look the way it should look to an officer, it’s not difficult to predict his actions. Conspiracies and pretense in relation to his friend, who has a better chance of marrying Maria, do not take long to come!

Grinev is the complete opposite of him. His decision to go to this fortress was guided by duty to the fatherland, and not by various tricks or crimes. He obeys and obeys his father and therefore he considers him good son. All instructions received before leaving are followed impeccably. Protecting his honor from a young age, Grinev wants to become a good officer and commander. And since the oath is not an empty phrase for him, then during an uprising he begins to act like a loyal warrior of the empress. Why does Maria choose honest man? To understand, it’s worth taking a closer look at both of them.

Peter does not want to commit meanness, but on the contrary wants to prove his love through actions. Therefore, he dares to take various actions that distinguish him favorably from the general background. Then, after receiving a refusal, Alexey Shvabrin begins to speak extremely negatively about the young lady herself. Moreover, he secretly starts negative rumors that affect the girl’s reputation. Because of this, a quarrel between two young people begins. But the girl’s honor is not an empty phrase for Peter, and he schedules a duel after all the circumstances are clarified. But fate is not on your side decent people. Turning away for a moment, Grinev expects a blow in the back, which turns out to be decisive in this confrontation. The duel ends with Alexei's victory.

After the siege began, it was with the support of Shvabrin that Pugachev took the fortress into his own hands. By appointing him in charge, he actually frees his hands. And since he also grovels in every possible way, no proof of loyalty is required. Maria falls into a kind of captivity, which fetters her actions. Alexey begins to force her to marry him. When Grinev learns about this in a letter, he immediately rushes to the girl’s rescue. This evokes respect not only from her, but also from the rebel himself.

Even from these words, one can understand that Pyotr Grinev is driven by decency, honor, courage and dedication. Then, like Alexey Shvabrin, he is driven by lies, hypocrisy and backstabbing. And repeated denunciations only confirm that such people are simply not needed even in the ranks of those who decide to go against the crown and the state.

The main characters of Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” are Grinev and Shvabrin, whose comparative characteristics are the topic of this essay. By introducing the reader to these characters, the classic conveys to us a very important idea. This became the main idea of ​​his work.

Both Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are nobles and officers. Each of them received a good education for those times. They have similar interests: poetry, painting, etc. They are about the same age.

The characters met in Belogorsk fortress, where Grinev’s father deliberately sent him, wanting his son to be hardened away from hothouse-metropolitan conditions. But Shvabrin ended up here, one might say, because of the crime he committed. This is exactly what the punishment for a duel with a fatal outcome turned out to be.

At first, the reader does not see much difference between the young officers. But as events develop, more and more new details appear. So, it becomes very unpleasant when Shvabrin ridicules Grinev, who trusted him and read his poems. They were dedicated to the daughter of the chief of the fortress, Masha Mironova, with whom Peter fell madly in love.

Later it turns out that Alexey is also not indifferent to Maria. But this does not justify his vulgar words and groundless criticism of poetry. And the fact that he allows himself to spread dirty rumors about a girl, and then sits down at the table with her parents as if nothing had happened, is absolutely disgusting.

Trying to take revenge on his beloved for choosing someone else, Shvabrin falls lower and lower. As a result, Grinev challenges him to a duel. And Alexey, taking advantage of the fact that Peter was distracted, meanly wounds him. But these people were once friends!

But the true essence of Alexei Shvabrin is revealed during the siege of the fortress by Pugachev’s rebels. Captain Mironov dies, the officers end up in the hands of robbers. They have a choice: die or go over to the side of the enemy. And Shvabrin chooses the second.

Grinev is ready to die. He refuses to cooperate with Pugachev, but he spares him, showing respect for the officer’s courage and expressing gratitude for what he once did good deed. In the end, Peter is doing well. He saves Masha from a trap organized by Shvabrin, and the young people prepare for the wedding. But Alexey was court-martialed and shot.

Fate put everything in its place. And Pushkin conveyed the following idea to his readers: meanness, vileness, cowardice and betrayal must be condemned. And honesty, kindness, courage, sincerity and devotion will live on. These are the qualities, according to the author, that Russian officers and people in general should have!

Everything mixed up in historical novel Alexandra Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” – honesty, nobility, betrayal, meanness, love. And the Pugachev rebellion, which formed the basis of the work, turned out to be a real test for the main characters - Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin.

Life's difficulties affect people differently: some are strengthened, others are broken - it all depends on the strength of character, upbringing, and moral principles.

A little about the work of Alexander Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

The novel takes place at the end of the 18th century, when rebels under the command of Emelyan Pugachev were raging in Russia. The story is told from the first person, a young nobleman Pyotr Grinev, who, by chance, finds himself in the very whirlpool of Pugachev’s events.

Character traits of Grinev and Shvabrin - attitude towards people

There are two things that attract attention in the novel central image– these are the officers of the Belogorsk fortress Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin. But the figure of Emelyan Pugachev cannot be underestimated, because it is with this hero that all the storylines are connected.

Grinev is a seventeen-year-old teenager, the son of a landowner, sent by his father instead of St. Petersburg to serve in the distant garrison of the Orenburg province with the parting words: “Take care of honor from a young age.”

Shvabrin is an educated young man, a nobleman, transferred to the fortress for murder in a duel.

  • Peter is eccentric, playful, but kind and good-natured. Having lost a hundred rubles to Captain Zurin at billiards, he shouts at Savelich, demanding to pay his debt of honor. Having offended the servant, Grinev worries no less than his uncle, repenting and asking for forgiveness. And in the scene with the counselor, Pugachev, who takes Grinev’s wagon out of the snowstorm to the inn, notes of the hero’s responsiveness and generosity also appear. In gratitude for the rescue, Peter treats a passing man to tea, wine, and gives him a hare sheepskin coat. The meeting turns out to be fateful for the young man. Who knows how the seizure of the Belogorsk fortress by the rebels would have ended for Peter if the imaginary emperor had not recognized his benefactor?
  • Shvabrin is a man with an evil, vindictive character. He speaks with contempt about the people with whom he serves: he mocks the kindness of captain Vasilisa Yegorovna, mocks Grinev’s love, calling his poems complete nonsense. He even calls the captain’s daughter, Masha, a fool, in revenge for refusing to marry him.
  • Grinev is decent, brave. Without hesitation, he stands up for the honor of Maria Ivanovna, having heard Shvabrin’s obscene hints about her.
  • Alexey is vile, cold-blooded, ready to discredit an innocent person for his own benefit. He writes a denunciation against Grinev to the investigative authorities, accusing him of aiding Pugachev, informs Peter’s parents about his traitorous son, and spreads gossip about a young girl. In the duel scene, Shvabrin behaves extremely unworthily: he meanly wounds his opponent.

Character traits of Grinev and Shvabrin - attitude towards the Fatherland

  • Pugachev's detachment captures the fortress. Shvabrin, without hesitation, swears allegiance to the newly-minted tsar. Alexey is so afraid for his life that he humiliates himself before the chieftain, bending over in an obsequious bow. It becomes clear that this person has no sense of duty, self-esteem, or devotion. The officer tells the chieftain that Masha is the daughter of the executed captain of the fortress. Shvabrin does this so that Grinev is punished and the girl goes to him.
  • Peter, how fair man, ready to die, but remain faithful to his duty to the Fatherland. He directly declares to Pugachev that he has already sworn allegiance to the empress and would rather die than break his oath.
  • For Alexei, unlike Peter, nothing is sacred. He is easy to betray, he can easily slander the lady of his heart if it will be useful. We can say about him that he serves those with whom it is more profitable.

Character traits of Grinev and Shvabrin - attitude to love

The love line running through the entire work is given in the background terrible events Pugachev revolt. They say that in matters of the heart all methods are good, but the way Shvabrin acts, seeking reciprocity from Maria Mironova, is unacceptable for an honest person.

  • Alexey, left by Pugachev in the fortress as the eldest, locks Masha up, does not feed her, trying to persuade the girl into a marriage she hates.
  • Peter, having learned that his beloved is in the hands of the scoundrel Shvabrin, without thinking about the consequences, rushes to her rescue. Having failed to obtain help from the authorities, Grinev turns to Pugachev for support, and he helps him. Having freed the captain's daughter, Peter sends her to her parents, calling her his bride. Even at the trial, where the hero ends up because of Shvabrin’s slander, he does not mention Masha, so as not to cause her trouble.

Reading the novel, we see Peter growing up, who sacredly observes the oath of allegiance to the Fatherland and honors the commandment of his father. And fate rewards him - the hero is completely justified and has a long life ahead of him. happy life with the woman you love.


Getting ready to write

Grinev and Shvabrin
(comparative characteristics of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”)

Compare- set features similarities or differences, match ( Dictionary Russian language S. Ozhegova).

A comparative characteristic can be constructed two ways:

  1. Sequential comparison (after the introduction, talk about one hero, then about another, draw conclusions)
  2. Side by side comparison (after the introduction, the heroes are compared in different positions: the upbringing of one and the other, attitude towards Masha, behavior during an attack, the fate of the heroes, etc.)

To write an introduction, try to answer the questions:

  • Remember the epigraph to the entire work. What problems does the author raise in the novel?
  • Which of the heroes is faithful to duty and follows the path of honor?
  • Who neglects the concepts of duty and honor?
  • Which character's choice can be called moral?

To prepare for your essay, complete test tasks.

  1. Establish a correspondence between the three main characters appearing in the work and their inherent personality traits. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
  2. Establish a correspondence between the three main characters appearing in the work and their fate. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
  3. Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are presented in opposition from the first pages of the work. What is the name of the technique of sharp contrast used in a work of art?

So, Grinev and Shvabrin are antipodal heroes, but they also have general :

  1. both officers
  2. both are young
  3. both love Marya Ivanovna

Heroes show themselves in next episodes :

  1. acquaintance of Grinev and Shvabrin
  2. their conversations about Masha
  3. duel
  4. capture of the Belogorsk fortress
  5. saving Masha Mironova
  6. arrest and interrogation

Compare the heroes according to the following plan:

  1. Upbringing and education.

    Grinev was brought up in a provincial noble family, received a modest education, and was influenced by a man from the people. From childhood, his father instilled in him strong moral principles, which helped him emerge with honor from those difficult, sometimes hopeless situations in which life put him.

    Shvabrin received a metropolitan upbringing and education.

    How did Grinev and Shvabrin end up in the fortress?

  2. Attitude to military duty.

    How did Shvabrin behave during the capture of the Belogorsk fortress? And Grinev? How does this behavior characterize the heroes?

  3. Relation to Masha Mironova.

    Try these phrases “distribute” between Grinev and Shvabrin.

    depth and sincerity of feeling, the ability to perform heroic deeds in the name of love, the base nature of feeling, deep respect for a woman, the ability to violence and bullying, disrespectful attitude towards a woman.

    A comment.

    Everything in the story is full of mercy. The very love of Pyotr Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna Mironova is mainly love - mercy. Not love is passion, not love is admiration, but love is mercy.

    Grinev loves and tearfully pities the orphan who has no one left in the whole world. Marya Ivanovna loves and saves her knight from the terrible fate of dishonor. The author emphasizes such virtues as loyalty, gratitude, sacrifice, obedience, and the ability to love deeply.

    Usually love awakens in a person best qualities: kindness, mercy, generosity. Mop doesn't even decorate love. In his desire to eliminate his opponent, he is ready to send him even to death.

    The absence of any convictions gives rise to outright cynicism. It’s hard to say that his love for Masha is genuine. great feeling. And indeed, his attitude towards Marya Ivanovna (he basely slanders her Grineva, and then, when she is in his power, simply torments the defenseless girl) reveals to us the whole base essence of his love feeling, which turns out to be nothing more than an egoistic sensual passion.

  4. Attitude towards people.
    • Which of the heroes is characterized by bitterness, contemptuous attitude towards people, deceit and hypocrisy, the ability to slander, and vindictiveness?
    • Which of the heroes is characterized by kindness, truthfulness and generosity? generosity, deep justice?
    • In what episodes does this appear?
    • Do you agree with the opinion of the poetess M.I. Tsvetaeva? claiming that Shvabrin - “petty envious person and informer”, “low villain”?
    • Pay attention to how the fate of the two heroes turned out. Is this ending logical?

Think about how you can build conclusion. Perhaps you can talk about the author’s attitude towards his characters. Or write about your attitude towards them. In any case, think about the moral lessons of the work.


I. Introduction. The problem of honor and duty in the story.
What the heroes have in common (officers are from the nobility, both love Masha).

II. Grinev and Shvabrin.

  1. The characters have something in common.
  2. Grinev and Shvabrin are antipodal heroes.
    a) Loyalty to Grinev’s military duty and Shvabrin’s betrayal.
    b) The depth and sincerity of Grinev’s feelings and the base nature of this feeling in Shvabrin.
    c) The sincerity and decency of Grinev and the deceit and deceit of Shvabrin.
    d) The fate of Grinev and the fate of Shvabrin.
    e) The author’s attitude towards his characters.

III. Conclusion. Moral Lessons stories.

Speech preparation.

Since the comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin are based mainly on contrasts, it is advisable to use introductory words ( on the contrary, on the contrary) the consistency of conclusions can be conveyed using words and phrases ( because it serves as proof of this, this confirms, that’s why ), and introductory words (means, thus, so, finally ), expressions that can be used to compare in parallel ( if... then another...).

Choosing an epigraph

Honor is more valuable than life.
F. Schiller

I agree to endure any misfortune,
But I don't agree
So that honor suffers.
P. Corneille

Critic's opinion

“He [Grinev] is a Russian nobleman, a man of the 18th century, with the stamp of his era on his forehead... he does not fit into the framework of the noble ethics of his time. He's too human for that. He does not completely dissolve in any of his contemporary camps... This is the deep difference between Grinev and Shvabrin, who fits completely into the play of social forces of his time. Grinev is suspected by the Pugachevites as a nobleman and intercessor for the daughter of their enemy, and by the government - as a friend of Pugachev. He didn't "fit" into any camp; Shvabrin - to both: a nobleman with all noble prejudices, with purely class contempt for the dignity of another person, he becomes Pugachev’s servant" ( Yu.M. Lotman)

1 Shvabrin is a young officer of short stature, with a dark and distinctly ugly face, but extremely lively. Grinev (the description of Grinev is not given in the story, but he seems to be a typically Russian person)

The gallery of images from the Empress to Savelich is complemented by the image of the guards officer Shvabrin. He is smart, well-mannered in a noble manner, impudent, impetuous, but frivolous. Madly in love with Mashenka Mironova, for her sake he is ready to betray his class - from a guards officer he turns into an accomplice of Pugachev.

The image of Grinev - The son of a Simbirsk landowner, who had been living on his estate for many years, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev grew up and was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-manorial life, imbued with the spirit of the common people. Painted with irony, the pictures of his childhood, education, and upbringing sometimes border on caricature and are somewhat reminiscent of famous comedy Fonvizina. And the hero himself admits that he grew up “underage.”
Best Features Grinev, determined by his origin and upbringing, his unmistakable moral sense clearly manifests itself in moments of trials, decisive turns of fate and helps him get out of the most difficult situations with honor.

3 Grinev - loves her, he’s ready to do anything for her, he didn’t want to let her go, but he had to let her go, for her own safety
Shvabrin locked Masha in a room and starved her so that she would agree to marry him. This is not love.. .

Pyotr Grinev is a man of duty, he remains faithful to his oath, ready to give up his life, but not become a traitor. The only thing that saves him from inevitable death is that Pugachev recognized Savelich, and after him Petrusha himself as the person who gave him the hare sheepskin coat.
Shvabrin for the sake of salvation own life betrays everyone: the empress, whom he swore an oath to serve faithfully, his comrades. Shvabrin is a man without honor, without conscience, without a sense of duty.

5 Grinev
Saving good name girls, shows courage and decency.
Taking advantage of the fact that his opponent was distracted, he insidiously wounds Grinev

6 Grinev
He behaves with dignity and courage, honestly answering Pugachev’s questions. Values ​​the honor of an officer and a nobleman.

Crawling before Pugachev and fawning over him
(i.e. grovels) and fawns, begging for forgiveness.

7 Conclusion:
So, Pyotr Grinev is a courageous man who has a sense of duty and knows how to love. He lives by the advice “take care to pay again, honor from a young age.” This is truly a "natural nobleman" in in the best sense this word. Shvabrin is only called a nobleman, in his own way spiritual qualities he is inferior even to Pugachev’s henchmen: Khlopusha and Beloborodov. And Pushkin, by contrasting the happy future of Grinev with what awaits Shvabrin, shows the doom of this type of people.

I HOPE you get 5