Let's learn to draw a wolf walking in a forest clearing. How to draw a wolf silhouette step by step

A funny, merry fellow from “Well, Just Wait!”, An evil predator from “The Three Little Pigs” or a klutz from a folk tale about a little fox-sister - no matter what form the wolf appears in front of us, thanks to its bright character traits, it immediately becomes the object of close attention, and often - and everyone's favorite. Let's learn how to draw this handsome guy?

Do you prefer video instructions? Then this video is especially for you. This tutorial video will tell you how to draw a wolf howling at the moon.

How to draw a portrait of a wolf with a pencil step by step

1. Before starting work, think about the location of the portrait on paper. Draw a head circumference just above the middle of the paper, leaving space below for the neck. The circle is divided by two auxiliary lines: the middle line of the head and the line of the eyes. These lines will help you navigate in further drawing.

Center line of the drawing - this is the auxiliary line that all artists use. It makes it easier to navigate on paper, as well as make the image symmetrical and even. That is why it is called middle or central.

Important! At the first stages, do not press too hard on the pencil, because all the marks are auxiliary and will need to be erased at the end.

2. Let's move on to detailing the silhouette of the head. Draw the head shape characteristic of a wolf, slightly narrowed at the top. On the sides, indicate the placement of the ears (without detail). And in the middle draw an elongated cavity and a pear-shaped nose, as shown in the figure. At this stage, also draw in more detail the nose and mouth of the wolf.

3. Draw the eyes of the wolf. Place them above the eye line at the same distance from the center line. The shape of a wolf's eye is similar to a seed.

Also at this stage we detail the ears and indicate the growth of fur on the silhouette of the head, as shown in the figure.

4. The wolf's head is ready. Feel free to erase all the auxiliary lines.

At this stage, draw the neck covered with thick hair. Lightly mark hair growth on the neck and head. These marks will allow us to better navigate when we start shading the wolf.

Draw the fur on the ears and move on to the next stage.

5. Now we move on to tinting the image with a simple pencil. To begin with, I shade the dark areas and the most important parts of the wolf portrait, namely the nose, mouth and eyes. Then I start shading the head from the ears, smoothly moving down at each stage.

It is important to know! The stroke should be placed according to the shape of the hair growth, so the hair will come out realistic. Do not forget that the wool cannot be monochromatic. There are light and dark places. Alternate them, as shown in the photo, and your wolf will look like a real one.

6. With each stage, move lower and lower, shading first one part of the head, and then the other. Don't forget about hair growth and gradation of shadows, penumbra and light. Add contrast to your work: shade dark areas more strongly, light areas lightly.

7. Congratulations! The wolf drawing is ready.

Learn to draw a wolf walking in a forest clearing

1. First you need to think about the placement of the wolf figure on the paper. To do this, we will write it into an auxiliary rectangle. A rectangle will allow us to better navigate the paper and not shift the composition in the wrong direction.

Interesting. To determine what size the rectangle should be, mark the lower and upper ends of the wolf, as well as the side ends. By connecting the marks with lines, you will get a frame that you cannot go beyond, and which will serve as a guide for you throughout the entire drawing process. Try!

Important! At the first stages, do not press too hard on the pencil, because all the marks are auxiliary and will need to be completely erased.

2.Now let's move on to the drawing itself. Using geometric shapes, roughly depict the body of a wolf in a rectangle. I chose ovals. First we designate the oval of the head, then we outline the ovals in place of the future ears and nose. We do the same with the body and limbs. Finally, use an oval to indicate the placement of the tail.

It turned out something like an inflatable toy, didn’t it?

3. Now we can start detailed drawing of the wolf’s body and head. First we draw out the silhouette of the head and neck: the characteristic ears of a wolf and an elongated head, similar to the head of a dog. On the neck we will indicate the growth of fur, but without details yet.

Now we move on to drawing the body and limbs, conveying the characteristic shape and adding plasticity to the lines. Finally we finish drawing the tail.

4. If the silhouette of the wolf is ready, you can detail the image. But first, erase all the auxiliary lines with an eraser so that they do not interfere with your drawing further.

At this stage we will depict the facial features of the wolf - we will draw the eye, nose and mouth. After this, we will draw the fur, which will mark the end of the head. At this stage, we detail the ears, adding strands of fur near them.

5. On the neck, draw strands of fur falling down.

6. Now draw some fur on the entire body and tail, as shown in the picture, and only a little on the limbs.

7. The wolf is almost ready! All that remains is to draw the paws in more detail, and you can move on to the background. Draw mountains and fir trees in the background to show that the wolf is walking through a forest clearing.

8. Congratulations! The composition is ready. All that remains is to color it with colored pencils or paints.

How to draw a wolf silhouette step by step

The silhouette technique is interesting because it is very simple and quick to perform, but creates incredible visual effects. Now we will try to draw a wolf using the silhouette graphic technique.

1. First, think about the placement of the silhouette on the paper - let it start a little above the middle of the sheet. Then use ovals to mark the ears, head and neck of the future silhouette of the wolf.

Important. At the first stages, do not press the pencil too hard, because all the marks are auxiliary, and at the end they will need to be erased.

2. Based on the resulting design, draw in more detail the contours of the wolf’s body. Draw the characteristic ears, shape of the head and neck, as shown in the figure. Don't forget to add a little fur on the outlines.

3. The silhouette is already ready! Now you can cover it with black ink or gouache and leave it until completely dry. But I decided to make the drawing a little more interesting, so I divided the resulting silhouette into planes of various shapes, leaving a distance of several millimeters between them.

4. I paint over the resulting planes with black ink. I leave the distances between the planes white.

I hope you enjoyed drawing the wolf in different ways. But if you prefer video instructions, the next video is especially for you. An educational video will tell you how to draw a wolf howling at the moon:

Don't be afraid to imagine and use new techniques. Success in creative work!

The wolf is a dangerous and wild predator that cannot be tamed. In this article we will look at several examples of drawing this wonderful beast. Get your paper and pencils ready, let's get started!

How to draw a wolf step by step

If you have ever encountered drawing dogs, then you will not have any problems. If before this you have hardly worked with any animals at all, then step by step example It will help you get comfortable in this category.

Stage 1
In the first step, we draw three circles located close to each other as in the picture below.

Stage 2
Draw the face: ears and mouth. There is no need to detail anything yet, we just draw incomprehensible geometric shapes :)

Stage 3
We draw on the sticks, in the future they will become paws, and connect the circles with smooth lines.

Stage 4
Our predator will have an angry expression on his face, as if he wants to pee on someone. We detail the head, small eyes, sharp fangs and wrinkled nose to convey the emotions of the animal.

Stage 5
Our wolf is not Kolobok, so we form the contours of the head and cover them with fur.

We do the same with the rest of our hunter's body.

How to draw a wolf with a pencil

This example will not be much different from the previous one. The principle of drawing is the same and the pose is almost no different. Nevertheless, get your pencils ready and draw!

Without pressing hard on the pencil, we make a simple sketch. Circles connected by lines.

We draw on the paws, tail and ears.

Great, we have a sketch ready, now it's time to draw all the elements. Let's start with the head, and then we will gradually move along the body.

So, small eyes, ears and nose.

We draw the contours of the muzzle and mouth with a pencil.

We've come to the most difficult step for beginners - drawing the paws. Very often, beginners simply have countless problems related to their paws. Don't worry, over time you will learn how to draw beautiful paws if you haven't already :)

We cover our predator with fur.

How to draw a wolf for beginners

If you are a beginner and not very good with a pencil, then the following two examples will help you draw a drawing easily, quickly and beautifully.

So, let's make a simple sketch.

We're working on our heads.

Okay, now we draw the paws and torso.

The drawing is ready.

Step by step drawing for beginners

We start from the head, step back from the right and bottom edge of the sheet more space and repeat the steps as in the picture below.

We draw the body consisting of two parts. The circles indicate where the legs bend.

Let's finish drawing the legs. Please note that we are not drawing them completely; a small part will drown in the snowdrifts.

We are finalizing small parts, such as fur and tail.

Everything is ready, you can color it if you wish.

How to draw a howling wolf

You probably know that wolves very often howl at the moon. We won’t tell you why and why they do this; you can read about this in detail in some encyclopedia about animals. And here we will learn to draw them in this pose.

We make a sketch with the head raised high to the sky.

We're working on our heads.

Front and hind legs, as well as the torso.

The drawing is ready!

Howling Wolf at the Moon: Second Example

This method is not very different from the previous one, only the initial sketch does not consist of body contours, but of ordinary circles.

Now we draw on the sticks (aka paws) and connect the circles.

Let's detail the head.

We draw the front and hind legs, and also cover their contours with wool.

We finalize and paint.

How to draw a wolf's face

The muzzle or head is the most expressive part of this animal. She conveys all the ferocity, cruelty and devotion to her pack.

Get your pencils ready, we definitely have to draw her.

So, we draw a sketch with contours, in the center of which is a dotted circle.

Draw the face with eyes, nose and fur.

Cover with wool.

We finalize the wool and apply chiaroscuro.

Be sure to watch the video tutorial on drawing a head. The live process of drawing will help your brain remember important moments and reproduce them independently in the future.


What is the difference between a wolf and a she-wolf in drawings? In general, practically nothing. Sometimes you can get confused about gender. Therefore, we will still give you a couple of recommendations for drawing she-wolves:

- The size should be smaller than that of a male. The legs and neck are not as muscular, the coat is not as fluffy as that of a boy.
— If you draw a boy and a girl in one picture, then the girl should get a simpler coloring
— The look should not be too aggressive

Our lesson has come to an end, below you can see the wolf from Well Pogodi and video lessons.

How to draw a wolf from Nu Pogodi

To diversify our wolf lesson a little, let's add a cartoon character to it :)

Making a sketch:

Let's detail:

Video lessons

Do you know how to draw a wolf? No? But your child asks you about this, and you don’t want to lose face in front of him? Or, perhaps, you were tasked with making something similar for a matinee in kindergarten, but you have no idea how to draw a wolf? But you never know what other reasons why you wanted to depict this dangerous forest animal on a piece of paper!

Well, don't rush to get upset. This master class will teach even the most “lost” artist, and the question of how to draw a wolf will no longer lead you into bewilderment and stupor.

So, you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • high-quality eraser;
  • the main tool for creativity is a pencil, it should preferably be soft or medium hard;
  • positive attitude and self-confidence.

Have you prepared everything? This means it’s time to show in detail how to draw a wolf with a pencil step by step.

First stage. We designate the body of a forest predator

Draw an elongated oval, similar to a bean, the left part of which will be slightly larger than the right. Make sure you are using exactly regular pencil for a preliminary design. This is important because later you will need to erase some details to make the drawing neat.

Look at your original creation. Agree, now the task of how to draw a wolf with a pencil does not seem so difficult to you. Even a schoolboy can handle it. Take a deep breath, let's continue.

Second phase. Adding joints and a head to the sketch of the animal

Imagine this predator, or better yet, find its corresponding photos, print it out and put it in front of you. In this tutorial we will assume that the dangerous animal's head is on the left and the wolf is standing sideways on all four legs.

Add sketches of the head and joints in the form of simple circles. First draw a circle at the left end on top of the original oval. He will become the head of the wolf in the future. For the back joints, draw two intersecting ovals (almost circles). The one to the left should be smaller, since later on it will be the back of the leg, which is not visible. Under the muzzle, in the chest area, you need to add a slightly elongated circle for the front legs.

From the outside it seems that the result is a children's scribble. But you will soon see for yourself: with the help simple steps so it would seem difficult task(how to draw a wolf) for a person far from visual arts, will become clear and simple.

Third stage. Adding a neck and ears to a predator

With the help of this master class, you yourself can proudly show your child how to draw a wolf step by step.

Now it's time to start creating the neck and ears of the predator. Draw two sharp corners on the top of the head. A wolf does not have very large ears, unlike, for example, a fox, so do not overdo it.

To create the neck (or more correctly called the scruff), simply draw two slightly curved lines connecting the head to the torso.

Fourth stage. Adding a muzzle, eyes and paws

In this part of the master class you will learn how to draw a wolf's face.

To do this, on the lower part of the head, approximately in the middle, add a line similar to the letter U. For the eyes, simply draw two small drop-shaped slanted ovals small size.

Now let's add two hind legs. We start by drawing curved lines from the joints. They should be bent outward towards the wolf's tail. Immediately add small feet from below.

For the front paws, the lines should be almost straight, similar to the letter L in a mirror image. The front leg of our predator is completely visible. And the second paw (the one in the background) is hidden, and only a small part of it will be visible.

Fifth stage. Add a tail and nose to the animal

At this stage of the master class, you will learn how to draw a tail for a predator. Let's make it almost invisible, hiding behind its hind legs. To do this, draw a convex line from the farthest part of the body to the leg.

On the wolf's face, at the bottom of the previously drawn U-shaped muzzle, draw a circle in the middle. This will be the nose of the predator.

Congratulations! The main details of the drawing are ready! And now, to give the wolf naturalness and liveliness, use zigzag lines to outline the head, body, ears and tail of the animal.

Sixth stage. Erase extra lines and add details

At this stage, it is necessary to erase the already unnecessary pencil sketches of the animal’s joints. Now you can add details such as the lower jaw and claws.

To draw the predator's fur, add a few additional zigzag lines to the body, especially in the nape area. It is also necessary to mark the toes on the wolf’s feet.

Look at your work! Now the question of how to draw a wolf doesn’t seem so difficult to you? Is it true? Without an art education, you were able to do this, and now a beautiful forest animal is looking at you from a sheet of paper!

Seventh stage. Coloring the predator

So you learned with the help of this article how to draw a wolf with a pencil step by step. Everything is ready, now you need to give the animal color.

Depending on the breed and habitat, wolves can be completely different shades: gray, brown, beige or even white. Color can be added with pencils or paints. For simple option Watercolor works best. It makes it much easier to blur the lines in in the right places, somewhere by decorating it darker or lighter than the main tone.

Now you own the easiest and the right way and you know how to draw a wolf. Step by step, from the smallest parts to the largest, from simple parts to complex ones, you created a sketch of a forest predator. And now you yourself are surprised at how beautiful your animal turned out!

The wolf is a dangerous predator, including for humans. But he also has a number of outstanding features for which people fell in love with the wolf. His courage and loyalty are legendary. Therefore, the image of a wolf is often used in films, cartoons and books. You can also see paintings, posters and even tattoos with various images wolf Today we will devote our lesson to the question “ how to draw a wolf with a pencil?, the lesson will be very detailed and step-by-step, so that even children can draw a wolf easily and simply.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A hard pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. We start building the wolf's muzzle from the most prominent part - the nose. We outline its shape with straight lines:

Photo 2. Let's draw the shape of the tip of the nose, as well as dividing line between the mouth and nostrils. The wolf will not be depicted in full profile, so its left side will be slightly visible. Let's draw his mouth closed:

Photo 3. Below we will draw part of its neck, and above – part of the animal’s muzzle:

Photo 4. We outline the location of the left eye and ear, which will be in the background:

Photo 5. Next we will draw the right eye. Its shape will be pointed, and its size will be slightly larger from the left eye. Let's draw pointed pupils:

Photo 6. Let's add a second ear, which is turned to the front. Let’s also draw a rounded shape for the portrait of a wolf:

Photo 7. We refine the edge of the muzzle, strengthening it with our pencil. Let's draw the places where the wool bends:

Photo 8. We begin to apply strokes from the nose. This part will be the darkest and most prominent in the drawing. We make strokes in the direction of hair growth:

Photo 9. We continue to apply the tone. We highlight the eyes with a pencil, because the eyes and nose are similar in tone:

Photo 10. We start drawing the fur from the left side, because the background part sets the tone for the elements in front:

Photo 11. At the same pace, we continue to draw the fur of the animal, smoothly moving to the right side:

Photo 12. Let's increase the contrast of the drawing on the left side by applying more pressure to the pencil:

Photo 13. We set, along the edge of the right side, short hair on the ears:

Photo 14. Let's draw the entire ear of the wolf. The hairs will be a little carelessly arranged, but it is worth noting that they still intersect in the middle of the ear:

Good afternoon Let's try to draw a traditional inhabitant of deep forests - a wolf. We tried to make it not cartoonish, but close to reality. That is, we, of course, did not draw all the fur and did not really work with chiaroscuro. But we tried to make him menacing and stern. We hope that we succeeded, and we also hope that you succeed too. So let's start the lesson on how to draw a wolf.

Step 1

Let's first outline the contours of our wolf's body. First draw circles that form the head (one circle) and the torso (two circles, the front one is larger). Then connect the head with the first body ball, and the first body ball with the second, using a regular smooth line. From the second ball of the body, draw a broken line - the tail. Then outline the limbs. To complete the step, draw a cone on the head ball like in our example.

Step 2

Now there will be quite a lot of work, but in subsequent steps everything will be easier. Now let's start with the head. Using a longitudinal line, we mark the muzzle into two halves (as you can see, it is shifted to the left). Let's outline a pair of ears with edges on one side.

Then connect the head ball with the first (and largest) body ball. The connection is represented by two lines, it forms a large and powerful neck.

After this, the large and small balls of the body should be connected to each other. The resulting figure should taper slightly towards the back.

The final stage is working with the paws. The front and hind legs are different in shape - naturally, you saw this strong bend in the hind legs, despite the fact that the front legs are straight. But despite this, the front and hind legs have one very similar feature - they taper equally smoothly downwards in their lower part.

Step 3

Well, that's all, very short steps have taken place. Let's draw small ones, menacing eyes. They are set quite close (focus on the vertical line of the muzzle). Also note that the eyes are angled, this gives them a frowning and aggressive expression.

Step 4

Now let’s outline the muzzle with jagged contours, as in our drawing. We will outline the neck using the same contours. Important point— the neck should not be drawn strictly along the line from the second step, but a little more voluminously.

Step 5

Let's repeat the same step, only now it will not be the neck, but the front part of the body and the front legs. Jagged contours here will be visible on the stomach, slightly on the back of the neck, and also at the base of the paw. Yes, and of course, don’t forget about the claws.

Step 6

As you probably already guessed, our turn is the back of the torso, hind legs and tail. We edge it in the same way, selectively using jagged contours. Here you can see them on the tail, and mainly on the top of the legs.