Causes and prerequisites of the religious wars in France. Features of the reform movement in France. Causes and main stages of the Religious Wars

§ 7-8. France


1. What were the features of socialEconomic development of France at the end of the 15th century?

2. What are the main features of the centralized state in France at the end of the 15th century?

3. What were the consequences of France becoming a centralized state?

First of all, the government in Israel lays claim to the resource reserves in the Middle East, which until now have been located and managed by Islamic governments. Attracting crises, swirling institutions, forgetting the rebels against these institutions, finally forgetting and creating the next crisis. The financial crisis should be a sign of a new cycle. The final starting point was created with the end of the World War. This is the last order, just every 80 years, adapted and built in their place.

This is also the basis for the famous war cycle, which will soon reach a new climax. Since the system seems to have reached its peak as a whole, such a plan is close and seems most useful to the ruling capitalists to relieve themselves of their burdens.

4 . What were the reasons for the victory of the Reformation in Germany?

5 . What are the signs class monarchy You know?

1. Royalty

At the beginning of the 17th century. France was the most populous country in Europe. At the end of the 15th century. its population was 14-15 million, and in the middle of the 17th century. reached 16-18 million souls. The vast majority lived in villages, and the country as a whole remained agrarian. The unification of France into a single centralized state was completed at the end of the 15th century.

This will once again add a piece of the puzzle to the geostrategic and imperialist pursuits. In addition, to go beyond the Asian region, Europe has long been captured. If this turns out to be true, European countries actually facing civil wars, which seem to have been present in France for a long time. Cultural conflicts have long been known and predictable in the face of mass immigration of people from Muslim countries and the wounded. In the end it escalated on purpose, and we don't even see the tip of the iceberg.

Religions have always been used only to consolidate individual demands, to enrich themselves or to justify military conflicts and to proselytize people for their own purposes. Chess players are probably currently beating their biggest and most dangerous traits with this new era. Because they planned it a long time ago great war. Unknown to many who do not want to get rid of their ropes.

Simultaneously with the unification of the country, the power of the king strengthened. The Estates General (Estate-representative body of power) has not been convened since 1484 Already the king Louis XII(1498-1515), without consulting them, waged a war for the conquest of Italy, established taxes on the maintenance of the army, and spent huge amounts of money on the implementation of his ambitious plans.

Jordan also separates Israel from Jordan. Conflict includes supply drinking water the respective peoples, which is very limited in this region and wants to claim each party for itself. Jordan itself is the most important and important source of water in the Middle East. The water war will be very brutal in the future. How less people in this "poor" space, the more remains for those who survive because of their strength.

Many people think that if only the end of faith in God ceases, then the “root of all evil” will be eliminated. Alexander Hauk, San Francisco bus campaign. While Dawkins didn't mean for this statement to be absolute, he did seem to pose a question to the marketers in the film's title. But his followers often don't ask anymore. And it also means, for example, that without belief in God there will be no conflict between Northern Ireland. This, as you can see, can only be imagined for someone who was born the son of a colonial official in a British crown colony and then grew up in good English society to eventually pursue an academic career at Oxford.

Next steps to set up in France absolute monarchy was done in Francis I(1515-1547) He managed to subjugate the Catholic Church to his power. In 1516 Francis I reached an agreement with P apoyu R imsky Leo X, according to which the king himself appointed to the highest church positions, and the pope only approved his decisions. Church officials became subordinates of the king. All matters of the country's life were decided at the Royal Council, which prepared the king's decrees, decided important court cases, and imposed new taxes. To approve a new decree or tax, Francis I only had to write: “This is my good will.”

He then needs less compassion for the injustices of the English upper classes, who have been ruled for centuries by the English upper class and are much poorer. Reducing conflicts to religious opposites reduces his circles and their interests. The real conflicts of interest in colonial and post-colonial struggles should not be perceived so precisely - even in the Middle East or South Asia. Political blindness in political statements about "religion" appears to be even more advanced for some of the younger or younger students.

Rice. Francis I

Royal lawyers publicly proclaimed that the king's power was not limited by anyone or anything. During one of the meetings of the Paris Parliament ( supreme body, who considered court cases), its president declared, addressing Francis I: “You are above the laws, laws and ordinances cannot force you, and in general there is no power that could force you to do anything.”

The fact that wars don't start with religions is something you already see in comparable species that can fight each other. Volker Sommer, Darwinisch Denken, p. 42 and Chimpanzee Wars. And you didn't say everything with the otherwise beautiful and oft-quoted Schmidt-Salomon sentence: "We must let false ideas die before people die for false ideas" At least some people are dying right now when ideas force others to live with them can. Ideas and interests It would be important to see the interests behind ideas: disposition over money and resources, power over people.

The king exercised his power relying on a huge army of officials. No other country in Europe at that time had so many officials. It was extremely profitable for the king to create new positions, since the vast majority of positions were sold for money that went into the royal treasury.

Interesting to know

These interests are always more assertive than even noble or honorable ideas. And it is the interest of the bearers of the idea that forgets their stronger interests. But even where only religious signs are on the flags, more critical people should not only big propagandists believe their reasons. Even on the cross of the Crusaders for free trade in the East or the sign of the “Virgin Mary” on the tanks of those who fought for the Lebanese upper class against the Palestinians. And do you think the hate preachers in Northern Ireland or the East are concerned about true religion?

Italian wars. At the end of XV Art. French kings began wars for the conquest of rich Italian lands, which lasted more than half a century (1494-1559) were known throughout Europe Italian artists, engineers and scientists, and the main thing that attracted France was the center of the Catholic world - the city of Rome.Having subjugated him, the French kings could lay claim to the presidency of all Western Christendom. The fact that it remained a politically fragmented country also prompted the French to attempt to subjugate Italy.

You must be able to be critical and self-critical. Europe's difficult legacy. It was not a question of mysterious doctrine, but of the spell of communication; not by the doctrine of justification, but by the conflict of various legal requirements. The great spiritual masters were not interested in spiritual exercises, let alone the idea of ​​God, but with their power and funding system. And of course they were shocked that they were using the Bible to shake up the credibility of their system from within. Strangely quicker than the transformation of the Protestant upper class into an orthodoxy subservient to the authorities - the power structures have their own power.

The reason for the Italian wars was the hereditary rights of the French king Charles VIII(1483-1498) to some Italian lands. The start of the wars was very successful for the French. However, gradually the war dragged on and became protracted. Outraged by the violence and robberies of the French, the Italian states began to unite to fight against the invaders. The French were forced to leave Italy without achieving anything.

Compare Calvin's change opposite Castellio. Comparable, if not equal, which is why in civil wars ah and the wars of intervention after the French and after the Russian Revolution: ideas also arose; and it should not be too easy with moral reproaches against those who fought for it. But interests, at least this moment, and the revolutionaries joined the vestments of the old power structures and became princes or “Red Tsars.”

But: in some places people have come to taste freedom and have learned to create alliances instead of being included within ideological boundaries. Yes, and especially among Christians who rediscovered their sources, the idea of ​​freedom continued to prevail over traditional power structures. And they always drew from their sources the necessary courage for themselves and for others. Politically blind monomaniacs, ideological restrictors, do not see this either; and they think that they can certainly do something better than those who have already experienced blows and failures.

King Francis I continued his 1521 struggle to conquer Italy. However, the situation in Europe at that time changed. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V did not want France to increase its influence in Europe. Since then, for more than two centuries, the Habsburgs have become France's main enemy in Europe.

Despite individual military successes and the significant diplomatic talent of Francis I, who made the Turkish Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent his ally to fight against the Habsburgs in Europe, the French army suffered defeats. After the unsuccessful battle of Pavia for the French in 1525, Francis I was even captured. Confident of an easy victory, Charles V invaded French territory in 1544 and launched an attack on Paris. However, French resistance forced Charles V to abandon his plans. He concluded an agreement with Francis I, according to which both sides renounced their conquests. By successor of Francis I King Henry II(1547-1559) wars resumed. However, neither side was able to achieve decisive success. The wars finally ended in peace, concluded in 1559 in the city of Cateau Cambresis between Henry II and the son of Charles V, the Spanish king Philip II.

According to the agreement, France finally renounced its claims to Italy, but with the consent of Philip II received the lands of Lorraine. England, which fought on the side of the Habsburgs, agreed to return the city of Calais, which the British had owned since the Hundred Years' War. Thus, the unification of the lands of France was completed almost within its modern borders.

Theology in Tübingen, Göttingen and Marburg, the pastor in Württemberg, has now retired. After all, he just wants to become the greatest Turkish artist of all time? What speaks for this thesis is its public insults. They have a fixed place in the history of art. Or absurd theater, as we see in Erdo's performances. Don't they remember Waiting for Godot or the surrealists?

Apart from small territorial gains, the Italian wars did not bring the desired results to France. One of the consequences of the Italian wars was that Italian fashion, customs, art and literature found many supporters among the French. In Paris, a new royal palace, the Louvre, was built in the style of Italian architecture, and the royal court became the center of distribution new culture- Renaissance, which came from Italy.

In the end, Erdo sees himself as a figure of art, as part of an installation? This time it is not the Reichstag that will be hidden, but its Turkish women. A country and its women as an object of art? But it's funny when he arrests tens of thousands of innocent people. There he goes beyond the limits of artistic freedom.

Therefore, our maximum action should be this: we should act in such a way that Turkey cannot become a dictatorship. This would be inhumane and would cause a wave of refugees from the Turks to us. Unfortunately, the federal government has no intention of parting ways with Erdogan. Behind the scenes, Erdogan continues his courtship.

2 . Community development

The most influential part of the French population at the beginning XVI Art. there was nobility. The French nobility, unlike the German nobility, did not seek independence. Position of privileged position in centralized state it suited him, since the nobles received huge pay, pensions, and gifts from the king. There were only a few families of the old nobility left (Guise, Bourbons, Montmorency), which still retained great influence and united supporters from among the middle and small nobles.

Currently, Erdogan has a lot left for Islamist terrorists, but what is wrong with the federal government. Erdogan has learned his lesson. As a very religious person, he wanted to Islamize Turkey according to his ideas at an early stage. He paid for this attempt with imprisonment.

After that, his concept was: first power - then Islamization. Always as much as his strength allows. If it comes to a presidential dictatorship - if it has absolute power - it will accelerate Islamization. They have to figure out: How can we prevent the election from succeeding? With or without the appearance of prohibitions? With or without warning before the holidays in Turkey? He needs political utilitarianism.

At this time, two independent layers emerged within the single privileged class of the French nobility - the old and new nobility.

Starting from the middle XV Art. The composition of the hereditary, well-born nobility, which came from ancient knightly families, included townspeople (streets, guild masters), who received nobility by purchase, through royal favor or holding the position of a high steward. from now on they said that there is "Nobles Slags"(“Nobles, comes from a noble family”) and ordinary courtyards.

So that the citizens would turn against him. Until they were in the majority of this government, the ideology of their religion was placed in mental dependence. They shouldn't be reporting the next verbal cerebral palsy to this little spinner and his mischief, but instead keep reporting the big problem on home page about the problems of Turkey. - Who is in custody - Lira fell from 1.35 to 4 years after Erdogan's inauguration - Turkish Economy Minister asks financial assistance throughout Europe.

Humanitarian tragedy. - Collection of organs from Syrian refugees, journalists were threatened and excluded from reporting by Turkish police. - Turkey's illegal war in Syria. We need to bring such headlines and inform the population instead of bombarding them with empty chatter. But it was necessary to tell Erdogan frankly that he was talking complete nonsense. From his own experience, every Turk outside Turkey knows that Erdogan is spreading nonsense. And please, no more Turkish elections in Germany.

The difference between the old and new nobility was the lack of equal privileges. The new nobleman was not obliged to military service, which remained the privilege of the noble nobility. Military service exempted the hereditary nobility from paying taxes. The new nobility did not pay taxes only if they abandoned their previous trading or financial activities.

Escalation, escalation, escalation. What else doesn't seem to work anymore. I really feel like everyone is out of their minds! Because we define what a private religion should be? Because our answer can really only be: Listen, wonder, shrug, ignore.

So, this is a religious war. This may be the last arrow in Erdogan's quiver of provocation. Overall, the performance that Erdogan delivers is worth a thousand words - giving a taste of what the Turks should expect if they give Erdogan more power: there are only supporters or terrorists, Muslims or enemies of the faith, only black or white. And whoever likes the wrong color is insulted, persecuted or imprisoned. Now you can see it all.

The path to the nobility through positions in the state apparatus was the most common. At first XVII Art. In France, a large layer of bureaucratic nobility developed, which was called the “nobility of the mantle.” It bought up the lands of the noble nobility, which had gone bankrupt during the “price revolution”, consolidated its activities and public service with noble land ownership.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. market relations were formed in France. This process occurred rather slowly: feudal remnants, class privileges of the nobility and clergy, and the lack of political rights among entrepreneurs interfered. Characteristic feature France of that time was the growth in the number of wealthy bourgeois entrepreneurs and their inappropriate position in society.

Cities became centers for the formation of new relationships. Paris became the center for the development of perfumery, jewelry, glassware, furniture, and clothing, and Lyon became the capital of French printing and banking. Four times a year, the famous Lyon fairs took place here, in which merchants from all over Europe took part. When carrying out trade operations, merchants began to use written credit obligations instead of metal money. Marseille remained the largest port city through which France's Mediterranean trade was carried out. Together, the importance of the western and northern ports located on the Atlantic coast grew - Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Nantes, Le Havre.

Gradually in most branches of French industry manufactures replaced guild craft. Especially many manufactories appeared in the production of cloth, linen and silk fabrics. About 12 thousand hired workers worked at the famous Lyon silk manufactories. However, compared to England and the Netherlands, the formation of market relations in France occurred much more slowly; the vast majority of the country's population was still employed in agriculture.

With the development of entrepreneurship and trade in France, a bourgeoisie was formed. She played a significant role in the development of the economy, borrowed moneyto the impoverished "Nobility of the Sword", But they remained politically powerless. However, as the power of the bourgeoisie increased, the more it sought opportunities to influence public life. Based on their interests, the bourgeoisie supported the royal power in its struggle against the old nobility for the unity and integrity of the country. At the same time acquiring government positions, the bourgeoisie became “doramans of the mantle.”

3 . Reformation in France

In the 20s of the XVI Art. Reform ideas began to spread in France. The emergence of ideas for church reform in France also began in humanistic circles. An outstanding humanist was an ardent supporter of the idea of ​​purifying the church Lefebvre d'Etaple(1450 or 1455-1536 or 1539), who outlined his views on church reform as early as 1512, five years before the famous speech of M. Luther. He was the first to formulate two defining principles of the future Reformation - justification by faith and the need to recognize Holy Scripture as the only source of religious truth. Then he began to translate the Bible into French. Lefebvre prepared the Reformation with his activities, although he himself did not become a Protestant.

The spread of Luther's ideas with the resettlement of his followers there from Germany had a great influence on the development of Protestantism in France. In southern France, many supporters of Calvinist teachings appeared. Supporters of Calvinist teachings in France were called Huguenots (From the cool Swiss - “common”, “Comrade”).

Rice. France in XVI - first half of X VII century

However, the majority of the French did not support Calvinism. The population of the north of the country, including Paris, remained adherents of Catholicism. Unlike Germany, the Catholic Church in France was subordinate to the king and was a symbol of the country's national unity. Finally, the peasantry, which made up the majority of the population, was also faithful to Catholicism.

For a long time, King Francis I did not interfere with the spread of reform ideas, since during the struggle against Charles V he used the German Protestant princes. However, in the middle 15 In the 30s, the king decided that the Protestants were too loose and began to persecute them. In 1535, 300 Protestants were arrested and 35 were sentenced to be burned. Since 1540, the Inquisition began its activities in the country. The new king Henry II, in the first year of his reign, created a special “Fire Chamber” to fight against the Calvinists, which received 500 convictions in the first three years of its activity.

But this could not stop the spread of reform ideas in France. The split between supporters and opponents of the Reformation deepened among the country's population.

4 . Causes and beginning of civil wars

At the turn of the 50s and 60s, France was experiencing a severe crisis. The hopes of the French nobles for war booty, new lands and positions as a result of the Italian wars did not materialize. Disappointed nobles blamed the king for his failures. In addition, the “price revolution” led to a sharp decrease in their income. In this situation, reformist ideals attracted the nobility primarily with the opportunity to seize church lands. At the same time, those who remained loyal to the king and catholic church, expected to receive the enemy's possession as a reward for their loyalty.

So, the majority of the French nobility pondered which faction to join with greater benefit for themselves. The supporters of the Catholic Church were led by the family of the Dukes of Lorraine Gisiv. The leaders of the Huguenots were princes from the family Bourbonov, who owned the kingdom of Navarre on the border of France and Spain.

Both groups relied on the support of other states. Catholics were supported by King Philip II of Spain, Calvinists by Queen Elizabeth of England, German princes and the Swiss.

Between these two groups began wars that lasted 36 years (1562-1598) and were called the Huguenot (religious) or civil wars.

Causes of warsthere was an intensification of the religious struggle between Catholics and Calvinists and a complication political situation in France at the turn of the 50-60s

The French government tried to pursue a policy of religious tolerance.

In order to achieve a compromise between Catholics and Calvinists, the Estates General was assembled in Orleans in 1560 after a 75-year break.But there was no luck in reconciling the warring parties. In 1562, another attempt was made to achieve peace - an edict (decree) was published, according to which Calvinists received the right to openly gather and carry out their worship, but only outside the city walls.According to supporters of the policy of religious tolerance, this should have improved the situation, but it turned out the opposite: Calvinists (Who were predominantly bourgeois)They considered this permission an insult, and this concession caused irritation among Catholics.A month later, civil war began in the country.

Reason for warwas the murder of Huguenots in the city of Va With si. The Duke of Guise in March 1562, driving through it with his detachment, attacked the Huguenots who had gathered to worship. 23 people were killed and almost 200 injured. Catholic Paris greeted Guise as a hero.France swept war.

The first ten years were not particularly brutal. Both groups tried to subordinate the king to their influence Carla IX(1560-1574) The king's mother, Catherine de Medici, insidious and cunning, skillfully maneuvered between the Catholic and Calvinist noble groups, seeking to weaken them in mutual struggle. She did not hesitate to poison and kill her enemies. Noticing that the Huguenot leader Coligny had influence over Charles IX The Medici decided to remove him through the hands of the Duke of Guise. She persuaded the Catholics to destroy all the Protestant leaders gathered in Parison the occasion of the wedding of the Huguenot leader Henry of Bourbon with the king's sister MargaretAugust 24, 1574, St. Bartholomew's Day.

Rice. Charles IX

5. St. Bartholomew's Night

Catherine de' Medici convinced Charles IX That the Huguenots want to kill him. The frightened king betrayed Admiral Coligny and supported the Catholics.

On the eve of St. Bartholomew's dayAt 2 and 4 o'clock in the morning on August 24, 1572, the bell of the Saint-Germain bell tower struck. All the churches in Paris supported him. This became a signal for Catholics. The Huguenot houses were marked in advance with white crosses. The Huguenots were killed unarmed, in their beds, without sparing children and women. Admiral Coligny was killed, and other Huguenot leaders were forced to convert to the Catholic faith. The massacre continued for several more days in other cities of France. Within two weeks after St. Bartholomew's Night, more than 30 thousand Protestants were exterminated throughout France.

Rice. St. Bartholomew's Night

Interesting to know

In those days of general hatred of Protestants, the behavior of the governor of the city of Bayonne in the south of France, Viscount d'Ortes, was an exception. In response to the king’s order to destroy all Huguenots in the city, he declared: “Your Majesty! In the city of Bayon, loyal to you, live glorious men and decent women, brave soldiers and hardworking artisans, ready to give their lives for Your Majesty, but I did not find any executioner."

The consequences of St. Bartholomew's Night turned out to be different than Catherine de Medici expected: The war between the Catholic and Huguenot camps broke out with renewed vigor.

The Huguenots became convinced that the king could not be trusted and that they were a minority in the country, so they launched a struggle to change the royal dynasty and created in 1576 in the south of France a real Huguenot state - a Confederation with separate governing bodies, taxes, and troops. It was led by Henry of Navarre.

Became King of France after the death of Charles IX Henry III (1574-1589) The king's lack of descendants made Henry of Navarre a likely candidate for the throne. The possibility of a Huguenot king prompted Catholics to take active action. In 1585, the League was created - a federation of Catholic cities. The League was headed by Heinrich Guise, who put forward claims to the French crown. The League included the northern nobility and northern cities, led by Paris. The country split into two parts: the Huguenot south and the Catholic north. Both parts fought among themselves and at the same time opposed the king.

Rice. Henry III

6 . End of civil wars

With the intensification of the struggle between the Huguenot Confederation and the Catholic League, France increasingly plunged into the abyss of anarchy. King Henry III proved unable to control the situation. Henry of Guise demanded that the king deprive Henry of Navarre of the right to succession to the throne. The king responded by announcing the dissolution of the League and summoning troops to Paris. Guise raised the people of Paris to fight against the king. The rebels successfully resisted the troops. King Henry III panicked and, after the assassination of Henry, Guise fled from surrounded Paris to seek help from Henry of Navarre.

The king entered into an alliance with the Huguenots and with their help received Paris. But soon Henry III was killed by a Ligist fanatic, who hid the poison in a monastic robe.

An interregnum began in France. The country was subject to arbitrariness by foreign mercenaries, Catholic and Huguenot troops. Numerous flashes flared up peasant uprisings. France faced the threat of national ruin. King Philip II of Spain and the Pope even discussed electing a Spanish prince as king of France.

Frightened by the anarchy in the country, the nobility and bourgeoisie agreed to recognize Henry of Navarre as king, but demanded that he convert to Catholicism. Henry responded to this with words that immediately became popular: “Paris is worth a mass!” (Mass is a Catholic church service) and agreed to become a Catholic.

In 1594 Henry of Navarre became king Henry IV(1594-1610) and, without meeting any resistance, arrived in Paris.

The purpose of his reign new king considered the restoration of civil peace, the cessation of religious disputes, the return of France to its former power.

Figure in history

Henry IV came from the Bourbon family and started a new royal dynasty in France. From a young age he had a cheerful disposition, loved knightly tournaments and hunting. He enjoyed the favor of the common people.Before Heprich of Navarre took over the royal path, herepeatedly changed his religious preferences - from Huguenot to Catholic and vice versa, when thought this is useful for for yourself and for France.

The Huguenot Wars ended with the publication of the Edict of Nantes in 1598. Catholicism was recognized as the dominant religion, but the Huguenots received permission to freely practice their faith and form religious communities in all cities except Paris. They could hold any government positions. As a guarantee of the implementation of this agreement, the Huguenots retained 200 fortresses with garrisons and a 25,000-strong army in the south.

The meaning of the Manta Edict was that he put an end to the wars between the Huguenots and Catholics, provided the Huguenots with freedom of religion and its guarantees

7. The Rise of France under Henry IV

Henry IV received the nickname "good king" from the French. Under him, order was given to the country's economy that had fallen during the years of war, supervision over the collection of taxes was introduced, after which government officials returned the “forgotten” 3,600,000 livres to the treasury, taxes from the population were streamlined and reduced. Henry IV understood that the welfare and prosperity of France are created by its workers, and defended the peasants from the tyranny of their masters. The French remembered the king's statement that prosperity in France would come when every peasant had a chicken boiled in a pot on Sunday.

Establishing order in the collection of taxes and implementing measures aimed at restoring and developing the economy were primarily associated with the activities of the king's first minister Xiu lwhether (1560-1651).

Figure in history

Xiu l Lee believed that the French economy could only be restored by promoting development Agriculture. “Agriculture,” said the first minister, “are the real mines and Peruvian treasures of France.” He believed that agricultural development would begin only after the burden of taxes paid by French peasants had been reduced. Therefore, on the orders of Xiuli, the collection of taxes from peasants was streamlined and reduced, and debts for previous years were canceled. Thanks to the fact that the first minister severely punished those tax collectors who tried to appropriate them, the flow of money into the royal treasury did not decrease. Syuli also carried out other measures: the drainage of swamps was organized, the state promoted the spread of new crops (corn, beets, forage grasses).

Henry's government IV paid great attention to the development of domestic industry. Craftsmen were freed from restrictions on development imposed by guild regulations, and favorable conditions were created for the flourishing of the manufacturing industry. The import of foreign industrial products was limited, and the export of domestic raw materials was prohibited. The royal treasury even provided subsidies to factory owners to expand production. Privileged royal manufactories appeared, producing silk, earthenware, and perfumes.

The policy pursued by the government of Henry IV to revive the French economy acquired the character mercantilism, when the state actively intervened in economic life, indulging protectionism(Protection of) own manufacturers.

Henry IV directed his foreign policy towards the development of overseas trade. With his support, the Shidno-Indian trade campaign was opened. In 1604, the French began colonizing Canada - Champlain's expedition created the first colony here.

Interesting to know

The lands of Eastern Canada were discovered and explored by the Frenchman Jacques Cartier in 1534. While exploring the St. Lawrence River, he found a settlement of Indian hunters who local residents called "Canada".This is how the name open lands arose.

Henry IV considered the Spanish and German Habsburgs to be his main enemies in Europe. He tried to counteract the attempts of the Spanish king Philip II to suppress the Reformation, realizing that the strengthening of Spain would affect the interests of France. Considering war with the Habsburgs inevitable, Henry IV and Suly energetically prepared for it. However, in the midst of preparations for war, Henry IV was killed. On May 14, 1610, the king died from the dagger of the fanatical Catholic Francois Ravaillac, who may have taken revenge for the Edict of Nantes.

8. Strengthening absolutism for Richelieu

An energetic successor to Henry's work IV became the king's first minister Louis XIII(1610-1643) cardinal and duke Richelieu (1586-1642).

Figure in history

Richelieu was born into a poor noble family. At first he was going to join the army, but then he decided to serve the church. At the age of 23 he became a bishop. He had extraordinary literary abilities, received a good education, was ambitious and energetic. When he turned 30, he became a cardinal. From 1624 - member of the Royal Council, subsequently - first minister of France (head of government). For 18 years he actually ruled France for the indecisive Louis XIII. As one of the cardinal's contemporaries aptly noted, "Louis XIII only wore a crown, but Richelieu had a scepter."

Rice. Cardinal Richelieu

The cardinal considered strengthening the authority of royal power to be one of his main tasks. In his “Political Testament”, compiled in the form of a letter to the king, Richelieu wrote: “When you, Your Majesty, decided to place great trust in me in managing your affairs, the Huguenots shared the state with you, and the nobles behaved as if they were not yours.” subjects. My first goal was the greatness of the king, my second goal was the power of the state." To achieve this, Richelieu stopped convening the Estates General and limited the rights of the Paris Parliament. Gradually everyone began to get used to the fact that the only source of power was the king.

An urgent necessity, without the solution of which France could not be considered an integral state under the unlimited power of the king, was the liquidation of the Huguenot republic in the south of the country. The war against the Huguenots, which began in 1620, lasted 8 years and ended with the victory of the royal army. The Huguenot fortresses were destroyed. In 1629 it was adopted "Edict of Grace", according to which the Huguenots were allowed to profess their faith, but were prohibited from having garrisons and fortresses.

The cardinal launched a decisive struggle againstold noblewomanaristocracy. All those who did not want to obey the royal authority were sent into exile or condemned, their castles destroyed. Duels - fights between nobles - were prohibited under threat of death penalty. Richelieu even ordered the execution of the duelist Boutville, although he admired his bravery and courage. To carry out his decisions locally, the cardinal reorganized the government system and made it dependent on the king. The provinces were appointed quartermasters- Royal officials who were fully responsible for the receipt of taxes and the state of affairs in the provinces.

In economic policy, Richelieu took care of the development of trade, contributed to the founding of trading companies (during the years of his reign, 22 such companies were created. Richelieu himself was the main participant in the trade campaign " New France", which carried out the colonization of Canada by the French. According to Richelieu, France began to create its own colonial empire, to compete and fight against England and Holland for the seizure of new territories.

In foreign policy, the first minister did everything to raise the prestige of France in European affairs. He considered Spain his main enemy in Europe, so he supported its enemies - the German Protestant princes, Holland, Denmark, and Sweden. In 1635, France entered the Thirty Years' War. Z Thanks to the diplomatic skill of the cardinal, France achieved a weakening of Spain's influence in Europe.

To carry out his policy, Richelieu required a lot of funds. Taxes increased several times, which in the late 30s and early 40s led to numerous peasant uprisings.

The cardinal attached great attention to the development of science and culture, but demanded that cultural figures support his policies. According to Richelieu, the first newspaper began to be published in France in 1631. The cardinal himself wrote articles for it, and the newspaper praised the successes of his policies.

Richelieu died in 1642, and in next year the king died. Absolutism in the country increased significantly during the reign of Louis XIII, but it reached its apogee during the reign of the “Sun King” - Louis XIV.

Documentation. Data. Comments

1. Excerpt from "Comments on the Kingdom of France" compiled by 1561 ambassadors Venetian Republic Michele Suriano

“The number of people in France is very large, since it has more than 140 cities... Paris alone has, as they say, from 4 to 5 hundred thousand inhabitants. According to their position and dignity, each of the inhabitants can belong to one of three states, from which and the three ranks of the kingdom originate: the first rank is the clergy, the second is the nobility, the third has no separate name, and since it consists of people different positions and occupations, then can be called the state of the people in general.

The clergy harbors a large number of the third estate and many foreigners, either for services rendered to the king, or through royal favor, enjoy royal benefices, but the nobility constitutes the largest part of the clergy.

Nobility refers to those who enjoy the privilege of not paying taxes and are required to perform only personal military service. The nobility includes both princes and barons.

The third estate consists of people of the pen, who are also called people of the long robe, merchants, artisans, plebeians and peasants. Those people of the robe who have the degree of president or councilor or have similar ranks become noble and privileged by virtue of their position and are considered so for their lives.

Merchants, who today are considered the masters of monetary wealth, are flattered in every possible way and fall in love with them, but they do not enjoy any advantages or dignity, because any trading activity is considered shameful for the nobility. They thus belong to the third estate: they pay taxes the same as the non-nobles and peasants, and the situation of the latter is more difficult, since they are still oppressed by both the king and the nobles."


1. By what criteria does the author of the document evaluate the greatness of the state?

2. Which social strata are more glorious in the document? How are they characterized?

2 . Excerpt from Richelieu's "Political Testament"

“I say that the nobility should be considered as one of the main nerves of the state, which can contribute to its preservation and strengthening.

Although nobles deserve to be treated well when they behave well, one must be harsh with them if they neglect what their birth obliges them to do. I say with all firmness that those who fall behind the valor of their ancestors, who shy away from serving the crown with sword and life constantly and firmly, as the laws of the state require, deserve to be deprived of the splendor of their origin and forced to bear part of the worries of the people.

Since honor should be dearer to them during life, they should be punished by deprivation of the former rather than the latter...

If nothing should be forgotten in order to preserve the nobility in the true valor of its predecessors, then nothing needs to be done to preserve the possession of donated land or to worry about the possible acquisition of new one."


1. What place in the state did Richelieu assign to the nobility?

2. What, in your opinion, is the reason for this position of Richelieu?

Questions and tasks

1. Give examples confirming the formation of an absolute monarchy in the first half of the 16th century. in France.

2. What were the causes and consequences of the Italian wars?

3. Tell us about the formation of capitalist relations in France in the 16th-17th centuries.

4. What was the position of the nobles and bourgeois?

5. Tell us about the spread of reformation ideas.

6. What were the causes of civil wars? What was the reason for them?

7. What events in the history of France were called "Bartholomew's Night"? What were their consequences?

8 . Tell us about the end of the civil wars in France.

9 . Assess the activities of King Henry IV.

10 . Make a table “The main policy measures of Cardinal Richelieu” according to the scheme:

11. For whose sake did Richelieu act?Provide facts to support your position.

12 . Compose a historical portrait of Cardinal Richelieu.

Remember the dates:

1562-1594 - Civil (religious) wars in France.

1598 - Edict of Nantes.

1629 - "Edict of Grace".

The Reformation was preceded by a humanistic movement for church reform, based on religious education within the framework of Catholicism. Here Jacques Lefebvre played a leading role.

  1. The Reformation began in France in mid. XVI century – later than in other countries. This was explained by the political stability of the country under Francis I and special status The Gallican Church, although Catholic, has national and state status.
  2. Initially, Lutheranism failed to gain a foothold in France
  3. Then came the spread of Calvinism. Calvin hoped for a reformation “from above,” but Francis I did not accept it. Calvinism began to spread against the will of the authorities, mainly in the south and southwest of France.
  4. At the core reform movement and religious wars in France lay political contradictions and ambitions of different sides

The first Calvinist church organizations appeared in the 1540s.

2/2 XVI century - a period of political crisis in France and religious wars, which lasted with short interruptions for 32 years ( 1562-1594 ).

Causes of religious wars:

  1. Change political system and traditional forms of relations in society in connection with the formation of absolutism.
  2. Tangible consequences of the price revolution, which negatively affected the socio-economic situation of the country
  3. Reaction to the policy of absolutism among the ruling class
  4. The weakening of royal power due to the death of Henry II at a knightly tournament and the accession to the throne of 15-year-old Francis II - the influence of the Guise family, relatives of Mary Stuart, the king’s wife, increased at court. The Gizas had significant power and support in the northeastern and central provinces.
  5. In the southwest and south of France, under the leadership of the princes of the blood Antoine Bourbon and Condé, a Huguenot aristocracy formed, which sought to improve its economic position through secularization, and therefore easily accepted Calvinism.
  6. Cities resisted harsh tax policies and wanted a return to former freedoms of self-government
  7. The fruitless result of the Italian wars, which exposed the complexity of the economic and internal political situation in the country.

Main stages of religious wars

  1. Start:
    1. 1560 - Amboise plot - an attempt by the Huguenot aristocracy to stage a palace coup. The plot is discovered, the rebel nobles are executed.
    2. After the death of Francis in 1560, he was succeeded by the young Charles IX, with his regent mother Catherine de Medici. She tried to pursue a conciliatory policy, but was perceived with hostility by both Catholics and Huguenots.
    3. 1562 - the massacre of Duke Francis of Guise over a group of Huguenots in the town of Vassy - marked the beginning of the religious wars.
  2. First period ( 1562-1570 ): Not particularly bitter. Division into 2 sides: 1) Catholic group in the north, based on Paris. 2) Huguenots led by the Bourbons in the south of the country. It ended with the Edict of Reconciliation in Saint-Germain - the Huguenots received a number of rights to worship, as well as the right to hold public positions.
  3. Second period ( 1572-1576 ): Large-scale military operations. The main event is St. Bartholomew's Night - the massacre of the Huguenots in Paris on the night of 24 August 1572 which took place shortly after the wedding of the Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre and Margaret of Valois. Following this, a separatist Huguenot state was created in the south - the Huguenot Confederation. In response, in 1576 the Catholic League was formed under the leadership of Henry of Guise. At the end of the second period, the demands of the Huguenots were more or less satisfied.
  4. Third period: 1580-1594 : Henry of Navarre from the Bourbons becomes Dauphin (heir) of France (because King Henry III was childless). At the same time, Henry of Navarre, in fact, could not inherit the throne because he was excommunicated by the pope, so Henry of Guise began to prepare the transfer of power into his own hands and restored the Catholic League. Henry III did not want to give the throne to the Guises. All this caused the "War of the Three Henrys". And, in general, something else was happening there, I don’t know how to describe it briefly... I’m tired.
  5. Ending: Victory of Henry of Navarre.