The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown. Lost symbol

Russian language

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 485

Brief description of the book The Lost Symbol:

Robert Langdon is an experienced professor who has more than once walked the path of studying the most mysterious and mysterious symbols. After all, this is his main specialty: he studies various signs created from numbers and letters, and also studies iconology. This time the secret of the Masons falls into his hands. It is indeed weighty and complex, but the worst thing is that it can change the world. And not at all better side... These secrets have been kept for many centuries, but sooner or later they have to be revealed. Echoes of the past are intertwined with the present, but Rob’s professionalism and experience should help mystical research!

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Year of book publication: 2009

The novel “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown is the penultimate work of the author. After the book “The Da Vinci Code,” there was increased interest in Dan Brown’s works all over the world, so there were a lot of people around the world who wanted to read Dan Brown’s book “The Lost Symbol.” This allowed it to become one of the sales leaders immediately after its release. And even after five years from the date of publication, a book from a writer included in our rating does not lose interest among readers.

The plot of Dan Brown's book "The Lost Symbol" in brief

Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol takes place in Washington DC. Robert Langdon comes here at the invitation of his friend Peter Solomon to give a lecture and give away a package that was in his custody. But as he walks through the Capitol, where the speech was to take place, he hears a scream. On a special pedestal, he finds the severed hand of his friend Peter, covered in tattoos. In it he recognizes the “Hand of Mysteries” and understands that Solomon’s kidnappers want him to find the two Pyramids. According to the Masons, they are hidden underground in Washington. In Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, Peter's sister and the CIA come to the scientist's aid. Together they find the Masonic altar of Peter Solomon, where they receive information for their further actions.

The main villain in Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol is Solomon's son, Zachary. He has taken possession of an ancient source of power and forces his father to name the lost symbol, which he places on his head. He then asks his father to sacrifice him, but at that moment the CIA appears and mortally wounds Zachary. Langdon and Solomon, blindfolded, make their way to the lower part of the Capitol. This is where the copy they are looking for is found. After all, the “word” has many meanings and only the initiated know what it means we're talking about.

The book “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown on the Top books website

Despite the fact that the historical detective genre is not represented by a separate rating on our website, there are quite a lot of works of this genre presented in the ranking. One of these is Dan Brown’s novel “The Lost Symbol,” which is now quite popular to read. And if we take into account that in Lately Since interest in the book is growing, it is quite possible that Brown’s book “The Lost Symbol” will strengthen its position in the next ranking.

Many thanks to three dear friends, with whom I had the pleasure of working: editor Jason Kaufman, literary agent Heidi Lange, and consultant Michael Ruddell. I also want to thank Doubleday, my publishers around the world, and, of course, my readers.

I would never have written this novel if it weren't for the help of countless scholars and experts. To all of you I express my deepest gratitude.

Living in the world without trying to understand its meaning is like walking around a huge library and not touching the books.

Manly P. Hall. Secret teachings of all times and peoples, preface to the 1975 edition

In 1991, a certain document was placed in the CIA director's safe, which is kept there to this day. The mysterious text mentions an ancient portal and an underground cache. It also contains the phrase “It’s hidden somewhere out there.”

All organizations appearing in this book are real - including the Masonic Brotherhood, the Invisible College, the CIA Security Service, the Center technical support Smithsonian Museum (TST SM) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

All the rituals Scientific research, works of art and monuments also exist in reality.

Masonic Temple, 8:33 p.m.

"The secret is how to die."

This has been a major mystery since the beginning of time.

The thirty-four-year-old applicant was looking at a human skull with red wine inside.

“Drink,” he mentally told himself. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

According to tradition, the applicant began his journey in the ritual attire of a medieval heretic sentenced to hanging: a loose shirt open at the chest, the left trouser leg rolled up to the knee, the right sleeve turned up to the elbow, and a heavy noose around the neck - a “rope”. But today he, like the rest of those present, was in the clothes of a master.

The brothers stood around in full attire: lambskin cufflinks, belts and white gloves. The ceremonial medals shimmered in the dim light like the eyes of ghosts. IN ordinary life many of these people occupied very high positions, but here their worldly positions meant nothing. Here everyone was equal: sworn brothers, united by mystical bonds.

Looking around at those gathered, the applicant couldn’t help but wonder how so many influential people could end up in one place... especially in such a place. The hall resembled an ancient sanctuary.

However, the truth was even more surprising.

"I'm just a few blocks from the White House."

The grandiose mansion in northwest Washington, at 1733 Sixteenth Street, is a copy of the pre-Christian temple of King Mausolus - the very same tomb from which the name comes modern word"mausoleum". Outside, two seventeen-ton sphinxes guard a bronze gate; inside is an ornate labyrinth of ritual halls, chambers, libraries and sealed tombs; there is even a hollow wall in which two skeletons are walled up. The applicant was told that in every room of the building there was a secret, but he knew that the most important of them was kept in the hall where he now knelt, carefully clutching the skull with wine in his palms.

Temple Hall.

Noisy like a cave. The perimeter is a perfect square. The ceiling, supported by monolithic columns of green granite, rises to a dizzying height of one hundred feet. The walls are lined with tiered dark wood benches with hand-made pigskin seats. A thirty-foot throne rises against the western wall, and opposite is a secret organ. The walls are decorated with a kaleidoscope of ancient symbols: Egyptian, Hebrew, astronomical, alchemical and others, still unknown to the applicant.

Today the Temple Hall was illuminated by candles arranged in a special way. The dim flame and moonlight falling through the large window in the ceiling revealed from the darkness the most striking decoration of the hall: a huge altar hewn from a block of Belgian black marble. It was placed exactly in the middle of the square chamber.

“The secret is how to die,” the applicant again reminded himself.

“It’s time,” someone whispered.

The applicant timidly looked up at the high-ranking man in white robes.

"Venerable Master."

A national idol, a favorite of the people, strong, cheerful and incredibly rich. In no time dark hair The gray hair was silver, and the whole appearance of the Master expressed strength and a lively mind.

“Bring the undertaking,” the Worshipful Master said quietly. - Finish your journey.

The path of the aspirant, like all similar paths, began with initiation into the first degree, or degree. Then, during a similar ceremony, the Worshipful Master blindfolded the initiate with a velvet bandage and, pressing a ritual dagger to his naked chest, asked:

– Do you truly say, without selfish or other wicked thoughts, that of your own free will and without coercion you become a seeker of the secrets and benefits of this brotherhood?

“Yes,” the initiate lied.

“So let this obligation turn into a sting and strike you to death, dare you once to betray the secret entrusted to you,” the Master warned him.

Then the applicant was not afraid.

“They will never know my true goals.”

Today, however, he felt an ominous solemnity in the Temple Hall and involuntarily began to replay in his head all the terrible warnings that he had received along the way, all the promises of nightmarish torments that threaten the one who dares to reveal ancient secrets: a throat cut from ear to ear... torn from tongue by the root... entrails cut out and burned to ashes, then scattered to the four winds of heaven.

“Brother,” said the gray-eyed Master, laying his hand on the muscular shoulder of the applicant, “bring the last obligation.”

Gathering his courage before the last step on the path, the applicant looked again at the skull. In the dim light, the scarlet wine seemed almost black. Deathly silence reigned in the hall, and the applicant felt the gaze of those gathered on him: everyone was waiting for him to make a commitment and join the ranks of the chosen ones.

“Today,” he thought, “something will happen within these walls that has never happened in the entire history of the brotherhood. Never, never."

A spark will ignite... which will give him immeasurable power.

Energized, the applicant took a deep breath and said the same words that were spoken by thousands of people around the world:

“Let this wine become a deadly poison... if I ever intentionally or consciously violate my obligation.”

The words echoed in the echoing hall.

Then there was silence.

The applicant brought the skull to his mouth and touched the dry bone with his lips. He closed his eyes and began to tilt the vessel, taking large sips. Having finished the wine to the last drop, he lowered the skull.

For a moment he felt as if his lungs were being squeezed and his heart was pounding wildly in his chest.

“Lord, they know everything!...”

But soon this feeling passed - as quickly as it arose.

A pleasant warmth spread throughout my body. The applicant exhaled and mentally smiled at the unsuspecting gray-eyed man who had just foolishly accepted him into the secret ranks of his brotherhood.

“Soon you will lose everything you hold dear.”

Name: Lost symbol
Dan Brown
Year of writing: 2009
Volume: 560 pp., 23 illustrations
Genres: Foreign detectives
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With name American writer and journalist Dan Brown are closely connected with mysticism, unraveling ancient secrets, secret societies, magic, otherworldly power and symbolism. These words perfectly characterize Dan Brown, whom people all over the planet adore to read. It’s not for nothing that Dan Brown studies philosophy, religion, history and cryptography so deeply.

“The Lost Symbol” is one of the most popular thrillers by the legendary American writer. The book “The Lost Symbol” is a kind of completion of the trilogy. “The Lost Symbol” is the third novel after “The Da Vinci Code” and “Angels and Demons”, in which the main character is a professor at Harvard University. religious symbolism Robert Langdon. The main events in this book take place in Washington. Chronologically, the action continues after the events described in The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons.

Dan Brown published his thriller “The Lost Symbol” on September 15, 2009. Fans love to read philosophical and historical books by this American writer. It is not surprising that the circulation of the book “The Lost Symbol” became truly record-breaking: in the history of “Doubleday” this is the most big number. Six and a half million people decided to read this novel! Five million people purchased the book in North America. Another one and a half million people purchased the novel in the UK. On the first day the novel hit stores, it was purchased more than a million times. Buyers paid for the hardcover novel and bought electronic versions of the book.

All the events that Dan Brown described in the book “The Lost Symbol” take place within twelve hours. The main attention is focused on Masonic lodge. Famed symbolism professor Robert Langdon comes to the National Statuary Hall in the Capitol. His mentor Peter Solomon, a thirty-third degree Mason, called his student to give a course of lectures. Peter Solomon also asked Robert to take a small package with him - several years ago the mentor gave it to his student for safekeeping. When the professor arrives at the scene, he hears sobs coming from the rotunda. Robert sees the cut off right hand placed on a wooden stand. Fingers are covered with tattoos. There is a ring of Solomon on his hand. Perhaps this is Peter's hand and his teacher Solomon is secretly kidnapped?

Earlier, Robert received a call from someone. The professor does not know who the call was from. In his opinion, the call was from Solomon's office. But now he is not sure about it. There are too many inconsistencies and mysticism. The kidnappers want the professor to help them. The Masons demand that the professor find two pyramids. They are located somewhere in Washington, but hidden underground. You have to find out how the story ends.

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Lost symbol Dan Brown

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Title: "The Lost Symbol"

About the book "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown

Dan Brown has been creating his work for quite some time. He takes as a basis some known secret, shrouds it in mysticism, and describes it from his point of view. His books attract so much attention because of all this.

In the book "The Lost Symbol" main storyline is the secret of the Freemasons, which, if solved, can radically change this world. Dan Brown did not just take and retell the essence of this topic. He studied this issue for a long time in order to write not just a book about the Freemasons, but to make it especially mystical.

Thanks to the book “The Lost Symbol” you can not only gain pleasure, but also knowledge. As in any other work of the author. As mentioned above, Brown takes the subject matter seriously to keep it realistic.

Dan Brown's books show his worldview. At times it is very frightening, but also very exciting. In The Lost Symbol, as in other works, there is good and evil. Perhaps the author lacks versatility in the characters, that is, it is immediately clear who is good and who is bad. And not a step aside.

In The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown discusses the soul, life and death. Here is his philosophy. He described very well all the secrets of the Masons, and what would happen if they were solved. In addition, from the work we can learn the secrets of cities and buildings. Few people decided to check their authenticity, but everyone agrees that it is interesting to read and learn.

In addition, the book “The Lost Symbol” motivates you to learn something new, to delve into a huge amount of information in order to get answers to all your questions. This is another plus for Dan Brown.

No matter how much one criticizes the author, his books are sold in huge numbers. No matter how many inaccuracies there are in his works, every day he has more and more fans who are looking forward to the following works. And it will always be so, because Dan Brown not only takes the topic of the book seriously, but also makes you think, develop, and read something additional. After his books you feel full of information, history, religion, mysticism. You get real pleasure from this, and in the end you want more, you want more. Perhaps this is the Dan Brown phenomenon.

The main character, Professor Langdon, is a very extraordinary person, who has also been loved by many for a long time. The only thing that can repel him is that he doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t drown in water, and doesn’t care about anything at all. His sudden insights, which occur too often, also raise doubts.

Any book can be criticized so much that its rating drops very low. So it is with the book “The Lost Symbol”. At the same time, it’s impossible to call it boring. It is rich, interesting, contains a large number of historical facts, riddles, mystics - everything that is necessary and interesting for the modern reader.

Only after reading the book “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown, you will be able to understand what it is about, because everyone sees something different in it. The important thing is with what attitude you approach her, and then it will be clear whether she will reveal all her secrets to you or not.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown epub formats, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Living in the world without trying to understand its meaning is like walking around a huge library and not touching the books.

Knowledge is a tool that can be used for both good and evil.

Buddha said: “You are God yourself.” Jesus taught that “the kingdom of heaven is within us” and even promised: “The works that I do you will also do, and greater works than these will you do.” Even the first antipope, Hippolytus of Rome, quoted the same maxim first uttered by the Gnostic Monoim: “Cease the search for God... for from you does He originate.”

Never dismiss an idea just because it seems implausible.

If information leaks out, irreversible changes will occur in people's minds. “They will start looking for a way.”

Those vested with power always lack it – power.

At the same time, Katherine realized with chagrin that scientifically proving the existence human soul hardly seems possible. Trying to confirm the life of the soul outside the body is akin to exhaling a cloud of cigarette smoke and hoping to find it somewhere years later.

– Well, if you ask a Freemason, he will offer the following definition: Freemasonry is a system of moral norms, hidden in symbols and veiled by allegories.

The transformation of a person into a god is called “apotheosis.” Did you know that this theme - the transformation of man into god - is a key element of the Rotunda's symbolic system?