Drawing technique - blotography. Drawing a blot, creating a drop, an ink blot in a Photoshop lesson How to draw blots with watercolors

Little children love to leave blots on paper. Parents, underestimating the “masterpieces” of their own children, get rid of incomprehensible drawings. But it turns out that you can create a unique drawing from the leftover blots. By the way, there is even such a drawing technique - blotography.


IN last years Blotography is gaining unprecedented popularity. And this moment is not connected at all with the latest trends fashion. It turns out that thanks to this drawing technique, the child’s creative imagination intensively develops.

It would seem that a baby can learn something useful from an ordinary blot. In fact, a spot made by accident with paint has a unique, non-repeating shape and size. And if you apply a little imagination, you can give an ordinary blot the outline of an object or create the image of an animal. By the way, this unconventional technology Adults are often interested in drawing too.

Blotography drawing technique

To create a unique drawing, you need to prepare the following material:

— An artistic brush. It is advisable to use hard brushes. Sometimes children, to depict a blot big size resort to using a toothbrush.
- Paints. In this art form, only liquid watercolor is used. If you don't have it at hand suitable colors, then you can simply dilute the existing watercolor with water. By the way, multi-colored ink has the consistency necessary for drawing. It can also be used when drawing.
— Cardboard or a sheet of white paper.
— Water container.
- Cotton buds.
- A damp cloth. Used to remove dirt from hands.

Stages of the creative process

So, blotography is a drawing technique.
Where to begin?
If you are new to this area, then you should first decide on the topic of the future drawing.
Here it is extremely important to direct mental activity in the right direction, in other words, to set a direction.
After making a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your imagination and try to see the outlines of an object or living creature in it. Maybe she's positioned herself in front of you amazing planet or the picturesque underwater world.

There are several ways to create a drawing using inkblotography.

The most common one is drip method.

Here you will need a wide, voluminous brush. It should be thoroughly saturated with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to spray watercolor. If you want the drops to irrigate a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spray area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help you can create a large blot, thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotography.

In the second method, blotography is used spreading method.

To do this, apply a large blot to the corner of the sheet using a brush. It is important that the paint must be very liquid. Then, using a drinking straw, they begin to blow the paint over the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different sides. Now take a closer look at the resulting drawing, what does it remind you of? Maybe a rowan bush?

If yes, then you should complete the drawing by drawing red fruits on the branch. To do this, use cotton swab. Just soak the “tool” in paint desired color and draw rowan leaves and berries. The resulting drawing can be decorated with an original frame if desired.

The child may need adult help for the first few lessons. Most often, children cannot immediately discern familiar outlines in a blot.

Drawings made using the blotography technique.

Encyclopedia of blots.

Blob-nature is thin, flexible and varied.

You can create a blot big amount ways.

Classic round.

A drop drips from a brush positioned vertically above the paper. If you shake your hand slightly in a vertical plane, the speed at which the ink falls onto the paper will increase. The impact will make the blot look delicate and welcoming. The larger the brush and the larger the drop, the more expensive the stain.


If you put ink on your brush and quickly wave it over the sheet, moving your hand in a horizontal plane, you will get a very dynamic blot. The stronger the spread and the larger the leaf, the more energetic the spot.


We do the drip like this: after applying the drop, we lift the sheet of paper vertically. The drop quite naturally grows legs and tends to flow away from the leaf.


The shaggy blot is made with a semi-dry brush. If you use a flat synthetic brush you can get neat strands.

If it's squirrel, we'll get soft fluffies.


It is done like this: fold the sheet in half. We apply a blot on one of the halves. We close it with the other half and press it. We dry the resulting stain on the spread and put it to use.


If you drop mascara onto glass or another smooth surface, and then press a sheet of smooth paper on top, you will get a stain with a variety of natural landscapes. And they are usually very picturesque.


We lower the thread into the mascara. Place it on one half of a sheet of paper folded in half. Leave one end of the thread outside. Close and move the thread inside, slowly pulling it out. We get an elegant crystal blot.


Toothbrush dip it in mascara and move it over any ribbed surface over a sheet of paper. The edge can be a ruler, a comb, or even a mascara cap. A huge number of small droplets fly from the brush onto the paper (including onto everything around us, including our face and hands).


If you smear wet spots from spraying with a dry brush

we get a flock of dynamically hurrying blots.


If you start blowing vigorously on a classic blot, it will begin to grow branches and eventually transform into either a bush or a sorcerer oak. Depends on the strength of our blow.


If you put a wax design on a sheet of paper,

and apply ink on top to get a combination of torn black and white spots.


Apply some ink onto the wet gouache background.

We get an openwork blot with many arms, legs and antennae.


By wet surface sheet moistened with water

Spray the ink and get blots with soft petals - tentacles.

Salt speckled.

If you pour salt on a blot, it will immediately turn into the sky, and there a crystal will fall, and a star will form. Suitable for drawing galaxies.

Round with iridescence.

If you add shampoo to the mascara and blow a soap bubble from this solution onto a sheet of paper, you will get an excellent round blot with a halo of small specks. It is in them that the bubble turns into after it bursts. However, we will get it in all its glory.


If you blow on this burst bubble from a tube, we get a blot with horns.


A print can be made with anything.

Dip your finger into the ink and press it to the paper. The fly wants to fly!

So we got a dozen or so. I'm sure there are others too.

I will update the encyclopedia as I learn more amazing world wild blots.

I hope my selection inspires someone!

Little children love to leave blots on paper. Parents, underestimating the “masterpieces” of their own children, get rid of incomprehensible drawings. But it turns out that you can create a unique drawing from the leftover blots. There is even such a drawing technique - blotography.

Blotography belongs to silhouette art, but the history of the emergence of figurative painting goes back to Ancient Greece. The images on the amphorae reveal scenes of mythology, olympic games and the lives of the gods of Olympus. But this type of art became most popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many artists began working in this technique and created a huge number of works in this technique. This was the history of the emergence of the drawing technique - blotography.

Drawings made using the blotography technique are unique way to interest children in drawing, to make them want to learn this type visual arts and remember for yourself kids time. The method is absolutely not complicated, but very exciting, developing not only drawing skills and abilities, but also imagination, ingenuity, and perseverance. Blotography is perhaps one of the most unusual methods in drawing. Moreover, it is considered to be an unconventional technique, as are many others, where a material unusual for this purpose is used.

With the help of blotography, a variety of plants and trees can be obtained well. different types and shrubs.

Positive aspects of blotography

IN Lately, this type drawing has become very popular. An accidental stain that appears on a sheet of paper due to carelessness may have a unique structure. No matter how much you want, this pattern will never be repeated. By adding a little imagination and creative thinking, any blot can be turned into an animal or a fictional creature.

This type of activity has absolutely no age restrictions. That is, both children and adults can practice.

Blotography drawing technique

Necessary tool

To create a unique drawing, you need to prepare the following material:

  • Artistic brush. It is advisable to use hard brushes. Sometimes children resort to using a toothbrush to create a large blot.
  • Paints. In this art form, only liquid watercolor is used. If you don’t have suitable paints on hand, you can simply dilute your existing watercolors with water. By the way, multi-colored ink has the consistency necessary for drawing. It can also be used when drawing.
  • Cardboard or a sheet of white paper.
  • Water container.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Damp cloth. Used to remove dirt from hands.

Stages of the creative process

So, blotography is a drawing technique. Where to begin? If you are new to this area, then you should first decide on the topic of the future drawing. Here it is extremely important to direct mental activity in the right direction, in other words, to set a direction. After making a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your imagination and try to see the outlines of an object or living creature in it. Maybe there is an amazing planet or a picturesque underwater world in front of you.

There are several ways to create a drawing using inkblotography.

The most common is the drip method.

Here you will need a wide, voluminous brush. It should be thoroughly saturated with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to spray watercolor. If you want the drops to irrigate a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spray area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help you can create a large blot, thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotography.

The second method of blotography uses the spreading method.

To do this, apply a large blot to the corner of the sheet using a brush. It is important that the paint must be very liquid. Then, using a drinking straw, they begin to blow the paint over the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different directions. Now you need to take a closer look at the resulting drawing and complete the details.

Blotography will help children experiment with colors and have fun. In the process of drawing a picture using the blotography technique, children:

  • eye and hand coordination develops
  • fantasy, creative vision and imagination develops,
  • skills of working with paints, brushes,
  • children learn to render silhouettes of people, plants and animals,
  • diligence, attentiveness, and accuracy develop.

Master class on unconventional drawing

Master class on drawing.

Name. Blotography is normal.
Author. Gencheva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher additional education, MOU DO "Dniester Children and Youth Center", Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
This master class is designed to work in children's creative association, drawing lessons for children aged 5 years and older, for teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: making drawings in an unusual way.
Target. Introduce the unconventional drawing technique “regular blotography”.
Tasks. Teach new ways of obtaining images, objectification and “revival” unusual shapes(blot). Develop attention, thinking, artistic imagination from the abstract to the concrete. Cultivate accuracy when working.
Material: paper, paints, brushes, jars of water, wet wipes, pencils.
Presentation of the material. Guys, I received a letter from a colorful country, from our friend, the artist Raskraskin. Listen to what he writes.
Hello guys! I want to tell you what happened to me.
My sister brought it to me as a gift
A bottle
Black, black ink.
I started drawing
But right from the pen
He dropped a huge blot.
And it blurred
There is a spot on the leaf
It began to grow little by little:
On the left is a trunk, And on the right is a tail, Legs are like pedestals, Tall...
I will immediately
I added huge ears to the black ink,
And it turned out
Of course, he is - you guessed it - Indian... (elephant).
(poem by D. Ciardi “About the one who came out of a blot”) I am sending you several of my new works, made in an unusual way of drawing using regular blotography. I hope you enjoy them. See you. Your Raskraskin.

Looking at the drawings

Discussion. Children's reasoning about ways to obtain an image.
Do you want to learn how to draw like this? Children's answers.
Demonstration of drawing methods by the teacher.
For work you will need: paper, paints, brush, water, felt-tip pens or pencils.

Let's prepare the paints - add a few drops of water to each watercolor color, fold a sheet of paper in half and unfold it.

On one side, closer to the middle, drop a few greasy drops - blots. You can use paint of different colors.

Then fold the sheet in half along the fold line and move your palm up and down several times so that the paint spreads across the sheet. To “transform” a blot we will say the magic words.

Carefully unfold the sheet. You see a weird spot.

Think about it, what does that look like? Let your imagination run wild. “Revive” the blots - turn them into living creatures or objects. Carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different directions. You can draw on some details with a pencil.

Questions for children about the drawing sequence.
Where do we start working?
Where are we going to put the paint?
How many drops will we drop?
When we put the leaf together, what will we do?
What should we do next?
When you figured out what it looks like you need to use pencils……..
Independent practical work children.
Children master the usual blotography technique. The teacher works individually. Gives instructions, helps to obtain an image in an unusual way. Encourages independence. He advises you to carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different directions. Shows as an example: this is my blot, if you look at it like this, it looks like a butterfly, you just need to finish drawing the antennae. What will your blots turn into? The teacher quietly, in his ear, asks each child about his plans and associations; he helps indecisive children with advice or indirect questions. The teacher works with more active, capable children. Gives them additional tasks. Analysis of children's works. At the end of the lesson there is a general exhibition of “live” blots.

The imagination of children is limitless, but their mastery of drawing techniques is most often lame. It is blotography that can help children draw even what they cannot draw at all. Kids will be able to give free rein to their imagination and draw whatever their imagination tells them. Children will be able to get acquainted with what regular blotography is, and there is also blotography with a tube and blotography with a string.

Developmental activities for children 3-5 years old (Blotography)

Blotography refers to silhouette art, but the history of figurative painting dates back to Ancient Greece. The images on the amphorae reveal scenes of mythology, the Olympic Games and the life of the gods of Olympus. But this type of art became most popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many artists began working in this technique and created a huge number of works using the blotting technique. This was the history of the emergence of such a drawing technique as blotography.

But even more interesting than the history of blotography are the activities where this type of art is used. unconventional technique drawing. Blotography will help children experiment with colors and have fun. The blotography technique consists of using an ordinary drop of paint, colloquially known as a blot. In the process of drawing, children will get very unexpected images to which they can draw details.

During the lesson in kindergarten and drawing pictures using the blotography technique for children:

  • eye and hand coordination develops
  • fantasy, creative vision and imagination develops,
  • skills of working with paints, brushes,
  • children learn to render silhouettes of people, plants and animals,
  • diligence, attentiveness, and accuracy develop.


Let's give an example of a master class where inkblotography will be used to

drawing. Such a master class can easily be arranged for children in kindergarten, and the children’s drawings will decorate a group or exhibition.

The “Butterfly” drawing using watercolors and blots will be very easy to draw. Simply fold the paper in half and apply two large spots of watercolor paint to one side of the paper near the fold line. Now fold the leaf in half. When you open the leaf, you will get very beautiful butterfly wings with fancy patterns. You can now complete the details, such as the body, antennae, and the drawing is ready. This master class is easy to use when conducting classes for young children, since this method of drawing will be very simple.


Of course, you can draw using blotography and using both paints and pencils at the same time. We will tell you the technique of drawing with a straw. And this time the master class will be devoted to how to draw a tree.

Take a large brush and place a large blot of brown watercolor paint in the corner. Now, take a hollow water straw and start blowing the paint into different directions. You will get tree branches. Let the twigs dry, and then you can take a pencil and use it to finish drawing leaves on the twigs. This will make the tree very realistic.

If you have an idea to draw a specific tree, for example, a rowan, then there is a good way to continue our master class. Bring regular ear sticks to class; they will be useful for drawing rowan berries. Dip the stick into the paint and make a neat dot on the paper. This will be your rowan, we hope you remember that the tree has fruits that grow in clusters.

Master Class. Issue 21 (Blotography)


We will tell you about one more no less interesting master class, which can be used to diversify activities for children in kindergarten. Teach children blotting and splattering techniques. It will be very beautiful and fun.

Classes and master classes using this drawing technique should be carried out using watercolor paint. Needed Blank sheet paper and paint with brush. Type on brush the right paint and start splashing the paint by hitting the brush against your finger. Drops will begin to appear on the paper. If desired, you can add a few large drops using a brush. The drawing will be ready when you deem it necessary.
